ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 942 / C&RL News C A L E N D E R January 2 3 - 2 5 — M ic r o film : T h e N o rth ea st D o c u m e n t C onservation C e n te r, A ndover, M assachu­ setts, a non-profit, regional conservation c e n ­ ter, has sc h ed u le d a th ree -d a y intensive m icrofilm train in g w orkshop at th e H istorical Society o f P ennsylvania in P hiladelphia. T h e C e n te r specializes in th e p reserv atio n o f li­ brary an d archives collections as well as art on p ap er, p h o to g rap h s, h isto ric maps, and m icrofilm ing on a fee-for-service basis. A ddi­ tional w orkshops will b e h e ld in A ndover in M arch an d A ugust 1990. R egistration is $150 fo rth e P hiladelphia session. Individuals in te r­ es te d in applying should call o r w rite M ary E lizab eth Ruw ell at N o rth ea st D o cu m e n t C onservation C e n te r, 24 School S treet, A n­ dover, MA 01810; (508) 470-1010, to obtain an application. February 2 0 - 2 3 — L e a r n in g r e s o u r c e s : T h e L earn in g R e­ sources Association o f C alifornia C o m m unity Colleges is ho stin g th e N ational L earn in g R esources C o n feren ce, “T h e C h an g e D i­ m ension: L earn in g R esources for th e 1990s,” in San F rancisco, a t th e G o ld en G atew ay H oliday Inn. C ontact: D o n ald Kirkorian, LR A C C C , 4000 Suisun Valley R oad, Suison, CA 94585; (707) 864-7106. March 5 - 7 — C o m p u t e r s in lib r a r ie s : T h e fifth annual C o m p u ters in L ibraries C o n fere n ce and E xhibition will b e h eld at th e H y att Crystal C ity a t th e W ashington N ational A irport (Arlington, Virginia). T h e S chedule includes a w ide-range o f sessions (78) including those on in te g rate d online systems, C D -R O M , local area networks, softw are, b u lletin boards, elec­ tro n ic mail, an d databases. T h e fee is $195 for th re e days. P re -c o n fe re n ce w orkshops are offered on M arch 4 th. T o reg ister call (800) 635-5537 o r (203) 226-6967 o r w rite to M eck- ler, 1 1 F e rry L an e W est, W estp o rt, C T 06880. 2 2 - 2 3 — N e w Y ork: D o n ald M arch an d , d ea n o f th e Syracuse U niversity School o f In fo rm a­ tion S tudies will b e th e e n d -n o te sp eak er at a tw o-day co n feren ce for academ ic an d special librarians at th e H o tel Syracuse, Syracuse, N ew York. M arch an d will cap o ff th e c o n fer­ en c e w ith a talk on th e fu tu re o f th e library profession an d h ow stu d en ts are selected and ed u c a te d for n ew an d changing roles in th e profession. T h e th e m e o f th e co n feren ce is “H arm o n y in a T im e o f Change: F in d in g C o m m o n G ro u n d ,” it will focus on issues facing academ ic an d special librarians in th e com ing d ecad e. T h e co n fe re n ce is being sp o n so red by th e following academ ic an d special library organizations: th e A cadem ic an d Special L ibrary S ection o f th e N ew York L ib rary Association, th e W e ste rn N ew York/ O n tario an d E a ste rn N ew York ch ap ters o f A CR L, U p state C h a p te r o f SLA, th e Associa­ tio n o f L aw L ibrarians o f U p sta te N ew York, th e SUNY L ibrarians Association, th e SUNY C ouncil o f H e a d L ibrarians, an d th e N ew York c h a p te r o f th e A rt L ibrarians Society. This diverse sponsorship is en su rin g th a t a variety o f p rogram s are b ein g p la n n e d an d will cover such topics as creativity in th e p ro fe s­ sion, th e uses o f HyperCard, an d p u b lic rela­ tions in libraries. C ontact: Je an C u rrie, C o n ­ feren c e C hair, South C e n tra l L ib rary C o u n ­ cil, D ew itt Building, 215 N o rth Cayuga S treet, Ithaca, NY 14850; (607) 273-9106. April 2 - 3 — G r a n t s m a n s h ip : T h e C ollege an d U n iv er­ sity L ibraries D ivision o f th e Texas L ibrary Association is sponsoring a p re-co n feren c e e n title d “F u n d Raising an d G ran tsm an sh ip in th e 1990s,” to b e h e ld at th e H y att R egency H o te l in Dallas. T h e Association o f C ollege an d R esearch L ibraries, Texas C h a p te r, an d th e R e fe ren ce R o u n d T ab le o f T LA are co- November 1989 / 943 sponsors. L ibraries o f all types an d sizes are becom ing increasingly involved in fundrais­ ing and th e program is being p lanned w ith this in m ind. C ollette M urray, vice-president for developm ent, Texas T ech U niversity, will speak at th e opening session. She will be followed by Ire n e H oadley, director, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A & M University, P at O ’Brian, director, Dallas Public Library. T h e second day will featu re a p an el p re s e n ta ­ tion an d discussion by th re e experts w ho will give us tips on how to b e successful w hen seeking grants from th e federal governm ent, private foundations, an d corporate founda­ tions, th e y are: C arolyn Bucknall, assistant d irecto r for collection developm ent, th e G en eral L ibraries, th e U niversity o f Texas at Austin; L eo A ndreica Papa, program associ­ ate an d m anager o f inform ation systems, M eadow s Foundation; an d M ary Sue An­ drew s, Public Affairs C onsultant, Arco F oun- dation. H andouts an d bibliographies will be available. R egistration is $50 for th e full con­ ference o r $30 for one session for TLA m em ­ bers; $70 o r $40 for TLA m em bers. C ontact: Virginia Phillips (512) 471-3811. 18-20—Book publishing: Publishers Weekly and C ahners Exposition G roup, Stam ford, C on­ necticut, will co-produce an “In tern atio n al Book P ublishing C onference and Services E xpo,” to b e held at th e Jacob K. Javits C o n ­ vention C e n te r in N ew York City. T h e annual event will be th e first o f its kind devoted exclusively to serving th e specific need s o f the w orldw ide book publishing industry. A tten ­ dees rep resen tin g sm all and large book p u b ­ lishers will include a rt directors, production m anagers, senior an d m anaging editors, sales and m arketing m anagers, an d key executives. Publishers Weekly will stru ctu re a co m p re­ hensive co nference program fo r attendees designed to enhance th e professional devel­ o p m en t o f th e book publishing com m unity, in th e areas o f design, p ro d u ctio n , m arketing, Advertiser index A m ig o s.....................................................914 Book H ouse............................................. 911 Chadwyck-Healey........................... 889,935 D enali.......................................................925 EBS Book S e rvice ...................................898 Ebsco................................................. cover 3 Omnigraphics.....................................cover 4 K.G. S a u r........................................... cover 2 Sheridan Chandler...................................921 Tescor................................................ 928-29 H.W. W ilson............................................. 941 editorial, finance, and prom otion. C ontact: W alter H eith au s (617) 536-8152 or Jill Stone Squire (203) 964-0000. July 3-5—Judaica: T h e Association o f Jewish Libraries will hold th e F irst In tern atio n al C onference o f Judaica an d Israeli Librarians at th e R am ada R enaissance H otel, Jerusalem , Is­ rael. C ontact: E d ith Lubetski, S te m College Library, 245 Lexington Ave., N ew York, NY 10016; (212) 340-7720 o r A m non Zipin, R oom 308 O hio State U niversity Libraries, 1858 N eil Ave., C olum bus, O H 43210; (614) 292-3362. ■ ■ Statement o f ownership and management College & Research Libraries News is published 11 times ayear (monthly, combining July/August), by the American Library Association, 50 E . Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. American Library Association, owner; George M. Eberhart, editor. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. Printed in U.S.A. As a non-profit organization au­ thorized to mail at special rates (DMM Section 423.12), the purposes, function, and non-profit status of this organization, and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes, have not changed during the preceding twelve months. Extent and nature o f circulation (“Average” figures denote the num ber of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; “Actual” figures denote the num ber of copies o f single issue published nearest to filing date.) Total num ber o f copies printed: Average, 13,784; Actual, 13,361. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: not ap­ plicable. Mail subscriptions: Average, 11,576; Ac­ tual, 11,799. Total paid circulation: Average, 11,576; Actual, 11,799. F ree distribution by mail, carrier or other means, samples, complimentary, and other free copies: Average, 25; Actual: 25. Total distribution: 11,601; Actual, 11,824. Copies not distributed: Office use, leftover, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average: 2,183; Actual, 1,537. Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum of previous entries): Average, 13,784; Actual, 13,361. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (PS Form 3526, February 1989) for 1989 filed with the United States Postal Service, Postmaster in Chicago, Illinois, O ctober 12,1989.