ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries • The University of M ichigan, Ann A rbor, has acquired the m anuscript and book collections of m icrographics pioneer V ernon D ale T ate. The col­ lection, w hich takes up approxim ately 230 linear feet, covers the history of m icrographics and re­ lated subjects such as photoduplication, p hotogra­ phy, and inform ation storage and retrieval. In ­ c lu d e d in th e g ift a re T a t e ’s p e rs o n a l a n d professional papers, and records of the N ational M icrofilm A ssociation w h ich T a te co llected as NMA executive secretary and archivist. The collec­ tion chronicles T ate’s career in m icrophotography from his years at the L ibrary of Congress, the N a­ tional Archives, as director of libraries at M IT, and as lib rarian and archivist for the U.S. Naval Acad­ emy. • T he University of W yom ing L ibrary, L ara- m ie, has received th e 1789 Kehl edition of the works of V oltaire in 72 volumes. Published under the direction of Beaum archais, it forms the first posthum ous edition of the com plete works and is the basis for all subsequent editions. This p a rtic u ­ lar set was once ow ned by the Am erican geologist Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) as well as Civil W ar G eneral Regis de T robriand. W yom ing has also obtained the library of Profes­ sor W illiam B. H u n te r J r ., an in te rn a tio n a lly know n M ilton scholar. The collection is especially rich in literatu re, history, theology, and philoso­ phy, and was built patiently by H u n ter over 30 years of teaching and scholarship. ■ ■ • P E O P L E • Profiles A Jennifer Cargill has been appointed associate director of libraries for technical processing, Texas T ech U n iv e rsity , L u b b o c k , e ffe c tiv e J u n e 1. C arg ill has been h ead acquisitions lib rarian at M ia m i U n iv e rs ity L i ­ braries, O xford, Ohio; assistant science lib ra r­ ia n a t M ia m i; a n d health sciences librarian a n d a s s is ta n t a c q u is i­ tio n s l i b r a r i a n a t th e U niversity of H ouston. She has an MLS from Louisiana State U niver­ sity, a bachelor’s degree fro m L o u is ia n a T ech Jennifer Cargill U niversity, and a m as­ te r’s in education from M iam i University. Cargill currently serves on ALA Council, the LAMA Publications C om m ittee, and is now chair of th e H .W . W ilson L ib ra ry Periodical A w ard C om m ittee and the Ohio Inter-U niversity L ibrary Council Technical Services G roup. Since 1982 she has been a m em ber of the E ditorial Board of Col­ lege & Research Libraries News, and has served on th e R eference an d S u b scrip tio n Books Review C o m m itte e a n d th e O H IO N E T A c q u isitio n s Council. T h e a u th o r of n u m ero u s books an d articles, Cargill is currently co-editor of Technicalities. Sidney Verba, C larence Dillon Professor of In ­ ternational Affairs and associate dean of the H a r­ vard Faculty of Arts and Sciences for U n dergradu­ ate E ducation, has been a p p o in te d to su cceed O scar H an d lin as C arl H. Pforzheim er univer­ sity professor and direc­ tor of the H arv ard U ni­ v e rs ity L i b r a r y , effective July 1. T h e P fo rz h e im e r C hair is reserved for o u t­ s ta n d in g scholars w ho have dem onstrated seri­ ous and co n tin u in g in ­ te re st in lib ra ry p ro b ­ Sidney Verbalem s. Those n am ed to the chair m ust share the donor’s belief th a t the University L ibrary is a focal point in the learning process and an essential factor in research. V erba, a political scientist and a u th o rity on com parative politics and American voter behavior, has been on the H arvard faculty since 1972. Among M a y 1984 / 261 2 6 2 / C & R L N e w s his books are The C hanging A m erican V oter (w ith N o rm an Nie an d John Petrocik, 1976) and V iet­ nam and the Silent M ajority (w ith M ilton J. Rosen­ berg an d Philip E. Converse, 1972). Appointments (A p p o in tm en t notices are tak en from lib ra ry new sletters, letters from personnel offices an d a p ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your a p p o in tm en t appears, w rite to th e E d ito r, A CRL, 50 E. H u ro n St., C hicago, IL 60611.) C ynthia Allen has been ap p o in ted technical services lib ra ria n at th e N ational L ib ra ry of M edi­ cine, Rethesda, M aryland. Brent Allison has been ap p o in ted m ap acquisi­ tions lib ra ria n in th e M ap Division, T he Research L ibraries, New York Public L ib rary . Lowell Ashley has been ap p o in ted hum anities cataloger for music at V irginia Polytechnic In sti­ tu te an d State U niversity, Blacksburg. J. Wayne Baker has been n am ed director of th e L earn in g Resources C en ter, F lo rid a Junior College at Jacksonville. Connie Batson has been ap p o in ted ch air of ref­ erence services at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Linda Bial has been ap p o in ted assistant O C L C cataloging lib ra ria n at th e University of Illnois, C h am p aig n . Diane M. Brown has been ap p o in ted engineer­ ing reference lib ra ria n a t th e U niversity of C alifor­ n ia , Berkeley. Lauren Brown has been nam ed c u ra to r of H is­ torical M anuscripts and Archives, U niversity of M aryland, College Park. Nancy Cline has been ap p o in ted head of th e B ib lio g rap h ic Resources an d Services D ivision, Pennsylvania State University L ibraries, U niver­ sity Park. Michael D. Cramer has been ap pointed science an d technology cataloger at V irginia Polytechnic In stitu te and State University, Blacksburg. Nancy Bunims D’Amico is now b ib lio g ra p h ic systems analyst a t C L Systems, I n c ., W est N ew ton, M assachusetts. J oan D ’Andrea h as b e e n a p p o in te d b ib lio ­ graphic instruction lib ra ria n a t St. Jo h n ’s U niver­ sity, Jam aica, N ew York. Ann Deveaux has been ap p o in ted assistant li- b a r ia n fo r p u b lic services a t th e U n iv e rsity of B ridgeport School of L aw L ib rary , C onnecticut. Michele Dill is now reference lib ra ria n a t the L a w L ib r a r y , W e ste rn N ew E n g la n d C ollege, Springfield, M assachusetts. Paula Elliot has been ap p o in ted reference li­ b ra ria n w ith music an d th e a tre em phasis a t the H olland Social Sciences and H um anities L ib rary , W ashington State U niversity, P ullm an. Beverly Feldman has been ap p o in ted u n d e r­ g ra d u a te reference lib ra ria n a t th e State U niversity of New York at Buffalo. Edward Fishpaw is th e new director of th e L aw L ib ra ry at O ral Roberts University, Tulsa, O k la­ hom a. L ynn F oster has been n am ed director of th e N o rth ern Ohio University L a w L ib ra ry , Ada. Joan Friedman has been ap p o in ted assistant li­ b ra ria n in th e Public H ealth L ib rary , U niversity of C alifornia, Berkeley. I rene Glennon has b een a p p o in te d h e a d of m onographic cataloging a t V irginia Polytechnic In stitu te an d State University, Blacksburg. Jan Goldsmith is th e new reference lib ra ria n in th e L aw L ib rary , University of C alifo rn ia, Los A n­ geles. Agnes M. Grady is now head of cataloging at th e University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Eddy Hogan has been ap p o in ted reference li­ b ra ria n a t th e U niversity of C alifornia, Berkeley. David W . Hughes has been ap p o in ted assistant lib r a r ia n fo r serials a t S iena C ollege L ib r a r y , Loudonville, New York. Gloria Kelman is now co m p u ter assisted refer­ ence lib ra ria n a t St. Jo h n ’s University, Jam aica, New York. Mary Ellen Kimble has been ap p o in ted assis­ ta n t reference lib ra ria n at th e U niversity of Kansas M edical C en ter, Kansas City. Rosanne Kirkorian has been ap p o in ted assis­ ta n t director of th e L aw L ib ra ry at W h ittie r C ol­ lege School of L aw , Los Angeles. Martha Knott has been ap p o in ted assistant li­ b ra ria n at th e U niversity of Texas H ealth Science C en ter, San A ntonio. Ann Kollmorgen is th e new public services li­ b ra ria n at th e M cG eorge School of L aw , U niver­ sity of th e Pacific, Sacram ento. Timothy LaBorie has been p ro m o ted to head of th e Reference D e p a rtm e n t in th e H ag erty L ib rary , Drexel University, P hiladelphia. Kay Lee has been ap p o in ted reference lib ra ria n a t C o n a n t L ib rary , Nichols College, D udley, M as­ sachusetts. Dolores D . Leshy is now assistant lib ra ria n in th e N a tu ra l Resources L ib rary , U niversity of C ali­ fornia, Berkeley. Sandie Lindberg has been ap p o in ted technical services lib r a r ia n a t th e V e rm o n t L a w School F o u n d ers’ L ib rary , South Royalton. Mon Yin Lung has been ap p o in ted catalog li­ b ra ria n at th e University of Kansas L a w L ib rary , L aw rence. Becky Lyon-Hartmann has been ap p o in ted co­ o rd in ato r of th e Regional M edical L ib ra ry P ro ­ gram , N ational L ib rary of M edicine, Bethesda, M aryland. William McCloy is now h ead of technical ser­ vices a t th e I n d ia n a S chool of L a w L ib r a r y , Bloom ington. Ann McHugo has joined th e staff of th e D a r t­ m o u th C ollege L ib ra ry , H an o v er, N ew H a m p ­ shire. Patrick L . McLaughlin has been a p p o in te d M a y 1984 / 263 reference librarian at C entral W ashington Univer­ sity, Ellensburg. Gary Menges is now head of special collections and preservation at the University of W ashington, Seattle. Susan Moore has been appointed science/social science cataloger at the University of Arizona, T uc­ son. David Murrah has been appointed associate di­ rector for special collections and director of the Southw est C ollection, Texas Tech U niversity, Lubbock. Christopher Noe has joined the staff of the Southern Illinois University Law L ibrary, C arbon­ dale. Rebecca Nwude has been prom oted to head of th e M cK eldin C irc u la tio n U nit, U niversity of M aryland Libraries, College Park. Taras Ortynsky has been appointed head of the C atalog Division at Bryn M aw r College L ibrary, Pennsylvania. Anne Ostrye has been appointed business refer­ ence librarian at the University of W yoming, L a ra ­ mie. Patrick A. Owens has been appointed reference librarian at C entral W ashington University, E l­ lensburg. Martha Payne is the new catalog librarian at G ettysburg College, Pennsylvania. Peter J. Pogacar has been appointed assistant librarian for public services at Ohio N orthern Uni­ versity School of Law , Ada. E. Ann Rae has been nam ed chief law librarian at the University of Toronto. Gordon Rawlins has been appointed assistant dean of library com puter operations, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Sara Shatford is now science cataloger for the Physical Sciences and Technology Libraries, Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Suzanne Shellaby has been a p p o in te d Task Force unit head at the University of C alifornia, Los Angeles. John Sheridan has been nam ed director af the T u t t L ib r a r y , C o lo ra d o C o lle g e , C o lo ra d o Springs. Barbara J. Snead has been appointed head of acquisitions at Johns Hopkins University, Balti­ more, M aryland. Randall Snyder has been appointed public ser­ vices lib ra ria n at the University of C onnecticut School of Law L ibrary, West H artford. Polly M. Stapley has been appointed assistant reference librarian at the State University of New York College at Geneseo. Virginia A. Steinbugler is a new assistant ref­ erence librarian at the State University College of New York at Geneseo. Hannah Stevens has been appointed cataloger at Amherst College, Massachusetts. 264 / C & R L N e w s Henry Stewart has been nam ed director of the William Allen W hite Library, Em poria State Uni­ versity, Kansas. Stephen Stoan has been appointed head of ref­ erence at W ichita State University, Kansas. Kay Stoppel has been appointed associate law li­ brarian at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Geraldine Strey has been appointed reference librarian w ith special responsibility for Wisconsin history at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Susan Tatelman is now legal reference librarian at the New England School of Law , Boston. Ann Wiley Van Hassel has been appointed as­ sociate law lib rarian at the University of B alti­ more, M aryland. Suzanne P. ViLLARhas been appointed reference librarian at Central W ashington University, El­ lensburg. Linda J. Wilson has been appointed project manager of user education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. Lynn Wishart is now director of the Law Li­ brary at Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva Univer­ sity, New York. Retirements Samuel M. Boone, head of Newspapers and Mi­ croforms at Duke University, retired on February 29 after 38 years of service to academic libraries. Phyllis H. Carter, catalog librarian at Duke University, retired on February 29 after 15 years of service. Shirley B. Hesslein, director of the Lockwood Library at the State University of New York at Buf­ falo since 1981, retired on January 19. She had been at SUNY-Buffalo for 15 years. Prior to her term as Lockwood’s director she was head of the Reference D epartm ent and associate director of the SUNY-Buffalo Health Sciences Library, where she received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Ex­ cellence in Librarianship. Jean Blackwell Hutson, chief of the Schöm­ berg Center for Research in Black C ulture, New York Public Library, retired on February 29 after 36 years of service at the Center. Charles Koch, library director at Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, retired this spring. Phyllis A. Richmond has retired as dean of the M atthew A. Baxter School of Inform ation and Li­ brary Science, Case W estern Reserve University, Cleveland, effective June 30. She has accepted a part-tim e faculty position at the G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Science, University of California, Los Angeles. Charlotte Spence, Indo-Pacific bibliographer at the University of California, Los Angeles, re­ tired on April 1. Deaths Edgar Hugh Behymer, former dean and profes­ sor em eritus of th e P alm er G ra d u a te L ib rary School, Long Island University, died March 12 at his home in Hartsville, Massachusetts. He began his career as a law librarian and served as librarian at Bethany College, West Virginia, from 1942 to 1955. At Long Island University he began as lib rar­ ian at C.W . Post Center, and later became dean of the newly formed G raduate Library School. He re­ tired in 1972. Ranjan Borra, senior reference librarian in the Southern Asia Section of the Library of Congress Asian Division, died on February 13 in W ashing­ ton. Sylvia Merritt, long time reference librarian in the University of California, Los Angeles, Law Li­ brary, died February 22 after a long illness. ■ ■ ALANET now has electronic interlibrary loan forms ALANET, the ALA electronic mail and infor­ m ation service, has m ade available electronic forms for in te rlib ra ry loan and photocopy re ­ quests. Subscribers wishing to borrow books or ob­ tain photocopies from member libraries can com­ plete th e forms online by in teractin g w ith the system, which prompts the user for each element of the request. Alternatively, participants with m i­ crocomputers or word processors can prepare a se­ ries of loan or photocopy requests offline, then transm it them online at high speed to save connect time. The forms are transm itted instantly to the “electronic mailbox’’ of the lending library, and when the recipient receives the request, the bor­ rower automatically receives an acknowledgment. The electronic mail system can be used for reports and other com m unications between borrow ing and lending libraries. The forms are prototype standards developed by Z39 Subcommittee AA. For information on ALANET and its services, con­ tact: Joel M. Lee, ALANET System M anager, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780; ALANET ID ALA0001. ■ ■