ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 6 6 9 R a c ia l & Ethnic D iv e r s ity C o n fe re n c e in fo r m a tio n Many librarians h av e indi­ cated a strong interest in b e ­ com ing m uch m ore involved in the conferences held by o th er professional associa­ tions. Here, briefly, is infor­ m ation o n th re e im portant 1993 conferences. N a t io n a l A s s o c ia tio n f o r C h ic a n o S tu dies The N ational Association for Chicano Studies’ (NACS) 21st A nnual C onference will be held March 25-27, 1993, at San Jose State Uni­ versity, California. The tentative them e of the conference is “Defining Chicana an d Chicano Studies.” Registration, hotel, an d transportation information will be available b y N ovem ber 1992. The deadline for papers is D ecem ber 31, 1992. Please request proposal forms early from: NACS 21 Program Committee, University o f Califor­ nia, Berkeley, Chicano Studies Program, 3404 D w indle Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720. NACS m em ­ bership inform ation is available from: Rusty Barcelo, NACS Treasurer, Academic Affairs, 114 Jessup Hall, Univ. o f Iowa, Iow a City, IA 52242. S u sa n a Hinojosa, University o f California, Berkeley, is c h a ir o f th e ACRL R a cia l a n d E th n ic Diversity C om m ittee (W ashington H otline cont. fr o m p a g e 666) of Iow a is ideally suited for receipt o f these funds.” (S. Rept. 102-397) LC & GPO. The Library o f Congress an d the G overnm ent Printing Office w ould have b een severely affected by a S enate-passed am end­ m ent to the Legislative A ppropriations Bill. Of­ fered by Senators Seymour (R-Calif.) an d Brown (R-Colo.), the am endm ent w ould have cut fund­ ing in the bill by 15% over three years. With help from library constituent calls to key legis­ lators, H ouse-S enate conferees d ro p p e d the am endm ent. As it is, the final LC bu d g et will not cover all m andatory cost increases. P o sta l su b sid ie s. The postal revenue for­ g o n e fu n d in g is $360 m illion sh o rt o f th e am ount the U.S. Postal Service estim ated was n e e d e d to k eep preferred an d nonprofit rates at current levels. H owever, Congress provided a one-year “fix” w hich m eans these rates will Information exchange S u s a n a H in o jo s a N a t io n a l A s s o c ia tio n f o r Ethnic S tudies The National Association for Ethnic Studies’ (NAES) 1993 Conference will b e held at the University o f Utah, March 3—6, 1993. T he conference them e is “Race, Class, and G ender.’’ Additional confer­ e n c e in fo rm atio n (a b ro ­ chure will be available soon) is available from: 1993 NAES C o n f e r e n c e , c / o P ro f. Alberto Pulido, Conferences & Institutes, University of Utah, 2174 A nnex Bldg., Salt Lake City, UT 84112; phone: (801) 581-5809; fax: (810) 581- 3165. N a t io n a l C o n fe re n c e o n R a c ia l & Ethnic R e la tio n s in A m e ric a n H ig h e r E d uc ation The 6th A nnual National Conference o n Racial & Ethnic Relations in American H igher Educa­ tion will b e held in New O rleans, Ju n e 3-8, 1993. Request a conference brochure an d in­ form ation regarding conference presentations/ proposals from: Maggie A budu G reen, Execu­ tive Director, T he Southw est C enter for H um an Relations Studies, University o f O klahom a, 555 Constitution, Norman, OK 73037-0005; phone: (405) 325-3936; fax: (405) 325-1824. ■ n o t increase during FY93. For the first time, a cross subsidy has com m ercial mailers subsi­ dizing the difference— a very unsatisfactory and interim resolution o f the annual shortfall di­ lemma. A ppropriators called for perm anent leg­ islative reform. ■ (Preservation News cont. fr o m p a g e 6 6 8 ) A C R L /N E C c o n v e n e s P r e s e r v a t io n / C o n s e r v a tio n In te re s t G r o u p T he B oard o f ACRL’s New England C hapter has authorized creation of a Preservation/C onser- vation Interest G roup in ten d ed to provide a forum for library preservation administrators, particularly those w h o have responsibility for circulating collections. T he first meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. o n N ovem ber 12, 1992, at the W ellesley College Library. For m ore infor­ m ation or to register for the first meeting, please contact the editor o f this colum n. ■