ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 568 People in the Hews Marianna Tax Choldin, M o rten so n d istin gu ish ed professor for international library programs and direc­ tor o f the University Library’s Mortenson Center for Inter­ national Library Programs, University o f Illinois, Urbana- C h a m p a ig n , has b e e n elected vice-president/presi­ dent-elect o f the American Association for the Advance­ ment o f Slavic Studies. She w ill serve as vice-president during the 1994 calendar year, president during 1995, and immediate past-president during 1996. Donald C. Davidson, director o f the library at the University o f California, Santa Barbara, from 1947 until his retirement in 1977, was honored in September w h en the university’s board o f regents voted to name the library the Donald C. D a v id s o n Library. D u rin g his tenu re, Donaldson planned and oversaw the construc­ tion o f m ore than 260,000 square feet o f library space, and took the library from 50,000 v o l­ umes to more than 1.3 million. He continues to reside in Santa Barbara today. Charles H. Davis, dean o f the Graduate School o f Library and Information Science at the Uni­ versity o f Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, from 1979 to 1986, was named professor emeritus on O ctober 1. Davis w ill continue in his current position as visiting scholar and adjunct profes­ sor at Indiana University in Bloomington. Trudy Huskamp Peterson, acting archivist o f the United States, was elected president o f the International Conference o f the Round Table on Archives (C ITR A) at its 29th meeting, held in M exico City in September. Peterson is both the first American and the first wom an to hold that post. As president she w ill preside over round tables in G reece (1994) and the U.S. (1995) and w ill serve on the executive com ­ mittee o f the International Council on Archives (ICA). Peterson has served as acting archivist since March 1993 and has been with the Na­ tional Archives since 1968. She also served as president o f the Society for American Archi­ vists from 1990-1991. M. Rocky Ralebipi, direc­ tor o f library and audiovisual services at the College o f St. Catherine, St. Mary’s Cam­ pus, St. Paul, Minnesota, has been elected to the board o f directors for the James J. Hill Reference Library in St. Paul. An independent, privately e n d o w e d institution, the James J. Hill Reference Li­ brary provides business in­ fo rm a tio n to th e p u b lic through its collections, in­ c lu d in g th e n a tio n a lly known James J. Hill and Louis W. Hill papers. Ralebipi w ill serve a three-year term on the 25- member board. Appointments Jean Willoughby Ashton, director o f the New- Y ork Historical Society Library, became direc­ tor o f the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University at . the beginning o f Sep­ v ni U tember. A librarian at ia the Historical Society b m lu since 1984 and director o C , s in c e 1990, A s h to n iro Pi ne taught English in the 1970s at Long Island, eoJ Hofstra, and N ew York : it ed u n iversities, and the cr College o f N ew Roch­ otohP e lle . She g ra d u a te d Jean W. Ashton from the University o f Michigan in 1959, earned a master’s in English literature at Harvard University in 1961, and a Ph.D. in American literature at Columbia in 1970. She is the author o f Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Reference Guide (G. K. Hall: 1976). John S. Clouston has been appointed chief librarian o f the Lester A. W em ple Library at King’s College, London, Canada, which is af­ filiated with the University o f Western Ontario. Tina C. Fu is the new director o f library ser­ vices at Eastern Connecticut State University in 669 Willimantic. B efore joining Eastern, Fu served for 24 years in various capacities at the Univer­ sity o f Wisconsin-Oshkosh: as reference librar ian, p u b lic service li­ brarian, collection d e ­ velopm ent officer, assis­ tant director o f public services, and full profes­ sor o f library informa­ tion studies. She holds a B.A. in English from Nation al T a iw a n N o r­ mal University, an M.A. in E nglish fro m M ar­ quette University, and Tina C. Fu an MLS and Ph.D. in li­ brary science from the University o f W iscon sin-Madison. Paul M. Gherman recently assumed duties as director o f libraries at K en yon C ollege in Gam ­ bler, Ohio. Gherman is the form er special as­ sistant to the vice-president at Virginia P oly­ technic Institute and State University w’here he w o rk ed on the Blacksburg Electronic Village Project. H e had earlier served as director o f libraries at Virginia Tech, as assistant director for administrative services at Iow a State Uni­ versity, and as personnel officer at Pennsylva­ nia State University. A board m em ber o f the Online Com puter Library Center, Gherman sits on A L A ’s Telecom m unications Subcommittee, and has served as chair o f the Library Adminis­ tration and Managem ent Association’s Library Organization and Managem ent Section and o f the Association o f Research Libraries Scholarly Communications Committee. H e received his B.A. from W ayn e State University and his MLS from from the University o f Michigan. Michael Keller has been named director o f the Stanford University Libraries, California. K eller has been associate university librarian for collection developm en t at Y a le University since 1986. B efore that he served as music li­ brarian and senior lecturer in m usicology at Cornell University from 1973-81 and head o f the Music Library at the University o f Califor n ia -B erk eley fro m 1981-86. K e lle r h old s a bachelor’s degree from Hamilton C ollege and an M.A. and MLS from the State Universities o f N e w Y o rk at Buffalo and G eneseo respectively. H e is coauthor w ith the late Vincent Duckies o f the 4th edition o f Music Reference and Re­ search Materials (Schirmer/Macmillan, 1988). John Kondelik is the n ew director o f libraries at A lb io n C o lle g e , A lb io n , M ichigan. A fter receiveing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University o f Florida and Florida State University, K on delik w o rk ed at Eckerd C ollege Library for eight years. H e then becam e direc­ tor o f libraries at O livet C ollege from 1974– 81, and the dean o f libraries there from 1981– 83. In 1984 he was named director o f the Irwin Library System at Butler University. A m em ber o f ALA, ACRL, and the Association for the Study o f Higher Education, Kondelik received his doc­ torate from the University o f Michigan in 1993. J. Philip Mulvaney has been named director o f libraries at Northern State University, A ber­ deen, South Dakota. H e previously served as adjunct associate p ro ­ fessor o f library science at Catholic University o f America, collection d e­ v e lo p m e n t and m an ­ agement services librar­ ian at Mary Washington C ollege, and in library- related positions at the University o f W isco n sin-Whitewater, Juniata College, and St. John’s J. Philip Mulvaney University. A member o f A LA and the Association for Library and Infor­ mation Science Education, Mulvaney earned his bachelor’s degree from St. John’s University, his master’s from the University o f Toronto, his MLS from Rutgers University, and his doctorate from the University o f Pittsburgh. Lance Query, assistant university librarian for planning and administration, is n o w dean o f the University Libraries at Western Michigan University, Kalam azoo. Q uery also serves as professor o f library science and teaches Latin- Am erican history. He began his n e w duties at the end o f August. Trish Ridgeway, head o f technical services at the Handley Library in Winchester, Virginia, has Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuate, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered fo r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. 670 been appointed director there. Before joining the Handley Library, Ridgeway was reference librarian and coordinator o f bibliographic in­ struction at the University o f Pennsylvania, and head o f the Reference Department and Public Services Division at the Winthrop College Li­ brary in Rock Hill, South Carolina. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Radford College, her MLS from Florida State University, and her master’s in English from W inthrop College. Ridgeway is a member o f the Virginia Library Association, ALA, and ACRL. She is the editor o f Improving Teaching and Training in Librar­ ies and Improving Reference Management. Helena Rodrigues has been named dean o f libraries at Johnson & Wales University in Provi­ dence, Rhode Island. Rodrigues has served as bibliographic control li­ brarian at R oger W il­ liams University, cata­ log librarian at Brown University, technical ser­ vices librarian at Rhode Island State Library, and preliminary cataloger at the Library o f Congress. She received her B.A. in Spanish/education from Salve Regina University Helena Rodrigues and her M.S. and D.A. in library information science from Simmons College. She is a member o f ALA, the N ew En­ gland Library Association, and the American Society for Information Science. Clarence Toomer, director o f library services at Greensboro College since 1988, has been nam ed director o f li­ brary services at Pem­ broke State University in P e m b ro k e , N orth Carolina. T o o m e r re­ ceived his B.A. in soci­ o lo gy from Livingstone College, his MLS from North Carolina Central University, and his doc­ Clarence Toomer to ra te in ad u lt and higher education from North Carolina State University at Raleigh. Thomas Wilding has been appointed direc­ tor o f libraries at the University o f Texas at Arlington. Currently senior associate director o f the Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Li­ braries, Cambridge, W ilding has also served as administrative librarian and assistant to the di­ rector at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington. He holds an A.B. in English litera­ ture from Georgetow n University and an MLS from Simmons College. Professionally active, W ilding was recently elected section chair o f an ALA division and was appointed to a Li­ brary Administration Management Association Task Force on Leadership Strategies. Karin Wittenborg, associate university librar­ ian for collection developm ent at the Univer­ sity o f California, Los Angeles (UCLA), has been appointed university librarian at the University o f Virginia’s Alderman Library, Charlottesville. At UCLA Wittenborg also had responsibility for the special collections program and the East Asia Library. Before that, she held positions as chief reference librarian and curator o f the so­ cial sciences collection at Stanford University. She received her MLS from the State University o f N ew Y ork at Buffalo and her B.A. from Brown University. Rebecca Alexander has been appointed a librarian at the University o f Kansas Libraries, Lawrence. Anthony M. Angiletta has been appointed director o f collections for the Stanford Univer­ sity Libraries, California. Marilee Birchfield is now reference librar­ ian at the Thomas Cooper Library, University o f South Carolina, Columbia. Susie Bock has been appointed cataloging supervisor for special collections at the Uni­ versity o f Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Scott Brandt is n o w technology training librarian at Purdue University, Indiana. Linda Brown has been appointed coordi­ nator o f collection developm ent at B owling Green State University Libraries, Ohio. Stephanie Buck has been named reference librarian at the Thomas Cooper Library, Uni­ versity o f South Carolina, Columbia. Jo Butterworth has been named interim managing librarian o f the Astronomy-Mathemat ics-Statistics Library at the University o f Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. John Cuthbert has been named director o f the permanent art collection and associate cu­ rator for the arts at West Virginia University, Morgantown. 671 Rick Dyson has been appointed head o f reference services at Wabash College, Craw- fordsville, Indiana. Donna Dziedzic has received a temporary appointment as senior program director at the American Library Association, Chicago. Ronald Edwards has been named head li­ brarian o f the Curriculum Resource Center at B owling Green State University Libraries, Ohio. Emily Epstein has been named cataloger for special collections at the University o f C olo­ rado at Boulder Libraries. Rebecca Feind joined the staff o f the T h o­ mas C ooper Library at the University o f South Carolina, Columbia, as a reference librarian. Kathy Green is n o w head o f reference at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Keith Gresham is n o w reference librarian/ undergraduate collections bibliographer at the University o f Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Sujata Gupta is n ow automation librarian for the Systems Department o f the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, D.C. Jill Holman joined the staff o f the Thomas Cooper Library at the University o f South Caro­ lina, Columbia, as a reference librarian. Kristin Jacobsen joined the Northwestern University staff as a management reference li­ brarian. Debbie Jan has been named assistant li­ brarian in the Kresge Engineering Library at the University o f California, Berkeley. Carl Jones is n o w systems librarian at W elle­ sley C ollege, Massachusetts. Robert Krapohl has been named reference librarian at the Jesse H. Jones Library, Baylor University, W aco, Texas. Judith Lesso is n ow interim head o f refer­ ence services at W est Virginia Univewrsity, Morgantown. Wei Luo is the n ew assistant technical ser­ vices librarian at the Southern Illinois Univer­ sity Law Library, Carbondale. Ed McGuigan is n o w head o f the Research and Instructional Technologies Support Group at Stanford University Libraries, California. Patrice R. Merritt has accepted appoint­ ment as assistant dean for external affairs at W ayne State University Library, Detroit. Michael Newman is now head librarian and bibliographer o f Falconer B iology Library at Stanford University, California. Robin Rider has been appointed Frances and Charles Field curator o f special collections at the Stanford University Libraries, California. David Rodgers has been appointed assis­ tant acquisitions librarian at M oo dy Memorial Library, Baylor University, W aco, Texas. Ellen Sayed has been appointed interim head o f access services at West Virginia Uni­ versity, Morgantown. Ryan Schulz is n o w electronic services li­ brarian at the University o f Manitoba Libraries, W innipeg. Alison Scott is n o w head librarian o f the Popular Culture Library at Bow lin g Green State University Libraries, Ohio. David G. Sherwood has joined the staff o f the Reference Department at the Reinert/Alumni Library, C reighton University, Omaha, N e ­ braska. Lynne U. Turman has b een appoin ted manager o f information and instructional ser­ vices at Virginia Com m onw ealth University, Richmond. Teri Weil has been appointed visiting mi­ nority librarian at the State University o f N ew Y ork at Buffalo. Jean Whelan has been appointed engineer­ ing librarian at the University o f Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Song Yang is no w circulation and computer services librarian at W h eelock College, Boston. Retirements Robert N. Broadus retired as professor o f li­ brary and information science at the University o f North Carolina (U N C ) at Chapel Hill in late June. Broadus joined the faculty o f UNC in 1976. Before that he taught at Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, and held posts as librarian at Sperry Rand Corporation, David Lipscomb College, and Pepperdine College. H e was editor o f ALA’s The Role o f the Humanities in the Public Library (1979), author o f Selecting Materials fo r Librar­ ies, and co-editor o f The Short Story: Ideas and Backgrounds. Mary Dimmick recently retired as database services/reference librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh Libraries. Kenneth A. Lohf, director o f the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University, N e w York, retired in June after a 40-year ca­ reer with the University Libraries. 672 Florence McKenna recently retired as head o f the GSPIA/economics librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Pittsburgh Libraries. Eleanor Pinkham retired July 31 after almost 30 years o f service at Kalamazoo College (KC), Michigan. Pinkham joined KC in 1964 and was named library director in 1971. In 1982 she becam e director o f li­ brary and m edia ser­ vices. She also served as c u ra to r o f th e A.M . Todd Rare Book Room ‘and o f the college’s art collection. Pinkham re­ ceived the Michigan Li­ brary Consortium’s Dis­ tin g u is h e d S e rv ic e Eleanor Pinkham A w a rd in 1982; w as elected president o f the Michigan Library Asso­ ciation in 1984; was recognized as Michigan’s Librarian o f the Year in 1986; and was elected chair o f ACRL’s College Libraries Section in 1987. Donald L. Saporito, director o f the Univer­ sity o f Southwestern Louisiana (USL) Libraries, retired O ctober 1, 1993. He joined USL in 1978 from Dartmouth College, w here he was chief o f processing and automation services. Under his leadership, the USL Libraries implemented an online integrated library automation system (DOBIS), acquired a CD-ROM network, added a third floor to the Dupre Library, and under­ went an extensive library expansion project. Dale Winkels has retired as Slavic materials cataloging librarian at the University o f Pitts­ burgh Libraries. Advertiser index American Spectator 665 AMIGOS 637 Blackwell cover 2 Bowker/Reed cover 4 CD Plus Technologies 623 Digital Directory Assist. 639 PAIS 631 SIRS 640 University o f Missouri 643 Univ. o f Oklahoma 656 W LN cover 3 Lisa Woo has retired as East Asian librarian at the University o f Pittsburgh Libraries. Deaths Jane W. Johnson, academic librarian at Vir­ ginia Com m onwealth University, Richmond, died last April at her home in Richmond. John­ son was an active member o f ACRL’s Educa­ tion and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) and its Social Work/Social W elfare Committee, and worked on the section’s publications. M em o­ rial contributions can be made to: The Cathe­ dral o f the Sacred Heart, 823 Park Ave., Rich­ mond, V A 23220. W. Porter Kellam, director emeritus o f the University o f Georgia (U G ) Libraries, Athens, died on August 29. H e was 87 years old. Kellam earned a bachelor’s degree from Duke Univer­ sity in 1928, and an MLS from Emory Univer­ sity in 1931. He began his career as a librarian at the University o f North Carolina and served as the head librarian at North Carolina State University, West Virginia University, and the University o f South Carolina. Follow ing gradu­ ate study at the University o f Illinois, Kellam was appointed director o f libraries at UG in 1950 and stayed in that position until his retire­ ment in 1973. Professionally active, Kellam served as editor o f Southeastern Librarian, and president o f the Southeastern Library Associa­ tion, the West Virginia Library Association, and the Georgia Library Association. Orlin C. Spicer, former librarian at J. Sterling Morton High School and Junior College, Cicero and Berwyn, Illinois, died September 8 at the age o f 83. Spicer began his career in 1942 at the University o f Missouri (U M ), served as li­ brarian at Monticello College from 1943-45, and returned to UM as assistant to the librarian and head o f circulation from 1945—47. He was li­ brarian at Illinois W esleyan University from 1947– 51, then served as librarian at Morton for 20 years. A life member o f ALA, Spicer was treasurer o f the Illinois Library Association and taught as a guest faculty member at the G eorge Peabody and North Carolina Library schools. A graduate o f Whitworth College, he also held degrees from Gonzaga University and G eorge Peabody College. ■