ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 4 0 / C&RL News New Delhi, India, hosts librar­ ians from around the worldC onference C ircuit B y Barbara J. Ford The 1992 IFLA Conference F rom August 30 to Septem ber 5, 1992, the58th G eneral C onference o f the Interna­ tional Federation o f Library Associations Institutions (IFLA) w as held in New Delhi, In­ dia. The them e of the conference w as “Library and Information Policy Perspectives.’’ Approxi­ m ately 1,500 peo p le from 80 countries at­ te n d e d th e m eetin g including ab o u t 100 d eleg a tes from the U.S. a n d a b o u t 500 fro m In d ia . R o b e rt W edgew orth, now o f th e University of Illi­ nois at Urbana-Cham­ Attending the conference were (l to r): Robert edgeworth, IFLA President; P. Mangla, Univ. f Delhi; U. Baxi, Univ. o f Delhi; and R. N. harma, Univ. o f Evansville. paign, presided over W the m eeting as IFLA o President. S The 100th anniver­ sary o f the birth o f S. R. Ranganathan (the fa­ ther of India’s library movem ent) was celebrated an d discussed during the IFLA program s an d a postage stam p in his honor w as released dur­ ing the opening cerem ony. The exhibits p ro ­ vided a good introduction to Indian libraries an d the opportunities they face. C onference attendees w ere able to tour libraries at Delhi University and Jam ia H am dard University. Many program s w ere of special interest to academic librarians including ones covering CD- ROM, a d v a n c e s w ith ILL a u to m a tio n a n d interlibrary lending in India and the form er So viet Union, Latin-American and C aribbean li braries, the role o f national libraries in devel o p in g c o u n tr ie s , a n d lib ra ry s e r v ic e s to multicultural populations. a ­ ­ ­ O ne o f the m ost interesting meetings I at­ ten d ed at the conference w as the program on “W om en’s Status in Librarianship an d Infor­ m ation N eeds o f W om en.” Speakers from the U nited Kingdom, the U.S., an d India spoke on those topics; Indian w o m en w ere especially vocal in discussing their program s an d needs. nAd proposal to establish a w orking group on w o m en ’s issues in librarianship in IFLA w as developed. This group w ould prom ote research an d the gathering o f information o n the role and status o f w om en in libraries by orga­ nizing program s and providing a source of expertise on these is­ su es fo r IFLA. T he program w as w ell at­ ten d ed and w ell re­ ceived. T h o se fro m th e U.S. p resen tin g p a ­ pers included: Thel­ m a T a te ( R u tg e r s University), Michele Cloonan (UCLA), Jay Lambrecht (University of Illinois at Chicago), D arlene W eingand (Uni­ versity o f W isconsin-Madison), Marilyn Miller (University of North Carolina at G reensboro), Suzine H ar Necolescu (M edgar Evars College), Barbara J. Ford (Virginia Com m onwealth Uni­ versity), Sharon H ogan (University of Illinois at Chicago), R. N. Sharma (University of Evans­ ville), M oham ed Aman (University o f W iscon­ sin ), J o s e p h in e F an g (S im m o n s C o lleg e), D onald Davis (University o f Texas at Austin), an d Robert Holley (Wayne State University). IFLA will m eet in Barcelona, Spain, in 1993; in H avana, Cuba, in 1994; a n d in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1995. T he conferences are fascinat­ ing and provide a unique opportunity to learn about libraries around the w orld. ■ B a rb a ra J. Ford is director o f university library services a t Virginia C om m onw ealth University