ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 2992 / 677 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Dead line s: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $6,60 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.40 for others. Late job notices are $15.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $ 18.90 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $295 to $565 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G u idelines: For ads which list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions, C ontact: Classified advertising manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies, Policy 54.3 states that "ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. GRANTS G RANTS OFFERED. The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the American Council o f Learned Societies (ACLS) announce the availability o f awards o f $15,000-$70,000 to universities and other research libraries in th e United States for the purpose o f making currently uncatalogued materials in m ajor library collections acces­ sible to users, Research m aterials eligible fo r inclusion in the program are those materials in the vernaculars o f the territories o f the form er Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as currently constituted. Cost- sharing com m itm ents are required and program support is subject to the availability o f funds. The deadline is Decem ber 1, 1992. For information on application procedures, please contact: J o in t C o m ­ m ittee on the S ov ie t U n ion and Its S u c c e s s o r S ta tes, Social Science Research Council, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158; (212) 661-0280. POSITIONS OPEN NOTE: C&RL News inadvertently listed the deadline date fo r applica­ tion for Director/D ivision o f Library Services for Talla h asse e C o m m u ­ n ity C o lle g e as Septem ber 21, 1992. The correct deadline was August 21, 1992, We regret this error. ACCESSSERVIC ES LIB RARIAN, (search extended). Eastern Wash­ ington University seeks a dynamic, innovative, experienced public services librarian to coordinate the work o f newly formed Access S ervices unit; and to plan and coordinate programs to instruct users in the use of automated information systems, Reports the head of Collection M anagem ent and A ccess Services and participates in the governance structure of the Libraries’ faculty. May include weekend reference assignments. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; mini­ mum three years' professional academ ic library public services experience, with a t least two years o f significant user education responsibilities; fam iliarity with online system s and other automated information tools, such as CARL, OCLC’s EPIC o r FirstSearch; excellent written and oral com m unications skills; dem onstrated ability to meet requirements fo r faculty promotion and tenure; and ability to work independently, yet effectively with faculty and with colleagues. S upervisory experience, second master's degree in business or science and knowledge o f one foreign language desired. Salary: $29,000-35,000 annually, depending on degrees and expe­ rience. TIAA/CREF; comprehensive medical insurance; 24 days vacation and established holidays; generous sick leave; assistance with moving expenses; generous support o f professional travel. No state o r local income taxes. Twelve-month, tenure-track appoint­ ment. Start date: April 6, 1992. Review ot applications will begin March 15,1992, and will continue until position is filled. Submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: Ted Otto, Chair, Access S ervices Librarian Search Committee, MS-84, E astern W a s h in g to n U n iv e rs ity , Cheney, W A 99004-2495. AA/EOE. ACQ UISITIO NS LIB RA RIA N. A rkansas College, an independent, four-year liberal arts college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. with a $42 million endow m ent and a strong a cadem ic re puta­ tion, invites applications for a generalist librarian to join a staff o f six. Primary responsibilities include supervising acquisitions, monitoring the budget, and sharing cataloging and reference duties. Required q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and fam iliarity with computers. Desirable qualifications; experience with online system s, OCLC, and acquisitions. Minimum salary: $20,000 o ver ten months. Review of applications will begin N ovem ber 1 and continue until position is filled. Send letter o f application, resume, and the names and phone numbers o f three (3) references to: Dean Covington, Mabee Library, A rk a n s a s College, P.O. Box 2317, Batesville, AR 72503. {5 01)698- 4206; TDD-(501) 698 4366. EOE. ASSISTANT DOCUMENTS AND ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SER­ VICES LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Assists with the formulation and implementation of computer services in the Reference and Information Services Depart­ ment in the Perry-Castafieda Library; serves as an information resource for the department in emerging electronic access, networking, equip­ ment, security, and developing technology, and communicates this information to and provides training fo r staff; monitors public computer information stations and provides technical supporl; assists with the administration of the Documents Unit (United States and United Nations depository) and serves as a specialist fo r United States government information in electronic formats. General reference service responsi­ bilities include working with a team of librarians and support staff in delivering information services including electronic information, library use instruction, research support, collection development, and sched­ uled hours at the Reference and Information Desk. Night and weekend hours will be required. This position reports to the Documents and Electronic Information Services Librarian. The Perry-Castaiieda Library is the main library o f the University library system, with emphasis on the social sciences, humanities, business, and education. Required Quali­ fications: MLS from an ALA accredited graduate program and library experience, Preferred Qualifications: knowledge o f and experience with a variety o f computer equipment, software, networks, and electronic information resources; documents experience; experience providing reference service and library-use instructions; demonstrated interest or experience in designing and providing staff training to r accessing ele ctronic inform ation resources; excellent verbal and w ritten com ­ m unication skills; dem onstrated strong service orientation. Salary range is $24,000 to $28,000 annually or more, depending on qualifications. No state o r local income tax. Com petitive benefits package. Retirem ent plan options. T o ensure consideration, appli­ cations should be received by N ovem ber 30, 1992, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter o f application and resume, including the names, addresses, and phone num ber of three professional references, and a statem ent o f salary require­ m ents to: Peggy Mueller, The U n iv e rs ity o t T exas a t A u s tin , The G eneral Libraries, P.O. Box P, Austin, TX 78713-7330. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. 6 7 8 / C&RL News ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, School of The­ ology Library, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. Respon­ sibilities include reference services, collection development, biblio­ graphic instruction, and supervision of student assistants. Some night and weekend hours. Possibility o f some teaching in Seminary. Theological and College collections have 425,000 volumes accessed through an integrated online system (VTLS) wired to dormitories and offices. Required: MLS (ALA-accredited); M. Div. o r equivalent: ability to provide excellent reference service; strong interpersonal and communication skills; facility with microcomputers; experience or training in online database searching, OCLC, and other computer reference services; and supervisory skills. Preferred: ability to use Biblical languages; knowledge of the Episcopal Church; previous theological reference experience. University is located 2000 feet above sea level on a 10,000-acre wooded campus between Nashville and Chattanooga. School of Theology is one of 11 accredited semi­ naries of the Episcopal Church. Excellent benefits. Salary commen­ surate with experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to the Very Rev. Guy Lytle, Dean, School of Theology, University of the South, 735 University Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37375. Review of applications began November 2, but additional applications are invited and will be considered until position is filled. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Sewanee is an equal opportunity employer. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Refer­ ence Services Department of the John C. Hodges Library is committed to traditional reference service as well as the application of emerging technologies, including networked CD-ROMs, end-user searching, and public Internet workstations. Within the department, this position provides comprehensive assistance with an emphasis on biological sciences. Subject-focused liaison activities include extensive data­ base searching, collection management, and library instruction. The Biological Sciences Librarian will share general reference desk service with approximately 20 faculty and staff. Some evening and weekend service required. As one o f 4 faculty reporting to the Reference Services Coordinator for Science and Technology, the incumbent will contribute to developing and implementing services designed for users in these disciplines. Required qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS degree; several years of academic/special library experience, applicable to the description and responsibilities outlined above, o r an additional graduate degree in the sciences; strong service orientation; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff; excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Pre­ ferred: reference experience in biological sciences, including elec­ tronic reference sources; undergraduate major in the sciences; experience in general reference; familiarity with microcomputer appli­ cations. Assistant o r Associate Professor rank. Salary: Assistant Professor: $25,000 minimum; Associate Professor; $30,000 mini­ mum. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Jill Keally, Human Resources, The University of Tennessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. Review of application will begin December 15,1992, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EEO/AA/Title IX/Section 504/ADA em­ ployer. CATALOGING/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University, a private, nondenominational liberal arts college located between the Adirondack Mountains and the St. Lawrence River, is seeking a dynamic, innovative person to assume a position with shared respon­ sibilities in cataloging (2/3 time) and reference (1/3 time). The library has a fully integrated innovative Interfaces, Inc. library system which includes automated acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, serials con­ trol, and OPAC. Reporting to the University Librarian, the successful candidate will have primary responsibility for the cataloging of library materials, for managing the Cataloging Subsystem, and for biblio­ graphic maintenance operations. Responsibilities will include: revis­ ing non-DLC contributed cataloging, supervising 3 FTE paraprofes­ sionals, implementing OCLC and OPAC enhancements/changes which affect cataloging procedures, performing original cataloging, and establishing cataloging procedures and monographic cataloging policy. Reference duties will include participation in reference desk services (including some evening and weekend hours) and involve­ ment in reference services planning and collection development with opportunities in online searching and instructional activities as time and interests allow. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of 1 year professional cataloging experience utilizing OCLC o r another bibliographic utility; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, and LC classifica­ tion; original cataloging experience; evidence of commitm ent to providing high-quality reference services; effective communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Preferred: experience in an OPAC environment; reference experience; academic library experi­ ence; supervisory experience; additional advanced degree; and a working knowledge of at least 1 foreign language. Twelve-month contract; liberal benefits; faculty status with one month’s vacation. Starting date: on o r before February 1,1993, preferred. Salary range: $25,000-$27,000. Application: The Search Committee will begin reviewing candidate material on December 1, 1992; position will remain open until filled. Send letter o f application, resume, and names and telephone numbers o f 3 references to: Charlotte Slocum, Search Committee Chair, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Lawrence University is committed to fostering multicultural diversity in its faculty, staff, student body, and programs of instruction. As an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, we officially encourage applications from women, persons of color, and the disabled. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN. Reports to Provost; responsible for the overall functioning of the Madeleine Clark Wallace Library and the Audiovisual Services/Language Laboratory, supervising a staff of 32 professional and clerical employees and 150 student assistants. The Wallace Library has a collection of 300,000 volumes; 1300 periodical titles; a growing audiovisual department, with a satellite dish; a CD- ROM catalog; and sophisticated library search services. The College Librarian will be an experienced forward-looking individual, able to relate to library staff, faculty, students, and external constituencies including consortia, networks, alumnae, and foundations. Strong leadership skills and an appreciation of the role of the library in supporting teaching and research at an undergraduate institution will be valuable. The College Librarian is a member of the faculty, meets with department chairs and various student and faculty committees. This is a highly visible position both within and outside the college. Qualifications include MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institu­ tion; at least ten years of progressively responsible library experience, including experience with complex budgets; expertise in working with new technologies; ability to write and speak on behalf of the Library in a wide range of settings; o r a combination of equivalent education and experience. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 1992, and will continue until the position has been filled. Each application must include a list o f references, a current resume, accompanied by a statement of the role o f the library in undergraduate education over the next decade. Applications should be sent to: College Library Search Committee, c/o Human Resources, Wheaton College, Norton, MA 02766. AA/EOE employer. COORDINATOR OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. Responsibili­ ties: coordinates collection development policy and day-to-day opera­ tion including serials and nonserial items within Jerome and Science Libraries and in the specialized collections; supervises collection development activities of 20 library faculty; oversees operation o f the approval plans; serves as collection development liaison to Library departments and specialized collections, the University community, and external library patron groups; coordinates collection assess­ ments in all subject areas or new course approvals, new degree programs, and reaccreditation reviews; prepares statistical reports for the Dean; serves as Humanities Bibliographer to select, deselect, and evaluate collections in art, theater, and foreign languages. Environ­ ment: BGSU Libraries and Learning Resources holds 1.5 million volumes a Ph.D.-granting university of 16,000 undergraduate and 2,500 graduate students. The Library is a campus leader in efforts to promote a culturally diverse environment through programs, exhibits, and the appointment o f a multicultural services librarian. The Library is part of an emerging, statewide, online catalog and materials-sharing network. BGSU is a short commute to/from Toledo. Minimum Quali­ fications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; at least 2 years of collection development experience; excellent organizational and communica­ tion skills; evidence of commitment to research and publication. Preferred: advanced degree in the Humanities. Conditions of employ­ ment: minimum salary $25,000. Assistant Professor. Twelve-month tenure-track appointment. BGSU librarians enjoy full faculty privi­ leges which include opportunity to participate in library and university governance. Research and publication are required for tenure. We actively encourage minorities, women, handicapped, and veterans to apply. BGSU is an AA/EOE. Review of applications will begin in December 1992 and will continue until the position is filled. Send application letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Search Committee, Jerome Library, Dean’s Office 204, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. COORDINATOR OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES. Wesleyan Uni­ versity is seeking an individual to provide leadership fo r training students, library staff, and faculty in the use o f electronic resources N o v em b er 1 9 9 2 / 6 7 9 a vailab le throu g h th e U n ive rsity Library. U n de r the d ire ction o f th e U n ive rsity L ibrarian, the in cum be n t p lan s for, coordin a te s, and m ain­ ta in s lib ra ry m icroco m p u te r and netw o rk app lica tio ns; p ro vide s tra in ­ ing fo r the lib ra ry s ta ff in th e use o f m icro co m p u te r so ftw a re ; and supervises an a ssistan t w h o tro ub le sho o ts hardw a re and softw are problem s. A d d itio na l re sp on sib ilitie s in clu de assisting w ith gen eral re feren ce service. Q u a lifica tio ns: M LS, MIS, o r e q u iva le nt; kn ow l­ edge o f e le ctro n ic netw orks; e xte n sive e xpe rie n ce w ith m icroco m ­ p ute r so ftw a re app lica tio ns; e xpe rie n ce w ith o r a ptitu de fo r h ardw are m a intenance; kn ow led g e o f p rint and n on -p rin t re feren ce resources; an u nd erstan ding o f the n atu re o f sch ola rly re se arch and th e potential im pa ct o f tec h n o lo g y on s c h o la rsh ip a nd te a ch in g ; o u tstan d ing in terpersonal, co m m u nicatio n and te a ch in g skills. S alary: co m m e n ­ su ra te w ith edu catio n a nd expe rie n ce. M inim um $ 30 ,00 0. To apply send a le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, a cu rre n t resum e, and the nam es, a ddresses, and tele p h o n e n um be rs o f th re e re feren ces to: J. Robert Adam s, U nive rsity Librarian, W e s le y an U niv ers ity , M iddletow n, C T 06457. A pp lica tio ns re ce ived b y N o vem be r 3 0 w ill receive prio rity consideration. W e sle yan U n ive rsity is an a ffirm a tive action, equal o pp ortun ity em ployer. C U R A TO R , International Piano A rch ives a t M aryland (IPAM ). Th e U niversity o f M aryland C o lle ge Park Libraries in vites a p p lica tio ns fo r the position: C urator, Inte rn atio n al P iano A rch ives a t M aryland (IPAM ), M u sic Library. R e spo n sib ilitie s: U n de r th e d ire ction o f th e Head o f the M u sic Library, p ro vide s cu ra to ria l se rvice s fo r IPAM. Initiate s and carrie s o ut p reservation p ro jects a nd se rve s a s co prod uce r fo r IPAM historical re co rding s and o th e r p u b lica tio n s o f th e A rch ives. Travel and w o rk on w e eke n ds and e ven in gs w ill o ccasio n ally b e required. Q u a lifica tio ns: R equired: b ach elor’s d eg re e in m u sic p lus a m aster's deg re e in m usic, aud io tech n olo g y, o r lib ra ry science. T h orough kn ow ledge o f th e piano, its p e rfo rm e rs and p erfo rm an ce practices, as well as pian o lite ra ture . P referred: kn ow led g e o f historical d isco g ra ­ phy. Reading kn ow led g e o f G erm a n o r French. Expe rie n ce required: three ye ars o f pro fe ssio na l expe rie n ce in a m u sic library, m usic re se arch in stitution, a m u sic sound arch ive, o r sim ila r agency. D e m ­ onstrated a bility to co m m u nicate e ffe ctively and to e sta b lish and m aintain positive w o rkin g re la tion sh ips w ith colleagues, scholars, don ors, and vend ors. D e m o nstra tio n o f re sp on sib ility and initiative in w o rk assign m e n ts, a bility to o rg an ize and sch ed ule w ork, se t p rio ri­ ties, m ake sound d ecision s, a nd w o rk independently. Preferred: kn ow ledge o f person al c o m p u te rs and th e ir a p p lica tio n s as well as o n line a uto m a te d system s. Kno w le d ge of aud io te ch n o lo g y and sound reco rding p re serva tio n tech n iqu e s. E xperience in th e a re as o f p ub lic relations and deve lo pm en t. SAL A R Y : $ 29 ,70 2 m inim um . S al­ a ry co m m e nsu ra te w ith e xperience. E xcellen t benefits. For fu ll co n ­ sideration, su b m it re su m e a nd n a m e s/a dd re sses o f th re e references by D e cem be r 1 ,1 9 9 2 . A p p lica tio n s w ill be accep ted until th e p osition is filled. S end re su m e to : Ray Foster, P erson ne l Librarian, L ibrary P ersonnel S ervices, M cK e ldin Library, U n iv ers ity of M aryland, C ollege Park, M D 2 07 42 -7 0 11 . Th e U nive rsity o f M aryland is an a ffirm a tive action, equal o pp ortun ity em p loye r. M ino ritie s a re e n co u r­ aged to apply. HEAD, A U T O M A T IO N S ER VIC E S . C le ve lan d S tate U n ive rsity Li­ b ra ry s e e ks a w e ll-qu alified p erson to m anage, plan, and co ordin a te its a uto m a tion and netw o rkin g activities. S ucce ssful a p p lica n t w ill serve as a m e m b e r o f the library m a n ag em en t team and e n g ag e in form u latin g and im ple m e ntin g libraryw ide policy. A u to m a tion re sp o n ­ sibilities include: m a in tain the integrated, o n line lib ra ry system , local area n etw ork, o th e r h a rdw a re a nd softw are, and co m p ute r-b ase d te ch n olo g y fo r lib ra ry se rvice s; m a n ag e A uto m a tion S ervices (one support staff) and co o rdin a te a uto m a tion -re la ted w o rk o f e ig h t oth e r staff m e m b ers; c o o rdin a te c o m p u te r h ardw a re and n etw o rk softw are p rocurem ent, in stallatio n a nd tro ub le sho o ting , and o rie nta tion and training o f staff in auto m a te d system s; liaison to ca m p us dep artm en ts, O hioL IN K and o th e r in form atio n system s; e n g ag e in sch ola rly and pro fe ssio na l a ctivities; co lle ction m a n ag em en t d u tie s as a ssigned. M inim um q u a lifica tio ns: M LS from A LA -a ccre dite d pro gra m ; e xp e ri­ e nce w ith an in teg ra ted library system , netw o rkin g , a nd co m p ute r tech n olo g y; m a n ag em en t o r su p e rviso ry e xpe rie n ce, in clu din g e xcel­ le nt p ro ject m a n ag em en t a nd plan n in g a b ility; e ffe ctive co m m u nica ­ tion a nd in terpe rso na l skills; co m m itm en t to th e d e live ry o f e lectron ic in form ation to th e ca m p us co m m u n ity. C le ve lan d S tate U niversity, located in the h ea rt o f the city, has m o re than 19,000 stud e nts, over 550 facu lty, and o ffe rs a w id e ra n ge o f deg re e pro gra m s. T he CSU Library has o ve r 800 ,00 0 vo lu m e s and uses a NO TIS system w ith a m ove to Inn o vative Inte rface s p lanned throu g h O hioLIN K . T he C le ve ­ land a re a is noted fo r its rich d iversity o f e th n ic and racial backg ro un d s, superb cultural in stitutio ns, a nd a ttra ctive , a ffo rd a b le n eig hborhoods. Salary: $ 35 -4 0,0 00 ; lib e ra l benefits. S ta rtin g date : o n o r b efore M arch 1, 1993. A p p lica tio n: S en d le tte r o f app lica tio n, resum e, a nd the n am es, a d d re sses, a nd tele p h o n e n um be rs o f th re e re feren ces to: G eo rg e Lupone, S ea rch C o m m itte e Chair, C le ve land S ta te Univer­ sity L ibrary , E. 24th & Euclid A ve., C le ve lan d , OH 44115. A p p lica ­ tio n s re ce ived b efore D e cem be r 1 w ill re ce ive firs t co nsideration. Equal o pp ortun ity e m p loye r, m /f/h. H E A D L IB R A R IA N . R and o lp h-M aco n W o m a n ’s C o lle ge , a se lective liberal a rts c o lle ge fo r w o m e n, se eks a n ew H ead L ibrarian, beginning in Ju ly 1993, to fill p ositio n o pe n d ue to re tire m e nt. C a n d id a te s should h ave a t le ase se ven ye a rs o f e xp e rie n ce in a co lle ge o r u n ive rsity with in cre asing re sp on sib ilitie s; hold an M L S d eg re e fro m an A LA -a ccre d ­ ited g ra du ate p ro gra m (a second m a ste r's deg re e a plus); have e xp e rie n ce w ith a nd u nd erstan ding o f library a uto m a tion system s; have visio n a nd an u nd erstan ding o f d e v e lo ping library issu es; and p o sse ss stro ng m a n ag em en t and in terpe rso na l skills a nd a service o rie nta tion . Interested a p p lica n ts a re in vited to send a vita e, le tte r of app lica tio n, a nd th e n am es, add re sses, and tele p h o n e n um be rs o f at le ast th re e re feren ces to Peter T. M arcy, D ean o f the C ollege, R a n d o lp h -M a c o n W o m e n ’s C o lle g e , Lynch bu rg , V A 2 4503. The C o m m itte e w ill b eg in re vie w in g a p p lica tio ns on N o vem be r 20, but w ill re ce ive the m until th e positio n is filled. Salary guide Listed b e lo w are th e la test m inim um starting fig ures re co m ­ m ended by state lib ra ry a ssocia tio ns a nd th e North C aro lin a S ta te L ibrary fo r Pro fe ssio na l lib ra ry p osts in th e se states. T h ese re co m m e nd a tion s a re in tended fo r g o ve rn m e nta l age ncies tha t e m p loy librarians. T h e re co m m e nd a tion s are a d viso ry only, and A LA has n o t a do p te d re co m m e nd a tion s fo r m inim um salaries. For in form atio n o n librarian salaries, jo b seeke rs and e m p loye rs sh ou ld co n sid e r th e se re co m m e nd e d m inim um s, as w e ll a s other sa lary su rve ys (such a s th e su rve y in the O c to b e r 1 5 ,1 9 8 9 , issue o f L ib ra ry Journal, th e A L A S u rv e y o f L ibrarian Salaries, the ann ua l A R L S a la ry S urvey, o r th e a nn ua l C U P A A d m inistrative C o m p en sa tion S urvey) w h e n e valu a ting p ro fe ssio na l vacancies. For m o re inform atio n , co n ta c t the A L A O ffice fo r L ibrary P erson ­ nel Resources. C o n n ec ticu t $28,900 D elaw are $22,500+ lllin ois $26,200# In dian a v arie s* Io w a $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 M aine v arie s* M a ssachu setts $27,554* N ew J e rs e y $24,200 N ew Y o rk varie s* N orth C a ro lin a $22,491 O h io $20,024 P enn sylvan ia $23,700* R h o d e Islan d $26,500 S o u th C a ro lin a varie s* S o u th D a k o ta $20,000 Texas $25,000 V e rm o n t $22,500 W e s t V irg in ia $22,000 W isco ns in $25,830 * R athe r tha n e sta b lish o ne state w id e salary m inim um , som e state a sso cia tio n s h ave a do p te d a fo rm u la b ase d on such va ria b le s as co m p ara b le sa larie s fo r pub lic sch oo l te a ch ers in e ach co m m u nity o r th e g ra d e level o f a pro fe ssio na l librarian post. In th e s e cases, you m a y w ish to co n ta ct th e state a ssocia tio n fo r m inim um sa lary inform ation. +S a la ry m inim um s fo r p ub lic lib ra ria n s only. # O p tio n fo r lo cal fo rm u la 6 8 0 / C&RL News HAM PDEN-SYDNEY COLLEGE DIRECTOR: EGGLESTON LIBRARY AND FUQUA INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Search R e-opened H a m p d e n -S y d n e y C o lle g e is se e k in g c a n d id a te s f o r D ire c ­ t o r o r Eggleston Library and the Fuqua International C om m u­ nications Center. T h e D irector is in charge o f m anagem ent o f the library and com m unications center; establishing a new autom ation system; coordinating staff and staff development; budgeting; planning; and public relations. T h e new director will help create a liberal arts college library for the twenty-first century. QUALIFICATIONS: Education: MLS from an ALA accredited institution. Experience: Administrative experience in an academic library, and a record o f increasing responsibility in academic library leadership. Skills: Broad understanding o f the operations and concepts in public and technical services; experience in collection development; demonstrable experience in working with autom ated systems, telecomm unications, and m edia programs; ability to w ork productively with faculty, administration, a n d staff good com m unication and interpersonal skills; awareness o f emerging trends in academic libraries SALARY AND BENEFITS: A ppointm ent salary will be based on qualifications and experience. T h e projected salary range will be from $44,382 to $56,573. Benefits include a contributory retire­ m en t plan, a contributory health plan, life insurance, disability insurance, 2 2 vacation days, sick leave, a n d paid holidays. There is a tuition plan for college-age children. APPLICATION PROCESS: Letter o f application should include curriculum vitae and names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references. Review o f applications will begin D ecem ber 30 and continue until the position is filled. Please subm it application to Scott Colley, Provost a n d D ean o f the Faculty, H am pden- Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, V A 23943. HAMPDEN-SYDNEY COLLEGE: Founded in 1776 and the nation’s tenth oldest institution o f higher education, H am pden- Sydney is a selective liberal arts college for m en with an enrollm ent o f 970, located in rural south central Virginia. T h e library o f 185,000 volumes is staffed by five professional and six clerical and support personnel. H am pden-Sydney is a n a ffirm ative actionJequal opportunity employer. HEAD, MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES DEPARTMENT. The Uni­ versity o f R ochester Library is seeking qualified applicants fo r Head, Microcomputer Services Department. This position manages a de­ partm ent o f 2.5 FTE plus student assistants; supports more than 100 public and staff microcomputers; manages a Novell LAN with 30 workstations and 56 CD-ROM drives; plans new microcomputer and network applications. Responsibilities: reports to the Assistant Direc­ tor of Libraries fo r Computer Systems and Applications as Head and Manager o f the Microcomputer Services Department. Works closely with the Assistant Director and the Head, Local Systems Department, in planning, development, implementation, and m aintenance o f auto­ mation systems. Serves as a primary resource person fo r microcom­ puter hardware and software selection and applications; manages local area network; troubleshoots microcomputer, network, and tele­ communications problems; trains staff; maintains current awareness of technological advancements and recommends new programs, equipment, etc.; manages the library’s services in the Computing Library and Resources Center, a jo int operation with University Computing. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; 3-4 years library experience, minimum 2 years experience directly working with micro­ computer applications; experience with local area networks, prefer­ ably Novell; good communications skills; work effectively in a team setting with staff at all levels. Desire: knowledge o f academ ic research libraries; excellent analytical and creative problem-solving skills; coursework in Computer Science; experience with telecommunica­ tions; supervisory skills. The University o f Rochester is a private research institution. The Library, an ARL, CRL, and RLG member, is comprised of a central library with six branches, serving 9500 under­ graduates and graduate students and 1100 faculty. Salary: $32,000+, depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Send letter of appli­ cation, resume, and 3 references to: Head, Microcomputer Services Search Committee, Library Adm inistrative Office, Rush Rhees Li­ brary, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627. Appli­ cation reviews begin mid November, 1992. EOE/M.F. HEAD OF CATALOGING. This is a professional position to provide leadership and direction fo r library cataloging activities. Responsibili­ ties include: managing the Cataloging Department; coordinating OCLC and LCS bibliographic control systems; original and non- traditional cataloging in all formats using AACR2R, LCSH, and LC classification; providing some reference service; and serving as a faculty liaison in assigned subject areas. Supervises five FTE para­ professional staff. Some evening and/or weekend work required. Twelve-month, tenure-track position beginning approxim ately Janu­ ary 1, 1993. ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library/lnformation Science, and experience with automated bibliographic control sys­ tems, staff supervision, and original cataloging required. A second master’s degree/CAS required by year six to qualify fo r tenure. Salary range is $2750 to $3000 per month, depending on qualifications. Review of applications begins Novem ber 2 2 ,1 99 2, and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter o f application, resume/vita, and nam es of three references to: Harvey Varnet, University Library, Governors State University, University Park, IL 60466. GSU is a publicly funded, upper division, and master’s level university of 5,500 students located in a suburb 35 miles south of downtown Chicago. GSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action university and encourages applications from members of minority groups and women. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT, Florida Atlantic University Library. Reports directly to the Assistant Director fo r Public Services. Supervises a staff of 5 librarians and 3 support staff. Responsibilities include management and development of reference collection and experience with OPACS/LANs/CD-ROMs; planning and developing effective methods of serving and educating users; acting as liaison for assigned subject areas. Qualifications: requires an ALA-accredited MLS; at least five years' professional library experience, including substantive supervisory experience. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Salary $31,052. Application deadline: November 24,1992. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three recent references to: Rita Pellen, Assistant Director for Public Services, Florida Atlantic University Library, P.O. Box 3092, Boca Raton, FL 33431. FAU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. INDEXER/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, The A very Index to Architec­ tural Periodicals. Temporary position, one year. A very Index to A rchitectural Periodicals, an operating program of the Getty Art History Information Program at Columbia University’s Avery Architec­ tural and Fine Arts Library, is seeking an Indexer/Reference Librarian. The librarian will spend approxim ately three-quarters of tim e indexing articles to be entered in the A very Index and the remaining tim e will be spent in assisting readers at the reference desk. Requirements are: an accredited MLS; indexing, cataloging, and/or database searching experience; and working knowledge of one o r more European lan­ guages. Knowledge o f the fields of architecture and architectural history highly desirable. This position is tem porary fo r one year. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $30,000-$39,000; Librarian II: $32,000-$43,200. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. We are particularly interested in minority candidates fo r this position. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to : Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 W est 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Cover letter must specify “ Indexer/Reference Librarian.” Early applications are encouraged; applications will be accepted until position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. Twelve-month faculty appoint­ ment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and a subject master’s degree. Prior experience with OCLC online searching required, with ILL subsystem and networking preferred. Excellent communication skills and ability to work with m icrocom puter hardware and software essential. Research and publication required fo r promotion and tenure. S alary: $23,000. Review o f applications begins November 20 and continues until filled. Send letter of application, resume, tran- N o v em b er 1 9 9 2 / 681 FA C U LTY PO SITIO N SUNY at Stony Brook Head, M arine an d A tm o s p h e ric S ciences In­ form ation C enter. R esponsible to r developm ent of a M arine and A tm osp heric S ciences Inform a­ tion C enter w ith strong em phasis on inform ation tech n o lo g y . T h is po sitio n re quires a throug h kno w le dge of e le c tro n ic info rm atio n system s. An A LA -accredited m a ste r’s degree and at least fiv e ye a rs of exp e rie n c e in info rm atio n te c h n o l­ ogy o r e le c tro n ic info rm atio n system s, o r d e m ­ on stra te d eq u iv a le n t exp e rie n c e are required. K now led ge of M a rin e S c ie n c e s is desirable. S alary: $ 2 7 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 annually. T w e lv e -m o n th , fa c u lty status, te n u re -tra c k ap pointm ent, g e n e ro u s be nefits. In o rd e r to qu a lify fo r te n u re and h ig h e r a c a d e m ic ranks, library fa c u lty are e x p e c te d to satis fy crite ria including con tributing to th e ad vancem ent of the profession and pe rform ing un ive rsity s e rvice as w ell as fulfillin g spe c ific libra ry assign m en ts. S end resum e and nam es of three re ferences to: Germain Hoynos Library Personnel Assistant Main Library SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-3300 R esum es w ill be acce pted until th e position is filled, but th o s e re ceived by D ec e m b e r 1 ,1 9 9 2 , w ill be give n firs t c o n s id e ra tio n . S U N Y at S tony B roo k is an affirm ative a ctio n/eq ual op portunity e d u c a to r an d em ployer. W om e n and m inorities are en co u ra g e d to apply. A K225. scripts, and th e nam es, a d d re sses, and tele p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e referen ces to : O ffice of A ca d e m ic A ffa irs, In te rlibra ry Loan Librarian Search, W e s te rn K en tu c k y U niversity, 1526 R u ssellville Road, Bow ling G reen, KY 421 01 -3 5 76 . W o m e n and m inorities e ncouraged to apply. Affirm a tive action, equal o pp ortun ity em ployer. LIB R A R IA N I. H ead, S erials Unit. T h e U nive rsity o f M aryland C ollege Park L ibraries in vites applica tio ns fo r th e positio n : L ibrarian I, Head, S erials Unit, A cq u isitio n s D epa rtm e n t. R e spo n sib ilitie s: p ro vide s p rofessional e xpe rtise in the acqu isitio n and contro l o f serials. C o n ­ trib u te s in planning, deve lo ping , coordin a ting , and im plem enting procedures n ecessary to a ccom plish th e a cquisition, docum entation, paym ent, and distrib utio n o f serials. Interacts w ith all le vels o f library staff a nd w ith publishers, agents, and d ea le rs sp ecia lizing in the supply o f serials. Q ua lifica tio ns: Required: M LS fro m A LA -accredited Library Scho o l. Th re e ye a rs o f p ro fe ssio na l e xperience, one o f which m ust have been in a se ria ls unit a t a large university. T h orough know ledge o f serials acquisition m ethods and p rocedures required. Thorough kn ow led g e of th e se ria ls b o o k tra de required. E xperience with auto m a te d system s, p articula rly as it app lie s to se ria ls control, is highly desirab le . W o rking kn ow led g e o f one foreign la ng u ag e d esir­ able. Salary: $ 29,702, m inim um . Salary co m m e nsu ra te w ith e xpe ri­ ence. E xcellen t benefits. For full co nsideration, su b m it resum e and n a m e s/a dd re sses o f th re e referen ces by D ecem be r 1 ,1 9 9 2 . A pp lica ­ tio n s accep ted until position is filled. S end re su m e to : Ray Foster, P ersonnel Librarian, L ibrary Personnel Services, M cK eldin Library, U n iv ers ity o f M aryland, C o lle ge Park, M D 2 07 42 7 01 1 . The U niver­ sity o f M aryland is a n a ffirm a tive a ction, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. M inorities are enco urag e d to apply. M A N U S C R IP TS L IB R A R IA N . C u rre n tly open. U n de r th e d ire ction of th e H ead of M a n uscripts, A rch ives, and S pe cia l C o lle ction s, is re sp on sib le fo r th e a ppraisal, accessioning, arra ng e m e nt, d escrip ­ tio n, processing, cata lo gu in g , a nd co nse rva tion o f m an uscript and a ural m aterials. A ssists th e head o f the unit w ith the d e ve lo pm en t of th e co lle ction s and in fu n d ra isin g to su pp ort the collections. P artici­ pate s g e n erally in unit re feren ce se rvice s and p ro vide s specialized reference se rvice fo r m anuscripts, a rchives, and aural m aterials. R e spo n sib ilitie s a lso in clu de c u ra ting e xhib its, editin g and producing inform ative, e ffe ctive g uid e s to th e co lle ction s, and e nh an cin g a w are­ ness and sig nifican ce o f th e colle ction s. Participates in th e d evelop­ m e n t and im ple m e nta tio n o f unit p olicies and p rocedures. Librarians are app ointe d as m e m b ers of th e W ash ing ton S tate U niversity Faculty and are expe cted to participate actively in th e U nive rsity’s instruc­ tional, research, and se rvice p rogram s. All p rivileges, obligations, and re search re sp on sib ilitie s o f facu lty are in he re n t in such m em bership. Librarian s a re ranked in g ra de s 2 ,3 , and 4, e q u iva le nt to the a cadem ic ra n ks o f A ssista n t P rofessor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Librarian s are expe cted to ta ke part in th e selectio n , org an iza tion , and p reservation o f library colle ction s, and to co ntribu te to th e retrieval and in terpretation o f a ll library resources. T h ey a re also expe cted to help e sta b lish and m aintain effe ctive w o rkin g rela tion sh ips w ith University d epartm ents, facu lty, students, and o th e r library users. A p rogressive record o f p ro fe ssio na l/sch ola rly a chie ve m e nt is expe cted o f all librar­ ians. R equired: A L A -a ccre dite d M L S o r fo re ig n e quivalent. S uccess­ fu l pro fe ssio na l cu ra to ria l a n d /o r processing experience. Excellent w ritte n and oral co m m u nicatio n skills. A b ility to w o rk in co n ce rt w ith co lle ag u es in and out of the unit. Preferred: su bje ct m aster's/ad- vanced d eg re e (in a ddition to M LS); U S M A R C -AM C e xperience; kn ow led g e o f m ethods o f historical research; kn ow led g e o f foreign la ng u ag e (s); su pe rviso ry expe rie n ce; expe rie n ce w ith oral history/ so un d reco rding collections. S alary: fro m $ 23,000; com m e nsu ra te w ith q u a lifica tio n s and e xperience. R ank: Librarian 2 o r a bove; faculty statu s. B enefits: TIA A/C R E F, broad in suran ce program , 2 2 days va catio n, 12 d ays/ye a r sick leave. Application Procedures: Send le tte r o f application, resum e, and n am es o f three re ferences to: Donna L. M cC ool, Associate D irecto r fo r A d m inistrative S ervices, W a s hin g­ to n S ta te U n iv ers ity Libraries, Pullm an, W A 991 64 -5 6 10 . A p p lica ­ tion re vie w begins: D e cem be r 15. W a sh ing ton S ta te U nive rsity is an equ al opp ortun ity, a ffirm a tive action e d u ca to r and em p loye r. M e m ­ b ers o f e th n ic m inorities, w o m e n, V ie tn a m -e ra o r d is ab le d veterans, p erson s of disability, a nd /or p ersons b etw een th e a ge s of 4 0-70 are e nco urag e d to apply. M A N U S C R IP TS LIB R A R IA N /A R C H IV IS T, M a ndeville D epartm ent o f S pecial C ollections, U niversity o f C alifornia, S an D iego. Assistan t Librarian, $ 2 8 ,66 8-$3 6 ,6 9 6 o r A ssociate Librarian, $ 35,052-$50,496. UC SD is an e qu al opportun ity, a ffirm a tive action e m p lo ye r and sp ecifica lly se e ks c a nd id ate s w h o can m ake co ntribu tion s in an environ m e n t o f cultural and e th n ic d iversity. R espo n sib ilitie s: U nder th e gen eral g uid a nce o f th e Head o f S pecial C ollections, has respon­ sib ility fo r the a pp ra isa l, a ccessioning, arra ng e m e nt, description, and processing o f all m anuscripts a nd a rch ives m aterials. Assists d ep art­ m e n t head w ith m a n uscript c o lle ction d e ve lo pm en t and preparation o f g ra nt p ro po sals to su pp ort th e m an uscript colle ction s. G ath ers and org an ize s selecte d n oncurrent reco rds o f UCSD. P articipates in d ep artm en tal reference se rvice s and p ro vide s specia lize d reference se rvice fo r m a nuscripts and a rch ives. S up e rvise s a unit th a t cu rre ntly in clu de s 2 FTE p arap ro fe ssio n als and 4 students. Participates in the d eve lo p m e n t o f auto m a te d pro cesse s fo r th e org an iza tion of, in tellec­ tual a ccess to , and retrie val o f m an uscript holdings, including the d eve lo p m e n t o f effe ctive guid e s and m a ch ine-readable file s that d e scrib e th e c o lle ction s. Participa tes in th e d e ve lo pm en t and im ple ­ m enta tio n o f d ep artm en tal policies a nd p rocedures. During the first y e a r o f th is a ppointm ent, in cum be n t w ill h elp su pe rvise the staff hired o n a D epa rtm e n t o f Education T itle IIC g ra n t to pro cess the p ap ers of several scientists. Q ua lifica tio ns: MLS deg re e o r equ iva le nt training in a rch ival m anag em en t. M u st h ave tho ro u gh know ledge o f archival th e o ry and practice, p lus kn ow ledge o f m e tho d s o f historical research. M inim um 3 ye ars expe rie n ce in m anuscript/archival processing in special co lle ction s/archive s facility. E x c e lle n t w ritte n a n d o ra l c o m ­ m u n ic a tio n s k ills e s s e n tia l. F a m ilia rity w ith A M C a n d o th e r c o m ­ p u te r-b a s e d a p p lic a tio n s to p ro c e s s in g a re re q u ire d . S u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e a s m a n u s c rip ts lib ra ria n /c u ra to r o r a rc h iv is t is h ig h ly 6 8 2 / C&RL N ew s ATTENTION SU BJECT SPECIALISTS RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN FOR ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY COME JOIN A DYNAMIC LIBRARY Tw o years ago the M ilton S. E isenho w er Library reorganized the w ay it delivers the full range of reference and collection developm ent services to the academ ic com m unity. The new R esource Services departm ent is com posed of s ubject s pecialists, each of w hom is responsible fo r building c lose w orking relationships w ith the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. O ur com m itm ent to tra nsform ation will be fe lt in our determ ination to m ake this excellent research library an equally excellent teaching library and in a m ajor rem odeling and progra m m a tic reorientation of the library's service spaces. The E isenhow er Library prizes energy, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, indepen­ dence, and visibility to m em bers of its R esource S ervices team. R esponsibilities: understand the w ork of the French and H ispanic and Italian S tudies departm ents, and cultivate a nd m aintain close w orking relationships w ith the m em bers o f those departm ents. S elect m aterials to be added to the collection in assigned subject areas and m anage the m aterials budget for each subject. P rovide a variety of reference and research services to library patrons. Q ualifications: MLS from an A LA -accredited library school required, and an advanced degree in French, Spanish, o r Italian or equivalent experience strongly desired. Tw o o r m ore years' experience in collection, developm ent, and/or reference in a research library preferred. Ability to conduct sem inars and instructional program s in the use of the library and its resources. R eading kno w le dge of at least tw o rom ance languages. W illingness to w ork a flexible schedule (including som e evenings and w eekends) as p art of a team . The hiring range is $3 0,000-$36,000, depending on ed ucation and experience. The search w ill rem ain active until the position is filled. P ersonnel B enefits include tw en ty-tw o days v a c a tio n ; free life insurance; retirem ent program including TIAA /C R E F, and g roup health plan c o s t shared by individual and university. To apply, send le tte ro f application, indicating jo b #S92-541, a resum e, and three letters of reference to: Edward Warfield The Johns Hopkins University Office of Personnel Services 146 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 A.A./E.O.E Smoke-free and drug-free. d e sira b le . A p p o in tm e n t a t th e A s s o c ia te le v e l re q u ire s e x te n s iv e c u ra to ria l, p ro c e s s in g , o r c a ta lo g in g e x p e rie n ce . U C S D lib ra r­ ia ns are e x p e c te d to p a rtic ip a te in lib ra ry w id e p la n n in g and be a ctiv e p ro fe s s io n a lly . C lo sin g d a te : D e ce m b e r 7, 1 992. T o a pp ly send re su m e, c o v e r le tte r, a nd lis t o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : U n iv e r­ s ity o f C a lifo rn ia , San D ie g o , J a n e t Tait, A c a d e m ic Person ne l C o o rd in a to r, L ib ra ry P erson ne l O ffic e , 0 1 7 5 H -1 , 9 5 0 0 G ilm an Dr., La J o lla , C A 9 2 0 9 3 -0 1 7 5 . M USIC LIBRARIAN, Louisiana State University Libraries, (new posi­ tion). Reports to Head of Reference Services, consults with Head Original Cataloging and Associate Dean fo r CD as appropriate. Responsible fo r coordination o f library m usic services and activities within public and technical services and collection developm ent. R esponsible fo r cataloging m usic m aterials, reference service, m usic faculty liaison, user instruction, training staff, and overseeing Listen­ ing Room operations and staff. Required: ALA-accredited MLS de­ gree; bachelor’s degree in m usic; knowledge of AACR, AACR2, LC Rule Interpretations, M ARC form ats, LC cla ss schedules and subject headings. Preferred: Advanced degree in music; m usic cataloging and reference e xperience desirable. Salary is com petitive, com m en­ surate with qualifications and experience: $23,000 m inim um . Tenure- tra ck w ith faculty benefits and status. Applications: Send letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Caroline Wire, Reference Librarian Search Com m ittee, The LSU Libraries, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Preference will be given to applications received by N ovem ber 30, 1992. N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 6 8 5 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Worcester Polytechnic Institute W orcester P olytechnic Institute invites applications and nom inations fo r the position of U niversity Librarian. W orce ster P olytechnic Institute, the n a tion’s third-old est c ollege of e ngineering and science, currently enrolls 2868 undergraduates and 1056 part- and full-tim e graduate students. Its innovative project- based undergraduate program , the W PI plan, offers students a flexible, exciting, and academ ically challenging alternative to traditional engineering curricula. In 1992, fo rth e second year in a row, U.S. News and World Report ranked the Institute No. 1 am ong regional colleg es and universities in the North. S ituated in W orcester, the W PI cam pus is located in close proxim ity to m any of the c ity's m a jo r cultural attractions, including the nearby A m erican A ntiquarian Society. Located in the cen ter of New England, W orcester itself offers access to the diverse cultural and recreational resources of the region as w ell as the city, and provides op portunities fo r urban, suburban, or rural lifestyles. The Librarian reports to the Provost and m anages a fa c ility w ith a co lle ction of o v e r3 0 0 ,000 volum es and 1400 periodicals. The G eorge C. Gordon Library has a s ta ff of 22 including 8 professionals with an operating budget of $1,600,000. The library is a fully autom ated facility w hich provides o ff-site a ccess to its public access catalog through the cam pus com pute r netw ork. G ordon Library is a m em ber of the W orcester Area C ooperating Libraries and m aintains other appropriate resource-sharing arrangem ents, such as C entral and W estern M assachusetts A utom ated Resources S haring (C W /M A R S ) and NELINET. W e seek as our librarian an A LA -accredited M LS w ith a m inim um of five years of progressively responsible ad m inistrative experience in an aca dem ic library. Q ualified applicants should be able to dem onstrate: con tributio ns to the profession through publications o r leadership in p rofessional organiza­ tions; substantial experience w ith online public access catalogs and electronic inform ation resources; know ledge of current tre nds and experience in application of au tom ated and electronic inform ation technology; ability to interact effectively w ith all segm ents of the university c o m m u n ity ; strong interpersonal skills, a service orientation, and a cle a r understanding of the role of a library in an educational institution. A dditionally w e expect candidates to be able to illustrate th e irc o m m itm e n tto :o b ta in in g alternative funding fo r library de velopm ent; service and p articipatory m a nagem ent; and professional and staff developm ent. I t is the responsibility of the U niversity Librarian to form ulate and ensure the im plem entation of innovative, effective library service s in support of W P I's instructional and research program s. Further, the U niversity Librarian w ill be expected to provide vigorous guid ance as the library ad apts to new inform ation technologies, ensuring that the library is at the fo re fro n t of these em erging technologies. Salary and benefits w ill be com petitive and com m ensu rate w ith qualifications and experience: m inim um $55,000. R eview of applications w ill begin January 11, 1993 and will con tinue until the position is filled. The preferred staring date is July 1 ,1 9 9 3 . P lease send letters of nom ination o r application, resum es, and the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: University Librarian Search Worcester Polytechnic Institute Human Resources Department 100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609 WPI is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from minorities, women, and others are especially welcome. P ER SO NA L INFO RM A TIO N M A N A G EM EN TSP E C IA LIS T (search reopened). The Welch Library is looking fo r a librarian to w o rk with faculty, staff, and students of the J ohns H opkins Medical Institu­ tions (JHM I) in the area o f scientific com m unication. JH M I includes the Schools o f M edicine, Public Health and Nursing, and the Johns Hopkins Hospital. T he W elch Medical Library is a le ader in the new area o f knowledge managem ent, which offe rs a n ew role fo r librarians in the scientific com m unication process. The personal information m anagem ent specialist will be responsible fo r finding a nd /or design­ ing too ls to help scientists m anage knowledge. This p erson will work closely with clients to present current products and services, to teach and consult a bout how to use them , to gath er fee d ba ck and m easure product effectiveness. W hen needed, the specialist m ay also w o rk to design new products. All activity is focused tow ard the goal of fostering e ffe ctive scientific com m unication. Th e specialist w ill focus on the b asic and biological sciences. Q ualifications: Required: MLS, e xperience w orking w ith different com puting platform s, applications, and the Internet; an understanding o f research and academ ic environ­ m ents and the role o f inform ation in such a setting is required; and excellent oral and written com m unication skills. Preferred: a graduate 6 8 4 / C&RL News ATTENTION SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARIANS THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY COME JOIN A DYNAMIC LIBRARY Tw o years ago the Milton S. Eisenhower Library reorganized the w ay it delivers he full range of reference and collection developm ent services to the academ ic com m unity. The new Resource Services departm ent is com posed of subject specialist, each of w hom is responsible for building close working relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. O ur com m itm ent to transform ation will be felt in three key w ays: a determ ination to make this excellent research library an equally excellent teaching library; a major remodeling and program m atic reorientation of the library’s service spaces: and program m atic changes in serving the s cience/engineering com m unity based on a study conducted by King Research. The Eisenhower Library prizes energy, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, indepen­ dence, and visibility to mem bers of its Resource Services team. TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Resource Services Librarian for Science and Engineering. R esponsibilities: understand the work of ag roup of assigned academ ic departm ents, and cultivate and maintain close w orking relationships with the members of those departments. Select materials to be added to thecollection in assigned subject areas and manage the m aterials budget for each subject. Provide a variety of reference and research services to library patrons. Science Reference Coordinator and Resource Services Librarian for Science and Engineering. The Science Reference C oordinator will play a key role in the creation and delivery of effective service to the renowned scientists and engineers at Johns Hopkins. Responsibilities: coordinate the delivery of effective library service to the science/engineering com m u­ nity: chairthe Science Librarians Group, building a coherent vision a n d shared understanding of a program of service; coordinate all S cience R eference activity; manage the m aterials fund for Science Reference. Serve as Resource Services librarian for a small group of assigned academ ic departm ents: sam e responsibilities as position above. Q ualifications for both positions: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required, and an advanced degree in a science or engineering field or equivalent experience strongly desired. Two or more years' experience in collection developm ent and/or reference in a research library preferred. Ability to conduct sem inars and instructional program s in the use of the library and its resources. Reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages. W illingness to w ork a flexible schedule (including some evenings and w eekends) as part of a team. Additional qualifications for coordinator position: dem onstrated ability to design and implement pro­ grams. Demonstrated leadershipqualities. The hiring range for both positions is $30,000-$36,900, depending on education and experience. The search will remain active until the positions are filled. Personnel Benefits include twenty-two days vacation: free life insurance; generous retirem ent program, and group health plan cost shared by individual and university. To apply send letter of application, indicating Job #S92-314, a resume, and three letters of reference to: Edward Warfield The Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources 146 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 A.A./E.O.E. Smoke-free and drug-free. N o v em b er 1 9 9 2 / 6 8 5 deg re e in th e biological sciences, e xpe rie n ce d eve lo ping inform ation technology products, experience in an academ ic setting. The position is available im mediately. Applications accepted until the position is filled. M inim um salary is $31,000. B enefits include health insurance, 22 vacation days and 12 sick days/year, and excellent retirem ent plan. Send letters o f application and curriculum vitae to Lyndie Vantine, 1900 E. Monum ent St., Baltimore, MD 21205-2113. EOE M/F/H. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, duPont Library, University of the South (also known as Sewanee), a selective liberal arts college of 1200 students and a graduate theological school (Episcopalian) of 75, with a 10,000-acre wooded campus on Cumberland Plateau between Chattanooga and Nashville, seeks energetic and resourceful librarian for general reference service, library instruction, online database searching, and collection development. Regular night and weekend hours. College and Theological collections have 425,000 volumes accessed through an integrated online system (VTLS) wired to dormitories and offices. Required: MLS (ALA-accredited); ability to provide excellent reference service; strong interpersonal and communica­ tion skills; facility with microcomputers; experience or training in online database searching, OCLC, and other computer reference services. Pre­ ferred: liberal arts background, subject master's degree, previous academic reference experience and familiarity with automation. Excellent benefits. Salary commensurate with experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to Vanessa Jackson, Personnel Services, University of the South, 735 University Ave., Sewanee, TN 37375. Applications considered until position is filled. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Sewanee is an equal opportunity employer. RE FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N (2 positions), Lou isia n a S tate U niversity, with backg ro un d s in biological o r p hysica l sciences. U se r Instruction Librarian: w ill specia lize in tea ch ing cre d it c o urse se ctions, course- related instruction, a nd d e v e lo ping in n o va tive u ser in stru ction p ro ­ gram s. S cience R eference Librarian: w ill p ro vide gen eral and re ­ search re feren ce a ssistan ce and fa cu lty outre a ch. Duties fo r all re feren ce lib ra ria n s in clu de re feren ce d e s k service, o nline se arch ­ ing, b ibliog ra p hic in struction, co lle ction deve lo pm en t, facu lty liaison, and in terlib rary loan assistance. R equired: Both p ositions req uire an A LA -a ccre dite d M LS d eg re e and an a cad em ic d eg re e in e ith e r a life scie nce o r physical scie nce fie ld, or sig nifican t expe rie n ce w orking w ith science re se arch in form atio n resources. Preferred: re feren ce o r tea ch ing e xperience, Inte rn et/e lectro n ic data ba se skills, fa m ilia rity w ith hype rte xt-typ e p rogram s. Salary is com petitive, com m ensurate w ith q u a lifica tio ns and e x pe rie n ce: $23,000 m inim um . Te nu re -tra ck w ith facu lty ben efits and status. A pp lica tio ns: S end le tte r o f a p p lica ­ tion in dicatin g position fo r w h ich applying, vita, and the nam es, address, and telep ho n e n um be rs o f three referen ces to : C aro lin e Wire, R eferen ce Librarian Search C o m m itte e, T he LSU Libraries, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. P reference w ill be given to a p p lica tio ns re ceived by N o vem be r 30, 1992. S L A V IC M A T E R IA L S C A T A L O G E R . T he U n ive rsity o f Pittsb u rg h is se ekin g a librarian w ith cu rre n t ca ta lo ging skills a nd a stro n g d esire to p ro vid e b ib lio g ra p h ic a cce ss to lib ra ry m a terials in th e Sla vic languages. T h e S la vic M a terials C a ta lo g e r re p o rts to th e Head, C a talo g D epa rtm e n t, U n ive rsity L ibrary System . T he U n ive rsity o f P ittsburgh lib ra rie s a re su pp orted by a N O T IS -in te g ra te d system , O C LC , a nd p articipa te in C O N S E R , N AC O , and th e O C L C Enhance Pro gram fo r m o n og ra ph s. Q ua lifica tio ns: A M LS (o r equ iva le nt) from an A L A -a ccre dite d lib ra ry s ch oo l, flu e n t (reading) kn ow ledge of R ussian, g o o d co m m u n ica tio n skills, e xp e rie n ce w ith A A C R 2, LCSH, a nd cu rre n t U.S. ca ta lo g in g p ra ctices, and U. S. citize n sh ip o r legal rig h t to w o rk in th e U nited Sta tes a re re quired. S a la ry co m m e nsu ra te w ith e x pe rie n ce, m inim um $ 25 ,00 0. A p p lica tio n s m u st be re ceived in w riting , including a re su m e and th re e le tte rs of reco m m e nd a tion s, by D e cem be r 1 5 ,1 9 9 2 . A d d re ss re p l^ to : S ecreta ry, S ea rch C o m m it­ tee , S la vic M a terials C a talo g er, 271 H illm a n Library, U n iv ers ity of P itts burgh, Pittsb u rg h, P A 15260. T h e U n ive rsity o f P ittsburgh is an a ffirm a tive action , equ al o p p o rtu n ity e m p loye r. M ino ritie s a re a c ­ tive ly sought. TECHNICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR. Northern Michigan University is a state university o f 8,000 students and 900 employees serving Michigan’s Upper Peninsula located on the shore of Lake Superior. The Lydia M. Olson Library contains over480,000volumes, subscribes to over2,700 serials, and houses both A-V and depository documents. The Technical Services Coordinator manages the work processes of the unit and supervises and coordinates the support staff within the areas of acquisitions, cataloging, and serials control. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; two years progressively responsible technical services experience, including acquisitions work; successful supervisory and organizational experience; fam iliarity with cu rre nt standards applicable to technical services, such a s AACR2rev., LC and D ewey classification system s, MARC format, LCSH; experience with O C LC and local integrated library system s; preferably NOTIS; good com m unication skills; a second m aster’s degree is highly desirable. Salary: $35,756 m inim um ; depends on experience; faculty status on a tenure-track. S ubm it letter of application with resume, three letters of recommendations, and co py o f credentials and transcripts to : University Librarian, O lson Library, Northern M ichigan University, Marquette, Ml 49855. A pplication review begins after D ecem ber 1 ,1 9 92 . Starting date February 1 ,1 9 9 2 . A n A A/EOE. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S LIB R A R IA N /C A T A L O G E R , A ssistan t P ro ­ fe s s o r, tw e lv e -m o n th , te n u re -tra c k . N ic h o lls S ta te U n iv e rs ity , T h ib od au x, Lou isia n a. R e spo n sib ilitie s in clu de o rig in al and copy ca ta lo ging w ith O C L C M AR C form a ts, u sing A A C R 2 and D ewey cla ssifica tio n fo r p rin t and n o n p rin t m a terials; p a rticipa tio n in im p le ­ m e n ta tio n o f N O T IS a uto m a tion fo r m u ltica m p us O PA C ; supe rvision o f su p p o rt and stu d e n t s taff; c o lle ction d eve lo p m e n t in selecte d areas. Q u a lifica tio n s R equired: A LA -a ccre d ite d M LS; a t le ast th re e ye a rs o f ca ta lo g in g e xpe rie n ce, p re fe ra bly w ith D ew ey; expe rie n ce in a nd kn ow led g e o f auto m a tion , kn ow led g e o f O C LC , M ARC and o th e r ca ta lo ging fo rm a ts. P referred: N O T IS o n line system e xpe ri­ ence , stro ng in te rp e rso n a l and co m m u nicatio n skills, in itia tive and fle xib ility. M inim um sa lary $27 ,00 0 w ith S ta te o f L ou isia n a ben efits p acka ge . F a culty s ta tu s re q uires th a t lib ra ria n s m e e t fa cu lty s ta n ­ d ards fo r a pp ointm e n t, pro m otio n , and ten u re . S en d le tte r o f a p p lica ­ tio n , re su m e, and nam es, a d d re sses, and p h o n e n um be rs o f th re e re feren ces to : N a ncy Pow ell, A ssociate D irector, E ile nd e r M em orial Library, N ic h o lls S ta te U niv ers ity , P.O. Box 2 028, T h ib od au x, LA 7 03 10 . A p p lica tio n s a cce p te d until p o sitio n filled. N ich o lls S tate U n iv e rs ity is a n e q u a l e d u c a tio n in s titu tio n , a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n e m p loye r. Late Job Listings S Y S T E M S A N A L Y S I S /P L A N N I N G L I B R A R IA N , A s s is t a n t / A s s o c ia t e P ro fe s s o r. U n d e r th e g e n e r a l d ir e c tio n o f th e D e a n o f th e U n iv e r s ity L ib ra rie s , p la n , im p le m e n t, a n d e v a lu a t e c o m p u te r iz e d lib r a r y sy ste m s . A s s is t d e p a r t m e n ts w ith th e fo r m u la t io n o f lo n g -r a n g e p la n s in v o lv in g a u to m a t io n , fa c ilitie s , w o r k flo w , a n d a d v a n c e d t e c h n o lo ­ gies. P a r tic ip a te in a m u lt ic o lle g e c o n s o rt ia l in t e g r a t e d sy s te m . P a r tic ip a te in v a r io u s u n iv e r s it y a u to m a t io n in itia t iv e s a n d fa c u lty /p r o fe s s io n a l a c tiv itie s . R e q u ire d : A L A - a c c re d ite d m a s t e r 's d e g re e ; d e m o n s tr a te d p r o g r a m m in g a b ility ; e x c e lle n t in te r p e r ­ s o n a l s k ills , in c lu d in g d e m o n s tr a te d a b ility to w o r k e ffe c t iv e ly w ith fa c u lty , s ta ff, a n d s tu d e n ts ; a m in im u m o f tw o (2 ) y e a r s r e le v a n t e x p e rie n c e in a n a c a d e m ic /r e s e a rc h lib r a r y o r c o rp o r a t e in fo r m a t io n ce n te r. P r e fe rr e d : e x p e r ie n c e w ith la r g e b ib lio g r a p h ic file s a n d n e tw o r k in g s y s te m s (In n o v a t iv e In te r fa c e s , In c.); b a c h e lo r 's d e g re e in com - p u te r /m a n a g e m e n t s c ie n ce o r r e la t e d d is cip lin e . R a n k a n d s a la ry c o m m e n s u r a te w ith q u a lific a t io n s a n d e x p e r ie n c e ; c a le n d a r -y e a r a p p o in tm e n t, m in im u m s a la ry $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 . A t th e A s s o c ia t e P r o fe s s o r le v e l, th e c a n d id a te m u s t h a v e a d e m o n s tr a te d r e c o r d o f p u b lica tio n a n d s e r v ice a n d s e v e n y e a r s p r o fe s s io n a l lib r a r y e x p e rie n c e . P o s itio n w ill 6 8 6 / C&RL N ew s re m a in op e n u n til filled ; a p p lica tio n s w ill b e re v ie w e d b e g in n in g D e ce m b e r 15, 1992. Submit letter o f application, resume, and nam es o f three references to: Barbara Brittingham, Search Com mittee Chair, Position #141013, University o f Rhode Island, P. O. Box G, Kingston, R I 02881. A n affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. L IB R A R IA N II O R III. U n iv e rs ity o f th e V irg in Isla n d s. D u tie s: T h e U n iv e rs ity o f the V irg in Isla n d s is se e k in g q u a lifie d a p p lica n ts fo r th e p os itio n o f L ib ra ria n II o r III on th e St. T h o m a s ca m p u s. U n d e r th e s u p e rv isio n o f th e D ire c to r o f L ib ra ries, the su cce s sfu l ca n d id a te w ill b e r e s p o n sib le fo r ca ta lo g in g m a te ria ls a n d s u p e rv isin g the te ch n ica l se rv ice s sta ff, a ct as a sy stem s a d m in istra to r fo r th e lib ra rie s ’ D yn ix a u to m a te d system , a n d p e rfo rm o th e r re la te d d u ties as a s sig n e d b y th e D irector. Q u a lifica tion s: a m a ste r’s d eg ree in lib ra ry scien ce from a n A m e rica n L ib ra ry A s s o c ia ­ tio n a ccre d ite d sch ool, p re fe ra b ly w ith cou rses in c o m p u te r scie n ce a n d in fo rm a tio n r e trie v a l; th re e y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in a n a ca d e m ic lib ra ry ; e x p e rtis e w ith O C L C in clu d in g o rig in a l ca ta lo g in g ; L C cla s sifica tio n ; A A C R I I , L C S H a n d lib ra ry a u tom a ted sy stem , p r e fe ra b ly D y n ix a n d m icr o co m p u te r a p p lica tio n s ; an u n d e r s ta n d in g o f ca m p u s -w id e in fo rm a tio n sy ste m s a n d th e v irtu a l lib ra ry con cep t. T h e p osition re q u ire s a h ig h ly m o tiv a te d in d iv id u a l w h o w ill b e a b le to w o rk w e ll w ith p e op le o f d iv erse cu ltu ra l b a ck g ro u n d s. S a la ry R a n g e : $ 2 7 ,2 5 8 .0 0 -$ 4 2 ,4 6 8 .0 0 . A p p lica tio n P r o ­ cess: A le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , u p -to -d a te resu m e, o fficia l tra n scrip ts , a n d th ree letters o f r e co m m e n d a tio n sh o u ld b e a d d re s se d to D a v id O ettin g er, D ire cto r o f L ib ra ries, U n iv e r s ity o f th e V ir g in Isla n d s, N o.2 J o h n B re w e rs B a y, C h a rlo tte A m a lie , V irg in Isla n d s 0 0 8 0 2 -9 9 9 0 . D ea d lin e: N o v e m b e r 2 0 ,1 9 9 2 (la te a p p lica tion s a ccep ted u n til the p o s itio n is filled ). T h e U n iv e rs ity o f th e V irg in Is la n d s is an eq u a l op p ortu n ity , a ffirm a tive a ctio n em p loyer. D IRECTO R, R E SE A R C H C E N T E R Responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, and m anaging all operations within the m useum ’s research center. Develops and manages research collections relating to the history o f the Am erican W est in fact and fiction. Designs goals and objectives, develops policies and procedures, and formulates and tracks budgets aim ed at opening the center to the research com m unity in the sum m er o f 1995. Duties include: selecting books, serials, and special collections; evaluating collections; m onitoring budget expenditures; leading reference and outreach activities; designing and im plem enting plans for automated system; coordinating technical services and collections managem ent; and serving as institu­ tional archivist. Supervises tw o professional librarians and one library assistant. Qualifica­ tions: relevant advanced degrees; thorough understanding o f research needs and the organiza­ tion o f scholarly literature; significant achievem ent in developing and m anaging research collections; dem onstrated interest in scholarly activities. Salary: from $35,000. Send a letter o f application, resume, and the nam es o f three references by January 7,1993, to Holly Chapman, Director o f Personnel and Administration, G ene A u try W estern H eritage M useum , 4700 W estern Heritage W ay, Los Angeles, C A 90 0 2 7 -1 4 6 2 . L IB R A R IA N /P U B L IC S E R V IC E S H E A D , G le n v ille S ta te C ollege, G len ville, W V . In cu m b e n t’s r e tire m e n t cre a te s e x ce lle n t o p p o rtu n ity fo r e a rly -to -m id -ca re e r lib ra r ­ ia n to g a in w id e ex p erien ce. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s in clu d e d a ily o p e ra tio n an d lo n g -te rm p la n n in g o f r e fe re n ce , circu la tio n , b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ctio n , a n d p e rio d ica ls services, an d s u p e rv isio n o f fo u r-p e r s o n s u p p o rt staff. R e q u ire m e n ts: M L S fro m an A L A - a ccre d ite d lib ra ry sch ool, stron g se rv ice o rien ta tion , a n d a b ility to p ro v id e d e p a rtm e n ­ ta l tea m lea d ers h ip . S e v e ra l y e a rs' e x p e rie n ce in on e o r m o re a rea s o f a ca d e m ic p u b lic serv ices is h ig h ly d esira b le. S a la ry a n d fa cu lty ra n k d ep e n d e n t on q u a lifica tion s. Send le tte r o f ap p lica tion , cred en tia ls, th re e le tte rs o f re co m m e n d a tio n to: E v ie M cP h erson , P e rso n n e l O ffice, G le n v ille S ta te C o lle g e , G le n ville , W V 2 6 35 1. (3 0 4 ) 46 2-4 1 0 1 . E O E /A A . M in o ritie s e n co u ra g e d to a p p ly. D e a d lin e fo r a p p lica tion : D e ce m b e r 1 ,1 9 9 2 . M U S IC L IB R A R IA N , W e s tm in s te r C h o ir C o lle g e , th e S ch ool o f M u s ic o f R id e r C ollege, seek s a n a s so cia te d ire cto r w ith a d m in istra tiv e sk ills to ov ersee th e o p e ra ­ tio n s o f th e T a lb o tt L ib ra ry , a p e rfo rm a n ce a n d r e se a rch lib ra ry w ith a s t a ff o f 3.5 F T E lib ra ria n s a n d 5 F T E su p p o rt staff. A L A -a ccre d ite d M L S a n d a d va n ce d m u sic d egree N ovem ber 1 9 9 2 / 6 8 7 re q u ire d , a s a re th re e o r m o re y e a r s p r o fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e in a m u s ic lib ra ry w ith in cr e a s in g ly r e s p o n s ib le a d m in is t ra tiv e /s u p e rv is o ry d u tie s , s tro n g o r g a n iz a tio n a l a n d in te r p e r s o n a l sk ills , a n d a r e co r d o f p r o fe s s io n a l a ctiv itie s. R e p o r ts to d ir e c to r fo r m u ltica m p u s lib r a r y s e rv ice s . T w e lv e -m o n t h a p p o in tm e n t; s a la ry c o m m e n s u r a te w ith e x p e rie n ce , m in im u m $ 3 6 ,0 0 0 . S e n d le t te r o f a p p lic a tio n , r e s u m e , a n d a d d re s s e s a n d p h o n e n u m b e r s o f fiv e p r o fe s s io n a l r e fe r e n c e s b y D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 19 92 , to : J a n e N o w a k o w s k i, C h a ir, L ib ra ry A s s o c ia t e S e a rc h C o m m itte e , W e s tm in s te r C h o ir C o l­ leg e, th e S c h o o l o f M u s ic o f R id e r C o lle g e , 101 W a ln u t L a n e , P r in c e to n , N J 0 8 5 4 0 - 38 99 . R id e r C o lle g e is a n e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. W o m e n , m in o ritie s , a n d th e d is a b le d a re e n co u ra g e d to a p p ly. S O C IA L S C IE N C E S B I B L I O G R A P H E R A N D A S S I S T A N T C H A I R , S m a th e rs L ib ra ry , U n iv e r s ity o f F lo rid a . R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s : A d m in is t e rs , c o o rd in a te s , a n d p r o ­ v id e s le a d e rs h ip fo r th e so cia l scie n ce s c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a n d m a n a g e m e n t o p e r a tio n s o f G e o rg e A . S m a th e r s L ib ra ry a n d h a s p r im a r y r e s p o n s ib ility fo r d e v e lo p ­ in g a n d m a n a g in g a sp e cific so cia l s c ie n ce s co lle ctio n . A n a ly z e s U n iv e rs ity ’s so cia l scie n ce s p r o g r a m s ; d e te rm in e s n e e d s a n d p r io r itie s , a n d d e v e lo p s a n d im p le m e n ts p la n s to e n h a n c e lib ra ry s u p p o r t o f th e r e s e a r c h a n d in s t ru ct io n a l p ro g ra m . A s s ig n s , tra in s , m o n ito rs , a n d e v a lu a te s s t a f f a s s ig n e d to th e so cia l s c ie n ce s c o lle c tio n m a n a g e ­ m e n t p ro g ra m . C o lla b o ra te s w ith lib ra ria n s a n d th e a c a d e m ic fa c u lty to e s ta b lis h c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t p o licie s a n d p r o g r a m s ; a n d c o lla b o ra te s w ith lib ra ry s t a ff to d e v e lo p p u b lic a n d t e c h n ic a l s e r v ice s u p p o r t fo r th e m . P a r tic ip a te s in d e fin in g lib ra ry w id e c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t g o a ls , o b je ctiv e s , s tra te g ie s , p e r fo rm a n ce c rite ria , a n d m a te r ia ls b u d g e ts . P a r ticip a te s in th e lib r a r y ’s p u b lica tio n s a n d fu n d -r a is in g p ro g ra m s. R e q u ire d : A L A -a c c r e d it e d M L S , a d v a n c e d d e g re e , p r e fe ra b ly a t th e P h .D . le v e l, o r c o m m e n s u r a te e x p e rie n c e in a s o c ia l s c ie n ce s fie ld ; k n o w le d g e o f a n d co m m itm e n t to th e g o a ls o f c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t a n d p u b lic s e rv ice u n its ; s ig n ifica n t p r o fe s s io n a l a c c o m p lis h m e n t r e le v a n t to th e r e s p o n s ib ilitie s o f th e p o s itio n ; e x ce lle n t h u m a n r e la t io n s a n d c o m m u n ica tio n s sk ills . M in im u m 5 y e a r s in c r e a s in g ly r e s p o n ­ s ib le e x p e rie n c e , p r e fe ra b ly in a r e s e a r c h lib ra ry m a n a g e m e n t p ro g ra m . P re fe rre d : b a c k g r o u n d /in t e r e s t in p s y c h o lo g y c o lle c tio n m a n a g e m e n t. S a la ry : n e g o t ia b le d e p e n d ­ in g on q u a lific a tio n s , m in im u m $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 fo r tw e lv e -m o n th s . B e n e fits : fa c u lty sta tu s. T w e n t y -t w o d a y s v a c a tio n , t h ir te e n d a y s s ick le a v e a n n u a lly . T IA A /C R E F or o th e r r e tir e m e n t o p tio n s , u s u a l in s u r a n ce b e n e fits , n o sta te o r lo c a l in co m e ta x. S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n w ith re s u m e a n d n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e r s o f 3 p ro fe s s io n a l r e fe re n ce s b y D e ce m b e r 15, 19 92 , to : M a r i B u s s e ll, L ib ra ry P e r s o n n e l O ffice r, G e o rg e A . S m a th e r s L ib ra rie s , 3 7 0 L ib ra ry W e s t, U n iv e r s it y o f F lo r id a , G a in e s v ille , F lo r id a 3 2 6 1 1 . A n A A /E E O e m p lo y e r. H E A D , T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S . C h a lle n g in g n e w p o s itio n , re s p o n s ib le fo r c o n s o li­ d a tin g a c q u is itio n s , c a ta lo g in g , s e r ia ls , a n d b in d e r y fu n c tio n s . W ill s u p e r v is e 3 p ro fe s s io n a ls , 16 sta ff, a n d s tu d e n t a s s is ta n ts ; s e t a n d im p le m e n t d e p a rtm e n ta l o b je ctiv e s ; tr a in a n d e v a lu a te s ta ff; w o r k w ith N O T IS s u b s y s te m s ; a n d co o rd in a te p r o je c ts w ith o th e r d e p a rtm e n ts . R e q u ire m e n ts : A L A -a c c r e d it e d M L S ; m in . 5 yrs. p ro fe s s io n a l e x p ., w ith a t le a s t 3 y e a r s a s h e a d o f a t e c h n ic a l s e r v ice s u n it; stro n g le a d e rs h ip a n d s u p e r v is o r y s k ills ; w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f c a ta lo g in g a n d a cq u is itio n s o p e r a tio n s ; exp . w it h O C L C o r o th e r b ib lio g r a p h ic u tility a n d a u to m a te d sy ste m s , N O T IS p re fe rre d . S a la ry ra n g e : $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 7 ,0 0 0 . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f T e x a s a t E l P a s o is a c o m m u te r ca m p u s , w ith o v e r 1 7 ,0 0 0 s t u d e n ts a n d 7 0 0 fa cu lty . M o d e rn , six -flo o r L ib ra ry b u ild in g h o u s e s a c e n t ra liz e d c o lle c tio n o f o v e r 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s. S t a ff co n s is ts o f 2 2 p r o fe s s io n a ls , 4 8 s u p p o r t s ta ff, a n d 100 s tu d e n t a s s is ta n ts . E l P a s o , lo c a te d o n th e U .S .-M e x ic a n b o r d e r , offe rs a b ic u ltu r a l e n v ir o n m e n t, y e a r -ro u n d s u n sh in e , m ild w in te r c lim a te , a n d e a s y a cce s s to M e x ic o , N e w M e x ic o , a n d A r iz o n a . S e n d le t te r o f a p p lica tio n , r e s u m e , a n d n a m e s /p h o n e n u m b e r s o f 3 re fe re n ce s to: M a r y K e ck le y , A s s o c ia t e U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ria n , U n iv e r s it y o f T e x a s a t E l P a s o , L ib ra ry , E l P a s o , T X 7 9 9 6 8 -0 5 8 2 ; p h o n e : 9 1 5 -7 4 7 -5 6 8 3 ; fa x : 9 1 5 -7 4 7 -5 3 2 7 . T h e p o s itio n w ill r e m a in op e n u n t il fille d . T h e U n iv e r s ity d o e s n o t d is cr im in a te o n th e b a s is o f ra ce , co lo r, n a tio n a l o rig in , sex, r e lig io n , a g e or d is a b ilit y in e m p lo y m e n t o r p r o v is io n o f serv ices. 6 8 8 / C&RL N ew s C O O R D IN A T O R O F E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f H ou ston L ib ra ries are d e v elop in g a sta te-of-th e-a rt E lectron ic In form a tion S ystem . T h e C oor­ d in a tor o f E lectron ic R esou rces coord in a tes collection d ev elop m en t for electronic resou rces, p la n s an d im p lem en ts p rogra m for o u trea ch an d tra in in g in the u se o f electron ic in form a tion r esou rces, a n d a ssists in p rep a rin g g ra n t p rop osa ls for en h a n c­ in g a ccess to electron ic resou rces. Serves as su b ject lib ra ria n for d esign a ted social scien ce or scien ce discip lin es, in clu d in g collection d ev elop m en t, lib ra ry in stru ction fa cu lty lia ison w ork , a n d p rovid es referen ce services in clu d in g som e w eek en d and e v e n in g hours. T h e U H L ib ra ries o ffe r a d y n a m ic, serv ice-orien ted , an d h igh ly a u tom a ted e n viron m en t in w h ich m a jo r n ew fu n d in g fo r ex p a n sion o f tech nology, collection s, an d services w ith in th e lib ra ries h a s been ach ieved . R eq u ires A L A - a ccred ited M a ster’ s degree; tw o y ea rs o f p rofession a l lib ra ry ex p erien ce in clu d in g k n ow led ge o f electron ic resou rces a n d th e In tern et; ex cellen t w ritte n an d oral com m u ­ n ica tion an d p resen ta tion sk ills; a s tro n g com m itm en t to resp on sive an d in n ovative service; an d the a b ility to w o rk s u ccessfu lly w ith facu lty, stud ents, an d s t a ff as w ell as th e pu blic. Salary: $30,000. C om p reh en siv e b en efits p a ck age; 88 % o f social secu rity p a id for first $1 6,50 0 o f salary; ch oice o f retirem en t p rogra m s in clu d in g T IA A -C R E F ; ta x-d eferred a n n u ity p rogra m a v ailab le; relea se tim e to ta k e a class u p to 3 h ours/w eek ; n o state or loca l in com e tax. A s th e resea rch lib ra ry fo r a fo u r cam p u s system , the U n iv e rs ity o f H ou ston L ib ra ries h old in gs e x ceed 1.6 m illion volum es. T ota l s ta ff cu rre n tly in clu d es 42 p rofession a ls an d 155 su p p ort staff. T h e lib ra ry is a m em b er o f A R L . R ev iew o f a p p lica tion s w ill b e g in im m e d ia te ly an d con tin u e u ntil th e p osition is filled. S en d letter o f a p p lica tion , n a m es o f 3 referen ces, an d resu m e to D an a R ooks, A ssis ta n t D ire cto r fo r A d m in istra tion , U n iv e r sity o f H o u s to n L ibra ries, H ou ston , T X 77204-20 91 . A n equ al op p ortu n ity em p loyer. S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S C U R A T O R -M A N U S C R IP T S , T h e G etty C en ter fo r th e H is tory o f A rt an d th e H u m an ities. R ep orts to th e H ead o f S p ecia l C ollection s. M a n a g es collection s o f m a n u scrip ts, archives, & a rch itectu ra l draw in gs. Selects, evalu ates, and recom m en d s sp ecia l m a teria ls an d th e ir su p p ortin g referen ce tools for pu rch ase, P rovid es sp ecia lized referen ce serv ices & p a rticip a tes w ith o th er curatoria l s t a ff in su p ervision o f Sp ecia l C ollection s rea d in g room . O versees p rocessin g & p reserva tion o f sp ecia l m a terials. P a rticip a tes in d ev elop m en t o f & en su res com p lia n ce w ith secu rity g u id elin es & sp ecia l h a n d lin g req u irem en ts. P a rticip a tes in d ev elop m en t o f d ivision p olicies & p roced u res. Q u a lifica tion s: T h e fo llo w in g are requ ired : P h.D . degree in a rt h isto ry or rela ted d iscip lin e, o r A L A -a ccre d ite d M L S d egree a n d gra d u a te degree in su b ject sp ecia liza tion , or e q u iv a len t com b in a tion o f tra in in g & exp erien ce; flu en cy in a t le a st one W e s te rn E u rop ea n la n g u a ge plu s r e a d in g & w ritin g ab ilities in a t lea st tw o oth ers; 3-4 y ea rs cu ra toria l ex p erien ce; p roven a b ility to a p p ly k n ow led ge & resea rch m eth od s to th e a ssessm en t o f resou rce m a teria ls; ex p erien ce w ith on lin e d a tab ases. O u tsta n d in g w ritte n & v e rb a l com m u n ica tion skills, in clu d in g p ublic sp e a k in g ab ility; ex cellen t a n a lytica l & orga n iz a tion skills; o u tsta n d in g in terp erson a l sk ills to w o rk effectiv ely w ith a w id e ra n ge o f in tern a tion a l collea g u es & p rofessiona l contacts. F a m ilia rity w ith A M C ca ta log in g & su p ervisory ex p erien ce preferred. H irin g S a la ry R a nge: $ 4 0 ,7 0 0 - $48,200. E x cellen t b en efits. Sen d le tte r o f a p p lication , resu m e, a n d n a m es, a d d resses, an d p h on e n u m b ers o f 3 referen ces to: P e rso n n e l C oord in ator, T h e G etty C e n te r fo r th e H is to ry o f A r t a n d th e H u m a n itie s, 401 W ilsh ire B lv d ., Su ite 400, S a n ta M onica, C A 90401. N o p h on e in q u iries please. “I can offer you subscription Italian serials for inclusion in th e EBSCO and claiming assistance with database in order to better serve our local customers as well as others like you around more than 4,500 serials th e world. 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