ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M a y 1984 / 265 PUBLICATIONS Notices 9Aliteracy: People Who Can Read But Won’t, e d ite d by Nick T h im m esch (59 p ages, 1984), presents the proceedings of a 1982 conference spon­ sored by the American Enterprise Institute for P ub­ lic Policy Research. Included is a paper by John Y. Cole, director of L C ’s C enter for the Book, on “Books in an Electronic Age.” All of the papers dis­ cuss the effect of semi-literacy on citizens’ ability to make decisions. Paperback copies are available for $3.95 from A E I, 1150 Seventeenth S t., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. ISBN 0-8447-2247-2. ♦ A Bibliography o f Latin American Bibliogra- phies, 1982-1983, compiled by Lionel V. Lorona (33 pages, M arch 1984), has been published as num ber 10 in the SALALM Bibliography and Ref­ erence Series. This updates the G ropp Bibliogra­ phy o f Latin Am erican Bibliographies and its sup­ p le m e n ts . T h e cost is $8, p lu s $2 h a n d lin g (prepaym ent required), from the SALALM Secre­ ta ria t, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison, W I 53706. 9 A Bibliography o f Selected Contem porary Rhode Island Authors, com piled by Jean n e L. Richardson (33 pages, 1983), includes authors who were born in or have lived or worked creatively in Rhode Island. This guide to the Providence Public L ibrary Rhode Island Collection provides a brief biography and examples of principal works of 45 authors. It is available for a $2 handling fee from Providence Public L ibrary, Rhode Island Collec­ tion, 150 Em pire Street, Providence, RI 02903. 9 Copyright Policies in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #102 (98 pages, M arch 1984), should be of interest to all those following the controversial topic of pho­ tocopying articles for reserve use. The kit contains four university policies, four library general poli­ cies, eight reserve room policies, four photocopy guidelines, three interlibrary loan policies, seven m edia and music reproduction policies, and four m anuscripts and archives policies. SPEC kits are available by subscription from the SPEC C enter, Office of M anagem ent Studies, ARL, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. Individual kits are available for $15 prepaid. 9 Disaster Preparedness: A Guide fo r Developing a Plan to Cope with Disaster fo r the Public and Pri­ vate Library, by John L. Sharpe (1984), provides some inform ation on planning for natural disas­ ters. It may be ordered for $4 (checks payable to the North C arolina L ibrary Association) from L ibrary Resources C om m ittee, c/o Patrick Valentine, N .C. Foreign Language C enter, 328 Gillespie St., Fay­ etteville, NC 28301. 9 The International Directory of Job-Oriented Assistive Device Sources, compiled by M arjorie Goi­ ter (194 pages, 1983), matches physical disabilities w ith particular job situations and suggests a m a­ chine or other device th a t m ight help individuals overcome their disabilities. Prim ary arrangem ent is by job or job function, followed by disabilities, solutions, and a brief description of the m achinery involved and its m anufacturer. L ibrary situations are covered under “M anagem ent of D a ta ,” which lists 13 types of disability. Copies are available for $45 (plus $2 shipping and handling) from Lifeboat, P.O . Box 11782, M arina Del Rey, CA 90295. 9 Public Access Terminals: Determining Quan­ tity Requirements, by John E. Toile (182 pages, M arch 1984), is the th ird m onograph in the O CLC L ibrary, Inform ation, and C om puter Science Se­ ries. It presents practical guidelines for conducting a term inal requirem ents study, w ith detailed infor­ m ation on d ata collection and applications. Copies may be obtained for $14.50 from O C L C , D ocu­ m entation D epartm ent, 6565 F rantz Road, D u b ­ lin, OH 43017-0702. 9 A Retrospective Conversion Manual (40 pages, 1984) has been m ade available by the H ealth Sci­ ences L ibrary of the University of North Carolina. A result of 16 months of development, this m anual offers practical inform ation for converting library records to m achine readable form at. C harts, sam ­ ple statistics forms, and detailed procedures for ed­ iting records and handling fallout from the project are also presented. The cost is $10 prepaid (checks p a y a b le to U N C -C H H ealth Sciences L ib rary ) from Adm inistrative Services, H ealth Sciences Li­ b r a r y 223H , U n iv ersity of N o rth C a ro lin a at C hapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. ♦ The University o f Texas at Austin General Li- braries Serials List (January 1984) is now available in a microfiche edition (48x) and will be prepared on an annual basis. Only serials currently received are listed, but in addition to periodicals, new spa­ pers, annuals, proceedings, and m onographic se­ 266 / C&RL News ries are included. Some serial titles received di­ rectly by certain special collections at UT-Austin have been omitted. The publication is available for $10, checks m ade payable to UT-Austin General Libraries, from: Publications, The G eneral L i­ braries, PGL 3.200, The University of Texas at Austin, P.O . Box P, Austin, TX 78712. • User Studies in ARL Libraries, SPEG Kit #101 (115 pages, February 1984), contains documents th a t illustrate techniques for obtaining d ata that relate to specific planning and priority-setting ef­ forts in the public services area. Included are four general studies, three science user studies, four au­ tom ated services studies, and three studies of spe­ cial classes of users, plus a list of selected resources. SPEG kits are available by subscription from the SPEG G enter, Office of M anagem ent Studies, ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., W ash­ ington, DG 20036. Individual kits may be ordered for $15 prepaid. • Women in Historical Perspective: A Guide to the Resources in the Darlington Memorial Library, by Marcia A. Grodsky (70 pages, 1984), is an anno­ tated bibliography th a t includes a nam e index and covers the field of 18th and 19th century w om en’s history as represented in the personal library of the D arlington family. The D arlington’s library, now owned by the University of Pittsburgh, was re­ puted to be the largest private library west of the Allegheny Mountains at the tim e of its bequest to the University in 1918. Gopies may be ordered for $5 (prepaid) and a mailing label from the Adminis­ trative Services Office, University Library System, 271 H illm an L ibrary, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. ■ ■ CALENDAR May 17-18—M aryland: “Serving More in ’84,” the an ­ nual conference of the M aryland Library Associ­ ation, at the Sheraton Fontainbleu, Ocean Gity. Gontact: D iana Gunningham , Division of Li­ b ra ry D evelopm ent an d Services, M aryland State D ep’t of Education, 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201; (301) 659-2123. 21-23—Photography: Workshop on adm inistra­ tion of photographic collections, sponsored by the Society of American Archivists, Palo Alto, Galifornia. Fee: $50. The workshop will be con­ ducted on an introductory level and is open to in­ dividuals currently working w ith photographic collections. Gontact: Linda Ziemer, SAA, 600 S. Federal, Suite 504, Ghicago, IL 60605; (312) 922-0140. 29-August 7—Summer Courses: The University of M aryland Gollege of Library and Inform ation Services is offering GE courses for professional li­ brarians this summer. Topics include Minority Archives, Problems of Nonbook Materials, Busi­ ness In fo rm a tio n Services, L ib ra ry Systems Analysis, and others. Gontact: Jean Diepen- brock, GLIS, 4110 Hornbake Library, Univer­ sity of M aryland, Gollege Park, MD 20742; (301) 454-3016. 29-August 16—Summer Courses: The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Library and J Inform ation Science will also offer several sum­ m er CE courses. Topics include M icrocom ­ puters, Indexing and Abstracting, Health Sci­ ences Bibliography, and others. Contact: SLIS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, W I 53201; (414) 963-4707. une -5 —Midwest: “Beyond the F uture of Academic L ibraries,” Midwest Academic Library Confer­ ence, C entral Michigan University, Mt. Pleas­ ant. Speakers include Judith F. Krug, ALA Of­ fice fo r I n te lle c tu a l F re e d o m ; W illia m C. Roselle, University of W isconsin-M ilwaukee; E van F arb er, E arlham College; and Michael G orm an, University of Illinois. Fee: $40 after May 11, payable to Gentral Michigan Univer­ sity. Gontact: Barton M. Lessin, Assistant to the D irector, The Library, Gentral Michigan Uni­ versity, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859. -August 4—Summer Courses: The University of Illinois GSLIS will offer several special interest courses. Topics include Education and Psychol­ ogy Bibliography, Maps, Communications Bib­ liography, Librarianship in Developing C oun­ tries, A dult P o p u lar L ite ra tu re , and others. Contact: Robin M. C aton, Recruitm ent and Ad­ missions Officer, GSLIS, University of Illinois, 410 David Kinley Hall, 1407 W. Gregory D r., 4 7