ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 662 N ew Publications G eorg e M. Eberhart The American Revolu­ tion: An Encyclopedia, edited by Richard Blanco (2 vols., June 1993), contains more than 700 detailed en­ tries on battles, campaigns, skirmishes, raids, and sea fights, along with more than 400 biographical sketches o f leading officers and states­ m en. T h e e n c y c lo p e d ia ’s scope extends to Canada, the Spanish Southwest, and battles in the W est Indies, European waters, and the In dian Ocean. With detailed maps and a glos­ sary. Copies are $175.00 from Garland Publish­ ing, 717 Fifth Ave., N e w York, N Y 10022. ISBN 0-8240-5623-X. American Women Civil Rights Activists: Biobibliographies of 68 Leaders, 1825-1992, by Gayle J. Hardy (479 pages, September 1993), describes activities o f w om en in the U.S. w h o are nationally know n for their w ork in civil rights. Each entry highlights the major life events year by year and gives a range o f information from personal data to historical sites associated with the biographee. A comprehensive index and ten appendices allow access by occupa­ tion, ethnicity, civil rights activity, birthplace, pseudonym, religion, schools attended, tribal membership, organizations, important names, and books written. Copies may be ordered for $47.00 (postpaid) from McFarland & Co., Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-773-5. ARL University Law and Medical Library Statistics, 1978/79-1991/92, co m p iled by K endon L. Stubbs (b ooklet and diskette, Sep­ tember 1993), contains 15 years o f data on the collections, staff, and expenditures o f 68 law and 60 medical libraries o f the university mem­ bers o f the Association o f Research Libraries. The data, in ASCII format, are designed to be used in conjunction with the machine-readable compilations o f the ARL Statistics published each year. Statistics w ere provided by the Associa­ tion o f Academic Health Sciences Library D i­ rectors and the American Bar Association. Cop­ ies are $60.00 (prepaid) from ARL Pubs., Dept. 0692, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036. Specify diskette preference w hen ordering. Barrio Rhythm: Mexican American Music in Los Angeles, by Steven Loza (320 pages, June 1993), ex­ plores the history o f Latino music in the cultural devel­ opment o f East Los Angeles and its influence on main­ stream popular culture. Un­ like Tex-Mex, Cuban-Ameri can, salsa, Latin jazz, and other Hispanic genres, the East L.A. style has not been d o cu m en ted or an a lyzed since the group Los Lobos brought it to national attention in the mid-1980s. The author, an ethnomusicologist and one-time An geleno barrio musician, fills in this gap with a social history highlighted by nine ethnographic interviews with Los Lobos, Eddie Cano, Pon­ cho Sanchez, and other local musicians. A rich and fascinating introduction to what is essen­ tially a confluence o f musical traditions. A copy may be ordered for $42.50 from the University o f I llin o is P ress, 54 E. G r e g o r y D r iv e , Champaign, IL 61820. ISBN 0-252-01902-4. Before Disaster Strikes: Prevention, Plan­ ning, and Recovery, by Priscilla O ’Reilly Lawrence (40 pages, September 1993), is a com ­ panion publication to the Historic N e w Orleans Collection’s Preservation Guide series written for the general reader. This booklet describes h o w to deal with damage to paintings, paper and books, photographs, textiles, furniture and w o o d en objects, metal objects, glass, and ce­ ramics. It has informative photographs and a list o f sources for conservation information. Copies are available for $6.95 (plus $1.25 han­ dling) from the Historic N ew Orleans Collec­ tion, 533 Royal Street, N ew Orleans, LA 70130. ISBN 0-917860-32-2. The Columbus Collection, com piled by Clinton R. Edwards and Damon Anderson (26 pages, 1992), a chronological list o f books and reprints in the American Geographical Society Collection at the University o f Wisconsin-Mil- waukee, has been published as the collection’s special publication number three. This bibliog­ raphy lists more than 400 books and reprints o f journal articles published from 1616 through 1992. A copy is available for $5.00 from AGSC 663 Publications, P.O. Box 604, Milwaukee, WI 53201. ISBN 1-879281-10-4. Directory of Financial Aids for Minorities, 1993-1995, by Gail A. Schlachter and R. David W eber (668 pages, May 1993), describes more than 2,150 scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants, awards, and internships set aside for American minorities and minority organizations. About 70% of the entries in this new edition have b een substantively updated and nearly 500 new programs have b een added. The cost is $47.50 (plus $4.00 shipping) from Reference Service Press, 1100 Industrial Rd., Suite 9, San Carlos, CA 94070. ISBN 0-918276-21-7. A new edition of the same publisher’s Di­ rectory o f Financial Aidsfor Women is also avail­ able for $45.00 (plus $4.00 shipping). ISBN 0- 918276-20-9. Electronic Style: A G u id e to Citing Elec­ tron ic Inform ation, by Xia Li and Nancy B. Crane (65 pages, August 1993), offers guidance in properly citing full-text databases, biblio­ graphic databases, electronic conferences, e- mail, and com puter software. Most other cita­ tion guides d o not offer the level o f detail required to describe new media. The format is adapted from the American Psychological As­ sociation stylebook. The book costs $15.00 from the Meckler Corporation, 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-909-X. Fe ta l P ro te ctio n in th e W o r k p la c e : W om en’s Rights, Business In terests, and th e U n born , by Robert Blank (225 pages, October 1993), contrasts the right of the mother to control her life against the right of the fetus to occupy a risk-free environm ent and offers suggestions for building a rational policy for w om en in the w orkplace. These include in­ creased maternal leaves, guaranteed prenatal care, expanded research on workplace hazards, and an accident compensation fund that relieves employers o f the yet unrealized fear o f liability for fetal harm. The book costs $29-50 from Columbia University Press, 562 W. 113th Street, New York, NY 10025. ISBN 0-231-07694-0. Films b y G e n re, by Daniel Lopez (495 pages, October 1993), provides definitions for 775 cin­ ematic categories, styles, trends, and m ove­ ments, with a filmography for each. This book will be very useful for anyone w ho is puzzled by an ill-defined genre term in the literature (w hat really is Heimatfilm, street film, or film blanc?) or anyone w ho wishes to research a particular style. Each entry includes a brief de­ scription of the genre and a list of the best or most typical movies, showing original title(s), nationality, year of production, additional titles, and director or filmmaker. Cross-references and see-also references are numerous. A title index allows you to look u p your favorite movie and see w hat genre it typifies: Ladyhawke (sword- and-sorcery film), Krakatoa, East o f Java (natural disaster film). MARC film catalogers take note! Copies are available for $47.00 (postpaid) from McFarland & Company, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-780-8. Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years o f Map Projections, by John P. Snyder (365 pages, 1993), illustrates more than 170 global projections from the Renaissance to the present, including outline maps from original sources an d m o dern co m p u terized reconstructions. Formulas are given to docum ent the mathemati­ cal characteristics o f each projection. An essen­ tial reference for cartographic collections. A copy may be ordered for $45.00 from the Uni­ versity o f Chicago Press, 5801 South Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. ISBN 0-226-76746-9. G e rm a n V e rb s, by William Rowlinson (343 pages, October 1993), is the latest in the excel­ lent mini-reference series published by Oxford University Press. This small b ook (3 ¼ by 5 inches) contains definitions and grammatical rules for all German strong and mixed verbs in use, as well as all German w eak verbs in com­ m on use today—some 6,000 verbs in all. An introductory section provides details of the for­ mation of German verbs and an identification Share yo u r lib ra ry ’s n ew s C&RL News wants to hear about your library’s activities. Information in the News from, the Field, Grants & Acquisitions, and People in the News columns is gathered from press releases and notices we receive. If you don’t share your ideas and activities with us we can’t share them with C&RL News readers. Be sure to put C&RL News on your mailing list today. Send notices to the Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 6 0 6 ll; or e-mail: U38398@uicvm. 664 list for irregular parts o f strong and mixed verbs. Copies may be ordered for $6.95 from O xford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., N e w York, N Y 10016. ISBN 0-19-211684-3. A Guide to the College Library: The Most Useful Resources for Students and Re­ searchers, b y Christopher Lee Philips (388 pages, Septem ber 1993), is targeted for the undergraduate n ew to academic library collec­ tions. The first section summarizes the organi­ zation o f information resources, the second section describes the various formats o f refer­ ence materials, and the third section serves as a directory o f selected resources in ten major academic disciplines. The final section reviews the services a college library has to offer. Li­ brary o f Congress class numbers are given for all subjects and titles. This w ill prove a handy supplement to Thomas Mann’s Guide to Library Research Methods (O x fo r d , 1986), w h ich stresses methods more than materials. The book costs $49.95 from Walker and Co., 720 Fifth Ave., N ew York, N Y 10019. ISBN 0-8027-1283-5. A Guide to the Papers of Pierre Clement de Laussat, edited by Jon Kukla (178 pages, S eptem ber 1993), describes the manuscript holdings o f the Historic N ew Orleans Collec­ tion relating to Napoleon’s prefect for the colony o f Louisiana. The Laussat papers number more than 600 items, ranging in date from a 1769 Spanish inventory o f buildings in N ew Orleans to an 1815 letter Laussat received at his cha­ teau in Pau. More than four-fifths are Laussat’s Feature your collection on a cover of C&RL N ew s C&RL News wants to feature aesthetically pleasing photos o f items from library col­ lections on its covers. If you have material in your library’s collections that you think w ou ld make an attractive C&RL News cover, please send us a photograph and a brief description o f the item and the collection. Photos may be either color or black and w hite and should be 5″ x 7″ or 8″ x 10″ . Illustrations with a vertical orientation w ork best. Materials submitted w ill becom e the property o f C&RL News and cannot be ac­ know ledged. Send to: C&RL News Covers, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. documents and correspondence from Louisi­ ana in the eventful years o f 1803-4. A copy costs $20.00 (plus tax and handling) from the Historic N e w Orleans Collection Museum and Research Center, 533 Royal St., N e w Orleans, LA 70130. ISBN 0-917860-33-0. Historical Journals: A Handbook for Writ­ ers and Reviewers, by Dale R. Steiner and Casey R. Phillips (274 pages, 2d ed., O ctober 1993), includes nearly 700 titles o f journals published in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. Each entry gives the name o f the journal, organizational affiliation, editor and b oo k review editor, subscription rates, circula­ tion, readership, indexing, and specifics on the periodical’s policies on manuscripts and re­ views. A cop y may be ordered for $41.95 (post­ paid) from McFarland & Company, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-801-4. Interfaces: Relationships Between Library Technical and Public Services, by Sheila S. Intner (231 pages, August 1993), is a collection o f 40 informative essays from Intner’s “Inter­ faces” colum n in Technicalities. T h e essays cover four broad areas: the scope o f technical services, problems and solutions in cataloging, relationships betw een technical and public ser­ vices, and policies for the future. Each chapter is clearly focused and animated; especially in­ teresting are “T en G oo d Reasons W h y Refer­ ence Librarians W ould Make G oo d Catalogers,” “Cataloging Myths Debunked,” and “The A ge o f Access: Emulating the Real W orld.” The book may be ordered for $32.00 from Libraries Un­ limited, P.O. Box 6633, Englewood, CO 80155- 6633. ISBN 1-56308-059-1. Library and Information Center Manage­ ment, by Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran (402 pages, 4th ed., September 1993), focuses on the functions com m on to all man­ agers: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. This volum e incorporates the important features o f the three previous edi­ tions, w ith additional materials, features, top­ ics, examples, and insights. All facets o f library management are examined, from the dynam­ ics o f the library as an organization, the behav­ ior o f individuals and groups within the library, and the politics and programs o f the library to the relationship o f the library to its staff, users, and funding authorities. Appendices provide sample mission and goals statements, organization 665 charts, job descriptions, performance appraisal forms, and budget and justification forms. The b oo k is available for $38.50 from Libraries Unlimited, P.O. Box 6633, Englewood, CO 80155-6633- ISBN 1-56308-135-0. On Account of Sex: An Annotated Bibli­ ography on the Status of Women in Librari anship, 1987-1992, by Lori Goetsch and Sarah B. Watstein (244 pages, 1993), is the third supplement to The Role o f Women in Librari anship, 1876-1976 (Oryx, 1979). Included are books, essays, articles, conference reports, and pamphlets, cited in chronological order by pub­ lication date. Author and subject indexes are keyed to the citation number. A copy is $32.50 fr o m S c a r e c ro w P ress, P .O . B o x 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2701-8. The Oxford Dictionary of American legal Quotations, by Fred R. Shapiro (582 pages, May 1993), is a scholarly collection o f famous, witty, and insightful quotes about American law. Coverage includes judicial opinions and legal writings o f all types, as w ell as notable law- related passages in fiction, drama, poetry, phi­ losophy, history, politics, sociology, humor, folklore, the cinema, and popular music. Q uo­ tations have been verified from original sources and are printed verbatim. The b oo k is $49-95 from Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., N e w York, N Y 10016. ISBN 0-19-505859-3. The Portmanteau Dictionary, by Dick Thurner (174 pages, August 1993), defines blend words in the English language, includ­ ing trademarks and brand names. Portmanteau words blend together shared characteristics o f their component words, like “infotainment” and “scrawl” (scribble + sprawl). More than 1,600 blend words are defined, with the root words given for each, as w ell as 600 trademarks. An appendix groups the entries according to sub­ ject. C op ies are availab le fo r $27.50 from McFarland & Co., B ox 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-687-9. The Supreme Court Justices: Illustrated Biographies, 1789– 1993, ed ited by Clare Cushman (576 pages, August 1993), is an in­ troduction to the lives, careers, and judicial contributions o f the 105 men and one o f the tw o w om en w h o have served on the nation’s highest court. With a forew ord by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and numerous portraits and illustrations, the volum e was developed by the Supreme Court Historical Society, a pri­ vate nonprofit organization. The biographies add a human dimension to the justices that you usually don’t get from reading their opinions. The book is $39-95 from Congressional Quar­ terly Books, 80 Northfield Ave., Building 424, Edison, NJ 08837. ISBN 0-87187-723-6. Vintage Synthesizers, edited by Mark Vail (300 pages, September 1993), explores the de­ velopm ent o f the m odem synthesizer and fea­ tures 200 photographs o f early models. Many o f these vintage synths, only 10 to 30 years old, are popular again because their unique musical characteristics cannot be duplicated in new er instruments. Innovators reveal h o w they got started, their biggest successes, and major failures. The cost is $19-95 from Miller Free­ man, 6600 Silacci Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. ISBN 0-87930-275-5. ■