ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 6 6 / C&RL News W ashington H otline At this writing, the 102nd Congress is about to adjourn. Hectic end-of-session activity included House passage of a revision of the GPO WINDO/ G a te w a y le g is la tio n (HR 5983), but the bill’s fate in the Senate is still unknow n. No action w as taken o n the Li­ brary of Congress fee-for-ser- vice legislation (S. 2748), but it will b e an early agenda Carol C. item next year. Congress did extend the life o f the Library o f Congress American Folklife C enter for one year. F u n d in g. Several appropriations bills have just received final action. Funding levels for FY93 are show n below for selected programs. Library p rogram s. The H ouse had reduced most LSCA and HEA library program s by one percent, b u t the Senate restored these cuts. H ouse-Senate conferees agreed to the Senate- H passed library levels. H ow ­ ever, to keep the total down, conferees th en cut by 0.8% all items in the funding bill w h ich includes ed u catio n an d health program s. The $2.5 m illio n th e S e n a te added in FY92 to the HEA college library technology program is now shifted to th e HEA II-B lib rary re ­ search an d dem onstration enderson program. The intent in FY92 w as that Iowa State Univer­ sity, in subcom m ittee Chair­ m an Tom H arkin’s hom e state, w ould (an d did) com pete successfully for a large biotechnology dem onstration project. For FY93, $2.5 million o f th e ITB total is for a dem onstration o f elec­ tronic access to a statew ide bibliographic data­ base through a fiber optic netw ork. H arkin’s subcom m ittee “believes that the State Library (Cont. o n p a g e 669) FUNDING LEVELS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993 PROGRAM FY92 FUNDING FY93 FUNDING GPO SuDocs $27,082,000 $29,082,000 HEA II-A college library tech. 6,404,000 3,873,000 II-B library ed/training 5,000,000 4,960,000 II-B library research 325,000 2,802,000 II-C research libraries 5,855,000 5,808,000 IV-C college w ork study 615,000,000 616,950,000 VI international educ. 33,980,000 35,533,000 VI, sec. 607, foreign materials 500,000 982,000 Library o f Congress 322,228,000 334,316,000 LSCA I public library services 83,898,000 83,727,000 11 public lib. construction 16,718,000 16,584,000 III interlibrary cooperation 19,908,000 19,749,000 VI foreign language materials 976,000 968,000 VI library literacy program 8,163,000 8,098,000 National Agricultural Library 17,715,000 17,715,000 National Archives 146,143,000 160,045,000 Natl. Ctr. for Educ. Statistics 77,213,000 78,270,000 NCLIS 831,000 889,000 Natl. E ndow m ent for Humanities 175,955,000 177,413,000 Natl. Historical Pubs. & Records Com. 5,400,000 5,000,000 National Library o f Medicine & MLAA 100,323,000 104,184,000 Postal revenue forgone subsidy 470,000,000 121,912,000 Carol C. H enderson is d ep u ty executive director, ALA W ashington Office, NU_ALA WASH@CUA N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 6 6 7 Statement of ownership and management College & Research Libraries News is p u b ­ lished 11 times a year (m onthly, com bin­ ing July/A ugust) by the American Library Association, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, Illi­ nois 60611. American Library Association, ow ner; Mary Ellen K. Davis, ed ito r and publisher. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in the U.S.A. As a non-profit organization authorized to mail at special rates (DMM Section 423.12), the purposes, function, an d non-profit status o f this or­ ganization an d th e exem pt status for fed­ e r a l in c o m e ta x p u r p o s e s , h a v e n o t c h a n g e d d u rin g th e p r e c e d in g tw elv e m onths. E x te n t a n d n a t u r e o f c irc u la tio n ( “Average” figures den o te the n u m b er of copies printed each issue during the pre­ ceding tw elve m onths; “Actual” figures d e ­ note the n u m b er o f copies of single issues published nearest to filing date.) • Total n u m b er o f copies printed: Aver­ age, 13,100; Actual, 12,703. • Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, an d counter sales: n o t applicable. • Mail subscriptions: Average, 11,872; Ac­ tual, 11,948. • Total paid circulation: Average, 11,872; Actual 11,948. • Free distrib u tio n by mail, carrier or o ther m eans, sam ples, com plim entary and o ther free copies: Average, 36; Actual, 44. • T o ta l d is trib u tio n : 11,908; A ctual, 11,992. • Copies not distributed: Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average: 1,192; Actual, 711. • Returns from new s agents: no t appli­ cable. • Total (sum o f previous entries): Aver­ age, 13,100; Actual, 12,703. S tatem en t o f O w n ersh ip , M anagem ent, an d C ircu lation (PS Form 3526, February 1989) for 1992 filed w ith the U nited States Postal Service, Postm aster in Chicago, Illi­ nois, S eptem ber 28, 1992. F U L L -T E X T DATABASES PA TR O LO G IA LATINA DATABASE The complete, full-text electronic edition of J.P. Migne's 221- volume Patrologia Latina. The entire collection is fully search­ able— text, notes, indexes, and images. E N G L IS H POETRY FULL-TEXT DATABASE The complete works of 1,350 poets from the Anglo Saxon era (A.D. 600) to the end of the 19th century— the largest, most accessible collection o f poetry yet produced. Both databases are SGML encoded and are available on CD-ROM or magnetic tape. For more information or to receive a detailed brochure, call (800)752-0515. Chadwyck-Healey Inc. 1101 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 6 6 9 R a c ia l & N a t io n a l A s s o c ia tio n ic f o r Ethnic S tudies The National Association for Ethnic Studies’ (NAES) 1993 s ity Conference will b e held at the University o f Utah, March 3—6, 1993. T he conference exchange them e is “Race, Class, and G ender.’’ Additional confer­ e n c e in fo rm atio n (a b ro ­ chure will be available soon) is available from: 1993 NAES in o jo s a C o n f e r e n c e , c / o P ro f. Alberto Pulido, Conferences & Institutes, University of Utah, 2174 A nnex Bldg., Salt Lake City, UT 84112; phone: (801) 581-5809; fax: (810) 581- 3165. N a t io n a l C o n fe re n c e o n R a c ia l & Ethnic R e la tio n s in A m e ric a n H ig h e r E d uc ation The 6th A nnual National Conference o n Racial & Ethnic Relations in American H igher Educa­ tion will b e held in New O rleans, Ju n e 3-8, 1993. Request a conference brochure an d in­ form ation regarding conference presentations/ proposals from: Maggie A budu G reen, Execu­ tive Director, T he Southw est C enter for H um an Relations Studies, University o f O klahom a, 555 Constitution, Norman, OK 73037-0005; phone: (405) 325-3936; fax: (405) 325-1824. ■ Ethn D iv e r Information S u s a n a H C o n fe re n c e in fo r m a tio n Many librarians h av e indi­ cated a strong interest in b e ­ com ing m uch m ore involved in the conferences held by o th er professional associa­ tions. Here, briefly, is infor­ m ation o n th re e im portant 1993 conferences. N a t io n a l A s s o c ia tio n f o r C h ic a n o S tu dies The N ational Association for Chicano Studies’ (NACS) 21st A nnual C onference will be held March 25-27, 1993, at San Jose State Uni­ versity, California. The tentative them e of the conference is “Defining Chicana an d Chicano Studies.” Registration, hotel, an d transportation information will be available b y N ovem ber 1992. The deadline for papers is D ecem ber 31, 1992. Please request proposal forms early from: NACS 21 Program Committee, University o f Califor­ nia, Berkeley, Chicano Studies Program, 3404 D w indle Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720. NACS m em ­ bership inform ation is available from: Rusty Barcelo, NACS Treasurer, Academic Affairs, 114 Jessup Hall, Univ. o f Iowa, Iow a City, IA 52242. S u sa n a Hinojosa, University o f California, Berkeley, is c h a ir o f th e ACRL R a cia l a n d E th n ic Diversity C om m ittee (W ashington H otline cont. fr o m p a g e 666) of Iow a is ideally suited for receipt o f these funds.” (S. Rept. 102-397) LC & GPO. The Library o f Congress an d the G overnm ent Printing Office w ould have b een severely affected by a S enate-passed am end­ m ent to the Legislative A ppropriations Bill. Of­ fered by Senators Seymour (R-Calif.) an d Brown (R-Colo.), the am endm ent w ould have cut fund­ ing in the bill by 15% over three years. With help from library constituent calls to key legis­ lators, H ouse-S enate conferees d ro p p e d the am endm ent. As it is, the final LC bu d g et will not cover all m andatory cost increases. P o sta l su b sid ie s. The postal revenue for­ g o n e fu n d in g is $360 m illion sh o rt o f th e am ount the U.S. Postal Service estim ated was n e e d e d to k eep preferred an d nonprofit rates at current levels. H owever, Congress provided a one-year “fix” w hich m eans these rates will n o t increase during FY93. For the first time, a cross subsidy has com m ercial mailers subsi­ dizing the difference— a very unsatisfactory and interim resolution o f the annual shortfall di­ lemma. A ppropriators called for perm anent leg­ islative reform. ■ (Preservation News cont. fr o m p a g e 6 6 8 ) A C R L /N E C c o n v e n e s P r e s e r v a t io n / C o n s e r v a tio n In te re s t G r o u p T he B oard o f ACRL’s New England C hapter has authorized creation of a Preservation/C onser- vation Interest G roup in ten d ed to provide a forum for library preservation administrators, particularly those w h o have responsibility for circulating collections. T he first meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. o n N ovem ber 12, 1992, at the W ellesley College Library. For m ore infor­ m ation or to register for the first meeting, please contact the editor o f this colum n. ■