ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries F e b r u a r y 1 9 9 5 / 7 1 News fr o m the Field M ary Ellen Davis Journal o f Electronic Publishing created Papers, documents, and your ideas about dealing with elec­ tronic publishing are sought for the J o u r n a l o f E lectron ic P u b lis h in g (JEP), a World Wide Web resource created by the University o f Michigan. JE P is designed to bring the literature on electronic pub­ lishing into on e p la ce to make finding information in this fast-moving area easier. JE P does not seek exclusivity to its papers and welcomes papers that will also be published elsewhere. In developing JEP, recent pertinent papers have been collected and loaded or “pointed to.” This archiving phase continues and JE P wel­ com es additional information. Planning is underway to enhance the re­ source to permit discussions centered around the ideas put forward by contributors and for guiding readers to the most significant papers. T h e URL o f th e jo u rn al is: http://w w w . Send comments, ideas, and papers to Colin Day ( or Lorrie Lejeune ( Register for ACRL by Feb. 28 and save Save money by advance registering for ACRL’s 7th National Conference to be held in Pittsburgh, March 29-April 1, 1995. February 28 is the deadline for advance registrations. Academic librar­ ians find themselves in the vanguard o f the movement to build a new information in­ frastructure. Attend this con­ ference to stay on the cutting ed ge. Find ou t how your peers across the country are incorporating new and estab­ lished tech n olog ies to en­ hance the teaching, learning, and research processes. Ex­ plore the many challenges facing academic librarians in the 1990s and into the 21st A view o f stu d y century. Advance registrations n e w r e s e a r c h li are $185 for ACRL personal State U n iv ersity . members; $225 for ALA per­ sonal m em bers; $305 for nonmembers; and $105 for full-time library school stu­ dents. The preliminary pro­ gram was mailed to ACRL m em bers and oth er aca­ demic librarians in Novem­ ber. The preliminary pro­ gram w ith re g is tr a tio n information was also pub­ lished in the January 1995 issue o f C&RL News and is available on ALA’s gopher. To access it point your go­ pher client to port 70; select library, then select ALA, then Divisions, then ACRL to find the information about the National Conference. To request registration information contact Cynthia Taylor at the ACRL office at (800) 545-2433 ext. 2521 or e-mail: cynthia.taylor Kent State builds new math library The top floor o f Kent State University’s new $7 million mathematics building is a 4,000-square- foot research library. Its roof is expressed as a sine wave which is repeated in the interior lin­ ear metal ceiling. The facility, designed by the architectural firm van Dijk, Paca, Westlake & Partners, includes group study rooms, an of­ fice work room, and circulation desk. Russian state archives w ill be added to RUN T h e R e s e a r c h L ib ra rie s Group, Inc. (RLG), in partner­ ship with the Hoover Institu­ tion, has developed an elec­ tronic link with the Russian S ta te A rch iv al S e r v ic e (Rosarkhiv). Over the next two years Russian archivists will catalog Rosarkhiv mate­ rials online in RLIN (RLG's Re­ search Libraries Information Network). Since the collapse o f the Soviet Union, scholars have sought access to the long-closed records o f 20th- c a r r e l s in th e century Soviet history. Now b r a r y a t K e n t these records will be available electronically through RLIN. http://www 7 2 /C & RL News F e b r u a r y is B la c k H is to ry M o n th a n d th is 3 - c o l o r p o s t e r c e l e b r a t e s b la c k w o m e n ’s h is t o r y b y h o n ­ o r i n g n in e p r o m i n e n t Af­ r i c a n A m e r ic a n w o m e n : M a r i a n A n d e r s o n , S o ­ j o u r n e r T r u th , H a r r ie t T u b m a n , M a d a m C. J . W a l k e r , M a ry M cL e o d - B eth un e, R o s a P a r k s , L en a H o r n e , L o r r a i n e H a n s - b e r r y , a n d W i lm a R u ­ d o lp h . T h e p o s te r is a v a il­ ab le f o r $ 6 .0 0 (p lu s $ 3 . 5 0 f o r s h i p p i n g & h a n d ­ lin g ) f r o m th e N a tio n a l W o m e n ’s H is to ry P ro je c t, 7 7 3 8 B e ll R o a d , W in d s o r, CA 9 5 4 9 2 . G overnm ent Printing Office e x p a n d s d a ta b a se access In June of 1994, the Government Printing Office (GPO) unveiled GPO Access, an on­ line system of databases which is the result of the GPO Electronic Information Access En­ hancement Act o f 1993. In its original form, GPO Access offered a single subscription to every federal depository library of each of the following databases: C on g ression al R ec o rd a n d Index, F ed e ra l R egister a n d In d e x ‚ and E n rolled B ills o f th e 1 0 3 rd Congress. In September of 1994, GPO announced a new program to enhance the accessibility of these databases through GPO Access Gate­ ways, which originally included six univer­ sity libraries and one public library. This pro­ gram was expanded in October of 1994 to include any library willing to sign on and sup­ port a Gateway. Unlike GPO Access as it was originally proposed, which supplied access to the databases for only one user from one IP address, the Gateways will support mul­ tiple users simultaneously from one site. In addition to expanding the availability of GPO Access, GPO has also announced that the number of databases will expand. The United States C od e has recently been added, as has the database that will contain the bills of the 104th Congress. GPO hopes to add the C ode o f F e d e r a l R egulations and the G overnm ent In fo rm a tio n L o ca to r in the near future. Here are the GPO Access Gateways cur­ rently in operation and how to access them: COIN: Telnet or dial (314) 884- 7000; login as GUEST; Main Menu select “Gov­ ernment Center”; select GPO ACCESS. Seattle Public Lib rary: Telnet 198.137. 188.2 or dial (206) 386-4140; login as library (lower case); select VT100; select Internet twice; from Gateways menu select GPO Access. G eorgia S o u th e rn U n iv ersity : Telnet or dial into GSnet (9600 baud) at (912) 681-0005; modem settings are 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit; terminal emu­ lation VT100; press twice; from GSnet prompt enter: connect gsvms2; login as Info; select Government Printing Office Access; us­ ers with slow er m odem s may dial into PeachNet at (912) 681-0500; at the PeachNet prompt enter: connect P en n State University: Telnet or dial (814) 865-5427; communication settings are full duplex, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit; VT100 emulation is recommended. For dial ac­ cess: when connection is established press ‹E n te r› once. For dial access and Internet ac­ cess: respond to prompts for terminal emula­ tion and user ID (press ‹E n te r ›); at LIAS screen type: Select; from Select menu choose GPO Access; to exit LIAS, type exit.— M au rie C aitlin Kelly, University o f Illinois a t C h icag o F eb r u a ry 1 9 9 5 / 7 3 In exchange for Russia’s contribution to RLIN, the 67 million records already in the RLIN data­ base will be available to scholars in Russia. The cataloging and access project, supported by a grant to the Hoover Institution from the Na­ tional Endowment for the Humanities, will de­ velop a system for cataloging archival materi­ als located in four Russian repositories that includes standards and a methodology for shar­ ing information on RLIN. Africa na file available on Internet The machine-readable version o f the data used to produce the Jo in t A cquisitions List o f A fricα n α (JALA) has b e e n m ounted on M ichigan’s MIRLYN system and is available to all users via the Internet. “Northwestern University’s African Library began the file in the 1960s and contin­ ues to be a repository for these records,” re­ ports David Easterbrook, curator o f the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies at North­ western. ‘JALA in its paper format is published bimonthly and received by libraries worldwide that have an interest in African studies. For the library community with access to the Internet, this file provides a major improvement for lo­ cating Africana materials across the country.” “AFRI, the name of the African file, is acces­ sible under the ‘Indexes’ section on MIRLYN’s first menu,” states William Gosling, as­ sistant director for technical services and library systems at the University of Michi­ gan. With more than 111,400 records available, researchers can find informa­ tion about Africana materials and where they are located. Each citation contains a minimum o f one holding location. The file contains the Africana collec­ tions of 19 research libraries including Indiana University, the University o f Cali fornia-Los Angeles, Yale University, and the Library o f Congress. New book banishes stereotypes D iscovering Librarian s: P rofiles o f a P ro­ fession , edited by Mary Jane Scherdin and published by ACRL, will help correct the misconceptions o f those who may hold negative stereotypes of librarians. It pre­ sents national study results on vocational interests o f library and information pro­ fessionals to develop a more accurate pic­ ture o f the interests, skills, and personal­ ity o f the typ ical lib rarian. T w elve T he chapters examine updated profiles o f li­ tonPhoto credit: C. Gray TarleO re brarians that have been developed according to widely used interest tests, such as the ACT Interest Inventory ‚ the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey, and the SIGI PLUS computer-aided career guidance tool. An analysis o f demo­ graphic data is also included. D iscovering Li­ b r a r ia n s (ISBN 0-8389-7753-7) is available for $35.95 ($31.95 ACRL members) from the Ameri­ can Library Association, Order Fulfillment, 520 N. Dearborn, Chicago, TL 60610. For faster ser­ vice, orders may be phoned in to (800) 545- 2433 or faxed to (312) 836-9958. University of Oregon expands library The University o f Oregon’s Knight Library has completed a three-year building and renova­ tion project that melded the original 1937 struc­ ture (listed on the National Register of Historic Places) with 1950 and 1966 additions and the 1994 expansion. The $27.4 million project added more than 135,000 square feet to the 237,000- square-foot library; tripled student seating ca­ pacity; increased shelving space by about 27%; added 22 new group-study and seminar rooms; updated facilities for computerized instruction and guided research; expanded the Instructional Media Center to include state-of-the-art distance learning classrooms; modernized the heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation systems for Solari South Stair G allery at th e U niversity o f g o n ’s new ly e x p a n d e d K night Library. 7 4 /C & RL News ACRL electronic com m unications ACRL and its units are establishing a num­ ber of electronic listservs and resources to fa­ cilitate communication among members. Here is a list of known electronic resources spon­ sored by ACRL units. Please notify Mary Ellen Davis of any additions, changes, or correc­ tions that need to be made. Her e-mail ad­ dress is ACRL Foru m Name of list: ACRL-FRM To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe ACRL-FRM your name” to Address: ACRL G opher and C&RL NewsNet Point your gopher client to, port 70; select “The Library,” then select ei­ ther “AIA” to find ACRL information, or “C&RL NewsNet” to read an abridged ver­ sion of the magazine Afro-A m erican Studies Librarian (AFAS) Name of list: AFAS-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe AFAS-L your name” to LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU Address: AFAS-L@KENTVM.KENT.EDU A n th rop ology and Sociology (ANSS) Name of list: ANSS-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe ANSS-L your name to LISTSERV@UCI.EDU A ddress: ANSS-L@UCI.EDU Asian, African, and Middle Eastern (AAMES) Name o f list: ACRL-AAMES To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe ACRL-AAMES your name” to LISTPROC@MCFEELEY.CC.UTEXAS.EDU Address: ACRL-AAMES@MCFEELEY.CC. UTEXAS.EDU C om m unity and Ju n io r College Libraries (CJCLS) Name of list: CJC-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe CJC-L your name” to Address: CJC-L@DEKALB.DC.PEACHNET.EDU College Libraries (CLS) Name of list: COLLIB-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe COLLIB-L your name” to LISTPROC@WILLAMETTE.EDU A ddress: increased user comfort and to protect library materials; provided handicapped access to the building; and allowed for future expansion. TBG Architects and Planners in Eugene were the lead architects. One-third o f the cost of the project was funded by private gifts and grants. New ACRL book offers employee management assistance A new publication in ACRL’s CLIP (College Li­ brary Information Packet) Note series provides useful guidance for managing student employ­ ees, who represent an average o f over 25% of staff in college libraries. M an agin g Student Em­ ploy ees in College Libraries, CLIP Note 2 0 sur­ veys employee management practices of 150 college libraries and includes excerpts from policies and procedures manuals covering a wide range of employee management issues. Examples include job description and applica­ tion forms, interviews and reference checking, employee agreements, and dismissal proce­ dures. Managing workers on the job is also covered in sections dealing with orientation, training, supervision, evaluation, and perfor­ mance review. M an ag in g Student E m ployees (ISBN 0-8389- 7752-9) was compiled by Michael D. Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman under the auspices o f the ACRL College Libraries Sections’ CLIP Notes Committee. It sells for $29.95 ($25.95 to ACRL members) and is available from the Ameri­ can Library Association, Order Fulfillment, 520 N. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 606l0. For faster ser­ vice, orders may be phoned in to (800) 545- 2433 or faxed to (312) 836-9958. mailto:LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU mailto:AFAS-L@KENTVM.KENT.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@UCI.EDU mailto:ANSS-L@UCI.EDU mailto:LISTPROC@MCFEELEY.CC.UTEXAS.EDU mailto:ACRL-AAMES@MCFEELEY.CC mailto:CJC-L@DEKALB.DC.PEACHNET.EDU mailto:LISTPROC@WILLAMETTE.EDU F eb ru a ry 1 9 9 5 / 75 D iscussion Group o n E lectron ic T e x t C enters Name of list: ETEXTCTR To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe ETEXTCTR your name” to LISTSERV@rutvml A ddress: ETEXTCTR@rutvml Edu cation an d B ehavioral Sciences (EBSS) Name of list: EBSS discussion list To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe to the EBSS discussion list your name” to ROLLINS@MAINE(bitnet) A ddress: ROLLINS@MAINE.MAINE.EDU (Note: do not use listserv commands) E xh ib its an d Displays in Libraries Name o f list: LIBEX-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe LIBEX-L your name” to LISTSERV@MAINE.MAINE.EDU A ddress: LIBEX-L@MAINE.MAINE.EDU E xten d ed Cam pus L ibrary Services (ECLSS) Name o f list: O ff Camp To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe O ff Camp your name” to OffCamp@Waynest 1 A ddress: OffCamp@Waynestl Fee-based In fo rm ation Services C enters in A cadem ic Libraries Name o f list: FISC-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe FISCL your name” to LISTSERV® NDSUVM1 ‚bitnet A ddress: FISC-L@NDSUVMl.bitnet Law an d Political S cien ces (LPSS) Name o f list: LPSS-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe LPSS-L your name” to Address: LPSS-L@USTS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU R acial & E th n ic D iversity C om m ittee Name o f list: EQUILIBRN To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe EQUILIBRN your name” to LISTSERV@FULLERTON.EDU A ddress: EQUILIBRN@FULLERTON.EDU Scien ce and T ech n ology (STS) Name o f list: STS-L To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe STS-L your name” to LISTSERV@UTKVM1 .UTK.EDU A ddress: STS-L@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU S cien ce an d T ech n ology (STS) Name o f publication: Issues in S cien ce & T echnology L ib rarian sh ip (ISTL) To subscribe send a request to: ACRLSTS@HAL.UNM.EDU W estern E u ro p ean Specialists (WESS) Name o f list: ECOLL To subscribe send the message: “Subscribe ECOLL your name” to LISTSERV@UNLLIB.UNL.EDU A ddress: ECOLL@UNLLIB.UNL.EDU W estern E u ro p ean Specialists (WESS) Name o f list: DISC-NORDLIB To subscribe send a message (be sure to include your e-mail address) to: disc-nordlib-request@ ma Address: Update on information literacy data The January “News from the Field” column re­ ported on ACRL entering into a cooperative re­ search project for the purpose of collecting data on existing information literacy programs in higher education institutions across the U.S. “It is important for the library profession to involve key organizations and individuals out­ side the profession in a discussion about the value o f an information-literate society,” said ACRL vice-president Patricia Senn Breivik. Survey forms were mailed to college and university campuses requesting information on current programs dealing with information lit­ eracy. More than 200 responses have been re­ ceived so far. The results from the data collec­ tion will be shared in a series o f articles in a wide range of journals, and in a series o f re­ gional “best-practice” workshops, and eventu­ ally in a major book-length publication com­ bining the know ledge gained through the surveys and the workshops. This project has the endorsement o f the American Association o f Higher Education (AAHE), which is commit­ ted to disseminating the results to its member­ ship. mailto:ROLLINS@MAINE.MAINE.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@MAINE.MAINE.EDU mailto:LIBEX-L@MAINE.MAINE.EDU mailto:LPSS-L@USTS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@FULLERTON.EDU mailto:EQUILIBRN@FULLERTON.EDU mailto:STS-L@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU mailto:ACRLSTS@HAL.UNM.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@UNLLIB.UNL.EDU mailto:ECOLL@UNLLIB.UNL.EDU