ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 666 Grants and A c q u i s i t i o n s Columbia University Li­ braries has b een aw arded $58,000 from the D epart­ ment o f Education to cata­ log the contents o f approxi­ mately 50 electronic text sets o f the libraries’ Electronic Text Service (ETS). ETS was established in 1987 as the first facility in an American library to be devoted exclu­ sively to collecting and pro­ viding acccess to electronic primary-source texts and re­ search tools in the humani ties. The grant w ill provide national and local online bibliographic access to approximately 50 databases, research tools, and text-analysis software programs, and hundreds o f analytical records for the individual texts contained in selected databases. Iowa State University’s Parks Library has received a $45,000 Title IIC grant from the D e­ partment o f Education for its Special Collec­ tions. The grant w ill be used to preserve and catalog a collection o f 25,000 business, indus­ trial, and training films. Dating back to 1911, the collection o f 16-millimeter films is the only on e o f its kind in the country, with titles as varied as Coping With Life and Steam fo r Power. All o f the films w ere donated by the com pa­ nies or governm ent agencies that produced them, or from the American Archives o f the Factual Film, a collection created by Ott Coelln, founder o f Business Screen magazine in 1938. Lenoir-Rhyne College, Warren Wilson College, and Mars Hill College, part o f a con­ sortium o f seven western North Carolina col­ leges, w ill be online in 1994 as the Mountain C ollege Library Network, Inc. The consortium has received a $300,000 grant from the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation for the purchase and installation o f an integrated automated system to serve all network members. Ohio University’s Alden Library has re­ ceived a $500,000 grant to establish a first-of- its-kind center for the study o f Chinese em i­ grants w o rld w id e, particularly Southeast Asia. H on g K on g businessman Y ou -B ao Shao has given the grant to establish the You -b ao Shao Overseas Chinese Documen­ tation and Research Center. Alden’s Southeast Asia Col­ lection has been working un­ der a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to identify and acquire materials on the overseas Chinese. The Shao gift will aid this activity and serve as a foundation for an endowment goal o f $2 mil­ lion necessary for the iden­ tification, preservation, and cataloging o f the materials. Princeton University’s Firestone Library has been awarded a $600,000 grant from the King Fahd National Library o f Saudi Arabia to support the library’s pathbreaking Arabic book preservation project. The grant is part o f a long­ term p ro je c t to m ic r o film an d p re s e rv e Princeton’s 100,000-volume collection o f Arab and Islamic materials, considered one o f the largest and most comprehensive in the world. The preservation project has been headed by Sorbonne-educated Hedi BenAicha, Princeton’s Arabic bibliographer. The Research Libraries Group (RLG) has been awarded $404,536 by the National Endow­ ment for the Humanities (N E H ) to support the fourth phase o f its cooperative project to es­ tablish an international union catalog o f Chi­ nese rare books on RLIN. Contributions by the NEH to this project n o w total $683,000. By the end o f phase four in 1995, 13 North American libraries with Chinese rare b oo k holdings w ill have contributed records to RLIN, in addition to the Chinese Academ y o f Sciences, Peking University, and Liaoning Provincial Library. The University of Manitoba Libraries’ Ar­ chives and Special Collection s received an $18,000 grant from the university’s Research and D evelopm ent Fund to aid in developm ent o f the Archives o f Agricultural Experience. The grant recognizes the importance o f agriculture to the history o f Manitoba and w ill support the libraries’ archives in its strategy o f identifying and acquiring records o f privately held farms and agri-businesses in the Red River Valley. These agricultural records provide a glimpse into the personal triumphs and tragedies that 667 characterized life on the farm and influenced prairie economics. The University of Michigan’s School of In­ formation and Library Studies w ill receive four annual grants o f $25,000 from University Mi­ crofilms International (U M I) for the creation o f the UMI Information Management Fellowship. UM I is a division o f Chicago-based B ell & H ow ell. The en d ow m en t edges the school closer to its capital campaign goal o f $1 million over the next five years. The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill’s School o f Information and Library Science has received an initial endow m ent o f $30,000 from Eleanor and Frederick Kilgour for the establishment o f the Eleanor and Frederick Kilgour Faculty Research Fund. The fund w ill support faculty needs through acquisition o f innovative teaching materials and equipment, promotion o f research in new fields, develo p ­ ment o f n ew courses, and provision o f funding for professional travel. Fred K ilgou r is the founder o f OCLC, Inc., and has been a distin­ guished research professor at UNC since 1990. The gift w ill count toward the unversity’s $320 million Bicentennial Campaign for Carolina, o f which $281 million has been given or pledged. Acquisitions The library of Fr. Louis P. Giorgi, a former professor at Cabrini College, Pennsylvania, has been acquired by the college’s H oly Spirit Library. The collection o f 3,802 volumes cov­ ers philosophy, religion, art, archeology, as­ tronomy, travel, and the history o f man and civilizations. Fr. Giorgi was ordained in 1949 and served as associate pastor at St. Donato and St. Cosmos and Damian. H e was pastor o f St. Justin Martyr in Pennsylvania, a church he helped build and for which he designed, with three artists, the stained glass windows. The Arena Stage collection, consisting of thousands o f documents from the Washington, D.C., theater’s first 40 seasons, 1950-51 through 1990-91, has been acquired by the Harvard The­ atre Collection o f the Harvard University Li­ brary. In addition to comprehensive materials from 325 productions staged at Arena, the ar­ chives include such theatrical treasures as hand­ written notes from playwright Thornton Wilder concerning the staging o f The Skin o f Our Teeth and from actor Ned Beatty requesting an audi­ tion in his early career. The collection w ill o f­ fer an invaluable and unparalleled opportunity for researchers to track h o w this country’s resi­ dent theaters have survived and thrived, by studying the extensive records o f an institution at the forefront o f the movement. The archives of Nobel Prize-winning South African novelist and short-story writer Nadine G ordim er have b een acquired b y Indiana University’s Lilly Library, Bloomington. Gordi­ mer, author o f Fridays Footprints and Other Stories, Lifetimes Under Apartheid, My Son’s Story, Crimes o f Conscience, and Something Out There, is a major w orld literary figure noted for her sensitive pictures o f h o w the political tur­ bulence in her native country has affected the lives o f its peop le. The collection includes manuscripts o f her novels and stories; note­ books in which she recorded her research for her books; television scripts based on her sto­ ries, speeches, articles, and papers; and about 4,000 received letters from 1949 to 1976, along with copies o f her ow n letters for that period. The Joseph Papp/New York Shakespeare Fesitval Archives have been acquired by the New York Public Library for the Perform­ ing Arts. This collection, which provides a his­ tory o f the N ew York Shakespeare Festival from its inception in 1954, includes the personal papers o f Joseph Papp (1921-1991), founder o f the fesitval. Under Papp’s leadership, the festival became the premiere producing agency o f the post-war American theater. The archives, a joint gift from Papp’s w id o w Gail Merrifield Papp and the N ew York Shakespeare Festival, will be housed in the library’s Billy Rose The­ atre Collection located at Lincoln Center. Japan’s Chubu University has presented Ohio University with a Japanese library col­ lection which includes 500 books and videos, subscriptions to five Japanese newspapers and 20 journals, and at least 100 additional videos and books yearly. Chubu w ill also provide a professional librarian for three to six months a year to assist in processing the Japanese mate­ rials. The acquisition commemorates 20 years o f cooperation between the tw o institutions. ■