ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 661 Preservation N ews Jane Hedberg Commission publishes annual report The 1992/93 Annual Report o f the Commission on Pres­ ervation and Access, in ad­ dition to docum enting ac­ complishments and listing publications, com m ittees, task forces, board members, and staff, also includes a short essay by Commission Presi­ dent Patricia Battin. The es­ say, “From Preservation to Access— Paradigm for the Future,” presents Battin’s vi sion o f preservation in the virtual library with the thesis that “in the digital world, preserva­ tion is access, and access is preservation.” Copies o f the report are available free (while supplies last) from Sonny Koemer, The Com­ mission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th Street, N.W., Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036- 2217; (202) 939-3400. (Commission sponsors receive copies o f all commission publications automatically.) AMIGOS distributes information on A/V preservation The AMIGOS Preservation Service (APS) is of­ fering copies o f handouts distributed at the May 1993 American Library Association Institute, “The Magnetic Media Challenge: Preservation o f Audio Tape & Videotape in Libraries and Archives.” The handouts include tw o bibliog­ raphies, storage and handling recommenda­ tions, disaster preparedness guidelines, sample documentation data sheets, and some vendor- supplied materials. APS is also distributing a handout titled “Preservation Basics and Stan­ dards for Audio & V ideo Tapes,” which was d eveloped by its Field Services O fficer Ann Massmann. Free copies are available from Rebecca Frank, AMIGOS Preservation Service, AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc., 12200 Park Central Drive, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75251; (800) 843- 8482. AMIGOS reports on SAA annual meeting AMIGOS Preservation Service (APS) is distrib­ uting copies o f a report on the Annual Meeting o f the Society o f American Archivists (SAA), w h ich w as held in N e w Orleans from September 1- 5, 1993. The report, pre­ pared by APS Field Services Officer Ann Massmann, pro­ vides a summary o f activi­ ties at preservation-related sessions. Free copies are available from Rebecca Frank (see or­ d e rin g in fo rm a tio n in preceeding news item). Geoscience Information Society publishes papers on preservation The Geoscience Information Society has pub­ lished “Preserving Geoscience Imagery” as vol­ ume 23 o f its Proceedings. The volume con­ tains 19 papers on a variety o f topics including digital imagery, photographic collections, pre­ serving high-use geoscience literature, strate­ gies for preserving personal professional photo and slide collections, federal initiatives to pre­ serve images on laser disc, and basic preserva­ tion techniques em ployed at the U.S. G eologi­ cal Survey Field Records and Photographic Libraries. Copies are available for $45.00 (prepaid) from the Geoscience Information Society, c/o American Geological Institute, 4220 King Street, Alexandria, V A 22302 ALCTS bylaws fail to pass membership vote The Executive Board o f the Association for Li­ brary C ollection s and Tech n ical Services (ALCTS) submitted new bylaws to a member­ ship vote in September. The bylaws would have completely reorganized the assocaition, elimi­ nating the present sections and creating divisionwide interest groups and forums. ALCTS announced the results o f the vote on Novem ­ ber 1. O f the 1,546 votes cast, 35% w ere in favor o f the bylaws and 65% were against. ■ Submissions fo r this column may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; JHEDBERG@LUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU; (61 7) 283-2103. Submission deadline is the 15th of the month and precedes publication by approxi­ mately six weeks.