ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 289 Publications NOTICES • W ork in g p a p e r n u m b e r 8 o f th e A frican Studies C en te r o f Boston University consists of: A fr ic a n N e w s p a p e rs C u r r e n t l y R e c e iv e d by American L ibraries compiled by Daniel A. Britz. This union list updates the preliminary list com­ piled in 1976 by Jam es C. Armstrong. It lists in one alphabetical sequence 276 titles received by one or more libraries of twenty cooperating in­ stitutions. Copies of this working paper are available from Boston U niversity, African Stu dies C e n te r, 10 Lenox S t., Brookline, MA 02146. • Alternative Catalog Newsletter, a publication of the Milton S. Eisenhow er Library o f the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, in c lu d e s n ew s, m e e tin g r e p o r ts , re p ro d u ce d source documents, and other items pertaining to the future o f bibliographic control. Published in microfiche only, on a 12-issue basis, a subscrip­ tion for nos. 1 5 -2 6 is $10 prepaid. Publication is irregular. • The B. I. H andbook, prepared by the A CRL Biblio graphic In stru ctio n Task F o r c e (1 9 7 1 -7 7 ) and the Policy and Planning C om m ittee o f the A C R L Bibliographic Instruction Section (1 9 7 7 - 79), is a practical guide for the establishm ent and design o f bibliographic instruction programs for academic libraries. T he H a n d b o o k is divided into eight sections beginning with “G uidelines for B ib ­ liographic Instruction in Academic L ib raries,” a statem ent approved by the A C R L Board of D i­ rectors in January 1977. Subsequent sections in­ clude a revised set o f model ob jectives, a sug­ gested program tim etable, a checklist of points to cover in an information needs assessment of the academic community, and a discussion of admin­ istrative considerations affecting a bibliographic instruction program. O ther documents included are a chart o f the pros and cons o f various in ­ structional modes, a glossary of bibliographic in­ struction terms, and a pathfinder for conducting a bibliographic instruction literature search. The H a n d b o o k concludes with an evaluation sheet re ­ questing reactions from users. T he 69-page book is a v a ila b le from A C R L , 5 0 E . H u ron S t ., Chicago, I L 60611. Enclose an addressed mailing label along with prepayment: $5 for A CRL mem­ bers, $6 for non-A CRL members. • T h e p roceed in g s o f th e 1977 A C R L Rare Books & M an u scrip ts S e c tio n p r e c o n fe r e n c e , Book Selling and Book B uying: Aspects o f the N ineteenth-Century British and North American Book T ra d e, edited by Richard G. Landon, have been published as n o .4 0 in the A C R L Publica­ tions in Librarianship. Copies are available for $10 from the American Library Association, Pub­ lishing Services, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, I L 60611. • Cumulative Index to F ar b e r ’s “Periodicals f o r C o lle g e L ib r a r i e s in C h o ic e , S e p t e m b e r 1974-O cto b er 1978" provides rapid access to the more than 500 periodicals that Evan I. F arb er and his colleagues (Tom Kirk, L eo Chang, Nancy Van Zant, and Elizabeth Frick) evaluated and/or brief-listed without recommendation in the first fifty issues of a column in C h o ic e . Compiled by a professor (W iley J . W illiams) and two students (Anna B r u c e N eal and K athy G ren g a) a t the School o f Library Scien ce, George Peabody Col­ lege for Teachers, this booklet costs $2, postpaid. C hecks should b e payable to G eorge Peabody College for Teachers. Send prepaid orders to the School o f Library Science, George Peabody C ol­ lege for Teachers, Nashville, TN 37203. • T he Directory o f Online Databases describes 275 bibliographic and nonbibliographic data bases that are publicly available on-line. A single sub­ scription includes two complete editions per year and two update supplements. T he directory may be ordered for $48 from Cuadra Associates, In c., 152 3 Six th S t . , S u ite 1 2 , Sa n ta M o n ica , CA 90401; (213) 451-0644. • The Expected Role o f Beginning Librarians: A C om parative Analysis f r o m A dm inistrators, E d u c a to rs ‚ and Y ou n g Professionals has be en published as num ber 9 in the J. W. Brister L i­ brary Monograph Series o f the M em phis State University Libraries. It is a collection of papers presented at conferences held February 2 5 , 1978, in Cookeville, T ennessee, and on March 4, 1978, in Jackson, T ennessee. The meetings were spon­ sored by the Education Section of the Tennessee L ib rary A ssociation and th e p ro ceed in g s w ere edited by R. W ilbum Clouse, School of Library Science, G eorge Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee. Copies of the monograph are availab le for $5 each from th e D ir e c to r ’s O ffice , M em p h is S ta te U n iv e r sity L ib r a r ie s , Memphis, TN 38152. • T he Graduate School o f Library Science of th e U n iv e r s ity o f Illin o is has ju s t r e le a s e d no. 138 in its O c c a s io n a l P a p ers series, “Factors A ffectin g A d m in istra tio n in U n ited S tates Academic Libraries during the Period 1971—7 5 ,” by Anne Marie Allison. Copies may be ordered for $2 from the Graduate School of Library Sci­ ence Publications Office, 249 Armory Building, University of Illinois, Champaign, I L 61820. 290 • The Western Michigan University Libraries have issued the Filing Rules f o r Author and Title Catalogs. This work offers twenty rules for the author and title sections of a three-way divided catalog, along with extensive examples and pro­ cedural statements (rules for a subject catalog are not included). To order, send a check for $10 made out to W estern Michigan University, to Paul M. Knudstrup, Head, Library Business Op­ erations, Western Michigan University Libraries, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. • K. G. Saur (formerly Verlag D okum enta­ tion), M u nich , has ju s t pu blish ed In d ex to Festschriften in Librarianship‚ 1 9 6 7 - 1 9 7 5 ‚ by Professor J. P. Danton, School of Library and In­ formation Studies, and Dr. Jane F. Pulis, associ­ ate librarian in the General Library, University of California, Berkeley. The volume contains entries for editors and honorees, an author and subject index to a rtic le s , a h isto rical accoun t o f the festschriften, an analysis by date and country of publication, and a user guide in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. The volume covers approximately 1,500 articles in 143 works. Twenty-three countries and nine­ te e n languages are re p re se n te d . Som e 200 articles on academic and research libraries, not covered in Library Literature or Library and In­ formation Science Abstracts, are analyzed. • The Jo u rn al o f L ibrary Administration, a new quarterly periodical devoted to library man­ agement, is designed to be a “working tool” for library administrators and middle management. It will deal with the broad array of new manage­ ment theories, techniques, research, and applica­ tions that can be used by libraries and informa­ tion services. The Journal o f Library Administration will be edited by John R. Rizzo, professor o f manage­ ment at Western Michigan University and for the past twelve years conference director of the an­ nual Library Administrators Development Pro­ gram sponsored by the University of Maryland. Manuscripts are now welcome for review and possible publication. Papers are invited from a variety of disciplines, including library and infor­ mation s c ie n c e , m anagem ent, op eratio ns r e ­ search, and the behavioral sciences. Before sub­ mitting manuscripts, authors should request the brochure “Instructions for Authors,” available on request from Dr. John R. Rizzo, Editor, JL A , Department of Management, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. Subscriptions are available from The Haworth P re ss, I n c ., 149 F ifth A v e., New Y ork, NY 10010. Subscriptions cost $36 per volume; Vol. I, n o .l is scheduled for publication January 1980. Canadian orders must add $5 postage and handling; other foreign orders, add $10. • The Kansas State University Libraries’ first annual conference on library technology, May 21 -2 2 , featured the following presentations: “The Impact of Automation on the Library Director: An Overview” by William Axford; “Opening the Catalog” by Maurice Freedman; “ Don’t Throw out Your Electric Erasers— They Ain’t Here Yet but They’re Cornin’ ” by John Kountz; and “Au­ tomated Circulation Systems: Evaluation, Selec­ tion, and Im plem entation” by M ichael Bruer. Cassettes of these talks may be ordered from Jean Bean, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhat­ tan, KS 66506. • T h e New M agazine Review is a monthly newsletter that reviews new periodicals as they begin publication. Subscriptions are $42 annually. For a free sample copy, write New Magazine Re­ view, P.O. Box 3699, N. Las Vegas, NV 89030. • The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science has released the Proceedings o f the 1978 Clinic on Library Applications o f Data Processing‚ “Problems and Failures in Library Automation,” edited by F. W. Lancaster, profes­ sor of library science at the University of Illinois. Copies of the proceedings are available from the Publications Office, 249 Armory Building, Uni­ versity of Illinois Graduate School of Library Sci­ ence, Champaign, IL 61820 for $9 each. • Resource Notebooks on S ta ff Development (130 pages, Jan. 1979), Organization (147 pages, Jan. 1979), and Planning (153 pages, Feb. 1979) are available for $15 each (prepayment preferred) from: ARL, Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire A ve., NW, W ashington, DC 20036. • SP E C Kit/Flyer # 5 6 on External Communi­ cation in A RL L ib ra rie s (July-A ugust 1979, 110 pages) is available for $7.50 to ARL members and SPEC subscribers and for $15 to all others, pre­ payment required from: SP E C , Office o f Man­ agement Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036. • The Urban Academic Librarian is a new pro­ fessional journal sponsored by the Library Associ­ ation of the City University of New York. Articles on all aspects of academic librarianship, particu­ larly those with an urban focus, are invited. Manuscripts should be sent to Editor Marguerite Iskenderian, Brooklyn College Library, Bedford Ave. and Ave. H, Brooklyn, NY 11210. AA CR C ross-In d ex W h e re ’s That R u le ? , p u blish ed by the Canadian Library Association and distributed by ALA in the United States, is a cross-index of the two editions of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules designed to assist cata­ loged in learning and using AACR 2. It is available for $5 from the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. 291 RECEIVED (S e le c te d ite m s w ill be rev iew ed in fu tu re issues o f C o lleg e & R e se a r c h L ib r a r ie s .) • James W. Clasper and M. Carolyn D ellen­ bach are the authors of the G uide to the Holdings o f the American Jewish Archives. T he archives, on the campus o f the H ebrew Union C ollege- Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio, w ere set up “to gather, process, preserve, and make available for study personal papers and or­ ganizational records which document the Jewish heritage in the W estern H em isphere.” Available from: Ktav Publishing House, In c ., 75 Varick St. (431 Canal St.), New York, NY 10013. Price: $20. • Carolyn Clark Morrow is the author o f A Conservation Policy Statement f o r Research Li­ b raries, which presents her guidelines for library adoption. Issued as no. 139 in the O c c a s io n a l Pa­ p er s S eries by the University o f Illinois Graduate School of Library Scien ce. Price: $2 (prepaid). • M odel C o n tin u in g E d u ca tio n R ecognition System in L ibrary and Information Science (K. G. Saur, $29) is the title of a report o f a research and demonstration project to present a plan “of a system for recognition óf individual participation in continuing education activities” and to “d e­ velop and demonstrate a prototype home study program.” The authors are Elizabeth Stone, E i­ leen Sheahan, and Katherine J. Harig. • K. G. Saur is now the American publisher for Studies in L ib ra ry M anagem ent, edited by Anthony Vaughan, volume 5 o f which has r e ­ cently been released. The volume includes eight essays, all but one by British Commonwealth au­ thors. Louis Kaplan, University of W isconsin, is rep resen ted by his paper on “ Professionalism , Decision-Sharing and Bureaucracy.” Price: $12. • T h e L ib ra ry w o r k s, a d iv isio n o f N ea l- Schuman Publishers, has issued the first two vol­ umes in its new Bibliographic Instruction Series. Carla J. Stoffle is the series editor and serves as the senior author for th ese first two volum es: Materials & Methods f o r History Research and Materials & M ethods f o r Political Scien ce R e ­ search. T he library edition ($ 1 4 .9 5 plus $1 for postage and handling) is divided into two parts— an instructions manual and a workbook for stu­ d en t use. W orkbooks are sep arately av ailable ($4.95 each, minimum order five copies). • B eta Phi Mu has issued as nu m ber thirteen in its Chapbook series Wayne A. Wiegand s The History o f a Hoax, in which he recounts the story of the writing and publishing o f The Old L ibrar­ ian's A lm anack. Available from: B e ta Phi Mu Publications Office, College of Library Scien ce, U niversity o f Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Price: $4. • Cornell University has published the P ro­ ceedings o f the SPINDEX Users C onferen ce, held on its cam p u s M arch 31 and A p ril 1, 1 9 7 8 . S P IN D E X (Selective Permutation Indexing) is “a sy stem d e sig n e d to p ro d u ce a v a rie ty of computer-generated bibliographic aids for archi­ val holdings.” H. Thomas Hickerson, associate arch iv ist at C o rn e ll, ed ite d th e p ro ceed in g s. Available from: Office of Budget and Accounting, 234 Olin Library, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, NY 14853. Price: $5. • Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, Missouri, has issued the 1979 edition of its Serial Holdings ($30). A letter from the library announces the list includes “all the titles in the library’s serial col­ lection and will be the final issue in the present form at.” By 1981 or 1982, the library hopes to have available a holdings list o f cu rren t titles, with entries based on AACR 2. " S erial H oldings, 1979, will, in the foreseeable future, remain the basic source for identifying the library's retro ­ spective serial title s.” • L ibra ry C om puter Equipm ent Review is a new journal from Microform Review, Inc. It is published semiannually, and the first issue covers Jan u ary -Ju n e 1979. Subscription rates vary ac­ cording to combined book and periodical budget, ranging from $85 to $150. Editor William Safifady, in an opening editorial, states the journal was de­ veloped to fill a void in the literatu re and “to serve as an informative and authoritative selection aid to library administrators, information center managers, and other planners requiring the latest information about E D P equipment on a regular basis.” Each issue is to have a central them e, the first focusing on teleprinters (printing terminals). • Frederick Ungar has published the first vol­ ume ($45) o f a four-volum e biographical work: American Women W riters: A Critical R eference Guide fro m Colonial Times to the Present. Lina Mainiero is editor. T h e guide will include not only literary authors but also w riters in other fields as well. The remaining three volumes are to follow at six- to eight-month intervals. • P eter Snow is the editor of the Proceedings o f the A m erica n Studies L ib ra ry C o n fe r e n c e , held at the U .S . Embassy in London in February 1978. Papers presented discussed not only the state of American studies in the U .K . but also li­ brary resources to support the studies, policies, and problem s in acquiring this m aterial, and a proposal for an American studies library group. Price: £2 .5 0 . Available from: Iain W allace, John Rylands University Library of M anchester, Ox­ ford Road, Manchester. • T he proceedings of the eighth annual confer­ ence on library orientation at E astern Michigan University have been published by Pierian Press under the title Im proving L ibra ry Instruction: How to T e a c h a n d How to E v a lu a te ($ 8 .5 0 ). Carolyn A. Kirkendall edited the papers given at this conference in May 1978. • K. G. Saur has recently published the first edition, dated 1978, of the American Publisher’s Directory ($19.50), designed to present a “com­ plete yet inexpensive directory of American pub­ 292 lishing activity. Consisting of over 25,000 entries, the directory lists areas o f specialization, ad­ dresses, telephone and telex numbers, and the ISBN publisher s prefix where applicable.” • Film Study Collections: A G uide to T h eir Development and Use, by Nancy Allen (Frederick Ungar, $14), presents a description of the litera­ tu re on film b rok en down by form and s u b je c t— m onographs, p e rio d ica ls, n o n p rin t, scripts, dealers, major U .S. archives, and refer­ ence services— and includes a chapter by Michael Gorman on cataloging and classification. • Bowker has published a second edition of M arshall L e e ’s B ookm aking: T h e Illu s tra te d Guide to Design/Production/Editing ($25). When the first edition was published in 1965, “the ad­ vanced equipment and processes that now domi­ nate bookmaking existed in elem ental form or were in experimental states,” and the new edition d e s c rib e s th e s e new “ c o m p u te r -c o n tro lle d machines that have transformed most bookmaking processes from mechanical to electronic-optical systems.” • Libraries D esigned f o r Users: A Planning Handbook, by Nolan Lushington and W illis N. M ills, J r . (Gaylord P rofessional P u blicatio ns, $22.50), emphasizes the role of the library as an information cen ter and is intended primarily to assist in the planning of public libraries for com­ munities of 10,000 to 100,000. • T h e A m erican A ssociation for S ta te and Local History has published Edward P. Alex­ ander’s Museums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Functions o f Museums ($12.95 cloth, $7.95 paper). This new history not only covers various kinds of museums— art, natural history, science and technology, history, botanical gardens, and zoos— but also looks to their several roles— collection, conservation, research, exhibi­ tion, interpretation, and cultural center— and the function of the museum professional. • E sth e r Stinem an, former women’s studies librarian-at-large for the University of Wisconsin system, is the author of W omens Studies: A Rec­ ommended Core Bibliography (Libraries Unlim­ ited, $ 27.50 U .S. and Canada; $33 elsewhere), which p re sen ts an annotated biblio grap hy of 1,763 books concerning women and periodicals to support a college program on women’s studies. • The summer 1979 issue of Library Trends (separate issues available for $5 from the Univer­ sity of Illinois Press) is devoted to “The Econom­ ics o f A cadem ic L ib ra rie s .’’ Issue ed itors are A llen K e n t, Ja c o b C o h e n , and K. L eon Montgomery. • C o llection M a n a gem ent is th e tit le o f number 11 in the LJ Special Report series ($5; cash with order, $3.95). Most of the authors are from academic libraries, and their articles, cover­ ing a wide range of subjects, are grouped in three sections, “Buying on a Budget,” “The New Spe­ cial C ollections,” and “Periodicals: Needs/Cost/ U ses.” ■■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to a d ve rtise rs o ffe rin g fa c u lty “ ra n k " and "s ta tu s ” are advised tha t these term s are am b igu o us and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the "Positions Wanted” and the "P osi­ tions Open” classifications w ill be edited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "Positions Open.” Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held fo r the next issue. To insure that readers have su ffi­ cient lead tim e to respond to "Positions Open,” advertisers m ust list closing dates no sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders fo r classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2 .2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Ind ivid u ­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s mem bership status. FOR SALE CHINA. Major Collection— Reasonable. All Topics. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Farmington, CT 0 60 32 . Inquiries invited. MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 07 05 . Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, o r search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (3 01) 937-8846. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-lib ra ria n s locate title s or s u b je ct, plus 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 in de xe d sto ck. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic , A tla n tic City, NJ 0 8401. Phone: 6 09/344-1943. PO SITIONS OPEN ARCHITECTURE BRANCH LIBRARIAN. Arizona State University. Available January, 1980. Q ualifications: ALA-a ccre dite d M.L.S., dem onstrated adm inistrative ability and professional library experi­ ence required. Desire background (preferably graduate degree) in one of the following: architecture, art history, planning or design- related discipline. Salary: $ 1 6 ,4 3 0 m inim um . 12-month contract, 22 days’ vacation, other benefits. Librarian is responsible for the programs of the Howe Library of Architecture, Planning and Design Science, for supervision of the staff (1 library assistant and 1.6 FTE student employees), for collection developm ent, and is the liaison with the college and the m ain library. Send letter of application ad­ dressing the qualifications listed above, a resumé, and the names of three references to Constance Corey, Acting Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 8 52 81 , no later than 1 November. Arizona State University is an EEO/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Required: doc­ toral degree or advanced candidacy in library science or subject field, ALA-accredited M.L.S., experience in p ub lic services (in clu d ­ ing computer-assisted). Faculty appointm ent. To manage all public service areas/coordinate activities of four professionals and their as­ sistants. M inim al salary $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 to 19,0 00 . A pp ly to L. Miles Raisig, Director, Mary Livermore Library, Pembroke State Univer­ sity, Pembroke, NC 2 83 72 . Affirm ative a ction/equal opp ortun ity employer. Constituent o f Univ. North Carolina. ASSISTANT CATALOGER. Librarian, Assistant Catalog, University of the Pacific, Stockton. Search reopened. Duties: descriptive and subject cataloging (principally) monographs. Participates in other cataloging activities, in clu din g catalog m aintenance. Some refer­ ence work. Required: ALA-accredited M.L.S.; 2 - 3 years LC catalog­ ing experience, plus M.A. or equivalent for an appointm ent with tenure. Preferred: subject specialization in the physical sciences; experience with on-line cataloging data base (R LIN) desirable; Lan­ guages: Spanish, German, or French. Salary $ 15 ,00 0 or higher de­ pending on experience and qualifications. Faculty status and full