ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1996/415 Research m entors sought ACRL’s Research Committee seeks experienced researchers willing to share their skills in a mentoring relationship. The committee is spon­ soring a mentoring program for those librar­ ians who aspire to conduct research but need to develop their skills. The program supports goal one of ACRL’s new Strategic Plan, “to con­ tribute to the total professional development o f academ ic and research librarians.” For details on becoming or obtaining a men­ tor contact Marilyn J. Martin, Chair, ACRL Re- sèarch Committee, Rowan College Library, 201 Mullica Hill Rd., Glassboro, NJ 08028-1701; phone (609) 256-4981; e-mail: martin@library. ACRL publishes c ale n d a r featuring C&RL N e w s covers ACRL has featured some of its most popular co v ers from C&RL News in a limited edi­ tion 17-month aca­ demic appointment calendar. This spiral- bound, monthly cal­ endar, which high­ lig h ts im p o rtan t ACRL d a te s and events, runs from Au­ gust 1996 through December 1997 and will be available for $7.00 at the ALA stores at the 1996 Annual Conference and 1997 Midwin­ ter Meeting. Not attending the conference? Cop­ ies o f the calendar are available by mail for $9.00, which includes shipping and handling. To receive a copy send your check, made pay­ able to ACRL, to: ACRL Calendars, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 606 l l . The paper albatross Ed. note: A lthough c la im s a r e often m a d e a b o u t th e p a p e r le s s society, in reality I f i n d th at e - m a il a n d th e e a s e o f p h o to co p y in g a n d p rin tin g things o u t f r o m m y c o m p u ter h a v e in c r e a s e d th e a m o u n t o f p a p e r I live with. I thou ght re a d e rs w o u ld f i n d this p i e c e o f interest. (R eprin ted with p er m issio n f r o m The Univer­ sity of Memphis Libraries News, sprin g 1996, vol.2. n o .1 .) When we had the card catalog and relied exclusively upon printed indexes, we pro­ vided “P” slips for people to write down call numbers and citations. Today the card cata­ log and many of the printed indexes are on­ line, and our patrons use reams of paper and print citations, call numbers, and even full texts of articles. Instead of ordering boxes of “P” slips, we order truckloads o f paper. In FY94/95 we used 94 cases (940 reams) of paper. During this fiscal year, we project that we will use 150 cases (1,500 reams). At $3.00– $5.00 a ream, we will spend from $4,500 to $7,500 just for paper. Printing also requires printer maintenance and a large supply of toner. At $90 per cartridge, we will spend about $1,800 this year for toner. We spend a lot of staff time loading paper and trouble­ shooting. Much of what is printed is used by stu­ dents and faculty for their research, but too much is w asted. Unfortunately, printing through the libraries’ system is complicated and counterintuitive. There are at least five different print functions to learn, each pecu­ liar to a specific database or system. Because one printer services several computers, print commands go into a printer queue. Users who don’t understand this print sequence inadvert­ ently print multiple copies. Library staff have found 21 copies of a single printout, none of which were picked up. Other users print one citation (two lines) per page. Because of the networked situation, each printout has a sepa­ rate cover page, which is also wasted paper. In order to cut waste, we use both sides of the paper. That means that we have to gather and sort the paper. When both sides are used, we dump it in the recycle bin. O f course, all of this paper shuffling wastes staff time, too. Printing costs may be justified when print­ ing is used in support o f the academic cur­ riculum and research. Not everything needs to be printed, however. Sometimes a “P” slip will still do to jot down a call number or a citation. The library staff asks that users care­ fully evaluate resources before printing, and help us conserve paper, money, and trees.— Betsy Park, head. Reference Department, Uni­ versity o f Memphis Libraries