ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries F eb ru a ry 1 9 9 5 / 79 “ A m e rica n s C an’ t W ait . . . P a ss a B uck” This National Library Week, April 9 -15, ALA and library advocates across the country aim to send a special message to Congress— “Pass a Buck for Li­ braries.” “Americans can’t wait for our nation’s libraries to have the information they need ,” said Patricia Glass Schuman, a p ast-p resid en t o f ALA and chair of the “Americans Can’t Wait” campaign. “Having ac­ curate, current information is critical to our jobs, our stu­ dents’ education, the health and well-being of our fami­ lies.” Schuman, who is also chair o f ALA’s Legislation Commit­ tee, said that libraries now re­ ceive only 57 cents per person from federal tax dollars, that funding for college and research libraries has been cut, and that there is no fed­ eral funding for school libraries. “That’s why w e’re asking Congress to ‘Pass a Buck’ for libraries,” Schuman said. “That’s only 43 cents more but it will help prepare our libraries for the 21st century.” Schuman noted that many public, school, and college libraries can’t keep up with the worldwide explosion o f information. “Our nation’s leaders say they want libraries to be part of the information superhighway but it takes more than good intentions. We need lead­ ership and a commitment o f funds at the highest level.” She urged all library staff, friends groups, trustees, and supporters to call, write, or e-mail their Congressional rep­ resentatives to register their support. In 1995 ALA will seek in­ creased funding for college and research libraries under the Higher Education Act and renewal o f the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) or similar legislation with a spe­ cial focus on helping public li­ braries acquire new technol­ ogy. It will also urge funding for school library media centers as authorized, but not allocated, under the 1994 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. “These are important issues for all types of libraries. It’s time the entire library community— our users and supporters as well as librarians— speak out,” Schuman explained. For more information about the campaign, including camera-ready art to print “Pass a Buck” postcards, contact the ALA Public Infor­ mation Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.