ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries S eptem ber 1988 / 493 M e m b e r s h ip . The Membership C om m ittee staffed a highly successful booth at Annual Confer­ ence in New Orleans. They distributed materials, presented a video of Cincinnati, and held a draw­ ing for a video prepared by the Arizona State Uni­ versity Libraries. Support elected an d ap p oin ted leaders. Our sec­ ond annual orientation meeting for new committee chairs and section heads was successful. Informa­ tion was offered by ACRL leaders and staff, guides were handed out, and there was time for some dis­ cussion. The ACRL Annual Report appeared in a beauti­ ful new format. We hope that it will encourage units to submit reports for inclusion next year. C o o p era te w ith oth er ALA units. Staff and key leaders are preparing for three important events this fall: the third annual divisional leadership pro­ gram, where the presidents-elect of all 11 divisions convene to learn about ALA, meet one another, and work with the divisional staffs; the first joint meeting of divisional executive committees, where common issues, such as the revision of the Operat­ ing Agreement can be discussed, as well as individ­ ual agenda items; and an “Operating Agreement Summit,” where each division will have one repre­ sentative as negotiator with members of the ALA COPES Committee in drafting a new set of policies for ALA in relation to the divisions.—JoA n S. Se­ gal, A C R L Executive D irector. ACRL actions, July 1 9 8 8 Highlights of the Annual Conference meetings of the A C R L Board of Directors. T h e Board of Directors of the Association of Col­ lege and Research Libraries met twice during the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans: on July 9, 1988, and July 12, 1988. Bibliographic instruction The Board approved a “Model Statement of Ob­ jectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction” developed by a Bibliographic Instruction Section task force, with the provision that the authors clar­ ify some language in a section dealing with unre­ corded information sources (see draft in C &R L N ews, May 1987). The revised statement will ap­ pear in a future issue of C &R L News. Budget and finance The Board approved a schedule for the develop­ ment of the ACRL Financial Plan. There will be an open hearing on the plan next Midwinter, and a fi­ nal version will be approved by the Board at An­ nual Conference in Dallas in 1989. The Board also approved two revisions to the ACRL Fiscal Policy Manual— one on travel funds and the other on conference expenses. The Board approved the 1989 ACRL budget with revenues of $ 1 ,1 1 1 ,8 7 5 and expenses of $1,111,080. Bylaws The Board approved a change in the ACRL By­ laws that would allow sections to designate their representatives to the Activity Sections Council. The representatives would be two of the three fol­ lowing officers: chair, vice-chair/chair-elect, or past chair. The Board approved sample bylaws for use by ACRL sections in need of information on the writ­ ing or revision of section bylaws. Discussion groups The board approved petitions for the creation of two new discussion groups: the Journal Costs in Ac­ ademic Libraries Discussion Group and the Popu­ lar Culture and Libraries Discussion Group. 494 / C &R L News A C R L B o a rd , 1987-88. B ack row : B o c h elle Sager, Anne B eauhien, E lizab eth Salzer, L e e Hisle, Peter M alan chu k, L arry Hardesty, Mary Sue Ferrell, Patricia W and. Front row : JoA n Segal, H annelore R ader, Jo a n n e Euster, Jo sep h Boissé, Anne C om m erton. Not present: Thom as K irk, Melvin G eorge, B ob C arm ack. Fund raising The Board received the final report of the Task Force on Fund Raising, discharged the Task Force with thanks, and referred the report to the Plan­ ning Committee for its review and recommenda­ tions. The report recommends the creation of a dis­ cussion group on fund raising, the publication of articles on development and fund raising, and action on the ALA fund raising clearinghouse pro­ posal developed in cooperation with LAMA. Microfiche conversion The Board endorsed the resolution on the GPO microfiche conversion program. The resolution supports efforts by the U.S. Government Printing Office to develop specifications in future contracts that ensure high quality production and timely dis­ tribution of microfiche products. Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship The Board approved a policies and procedures document for R BML and approved the appoint­ ment of Alice Schreyer as editor of the journal. School library media specialists The Board discussed a draft of “Professional Competencies for Entry Level School Library Me­ dia Specialists,” prepared by the ALA/AASL/N- CATE Guidelines Task Force. General support for the document was expressed but the Board clari­ fied that they were taking no implied action on the issue of an MLS degree requirement. Sections The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section was congratulated on the occasion of its 30th anniver­ sary (see box, p .495). Statistics Upon the recommendation of the Academic L i­ brary Statistics Committee, the Board voted: 1) not to expand ACRL’s statistical survey to all college and university libraries because of costs and level of interest in nationwide statistics gathering; 2) to continue to survey the non-ARL university li­ braries and return to using the ARL form; 3) to en­ courage the academic library community to com­ plete and return the IP E D S surveys (see pp. 521-22); and 4) to encourage the federal govern­ ment to gather library data every other year. Strategic planning The Board established their top priority for the next two years. It will be Goal III of the ACRL Strategic Plan: “to promote and speak for the inter­ ests of academic and research librarianship.” Spe­ cific focuses will be on Subgoal A, which deals with S eptem ber 1988 / 495 A C R L B o a rd , 1988-89. B ack row : T hom as K irk, Mary Sue Ferrell, E lizabeth Salzer, L arry H ardesty, Peter M alanchuk, L in d a Piele, R o ch elle Sager. Front row : Anne C om m erton , W illiam A. M offett, Jo sep h A. Boissé, Jo a n n e Euster, Anne B eau bien , JoA n S. Segal. Not present: Melvin G eorge. improving relationships with non-library profes­ sionals and organizations, and on Subgoal C, which deals with recruitment and retention of out­ standing persons to the field of academic and re­ search librarianship. Task forces The Board extended the terms of the Task Force on Library Access and the Task Force on Librari­ ans as Instructors until the 1989 Annual Confer­ ence. The Library Access Task Force is developing guidelines for access policy statements, and the L i­ brarians as Instructors Task Force is surveying aca­ demic administrators on their role in support of li­ b rarian s in user ed u cation . T h e ir survey information will be used in preparing a guideline statement. Upon a recommendation from incoming ACRL President Joe Boissé, the Board established four new task forces: Paraprofessionals in Academic L i­ braries; Small College Assessment Program; Re­ cruitment of Underrepresented Minorities; and L i­ brary School Curriculum. The Board established a task force to explore the possibility of starting a service corps of retired li­ brarians. Evan Ira F arber, who proposed the idea, was named chair of the task force. The Board established a task force to oversee the writing of a grant proposal to study sources of reve­ nue in academic libraries. Another task force was established to explore non-dues sources of revenue for ACRL. RBMS is 30 years old The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section be­ came a separate section of ACRL during the 1958 Midwinter Meeting. The 30th anniversary of the section was marked during the 29th RBMS Preconference, “Libraries and Muse­ ums: Leaves from Each Other’s Books,” held in New Orleans, July 5 -8 , 1988. The opening re­ ception at the Historic New Orleans Collection doubled as a birthday party, with a book­ shaped birthday cake and toasts offered by RBMS officers and founders. Robert Vosper, university librarian and pro­ fessor emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles, spoke briefly prior to cutting the cake. Vosper, who served as ACRL President in 1955-56 and as ALA President in 1965-66, chaired the Special Committee to Study Section Status for the ACRL Rare Books Committee, and he forwarded the proposal recommending section status to ACRL. Alice Schreyer, assistant director of libraries for special collections at the University of Dela­ ware and chair of RBMS, read from letters of congratulation written by founders and former officers not present at the preconference.