ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 269 Proposed Bylaws Revision of SEES E d it o r s N ote: T he p r o p o s e d B ylaw s will b e v o ted upon at th e 1980 ALA Annual C o n feren ce. S l a v ic a n d E a s t E u r o p e a n S e c t i o n A S e c t i o n o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f C o l l e g e a n d R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s A m e r i c a n L i b r a r y A s s o c i a t i o n B y l a w s Article I. Name T h e name of this organization shall be the Slavic and East European Section of the Associa­ tion of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Article II. O bject Sec. 1. This section shall represent librarians and other persons whose work or interest is re­ lated to Slavic and East European studies. It will act for ACRL in cooperation with other profes­ sional groups that require special knowledge of the area and languages of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Sec. 2. The Slavic and East European Section s responsibilities are: (a) To advance the interests in Slavic and East European Librarianship. (b) To promote library instruction, research and publication in the field of Slavic and East Euro­ pean Librarianship. (c) To review problems of access and control of Slavic and East European materials and recom­ mend improvements in their processing. Article III. Membership Any member of the Association of College and Research Libraries may select membership in this Section by payment of dues to the American Li­ brary Association and any additional dues re ­ quired for membership in ACRL and its sections. Every member has the right to vote. Any per­ sonal member is eligible to hold office. Article IV. Officers Sec. 1. Officers. The officers of this Section shall b e a c h a ir p e rs o n , a v ice-ch airp erso n/ chairperson-elect, the immediate past chairper­ son, a secretary and a member at large. Sec. 2. Terms. All officers shall serve until the adjournment of the annual meeting at which their successors are announced. In case o f a vacancy in any office, except chairperson, the replacement will be appointed by the chairperson. (a) Chairperson. The chairperson shall serve for one year. (b) V ice-chairp erso n. T he ch airp erson -elect shall serve as vice-chairperson for one year. At its expiration, or earlier, in case of a vacancy in the office of chairperson, the vice-chairperson suc­ ceeds to the office of chairperson. (c) Secretary. The secretary shall serve for a term of three years. (d) M em ber at large. The m em ber at large shall serve for a term of one year. Article V. Executive Committee Sec. 1. Composition. The Executive Commit­ tee shall consist of the officers and chairpersons of committees. S e c. 2. Pow ers and Duties. T h e E xecu tive Com m ittee shall have the authority to conduct the business of the Section provided that none of its acts shall conflict with or modify any action taken by ACRL and ALA. S e c. 3. M eetings. Regular m eetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the time and place of the Annual Conference and Mid­ winter Meeting o f the American Library Associa­ tion. Special meetings may be called at the dis­ cretion of the chairperson. Sec. 4. Quorum. A majority of the members constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Execu­ tive Committee. Article VI. Committees S e c. 1. Authorization and D iscontinuance. Committees of the Section may be authorized or discontinued by the chairperson with the ap­ proval of the Executive Committee. Sec. 2. Standing Committees. Standing com­ mittees may b e established to consider matters of the Section that require continuity of attention by the members. When such a committee is estab­ lished, its function, name, and size shall be de­ termined. Members of standing committees shall be appointed for terms of two years and may be reappointed for a second but not a third consecu­ tive term. Appointments shall be made in such a manner as to provide continuity in membership. Sec. 3. Special Committees. Special (ad hoc) committees may be established at any time for the performance of a particular assignment. No such committee may be continued beyond two years w ithout review and reap proval by the Executive Committee. Sec. 4. Appointments. The- vice-chairperson/ chairperson-elect shall appoint committee mem­ bers to fill the vacancies due to occur during his/her term as chairperson. He/she may request each committee to elect its own chairperson or may name the chairperson of each committee. S e c. 5. R eporting. C o m m ittee chairp erson shall make reports to the Executive Committee at its regular meetings. 270 Article V II. Meetings Sec. 1. T he regular business m eeting o f the Section shall be held at the time and place of the Annual C o n fe re n c e o f th e A m erican L ib ra ry Association. Sec. 2. Ten m embers shall constitute a quorum at the meeting. Article V III. Nominations and Elections S e c. 1. Nominations. T h e vice-chairperson/ ch a irp erso n -elect o f the S e ctio n , with the ap­ proval o f th e c h a ir p e r s o n , sh a ll ap p oin t a Nominating Comm ittee of at least three personal m em bers of the Sectio n. This com m ittee shall present at least two candidates for each o f the offices o f the chairperson-elect, o f the m ember at large, and, every third year, of secretary. Each candidate presented must have consented to the candidacy in writing and must be a member in good standing at the time of nomination. Sec. 2. Elections. Elections shall be conducted by mail ballot in accordance with the procedures and deadlines established by the American L i­ brary Association. For each office, the candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be elected. In case of a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be determined by lot. Candidates elected shall be reported at the annual meeting. Article IX. General Provisions W henever these Bylaws make no specific pro­ visions, the organization of and the procedure in this Section shall correspond to that set forth in the Bylaws of ACRL. Article X. Amendments S e c . 1. P ro p o sa ls. A m e n d m en ts to th e s e Bylaws may be proposed in writing to the mem­ bership o f the Section by the Executive Commit­ tee, or a committee appointed for this purpose, or by any five m em bers. Proposals originating from the membership shall be filed with the sec­ retary at least three months before the annual meeting. S e c . 2 . V oting. A copy o f any p ro p osed amendment shall be mailed by the secretary of the Section to each m ember at least thirty days before the annual meeting or shall be announced in C o lle g e & R e se a rc h L ib r a r ie s N ew s in an issue prior to the annual meeting. A plurality vote of the m em bers p resent and voting at an annual m eeting or casting ballots in a mail vote shall carry a proposed amendment. (Bylaws Revision Com m ittee: Edward Kasinec, Harvard University; Andrew T urchyn, Indiana U niversity; O leg Kudryk, chairperson, Indiana University.) ■■ M idwest Library S e rv ice's University P ress Selection Plan O ffers a Big Extra! It’s a Pre-Publication Catalog This catalog is the only one of its kind in our industry and by using it a librarian can MONITOR University P ress Publishing. T he catalog is pro­ duced tw ice a year in. a revised, updated form. 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