ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1989 / 893 provides th e o pportunity to forge new alliances. Articles about inform ation literacy are being w rit­ te n for professional journals and a series o f video­ tapes rela ted to inform ation literacy are being produced. Efforts are cu rren tly underw ay in A CRL to w ork w ith th e A m erican Association for H ig h er E ducation on a program on th e issue o f inform ation literacy. Copies o f th e Final R eport are available from th e ALA office in Chicago. T h e A CR L B oard has ch o ­ sen inform ation literacy as th e th e m e for 1990-1991, and it will be th e topic o f my p resi­ d e n t’s program at th e ALA A nnual C o nference in 1991. Inform ation literacy is an essential survival skill for th e Inform ation Age an d libraries are an im portant p a rt o f th e inform ation universe. P re p ar­ ing college and University populations to be effi­ cient and effective inform ation seekers and con­ sum ers is cen tral to th e mission o f academ ic and research libraries. This is reflected in several places in th e ACRL Strategic Plan including enhancing th e capability o f libraries to serve th e needs o f users an d prom oting study, research, and publication relevant to academ ic and research librarianship. I t also builds on th e th em es o f rec en t A CR L p resi­ d en ts and provides th e o pportunity to build upon p ast A CR L activities. I w ould like to h ear your ideas about how we, as an association, m ight continue to w ork on projects an d program s relating to inform ation literacy th ro u g h efforts in A CR L and in academ ic and research libraries. This is an excellent o p portunity to w ork w ith o th e r units in ALA and o th e r hig h er education groups an d explore an im p o rtan t topic cen tral to o u r functions as academ ic and research librarians. Sources for inform ation an d ideas, in addition to th e Final R ep o rt o f the A m erican L ibrary Associa­ tion Presidential Com m ittee on Inform ation L iter­ acy include: Patricia Senn Breivik, “Libraries P rep are for an Inform ation Age,” E ducational Record 70 (W inter 1989): 13-19. Patricia Senn Breivik. “Making th e M ost o f Li­ braries Searching for Academic Excellence,” Change 19 (July/August 1987): 44-52. Patricia Senn Breivik and E. G ordon G ee, Infor­ m ation Literacy: R evolution in the Library. N ew York: A m erican C ouncil on E ducation, 1989. Patricia Senn Breivik and R o b ert W edgew orth, Libraries an d the Search f o r A cadem ic Excellence. M etuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1988. Larry H ardesty, Nicholas P. Lovrich, Jr., and Jam es M annon, “L ibrary Use Instruction: Assess­ m en t o f th e L ong-T erm E ffects,” College h R e­ search Libraries 43 (January 1982): 38-46. Jam es A. H yatt and A urora A. Santiago, Univer­ sity Libraries in Transition. W ashington, D.C.: N ational Association o f College and University Business Officers, 1987. T hom as Kirk, “T eaching and Technology: T he Im p act o f U nlim ited Inform ation Access on Class­ room T eaching,” L ibrary Issues: Briefings f o r Fac­ u lty a nd A dm inistrators 9 (July 1989): 1-4. D avid W . Lewis, “Inventing th e E lectronic University,” College & Research Libraries 49 (July 1988): 291-304. B arbara B. M oran. A cadem ic Libraries: The changing Knowledge Cen te r o f Colleges an d Uni­ versities. A S H E -E R IC H ig h er E ducation R e­ search R eport, No. 8. W ashington, D .C.: Associa­ tion for th e Study o f H ig h er E ducation, 1984.■ ■ ACRL Statement on the Certification and Licensing o f Academic Librarians At th e 1989 ALA Annual C o nference th e A CR L B oard o f D irectors approved th e following sta te­ ment: “T h e Association o f C ollege an d R esearch Li­ braries has affirm ed th a t th e m aster’s d egree from a program accred ited by th e A m erican Library Association is th e ap p ro p riate term in al profes­ sional d eg ree for academ ic librarians. T h erefo re, it opposes certification o r licensing in lieu o f th at degree for academ ic librarians, e ith er by state agencies o r by state o r local professional associa­ tions.” T h e statem ent, p re p a re d by A CR L’s A cademic Status C om m ittee, does n o t oppose licensing o r certification o f librarians as an addition to an al­ ready ob tain ed M LS, b u t only opposes it w hen it is su b stitu ted for earn in g an MLS. F o r fu rth e r inform ation, contact M ary E llen Davis, A CRL P rogram Officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 1 1 ; (800) 545-2433.B ■