ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 7 0 / C&RL News New Publications Australian Tertiary Librar­ ies: Issu es fo r th e 1990s, edited by Colin Steele (156 pages, August 1992), provides an Australian perspective on such academic library issues as collection m anagem ent, inform ation services, o u t­ reach, and automation. The b ook costs Aus$34.00 and may be ordered from Auslib Press, P.O. Box 622, Black­ w ood, South Australia 5051. ISBN 1-875145-13-3. B ooks a n d M an u scripts o f th e B a k k e n , by Judith A. Overmier and John Edward Se nior (512 pages, 1992), is a bibliographic recor of the library collections of The Bakken: A Li brary and Museum of Electricity in Life founded in Minneapolis in 1976 by Earl Bakken, the in ventor o f the first wearable cardiac pacemaker. Books, manuscripts, and archival materials i science and medicine from the 15th throug the early 20th centuries on the therapeutic ef fects of electricity on biological systems are ar ranged by author within four chronologica groupings. All entries include full bibliographi cal and provenance information. Copies ma be ordered for $79.50 from Scarecrow Press P.O. Box 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0 8108-2570-8. Civilizations, Empires and W ars : A Q u a n titative H istory o f War, by William Eckhard (296 pages, O ctober 1992), empirically and sta tistically examines the relationship betw een th com plexity o f a given civilization an d it warlikeness. Some of the conclusions it reache are: more civilized peoples have more to figh for, more to fight with, and more surplus t pay for the fighting, all o f which increase thei warlikeness; the probability of organized w ar fare prior to 3000 B.C. is close to zero; civiliza tion, wars, and empires foster one another; an the self-destructiveness of wars are conceale by a self-deception that results from the self centeredness and self-righteousness character istic of civilized peoples, w ho tend to believ in their innate superiority to others, especiall primitive cultures. Can w e have an advance civilization w ithout war? Yes, there is hope, ac ­ d ­ ­ n h ­ ­ l ­ y , - ­ t ­ e s s t o r ­ ­ d d - ­ e y d ­ cording to Eckhardt. Human nature is not the George M. Eberhart p ro b le m , m e re ly h a b its formed in the course of de­ velopment: “Simply put, we can prevent war by restruc­ turing civilization so that hum an relations are more egalitarian, altruistic and compassionate.” Mr. Presi­ d e n t an d C ongress, take note. Copies are available for $45.00 from McFarland & C o., In c ., B ox 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0- 89950-709-3. The Gospel o f Scholarship: Pierce Butler and a Critique o f American Librarianship, by John V. Richardson Jr. (350 pages, 1992), chronicles the life of one of the founders of m odern li­ brarianship, Pierce Butler, w ho served on the faculty of the University of Chicago’s Graduate Library School from 1931 to 1952. He was a strong influence on many of his graduate stu­ dents, including Rudolph Hirsch, Jesse Shera, Arna Bontemps, Lester Asheim, and Haynes McMullen. Butler supported the introduction of social science m ethods in his seminal Intro­ duction to Library Science (1933), which is re­ printed in this volume, and was instrumental in developing the incunabula collections at the Newberry Library. A chapter details Butler’s un­ timely death in an automobile accident in North Carolina in 1953- Richardson summarizes the legacy of Butler’s librarianship in a final chap­ ter and provides a complete bibliography of his writings. A copy may be ordered for $42.50 from Scarecrow Press, P.O. Box 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2499-X. A History o f the O k la h o m a State Univer­ sity Library, by Roscoe Rouse, Jr. (290 pages, 1992), is an exemplary history of a fine aca­ demic library, its collections, and its librarians told by the library’s director from 1967-87. From its modest beginnings in 1891 to its current count of 1.6 million volumes, the OSU Library story is told with love and gusto w ithout skimping on photographs or documentation. Use this book to inspire you to write a history of your own library. My favorite photo is one showing a 1953 homecoming parade float in the shape of the new library building! Copies may be or­ dered for $14.95 from the Oklahoma State Uni- N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 671 versity C entennial History Series, Stillwater, OK 74078. ISBN 0-914956-49-3. The Legacy o f Jam es D . H a rt a t The Bancroft Library, 1 9 7 0 -1 9 9 0 , e d ited b y A nthony S. Bliss (93 pages, 1991), has b e e n published as no. 39 in the series o f Keepsakes issued for its m em bers by the Friends o f The B ancroft Li­ brary. This catalog highlights special collections and o th er m aterials acquired by the_ Bancroft since 1973. C opies are available for $10.00. Address inquiries to Kimberley L. Massingale, Friends of T he B ancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Lyle's A dm inistration o f the College Library, by Caroline M. Coughlin and Alice G ertzog (602 pages, 5th ed., 1992), is a com plete revision o f Guy R. Lyle’s classic text, last u p d ated in 1974. Emphasis has b e e n placed o n comm unication, finances, an d politics, w ith new chapters o n a cam pus inventory, integrated library systems, bibliographic instruction, an d the director. An essential h a n d b o o k for the college librarian. Copies are available for $55.00 from Scarecrow Press, P.O. Box 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2552-X. The M ulticultural Education D e b a te in th e U niversity: A B ib liograp h y, com piled by Joan Nordquist (63 pages, 1992), has b een published as n u m b er 25 in R eference and Research Ser­ vices’ C ontem porary Social Issues series o f bib­ liographies. Topics covered include political correctness, freedom of sp eech o n the cam ­ pus, Eurocentrism in the university curriculum, an d w o m en in the university curriculum. Ar­ ticles a n d reviews of Allan Bloom ’s The Closing o f the A m erica n M ind, Russell Jacoby’s The Last Intellectuals, Roger Kimball’s Tenured Radicals, an d o ther b o o k s o n th e intellectual an d politi­ cal climate o f the university are listed. Copies may b e ordered for $15.00 from Reference and Research Services, 511 Lincoln Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. ISBN 0-937855-48-0. P erform a nc e A p p ra is a l o f Collection De­ velop m en t Librarians, SPEC Kit and Flyer #181 (February 1992,109 pages), is b ased o n a 1990 survey o f ARL libraries to assess h o w collec­ tion developm ent librarians are evaluated and how the selection aspect o f their duties is evalu­ ated. T he results provide insight into reporting structures, perform ance reviews, a n d budget preparation. SPEC Kits are available m ainly by subscription, but individual b ack issues m ay b e purchased for $33-00 from the Office o f Man­ agem ent Services, 1527 N ew H am pshire Ave., N.W., W ashington, DC 20036 (prepaym ent re­ quired). ISSN 0160-3582. T h in k in g R obots, a n A w a r e In te rn e t, a n d C yb erp u n k L ibrarians, edited b y R. Bruce Miller an d Milton T. W olf (200 pages, 1992), is a collection o f back g ro u n d essays p rep ared for the 1992 Library an d Inform ation Technology Association’s P resident’s Program. This b o o k is definitely n o t your typical reprint o f long, b o r­ ing lectures. As Bruce Miller w rites in his intro­ duction: “… you will find fiction, brilliant in­ sig h ts, w ild (b u t p la u s ib le ) th o u g h ts, a n d stunning presentations. O bfuscation an d heavy technological presentations w ere forbidden con­ cepts.” Contributors include science-fiction au­ thors D avid Brin (Earth) an d B ruce Sterling (M irrorshadeś) an d roboticist H ans M oravec (M in d Children). Among the m ind-expanding essays by librarians are “E xotechnology” (Mel Seesholtz), “N anotechnology: T he Library of Congress in Y our Pocket” (Roberta Wallis), “The Transreal E xperience” (William M. Lidwell and Kim J. Trull), “K now bot Explorations in Simi­ larity Space” (Martin H albert), an d “Symbiotic Cyberspace Libraries" (Billy Barron). Best thing to d o w ith this b o o k is to jack in an d flip for the matrix, as William G ibson might say. C op­ ies are available for $22.00 (LITA m em bers $19.80) from ALA Publishing, 50 E. H uron, Chi­ cago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-7625-5. The W h e r e A m I N o w ? W h e r e A m I Going? C areer M anual, b y William Lareau (241 pages, April 1992), explains th e realities o f career de­ velopm ent in the 1990s. The “W here Am I N ow ” section o f th e b o o k show s h o w to evaluate ca­ reer opportunities at various career stages and details the basic rules o f w hat it takes to m ake it in any organization. The “W here Am I G o­ ing” section details guidelines for job-searching strategies that w ork in the real w orld o f busi­ ness as seen b y an executive insider. The boo k provides com prehensive instructions o n how to p rep are resum es an d cover letters for direct mail cam paigns, as w ell as answ ering ads. In­ structions are given o n h o w to excel in face-to- face an d te le p h o n e interview s. Much m ore d o w n -to -earth th a n co lo red parachutes, this b o o k costs $17.95 a n d m ay be o rd ered from N ew Win Publishing, P.O. Box 5159, Clinton, NJ 08809. ISBN 0-8329-0464-3. ■