ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 324 Committee on Manuscript Collections Stan­ dards Subcommittee (ad hoc) *Monday, January 18, 10:00 a.m.­ 12:00 noon Committee on Manuscript Collections W ork Manual Subcommittee (ad hoc) *Monday, January 18, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Subject Specialist Section Executive Committee *Monday, January 18, 4:30–6:00 p.m. Agricultural and Biological Sciences Subsection Executive Committee *Wednesday, January 20, 8:00-9:30 a.m. Art Subsection Executive Committee *Wednesday, January 20, 10:00 a.m.­ 12:00 noon E ducation and Behavioral Science Sub­ section Executive Committee *Friday, January 22, 8:00-9:30 a.m. Slavic and E ast E uropean Subsection Executive Committee *Friday, January 22, 2:00-4:00 p.m. University Libraries Section Steering Committee (Executive Commit­ tee) *Wednesday, January 20, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Committee on Extension Library Thursday, January 21, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Urban Universities Library Committee *Thursday, January 21, 10:00 a .m ­ 12:00 noon ■ ■ ACRL NEEDS YOU! The ACRL Appointments and Nominations Committee is requesting the assistance of all ACRL members in providing names of ACRL members who might wish to serve on commit­ tees. Persons serving on committees must be willing to provide the time necessary to assume responsibilities resulting from such assignments, attend both the Midwinter and Annual Con­ ferences, and answer correspondence prompt­ ly. Suggestions should include full name, com­ plete address, committees to which a person might be appointed, and applicable background for such appointment. The Committee mem­ bers are especially interested in securing names of individuals who have not previously been appointed to ACRL committees. Suggestions should be forwarded to George M. Bailey (C hairm an), Chief Librarian, York College, 158-11 Jewel Ave., Flushing, N.Y. 11365. ■ ■ ALA AWARDS 1971 American Library Association awards, cita­ tions, and scholarships are presented for dis­ tinguished service to the profession, publica­ tion, study, and research. Most of the 1971 awards will be made during the Dallas Con­ ference. ALA members are urged to recom­ mend candidates for the following awards. The chairman of the 1970-71 Awards Committee is Spencer G. Shaw, School of Librarianship, Uni­ versity of Washington, Seattle. Following is a list of awards of direct concern to members of ACRL with names of persons to whom nomina­ tions should be sent: ALA Scholarship Program. ALA Scholar­ ship Program, approved by the ALA Council, January, 1969, provides scholarships, in the amount of $2500, to be given annually to worthy students to begin an d /o r further their library education at the graduate level without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. The recipients must enter a formal program of graduate study leading to a degree or ad­ vanced certificate at an ALA accredited school. As many scholarships as possible will be award­ ed, depending upon the total amount of con­ tributed funds. The award may be withheld in any year when there are no worthy recipients. Administered by ALA Awards Committee and the Library Education Division. Application and recommendation forms are available from the jury chairman. Applications must be sub­ mitted by January 10, 1971. Chairman J. Phil­ lip Immroth, Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. Staff Liaison, Delores Vaughan. F rancis Joseph Campbell Citation. An annual award, consisting of a citation and medal, presented to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the advance­ ment of library service for the blind. This con­ tribution may take the form of an imaginative and constructive program in a particular li­ brary; a recognized contribution to the national library program for blind persons; creative par­ ticipation in library associations or blind orga­ nizations which advance reading for the blind; a significant publication or writing in the field; imaginative contribution to library administra­ tion, reference, circulation, selections, acquisi­ tions, or technical services, or any activity of recognized importance. Donated and adminis­ tered by Round Table on Library Service to the Blind. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1971. Send nominations to jury chairman (to be appointed). Staff Liaison, Ira Phillips, ALA Headquarters. 325 John Cotton D ana Library Publicity Awards. Annual citations made to libraries or library organizations of all types submitting scrapbooks representing the year’s public rela­ tions program. Donated by H. W. Wilson Com­ pany. Administered jointly by the Public Re­ lations Section of the Library Administration Division and the Wilson Library Bulletin. Deadline for entries, March 29, 1971; for scrap­ books, April 12, 1971. Send entries and scrap­ books to John Cotton Dana Publicity Awards Contest, c/o Wilson Library Bulletin, 950 Uni­ versity Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10452. Information available from jury chairman, Alan Kuseer, Public Library, Rochester, N.Y. 14601. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Ruth R. Frame. Clarence D ay Award. An annual award, consisting of a citation, $1000, and a contem­ porary print suitably engrossed, made to a li­ brarian or to another individual who has, through substantial published work, such as a book, essay, or published lecture, promoted a love of books and reading, such work to have been published within the five calendar years preceding the presentation of the award. Do­ nated by the Association of American Publish­ ers. Administered by ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1971. Send five copies of the nominations to the jury chairman. Chairman, Mrs. Virginia E. Parker, Port Washington Public Library, 245 Main Street, Port Washington, New York 11050. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. Melvil Dewey Medal. An engraved medal and a citation presented annually to an indi­ vidual or a group for recent creative profes­ sional achievement of a high order, particularly in those fields in which Melvil Dewey was ac­ tively interested, notably library management, library training, cataloging and classification, and the tools and techniques of librarianship. Donated by Forest Press, Inc. Administered by ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nom­ inations, January 15, 1971. Send five copies of nominations to the jury chairman. Chairman, Mrs. Elizabeth Rodell, Assistant Librarian for Technical Processes, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. E xhibits Round Table Award. An annual award of $500 made to an individual or a group to aid or improve some particular aspect of librarianship or library service on the basis of need in the profession or in the operation of professional library associations. Donated and administered by Exhibits Round Table. Chair­ man, John Wall, Demco Educational Corpora­ tion, P.O. Box 1488, Madison, Wis. 53701. Staff Liaison, Chris Hoy. Hammond Incorporated Library Award. An award of $500 and a citation made annual­ ly to a librarian who has effectively encouraged the use of maps and atlases or promoted an interest in cartography. The award is to be presented only in those years when an appropri­ ate recipient is found. Donated by Hammond Incorporated. Administered by ALA Awards Committee. Send nominations to the jury chair­ man by January 15, 1971. Chairman, Mrs. E l­ nora M. Portteus, Directing Supervisor, School Libraries, Cleveland Public Schools, 1380 East Sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Staff Liai­ son, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. Library Binding Institute Scholarship. An annual scholarship of $1000 made to a worthy student to further his library education. It is made to a resident of the United States without regard to race, color, creed, or geo­ graphical origin. Donated by the Library Bind­ ing Institute. Administered by the Library E du­ cation Division. Information and application forms are available from the jury chairman. Applications must be submitted by January 10, 1971. Chairman, Mr. Frank B. Sessa, Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. Staff Liaison, Delores Vaughan. Library Buildings Award Program. Estab­ lished by the American Institute of Architects, the ALA, and the National Book Committee to encourage excellence in the architectural de­ sign and planning of libraries, to consist of a citation and a plaque to be placed in each winning building. Awards are to be made in three classifications: school libraries (up to and including secondary schools), college and uni­ versity libraries, and public libraries ( including county and state). ALA participation autho­ rized by Council in 1962. Deadline for entries to be determined. Application forms will be available from the Library Administration Di­ vision at ALA Headquarters. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Ruth R. Frame. Joseph W. Lippincott Award. An award consisting of $1000, an engraved medal, and a special citation, made annually to a librarian for distinguished service in the profession of li­ brarianship, such service to include outstand­ ing participation in the activities of professional library associations, notable published profes­ sional writing, or other significant activity in behalf of the profession and its aims. Donated by Joseph W. Lippincott. Administered by the ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nomina­ tions: January 15, 1971. Jury Chairman to be appointed. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug, ALA Headquarters. Margaret Mann Citation. An annual ci­ tation made to a cataloger or classifier, not necessarily an American, for outstanding pro­ fessional achievement in the areas of cataloging 326 o r classification, either through publication or significant professional literature, participation in professional cataloging associations, introduc­ tion of new techniques of recognized impor­ tance, or outstanding work in the area of teach­ ing within the past five years. Donated and ad­ ministered by th e Cataloging and Classifica­ tion Section, Resources and Technical Services Division. Deadline for nominations, January 1, 1971. Send nominations w ith resume of achieve­ m ent on w hich nomination is based, to jury chairman, Mrs. Dorothy P. Ladd, Mugar Me­ morial Library, Boston University, 771 Com­ monwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02215. Staff Liaison, Carol H . Raney. F rederic G. Melcher Scholarship. An an­ nual $2500 scholarship established by the Children’s Services Division to encourage and assist young people who wish to enter th e field of library service to children. It is awarded to a qualified candidate who has been accepted for admission to an ALA accredited library school. D onated and administered by the Children’s Services Division. Information and applications are available from the jury chairman. Com­ pleted applications m ust be submitted by March 15, 1971. Chairman, Dr. Patricia J. Cianciolo, Professor, Michigan State University, 360 Erickson Hall, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. Staff Liaison, Ruth W. Tarbox. Isadore Gilbert Mudge Citation. A cita­ tion to b e given at the annual conference of the ALA to a person who has made a dis­ tinguished contribution to reference librarian- ship. This contribution may take the form of an imaginative and constructive program in a par­ ticular library; the writing of a significant book or articles in the reference field; creative and inspirational teaching of reference service; or other noteworthy activities which stimulate ref­ erence librarians to more distinguished per­ formance. Donated and administered by Ref­ erence Services Division. Deadline for nomina­ tions to Chairman, May 15, 1971. Chairman, Miss W inifred B. Linderman, School of Library Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801. Acting Staff Liaison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. E unice Rockwell Oberly Memorial Award. A biennial award given in odd-num­ bered years, consisting of a citation and a cash award from the income of the Oberly Memorial Fund, made to the American citizen who com­ piles the best bibliography in the field of agri­ culture or one of the related sciences in the two-year period preceding the year in which the award is made. The bibliographies are judged on accuracy, scope, usefulness, format, and special features, such as explanatory in­ troductions, annotations, and indexes. Made pos­ sible by a fund established by colleagues in memory of Eunice Rockwell Oberly. Adminis­ tered by ACRL Agriculture and Biological Sci­ ences Subsection. Deadline for nominations, March 15, 1971. Send nominations to the jury chairman. Chairman, Mr. Fleming Bennett, Li­ brarian, Hume Library, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32601. Staff Liaison, J. Don­ ald Thomas. E sther J. Piercy Award. An annual citation presented in recognition of a contribution to librarianship in the field of the technical ser­ vices by younger members of the profession. The recipient will be a librarian with n ot more than ten (1 0 ) years of professional experience who has shown outstanding promise for con­ tinuing contributions and leadership in any of the fields comprising technical services by such means as (a ) leadership in professional asso­ ciations at local, state, regional, or national lev­ els; ( b ) contributions to the development, ap­ plication, or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques, and routines; (c ) a sig­ nificant contribution to professional literature; ( d ) conduct of studies or research in th e tech­ nical services. The award will be given each year in which the jury believes there to be a qualified recipient. D onated and administered by the Resources and Technical Services D i­ vision. Deadline for nomination of candidates, January 1, 1971. Chairman, Miss M argaret W. Ayrault. G raduate School of Library Studies, University of Hawaii, 2425 Campus Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815. Staff Liaison, Carol H. Raney. H erbert Putnam H onor F und. An award of $500 presented at intervals as a grant-in- aid to an American librarian of outstanding ability for travel, writing, or other use that might improve his or her service to the library profession or to society. Administered by the ALA Awards Committee. The ALA Awards Committee serves as jury for this award. Nom­ inations may be sent to Chairman. Chairman, Spencer G. Shaw, School of Librarianship, Uni­ versity of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. Scarecrow Press Award F or L ibrary L it­ erature. An award of $500 and a citation made to an American librarian to recognize an outstanding contribution to library literature is­ sued during the calendar year preceding the presentation. The award will be given only when a title merits such recognition. Donated by the Scarecrow Press. Administered by ALA Awards Committee. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1971. Send nominations to the jury chairman. (T o be appointed.) Staff Liai­ son, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. H. W . W ilson Library Periodical Award. To be given annually to a periodical published by a local, state, or regional library, library group, or library association in the United States 327 or Canada which has made an outstanding con­ tribution to librarianship. (This excludes pub­ lications of ALA, CLA, and their divisions.) All issues for the calendar year prior to the presentation of the award will be judged on the basis of sustained excellence in both con­ ten t and format, with consideration being given to purpose and budget. The award shall be presented only in those years when a periodical meriting such recognition is submitted for the award. D onated by the H. W. Wilson Com­ pany. Administered by ALA Awards Commit­ tee. Deadline for nominations, January 15, 1971. Send nominations to the jury chairman. Chairman, Mr. Henry G. Shearouse, Jr., Li­ brarian, The Public Library, City and County of Denver, 1357 Broadway, Denver, Colo­ rado 80203. Staff Liaison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. H alsey W. W ilson L ibrary Recruitment Award. An annual award consisting of $1000 to be given to any local, state, or regional li­ brary association, any library school, or any other appropriate group concerned w ith re­ cruitm ent to the profession. (To be eligible, a state or regional library association must be a chapter of ALA.) There may be direct applica­ tion or nomination for the award. The award will b e made for the development of a sus­ tained program of recruitm ent for librarianship and will be based on total continuing program, not limited to one year’s activity. The criteria upon which selection will be based are: defini­ tion of goals; appropriateness and value to th e library needs of an area in which the program is conducted; number of individuals entering library school or library employment; num ber and kind of individuals or groups reached; or other demonstrable results. The money com­ prising the award will be used for the continua­ tion and further development of a recruitm ent program. Donated by H. W. Wilson Co. Ad­ ministered by ALA Awards Committee. D ead­ line for nominations, January 15, 1971. Send five copies of the nominations to the jury chair­ man. Chairman, Mrs. Julia Russell, Nassau Li­ brary System, Lower Concourse, Roosevelt Field, Garden City, New York 11530. Staff Li­ aison, Mrs. Judith F. Krug. ■ ■ From Inside the DLP By D r. Katharine M. Stokes College and University Library Specialist, Training and Resources Branch, Division of L i­ brary Programs, Bureau of Libraries and E du­ cational Technology, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202. If you haven’t yet seen a copy of Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities: Data for Individual Institutions, Fall 1969 (Publication OE–15023–69), it’s probably been resting quiet­ ly among your depository items since late Au­ gust. Its accompanying Analytic Report was still in preparation, b u t there is hope th a t it will be out this fall. The format of OE–15023 is much the same as the 1968 version except for a darker shade of green and beige for th e cover. This edition bears Dr. Bronson Price’s name in­ stead of Joel Williams’ b u t Joel w rote the Foreword before he left the NCES for a non­ government position in July. By th e end of Oc­ tober, Bronson, too, will be retiring. Ruth Boaz is carrying on as Acting Chief of the Library Surveys Branch, so your questions about the 1969 data can be addressed to her or to Mrs. Doris Holladay, who is still in the Branch, for­ tunately. Doris can be reached by calling 202- 962-7443 or addressing her a t the Office of Education, FOB #6, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Room 2153, Washington, D.C. 20202. You will notice th at her room num ber is changed from the 1010 I last reported, b ut the telephone number is the old one for Dr. Price. As long as I’m reporting changes, my own telephone num ber has been changed twice this summer and is now 202-963-4385. My room num ber is now 5680 in ROB # 3 , 7th and D Streets, S.W., and I have been transferred to the Training and Resources Branch, headed by Frank Stevens. My title and duties remain much the same, b u t I am now specifically at­ tached as Program Officer to th e Title I I –A (H E A ) College Library Resources Program. I have been lent to this program in this branch most of my three years in the DLP, b u t now the relationship is full time. To go back to Data for Individual Institu­ tions, 1969, copies addressed “To the Librari­ an” were sent to every institution and every separate campus of an institution, b u t your mail rooms may have p u t them with the rest of th e flood of government documents received in de­ pository libraries. If desired, an additional copy is obtainable for $1.25 from the Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. As you will note in Joel’s Foreword, 2,122 indi­ vidual colleges are included in this edition. No library statistics form is included in th e Higher Education General Information Survey (H E G IS ) for Fall 1970, due to the higher priorities of other areas, notably school library statistics, which have had no attention for sev­ eral years. The college and university library