ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 401 And the w in n ers a re . . . Here are the officia l 1993 ACRL election results Thomas G. Kirk Susan K. Martin T h om as G. K irk, college librarian and profes­ sor o f library science at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, is the 56th president o f the Associa­ tion o f C ollege and Research Libraries (ACRL). Kirk announced that netw orking w ill be his theme for his 1993-94 year in office. Under the umbrella o f networking Kirk has outlined four ele­ ments: 1) strengthening ACRL’s present and future leadership; 2) strengthening ACRL’s relationships with other higher education and professional orga­ nizations; 3) conducting a membership survey; and 4) developing continuing education opportuni­ ties in the area o f networking. As president, Kirk w ill preside over the ACRL Board o f Directors and the ACRL Executive Committee, chair the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1994 Annual Confer­ ence in Miami, and plan ACRL’s major program at the conference. Kirk will also represent ACRL on the ALA Miami Conference Program Planning Com­ mittee and on the ALA Planning and Budget As­ sembly. He will also represent ACRL and ALA in their relations with other organizations. Kirk has been active in both ACRL and ALA serving as ACRL’s division councilor from 1986- 90 and as the ALA representative to the Am eri­ can Association for the Advancem ent o f Sci­ ence from 1978-82. Kirk served on ACRL’s Board o f Directors from 1979-81 and from 1986-90. H e chaired ACRL’s C ollege Libraries Section (1982-83) and the Science and T ech n ology Sec­ tion (1980-81). He also chaired ACRL’s Research Committee from 1985-87. Kirk has also been active in state and re­ gional associations serving on the SOLINET Board o f Directors from 1981-84 and 1985-86. H e served on OCLC Users Council from 1986- 92 and is currently on the Kentucky Library N etw ork Board. Kirk has been honored by the profession being named the Miriam Dudley Bib­ liographic Instruction Librarian in 1984 and the Kentucky Library Association’s Academic Librar­ ian o f the Y ea r in 1991- Kirk has authored nu­ merous articles including titles such as “Peri­ odicals in C o lle g e Libraries” in J o u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic L ib ra ria n s h ip (N o v e m b e r 1991), “Collection D evelopm ent Programs in C ollege Libraries: A Contingency Perspective” in Col­ lection D evelopm ent in College Libraries (1991), and “A Comparison o f T w o Methods o f Library Instruction for Students in Introductory Biol­ o g y ” in College a n d Research Libraries (1971). Kirk has an A.B. from Earlham College and an M.A. from Indiana University. Susan K. M artin, university librarian at G eor­ getow n University, has been elected vice-presi­ dent/president-elect o f ACRL. The 1993 elec­ tion results show ed 1,724 votes for Martin and 803 votes for Michael D. Kathman, director o f libraries and media at St. John’s University/Col­ lege o f St. Benedict, C ollegeville, Minnesota. W hen asked about her plans for ACRL, Mar­ tin said, “I appreciate the support o f the ACRL membership, and look forward to w orking with them, with other divisions o f ALA, and with organizations outside ALA to address some o f the most critical issues currently facing us. A m on g these are: 1) the need for a strategic vision that w ill recognize a change in the role o f the academic library from its traditional role in this century to on e that recognizes and works actively with other information providers; 2) a strengthened chapter structure, to encourage increased participation by academic librarians n ation w ide; and 3) a vital and budgetarily healthy ACRL.” As vice-president/presidentelect 402 o f ACRL, Martin w ill serve on the ACRL Board o f Directors and the ACRL Executive Committee. She w ill chair the ACRL Confer­ ence Program Planning Committee for the 1995 Annual Conference in Chicago. She w ill repre­ sent ACRL on the ALA Appointments Commit­ tee and the ALA Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1995 Conference. At the end o f the 1994 Annual Conference, she w ill be­ com e ACRL’s 57th president. Martin has been active in ALA serving on the Council from 1988– 92, on the Legislation C om m ittee’s Copyright Subcomm ittee from 1981-87 and chairing it from 1984– 85. Martin has also served on a number o f committees o f the Library and Information Tech nology Asso­ ciation (L IT A ) including serving as LITA presi­ dent from 1978– 79. She has been active in many other profession al organizations including: CAPCON where she serves as an Advisory Board member, the Association o f Research Libraries, w here she was a member o f the Statistics Com­ m ittee (1987– 88, 1992), Research Libraries Group where she was a member o f the Execu­ tive Committee (1985– 87), and Universal Seri­ als and Book Exchange (USBE) w here she was president (1984). Martin also helped organize a group to look at a strategic vision for librarians. This group developed a vision statement and a values document that has stimulated profession- w id e discussions about the education and the future o f librarians. Martin was recognized as Simmons College Distinguished Alumni in 1977. She has authored numerous publications includ­ ing articles on technology, library education, and networks. Martin has a B.A. from Tufts University, a MLS from Simmons College, and a Ph.D. from the University o f California, Berke­ ley. The rest o f the results o f the ACRL elections follow . For each position the elected candidate is given first, with the number o f votes in pa­ rentheses. ACRL Director-at-Large (4-year term): R osem ary H e n d e rso n (1,110); Paul E. DuMont (1,040). Director-at-Large (4-year term): Frances J. M aloy (1,201); Elizabeth W. Kaschins (964). A sian & A fric a n Section Adoption o f Proposed Bylaws Change: Yes (97); N o (7).. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: B re n d a E. Bickett (56); James N. Gentner (47). Secretary: D oroth y A n n W ashington (65); David N. Nelson (39). Member-at-Large: G regory A. Finnegan (65); Doris J. Seely (38). A fro -A m e ric a n Studies Lib rarian s Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M ichael C. W alk er (26); Theresa S. Byrd (24). Secretary: Gladys Smiley Bell (33); Clarence Toom er (16). A n th ro p o lo g y & Sociology Section Adoption o f Proposed Bylaws Change: Yes (94); N o (5). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: M argaret R. Dittemore (67); Fred J. Hay (37). Secretary: A n gela S.W. Lee (51); James W. Williams (51) [determined by lot]. M em b er-a t-Large (2 -y e a r term ): J ean S. A delm an (62); Janita A. Jobe (42). ARTS Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lynn B. W illiam s (91); Elizabeth A. Ginno (77). Secretary: H en ry J. DuBois (101); Kimberly A. Hale (64). B ib liog rap h ic Instruction Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: K atherine A. Branch (463); Randall B. Hensley (433). Secretary: T ru di E. Jacobson (489); Natalie C. Pelster (358). Member-at-Large (3-year term): Susan J. Hoffman (450); Shirley R. Black Cody (404). C ollege Libraries Section Vice-Chair/C hair-E lect: S u san M c C a rth y C a m p b e ll (234); Victoria L. Hanawalt (224). Secretary: Stephanie R. B angert (227); Walter D. Morrill (204). M em b er-a t-L a rge (2 -y e a r term ): M a rk G. R. M c M a n u s (2 3 3 ); N orm a N. Y u e h (1 9 7 ). C o m m u n ity a n d Ju nio r C ollege Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan M. Maltese(192); W illiam J. Pfannenstiel (37). Secretary: Rita W . Jones (131); Karl B. Johnson (96). (continued on page 409) 409 (le x ic o g ra p h e r fo r a fo re ign -la n g u a g e d ic ­ tionary p u b lish er), C raig W righ t (c o r p o ­ rate reco rd s m a n a ger), and Frances Lau (Far East sales rep resen ta tive fo r an in­ ternational b o o k s e lle r). A c o p y is $36.00 (S LA m em b ers, $29.00) fro m the B o o k O rder D ept., Special Libraries Association, 1700 18th St., N .W ., W a s h in g to n , DC 20009-2508. ISBN 0-87111-408-9. W h o ’ s W h o in European Politics (1,016 pages, 2d ed., April 1993) has been revised to include dignitaries from the former Soviet re­ publics o f Belarus, Moldova, the Ukraine, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Part One contains biographical data on more than 8,000 members o f parliament, trade union and party leaders, heads o f state, and other prominent European political personalities. Part T w o pro­ vides country-by-country listings for heads o f state, government, legislature, regional, party, and trade union leadership, and indexes for each country identify the individuals profiled in Part One. A new glossary defines political terms, parties, and institutions. Copies may be ordered for $265.00 from K. G. Saur, 121 Chanlon Road, N ew Providence, NJ 07974. ISBN 1-85739-021-3. ■ (ACRL elections cont. fr o m page 402) Education a n d B ehavioral Science Section Adoption o f Proposed Bylaws Change: Yes (251); N o (8). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy P. O ’Brien (278); Write-in Candidate (5). Secretary: Thom as A. Tollm an (168); Paul G. Fehrmann (112). Extended Cam pus Libraries Services Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Kathleen M. O ’C onnor (82); Gwendolyn Jenkins Chandler (29). Secretary (2-year term): Virginia A. Witucke (78); Mem Catania (33). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Thomas E. Abbot (60); Monica H. Collier (51). L a w & Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Ronald J. Heckart(86); Judy L. Solberg (71). Secretary (2-year term): M arifran Bustion (77); William A. Orme (67). M em ber-at-Large (2 -ye a r term ): S tep h en J. S t illw e ll, Jr. (7 3 ); G raham R. W a ld e n (7 3 ) [d e term in ed by lot]. R are Books a n d M anuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lisa M. B row ar (215); Robert S. Martin (202). Secretary: Laura Stalker (244); Martin Antonetti (169). Member-at-Large (3-year term): H. Thomas Hickerson (231); John Neal Hoover (168). Slavic & East European Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Alan P. Pollard (51); Write-in Candidate (1). Secretary (3-year term): Mieczyslaw Buczkowski (27); Viveca S. Seymour (26). Member-at-Large: Patricia K. Thurston (28); Nina Palmin (25). Science & Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Katharine E. Clark (264); Caroline D. Harnly (128). S ec reta ry / M e m b e r-a t-L a rge : B illi e J o y R e in h a rt (2 1 7 ); D o lo re s M. H o e lle ( 162). U niversity Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: N ancy L. Baker (835); Joseph A. Boisse (650). S e c r e t a r y ( 2 - y e a r t e r m ): D o r i s S. H a y a s h i k a w a ( 8 7 4 ) ; S u z e t t e L. R ad ford (4 0 1 ). M em ber-at-Large (3-year term ): C a ro ly n D u sen bu ry (811); E. Dale Cluff (533). Member-at-Large (3-year term): Karen S. Seibert (755); John W. Collins, III (581). W e s t European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Thomas D. Kilton (83); John M. Cullars (66). Secretary: Heidi L. Hutchinson (88); Blake Landor (57). Member-at-Large: Gretchen E. Holten (80); W. David Rozkuszka (67). W o m e n ’s Studies Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lori A. Goetsch (147); Cynthia S. Faries (64). Secretary: Grace M. Jackson-Brown (109); Thura Reed Mack (96). Member-at-Large: Kristin H. G erhard (135); Mila C. Su (68). ■