ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1984 / 267 U rbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3280. 1 1 -1 4 — Photography: Workshop on adm inistra­ tion of photographic collections, sponsored by the Society of Am erican Archivists, Fairbanks, Alaska. See May 2 1 -2 3 entry for details. 1 7-21— Theology: Annual C onference, American Theological L ibrary Association, W estern T h eo­ logical Sem inary, Holland, M ichigan. C ontact: A T L A , 5600 S. W oodlawn A ve., C hicago, IL 60637; (312) 947-8850. 2 2 - 2 4 — M ed ia T e c h n ic ia n s : A nnu al m e e tin g , Council on Library/Media Technicians, D allas, Texas. T h em e: “Personnel-ly: Support S ta ff’s Responsibilities.” C ontact: Raymond Roney, E l C a m in o C o lle g e L ib r a r y , 1 6 0 0 7 C ren sh a w B lvd ., T o rran ce, CA 90506. August 2 8 - 3 0 — Photography: Workshop on adm inistra­ tion of photographic collections, sponsored by the Society of Am erican Archivists, W ashington, D .C . See May 2 1 -2 3 entry for details. October 2 - 5 — M arine Science: 10th Anniversary m eeting of the International Association of M arine Science L ib r a r ie s and In fo r m a tio n C e n te rs , W oods Hole, Massachusetts. T h e conference will pro­ vide an overview of expanding m arine science inform ation needs in the “Year of the O cean” and beyond. C ontact: Judy Ashmore, Library, M arine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 02543; (617) 548-3705. 10— Fitness: “Shape Up! Fitness for Librarians/* a workshop offered by the Kentucky L ibrary Asso­ ciation at the G alt House, Louisville. Physical fitness trends, program s, stationary exercises will be demonstrated. Fee: KLA members $12, non-members $32. CEU s offered. C ontact: Je n ­ nie S. Boyarski, Paducah Com m unity College L ib rary , P .O . Box 7380, Paducah, KY 42001; (502) 442-6131, ext. 132. 1 3 -1 5 — M ental H ealth: “Psychiatry and the Me­ d ia ,” annual meeting of the Association of M en­ tal H ealth L ib ra ria n s, D enver M arrio tt C ity C enter. Credit: 14.0 M LA credits. C ontact: F e ­ licia Chuang, Texas Research Institute of M ental Sciences, 1300 Moursund A ve., Houston, T X 77303-3406; (713) 797-1976. 1 5 -1 6 — Softw are: L ibrary Softw are C onference, sponsored by Meckler Publishing, at the Phila­ delphia Hilton. Th e program will focus on li­ brary applications of software for m icro, m ini, and m a in fra m e com p u ter system s. C o n ta c t: Meckler Publishing, 520 Riverside Ave., W est­ port, C T 06880; (203) 226-6967. 2 1 - 2 6 — ASIS: 47th Annual Meeting, Am erican So­ ciety for Inform ation Science, Franklin Plaza, Philadelphia. Them e: “ 1984: Challenges to an Inform ation Society.” C ontact: 1984 ASIS C on­ vention, Th e Automated O ffice, 3401 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. 2 5 - 2 8 — A fricana: 27th Annual Meeting, African Studies Association, Los Angeles Hilton Hotel. C ontact: ASA, 255 Kinsey H all, University of C alifornia, Los Angeles, CA 90024. ■ ■ Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $4.00 per line for ACRL members, $5.00 for others. Late job notices are $10.00 per line for members, $12.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy Of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in CR&L News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in CR&L News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE ARKHAM HOUSE COLLECTION in fine condition for sale as a whole. Terms. $2 brings detailed list. Neil Barron, 1149 Lime PI., Vista, CA 92083. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT HEAD, PERIODICALS DEPARTMENT. Reporting to the Head, Periodicals Department, the incumbent is responsible for assisting in the management of the Periodicals Department, which has a periodicals budget of $115,000 and receives approximately THE CLASSIFIED ADS 268 / C & R L N e w s 2,000 subscriptions. Departmental functions include selection and acquisition, record keeping, bindery and periodicals information desk. The incum bent will be responsible for online searches in sci­ ence and technology especially, book and periodical selection in the sciences and for m icro-com puter application in periodicals. Qualifi­ cations: ALA-accredited master’s degree and undergraduate prep­ aration in science are required. Additional graduate course work in science or com puter science is highly desirable. Post-MLS periodi­ cals work experience is necessary. Salary range $ 2 0 ,00 0-$24,000 for 12 months, tenure track position. Letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current profes­ sional references should be sent by June 1, 1984, to: Henry R. Ste­ wart, Director, William Allen White Library, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 66801. A S S IS T A N T LIBRARIAN. Austin College. ALA-accredited MLS plus teaching interest and skills. Duties: ILL, serials, OCLC subsys­ tems, cataloging, reference, and bibliographic instruction as as­ signed. Salary: $17,000 for twelve months or slightly higher for sub­ stantial relevant experience. A pply before June 1 by sending vita and library school placem ent file to: A. J. Carlson, Acting Dean of the Faculty, Austin College, Sherma’n, TX 75090. An Equal Opportunity Employer. A S S IS TA N T REFERENCE LIBRARIAN INTERN (9 month, term appointm ent, renewable up to four years). Performs general refer­ ence services; shares responsibility for bibliographic instruction and online bibliographic searching; assists in ILL verification and refer­ ence collection development. This position is designed for a recent library school graduate who wishes to gain academ ic library experi­ ence while pursuing a second m aster's degree. Required: ALA- accredited MLS (earned by August 31, 1984); coursework and/or experience with online bibliographic searching. Minimum salary $12,500, with standard benefits. Application deadline: June 10, 1984, or until filled. Tentative starting date: August 15, 1984. Send resume, and have academ ic credentials and three recent letters of recom m endation sent directly to: W endy Klosterman, South Dakota State University Library, Box 2115, Brookings, SD 57007. An AA/EEO employer. AS SO C IA TE LIBRARIANS (TECHNICAL SERVICES AND REF­ ERENCE). Theological Institute in Jerusalem seeks urgently to fill these positions. The library holds 40,000 volumes, 50,000 m icro­ fiche, 400 periodicals and is expanding into areas of multi-faith peace issues. Plans for com puterizing the collection are being con­ sidered. Spacious 3-story building and m odern facilities. All posts are vacant now and we hope to fill them before October 1984. A c­ com m odation and salary package is for negotiation. Associate Li­ brarian, Technical Services: responsible for planning and im ple­ m enting the processes of selection, acquisition and classification. Will study alternative m ethods of re-classifying and computerizing. Must have library degree, skills in current library technology, and ex­ perience in a com puterized library. Knowledge of several languages will be an asset. Associate Librarian, Reference: will survey and ap­ praise all current international publishing in theology and multi-faith peace-related issues. Prepare bibliographies for library purchase, for special seminar themes and conferences. Provide reference as­ sistance to users. Some classification duties. Must have library de ­ gree, theological erudition and an interest in ethical/religious ap ­ p ro a c h e s to pea ce. A th e o lo g y d e g re e and e x p e rie n c e in a theological library, together with several languages is looked for. A p­ plication with CV to: Director of Administration and Finance, Ecu­ menical Institute for Theological Research, P.O. Box 19556, Jerusa­ lem, Israel. BIBLIO GRAPHIC CO NTRO L LIBRARIAN. Responsible for man aging the bibliographic control operations of the Library which in­ cludes cataloging of books, serials, audiovisual programs, and his­ torical materials, in addition to production and m aintenance of a state union list of biomedical serials and other specialized catalogs. Partic­ ipates in the m anagement of the Technical Services Division, includ­ ing a major role in automating library operations. Supervises a part- time cataloger and 2 -3 paraprofessionals. Reports to the Associate Director. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; three years recent professional cataloging experience using OCLC and AACR2 with LC classification, MeSH and LC subject headings. Evidence of initia­ tive, problem solving skills, and excellent written and oral com m uni­ cation skills. Desirable: experience with library automation projects, especially retrospective conversion and at least one year supervi­ sory experience. Salary: $22,000 and moving assistance. Send re­ sume and the names of at least three professional references, to: John Patruno, Associate Director, The Claude Moore Health Sci­ ences Library, Box 234, University of Virginia M edical Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908. Position available immediately. EEO/AA. CATALOG LIBRARIAN at Arizona State University where the ALIS III system is operational for circulation, and the public access catalog for 400,000 full MARC records will be brought up in 1984. The suc­ cessful candidate will catalog, classify and provide subject analysis for m onographs in the social sciences or humanities and for m ono­ graphs and manuscripts in the Arizona Historical Foundation and Special Collections as well as supervise the paraprofessionals en­ gaged in special collections cataloging. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of three years post-MLS original cat­ aloging experience in a research library (preferably a large aca­ dem ic library); working knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classifica­ tion system; experience with OCLC or similar utility and its practice; w o rking know le dge of m inim um of two W estern European lan­ guages; academ ic background and cataloging experience in the so­ cial sciences or humanities; good com munication and organization skills. Preferred: dem onstrated successful supervisory and training experience and familiarity with special or archival collections cata­ loging. Salary: From $18,000-, dependent on qualifications and ex­ perience. Send letter of application which addresses each of the qualifications listed above, a current resume, and the names and ad­ dresses of four current references to: Constance Corey, Assistant U niversity Librarian, H ayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, by June 30, 1984 (postmark accepted). Copies of the com plete announcem ent of vacancy may be requested from the same person. ASU is a committed, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Librarian II (Assistant Professor) target level. Responsibilities: interpretation and im plementation of AACR2, LCSH, DDC, MARC formats, and LC cataloging practice; assistance in determination of cataloging and catalog maintenance policy and procedures; OCLC cataloging operations including regular and ret­ rospective conversion activities; syndetic structure of the catalog; original cataloging of printed materials; training personnel; some ref­ erence duties. Qualifications: m aster’s degree from ALA-accredited program required. Four years professional experience in cataloging and a second m aster’s degree in a subject area required for appoint­ ment at rank of Librarian II. Com petency in a modern Romance lan­ guage desirable. Salary: dependent on education and experience. Minimum of $18,000 for nine-month appointm ent at rank of Librarian II. Summer conditional upon library needs. Application deadline: June 8, 1984. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: James Zink, Director, Kent Li­ brary, S outh east M issouri State U n ive rsity, C a pe G ira rd e a u , M O 63701. An equal opportunity, M/F, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for cataloging of library mate­ rials in all formats; OCLC/AACR2/LC. Managerial, fiscal control of all OCLC procedures, including serials check-in, ILL. Supervision of para-professional staff in cataloging and serials. Additional part-time duties in reference and collection development, assigned to speci­ fied disciplines. Requirements: ALA-accredited degree in library or information science. Experienced enough to function with complete autonomy. Subject background in social sciences (teacher educa­ tion) or science/technology desirable, along with knowledge of com ­ puter applications in libraries (other than OCLC). Minimum salary in the upper teens, depending on qualifications. 12-month contract. Send resume to: Theresa Taborsky, Director, Wolfgram Memorial Li­ brary, W idener University, Chester, PA 19013. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona Library is seek­ ing a professional librarian to be responsible for the m onographic cataloging of literature in French, German, and English languages. Related activities such as staffing a catalog information desk will also be assigned. This position reports to the Head Catalog Librarian. The University of Arizona Library is a large academ ic research li­ brary with more than 2 million volumes and more than 4 million hold­ ings in the main library system. The Catalog Department is one of 4 departm ents within the technical services division, em ploying 11 professional catalogers and 44 career staff. Requirements include: an ALA-accredited degree; working knowledge of AACR2; experi­ ence with LC classification and the LCSH; experience with OCLC or a similar utility; knowledge of French and German. Previous catalog­ ing experience is preferred. The beginning professional salary is $16,500; a higher salary can be negotiated depending upon qualifi­ M a y 1984 / 269 cations and experience. Professional librarians at the University of Arizona are academ ic professionals and voting m em bers of the fac­ ulty, have 12-month appointm ents with 22 days vacation and 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays annually. Position is available July 1. Deadline for applications is June 15,1984. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of 3 referees to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The Uni­ versity of Arizona is an EOE, AA employer. CA TALO G ER , The Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Responsible for the cataloging and processing of ma­ terials in all formats, with special em phasis on m onographs. Serves as deputy for Head of Bibliographic Control and assists in adm inis­ tration of units. Trains and supervises terminal operators, filers, proc­ essing assistants, et al. Shares responsibility for the m aintenance of the public in-process file, COM-fiche catalog, historic card catalogs, and public and non-public shelflists. Serves as a resource person for other staff and library users in interpreting bibliographic data. Re­ quirements: m aster’s degree in librarianship, a second m aster’s de­ gree in theology or a related discipline is normally required. Good working know ledge of one Germ anic (preferably German) and one Romance (preferably French or Spanish) language and at least a b ib lio g ra p h ic know le d g e of the other principal th eological lan­ guages. Familiarity with theological bibliography and literature and a broad know ledge of the humanities. Minimum of 3 years experience in an academ ic Ibrary with dem onstrated skill in the use of AACR2, LC classification schedules and subject headings, OCLC and/or RLIN, and m icrocom puter applications. G ood writing and speaking skills. Must have a strong com m itm ent to bibliographic control and an active interest in exploring the new dimensions of technical/auto- m a te d b ib lio g ra p h ic se rvice s. Rank: L ib ra ria n I or II. Salary: $18,000-522,000, dep ending upon qualifications. Liberal benefits, including 6 weeks vacation. Apply with letter, resume, and refer­ ences to: Director of Personnel, Union Theological Seminary, 3041 Broadway at Reinhold Niebuhr Place, New York, NY 10027. Union Theological Seminary is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ­ ployer. CATALOG ER. Catalogs and classifies m onographs in the Menno- nite Library and Archives, a library specializing in Anabaptist/Men- nonite materials. Assigns subject headings, classification numbers, and checks and revises OCLC input. Qualifications: 1) ALA/MLS; 2) two years professional experience; 3) reading knowledge of German and/or Dutch; and 4) familiarity with AACR2, MARC format, OCLC, LC subject headings, and Dewey. Three-year NEH-funded position, salary $16,000 + . Position available September 1. Send resume and three references by June 1 to Marion Decked, Academ ic Dean, Bethel College, North Newton, KS 67117. C A T A L O G E R . Catalogs m o n o g ra p h s in all subjects and lan­ guages. Coordinates workflow of materials processed by OCLC ter­ minal operators. Establishes and maintains records for series classi­ fie d se p a ra te ly. R e q u ire d : A L A -a c c re d ite d MLS, c a ta lo g in g proficiency in at least one foreign language, experience with LC Classification and AACR2, know ledge of OCLC cataloging proce­ dures. Desired: two or more years relevant experience in an aca­ dem ic or research library. U ndergraduate degree in sciences or so­ c ia l s c ie n c e s . S u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e . S a la ry ra n g e : $15,50 0-$16,920 . TIAA/CREF, group life, medical, dental, 22 days vacation. Appointm ent by July 2, 1984. Apply by May 31 to: Wilson Snodgrass, Associate Director, Central University Libraries, South­ ern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. CA TALO G ER , Tozzer Library. Catalogs m onographs (including rare books), serials, and manuscripts in the field of anthropology. Over half of the cataloging is original cataloging and serials catalog­ ing. Duties include supervision of support and student staff, assisting in establishing and revising anthropological subject headings, par­ ticipation in library publication projects, catalog maintenance and other related duties. The Tozzer Library currently num bers 152,000 volumes in the fields of archaeology, biological and cultural anthro­ pology. It is an administrative unit of the Harvard College Library which consists of 9 library units serving the Faculty of Arts and Sci­ ences. Qualifications: MLS; experience with OCLC, original catalog­ ing, and AACR2; reading know ledge of at least two European lan­ guages; academ ic background in anthropology or willingness to study anthropology; supervisory experience desirable. As one of two catalogers in a research library, initiative and ability to work inde­ pendently are required. Rank dependent on qualifications: Librarian I: $16,800 minimum; Librarian II: $19,950 minimum. G ood benefits package. Resumes to: Karen N. McFarlan, University Personnel Li­ brarian, Harvard University Library, Cam bridge, MA 02138. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C H EM ISTRY LIBRARIAN, University of Michigan Libraries. Under general supervision of the Physical Sciences Librarian, m anages the Chemistry Library; handles the continuing developm ent of a collec- A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R FO R P U B L IC S E R V IC E S University of Michigan Libraries Senior administrative position, reporting to the Director, responsible for the development of and evalua­ tion of public services activities for 31 service units with 10 department heads reporting directly. Incumbent is responsible for policy development, evaluation, and planning for public services, divisional communica­ tion, faculty relations, resource allocation and personnel actions, and other administrative activities which maintain and enhance the provision of library services to the university community. Participates in adminis­ trative decision-making for the library organization as a whole and in the absence of the director is in charge of the Library. Qualifications: substantial management and administrative experience in a research library with an em­ phasis on public services. Demonstrated success in oral and written communication, analytical, budgeting and planning activities. Knowledge and understanding of research library organization and interrelation­ ship of divisions and a sound grasp of issues and trends facing research libraries. Knowledge of and expe­ rience with library automation. Proven leadership ability with staff and in the profession. Minimum salary of $55,000. Applications received by June 30, 1984, will be given first consideration. Apply to: Library Personnel Office 404 Hatcher Graduate Library University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 The University of Michigan is a non-discrimmatory, affirmative action employer. 2 7 0 / C & R L N e w s tion of 50,000 volumes; perform s online bibliographic database searches, including chemical substructure searches; answers refer­ ence questions; hires, trains, and supervises the support staff of the library. Maintains liaison with the Departm ent of Chemistry faculty; provides bibliographic instruction and assistance for chem istry stu­ dents and staff; performs related duties as assigned. Required quali­ fications: accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in the pure sci­ ences, including several courses in chemistry; formal training or e xp e rie n ce in b ib lio g ra p h ic database searching; dem onstrated managerial ability and interpersonal skills; previous library experi­ ence for which advanced training in chem istry may be substituted in part. Desirable: undergraduate degree in chemistry; reading knowl­ edge of German and Russian; some know ledge of com puter opera­ tions. Salary dependent on directly relevant experience with a m ini­ mum of $18,000. Applications received by June 15, 1984, will be given first consideration. Apply to: Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library, University of M ichigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirma­ tive action employer. C U RA TO R OF RARE BOOKS AND LITERARY M A N U SC R IPTS , Librarian II (Search reopened). Plans, organizes, directs work with rare books and literary manuscripts; facilitates and prom otes use of collections in wide range of scholarly fields and in all European lan­ guages; analyzes collections; devises collection developm ent poli­ cies and programs; selects and solicits materials; administers con­ servation and preservation activities of Special Collections Division; coordinates services with other units; provides public services. Re­ quired: MLS from ALA-accredited school; minimum of four years professional academ ic or research library experience; broad com ­ mand of European languages sufficient for library purposes; dem on­ strated success in supervision and administration. Preferred: Ph.D. in history or literature. Salary: $22,700 minimum, excellent fringe benefits. For full consideration, subm it resume and names of three references by June 29 to: Virginia Sojdehei, Personnel Librarian, M cKeldin Library, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742. AA, EOE. DIRECTO R OF TH E LIBRARY. Theological Institute in Jerusalem seeks urgently to fill this position. The library holds 40,000 volumes, 50,000 microfiche, 400 periodicals and is expanding into areas of multi-faith peace issues. Plans for com puterizing the collection are being considered. Spacious 3-story building and m odern facilities. The post is vacant now and we hope to fill it before O ctober 1984. Accom m odation and salary package is for negotiation. Responsible for overall operation of the library as the prim ary research tool of the Institute. This is an academ ic adm inistrative position and the candi­ date m ust have post-graduate librarian qualifications. An interest in ethical and religious approaches to ecumenism and peace in terms of world religion is expected, together with experience in directing an academ ic or research library or a m ajor unit of a large one. Knowl­ edge of and skills in current library technology and com puter sys­ tems are desired. Application with CV to: Director of Administration and Finance, Ecumenical Institute for Theological Research, P.O. Box 19556, Jerusalem, Israel. FINE A R T S /H U M A N IT IE S CA TALO G ER . Position to be filled be tween June 15 and July 20, 1984. Performs original cataloging in subject areas represented by Library of Congress classifications M, N, and P, and in other subject areas as required. Reviews and up­ dates OCLC contributed cataloging. Participates actively in the for­ mation of departm ent policies and procedures. ALA-accredited MLS is required. An additional graduate degree in m usic is desired and is expected for tenure. Also desirable are know ledge of catalog­ ing, the use of OCLC, AACR2 and the LC classification schedules. Starting salary $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 -$ 2 2 ,0 0 0 depending upon qualifications. Tenure-eiigible. TIAA-CREF, Blue C ross/B lue Shield or HMO. Twenty-two days annual leave. Send letter of application and resume by June 15, 1984, to Alexander T. Birrell, Chair, Search Committee, Box 68, W ichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208. Finalists will be invited for an expense-paid interview. Wichita State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, A R CH ITECTU RE AND EN VIRO NM EN TAL DESIGN LI­ BRARY at Arizona State University, where special collections in­ cludes material on Paolo Solen and Frank Lloyd Wright. The library is contained within the college of the same name and is staffed by one professional (the Head), one paraprofessional, and student assis­ tants. The librarian reports to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services and is responsible for m anagem ent of the branch, collection developm ent, reference and visitor assistance, biblio­ graphic instruction and liaison with the college and the main library. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least two years of public services experience in an academ ic or research library; d em ­ onstrated managerial, com m unication and interpersonal skills; sub­ ject expertise in one or more of the fields of Architecture, Interior De­ sign, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and City Planning. Preferred: administrative experience in a branch, unit or dep art­ ment, preferably in an academ ic library. Salary: dependent on quali­ fications and experience ($21,000 minimum). Send letter of applica­ tion w hich addresses each of the qua lifications listed above, a current resume and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, by May 31, 1984 (postmark accepted). Copies of the com ­ plete announcem ent of vacancy may be requested from the same person. ASU is a com mitted, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, CIR C U LA TIO N SERVICES. The Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is seeking a person to m anage the circulation, interlibrary lending and borrowing, and pho­ tocopy services of an active library. This position supervises 7 sup­ port staff and 6.5 FTE student assistants and reports to the director. ALA-accredited m aster’s, strong com m unications skills, dem on­ strated supervisory ability, and minimum 2 years experience re­ quired. Health sciences library experience preferred. Salary com ­ mensurate with experience; minimum $20,000. The Health Sciences Library has a professional staff of 24 and a new 6 story building; it serves 5 professional schools (dentistry, m edicine, nursing, phar­ macy, and public health) and North Carolina Memorial Hospital. Send letter of application and curriculum vitae to: Samuel Hitt, Direc­ tor Health Sciences Library 223H, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Deadline for applications June 15, 1984. Minorities are encouraged to identify themselves. An af­ firmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, G RAD UA TE LIBRARY, University of M ichigan Libraries. This position, reporting to the Associate Director for Public Services, is responsible for the coordination of the following public service units in the Graduate Library: circulation, reference, governm ent documents, docum ent delivery (including interlibrary loan), area program s, and the Library Science Library. The Head of the G radu­ ate Library will coordinate activities and com m unication am ong Graduate Library public service units as well as with other divisional libraries, be a prim ary liaison with faculty, and have coordinating re­ sponsibilities for collection developm ent, and for the m anagem ent activities for Graduate Library Public Services. Qualifications: mana­ gerial experience in a research library with dem onstrated success in the areas of oral and written com m unication and analytical, budget­ ing, and planning activities. Strong collection developm ent experi­ ence. Knowledge and experience with automation and a good grasp of issues and trends facing research libraries. Demonstrated success in working with faculty. ALA-accredited MLS required and an advanced degree in the humanities or social sciences desirable. Minimum salary of $35,000. Applications received by June 30, 1984, will be given first consideration. A p ply to: Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library, University of M ichigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Immediate opening for full-time Librarian to head m edical library holding approxim ately 20,000 volumes, 450 periodical titles and 650 audiovisual programs. Responsible for 2 li­ brarians, 3 library technical assistants and other clerical and student support staff. To assist in planning new library facility. Requirements include MLS from accredited school; dem onstrated adm inistrative ability; familiarity with MEDLINE, OCLC; Medical Library Association certification or equivalent experience. Prefer familiarity with aca­ dem ic libraries. This is a 12-month tenure-track faculty appointm ent. Salary: $18 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 1 ,000. Benefits include health insurance (includ­ ing dental) and pension plan. 4 weeks vacation. Applicants should subm it resume and the names of 3 or more references to: Search and Screen Committee, c/o Joyce Whitehead, National College of Chiropractic, 200 East Roosevelt Road, Lom bard, IL 60148. Dead­ line July 1, 1984. National College of C hiropractic is a professional school with approxim ately 1,000 students, 100 faculty, a postgradu­ ate division, three clinics and an in-patient facility. The college offers B.S. and Doctor of Chiropractic degrees and is accredited by the North Central Association and the Council on C hiropractic Educa­ tion. M a y 1984 / 271 HEAD LIBRARIAN (Librarian III), Iowa State Historical Department, Iowa City. Supervise six librarians, budgeting, technical services, newspaper microfilming, reference, conservation program, manu­ script and photograph collections. Must have leadership, planning, and com m unication skills. MLS and 3 years supervisory experience required. American history background preferred. Salary range: $ 2 1 ,900-$28,800. Send resume and references by June 30 to: Li­ brary Search Committee, Iowa State Historical Department, 402 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, IA 52240. AA/EOE. HEAD OF BIBLIO GRAPHIC INSTRUC TIO N SERVICES. Faculty, tenure-track position available in the University Library. The Head of Bibliographic Instruction Services, a new position in the University Library, coordinates the activities of librarians active in instruction; guides the developm ent of the University Library BI program; and reports to the Director of Libraries. Responsibilities include the exam­ ination of program s at other institutions, the application of com puter technology and AV in BI, and the recom mendation of a multi-year phase developm ent for the library’s BI program. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; 5 years relevant library experience; second subject m aster’s or Ph.D. preferred; dem onstrated leadership and supervi­ sory skills. Appointm ent at Assistant Librarian rank or above (equiva­ lent to Assistant Professor). Minimum salary $18,500, depending on education and experience. The University of South Alabam a Li­ braries are an area member of SOLINET/OCLC and operate NOTIS and integrated library systems with a full online catalog. Benefits in­ clude: 20 days vacation, university subsidized insurance, state re­ tirement, TIAA/CREF option. Submit resume and names of 3 refer­ en ce s by J u n e 1, 1984, to: P a tricia G. Ram age, C h airm an, University Library Search Committee, Library Administration, Uni­ versity of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Primary responsibilities: auto­ mated procedures, coordination of cataloging, acquisitions, and se­ rials as well as planning for online catalog and circulation systems. Purchasing and fiscal control of materials budget. Additional duties: part-time reference, some nights and weekends. Collection develop­ ment in specified subject areas, faculty liaison. Participates in long- range planning, use studies and other special projects. Require­ ments: ALA-accredited library degree. Additional graduate degree (or extensive experience) in com puter science and/or adm inistra­ tion. Familiarity with academ ic library issues essential. 12-month contract. Salary: minimum $20,000, depending on qualifications. Send resume to: Theresa Taborsky, Director, Wolfgram Memorial Li­ SEEKING APPLICATIONS FOR brary, W idener University, Chester, PA 19013. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, SPECIAL CO LLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES. Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Starting date September 1, 1984. Salary: negotiable, depending upon experience and qualifications. Super­ vise one professional, two classified and several part-time staff. Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS. Desirable: second m aster’s degree. Knowledge of the history of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. W ork­ ing knowledge of one or more European languages. Experience in public relations, fund raising, special events, collection develop­ ment, archives and special collections, the book trade, and refer­ ence work. Usual benefits. Closing date: May 31, 1984. Send re­ sume and names of four references to: Richard J. Beck, Associate Dean of Libraries, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843. Tele­ phone: (208) 885-6534. An AA/EO em ployer and educational institu­ tion. HISTO R Y AND PO LITIC AL SCIENCE CATALOG ER. Position to be filled between June 15 and July 20,198 4. Performs original cata­ loging in history and political science and in other subject areas as required. Reviews and updates OCLC contributed cataloging. Par­ ticipates actively in the formation of departm ent policies and proce­ dures. ALA-accredited MLS required. An additional graduate de ­ gree in history, political science, or a related field is desired and is expected for tenure. Also desired are knowledge of cataloging, the use of OCLC, AACR2, and the LC classification schedules. Starting salary $ 1 7 ,5 00-$2 2,0 00 for twelve months, depending upon qualifi­ cations. Tenure-eligible. TIAA-CREF, Blue C ross/Blue Shield or HMO. Twenty-two days annual leave. Send letter of application and resume by June 15, 1984, to Alexander T. Birrell, Chair, Search Committee, Box 68, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208. Fi­ nalists will be invited for an expense-paid interview. Wichita State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY CATALOG ER. University of Wisconsin Centers, Library Processing Center. Duties: catalogs print and non-print materials for 13 two-year centers. Advises Center librarians on cataloging mat­ ters. Interacts with Center librarians on UWC library issues, particu­ larly automation. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS, 2 years cata­ loging experience utilizing AACR2, LCSH and LC classification, OCLC experience preferred, demonstrated interest in library auto­ mation. Salary: $17,000 to $18,000, depending upon qualifications. Starting date: 1 July 1984. Send letter of application, resume, tran­ scripts and 3 current letters of reference to: Paul G. Koch, Director, The University of Akron • Bierce Library Positions: Bibliographer for Arts, Language and Literature which includes the fields of art, music, theater, dance, communication, modern languages and English. Bibliographer fo r Physical Sciences and Engineering which includes the fields of chemistry, mathematics, physics, polymer science and engineering. Responsibilities: Collection development; serving as liaison to faculty; sharing in materials budget preparation; assisting with research problems; general and specialized reference; course-related bibliographic instruction; bibliographic searching; and, participating in the academic life of the University. Qualifications: ALA accredited MLS; appropriate academic library experience; effective interpersonal skills; and, an ability to work with faculty and students from the associate to doctoral level. Second graduate degree in a relevant subject area strongly preferred. Salary: $16,000 - $19,500. Librarians have a 12-month contract with 22 days vacation, liberal fringe benefit package, faculty rank and eligibility for tenure. .The. Send letter of application, vita and three letters of reference by June 1, 1984, to: D avid R. Brink, chairp erson A rts L ib rarian S earch C o m m ittee Bierce L ib rary Th e U n iv ersity of A k ro n A k ro n , O H 4 4 3 2 5 M arg aret B. G uss, chairp erson Science Librarian Search C o m m ittee Bierce L ib rary The U niversity of A k ro n A k ro n , O H 4 4 3 2 5 The University of Akron is an Equal Education and Employment Institution 2 7 2 / C & R L N e w s UW Centers, Library Processing Center, University Drive, Fond du Lac, Wl 54935. Closing date: 30 May 1984. An EO/AA employer. M A N U SC R IPT LIBRARIAN. The University of Utah, Marriott Li­ brary, is looking for someone to m anage their collection of 800 man­ uscripts related to Utah and the Intermountain West and to supervise a staff of 6. Responsible for accessioning, processsing and classify­ ing m anuscript materials following general m anuscript and archival principles. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, m aster’s degree in history of the Am erican West, and two years of directly applicable m anuscripts or archives experience. Preferred qualifications include know ledge of Utah history, supervisory experi­ ence, and dem onstrated public relations, writing, and verbal skills. Salary $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 + dep ending on qualifications. Send resume, a cover letter, and three references or a placement bureau address no later than May 30, 1984, to: Janeal Cooper, 328 Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. M O N O G R A PH IC /M U SIC CATALOG ER. Primarily responsible for perform ing original cataloging of m onographs in all subject areas and in all languages, plus assisting with music cataloging. Reports to Head of Cataloging Department. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; know ledge of AACR1 and AACR2, LC subject headings and classifi­ cation, MARC formats and cataloging conventions. Preference may be given to candidates with: m onographic cataloging experience using an automated bibliographic utility; m usic cataloging experi­ ence or academ ic background in music; academ ic library experi­ ence or academ ic background in music; academ ic library experi­ ence; working know ledge of one foreign language. Salary: minimum $15,020; negotiable, dep ending on qualifications and experience. Twelve month tenure-track appointm ent; faculty rank. TIAA/CREF. Vacation of 22 working days. Kansas State University, with an enroll­ ment of over 19,000, is located in the scenic Flint Hills of northeastern Kansas. KSU Libraries contains almost 1,000,000 cataloged vol­ umes and has a materials budget in excess of $1,500,000. Deadline for application: June 15, 1984. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses and phone num bers of three relevant references to: Ann Scott, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506. Position available Septem ber 1, 1984, or earlier. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REC LA SSIFIC A TIO N LIBRARIAN. Reclassification Librarian to oversee the recataloging of the collection including reclassification and conversion to AACR2 in machine readable form. Applicant must have m ajor interest in technical services and an excellent knowledge of MARC formats and LC classification. Entry level position for one year with excellent chan ces for renewal. MLS required. Salary $14,000 minimum. Available summer 1984. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume and the names of three references to Sandra Heine- mann, Catalog Librarian, Ham pden-Sydney College, Hampden- Sydney, VA 23943. EOE/AA. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (H U M A N ITIE S). Duties include general reference work in undergraduate institution, participation in active li­ brary instruction program , and collection developm ent in the areas of the humanities. Online database searching also required. MLS from ALA-accredited institution and second m aster’s degree prefer­ red. Experience in reference work, bibliographic instruction and on­ line database searching also highly desirable. G ood com m unica­ tions skills and the ability to work effectively in a team are essential. Faculty appointm ent with responsibilities for research, publication and service. Twelve-month contract with standard benefits and TIAA-CREF. Salary range $17,000-$20,000. Position available A u­ gust 1, 1984. Deadline for applications: May 30, 1984. Send vitae with names of at least three references to: Pauline Hunsberger, Helmke Library, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne, 2101 Coliseum Blvd. East, Fort Wayne, IN 46805. IPFW is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer and minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBR ARIAN /LIB RA RY IN ST R U C TIO N . Michener Library, University of Northern Colorado. Duties include general ref­ erence; collection developm ent responsibilities; library instruction responsibilities at the freshman level; preparation of appropriate bib­ liographies, guides, and m edia presentation; participation in library and cam pus wide committee activities; assistance with other duties and projects as assigned. Night and weekend work required. Re­ ports to the Coordinator of Reference and Collection Development Services. Required of the applicant are a m aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; an additional m aster’s in education (or equivalent); a minimum of two years academ ic reference experi­ ence; and previous involvement in library instruction. 12-month ap ­ pointm ent with faculty rank and status, fringe benefits. Salary com ­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Application deadline: July 1,1984 . Letter of application, list of references, and current vita to: Reference Librarian/Library Instruction, c/o Administration Office, Jam es A. M ichener Library, University of N orthern C olorado, Greeley, CO 80639. Telephone: (303) 351 -2601. An equal o pp ortu­ nity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibilities are traditional reference service to students and faculty, online database search­ ing, user instruction. Collection developm ent and faculty liaison for specified disciplines. Some weekend and night duty. Participates in all library projects; e.g., evaluation of collection and services, plan­ ning, etc. Reports to Head of Reference Services. Requirements: ALA-accredited degree in library or information sciences. Familiarity with com puter applications, subject background in social sciences (teacher education) or sciences is desirable. Salary: m inim um $14,000, depending on qualifications. 12-month contract. Send re­ sume, placem ent file or three letters of reference, and transcript for recent graduates, to: Theresa Taborsky, Director, Wolfgram M em o­ rial Library, W idener University, Chester, PA 19013. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Reference Librarian for small liberal arts college library. Responsibilities include supervision of all public ser­ vices in the library, including inter-library loan, governm ent d o cu ­ ments, library instruction, stack maintenance and circulation. MLS required, additional advanced degree preferred. Previous experi­ ence helpful, but not necessary. Salary $17,000 minimum. Available summer 1984. Send letter of application, resume and the names of three references to: John Ryland, Librarian, Ham pden-Sydney Col­ lege, Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943. EOE/AA. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Two new positions at Harvard Law Li­ brary. Responsibilities include reference services to faculty and stu­ dents, online database searching, legal research instruction, and participation in developm ent of Anglo-Am erican collections. Re­ quirements: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of Anglo-Am erican le­ gal resources; strong interpersonal skills. Preference will be given to candidates with significant legal reference experience or a J.D.; ex­ perience in database searching; know ledge of law-related social sci­ ence resources; dem onstrated ability to work as a m em ber of a te a m . S a la ry a n d ra n k d e p e n d e n t u p o n q u a lific a tio n s ; $ 1 7,500-$2 5,0 00. Harvard Law Library, with a staff of 80 and a re­ search collection of 1.4 million volumes, serves a law school of 2,200 as well as a university and international legal research community. Send resumes and names of 3 references before May 29, 1984, to: Joan Howland, Chair, Search Committee, Harvard Law School Li­ brary, Langdell Hall, Cam bridge, MA 02138. Harvard University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SC IENC E/ENG INEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Univer­ sity of Arizona Library is seeking a professional librarian to provide reference, online searching, and bibliographic instruction services in its Science-Engineering Library. Additional responsibilities include collection development, faculty liaison work, and the possibility of co­ o rd in a tin g one or m ore se rv ic e a c tiv itie s w ith in the Science- Engineering Library. A separate branch of the university library, the Science-Engineering Library occupies a 5-story building in the cen­ ter of cam pus and houses a collection of 350,000 volumes and over one million microforms, covering all fields of the pure and applied sciences, except clinical m edicine. Required: ALA-accredited de­ gree; either an academ ic background in sciences, or public service experience in an academ ic science library or special library; good com m u nica tion and interpersonal skills. Preferred: educational background or library experience in the life sciences and chemistry, online searching in bibliographic instruction experience. Desired: working know ledge of Spanish, German, or Russian. Position avail­ able July 15. Minimum salary is $16,500; higher salary is negotiable dep ending upon qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have 12 month appointments, are voting m em ­ bers of the faculty, have 22 days' vacation and 12 days’ sick leave. Usual fringe benefits available. Application deadline: June 15. Send resume, including list of 3 references, to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. An equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504 employer. M a y 1984 / 273 SENIOR SCIENCE CATALOGING SPECIALIST, University of Michigan Libraries. Performs original, descriptive and subject cata­ loging of science monographs and subject analysis and classifica­ tion for monographs which have been descriptively cataloged by other staff. Resolve complicated catalog problems; trains other staff; serves as liaison between the Monographic Catalog Division and the Divisional Science Library; and participates in various projects and studies. Required qualifications: accredited MLS. Previous catalog­ ing experience in a large academic library, knowledge of AACR2, LC subject headings and classification, experience using com puter­ ized bibliographic utilities such as RLIN, OCLC. Demonstrated inter­ personal skills and working knowledge of French. Desired: aca­ demic background in the sciences and previous experience as a cataloging trainer. Salary dependent on directly relevant experience with a minimum of $18,000. Applications received by June 15,1984, will be given first consideration. Apply to: Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirm­ ative action employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER. Serves as bibliographer for sociology, psychology and other social sciences to be deter­ mined. Responsible for collection development, management and evaluation of those collections. Serves as liaison with corresponding academic departments and provides in-depth bibliographic instruc­ tion for them. Scheduled for selected hours of reference and/or com ­ puter search services. Also acts as campus Official Representative for Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research; may be asked to expand library involvement with non-bibliographic data­ bases, coordinating library activities with campus research and com ­ puting centers. Reports to Head, Collection Development. Library faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in the ar­ eas of contributions to the advancement of the profession and uni­ versity service as well as specific library assignment. Oualifications: M LS from an ALA-accredited school. Graduate degree or equivalent in social sciences. Ability to communicate effectively with students, faculty and library staff. Salary and Rank: commensurate with educa­ tion and experience; salary from $16,500 depending on qualifica­ tions. Send letter of application, current resume, names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Deborah Duchala, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries, Room 140, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by May 31, 1984. SUNY at Albany is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Masters in library science, experience in cataloging and OCLC required; acquisitions experi­ ence with microcomputer applications to technical services, and teaching experience desirable. Duties: supervise work of three para­ professionals in technical services, do original cataloging, develop and implement policies and procedures, teach approximately one class per year in cataloging. Salary range $15,000 to $19,000. Apply before May 31, 1984, to John Robson, Head Librarian, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 50th and St. Paul, Lincoln, NE 68504. LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSISTANT ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, Assist Head Librarian in the daily operation of the Acquisitions Department. The Assistant will participate in all aspects of the departmental operation, including staff training and evaluation, statistical report preparation, long-range planning and goal setting, liaison activities with other units of the General Libraries, and other administrative duties as assigned. Administers the department in the absence of the Head Librarian. The Acquisitions Department is responsible for all monographic and serial acquisitions within the General Libraries of the University of Texas at Austin. For 1983/84 the library materials budget is approximately $3.2 million, with $1.5 million designated for monographic acquisitions and $1.7 million for serials acquisitions. The Department presently has a total of 26 FTE classified staff, with 16 FTE assigned to the monographic acquisitions section and 10 FTE assigned to the serials acquisitions section, with additional part-time student assistants. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; substantial recent professional experience in a monographic or serials acquisitions department of a medium to large academic library; working knowledge of OCLC or a similar database. Preferred: previous supervisory and/or management experience; experience with an automated acquisitions or serials control system; reading knowledge of a modern Western European language. Salary: dependent on qualifications; (range) $19,OOO-$23,OOO. No state or local income tax. Competitive benefits package. Retirement plan options. Attractive local economic and cultural climate. To insure consideration, applications should be received by May 31, 1984. Send letter of application and resume, including the names of three professional references and a statement of salary requirements to: Linda Vice, General Libraries, PCL 3.200, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX 78712. Please also indicate if you will be available for an interview at ALA in Dallas. The University of Texas at Austin is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT HEAD, PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND MAPS DEPARTMENT,. Assist Head in promoting use of collection and planning, implementing improved access to materials. Provides reference services. Maintains and develops state and international document and map collections. Supervises 1 FTE. Requirements: 274 / C & R L N e w s ALA-accredited MLS; minimum 2 years professional reference experience in an academic library or in a government depository collection with minimum of 50% selection; working knowledge of U.S. documents. Must have successfully demonstrated organizational and supervisory skills as well as effective written, speaking and interpersonal skills. Benefits: academic ranks, TIAA/CREF and other retirement options, excellent health care programs, and 20 days vacation. Expected salary range: $19,000-$26,000. By June 1, 1984, send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references to: Ann Stone, Personnel Librarian, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Special Collections contains materials pertaining to Southern Nevada, gaming industry, culinary arts, and the UNLV archives. Responsibilities: acquire, arrange, describe, and provide access to manuscript collections and archival records of UNLV; develop Nevada collection; participate in reference desk and exhibit schedule; and perform other duties as assigned. Qualifications: ALA-accredited degree and formal archival and/or manuscript training required; and advanced subject degree in an appropriate field such as U.S. history or political science and substantial experience in processing manuscripts preferred; interest in computer applications for cataloging and indexing archival and manuscript collections desirable, effective communication skills; ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with staff, donors, and patrons; and ability to organize, analyze, and plan efficiently are essential. Minimum salary: $16,800. Tenure-track, faculty status, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references by May 31, 1984, to: Mary Dale Palsson, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The University of Nevada; Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action Title IX, 504,402 employer. AUTOMATED CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Participates with the Head Librarian, Automated Cataloging, and 3 high level paraprofessionals, in departmental planning, formulation of policies and procedures, personnel management and staff training. Responsible for special projects as well as participating in all aspects of daily operational production. Additional duties include: maintaining OCLC related automated equipment and associated supplies. Administers the department in the absence of the Head Librarian. The Automated Cataloging Department is one of three major processing departments of Bibliographic Control Division. It provides complete processing services for monographs with machine-readable copy available through OCLC; in addition, some processing of non-Roman language materials is provided. Searching, edit­ cataloging, data entry, authority control, end processing and non-Roman card production of approximately 65,000 titles per year is supported by a permanent staff of 25 FTE, and student assistants. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; professional library experience in a medium to large academic library with cataloging monographs using AACR2; experience with an online cataloging system (OCLC preferred) and the MARC formats for bibliographic data. Effective written and oral communication skills. Effective interpersonal skills. Working orientation towards combining quality with high production levels. Preferred: supervisory experience. Knowledge of and/or experience with authority control systems and procedures, either manual or online. Salary: dependent on qualifications; (range) $19,000-$23,000. No state or local income tax. Competitive benefits package. Retirement plan options. Attractive local economic and cultural climate. To insure consideration, applications should be received by May 31, 1984. Send letter of application and resume, including the names of three professional references and a statement of salary requirements to: Linda Vice, General M a y 1984 / 275 Libraries, PCL 3.200, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. Please also indicate if you will be available for an interview at ALA in Dallas. The University of Texas at Austin is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG DEPARTMENT HEAD. Selection, training, supervision, evaluation of departmental personnel (18 clerical, 6.75 cataloger-facuity). Study of department reorganization alternatives for departmental activities using LC, OCLC, CLSI online catalog. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 5 years cataloging experience; reading knowledge of one foreign language; effective managerial/interpersonal skills; commitment to scholarship. Preferred: additional graduate degree; automated catalog systems experience. Faculty rank; 12-month tenure-track; 24 days annual leave; 12 days annual sick-leave; state paid retirement plan; group insurance. Minimum salary: $22,000. Send application and 3 letters of reference by June 8, 1984, to: A. R. Huggins, Coordinator of Technical Services, Memphis State University Libraries, Memphis, TN 38152. EE0/AA employer, M/F. CHIEF, HUMANITIES AND HISTORY DIVISION. Columbia University Libraries. This position has primary responsibility for the public services activities and operations of one of three major divisions, including Columbia University’s major collection of over 1.5 million volumes in the humanities and history and pre-1974 social sciences. The Division includes Butler Library, which houses the Instructional and SLS Libraries, and the Music and Paterno Libraries. The incumbent will report directly to the Director of the Library Resources Group and is expected to ensure the effective continuation of current service activities while continuing the development of innovative services and programs, including: exploration with faculty of new approaches to information services; expanding access to computer-based data systems; and developing the application of video, audiovisual, and computer-based bibliographic instruction. The incumbent is also responsible for coordinating, with the staff of the Resources Group, collection development objectives to ensure an effective program of collection building, organization, and preservation. Requirements for the position: accredited MLS or equivalent relevant experience required, graduate subject degree desirable. Demonstrated evidence of imagination, leadership, and managerial skills are essential and will be sought in all cases. Knowledge and understanding of the process of scholarly communication and of the complexities of a major research library are also essential. Candidates with 5 years administrative experience in pertinent areas of library operations will be sought, with special attention given to responsibility for public service activities. Salary ranges: Librarian II: $28,500-$37,050; Librarian III: $31,500-$45,675. Applications or nominations should be submitted in writing to: Box 35, Butler Library, Columbia University Libraries, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is June 8, 1984. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN I. Drexel University, Hagerty Library. The requirements are an ALA-MLS; typical beginning reference responsibilities, including database searching, or as assigned. Experience is not necessary, but will be favorably considered. Applicants must have the ability to work and communicate effectively with staff, faculty, and students. The starting salary is $16,000 per year with academic rank, retirement and illness benefits. Deadline for applications is May 30, 1984, with a starting date of July 1, 1984. Send resumes to: Lucille R. Jones, Head of Administrative Services, Hagerty Library, Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 276 / C & R L N e w s GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibility to administer U.S. and Florida depository collections. Will also assist in providing online and general reference services. Available June 15, 1984. ALA-accredited MLS required and courses or experience in documents and databases preferred. Entry-level position, 12-month faculty appointment, Instructor rank, 20 days annual leave. Send letter and resume with names of references by May 30, 1984, to: Sims Kline, Director, Stetson University Library, DeLand, FL 32720. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Duties: coordinating the documents reference service; performing library orientation/instruction and online searching; collection development, acquisitions and bibliographic control for federal, state, local and international documents; supervising two classified staff and several student assistants; developing goals and objectives for the Government Documents Collection; producing bibliographic guides; and participating in evening and weekend rotation for general reference desk duty. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; 3 years academic library experience (2 of which must be in a Documents Collection); demonstrated supervisory, planning and communication skills; knowledge of federal and international organization documents and general reference sources and the ability to relate harmoniously with users and staff. Understanding of online searching and an advanced subject degree are desirable. Minimum salary: $21,000. Tenure-track, faculty status, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 references by May 31, 1984, to: Mary Dale Palsson, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas NV 89154. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action Title IX, 504,402 employer. HEAD, HUNT LIBRARY. Carnegie-Mellon University Libraries. The Head of Hunt Library serves as principal manager of the public service units of the Hunt Library, which serves the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Fine Arts, the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, and the School of Urban and Public Affairs. Hunt Library consists of 4 departments: Reference, Circulation, Fine Arts, and Music. In addition to general administrative responsibilities, the Head of Hunt Library will participate in the planning and development of interactive information services and the introduction of the online catalog and automated circulation system in Hunt Library. The Head of Hunt Library participates in the Administrative Group of the University Library System. The staff of Hunt Library consists of 7.5 FTE librarians, 9 FTE support staff, and student assistants. The position reports to the Director of University Libraries and is open July 1, 1984. Qualifications: MLS, minimum of 5 years public services experience in an academic library, including the supervision of professional and support staff; demonstrated managerial skills; evidence of creativity and initiative; knowledge and experience in the applications of computing technologies in libraries; an ability to interact effectively with faculty, students, and staff; and successful experience in implementing new information services. Preferred: experience with online database services and/or interactive information systems, bibliographic instruction, and computer literacy. Salary is dependent upon qualifications and experience with a minimum of $27,000. Usual academic fringe benefits apply. Applications: letter of application, resume and names of three references should be sent to: Pat Smith, Personnel Services, Carnegie-Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Closing date for mail applications is June 15, 1984. CMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. JUDAICA LIBRARIAN. Research library in New York City. Primary responsibilities are in technical services, with some reference and public M a y 1984 / 277 services. MLS and knowledge of Hebrew required. Experience desirable. Salary commensurate with experience; liberal fringe benefits. Available: August 1, 1984. Salary range: $15,000-$17,000. Send letter of application and resume with three references and/or placement dossier to: Philip E. Miller, Librarian, Klau Library, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, One West Fourth Street, New York, NY 10012. LIBRARY AUTOMATION COORDINATOR. Responsible for providing technical expertise in evaluating the library’s requirements for automation and, thereafter, in planning, coordinating, and implementing a comprehensive automated library system. Qualifications: experience with automated library systems essential, and a familiarity with programming, system design and organization and tele­ communications desirable; ALA-accredited MLS or degree in computer science; problem solving and communication skills; ability to work well with all levels of staff. Faculty rank on a tenure-track. Salary: $19,500 minimum and fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume with a description of experience in library automation, and three letters of reference to: Director’s Office, Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 49855. Deadline: July 1, 1984. NMU is an EO/AA employer. NON-PRINT LIBRARIAN. Drexel University, Hagerty Library. The requirements are an ALA/MLS; at least 2 years professional experience, preferably including some management responsibility in an academic library, and an appropriate technical background or interest. The librarian works with faculty and students on non-print services and operations related to selection and maintenance of AV/TV materials and equipment; maintains the microform collections, including documents and journals; and has general reference desk duties. Applicants must have the ability to work and communicate effectively with staff, faculty, and students. The starting salary is $19,000 per year (a higher salary may be available depending on qualifications), with academic status, retirement and illness benefits. Deadline for applications is May 30, 1984, with a starting date of July 1, 1984. Send resumes to: Lucille R. Jones, Head of Administrative Services, Hagerty Library, Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ORIENTATION/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Duties: planning, developing, coordinating and evaluating the Orientation/Instruction Program, preparing library guides and audiovisual instruction aids, coordinating new staff orientation, teaching College of Education Library Science courses and participating in general reference desk duty and database searching. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; 2 years academic library experience; demonstrated planning and communication skills; knowledge of reference sources; experience in library instruction and ability to relate harmoniously with users and staff. Understanding of online searching and an advanced degree in a subject area are desirable. Minimum salary: $19,000. Tenure-track, faculty status, 12-month appointment, 24 days vacation, fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 references by May 31, 1984, to: Mary Dale Palsson, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action Title IX, 504,402 employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides reference services and bibliographic instruction and performs online bibliographic searches. Has supervisory, training, and budgetary responsibility for the Information Desk and Reference Department student assistants. Directly supervises approximately twelve undergraduate and graduate student assistants. Qualifications: MLS from an 2 7 8 / C & R L N e w s accredited library school required; other advanced degree and supervisory experience desirable. Training in online searching or other computer background highly desirable. Good communication and supervisory skills and the ability to work effectively with colleagues and library users. Salary: $16,000-$18,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Lance Query, Director of Library Research, Analysis, and Personnel, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by June 29, 1984, will be considered. An EO/AA employer. SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for the Library’s collection development in assigned social science disciplines and business technology, including approval plans, firm orders, gifts and serials. Provides service at the Reference Desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Participates in an active program of library instruction and computerized database searching in the disciplines of selection responsibility. Requires a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school and an undergraduate degree in a social science discipline or professional reference experience. $15,500-$19,500 hiring range depending on qualifications plus 3% increase September 1, 1984. Excellent benefits including choice of retirement programs. The University of Houston-University Park Libraries have 1.4 million volumes, a materials budget of $2 million, and a staff of 59 professionals and 180 support staff. To ensure consideration, applications must be received by June 30, 1984. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant to the Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. Equal opportunity employer. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Clark University invites nominations and applications for the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian oversees a research collection of 440,000 volumes and approximately 2,000 subscriptions designed to support graduate and undergraduate education in the liberal arts and sciences including a new science library facility to open in September. Clark University is a member of the American Association of Universities. The library is a member of the OCLC, Worcester Area Cooperating Libraries and NELINET. The University Librarian reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Responsibilities: the University Librarian provides leadership in library policy, administration and budget; assumes responsibility within a collegial structure for planning, directing, coordinating and evaluating all facets of library operations, including development of personnel, collections, services and facilities and support groups utilizing traditional as well as new techniques; represents the library on University committees and in local, regional and national library consortia. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. Additional advanced subject area degree preferred. Eight years of responsible experience in an academic research library with a minimum of five years in administrative positions, v Strong commitment to excellent library services for students, faculty and staff. Knowledge of current trends arid applications of appropriate information technologies. Demonstrated leadership ability; superior communication skills; experience in grants solicitation. Please direct all nominations and applications to: Douglas Astolfi, Chair, Library Search Committee, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610. Clark University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A n u n p r e c e d e n te d re so u rc e f r o m th e **■w o r l d ’s la r g e s t l i b r a r y ” — T he M ain C a ta lo g o f th e L ib ra ry o f C on gress 1 8 9 8 —1 9 8 0 on m ic ro fic h e • Complete dictionary catalog with author, title, subject, series and related entries in a single alphabetical sequence. • 25,000,000 entries covering 7^2 million items—books, pamphlets, periodicals and other serials cataloged by the Library of Congress. • Complete bibliographic descriptions reproduced in their entirety. • Subject access unavailable in the N ational Union Catalog. 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