ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 7 4 / C&RL News P e o p le in th e N e w s Joan I. Gotwals, vice provost a n d director o f libraries at Emory University; P au l H. M osher, vice provost and di­ rector o f libraries at the Uni­ v e r s ity o f P e n n s y lv a n ia ; Trudy H. Peterson, assistant archivist for the N ational Ar­ chives; and D avid H. Stam, university librarian at Syra­ cuse University, w ere elected to serve o n the Research Li­ braries G roup (RLG) Board o f D irectors th ro u g h Ju n e 1995. Hwa-W ei Lee, d ean of university libraries at O hio University, Athens, is o n e o f three librar­ ians ap pointed to th e U nited States Informa­ tion Agency’s Book and Library Advisory Com­ mittee, w hich m eets four times a year to advise the USIA o n its boo k and library program s over­ seas. USIA m aintains o r supports m ore than 150 libraries and reading room s in 95 co u n ­ tries. Sarah M ich alak , assistant director o f librar­ ies, library d e v elo p m en t an d planning, Uni­ versity of W ashington, Seattle, has received the 1992 Facilities Manager of the Year Award from the N orthw est Region o f th e Commercial In­ vestm ent Real Estate Institute. The aw ard, cel­ e b ra tin g e x c e lle n c e a n d in re c o g n itio n o f Michalak’s outstanding accom plishm ents, cited her “top facility m anagem ent responsibilities . . . for the n ew Allen Library an d the rem odeling o f the Suzzallo Library.” J o h n P op k o, assistant director o f technical ser­ vices, University of Missouri-Kansas City, b e ­ cam e 1992-93 p resident o f the OCLC Users Council o n August 1. H e succeeds president Pat O ’Brien, w h o is n o longer eligible to serve o n the council d u e to a recent change o f posi­ tions. P opko w as elected v iœ -president/presi- dent-elect by the Users Council in Ju n e 1992. D a n ie l A, Savage, chief librarian at R edeem er College, A ncaster, O ntario, w as elec ted chair o f th e C anadian A ssociation o f Small U niver­ sity Libraries (CASUL) at its an n u al m eeting h eld in W innipeg in Ju n e. CASUL is m ade up o f 45 m em b er libraries. R ob ert Seal, university li­ brarian at the University of T e x a s a t El P a s o , w a s e le c te d v ic e -c h a ir o f th e A M IG O S B ib l io g r a p h i c Council, Inc., Board of Trust­ e e s f o r 1 9 9 2 -9 3 a t th e b o ard ’s m eeting in May; Ri­ ch a rd J. W ood , director of library services at Sam Hous­ ton State University in Hunts­ ville, Texas, was elected trea­ surer; an d C y n th ia G old ­ ste in , assistant director of the Medical Center Library at Tulane University in N ew O rleans, w as elected secretary. S te p h e n J. S tillw ell Jr., librarian at th e Center for Science an d International Affairs at the Jo h n F. K ennedy School of G overnm ent at Harvard University, has b een ap pointed to the Board of Directors o f OPTIONS, a national organization w hich furthers public dialog an d debate o n in­ ternational security issues by em ploying the re­ sources o f th e academ ic community. A p p o in tm e n ts (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library new sletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and o th er sources. To ensure that your appointm ent appears, write to the Editor, C&RL Neus, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795.) D o n D ilm o r e has b e e n app o in ted director of libraries at E dinboro University o f Pennsylva­ nia. H e graduated from Rutgers University in May w ith a Ph.D. in com m unication, informa­ tion, an d library science. Mark H erring has been nam ed director of Okla­ hom a Baptist University’s Mabee Learning Cen­ ter, Shaw nee. H erring holds a doctor o f educa­ tion degree from East Tennessee State University and an MLS an d bachelor’s degree from George P eabody College o f V anderbilt University. He served as director o f th e library at King College in Bristol, T ennessee, for eight years. N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 6 7 5 M ary J a n e S ch erd in has b e e n ap p o in ted di­ rector o f the E dgew ood College Library in Madi­ son, Wisconsin. Scherdin has served as collec­ tion access coordinator at the C enter for Health Sciences Library, U ni­ v e rs ity o f W is c o n sin (U W )-M a d iso n s in c e 1986. She p re v io u sly s e r v e d a s a s s i s t a n t dean, School o f Library a n d In f o rm a tio n Sci­ ence, UW -M ilwaukee; h e a d o f th e L earning Materials C enter at UW- Mary Jane Scherdin W hitewater; an d su p er­ visor of the Arts Media Center at UW-Whitewater. She is currently conducting research fu n d ed by ACRL, ALA’s Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources, and C onsulting Psychologists Press to study the vocational interests o f library/infor- m ation professionals o n the Strong Interest In­ ventory an d the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. She holds both an MLS an d a Ph. D. from UW- Madison. D iana A ccurso is now bibliographic instruc­ tio n c o o r d i n a t o r a t D e n is o n U n iv e rs ity , Granville, Ohio. H u gh A. B lack m er has b een nam ed refer­ ence librarian at W ashington and Lee Univer­ sity, Lexington, Virginia. G eri R. B u n k er is now h ead of library sys­ tem s operations, Suzzallo/Allen Libraries at the University of W ashington, Seattle. N an cy C arter has b een nam ed h ead o f the O liver C. Lester Library o f M athem atics and Physics at the University o f C olorado, Boulder. L isabeth C h ab ot is n o w acting librarian at Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia. D avid C o lb o m e is now reference librarian at th e S cience Library o f th e U niversity o f Manitoba, W innipeg. P aula D e m p s e y is n o w instruction librar­ ian, DePaul University, Chicago. M ich ael F in e m a n has b e e n ap p o in ted sci­ ence reference librarian at the University o f California, Santa Cruz. W illiam K. F in ley has b e e n nam ed head o f special collections/reference librarian at the Robert Scott Small Library, College of Charles­ ton, South Carolina. E lizabeth F itzpatrick is n o w reference and bibliographic instruction librarian at Westfield State College, Massachusetts. L orrita Ford has b een nam ed instructional services librarian at D iablo Valley College in P leasant Hill, California. Tara F u lto n has b e e n nam ed assistant di­ rector for collection developm ent/m anager of collection services at Bertrand Library, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. B ev erley G eer-Butler has b een appointed assistant professor an d h ead cataloger at the M addux Library, Trinity University, San Anto­ nio, Texas. Carl A. H a n s o n has b e e n nam ed collection developm ent librarian at the M addux Library, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. D a w n H eck ert has b e e n app o in ted circula­ tio n se rv ic e s s u p e rv is o r at M agill Library, H averford College, Pennsylvania. Eric H in sd a le is n o w reference librarian at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. Sue M. H o lla n d er has been app o in ted aca­ dem ic resident librarian at the University of Illi­ nois Library o f H ealth Sciences, Rockford. T h o m a s J ev ec is now academ ic resident li­ brarian at the University o f Illinois at Chicago. M aurie C aitlin K elly is n o w academ ic resi­ d en t librarian at th e University o f Illinois at Chicago. T im o th y W. K la ssen is n o w science refer­ ence librarian at th e University o f O regon, Eu­ gene. Craig S. L ik n ess has b een app o in ted assis­ tant director for public services an d collections at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. S h erry Little is n o w undergraduate refer­ ence librarian/technical services coordinator in the Kilmer Area Library at Rutgers University, N ew Jersey. P atrick G. M cCarthy has b een nam ed head o f the Serials/Acquisitions D epartm ent at Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis University, Missouri. M egan M itch ell has b een ap pointed refer­ en ce librarian at O berlin College Library, Ohio. C h risto p h e r W. N o la n is n o w h ead o f ref­ erence at the M addux Library, Trinity Univer­ sity, San Antonio, Texas. M arzenna O strow sk a is n o w su p p o rt tech­ nician for authorities control procedures at the State University of N ew York at Buffalo. J a m es S. O ttavian i has b e e n nam ed librar­ ian in the Basic Science and Engineering Li­ braries, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. R on ald P r o v e n c h e r has b een nam ed act­ ing director o f University Libraries at N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb. 6 7 6 / C&RL News S haron R ogers has been nam ed associate vice president for academic affairs at the George W ashington University, Washington, D.C. Larry S chankm an is now reference librar­ ian at Valdosta State College, Georgia. D iane Shaw has been appointed rare book cataloger at the Smithsonian Institution Librar­ ies, Washington, D.C.. P am ela J. S herbert has b een appointed systems librarian at the Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. J an ice Stagnitto is now conservator in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries Book Conser­ vation Lab, Washington, D.C. Gil Taylor is now librarian of the Museum Support Center Branch of the Smithsonian In­ stitution Libraries, Washington, D.C.. Ann Weaver is now reference librarian, Loop Campus, DePaul University, Chicago. R etirem ents Robert W. Baumgartner retired from the Gov­ ernm ent Publications Department at Northwest­ ern University (NU) after 33 years of service. He began at NU in 1959 as a professional assistant in Government Publications; in 1961 became head of the Business Library; in 1963 became head of G overnment Publications then gave that position u p in 1988 for the less stressful position o f assistant head. Advertiser index AMIGOS 628 Bowker 636 Cambridge Scientific 633 Chadwyck-Healey 667 EBSCO cover 4 Faxon 639 Graphics Press 625 Interflo 645 Library Corp. 641 Meckler 645 OCLC 665 Rothman cover 2 Sociological Abstracts 644 H.W. Wilson cover 3 Ed Davy, Dewey librarian at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 20 years, retired last summer. W illiam C. Pollard, librarian at Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia, since 1977, retired on June 10, 1992. He had also served as librar­ ian at Old Dominion University and the Col­ lege of William & Mary, and is a former presi­ dent of the Virginia Library Association. Deaths C larence Edward C h ish olm , associate librar­ ian and chief o f access services at Penn State University, died on July 16. Before joining Penn S tate, C h ish o lm w as head o f circulation and interlibrary loan at Ohio University in Athens. He also held various posi­ tions at Clinch Valley College of the Univer­ sity of Virginia, Eastern M ichigan U niversity, Voorhees College, North Carolina A&T State Uni­ versity, Wilber-force Uni­ Clarence Chisholm versity, Columbus Met­ ropolitan Library, and the Martin Luther King Center for Social Change. A graduate of John­ son C. Smith University in North Carolina, Chisholm later earned an MLS from Atlanta University and an M.A. in English/Afro-Ameri- can literature from North Carolina A&T State University. He w as a m em ber of ALA’s Black Caucus and was active in ACRL. N ellie M. H om es, former librarian at Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri, died July 3, 1992 at the age of 93. Homes received her B.S. and MLS from Case Western Reserve University. She was librarian at Cottey College from 1945 to 1966, w hen she retired. After that she spent two years as librarian in geography, history, philosophy, and religion at the University o f Missouri-Columbia. She followed that with two years of service at the Kansas City Public Li­ brary, before retiring in 1970. Her professional memberships included ALA, ACRL, the Missouri Library Association, and the American Associa­ tion of University Women. ■