ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 8 0 / C&RL News Lib rary d isasters: Are you p repared? By Susan C. George Begin your emergency planning now! B e prepared! It’s a phrase we all know, but in terms o f library emergency planning and management, just how prepared are we? Even a cursory look at the published library literature indicates a number of articles that dis­ cuss all types o f emergencies befalling librar­ ies. The most frequent are fire and/or water, but earthquakes and other natural disasters, theft, pests, and even asbestos have been re­ ported. What does all this mean? It clearly shows that any library is susceptible to a variety of potentially serious disasters. A ny library is the operative phrase— the risk exists for any library, regardless o f age, material of construction, or even security. In a recent survey compiled for the ACRL CLIP Note series,1 it is clear that the majority o f academic libraries that responded believe they are not adequately prepared to deal with most types of disasters; in fact, most academic libraries do not believe they are even adequately educated about what disasters ex­ ist, much less how to manage them. In fact, some libraries responded that their prepared­ ness would be tried when they experienced a disaster! We have all seen the pictures and read the horror stories in the literature— the results of a library disaster (regardless of the origin)— and we have all expressed sympathy, empathy, or outrage that the library and/or the staff have suffered. Indeed, after the Midwest floods, the earthquakes in California, and other disasters, we have been quick to offer assistance, ensure the safety o f personnel, and manage recovery of the library and its collections. A recent ar­ ticle even documented how to deal with the emotional trauma faced by the staff after an earthquake. All this assistance provides a mo­ rale boost to the community and library staff and often there is material benefit to the library itself. However, our willingness to provide as­ sistance to those libraries and their staff who suffer a disaster says nothing about our pre­ paredness in our home library. The attitude of waiting until a disaster strikes and then learn­ ing from the experience is not reasonable. W hat to do There are some specific ways to begin the emergency planning and management process; they require a commitment o f time and energy by all library staff. The recommendations in­ clude: • Understand that some risks to the library, staff, and users do exist. This is the first rule and it is universal. No library is without danger o f some sort, no staff or user population is riskless! Libraries are not identical in their con­ struction or location, so the dangers are not identical; but every library is at risk from some potential danger that will adversely affect the library, its contents, staff, and users. There is also a warning within this understanding— do not create risks! • Find the risk(s) present in your library. This means a commitment of time and energy to make a detailed examination o f the library and what dangers exist. These dangers can re­ sult from the construction or the arrangement of the library or they can result from external forces over which you have absolutely no con­ trol. Identifying these risks can be simplified by conducting a hazard analysis of the library. This tool points out the risks, whether they are in s u fficie n t e le c tric a l o u tlets, u n se cu red Su san C. G eorg e is p h y s ic a l sc ien c es lib r a r ia n a t D artm ou th College; e -m a il: su sa n .c.g eo rg e@ d a r tm o u th .ed u F eb r u a ry 1 9 9 5 / 8 1 •ACS P U B L I C A T I O N S L A N D M A R K S I N S C I E N C E • M a d a m e C u r i e O n T h e C o s t O f S c i e n c e . She discovered radium. She coined the word “radioactive” and was the first to suspect it emanated from “atomic energy.” Twice winner o f the Nobel Prize, her discoveries led to the development o f radiation therapy for the treatment o f cancer. Yet in spite o f her wide acclaim, Madame Curie often had to beg from the wealthy to fund her research. She understo the painful cost o f science. So do we. Since 1876, when the American Chemical Society first began to publish scientifi journals, we have consistently offered them at affordable subscription rates. A C S journals cost on average, about 5 0 % * o f the price charged for competitive publications in our discipline. And we are committed to continuing this tradition, without compromising the quality o f science we publish. od c , Today, the chemical sciences are advancing at a staggering rate. W e’ve increased our page budgets and our publication frequencies to keep pace with the increased flow o f critical research. And we’ve invested in new technology that increases the speed at which we can publish without reducing the stringent standards o f our peer review process. W e will always look for new ways to continue our pioneering role as publishers o f quality science, because we’re working hard to provide tomorrow’s landmark scientists with the means to afford todays research. *According to a report in the April 15, 1994 issue o f Library Journal, the chemical sciences had an average price per journal o f $ 1,106. 8 2 /C & RL News bookstacks, overcrowded (and potentially un safe) work areas, light fixtures not reinforce for safety, ceiling tiles that can fall, etc. As ad ditional assistance, involve building mainte nance staff, library staff, and someone from th local fire department; the more eyes, the bet ter. Another consideration is a regular inspec tion schedule of the risks to insure that furthe deterioration has not occurred. • Once the risks are identified, beco educated. Search the library literature for ar ticles that document the type of risks you fac and learn from the experience o f others; spon sor or attend emergency preparedness work shops or seminars; consult local emergenc management officials. M ake a list, check it twice After becoming educated, determine what risk can be mitigated and to what degree they ca be mitigated. This is important both for th short-term and the long-term solution; som risks can be corrected quickly and with littl Table I. Disaster kit Disaster kits contain the supplies necessary to begin dealing with an emergency. The disaster kit for this library is located_ _ _ _ _ . It contains the following items: →Flashlight, with working batteries (1) →Pad of 81/2 x 11 paper (1) →Pencils (1 box) →First aid kit →Paper towels (3 pkgs) →Scissors (1 pr) →Cheesecloth (1 roll) →32 gal. plastic bags (1 box) →Plastic bucket with handles (1) →Freezer wrap (1 roll) →Extension cord, 25-50 ft (1) →Plastic gloves (1 pr) →Toothbrush (1) →Newsprint (1 roll) →Record-keeping forms (1 pkg) →Fan (1) →Plastic tape (2 rolls) →Plastic sheeting (1 -2 rolls); specs = 4.5 mil; 20 ft. x 100 ft roll (2000 sq ft); polyethyl­ ene; Adams Plastic (#A-20-100) ­ d ­ ­ e ­ ­ r m ­ e ­ ­ y s n e e e ex p en se, others may take m ore time and money, and some may never be solved. A run­ ning list of risks and their solutions should be created; this documents what still needs cor­ recting and eventually what cannot be cor­ rected. These last-named risks, those that are beyond your resources, also need to be docu­ mented. In total, you then have a document which clearly details what has been done to e reduce dangers and what cannot be corrected; this documentation can prove invaluable should a disaster strike and insurance coverage become a part of the recovery process. • Fix/correct the risks for which you have available financial resources and correct them as soon as possible. There is no sense in doing the survey and then not acting promptly! • Throughout the entire analysis, involve the local fire department and the local emer­ gency coordinator for your town. They can be invaluable resources of information about what is already in place for a major disaster (such as an earthquake or tornado) and their expertise can be of definite benefit in the planning pro­ cess. In addition, send them a copy o f your analysis, pointing to the dangers that cannot be mitigated; this information will assist them in assisting you, should the need arise. Also, strongly recommend that they visit your loca­ tion in order to know where the library is and what types of special equipment they might need should their services be required. • Educate all library staff, including student assistants, to the dangers that remain and what procedures are in place to ensure human safety. Take advantage o f local emergency courses available to you— fire extinguisher operation, CPR, first-aid, etc. Also, and just as important, educate staff as to what they should not do in an emergency. • Make certain adequate signage exists lo­ cating emergency exits and where users/staff are in relation to safety. Adequate signage also means current and up-to-date diagrams o f the library and its contents. • Designate a space in which to locate emergency supplies and educate staff as to its location and contents. At a minimum, supply flashlights; for a more complete list o f useful items to be on-site available, see Table I. In addition, when excess library space does not exist or, if it does, it is minimal, a central loca­ tion somewhere within the organization should be assigned as a disaster closet/area. This al­ lows storage of many needed items and in bulk F e b r u a ry 1 9 9 5 / 8 3 quantities. As an example o f the contents o f a disaster closet, see Table II. • Prepare a disaster plan for each library location and include the results o f the hazard analysis; the plan then becom es a blueprint for the salvage effort. Prepare a disaster m anual • Prepare a disaster manual, including the disaster plan and the hazard analysis results. The manual should contain the following sec­ tions/information: 1) A list o f disasters, by type, which pose a danger to your library, and how you are pre­ pared to deal with each. This should also in­ clude the specific risks you cannot correct and how to respond to them. 2) A list o f what is contained in your local disaster closet/area and what can b e obtained elsewhere in an emergency. This may include locations on campus (central and larger) or lo­ cal businesses that have supplies or equipment you might need. 3) A list o f local emergency-knowledgeable individuals should include on-campus experts and local or state emergency officials. 4) A telephone tree o f library staff to con­ tact when a disaster/emergency strikes should be arranged so that staff in closest proximity to the library are the first called (with the expec­ tation that they will respond). 5) An accurate floor plan o f the library which details emergency exits and what equipment/ staff are located where. 6) A bibliography o f library articles discuss­ ing disaster-recovery practices used by others. 7) A record-keeping form to identify indi­ vidual volum es w hich are damaged or de­ stroyed. The completed form will be absolutely necessary if the insurance company becomes involved in a settlement process. 8) A recovery workflow should also be in­ cluded. This document specifically details the steps to take once a disaster occurs and the manpower, supplies, and space needed for the salvage process. • Make certain a copy o f the manual is eas­ ily accessible to any staff member (including student assistants) and that everyone know its location. Also give a copy o f the manual to the library administration, local emergency officials, the fire department, and anyone else who could b e considered an expert or resource. As added insurance, each staff member should have a copy o f the manual at home. Table II. D isaster Closet The Disaster Closet is located ________ in the library. It is the central storeroom for equipment and supplies needed immedi­ ately to begin salvage activities. The items listed below will be found in the closet. Smaller quantities o f some o f these items are also included in the Disaster Kits. →Plastic bags, 32 gal (1 case) →Heavy duty flashlights, with batteries (6) →Regular flashlights, with batteries (4) →Extension cords, 100 ft. (2) →Extension cord + utility light (1) →Milk crates (12) →Freezer wrap (24 rolls) →Rubber gloves (6 pair) →Work gloves (12 pair, 6 o f which are leather) →Unprinted newspaper (1-50 lb roll) →Paper, 81/2 x 11 (6) → Pencils (6 boxes) →Paper towels (2 cases) →Scissors (6) →Plastic sheeting (2 rolls); Specs = 4.5 mil; 20 ft. x 100 ft roll (2000 sq ft); polyethylene; Adams Plastic (#A-20-100) →Plastic tape (6 rolls) →Wet-dry vacuum (1) →Fans (2) →Wastebaskets, 32 gal. (10) →Rubber boots (4 pair) →Brooms (2) →Ra incoats (4) →Portable dehumidifier, 20 pint (1) →lndustrial first aid kit (1) →Surgical gloves (1 box) →Methyl alcohol (1 gal) →Cotton mops, 16 oz (2) →Pails, 10 qt. + wringer (2) →AM/FM transistor radio (1) →Sponges (12) →Cloth towels (1 bag) →Cheesecloth (1 box) →Clipboards (4) →Tape recorder (2) →Blank tapes (8) 8 4 / C&RL News Be p re p a re d f o r d isa ste r! W a te r d am ag e like th is c a n h a p p e n w h e n y o u le a st e x p e c t it. • Strongly recommend that your institutio create a Disaster Committee or Response Team. The members can be appointed or volunteers; but all should be interested in preservation of library materials. Do not ignore other risk man­ agement experts on campus; they can be valu­ able additions to the group. The above list is not exhaustive; you may need to tailor it to your situation. Neither is it anecdotal; it was developed during and after experiences here at Dartmouth and continues to be refined and expanded to accommodate changes in the environment, resources avail­ able, and technological advances in disaster planning and management. Now that you’ve read the article, the ques­ tion you may be asking is: why is this important to me? The answer is: because an emergency, regardless of extent, may visit your library. B e ­ ing prepared, even marginally, can reduce the danger and increase security and safety. Note 1. Susan C. George, comp., E m ergen cy P la n ­ n in g a n d M an ag em en t in College Libraries, CLIP Note # 17 (Chicago, 111.: ACRL, 1994). References Association for Research Libraries, Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. P rep arin g f o r n E m erg en cies a n d D isasters (SPEC Kit no. 69). Washington, D.C.: ARL, 1981. Buchanan, Sally. “Disaster Prevention and Ac­ tion.” O k la h o m a L ib ra ria n 30 (1980): 35– 41. ______. “Disaster: Prevention, Preparedness and Action.” Library Trends30 (Fall 1981): 241– 52. Davis, Mary B., Susan Fraser, and Judith Reed. “Preparing for Library Emergencies: A Coop­ erative Approach.” Wilson L ibrary B ulletin ( 1 991): 42– 4 4 , 12 8 . George, Susan C. E m ergen cy P lan n in g a n d M a n a g em en t in College Libraries. ACRL CLIP Note #17. Chicago, 111.: Association o f Col­ lege and Research Libraries, 1994. George, Susan C., and Cheryl T. Naslund. “Li­ brary Disasters: A Learning Experience.” C&RL News 47 (1986): 251– 57. Sellers, David Y., and Richard Strassberg. “Anatomy o f a Library Emergency: How Cornell University Libraries Dealt with Flood Damages and Developed Plans to Handle Future Emergencies.” L ib rary J o u r n a l 98 (1973): 2224– 27. Spawn, Willman. “After the Water Comes.” P en n sy lv an ia L ibrary A ssociation B ulletin 28 (1973): 243– 51. Special Libraries Association. D isaster P lan n in g a n d R ecovery. Washington, D.C.: Special Libraries Association, 1989. Stanford University Library Conservation Of­ fice. Disasters: P reven tion a n d Coping. Pro­ ceedings o f the May 21– 22, 1980, Confer­ ence. Stanford: Stanford University Library Conservation Office, 1980. Waters, Peter. P ro ced u res f o r S alv ag e o f W ater D a m a g e d L ib rary M aterials. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1975. Wynen, Nancy. “The Big One: Staff Survival after a Disaster.” L ibrary A d m in istration & M a n a g e m e n t 7 (1993): 103–05. Emergency manual available E m ergen cy P la n n in g a n d M an ag em en t in C ollege Libraries, ACRL CLIP Note #17, compiled by Susan C. George, is a 146-page guide to preparing your library for almost any disaster, from earthquakes to salvage procedures. It is available to ACRL mem­ bers for $25.95, nonmembers $28.95. Send your order to: Hugh Thompson, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795 or call (800) 545-2433, press 7. F eb r u a ry 1 9 9 5 / 8 5 8 6 /C & RL News