ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 416/ C&KL News THE LASSIFIEDDSC A Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $6.60 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.40 for others. Late job notices are $15.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $18.95 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $295 to $565 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. A pplicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL WeivsClassìfied Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruit­ ing through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that "ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A R C H ITEC TU R E LIBRA RIAN R e nsselaer P olytechnic Institute Li­ braries is seeking a creative, in novative librarian who is com fortable w orking in a co m p ute r-in ten sive e nviron m e n t and capable o f applying new inform ation tech n olo g ie s to the lib ra rie s’ arch itectu re services. Reporting to the Head o f C olle ction D e velopm ent/R eference S er­ vices, responsibilities in clu de d evelopm ent o f the lib ra rie s’ collections and se rvice s {especially electron ic) fo r th e School o f Architecture, reference service, d atabase searching, bibliogra ph ic instruction, con­ tinued professional d evelopm ent, and se rvice on lib ra ry and u niversity co m m itte es and task forces. Q ualifications: An MLS from an ALA- accredited program , in te re st in, and ability to work with, architecture and technical m aterials, a bility to w o rk e ffe ctively with th e public, e xcellen t oral and w ritte n co m m u nicatio n s skills, fa m ilia rity w ith library autom ation applications, ability to w o rk in a ra p id ly c h anging environm ent, and co m m itm en t to pro fe ssio na l deve lo pm en t. P re ­ ferred q u a lifica tio ns are arch itectu re reference expe rie n ce in an academ ic library; bach elor's o r advanced d eg re e in architecture, art history, o r related discipline; expe rie n ce in collection d e ve lo pm en t and b ibliographic instruction; and expe rie n ce w ith o nline searching, C D /R O M s, and th e use o f Internet resources. Salary is $25,000 minimum, d ep e n d e n t upon q ua lifica tio ns and e xperience. A pplication review will begin A ug u st 15, S end le tte r o f application, resum e, and th e nam es o f th re e re feren ces to: Barbara L ockett, D irecto r of Libraries, Folsom Library, R e n s s e la e r P o ly te c h n ic In s titu te , Troy, LIBRARIAN I/ll Wayne State University Media Library and Computer Laboratory. This posi­ tion is responsible for serving as Librarian for the Media Library and Computer Laboratory; collection development in nonprint formats, including soft­ ware; collection management; implementation ot Media booking system and course reserves for nonprint formats; and overseeing the operations of the Media Library desk and Computer Laboratory. Provides reference and other public services re­ garding the Media collections. Minimum require­ ments: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library institution; demonstrated public service ex­ perience in an academic research library and expe­ rience searching online databases. Minimum sal­ ary: $29,000. Submit a letter of interest, resume, and the names and addresses of at least three professional references to: Judith March-Adams Director of Personnel and Development Wayne State University 134 Purdy Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. NY 12180. Rensselaer is an AA, EEO em ployer, App lica tio ns o f m inorities a nd w om en are particularly encouraged, ASSISTAN TLIBRAR1AN/DO CU M ENTS REFERENCE LIBRA RIAN/ AR IZO N A G O VER N M EN T PU B LIC A TIO N S LIB R A R IA N G o ve rn ­ ment Docum ents. U nive rsity Libraries, A rizona S tate University. Position Description: This position reports to the Head o f G ove rn m e nt Docum ents Service; p rovides reference and in stru ction al se rvice and is responsible fo r collection d e ve lo pm en t and acqu isitio n activities fo r the Arizona gove rn m e nt publica tio ns collection. Essential functions: Provide reference se rvice in U.S. g ove rn m e nt publications, United Nations publications, A rizona state and local g ove rn m e nt a gency publications; pro vide cla ss in stru ction in the use o f g ove rn m e nt publications; m anage the deve lo pm en t o f the A rizona state a nd local g ove rn m e nt collection, including field co lle cting and acquisitions; supervise the technical processing o f A rizona docu m e nts, including the su pervision o f clerical staff; p repare instructional to o ls and w ritten guid e s to th e collection; m aintain in-depth know ledge o f scope, direction, and p roblem s o f the collection a s influenced by the d yn a m ­ ic s o f state and local gove rn m e nt; p ro vide le adership in prom oting the statew ide utilization o f A rizo na g overnm ental p ub lica tio ns; eng ag e in professional d e ve lo pm en t and se n/ice a ctivities as required by the crite ria fo r th e co ntin uing a p p ointm e n t and prom otion o f librarians. Q ualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS d egree; experience or co u rse w o rk in federal g ove rn m e nt publications; d em onstrated in te r­ est in public se rvice a nd professional self-d eve lo pm en t; effe ctive interpersonal and com m unication skills and a bility to eng ag e in field co lle cting ; a ptitu de fo r instruction and o rie nta tion . P referred: G eneral reference e xperience, p referably in an a cad em ic o r re se arch library; b ibliographic instruction e xperience; tra in ing o r expe rie n ce w ith online databases; expe rie n ce o r coursew o rk in state g ove rn m e nt p u b lica ­ tions. Application deadline: July 1 5 ,1 9 9 3 , o r the Friday o f e ach w eek the re a fte r until filled. Salary; $ 23,000 and up, depen d en t on q ua lifica ­ tio n s and experience. A pplication p rocedure: Send letter, resume, and the nam es, addresses, and telep ho n e n um be rs o f fo u r re ce nt re fer­ e n ce s to: Kurt Murphy, A ssistan t Dean fo r P ersonnel, Hayden Library, 417 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; telephone: (602) 965-3417. AA/EOE. ASSOCIATE CURATOR FOR AMERICAN HISTORY AND AMERI CAN LITERATURE. The University of Virginia, Special Collections Department, Rare Books Division. Reporting to the Curator of Rare Books, the Associate Curator for American History and American Literature will recommend the acquisition through purchase and gift of library materials in the fields of American history, American literature, and Virginiana. The Associate Curator will evaluate and update collection development policies in these subject areas, apply for grant funding to support acquisitions, and work with the Special Collections public services unit to provide reference sen/ice. The Associate Curator will work closely with the Curator of Rare Books to identify and solicit funds from potential donors; and will contribute to the management of the division, department, and the library by advising the Curator of Rare Books, participating in projects and staff meetings, and serving on library and university committees. Other responsibilities include supervision of student assistants, preparation of publications and planning and mounting exhibitions, maintenance and upkeep of the collections, and representing and interpreting collections to the academy and the community at large. The University of Virginia Library is the 23rd largest library in ARL. The Rare Book collections comprise 207,000 volumes and include the Barrett Library of American Literature, the McGregor Library of Americana, the William Faulkner Collection, the Gordon Collection of French Renais­ sance Literature, and numerous other subject collections. Qualifications: PERSONNEL & ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN (search reopened) Queen’s University Library The incumbent is accountable to the Chief Librarian for the development and management of personnel policies and procedures forall library staff, in consultation with the University Human Resources Department. An additional major responsibility is organizational planning and development, including analysis of library operations and working with library unit heads in the development and implementation of the effective staffing models and organizational structures. As a member of the senior administrative group, the incumbent participates actively in the overall management of the library system. QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited MLS degree or equivalent; a record of successful administrative experience in an academic library, preferably in a unionized environment; demonstrated ability to deal with a wide range of library personnel functions. Athorough knowledge and understanding of academic library operations is essential; related training in human resource management is desirable. Also required are excellent interpersonal and communication skills; demonstrated management, organizational, analytical, and training skills; ability to handle sensitive employee relations issues; ability to manage change and to work in a consultative management style. Current salary range (under review): $51,940-$73,335. Queen’s University Library is a decentralized system consisting of the Douglas Library with 14 branches plus three faculty libraries (education, health sciences, law). Planning for the new Stauffer Library is well advanced, and upon completion will form a new central library complex in conjunction with a renovated Douglas Library. The library system has holdings well over 5 million items, a staff of 190, a budget of $11.5 million, and serves an academic community of 800 faculty, 15,000 on-campus students, and 2,500 extension students enrolled in 11 faculties and schools. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Queen’s University has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, aboriginal people, people with disabilities, and visible minorities. Applicants are requested to send acomplete resume and the names of three references by July 31,1993. to: Paul Wiens Chief Librarian Douglas Library Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, K7L 5C4 MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; second master’s degree in American history or literature desirable; knowledge of rare book librarianship; reading knowledge of Latin, French, or Spanish; knowledge of the antiquarian book trade; experience with microcom­ puters and skills in electronic information technology; demonstrated skills in oral and written communication; and a commitment to professional growth and development. Benefits: General faculty status, 22 days vacation, generous sick leave, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, state and TIAA/CREF retirement plans, research leave. Sal­ ary: $26,000 or higher, depending on qualifications. Applications received before August 18 will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Gail Oltmanns, Director of Personnel and Planning, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2498. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Quinnipiac College, Hamden, Connecticut. Quinnipiac College is offering a faculty position reporting to the Library Director. Responsibilities include supervising, coordinating, and evalu­ ating all online automation activities; following library goals and objectives; and managing a retrospective conversion project. This person will also function as the head of the Cataloging Department. This position requires supervision and staff development for the 1.5 FTE clerical Cataloging Department staff. Duties include original cataloging using LC classification in all applicable MARC formats for print and nonprint materials. Other responsibilities include participa­ tion in collection development, bibliographic instruction, reference 418 desk coverage, and contributing to library planning and policy deci­ sions. Evening and weekend hours required. Required qualifications: MLS from an accredited ALA institution; thorough, working knowl­ edge of LC classification schedules, LC subject headings, AACR2 and OCLC cataloging procedures, including MARC format for mono­ graphs, serials, and nonprint materials, authority control, MARC codes, and bibliographic input standards; 3-5 years cataloging experience; minimum one year of professional experience using an automated library system; and supervisory experience. Preferred qualifications: Basic knowledge of DOS, spreadsheets, and word processing; reference experience; and 1-2 years of professional experience managing an online integrated catalog. Minimum salary: $33,900, plus a liberal fringe benefits package. Review process begins July 20, 1993. Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. Quinnipiac College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Please send letter of application, resume, transcript, and three letters of professional reference to: Janet Valeski, Chairperson, D.E.C., Quinnipiac College Library, Mount Carmel Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518. CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN. Requirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Degree in chemical sciences (M.S. or higher). Minimum of 2 years experience at professional level. Research/publication and/or ser­ BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR SOCIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, AND EDUCATION The University of Chicago Library The Bibliographer reports to the Assistant Director for Collection Development and Public Services for Humanities and Social Sciences. The Bibliographer for Sociology, Psychology, and Education is responsible for developing and maintaining the library’s collections in these areas, in all formats, providing specialized reference service and bibliographic instruction for faculty and students in these areas, and advising technical services staff where appropriate on matters relating to the ordering and processing of materials. The Bibliographer is responsible for the oversight of both the textbook and test collections. QUALIFICATIONS: Education: A graduate library degree, or a Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline is required. Graduate work in a related social science field is preferred. Experience: Significant experience in a research library, performing bibliographic, reference, cataloging, or acquisitions work is required. Skills: Candidates must be able to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff, and possess excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Reading knowledge of Western European languages relevant to the subject fields is required. COMPENSATION: Appointment salary will be based upon qualifications and experience. Salary range begins at $32,790 per year. Benefits include a contributory retirement plan, health and life insurance, 22 vacation days, six university holidays, five personal holidays, and sick leave. There is a tuition benefit plan for college-age and younger children. APPLICATION PROCESS: Review of applications will begin September 1 ‚ 1993, and continue until the position is filled. Letter of application including curriculum vitae and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references should be sent to: Denise Weintraub Personnel Officer The University of Chicago Library 1100 East 57th St. Chicago, IL 60637 The U niversity o f C hicago is an equ a l opportunity employer. vice record of sufficient quality and quantity to be appointed at rank of assistant professor or above. Desired qualifications: Demon­ strated ability to work effectively with students, faculty, members of academic community. Ability to work in collaborative manner in a team environment. Demonstrated interest and ability in providing service- oriented environment responsive to information needs of library users. Experience with collection development. Ability to carry out strong program of library instruction. Ability to utilize new tech­ nologies in managing day-to-day operations and in providing library instruction. Responsibilities: Administer the Chemistry Library: hire, train, supervise, and evaluate staff. Teach credit course in chemical literature. Participate in collection development. Provide instruction in library use, including information technologies. Provide reference service and some online searching. Act as libraries’ liaison to Department of Chemistry. Meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Status and Benefits: Faculty status and responsibilities. Vacation of 22 days. Flexible benefit program s. TIAA-CREF retirem ent and Social Security. Salary: $35,000 and up depend­ ing upon qualifications. For full position description send state­ m ent of interest, resume, references to: T. L. Haworth, Personnel O fficer, 1530 Stew art Center, Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. Review of applications com mences August 31, 1993, and continues until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. 419 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIBRARIAN Mary Washington College Mary Washington College seeks applications and nominations for the position of Collection Development and Management Services Librarian: administers a $600K acquisitions budget for monographs and serials; monitors approval plans, vendor and subscription agency services, purchasing contracts compliance; coordinates collection development with faculty and library’s instructional services depart­ ment; oversight of VTLS acquisition and serials check-in modules and technical processing; supervises one professional librarian, fourfull-time support staff. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent required. Preferred: previous experience in acquisitions, demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff, supervisory experience, budget and planning; familiarity with microcomputer applications (DOS, Lotus, Excel, WordPerfect), automated acquisition and serials control (VTLS preferred). Mary Washington College is a state assisted liberal arts college with 3,800 students; Simpson Library has a collection of 370,000. Salary: $36,000 minimum, 12-month contract, state government benefit package, choice of retirement plan, medical benefits, 15 vacation days in addition to state holidays. Applications accepted until 5 p.m., August 27,1993. Send letter of application, resume, names, and addresses to: Chair Collection Development Librarian Search Committee P.O. Box 615 Mary Washington College Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5358 M ary Washington C ollect is d eeply com m itted to affirm ative action a nd encourages women a nd m inorities to apply. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN FOR ARTS AND HU­ MANITIES, Virginia Commonwealth University. Coordinates the se­ lection of materials in the arts and humanities, and in several interdisciplinary programs, including African-American Studies and Women’s Studies. Monitors budget in assigned areas. Reviews approval materials, monitors plans, and assists in preparing profiles. Assesses collection and gifts and assists in preservation decisions. Collaborates with librarians and faculty in developing collection goals, policies, programs, and budgets. Works closely with departmental faculty to maintain effective communication and coordinated collec­ tion growth. Assists in providing information and instructional services in the user services division. Position reports to the head of the Collection Management Services Department. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS required. Preferred: Academic background in one of the disciplines being selected, with an advanced degree strongly desired; experience in collection management in a research library; ability to provide a strong library image to university; experience with automation; strong service orientation and experience with public services; excellent oral and written communication; reading knowl­ edge of Spanish, French, German, or Italian; flexibility; involvement in professional activities; ability to meet requirements for faculty ad­ vancement, including professional service and publication. Experi­ ence working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environment: Virginia Commonwealth University is a publicly sup­ ported, urban research university in Richmond, Virginia. It serves 20,000 students on both the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia campus. The library has approximately 1 million volumes and a materials budget of $5.1 million. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Benefits include 24 vacation days, choice of health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice of retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); remuneration for university courses; and paid life insurance. Application: Submit resume and the names and phone numbers for three current references to: Suzanne Free­ man, Head, Collection Management Services Department, University Library Services, Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin August 1 6 , 1993. Pre-screening interviews may be conducted at the MLA and ALA annual meetings. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR. Raymond Walters College Library, a two-year, branch campus of the University of Cincinnati. A full-time, tenure-track, faculty position. Responsible for the development and management of all library services and collections. Provides library technical services and coordinates library automation activities; participates in the delivery of public services, including reference and bibliographic instruction. Opportunity to teach in an associate degree program in Library/Instructional Media Technology. Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited program and a minimum of two years experience in technical sen/ices, preferably in cataloging; evidence of successful administrative and supervisory experience; demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with colleagues. Salary: Minimum of $29,912. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Lesta Cooper-Freytag, Interim Associate Dean of Instruction, Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236. Review of applications will begin July 1 ‚ 1993, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR, HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER LIBRARIES. The Univer­ sity of Florida Health Science Center seeks to identify potential candidates for the position of Director, Health Science Center Librar­ ies. This library serves the colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Health-Related Professions, and Shands Hospital, and has an annual budget of over two million dollars ($2,000,000) with a staff of 15 full-time librarians and 38 support staff. 420 LIBRARIAN l/ll/lll Wayne State University Purdy/Kresge Library. This position is responsible for serving as Librarian for the Purdy/Kresge Li­ brary and as liaison to the College of Education; implementing and coordinating collection develop­ ment; participating in the bibliographic instruction program; providing reference and other public ser­ vices to library patrons; performing online search­ ing using DIALOG and BRS; and supervising, training, and monitoring subordinate staff. Mini­ mum requirements: Master’s degree from an ALA- accredited library institution required; demonstrated public service experience (two years preferred) in an academic research library and experience searching onlinedatabases.Asubject M.A., Ph.D., or Ed.D. is desirable. Minimum salary: $29,000. Submit a letter of interest, resume, and the names and addresses of at least three professional refer­ ences to: Judith March-Adams Director of Personnel and Development Wayne State University 134 Purdy Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Position will remain open until filled. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. The library is a designated resource library within the National Library of Medicine’s resource-sharing network and is a member of the Association of Research Libraries. A branch of the library is located on the University of Florida-Jacksonville campus and the library serves the North Florida Area Health Education Center program, serving students and practitioners in a 37-county area of northern Florida. The collection consists of 247,000 volumes, 4,600 microforms, 2,000 audiovisual titles, and over 2,300 journal subscriptions. The library operates a multifunctional computer network for staff and public users and as such is a major resource for health information in the state. Public services are delivered through the Florida Health Information Network and include database access and other standard computer applications. Staff network services include electronic mail, Internet access, and graphics. Candidates should have a master’s or higher degree in library sciences from an ALA-accredited library school, and be a senior member, or above, in the Academy of Health Information Professionals. Such a person must be skilled in interpersonal com­ munication while dealing with both the clinical and research aspects of a major medical center library and must have experience in the advancing role of informatics. The University of Floridaisan affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and welcomes inquiries form all interested individuals. Salary will be negotiable and commensurate with experience and educational background. Salary minimum: $60,000. Candidates should submit their resume and names of potential references to: Ward D. Noyes, M.D., Chairman of the Search Committee, University of Florida, P.O. Box 100277, Gainesville, FL 32610-0277; phone: (904) 392-3301; fax: (904) 392-8530. HEAD OF COPY CATALOGING AND DATABASE MANAGEMENT. Harvard Law School. The Harvard Law School seeks a Head of Copy Cataloging and Database Management to manage the work of the copy cataloging and database management unit under the general direction of the Cataloging Sen/ices Librarian. This position currently supervises 4 FTE library assistants in copy cataloging of English and foreign language materials; oversees the search, production, and maintenance of bibliographic records on RLIN and maintenance of bibliographic records in HOLLIS, Harvard University integrated pro­ cessing system and online catalog; trains copy cataloging staff on an ongoing basis in the general principles of cataloging rules and local procedures; and catalogs new materials using AACR2, LC subject headings, LC classification, the local classification system, and the RLIN bibliographic utility. In conjunction with the Cataloging Sen/ices Librarian, Senior Monographs Cataloger and the Senior Serials Cataloger, the selected candidate will participate in the general management of the department and serve on committees in the Cataloging Services department, law library, Harvard University Li­ brary system, and national professional organizations as appropriate. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; two years of professional cata­ loging experience; minimum of one year supervisory experience and working knowledge of two foreign languages. Familiarity with auto­ mated cataloging and authority control procedures, RLIN or OCLC bibliographic utility, HOLLIS or other NOTIS-based systems pre­ ferred. Salary Minimum: $32,000. Send a resume, cover letter, and the names of three references to: Harry S. Martin III, Librarian and Professor of Law, Langdell 206, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02138. Phone: (617) 495-3170. Harvard University upholds a commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN, Washington State University Libraries. Currently open. Under the direction of the Assis­ tant Director for Library Automation, is responsible for coordinating, Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recom­ mended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommen­ dations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recom­ mended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5 , 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 + Illinois $2 7,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $ 2 7 ,5 5 4 * New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $ 2 5 ,1 9 8 + Pennsylvania $ 2 3 ,7 0 0 * Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 * Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula 421 monitoring, and evaluating library microcomputer, workstation, and networking applications; coordinates and assists in training of library staff in the use of microcomputer and workstation software and hardware; participates in automated systems development for the libraries; assists Assistant Director for Library Automation in budget preparation, grant writing, and analysis related to online systems. Librarians are appointed as members of the Washington State University faculty and are expected to participate actively in the university’s instructional, research, and service programs. Librarians are ranked in grades 2, 3, and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Librarians are expected to help establish and maintain good working relation­ ships with university departments, faculty, students, and other library users. A progressive record of professional/scholarly achievement is expected of all librarians. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent; demonstrated knowledge of microcomputers and work­ stations and their applications in a library environment; familiarity with online library systems and local and wide area networks. Preferred: Experience in several library units in an academic or research library; familiarity with Windows, DOS, word processing, spreadsheet, database, and other microcomputer software; knowledge of CD-ROM, multimedia, and/or desktop publishing applications in a library envi­ ronment; experience teaching or training information technology; familiarity with CMS or PROFS. Salary: From $25,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application procedures: Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins: August 15, 1993. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam-era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40 and 70 are encouraged to apply. LATIN AMERICAN REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. New position to pro vide reference services and assume other responsibilities in the Tulane University’s Latin American Library (LAL), one of three free­ standing Latin American collections in the U.S. LAL serves a faculty MUSIC LIBRARIAN Washington University in St. Louis Olin Library System The Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented, dynamic, service- oriented Music Librarian to provide user-responsive leadership for the Gaylord Music Library. The Olin Library System consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries. Working closely with the faculty and students in the Department of Music, the Music Librarian oversees the administration and operation of the Gaylord Music Library. In addition to planning and supervision, principal responsibilities include providing electronic and traditional library services, training and educating library users, developing print and nonprint collections in music and related subject areas, and maintaining productive working relationships with library users, library staff, and the university community. The position reports to the Head of Departmental Library Services. A detailed job description is available on request. MINIMUM SALARY: $27,660; competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; M.A. degree in musicology (Ph.D. preferred); reading knowledge of German, Italian, or French; supervisory, public sen/ice, and collection development experience in an academic/research library; demonstrated commitment to using elec­ tronic information technologies; proven ability to work effectively with a variety of people and groups in a decentralized environment; well-developed written and verbal communication skills; ability and interestinteaching. For full consideration applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Virginia F. Toliver Director of Administration and Planning Olin Library Campus Box 1061 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin August 9 , 1993. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 422 TWO POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill seeks future-oriented individuals for two positions: Head of Reference and Access Services and Resource Management Librarian. These new positions were created as part of the library’s reorganization, which has the goal of improving responsiveness to users’ information needs and increasing the flexibility of staff roles. THE LIBRARY. The Health Sciences Library serves the 10,000 faculty, students, and staff in the Division of Health Affairs’ five professional schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and public health: a 600-bed teaching hospital; and the North Carolina AHEC, the statewide program for health professional education. The library’s collections now include 268,000 volumes, 3,696 current serials subscriptions, and 3,200 audiovisual and microcomputer software titles. There are 25 professionals in a staff of over 60 FTE and an annual budget of over $3 million. The library supports networked access to a locally mounted MEDLINE and other databases and services. On-site access is through the recently remodelled electronic information center. Future plans call for developing a biomedical communications center that will use advanced instructional technologies in a multiplatform environment. A new generation integrated library system, shared by UNC, Duke University, and North Carolina State University, will be operational by fall 1993. Research and development projects are underway or planned for all of these systems. HEAD, REFERENCE AND ACCESS SERVICES RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Reference and Access Services is responsible for extending library services in response to user needs and technological opportunities. This individual will manage a newly formed department which combines references and other service desk activities, circulation, stacks maintenance, consultation for on-site and remote users, and cataloging and information retrieval. Specific responsibilities include administration of the department, incorporating the establishment and review of policies and procedures; selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of staff; design, implementation, and evaluation of reference and access services; participation in print and electronic collection develop­ ment; and direct provision of service to library users. The Head of Reference and Access Services participates in management teams having special responsibility for planning and implementing new services to instructional, clinical, and research-oriented users. These may include new approaches to quick reference and referral, information storage and retrieval, collection organization, bibliographic access, in-depth reference and consulting, help desk services and electronic reference, and other services designed to meet user needs for timely ‚ high-quality information. The Reference and Access Services Department consists of 11.5 FTE librarians, 15 FTE staff, and graduate assistants and other students. The department utilizes cross-departmental staffing to augment dedicated positions. The position reports to the Assistant Director for Information and Education Services. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Education: MLS from an ALA-accredited program required. Additional graduate degree in a relevant field desirable. Experience: A minimum of 5 years in progressively responsible library positions with at least two years supervision and management at a departmental or equivalent level are required. Other desirable experience could include: reference, cataloging, use of bibliographic utilities, online searching, library instruction, and circulation systems. Experience in the provision of clinical or specialized research services is an advantage. OTHER QUALITIES: Excellent communications and interpersonal skills, flexibility, initiative, energy, (Cont. on next page) of 80+ (who teach more than 50 Latin American-content courses each semester), as well as 80+ graduate students, 400-500 undergradu­ ates, and visiting scholars from around the world. LAL collection includes more than 200,000 volumes relating to the social sciences and the arts (literature excluded), together with important collections of rare books, manuscripts, photographs, rubbings, maps, and news­ papers. Reports to Head of LAL. Duties: Provide bibliographic and reference assistance in English and Spanish; develop the Latin American reference collection; plan for expansion of services and for installation of electronic databases; organize and service collections of maps and rubbings; oversee rare books collection; assist Head with analysis of LAL collection; assume responsibility for office during absence of Head. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; graduate-level background in Latin American social sci­ ence specialty; complete fluency in Spanish; strong communication and organizational skills; ability to work with a multinational public. Preferred: M.A. in Latin American social science specialty; reference and online searching experience; fluency in Portuguese. Appointment at the rank of Librarian I or II, depending on experience. Minimum salary of $24,500 (I); $26,000 (II). Twelve-month academic appoint­ ment. Liberal benefits, including tuition waiver for self and under­ graduate dependents. Review of applications will begin July 1 5 , 1993, 123 and will continue until job is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memo­ rial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN, SYSTEMS. Community College of Philadelphia is seeking a Systems Librarian to participate in the planning, selection, and implementation of an integrated online library system. Following implementation the librarian will: maintain the system; plan and carry out staff development training; support and coordinate stand-alone and networked CD-ROM systems, remote access services, and Internet resources; participate in collection development and public service activities. Qualifications: MLS (ALA), minimum of three years problem-solving skills, interest in professional involvement, and a commitment to meeting the information needs of health professionals and students. SALARY: Minimum $35,000 based on qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names of three references to address at bottom: To be assured of consideration, applications should be received by August 6 , 1993. RESOURCES MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN RESPONSIBILITIES: The Resources Management Librarian will be responsible for coordinating collection development of current and historic monographic materials in print, nonprint, and electronic formats. This position participates in the librarywide information resource development process including collection policy and procedure decisions. Oversight of binding, preservation, and conservation activities are also the responsibility of this position, including selection, training, evaluation, and supervision of staff in these areas. The Resources Management Librarian reports to the Head of Resources Management Services and participates in departmental planning activities regarding acquisitions policies and procedures, interlibrary borrowing and lending, projecting budget needs and monitoring allocations, and use of related automated systems. This position will also work closely with other library staff on committees, task forces, or management teams having responsibility for services to instructional, clinical, and research oriented users. The Resources Management Services Department consists of 2.5 FTE librarians, 10 FTE staff, and student assistants. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Education: MLS from an ALA-accredited program is required. An undergraduate or graduate degree in the life science is highly desirable. Experience: Minimum of two years experience in a health science library in collection development, acquisitions or reference. Preference given to candidates who have knowledge of preservation or binding, experience with automated acquisitions system and supervisory experience. OTHER QUALITIES: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, flexibility, initiative, energy, problem-solving skills, interest in professional involvement, and a commitment to meeting the information needs of health professionals and students. SALARY: Minimum $28,000 based on qualifications and experience. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names of three references to: Carol G. Jenkins, Director Health Sciences Library CB# 7585 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585 To be assured of consideration, applications should be received by July 26,1993. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. library automation experience with MARC formats; experience with the implementation and operation of one or more integrated systems; current awareness of software and hardware options; academic library experience preferred. Excellent interpersonal and communica­ tion skills with demonstrated service orientation necessary. This twelve-month, tenure-track appointment available July 1 , 1993. Mini­ mum salary: $35,056. Excellent benefits. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send resume to: Department Head, Library Sen/ices, Community College of Philadelphia, 1700 Spring Garden St., Phila­ delphia, PA 19130. As an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer, CCP eagerly encourages minority and women candidates. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Transportation Library. The Transportation Library is a national resource for the study of transportation, 424/ Stanford University Libraries and Information Resources Music Cataloger Assistant or Associate Librarian Assistant rank: $31,152-$39,612 Associate rank: $34,548-542,204 S tanfo rd U n iv e rs ity seeks qualified candidates for the position of Music Cataloger, effective immediately. The Libraries seek someone with an academic background in music to provide original descriptive and subject cataloging for music materials in all formats except serials. The Music Cataloger remains current on LC rule interpretations of AACR2 and LC subject heading practice, RLIN, OCLC and NOTIS procedures and tagging conventions, and local and national standards for cataloging scores and sound and video recordings. The music cataloger has regular and on-call reference duty in the Music Library. The cataloger acts as Head of Music Tech­ nical Services in the absence of the Head and meets monthly with the other music librarians to discuss and direct the activities of the Music Library. QUALIFICATIONS: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited graduate library school or the equivalent in training and experience is required. Subject knowl­ edge of music history and theory as demonstrated by an undergraduate degree, or the recognized equivalent in experience is required. A graduate degree in music is preferred for appointment at the higher rank. A reading knowledge of Western European languages is required. Demonstrated knowledge of music cataloging using AACR2, LC classification and subject headings, and the MARC formats in an automated cataloging system is strongly preferred. A minimum of five years original cataloging experience or a combination of original music cataloging and other relevant professional library experience is required for appointment at the higher rank. Demonstrated ability to work well and communi­ cate effectively with a diverse group of people in a dynamic environment is required. Knowledge of music reference and research tools is highly desirable. The position reports to the Head of Music Technical Services. APPLICATIONS: A letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references should be submitted by A u g u s t 1, 19 93 to: K e v in A . F re e m a n , C h a ir M u s ic C a ta lo g e r S e a rc h C o m m itte e , M u s ic L ib ra ry , S T A N F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y L IB R A R IE S , S ta n fo rd , C A 9 4 3 0 5 -3 0 7 6 . Stanford is committed to the principles of diversity and encourages applications from women, members of ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities. STANFORD UNIVERSITY 425 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Northeastern University University Libraries Northeastern University Libraries seeks applications and nominations for the position of Collection Development Officer. Articulate, plan, coordinate, and provide leadership for all collection development, resource sharing, preservation, and disaster preparedness goals, strategies, policies, and programs for print, nonprint, and technology-based information resources for the university libraries. Oversee the preparation and currency of collection policy statements. Recommend allocations and monitor use of an increasing resource budget that currently approximates $4 million. Perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of collections and budget. Identify prospective funding sources, prepare proposals and grant applications, and develop gifts programs. Coordinate and evaluate collection analysis and selection activities of 20 librarians who also serve as liaisons to academic disciplines. May serve as liaison to one or more academic disciplines and select materials for that area. Assure close working relationship with faculty and curriculum committees. Assess the adequacy of the collections and the materials budget for accreditation reviews and for new course and program proposals. Evaluate electronic access and delivery of information resources. Member o f the library administration team. Represent the university libraries regionally and nationally in collection development, resource sharing, and preservation matters. The libraries hold membership in OCLC, Nelinet, and the Boston Library Consortium. CARL Systems and Tandy computers are platforms for the public access Northeastern University Libraries Information System (NULIS) and for integrated processing services support. NULIS also serves as the libraries’ primary network gateway to other information resources. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree. At least five years of demonstrated successful and increasingly responsible professional experience related to collection development, preferably in an academic library and including effective supervision, budgetary analysis and development, and faculty relations. Knowledge about collection preservation and disaster preparedness, about qualitative and quantitative collection analysis techniques, and about trends in higher education, research and curricular development. Strong planning, organization, interpersonal, analytical, and oral and written communication skills. Ability to set priorities and to articulate goals and innovative programs. Commitment to staff development. Prefer advanced subject degree, and familiarity with a matrix organizational structure and with technology-based information systems and services. SALARY: $43,000 minimum, depending upon qualifications and experience. Review of applications will begin August 6 and continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Lynda Leahy Associate Dean, User Services & Collection Development Northeastern University Libraries 320 Snell Library 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. and has an important law enforcement collection. Responsibilities: Manage all reference and online services; oversee document delivery unit; support teaching and research of NU’s Transportation Center and Traffic Institute (some travel required); coordinate library instruc­ tion; provide faculty outreach; supervise students and document delivery assistant; participate in some technical services. Required: MLS and two years professional library experience, including refer­ ence and instruction; highly developed communication skills, expe­ rience with or strong interest in online searching, CD-ROMs, and networks. Transportation or related background desirable. Salary: $27,000-$32,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University. Library, Evanston, IL 60208. Applications received by July 30,1993, will receive first consideration. Northwest­ ern University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Participates with the Head of the Refer­ ence Department in providing reference services and is the coordina­ tor of electronic reference services. Also engages in cataloging for a portion of the work week. Provides reference service by assisting users in the use of the online catalog and by answering specific questions using the reference collections, off-site and on-site elec­ tronic databases, government documents, and general collections. 426 DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SERVICES (FA043) THo m a s N e l s o n COMMUNITY COLLEGE Thomas Nelson Community College is a comprehensive community college on the Virginia Peninsula. It is convenient to numerous historic and recreational sites. The college had a fall 1992 enrollment of 7,815 students and slightly more than 3,966 FTEs. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Master’s degree in library science or related field. Specialization in information systems management and/or instructional technology. Three or more years of increasingly responsible administrative experience. Demonstrated commitmentto community college philosophy. QUALIFICATIONS PREFERRED: Earned doctorate. Community college administrative experience. Work in two or more of the following support areas: library information services, instructional technology, or academic computing. DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Reports directly to the Dean of Instruction and has responsibility for the operational units of the college that provide academic information and telecommunications and electronic- media support for the college’s instructional programs. The support areas include the library, academic computing, telemedia operations, and other academic information services. SALARY AND RANK: Salary range for 12 months: $36,587-$63,334. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. APPLICATION PROCESS: A letter of application, resume, personal copies of college transcripts, three references with current addresses and phone numbers, and a State of Virginia Employment Application must be received in the personnel office by 5:00 p.m., July 16, 1993. Application packages are to be mailed to the following address: Thomas Nelson Community College Personnel Office P.O. Box 9407 Hampton, VA 23670 A State of Virginia Employment Application may be obtained by calling (804) 825-2728 (voice or TDD) or by writing to the above address. Thomas Nelson Com m unity College is an equ a l opportunity, affirmative action employer. M em bers o f ethnic minorities, women, a nd individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Serves as liaison with the Center for Computing and the reference staff. Maintains ongoing familiarity with technological advances in information science. Engages in bibliographic instruction. Shares coverage of the reference operation on nights and weekends. Partici­ pates in departmental planning and performs other professional assignments as needed. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, experience with library systems and end-user technology, experience with database searching, basic knowledge of cataloging. Salary from $27,000 depending upon experience. Applications received on or before July 31 ‚ 1993, will be given priority. Send resume and names of three references to: James Cubit, Assistant College Librarian, Wil­ liams College, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO, AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER Afull-time, 12-Month, tenure-track appointment, available September 1 , 1993, at the Univer­ sity of Kansas Regents Center Library, Overland Park, Kansas. Requires MLS from an ALA-accredited program, excellent interper­ sonal and communication skills, experience in providing user instruc­ tion and assistance, demonstrated ability to apply new approaches to the delivery of information, demonstrated analytical and organiza­ tional skills, availability to work predominantly evening and weekend hours. Prefer public service experience in an academic library, recent experience conducting online database searches with utilities such as Dialog, academic preparation in social welfare or in one of the social sciences, experience in providing library services to nontraditional students, recent work experience with automated library systems, supervisory experience. Salary: $23,000-$28,000 dependent upon qualifications. Submit application letter, resume, copies of under­ graduate and graduate transcripts, and names of three references to: Sandra Gilliland, Assistant to the Dean for Personnel, University of Kansas Libraries, 502 Watson Library, Lawrence, KS 66045-2800. Applications must be postmarked by July 31, 1993. AA, EOE. 427 AUTHORITIES/NONPRINT CATALOGER University of Vermont Under the direction of the Assistant Director for Collection Management Services, oversees authority control in an online environment (NOTIS) and performs original cataloging of library materials in non-print formats (e.g., video or sound recordings, maps, etc.). Serves as coordinator for the four-member Cataloging Enhancement/Database Maintenance Team. Approximately 55% time will be spent on authority control, 35% time on cataloging, and 10% time on coordinating activities. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; reading knowledge of at least one language other than English. Experience in performing authority work in an online environment; demonstrated understand­ ing of online indexing and cross reference structures; three years cataloging experience using an automated system; familiarity with nonprint MARC formats, experience using AACR2r, LCSH, LCRI, LC classification; ability to organize work efficiently;flexibility and ability to work harmoniously with colleagues. Preferred qualifications include: Experience with NOTIS; professional experience cataloging nonprint formats, especially audiovisual and computer formats; broad exposure to several languages, sufficient for cataloging purposes. Seeking professional to work as part of a five-person management team which is responsible for the administration of collection development, acquisitions, cataloging, end processing, and preservation. Must have effective oral and written communication skills, ability to work in a demanding and rapidly changing academic environment, and a public service orientation. Contributes to the University in areas of educational mission, scholarship, creative activities, and service. RANK AND SALARY: Library Assistant Professor, nontenure-track, 12-month appointment. Minimum salary: $28,000. BENEFITS: Several retirementoptionsincludingTIAA/CREF;paid health insurance;generous sick leave; 22days vacation; university holidays. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, professional resume, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Chair Authorities/Nonprint Cataloger Search Committee Bailey/Howe Library University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405-0036 Applications received by September 15,1993, will be given preference. UVM is an EEO/AA em ployer a nd actively seeks applications from women and minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION CO­ ORDINATOR. Challenging and interesting position to provide refer­ ence services to students, faculty, and staff and coordinate the Bibliographic Instruction Program. Position requires master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution, professional academic library experience, bibliographic instruction experience including new information technologies such as automated library systems and Internet. This full-time, twelve-month position is avail­ able September 1, 1993. Minimum salary: $28,000. Interested appli­ cants, please send cover letter and resume to: Personnel Department, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105. Priority will be given to resumes received by July 9,1993. An equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS/DOCUMENTS COORDINATOR. George Washington Uni­ versity. Appointment salary minimum: $29,000 (includes administra­ tive stipend). Responsibilities: Coordinates processing and use of serials and documents throughout the library; acts as documents expert for public services staff; provides service liaison with Collection Management Services Department and subject specialists; super­ vises head of Serials/Government Documents Unit; monitors quality control of the automated serials database managed by NOTIS soft­ ware within a consortium environment; participates in consortium planning and implementation of NOTIS enhancements. Serves as the Gelman Library Coordinator for the GPO selective depository program including materials processing, acquisition of new selections, and public services liaison. As all librarians in the Gelman Library, the Serials/Documents Coordinator serves as a subject specialist for selected academic discipline(s) and participates on library commit­ tees. Reports to a senior subject specialist who confirms allocation of work hours to broad categories of activity and who evaluates overall performance with input from department head and relevant coordina­ tors. Serves on the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) Acquisitions/Serials Advisory Committee. Provides assistance to the Head of Acquisitions in general department leadership, staff develop­ ment, and training. The Serials/Documents Coordinator serves as Acting Head of the department in the absence of the department head. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science; a minimum of two years serials acquisitions experience, including a minimum of one year government documents experience; excellent oral and written communication skills. Qualifications desir­ able: Familiarity with MARC and experience with OCLC; experience with serials/acquisitions automated systems; serials bibliographic control experience; public service, collection development, or liaison (with faculty) experience; supervisory experience. Deadline for appli­ cation: For full consideration please respond by September 15 , 1993. 428 Please send current resume and names of three references to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Associate, The Melvin Gelman Library, George Washington University, 2130 H Street, NW-Room 201 ‚ Washington, DC 20052. The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. George Mason University is seeking a Serials Librarian to provide technical and public services to the serials collection, using NOTIS, LINX, and OCLC. The Serials Librarian will w o rk with liaison librarians on collection developm ent, supe r­ vise the operations of th e periodical/m icroform s public service desk, supervise the serials system conversion, and serve as a m em ber of the library faculty. ALA-accredited MLS and exp e ri­ ence with serials, preferably with autom ated system s such as OCLC, NOTIS, and LINX is required. Some supervisory and public service experience is desirable. Salary: $25,250-$30,000, com ­ m ensurate with qua lifica tions and experience; excellen t benefits. Position available im m ediately. Deadline for applications is Au­ gust 21‚ 1993. Send le tter of application with resum e and names and telephone num bers of thre e references to: Lesle LaBerge, Library Adm inistration, G eorge M ason University, 4400 U niversity VISUAL ARTS LIBRARIAN, GENERAL REFERENCE University of North Texas Libraries DESCRIPTION: 12-month, full-time appointment. The Visual Arts Librarian provides reference assistance for students and faculty of the School of Visual Arts, the largest such school in the Southwest. Under the supervision of the Head of General Reference Services, provides reference services primarily in the field of the visual arts with additional responsibilities in collection development, bibliographic instruction, electronic database searching, and assistance at the general reference desk. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited program, undergraduate major in the visual arts, and knowledge of electronic database searching. Preferred qualifications include three to five years experience in visual arts reference, additional graduate degree in an appropriate area, and familiarization with computer applications in libraries. SALARY & BENEFITS: The position will be filled at the rank of Librarian II or III; $26,000 minimum; competitive benefits package; choice of state or optional retirement plan; no state income tax. UNIVERSITY: The University of North Texas is a state assisted comprehensive doctoral granting institution located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. UNT, with a student enrollment of over 27,000, is the fourth largest university in the state. The UNT Libraries have total collections over 1.5 million, a full-time staff of 105, and an operating budget of over five million dollars. APPLICATION: Applicants should submit a letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Martha Tarlton Search Com m ittee Chair Library Adm inistrative Office UNT Box 5188 Denton, Texas 76203-5188 Screening of applicants will begin July 23, 1993, however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The U niversity o f N orth Texas is a n e q u a l opportunity, affirm a tive action e m plo ye r \and encourages a pp licatio n s o f w om en a n d minorities. Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. G eorge Mason University is an AA, EEO em ployer; m inorities encouraged to apply. TE C H N IC A L SE RVIC ES LIBRARIAN. U niversity of the South (Sew anee) seeks librarian to catalog all form ats of library m ate­ rials, to assist in m aintenance of VTLS database (including a uthority work) and acqu isitions processing, and to perform retrospective conversion. R equired: A LA-accredited MLS; fa m il­ ia rity with O CLC : Tw o years cataloging experience; know ledge of MARC form ats; ability to w o rk in, and contribute to, a changing electronic in form ation environm ent and to in teract effective ly with other staff. P referred q ua lifica tions: Experience with LC cla ssifi­ cation s and subject headings, lo cal online system s, acquisitions, serials, theological m aterials, and know ledge of M acintosh com ­ puters. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Excellent ben­ efits. Applications considered until the position is filled. Send le tter of application, resum e, and nam es of three references to: Vanessa Jackson, Personnel Services, U niversity of the South, 735 University Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37375. University of the South is an equal opp ortunity em ployer. M inorities and women are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings T E C H N IC A L SE R V ICE S, HEAD. Dawes Memorial Library, Marietta College, is seeking an energetic, experienced librarian to supervise technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, government documents, serials control and binding, and to coordinate automation activities. Library is planning for the implementation of an integrated automation system in the summer of 1994. Duties include original cataloging 429 of all types of materials, managing staff (2.5 FTE support staff and 4-5 student assistants), and developing procedures for an automated system. Marietta College, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution, is located in an historic southeastern Ohio river town. Library maintains a collection of 250,000 volumes, nonprint materi­ als, and CD-ROM products. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required plus two years experience in the technical services area. Knowledge of LC classification and subject headings, AACR2, MARC format, and OCLC necessary. Experience with computers and their applications in a library required. Effective communication and interpersonal skills essential. Minimum salary is $26,000 for 12 months with salary dependent on education and experience. Position carries faculty rank; 20 vacation days plus benefits package, including TIAA/CREF. Review of applications begins September 15 and will continue until position is filled. Please send current resume and names of three references to: Sandra B. Neyman, College Librarian, Dawes Library, Marietta College, Marietta, OH 45750. Marietta College is an equal opportunity and affirmative action educator and employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Society o f Am erican Archivists, national professional organization headquartered in Chicago. Duties: Planning/administering $1.2 million budget, supervising 11 staff, overseeing programs for member service, annual meeting, continuing education, publications, grants, and advocacy. Qualifications: Five years institutional or association management experience; knowledge of or willingness to learn about archives; and excellent communication skills. Salary: $55,000 minimum. Available April 1, 1994. Application deadline: September 15, 1993. Request complete application packet from: J. Frank Cook, B134 Memorial Library, UW-Madison, 728 State St., Madison WI 53706; (608) 262-5629. HEAD OF LIBRARY INSTRUCTION. Colgate University, a highly selective liberal arts college of 2,600 students. Responsibilities: Provides leadership and coordination for library instruction, working with other library faculty to plan, implement, evaluate, and review programs; participates fully in reference department activities; serves as liaison with one or more academic departments; participates in library and university governance. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; two years professional reference experience in an academic library, including library instruction; demonstrated strong interest in instruction; ability to articulate and implement a coherent philosophy of service and instruction in a liberal arts college library; ability to write and speak effectively in a variety of contexts, including classroom instruction; demonstrable capacity for and commitment to working as a member of a team. Minimum salary of $28,000 plus benefits. Applications from minority candidates especially welcomed; Colgate is an AA/EEO employer. Review of applications begins August 2 , 1993. Address letter of application and resume, with the names of three references, to: Library Instruction Search Committee, Case Library, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, N Y 13346. DIRECTOR OF THE BLOUGH-WEIS LIBRARY AND COORDINATOR OF INFORMATION RESOURCES. Susquehanna University seeks a new Director of the Blough-Weis Library to continue a period of dynamic library development and to lead in planning for a future of converging information technologies. This senior administrative position carries faculty rank and reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Director supervises the operations of the Blough-Weis Library and its subsidiary units, Media Services and Tutorial Services; maintains strong ties to the academic program through membership on the Curriculum Committee and vigorous outreach to faculty and students; and represents the library effectively to its internal and external publics. In addition, the Director has responsibility, as leading partner in collaboration with the Director of Computing Services, for panning, imple­ menting, and managing a comprehensive, campus-wide program of information ser­ vices and resources. The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree (earned doctorate preferred); minimum 5 years’ experi­ ence at the director or associate director level; demonstrated success in planning and 430 in the management of human and material resources; excellent communication and interpersonal skills and strong service orientation; significant professional contribu­ tion and involvement; substantial knowledge of and experience with automated library systems, instructional and information technologies; and understanding of the role of information resources in a residential, liberal arts environment. Susquehanna is a selective, independent, undergraduate university with a steady enrollment of approximately 1400 students. It is organized as three schools: Fine Arts and Commu­ nications; Arts and Sciences; and the AACSB-accredited Sigmund Weis School of Business. All academic buildings, including the library, have been renovated within the past 5 years. The library houses a collection of over 200,000 volumes, with distinguished special collections. It has a fully integrated automated system (innovative Interfaces, Inc.) in a LA N environment and strong cooperative agreements with other regional libraries. Located in the scenic Susquehanna river valley, the university is fifty miles north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and within three hours drive of New York, Washing­ ton, D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia. Recognizing the importance of this position to the continued development of an outstanding undergraduate library, the initial appoint­ ment date is negotiable, beginning as early as September 1 , 1993, but no later than July, 1994. The salary is competitive and depends upon credentials and experience; minimum is $50,000; benefits package includes tuition remission and exchange programs. Appli­ cations should include a cover letter, current resume, and the names of at least three professional references. Susquehanna library personnel will be available to meet with interested parties at the A L A meeting in late June. Consideration of candidates will begin July 6 and continue until a well-qualified individual is hired. Send applications or nominations to: Dr. Jeanne Neff, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA 17870. Susquehanna is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; women and minority candidates are especially encouraged. DIRECTOR, RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTER. Large, prominent member­ ship association has an excellent career opportunity for a professional to manage our Resource Information Center. We are seeking an innovative and experienced director to develop and manage domestic and international information services. Position requires strong leadership, ability to develop team-oriented work environment, excellent negoti­ ating skills, a strong commitment to quality service, and effective communication and analytical skills. Demonstrated ability to establish effective working relationships with other organizational units. Expertise in assessing technological developments related to information sciences required. Responsible for managing $3 million annual budget, 25- person staff, and 30,000+ volume collection. Minimum requirements include: Advanced degree, and eight years experience in one or more of the following areas: information or library science, business, international relations, social science and/or market research. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. Non-smoking work environment. Please send resume with salary requirement to: HRD-EW426-DC, P.O. Box 51040, Washington, DC 20091. EOE/AA. RECRUIT THE BEST... Reach a group of outstanding professionals by listing your open positions in C&RL News. A ca d e m ic lib ra ria n s co u n t on C&RL News fo r the la te st job in fo rm a tio n . C ontact Jack Helbig, classified ad m anager, at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. O r you can fax your ad to us at (312) 280-7663. O r em ail your ad to us at U 21808@ U IC V M .u ic.ed u . And w e ’ll do the rest! . . . ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS