ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 944 / C&RL News THEAF LIDCSSE DSIA POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES LIBR ARIAN , Arizona State University, to m anage the current periodicals and m icroforms units o f Access Services, integrating them into one cohesive unit and providing a high level of service to patrons, This is a continuing appointment- track position, requiring professional developm ent and service in addition to excellence on the job, and represents an outstanding opportunity fo r a bright recent MLS graduate. The ASU Libraries are rapidly becoming fully automated and offer a dynam ic environ­ m ent in which to learn and grow. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; supervisory potential; management ability; excellent inter­ personal skills; ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; ability to develop new programs, solve problems, and think creatively knowledge of microforms collection and/or current Salary guide Listed below are the minimum starting sal­ ary figures recommended by 16 state library organizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1988 issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, orthe annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­ cies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Services. Connecticut $22,200 Indiana varies* Iowa $19,619 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $20,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $22,000 NewHam phsire $17,500 New Jersey $22,000 New York varies* North Carolina $20,832 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $20,000 Rhode Island $21,000 Vermont $19,000 West Virginia $20,000 W isconsin $23,700 ‘ Ratherthan establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. D eadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before th e second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 fo r the O cto­ ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. R ates: Classified advertisements are $5.75 per line for ACRL members, $7.25 for others. Late job notices are $13.75 per line for members, $16.20 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. T elephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a written order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. O rders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). G u id e line s: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announce­ ments will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Appli­ cants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status v ary in meaning among institutions. JO B LIN E : Call (312) 944 6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the sen/ice is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each tw o-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 fo r non members. Fast J o b L is tin g S ervice: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost o f a six-month subscription is $15 fo r AC RL m embers and $20 for non-members. C o n ta c t: Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Am eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE PEOPLE COUNTERS, for information: 1-800-441-BOOK, library director designed and markets accurate electronic device that will count the people that enter your library with invisible beam, usable anywhere, portable or permanently, $229 includes shipping. Full warranty for one year, Laser Counters, 120 W est Walnut St., Blytheville, AR 72315. (501) 762-2431. Over 500 sold U.S. and Canada. MATERIALS WANTED SPACE PROBLEM S? We will buy your surplus serials, technical, scientific and historic materials. Send list for best offer to: Colfax Books, P.O. Box 380542, Denver, CO 80238. November 1989 / 945 periodicals services. Preferred: Library public service experience successful supervisory experience; knowledge of online public access systems; knowledge of serials control systems; experi­ ence working in a microforms area or periodicals department. Salary: $20,500 and up, dependent on qualifications and experi­ ence, To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 88287-1006; (Phone 602/ 965-3417). Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled, with review of applications beginning December 4,1989. ASU is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer. AFRICAN STUDIES BIBLIOGRAPHER, University of California, Los Angeles. Duties: Current and retrospective collection develop­ ment relating to Africa South of the Sahara. Collection evaluation and analysis, initiation of individual orders, monitoring of approval plans and budget expenditures, review of gifts and exchanges, and selection of materials for storage or for preservation. Works with foreign and domestic book dealers. Maintains close contact with faculty, students, and other library selectors. Provides advanced reference service when needed and may be called upon to teach a course in research methods in African studies. Qualifications required: Graduate study (or equivalent) in African studies; sound working knowledge of French; demonstrated commitment to librari- anship. Ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff. Preferred: Working knowledge of Portuguese, a Germanic language, and relevant African languages; practical experience in collection development; record of involvement in professional or scholarly activities. Salary: $26,136-$54,060. To apply for this position, send application letter and resume, including names of 3 references who are knowledgeable about applicant's qualifica­ tions for the position, to: Rita A. Scherrei, Associate University Librarian, Personnel and Administrative Services, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA Research Library, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575. EOE, AA employer actively seeking minority applicants. Librarians at UCLA are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). All persons hired required to show proof of their identity and right to work in the U.S. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN, South Dakota State Univer­ sity (12 month, tenure track). Open April 1, 1990. Faculty position responsible for providing bibliographic control of monographic titles, series, and other materials through cataloging and classifica­ tion consistent with AACR2 and LC MARC formats; utilizing OCLC in the cataloging of materials and inputting of bibliographic records into library’s OPAC (PALS) system; original cataloging when necessary; providing reference service as scheduled. Qualifica­ tions: requirements include ALA-accredited MLS; working knowl­ edge of OCLC, AACR2, Dewey and LC classifications; demon­ strated ability to communicate effectively; demonstrated effective interpersonal relations skills; one year of professional cataloging experience, reading knowledge of a modern foreign language. Desired: one or more years experience in original cataloging or specialized cataloging of non-print materials and second master’s degree. Salary range $20,000-$21,500 depending on qualifica­ tions. Application deadline: January 15, 1990 or until suitable applicant is hired. Send letter of application with resume, tran­ scripts, and have three recent letters of recommendation (which describe applicant’s job related qualifications) sent to: Mrs. B.J. Kim, H.M. Briggs Library, Box 2115, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007. An AA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DIVISION, with faculty rank and tenure track. Assist at reference desk (including evening and weekend rotation); in collection develop­ ment, online searching, and Bl; serve as liaison to academic departments; coordinate scheduling; participate in hiring, training and evaluation of staff; develop training and continuing education opportunities; assume responsibility for department in absence of Head, ALA-MLS; four years academic library experience with some supervision of students or staff. Prefer some background in sciences or engineering reference. Good communications skills and ability to work well with people are essential. Other relevant experience may include Bl, collection development, or working with electronic formats. Good fringe benefits. TIAA-CREF. Salary: $25,000 minimum for 12 months. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. For full consideration, applications should be received by December 4, 1989. Applications will Personnel Officer STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Assistant Library Personnel Off icer for Staff Training and Development Under the general direction of the Library Personnel Officer, plans, schedules, pro­ motes and evaluates staff training and de­ velopment, continuing education and ori­ entation activities; trains staff in personne - and information management-related ac­ tivities; assesses training needs and devel­ ops workshops to meet those needs; ad ministers travel and tuition reimbursemen programs; oversees the performance! appraisal process. Serves as career devel­ opment counselof. Carries other Library Personnel Office responsibilities such as. resolving employee relation problems Serves on University and Library commit­ tees as appropriate. Degreein Personnel Administration orMLS is highly desirable. This position requires, experience with staff development, train­ ing and personnel management programs demonstrated skill in supervision; demon­ strated ability to plan, organize, gather and analyze data and to write reports; effective; interpersonal, oral and written communica tion skiiis. Administrative Services Manager I or As­ sociate Librarian ($30,864-$43,100) de­ pending upon qualifications. Send letter, resume, supporting documen­ tation and the names and addresses of three references by December 15,1989 to: Iren e Yeh, A cting L ib ra ry P ers o n n e l O f­ ficer, Stanford U niversity Libraries, Stan­ fo rd , C A 9 4 3 0 5-60 04 . Cite #916-CRL on all correspondence. Full Vacancy Listing available upon request. EOE/AAE. STANFORD UNIVERSITY 946 / CirRL News TWO POSITIONS Penn State University Penn State invites applications for the following faculty positions at the University Park campus. Head, Earth and Mineral Sciences Library. Responsible to the Chief, Science and Technology Department, for administration and services to the Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, and for participation in planning, instruction, development of collections and online database searching. Collections include approximately 100,000 volumes, 1,500 current periodical and serial subscriptions, and 3,000 geological maps, as well as publications of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey and a notable collection in meteorology. The Library supports instruction and research in the nationally prominent College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and related areas of study. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent, plus significant experience in a large academic or special library, demonstrated knowledge of resources in relevant fields and educational background in an appropriate subject area. Additional advanced degree desirable. Earth and Mineral Sciences Reference/Cataloger and Business flefere/ice/Cafafoger. Opportunities for two creative, flexible individuals who share our enthusiasm forthe concept of integrated public and technical service functions. Public service duties, in either the Earth and Mineral Sciences Library or the General Reference Section of the main library, include reference, library instruction, electronic information retrieval and collection development, with special focus on either geographic information services or business reference and business electronic resource collections. Technical services responsibilities include original cataloging, acting as liaison between public and technical service staff in matters of bibliographic control, and establishment of bibliographic policies and priorities for assigned subject fields. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent, and some combination of the following: academic background related to the special focus of the position, specialized reference experience in an appropriate discipline, working knowledge of large datafiles, strong instructional skills, knowledge of AACR2 and MARC tagging, and experience working with a national utility or local automated system in the cataloging of library materials. Evidence of potential for promotion and tenure will be considered. The University Libraries include collections of over 3 million volumes, 25,000 current serials and extensive holdings of documents, maps, archival materials, microforms and computer-based information resources. Serving nearly 70,000 students and approximately 4,000 faculty at all locations, the Libraries have an integrated, automated system (LIAS) and participate in ARL, RLG, OCLC and the Pittsburgh Regional Library Center. Compensation: Each position offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience and rank at appointment. Benefits include liberal vacation, excellent insurances, State or TIAA/CREF retirement options, and educational privileges. To apply, send letterspecifying position for which you are applying, current resume, and names of three references to: Nancy Slaybaugh Personnel C oordinator Box EMS-ACRL E1 Pattee Library Penn State University U niversity Park, PA 16802 Applications will be reviewed beginning December 15 and continuing until the positions are filled. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, resume and names of three references to: Sheila G. Johnson, Assistant University Librarian for Reference, Instruction, and Col­ lections, Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University, Stillwa­ ter, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Successful applicant must comply with IRCA. AU DIO -VISU AL LIBRARIAN, the University of the West Indies. Applications are invited for the post o f Audio-Visual Librarian (at the level o f Librarian Ill/Assistant Librarian) in the University Librar­ ies for assignment to the Medical Sciences Library, Eric W illiams November 1989 / 947 TWO POSITIONS Kent State University The Kent State Libraries and Media Services seek applicants for two professional positions. The University Libraries hold membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and NEOMARL, a consortium often academic and research libraries in northeastern Ohio. The Libraries have fully implemented the NOTIS online system in the main and five branch libraries on the Kent Campus and have a combined collection of over 1.6 million volumes and 7,500 active serial titles. Head, Bibliographic Services. Duties: Responsible for coordinating, analyzing and reporting on all activity related to both original and copy cataloging, processing, authority control and database mainte­ nance. Provides administrative and supervisory support for a staff which includes 3 faculty department heads and 15 Civil Service employees. Represent Bibliographic Services to other Library areas. Assist in the development of library goals, policies and programs. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, extensive professional experience in technical service with direct experience in automated systems, preferably NOTIS. The successful candidate should also have significant supervisory experience. This is a 12-month tenure-track faculty position. The incumbent will be expected to meet all departmental and university requirements for reappointment, tenure and promotion. Initial salary and academic rank will be commensurate with background and experience. Minimum salary: $32,000. Reference Librarian. Duties: Participate in all aspects of reference service including service at the reference desk, online/CD-ROM database searching and bibliographic instruction. Provide reference service for specific subject areas as needed and assist in assessing and improving current service as well as planning and implementing new service initiatives. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, effective interpersonal and communication skills; flexibility and initiative; and an interest in professional growth. Desirable: Reference experience in an academic or research library preferably including online searching and/orbibliographicinstruction,strongpublicserviceorientation. Asubject background and/or advanced degree in the humanities is desirable. This is a 12-month tenure-track faculty position. The incumbent will beexpected to meet all departmental and university requirements for reappointment, tenure and promotion. Initial salary and academic rank will be commensurate with background and experience. Minimum salary: $22,000. University Benefits: These are twelve-month tenure-track faculty positions. Benefits include 20 days vacation per year; life, dental and health insurance with an HMO option; support for professional development; and other University benefits. Kent State University is comprised of a residential main campus, located on 1,200 rolling acres in the city of Kent, and seven regional campuses in northeastern Ohio. Kent, population 30,000, is located within easy access of both rural and large metropolitan areas, approximately 35 miles south of Cleveland and 11 miles east of Akron. Application Procedure: To be considered for either position, please send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Harry Kamens Budget & Personnel Officer University Libraries and Media Services Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 Deadline for applications is December 15, 1989. Kent State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope. A good first degree (preferably in the biological/biomedical sciences) and a profes­ sional qualification in Library/Information Science required. Expe­ rience in audio-visual services, including acquisition and catalogu­ ing of audio-visual materials, and knowledge of audio-visual equip­ ment essential. Experience in academic and research-oriented libraries would be an advantage. Annual Salary Ranges: Librarian III: TT$54,708-$77,604; Assistant Librarian: TT$45,480-$49,296. Pension, Passages, Housing. Detailed applications naming three references (as soon as possible) to: Registrar, The U nive rsity o f the W est Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, W.l. Further particulars sent to all applicants. BIBLIOGRAPHER/REFERENCE LIBRARIANS, two positions. The SUNY-Binghamton library system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the social sciences and humanities and housing the centralized technical services operation, the Science Library, the Fine Arts Library and three residential college libraries. 948 / C&RL News The University is a m em ber of RLG. The Bartle Reference D epart­ m ent provides service to the university com m unity through direct patron assistance at the reference and governm ent docum ents desks, database searching and patron instruction. The departm ent staff are providers of inform ation and research services, collection d evelopm ent for the social sciences and humanities, and as appropriate, service to the wider com m unity. Bibliographer for Sociology, P olitical Science, A fro-Am erican a n d African Studies a nd Reference Librarian. P rovides collection developm ent for Sociology (which includes the developm ent of world historical social system s), Political Science, and Afro-Am erican and African Studies, and reference services at the reference desk, online searching, and patron instruction. Reports to Head of Reference/ C oordinator of Bartle Collections. Requirem ents: A LA-accredited MLS, a m ajor foreign language, experience with online database searching, effective interpersonal skills and a strong com m itm ent to service and professional developm ent. Second advanced de­ gree with em phasis in social, political, or econom ic history and relevance to Afro-Am erican and African Studies and academ ic library experience is preferred. Bibliographer fo r M anagem ent and Econom ics a nd R eference Librarian. Provides collection develop- IHIIIIII! Regional Marketing Representative OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., the world's largest provider of automated li­ brary services and products, has an immediate opening for a Regional Marketing Representa­ tive stationed in California. Positions also avail­ able in the Southwesi, Midwest and Eastern areas. Responsibilities include sales-related activities for all OCLC products and services. This em­ ployee will execute sales programs, designed to realize territory sales goals, develop and ex­ ecute monthly and quarterly territory sales plans, direct continuous support for existing customers and establish positive professional relationships with potential customers. Qualified candidates must have an MLS, a min­ imum of 3 years’ experience with library auto­ mation or an equivalent education/experience combination. Demonstrated proficiency with marketing principles, sales techniques, com­ munication skills, leadership, library automa­ tion applications and Network operations re­ quired. Extensive travel also required. OCLC offers excellent benefits, base salary plus incentive sales pay. For confidential con­ sideration please send your resume and letter of application to OCLC Pacific Network, 250 West First Street, Suite 330, Claremont, CA 91711. O C L C Online C om puter Library Center, Inc. An Equal Opportunity E m ployer M/F m ent for M anagem ent and Econom ics, and reference services at the reference desk, online searching, and patron instruction. Re­ ports to Head of R eference/C oordinator o f Bartle Collections. Requirem ents: A LA -accredited MLS, a m ajor foreign language, experience with online database searching, effective interpersonal skills and a strong com m itm ent to service and professional devel­ opm ent are required. Second advanced degree relevant to the position and academ ic library experience is preferred. Screening for both positions will begin on D ecem ber 1 ,1989, and will continue until positions filled. A ppointm ent will be at the rank of A ssistant or S enior A ssistant Librarian depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Minim um starting salary is $22,000, com m ensurate with qualifications, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Send cover letter, current resum e, and nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: M ary Ann Sincavage, A ssistant to th e D irector for Personnel Adm inistration, State Uni­ ve rs ity o f New York at Bingham ton, Glenn G. Bartle Library, Bingham ton, NY 13901. The State University of New York at Bingham ton is strongly com m itted to affirm ative action. W e offer access to services and recruit students and em ployees without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, m arital status, sexual orientation, or national origin. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN, University o f California, Irvine. S hares responsibility for reference desk assistance, data­ base searching and bibliographic instruction (includes som e eve­ ning and w eekend hours). Shares responsibility for liaison and collection developm ent with another Biological Sciences Librarian. A cts as liaison to the School of Biological Sciences (specifically the D epartm ent of D evelopm ental and Cell Biology and the D epart­ m ent o f M olecular Biology). Required: ALA-accredited MLS de ­ gree; degree in Biological S ciences o r relevant experience; expe­ rience with online database searching; dem onstrated com m itm ent to public service; excellent com m unication skills; basic com puter literacy; ability to w ork with all elem ents on a culturally diverse academ ic com m unity. A ppointm ent at A ssistant or Associate Li­ brarian rank, salary $26,136-$46,020. A pplications received by O ctober 31, 1989, will receive first consideration, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send application le tter with 1) a com plete statem ent of qualifications; 2) resum e o f education and experience; and 3) the nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: A nne Rim mer, Library Personnel Office, University o f C alifornia, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. Telephone: (714) 856-7115. AA/EO E. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Pull-time, tenure-track faculty position available February 1990. R esponsibilities: O riginal C ataloging and revising o f O CLC records edited by departm ent staff for AV and curriculum m aterials as well as books and serials in assigned areas of the LC classification schedules fo r the Library's online catalog. Q ualifications: A LA -accredited MLS required, second m aster's preferred and required for tenure. M inim um one year relevant cataloging experience required. M inim um salary, $27,900 Instructor; $30,960 A ssistant Professor. Review begins D ecem ber 4 and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: G eorgine Brabec, C hairperson, Catalog Librarian Search and Screen C om m ittee, Ronald W illiam s Library, North­ eastern Illin o is U niversity, 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625. AA/EO E. CATALOGER, Central State U niversity Library, Ohio. Principal cataloger, using OCLC, AACR2, and LC classification. Performs som e original cataloging, m aintains subject and shelflist catalogs. Som e evening and w eekend w ork required. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, cataloging experience with m onographs, serials, non-print m aterials in an academ ic library; know ledge o f AACR2, ALA filing rules, LC cla ssification, MARC form ats, LC subject headings. W orking know ledge o f G erman or French. Som e know ledge of library autom ation system s desirable. Faculty rank, status, good benefits. Salary: $23,500-$25,000/ten m onths. Library collection: 160,000 volum es plus 275,000 pieces m icroform . State-assisted historically black institution with an integrated student body of 3,000, located 20 m iles east of Dayton. M em ber O CLC and O H IO NET . Position available im m ediately. Send le tter of application, resum e, and three le tters of reference to: George T. Johnson, Library Director, Central State U niversity, W ilberforce, OH 45384. AA/EO E. CATALOGER (SERIALS). Duties: Under th e direction o f the C ata­ November 19891949 loging Coordinator, this position is responsible for the original cataloging, complete copy cataloging, and classification of all serials, both current and retrospective, using LC classification and practices, LCSH, OCLC and a local automated cataloging system. The Serials Cataloger will perform bibliographic maintenance of serial records on the online catalog (PAC), resolve problems, supervise the clerical support of a small part-time staff, and serve on the bibliographic Issues Committee at CARL. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2, LC classification, LCSH; familiarity with an online biblio­ graphic utility and IBM-compatible microcomputers. Ability to function well in a changing environment, to work effectively with library staff, and to contribute to departmental planning. Preferred: serials cataloging experience in an automated academic library: working knowledge of at least one Western European language. Salary: $21,700 with liberal fringe benefits. Submit letter of applica­ tion with resume to: Director’s Office, Penrose Library, U niversity of Denver, Post Office Box 10600, Denver, CO 80210. CHIEF, CATALOG DEPARTMENT, Penn State University Librar­ ies. Academic administrative position responsible for programs of original cataloging, bibliographic and physical processing as well as decentralized cataloging operations. Participates in library-wide planning and development of policies on matters of bibliographic control, collection management and preservation, As part of the newly formed Information Access Services Division, the depart­ ment catalogs approximately 60,000 titles per year, and serves the University park campus, Penn State Erie and Harrisburg, and the dispersed campuses of the Commonwealth dducational System. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent, and a minimum of five years experience in an academic or research library, including significant administrative and cataloging responsi­ bilities. Familiarity with integrated online library systems essential; excellent analytical, planning and communication skills. Additional advanced degree desirable. The Libraries include collections of over 3 million volumes, 25,000 current serials and extensive hold­ ings of documents, maps, archival materials, microforms and com­ puter-based information resources. Serving nearly 70,000 students and approximately 4,000 faculty at all locations, the Libraries have an integrated, automated system (LIAS) and participate in ARL, RLG, OCLC and the Pittsburgh Regional Library Center. Salary and academic rank dependent on qualifications, minimum $40,000. Benefits include liberal vacation, excellent insurances, State or TIAA/CREF retirement options and educational privilege. To apply, send letter of application, current resume and names of three references to: Chief, Catalog Department Search Committee, Box CC-ACRL, Penn State U niversity, E1 Pattee Library, University Park, PA 16802. Applications will be reviewed beginning December 15 and continuing until the position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. C O O R D IN A TO R OF C O M PU TER A S S IS T E D SE A R CH SERVICES (CASS), Texas Tech University Libraries. Duties: Re­ sponsible for coordination of Computer Assisted Search Services activities under the direction of the Head of Reference and Docu­ ments. Participate in the planning and development of all reference online services, including mediated and end-user instruction, and CATALOG LIBRARIAN/SERIALS Trinity University Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications for the position of Catalog Librarian/Serials, a faculty appointment. San Antonio, site of the ALA 1988 and 1992 Midwinter meetings, is the nation’s ninth largest city. Trinity, with 2,400 undergraduates and 200 graduate students, is strongly committed to excellence in support of the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Scholarly achievement is recognized through Phi Beta Kappa, other national honor societies, and emphasis on undergraduate research. Selective admissions, highly qualified faculty, and outstanding teaching programs place Trinity among the excellent liberal arts and science universities in the nation. The Library has undertaken an accelerated program of collection development; presently the collection has more than 650,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals (compared with 300,000 in 1980), plus sizable holding of government documents, microforms, and non-print items. Primary responsibilities include cataloging of all serials titles, and cataloging monographs in oneforeign language, either French, Russian, or German. Responsible for supervising one classified staff member in processing serials. Opportunities for collection development and other public services assignments may be included. Required qualifications include the MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2, particularly as related to serials; knowledge of Library of Congress classification system and subject headings; reading knowledge of at least one of the foreign languages specified above; familiarity with OCLC or other automated systems; initiative, creativity, and strong communications skills; and the ability to function effectively in a complex organization. Desirable qualifications include experience in serials acquisitions or serials cataloging in an academic library, and an additional graduate degree. Instructor or Assistant Professor rank with tenure track. Salary minimum $22,000; higher depending on experience or otherqualifications; twelve-month appointment; TIAA/CREF and other fringe benefits. Send letter of application, detailed resume, placement file if available, and names of three references by December 15,1989, to: Richard Hume Working, Director of Libraries, Trinity University, 715 Stadium Drive, San Antonio, TX 78212, for consideration for interview at ALA Midwinter. Closing date for applications is January 19,1990. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Position available June 1,1990, or as soon thereafter as possible. 950 / C irRL News STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Chief Librarians (two positions) fo r Automated Bibliographic Control (ABC) Dept., Original & Special Materials Cataloging (OMC) Dept. The Stanford University Libraries seek two broadly experienced, flexible managers with strong interpersonal skills and technical expertise in bibliographic structure and access to take charge of its system-wide cataloging functions. The successful applicants will function comfortably as part of a dynamic, diverse, highly interactive Technical Services group that supports collection development, and instructional re­ search activities of 13 campus libraries. The Chiefs will serve as senior library officers, contributing to general library-wide planning and playing a key role in shaping and coordinating major on-line and organizational changes within these newly formed departments. The Chief of Automated Bibliographic Control Dept, will be responsible for the creation and management of an on-line catalog database in an integrated library system environment. On a day-to-day basis, she or he will provide leadership for ap­ proximately 30 FTE (including 6 professional librarians) divided into Search & Distri­ bution, Copy Cataloging, Catalog Management, and Retrospective Conversion sections. The Chief of the Original and Special Materials Cataloging Dept, will be responsible for guiding polic es and processes to achieve appropriate levels of bibliographic access to meet local and national needs. On a day-to-day basis, heor she will provide leadership for a p oroximately 30 FTE (including 19 professional Librarians) providing original and variant edition cataloging within the following departmental sections: Language & Literature, Humanities & Sciences, Music Cataloging, and Special Col­ lections Cataloging. We invite applications from individuals who can demonstrate significant experience in providing bibliographic access to a wide range of library materia s, who have dem­ onstrated the ability to lead a major library unit in a positive and productive fashion, who are thoroughly informed of the latest automation trends and developments, and have strong experience in one of the major automated library systems. We are especially interested in individuals who have shown clear awareness of the impact of cataloging activities on both local and national library programs, and who can clearly demonstrate a personal commitment to the principals of affirmative action and the ability to contribute personally to a diverse, multicultural workplace. Appointment will be at the Librarian/Senior Librarian rank ($35,230 - $60,000) de­ pendent upon years of applicable experience and level of bibliographic and manage­ ment experience, Send letter of application, resume and names of :hree professional references by December 1,1989 to: Irene Yeh, Acting Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Cite #913/914-CRL on all correspondence. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR BOTH POSITIONS. Full vacancy listings available upon request. EOE/AAE. STANFORD UNIVERSITY November 1989/951 promotional activities associated with CASS. Provide reference services to students, faculty, and other patrons. Participates in collection development, faculty liaison, and user instruction pro­ grams, as assigned. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science degree. A minimum of two years experience in an academic library, including online searching of DIALOG and/or BRS. Degree or substantial course work in science area is pre­ ferred. Supervisory experience preferred. Ability to work confi­ dently and creatively with microcomputers and software. Strong oral and written communication skills. Commitment to the provi­ sion of quality reference service, using technology to enhance that service whenever possible. Salary and Benefits: Salary is a mini­ mum of $24,000, based on experience and qualifications, for a 12- month appointment. Excellent benefits package; 88% of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement programs including TIAA-CREF; 14 state holidays; no state or local income tax. General Information: Texas Tech University, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 25,000. Graduate offerings include 61 doctoral programs, and there are schools of law and medicine. The University is located in Lubbock, (metropolitan population of 224,000), a center for higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Lo­ cated in the Texas High Plains, Lubbock enjoys a temperate climate with 270 days of sunshine annually. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget of $2.2 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. Application: Applications received by November 31,1989, will be given first consideration. Position is available January 1,1990. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to : E. Dale Cluff, Director of Libraries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409. Texas Tech University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. CURATOR, HISTORY OF SCIENCE COLLECTIONS with joint appointment to faculty in the History of Science Department. Duties: The Curator, History of Science Collections, University Libraries is responsible to the Dean of University Libraries for the management, development, and security of the History of Science HEAD OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL DEPARTMENT Texas Tech University Texas Tech University is seeking candidates for Head of the Bibliographic Control Department, a key managerial position. Reporting to the Associate Director of Libraries for Information Access and Systems, the Head of Bibliographic Control directs 15 FTE staff (4.5 professionals) in monographic and serials cata­ loging. The department processes 28,000 items per year, and within the next 18 months will participate in implementation of an integrated online catalog system. The Head of the Bibliographic Control Department participates in library-wide planning as a member of the Administrative Council. Responsibilities include: Directing all aspects of personnel management in the Bibliographic Control Department, including staffing, supervision, evaluation and professional growth of staff; Guiding staff in the performance of cataloging and classification duties, including authority work and catalog/database input and maintenance; Interpreting difficult cataloging rules, and formulating policies in accordance with accepted standards; Participating in collection development as a liaison to an academic department (optional). Qualifications forthe position: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science Degree; minimum of five years Library of Congress cataloging experience; working knowledge of AACR2 rules, MARC formats, Library of Congress classification, subject analysis and rule interpretations; minimum of three years successful supervisory experience; experience with OCLC or other major bibliographic utility; working knowledge of foreign language(s); demonstrated skills in personnel management, leadership, and staff motivation. Minimum salary of $33,000, based on experience and qualifications. Excellent benefits package; 88% of employee portion of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement programs, including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. Texas Tech University, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 25,000. Graduate offerings include 61 doctoral programs, and there are schools of law and medicine. The University is located in Lubbock (metropolitan population 224,000), a center for higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Located on the Texas High Plains, Lubbock enjoys a temperate climate with 270 days of sunshine annually. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget of 2.2 million. Applications received by November 30,1989, will be given first consideration. Position is available January 1,1990. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: E. Dale Cluff Director of Libraries TexasTech University Lubbock, TX 79409 TexasTech University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 952 / C &RL News Collections. The Curator will participate in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs for collection development, reference sen/ice, research, and financial support. The Curator will also be appointed to an appropriate faculty rank in the Department of the History of Science, in the College of Arts and Sciences. This position is governed by the University's policies for teaching, research or creative achievement, and professional service as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: PhD in History o f Science or a related discipline, or equivalent experience; experience in special collection development; substantial man­ agement level experience; ability to work effectively with library faculty, staff and patrons; effective oral and written communication skills; record of scholarship sufficient to qualify for faculty appoint­ ment in the University Libraries and the History of Science Depart­ ment. Desirable: MLS from and ALA-accredited library school. Proficiency in one or more foreign languages relevant to the History of Science discipline. First Screening Date: January 5 ,1990. Avail­ able: July 1, 1990. Search will remain open until filled. Rank and Salary: Assistant Professor $28,966 (12-month minimum), Associ­ ate Professor $32,755 {12-month minimum), Full Professor $37,766 (12 month minimum). Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retire­ ment System; comprehensive medical protection; group life insur­ ance; 21 days vacation; University holidays; generous sick leave. History of Science Collections: The History o f Science Collections contain more than 77,000 volumes supporting research and teach­ ing programs in the History of Science. The Collections include numerous rare editions by the world’s forem ost scientists. The collections staff, under the direction of the Curator, has one faculty librarian position, two classified staff positions, and a number of student assistants. University Libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group and ARL, the University Library consists o f a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.2 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three out­ standing special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. A major expansion of the main library was completed in May 1982, doubling the size o f library facilities. The Director of Libraries The University of Western Ontario invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries. The University Libraries comprise one of the largest university library systems in Canada, with a collection of 1.9 million catalogued volumes and more than 2.6 million items in other formats. The system provides support for a broad range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional pro­ grams through a central and six divisional and professional libraries. The Libraries have a staff of 306 and an annual budget of $13 million. A new Sciences Library of 66,000 GSF will be opened in 1991. The Director of Libraries is responsible for the management and development of the collec­ tions; the provision of Library services; the management of the Library budgets and allocation of resources; the continued development of automated management and other computer-based in­ formation systems; the direction and development of staff; the planning of future library services; and the Libraries’ participation in regional, national, and iiiiemaiiunai uuupeiaiive efforts. The Director of Libraries reports to the Assistant Vice-President (Academic Services), and is an ex­ officio member of the University Senate. Applicants must have a professional qualification in librarianship. Advanced degrees in librarianship or other acadlemic disciplines, or additional professional qualifications, would be desirable. The successful candidate will have a thorough familiarity with the operation of a modern academic research library; strong leadership and management skills at a senior administrative level and in a collegial environment; and a demonstrated ability to represent the Libraries persua­ sively within the University and externally. A firm grasp of the issues facing academic libraries and the trends that affect them is essential. The Director of Libraries is appointed for a renewable term of five years, and will have a continuing appointment as a librarian. An academic appointment may be negotiated with qualified candidates. Salary is presently under review. To be assured of full consideration, nominations and applications (including vitae and the names of three referees) should be submitted by November 30,1989, to: Dr. T.J. Collins, Provost and Vice-President Chairman of the Search Committee Room 1 07 , Stevenson-Lawson Building The University ol Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B8 The University of Western Ontario offers equal employment opportunities to qualified male and female applicants. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. November 1989 / 953 B STAT i E n UN g IVE h RSIT a Y O m F NE t W o YO n RK t w o p o s itio n s The State University of New York at Binghamton, one of the four comprehensive doctoral-granting University Centers of the 64 campus system, seeks applications and nominations for Assistant Director for Information and Research Services and Head, Science Library. The SUNY-Binghamton library system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the social sciences and humanities and housing the centralized technical services operation, the Science Library, the Fine Arts Library and three residential college libraries. The University is a member of RLG. Assistant Director for Information and Research Services. Provides leadership for the collection development, management, and preservation, and the reference/information services of the library system. The Assistant Director represents the Libraries to appropriate divisions in RLG. The Head of Bartle Refer­ ence Services and Collections, the Head of the Science Library, the Head of Special Collections and Fine Arts, and the Head of the Curriculum Library report to the Assistant Director. The Assistant Director reports to the Director of Libraries and serves as a member of the Director’s Council. There are currently 28.75 FTE staff, which includes 14.5 FTE library faculty in the division. The collections budget is $2,840,000. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program with an additional graduate degree in a subject field; minimum of five years of increasingly responsible experience in reference/information services and collection development in a college or university library including supervision of librarians; demonstrated leadership, human relations skills and successful supervisory experience; effective analytical, communica­ tion (oral and written) and administrative skills as well as competence in the tools, techniques and processes of current scholarly research and communication; experience with online catalogs and library automation applications to reference and research services and for planning; active participation in professional service organizations. Appointment will be at the rank of Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian. Minimum starting salary is $40,000, commensurate with qualifications, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Head, Science Library. A key management position in the University Libraries. Primary responsibility is for planning and day-to-day management of Science Library services in close consultation with the faculty and students who are the primary users of the Science Library— the Arts & Sciences Departments in the Science and Mathematics Division, the School of Nursing, and the Watson School of Engineering— and with appropriate staff in the Libraries. Requires strong interaction with other Library functional units to assure smooth operation of services. The head is responsible forthe development and management of the Science Library collections in consultation with the faculty and library staff. There are currently 10 FTE staff which include 2 library faculty in the Science Library. This position reports to the Assistant Directorfor Information and Research Services. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, advanced degree in a science subject area or equivalent combination of education and experience; 3-5 years' experience in an academic, research or special library, demonstrated leadership and human relations skills and successful supervisory experience, including evaluation, of full-time staff; experience with online catalogs and database searching; effective analytical, communication (oral and written) and administrative skills as well as competence in the tools, techniques and processes of current scholarly research and communication in the sciences; a commitment to scholarship and on-going professional development. Appointment will be at the rank of Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian depending on qualifications and experience. Minimum starting salary is $35,000, commensurate with qualifications, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Screening for both positions will begin on December 1,1989, and will continue until filled. Send cover letter, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Ann Sincavage Assistant to the Director for Personnel Administration State University o f New York at Binghamton Glenn G. Bartle Library Binghamton, NY 13901 The State University of New York at Binghamton is strongly committed to affirmative action. We offer access to services and recruit students and employees without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or national origin. 954/Cis-RL News Libraries possess an LS2 automated circulation system and is implementing the NOTIS Library System. Application: Send letter of application with resume and the names of three references in­ cluding current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Manager, Adm in­ istrative Services, University Libraries, U n iv e rs ity o f O klahom a, Norman, OK 73019. University of Oklahoma is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. CURRICULUM LIBR ARIAN /BIBLIO G R APHER for the School of Education and Human Development. The SUNY-Binghamton li­ brary system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the social sciences and humanities and housing the centralized technical services operation, the Science Library, the Fine Arts Library and three residential college libraries. The University is a member of RLG. The Curriculum Library, a new service center, is being established to serve the graduate programs in the School of Education and Human Development. The focus of the collection will be textbooks, curriculum guides, manipulatives, video tapes and software. The collection and services will be housed within the Main Library. The person in the position will be responsible for information services, collection developm ent and cataloging of materials for the Curriculum Library and for the supervision o f the staff to include one clerical staff person and two graduate assis­ tants. The incumbent will also serve as bibliographer for the School of Education and Human Development. The position reports to the Assistant Director for Information and Research Services. Re­ quirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Master’s in Education/Teaching preferred and experience in K-12 teaching; knowledge o f textbooks and curriculum materials and skill in selection and evaluation of this material; cataloging experience using AACR2 and Library of Congress subject headings and classifications; management and supervisory skills and experi­ ence; effective communication skills both oral and written; compe­ tence in the tools, techniques and processes of current scholarly research and communication in education; a commitment to schol­ arship and on-going professional development. Screening will begin on December 1,1989, and will continue until position is filled. A ppointm ent will be at the rank of Senior Assistant Librarian. Minimum starting salary is $26,000, commensurate with qualifica­ tions, plus excellent fringe benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Send cover letter, current resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Mary Ann Sincavage, Assistant to the Director for Personnel Administration, State U ni­ v e rs ity o f New Y ork at B in g h a m to n , Glenn G, Bartle Library, Binghamton, NY 13901. The State University of New York at Binghamton is strongly committed to affirmative action. We offer access to services and recruit students and employees without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or national origin. EAST ASIAN LIBRARIAN, University o f California, Irvine. Shares responsibility for reference desk assistance, database searching, and bibliographic instruction (includes some evening and weekend hours). Acts as liaison with the new Department of East Asian Language and Literature. Shares collection developm ent/m anage­ ment, with social responsibility to support East Asian Studies. R equired: ALA-accredited MLS degree; degree in on or more areas of East Asian studies (Chinese or Japanese); demonstrated Chi­ nese language skills; 5 years post-MLS professional experience in an academic/research library; demonstrated commitment to public service; excellent communication skills; basic computer literacy; ability to work with all elements o f a culturally-diverse academic community. Appointment at Associate Librarian or Librarian rank, salary $31,944 $59,556. Applications received by November 30, 1989, will receive first consideration, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send application letter with 1) a complete state­ ment of qualifications; 2) resume o f education and experience; and 3) the names, address, and telephone numbers of three references to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo r­ nia, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. Telephone: (714) 856-7115. AA/EOE. GERMAN LANG UAG E CATALOGER, Assistant/Associate Li­ brarian, temporary professional position at Berkeley. The Library’s Catalog Department is responsible for original cataloging of mono­ graphs, audio-visual media and other datafiles in all languages except Chinese, Japanese and Korean for the Main Library and its 23 branches. Currently, the Library seeks a German Language Cataloger to perform original cataloging and classification of G er­ man language materials in the humanities and social sciences. The cataloger keys records, establishes headings, and prepares authority records on GLADIS, the Library’s automated processing system and catalog, Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent; familiarity with AACR2, MARC form at for bibliographic data, and knowledge of LC descriptive and subject cataloging rules. Fluency in German is required; knowledge of one other Western language, preferably Spanish, is desirable. Experi­ ence with original cataloging and automated bibliographic data­ bases, such as OCLC and RLIN, is desirable. Rank and salary ($27,360-$35,026/year) based on qualifications. Position avail­ able January 1, 1990. Closing date fo r application: November 15, 1989. Apply in writing, including with your letter a statement of qualifications, resume of education and experience, and the names and addresses of 3 references. Apply to: Janice Burrows, Director-Library Human Resources Department, the Library, Room 447, U n iv e rs ity of C alifo rn ia , B erkeley, CA 94720. The Univer­ sity of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS REFERENCE LIB R A RIA N , A ri­ zona State University, with additional responsibility for the collec­ tion development of local Arizona and intergovernmental docu­ ments and maintenance of the reference collection. This is a continuing appointment-track position, requiring professional de­ velopment and service in addition to excellence on the job, and represents an outstanding opportunity fo r a bright recent MLS graduate. The ASU Libraries are rapidly becoming fully automated and offer a dynamic environm ent in which to learn and grow. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; experience or coursework in federal government publications demonstrated interest in public service and professional self-development strong interpersonal and communication skills aptitude for instruction and orientation. Preferred: experience or coursework in the governm ent publica­ tions training in or experience with online databases; general reference experience, preferably in an academic or research librar­ ian bibliographic instruction experience. Salary: $20,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experience. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of Libraries, Hayden, Library, A rizo n a S tate U n ive rsity, Tempe, A Z 85287-1006 (Phone 602/965-3417). Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled, with review of applications beginning December 4, 1989. ASU is an affirmative-action, equal- opportunity employer. HEAD, COPY CATALOGING UNIT, Central Technical Services, Monographs Processing Division, University o f Minnesota Librar­ ies, Twin Cities. Responsibilities: Manages the Copy Cataloging Unit within the Monographs Processing Division of Central Techni­ cal Services. The Unit consists of 11 paraprofessionals plus students who are responsible for cataloging non-serial items with copy for the Humanities/Social Sciences and Institute o f Technol­ ogy Libraries. Supervises, trains, and evaluates staff; develops and docum ents procedures; monitors workflow; im plements Divi­ sion policy; and acts as liaison with other library units concerning copy cataloging. In addition, contributions to the profession are a responsibility of all librarians a t the University o f Minnesota. Re­ quired Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; two years of professional cataloging experience; strong supervi­ sory skills as demonstrated by supervisory experience or knowl­ edge gained through formal training; thorough knowledge of AACR2, MARC format, LC classification, and LC subject headings; experience with automated library systems, such as RLIN, OCLC, or NOTIS; demonstrated written and verbal communication skills; strong interpersonal skills. Appointment: This is a twelve-month academic/professional position with probationary appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian. To gain continuous appointment, successful perform ance of job responsibilities and a record of professional contributions is required. Minimum salary is $25,000. Applicants should send a letter o f application, a detailed resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers o f three references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel and Staff Development Officer, U n iv e r­ s ity o f M in n e sota, University Libraries, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked by December 10, 1989. Identify applications with UL 186. The University of M innesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Altoona Campus, The Penn State University November 1989/955 Libraries. Faculty position responsible for overall library admini­ stration and services, instruction, participation in planning and development, staff supervision, and effective involvement with students and faculty, the community and the University Park campus library where processing is centralized via interactive computer systems. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; three years academic library experience with emphasis on successful public service and administrative activities; demonstrated ability to work with students, faculty and administrators; evidence of poten­ tial for promotion and tenure. Second advanced degree and some instructional program and library automation experience desirable. Altoona is an attractive campus in Central Pennsylvania that supports associate degrees, up to two years of most baccalaure­ ate, and a variety of continuing education programs. The campus enrolls approximately 2,600 students and has a library collection of 44,000 items. Salary and Rank: Dependent on qualifications, minimum $27,000 with tenurable rank. Benefits include liberal vacation, excellent insurances, State or TIAA/CREF retirement options and educational privilege. To apply, send letter, resume and names of three references to: Nancy Slaybaugh, Personnel Coordinator, Box AL ACRL, E1 Pattee Library, Penn State U niversity, University Park, PA 16802. Applications will be re­ viewed beginning December 1 and continuing until position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD LIBRARIAN, off-campus center. Serves as head of the new SJSU off-campus center library in Salinas, California. Responsi­ bilities include reference and online searching sen/ice, collection development, liaison with main campus library, coordination of center library operations. Requires MLS degree (ALA-accredited) or equivalent, demonstrated knowledge of library resources and services, experience or training in online searching, awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multi-cultural popula­ tion, evening/weekend shifts. Cross cultural experience and/or training (e.g., bilingual, bicultural background) preferred, Aca­ demic library experience or leadership in small library desired. Available 4/1/90. Senior Assistant Librarian starting at $33,168, This is a tenure-track position. Priority given to applications re­ ceived by 12/15/89. Send resume and names of 5 references to: Library Director, San Jose State U niversity, 1 Washington Sq., San Jose, CA 95192-0028. Call (408) 924-2700 for complete job description. AA/EOE. HEAD, MUSIC LIBRARY, UCLA. Demonstrated excellent mana­ gerial, planning, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of the fields of music in applied and theoretical/ historical aspects. Knowledge of information resources in humani­ ties and fine and performing arts which contribute to research in music. Experience with collection development principles. Salary Range: $31,944-$54,060. Send resume or call for more informa­ tion: R. Scherrei, U niversity of C alifornia-Los Angeles Library, 11334 URL, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575; (213) 825-1201. UCLA is an equal opportunity employer actively seeking minority appli­ cants. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES AND SYSTEMS. Mercer Uni­ versity Main Library, Processing Center. Supervise Technical Services areas of Acquisitions, Cataloging, Periodicals, Bindery, and Automation, using Innovative Interfaces INNOVACQ and INNOPAC Library Automation System and OCLC. Develop Proc­ essing Center serving libraries in Macon, Atlanta, and remote REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC use INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Crocker Business Library, Position #132. Reports to Head, Crocker Business Library. Provides reference/online information retrieval searches. Lectures on research methods or specialized information sources. Conducts tours, student orientation, training for USCInfo and Compact Disclosure. Responsible for material selection and collection develop­ ment for reference, international, and business. Develops new career collection. Creates bibliographies and support material for instruction and library services. In charge of Crocker and Accounting Libraries in absence of Head, Accounting Librarian, and Technical Services/Reference Librarian. MLS from ALA-library school, business/social sciences reference experience, flexible hours (one night per week), works well under pressure, good oral/written communication skills, and academic library experience required. Knowledge of computerized information retrieval, bibliographic instruction, second master’s business-related social science, familiarity with automated circulation systems and RLIN desir­ able. Librarian I, $28,000; Librarian II, $32,000 minimum salary, plus benefits. Position available: October 1, 1989, until filled. Apply to: Carolyn J. Henderson AUL for Administrative Services Doheny Memorial Library University of Southern California University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Applicants should submit a letter of application, a resume, and the names and telephone numbers of three references. Referto: Reference and Bibliographic Instruction Librarian, Crocker Business Library, Position #132-C&RL on all correspondence. AA/EOE. 956/C&RL News locations. Reports to Director of University Libraries and partici­ pates fully in planning, resource allocation, and overall policy development, State-of-the-art library occupied June 1989, Mercer University is a leading church related institution established in 1833, Mercer provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in the liberal arts, business, engineering, law, medicine, and pharmacy, Historic Macon (120,000) is located in a growing metropolitan area (280,000) only 80 miles South of Atlanta. ALA- accredited MLS required, knowledge of OCLC and automated library systems. Minimum 4 years academic library experience, 3 in technical services. Must demonstrate successful supervisory and leadership potential, TIAA/CREF, 22 days vacation and gener­ ous benefits. Salary $30,000 minimum, faculty rank dependent on experience and qualifications. Position available; review of candi­ dates to begin immediately. Please send resume, copy o f graduate transcript, and names of three references to: Mary R, Howard, Director of University Libraries, Main Library, M ercer U nive rsity, Macon, GA 31207. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Librarian Ill/Associate Pro­ fessor or Librarian IV/Professor. Minimum salary: $29,114, Strong managerial qualities with substantial supervisory experience tech­ nical services, preferably in academic or research library. Admini­ sters, coordinates, and provides leadership for acquisitions, seri­ als, preservation, and cataloging. Oversees materials budget, formulates and implements collection development policies in consultation with librarians and faculty representatives. The library system has a collection of approxim ately 400,000 bound volumes and other extensive holdings. Minimum qualifications: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited institution, six years increasingly responsible professional experience including collection develop­ ment; knowledge of OCLC, AACR and demonstrated automation competence; excellent human relations and good communication skills. Second master's or other advanced degree desirable. 12- month appointm ent with academic rank, 24 days annual leave. Applications received by November 30, 1989, will be given first consideration. Send resume and minimum of 3 reference letters to: Director of Libraries, M arshall U n ive rsity, Huntington, WV 25755­ 2060. Minorities encouraged to apply. EEO/AA Employer, HEAD, SOCIAL SCIENCES DIVISION, a management-level fac­ ulty position (tenure-track) serving business, education, history, political sciences, sociology and psychology. Supervises refer­ ence service, Bl, online searching, CD-ROM technologies, collec­ tion development, faculty liaison, five library faculty and five sup­ port staff. Formulates collection development policies for division and allocates a material budget of approximately 300,000. ALA- MLS; at least five years experience in academic library public services position preferably in the social sciences, economics or business; experience in collection development; effective commu­ nication skills; supervisory experience and a bachelor's or second master’s degree in the social sciences is preferred. Good fringe benefits. TIAA-CREF. Salary: $32,000 minimum for 12 months. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. For full consideration, application should be received by December 4, 1989. Applications will continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, resume and names of three references to: Sheila G. Johnson, Assistant University Librarian for Reference, Instruc­ tion, and Collections, Edmon Low Library, O klahom a State U n ive rsity, Stillwater, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. Minori­ ties and women are encouraged to apply. Successful applicant must comply with IRCA. HEAD, SYSTEMS & OPERATIONS, to manage bibliographic control and collection development. Qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS, 3 years experience in technical services with evidence of increasing supervisory responsibility and good communication skills are required. Experience with OCLC and automated library systems is desirable. Tenure-track faculty appointment on 12- month basis with 20 days annual leave and competitive standard benefits with $26,000 minimum salary. Search extended. Applica­ tions will be accepted until position is filled. Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three refer­ ences to: Dean of the Library, A u b urn U n iv e rs ity a t M ontgom ery, Montgomery, AL 36117-3596. AUM is an EEO/AA employer. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN, University of California, Irvine. Shares responsibility for reference desk assistance, database searching and bibliographic instruction (includes some evening and weekend hours). Acts as liaison with School of Humanities, specifically Department of English and Comparative Literature and Depart­ ment of Classics. Shares collection development responsibilities. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; degree in English or Comparative Literature or relevant experience; demonstrated commitment to public service; excellent communication skills; basic computer literacy; ability to work with all elements of a culturally-diverse academic community. Appointment a t Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, salary $26,136-$46,020. Applications received by November 15,1989, will receive first consideration, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send application letter with 1) a complete statement of qualifications; 2) resume of educa­ tion and experience; and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references to: Ann Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, U n ive rsity o f C alifo rn ia , Irvine , P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. Telephone: (714) 856-7115. AA/EOE. LIBRARIANS, Abigail S. Timme Library, Ferris State University, (new positions, entry-level, $25,000 minim um/12 months) 1) Ac­ quisitions Coordinator, Assistant Professor, Library Systems and Operations Department; working with team of liaison librarians as selectors and faculty from FSU’s schools; collection development coordination; managing acquisitions and accounts, gifts and ex­ change operations, for monographs and periodicals. Now open. 2) General Reference, Assistant Professor, Reference and Instruc­ tional Services Department; provision of reference service as part of a team and specialized service such as outreach or extension; online searching and CD-ROM use; participates in collection development and library instruction programs. Appointment open 7/1 /9 0 .3) Department Head, Reference and Instructional Services, administrative appointment, search continued ($33,000 minimum/ 12 months), supervising reference, ILL and online services, biblio­ graphic instruction, and extension services (7-8 librarians, 2 library associates, 1 assistant and several student assistants). Now open. MLS required (from ALA accredited program); additional academic credentials and experience are preferred. Request postings for full details, Apply with letter, resume, and three references as soon as possible to the appropriate search committee: Elaine Nienhouse, Reference Librarian; Keitha Breault, Dept. Head, Reference & Instructional Sen/ices; Edwin Harris, Acquisitions Coordinator; F erris State U n ive rsity Library; Big Rapids, Ml 49307; Telephone: (616) 592-3726 (Administrative offices). Possible interviews at ASIS (Washington, DC, 10/28-11/3) and ALA Midwinter (Chicago, IL, 1/6-11) conferences. FSU is a career-oriented, polytechnical university of 11,800 students with programs ranging from the associate to doctorate levels in the schools of Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, Allied Health, Pharmacy, Technology, and the College o f Optometry and a center for Lifelong Learning; Big Rapids is a community of 26,000 located 50 miles north o f Grand Rapids, Michigan’s second largest metropolitan area. Ferris State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Manage and evaluate the library instruction program, including the organization and teaching of group sessions, sched­ uling of librarians involved in instructional activities, and the devel­ opment and design o f teaching aids. Assume responsibility for teaching majority of instruction sessions. Actively consult with university faculty to promote library instruction services. Informa­ tion Desk reference assignment, including evening schedule. Involves ready reference online searching and teaching of CD- ROM products. Library faculty position with professional achieve­ ment and service expectations in accordance with tenure and promotion policies. ALA accredited master’s degree in Library Service/Information Science required. Minimum of two years pub­ lic service experience in an academic library with evidence of successful instruction experience required. Ability to teach, write, and work in a university environment; must possess strong oral and written communication skills to work effectively with faculty, students, and colleagues. Evidence of experience in reader serv­ ices programs. Twelve-month, tenure-track appointment, instruc­ tor or Assistant Professor rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. 24 days annual leave, plus holidays. Paid state or TIAA/CREF retirement. Group health insurance available. Salary minimum is $21,000. Review of applications will begin December 1, 1989, and continue until position is filled. Send application, including resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references to: Chairperson, Sherrod Library Search Committee, East Tennessee State U n ive rsity, Box 22-450A, Johnson City, TN 37614, ETSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirm a­ tive Action Employer. University o f California, San Diego The University Library The Library at lhc University o f California, San Diego invites applications for three positions. The University Library consists o f the Central University Library, The Biomedical and Medical Center Libraries, the Undergraduate Library, the Science and Engineering Library, the Scripps Institution o f Oceanography Library, and the Graduate School o f International Relations and Pacific Studies Library. Collections total over 1.9 million volumes. UCSD is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and specifically seeks candidates who can make contributions in an environment o f ethnic and cultural diversity. R E F E R E N C E /C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T L IB R A R IA N , Biom edical Library. Assistant or Associate Librarian rank. Under the general direction o f the Head o f Public Services, incumbent is responsible forplanning and coordinating collection development activities, including liaison work with the faculty, user needs assessments, and collection use studies. Participates in department's reference, instruc­ tional, online searching, and outreach services. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum o f tw o years experience in reference or collection development; excellent oral and written communication skills; demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty and other researchers. Preferred: Experience in a health/life sciences library; expertise in online searching; experience with automated library systems. C losing date: January 15,1990. Send applications to Mary Horrcs, Biomedical Librarian, c /o the address below. R E F E R E N C E S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R , G overnm ent Documents and M aps, Central U niver­ sity L ibrary . Assistant or Associate Librarian rank. Coordinates reference and access services for Government Documents. Plans, implements, and manages reference services; serves on the reference desk (including some evening and weekend hours); selects material for the reference collection; integrates advanced technologies into reference services. Participates in department's library instruction programs and in collection development activities. Supervises one library assistant for reference/access services. Quali­ fications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; two years experience in reference services in government documents or related social sciences; excellent oral and written communication skills, and demonstrated effectiveness in carrying out public service responsibilities. Preference will be given to candidates with well -developed microcomputer and online searching skills and demonstrated ability to plan and implement innovative reference services. Closing date D ecem ber 15,1989. IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S /O U T R E A C H L IB R A R IA N , G overnm ent D ocum ents and M aps, C entral University Library. Assistant or Associate librarian rank. Coordinates instructional and outreach services for Government Documents. Plans, implements, and manages instructional and outreach activities for faculty, students, and the business community. Develops printed and computer-based instructional materials; publicizes departmental collections and services. Serves on the reference desk (including some evening and weekend hours) and participates in collection development activities. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; strong interest in instructional and outreach services; and excellent oral and written communication skills. Prior experience in reference and instructional services in government documents or related social sciences is desirable. Preference will be given to candidates with well-developed microcomputer and online searching skills, a background in developing instructional programs, and experience in publicizing library services. C losing date: D ecem ber 1 5,1989. Salary range: Assistant Librarian: $27,360 - $35,016; Associate Librarian: $33,444 - $48,180. Appoint­ ment at the higher rank requires superior experience and qualifications. UCSD librarians are expected to par­ ticipate in librarywide planning and to be active professionally. Submit a letter o f application, resume and list o f references to: Janet Tait, Library Personnel O ffice, C -075-H -1, University o f California, San Diego, La Jolla. C A . 92093. 958 / C&RL News MAP LIBRARIAN, University o f Michigan, Associate Librarian. Responsibilities: Plans and budgets for services and collections of the Map Library; establishes goals and policies for the collecting, housing, and use of cartographic materials, including new ventures into the area of geographic information systems; and develops procedures for the most effective im plementation of these goals and policies. The Map Library is a unit of the Graduate Library; the librarian reports to the Head of Graduate Library Reference. The Map Librarian will also provide map-reference service to students, faculty, and non-University inquirers. Map reference service in­ cludes providing online search services, and bibliographic instruc­ tion. The Map Librarian will also have selection responsibilities for the development and management of the Graduate Library’s col­ lections in one or more disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (in this case, geography and anthropology preferred). As selector, s/he will serve as the Library’s prim ary contact for faculty and graduate students working in these areas; and will work with the Coordinator of Graduate Library Collections to develop goals for Collection Development, User Liaison, Collection Manage­ ment, Fund Management, and Professional Awareness. Required: Accredited MLS; a minimum of two years work experience in a research library or equivalent; degree and/or experience in geogra­ phy, cartography, or closely-related discipline; demonstrated su­ pervisory, interpersonal, and communication skills; and working knowledge of two or more European languages. Desired: Experi­ ence with geographic information systems; experience with stan­ dard LC/AACR2 cataloging practices; and experience with data­ base searching. Minimum salary of $27,000, dependent on previ­ ous relevant experience. Applications received by November 24, 1989, will be given first consideration. Apply to: Lucy R. Cohen, Manager, Library Personnel and Payroll Services, 404 Hatcher North, University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN/ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. The University of Iowa, Iowa City. Under the direction of the Engineering Librarian, the incumbent is responsible for the management of the Mathematics Library and for assisting in the provision of user services in the Engineering Library. Principle duties in the Mathematics Library, are the supervision of one full­ time library assistant and several student assistants, the provision of reference services and user education, and collection m anage­ ment in the areas of mathematics, computer science, statistics, and actuarial science. Principle duties in the Engineering Library are assisting in the provision of reference services and user education, and other duties as assigned by the Engineering Librar­ ian. Requirements: An ALA-accredited graduate library degree; a strong service orientation; excellent interpersonal and com m uni­ cation skills; a strong professional commitment. Desirable charac­ teristics include professional experience in science reference and/ or science collection management and experience in management and supervision; educational background in the mathematical sciences, engineering, or the physical sciences; experience in electronic bibliographic searching; a working knowledge o f at least one European language other than English. Salary: Appointment will be made at the Librarian I ($21,565 minim um) or Librarian II ($27,310 minimum) rank, salary, and rank determination based on a combination of educational background and experience. The University offers an attractive package of additional benefits, including 25 days paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, Social Security, disability and medical/dental insurance. Applica­ tion Procedure: Applications received by 1 February 1990 will receive first consideration. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, vita information, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Barbara I. Dewey, Assistant to the University Librarian, the University of Iowa Librar­ ies, Iowa City, IA 52242. The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. MULTICULTURAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, University of Califor­ nia, Irvine. Responsible for providing leadership in library services to an increasingly diverse campus community, the main focus being outreach to the multicultural community at UCI, including faculty, campus groups and organizations, library instruction and specialized reference services. Shares responsibility for reference desk assistance, database searching and bibliographic instruction (includes some evening and weekend hours). Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree; ability to develop a well-planned and focused outreach program; demonstrated commitment to public sen/ice; excellent communication skills; basic computer literacy; ability to work with all elements of a culturally-diverse academic community. Appointment at Assistant or Associate Librarian rank salary $26,136-$46,020. Applications received by November 15, 1989, will receive first consideration, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send application letter with 1) a complete state­ ment of qualifications; 2) resume of education and experience; and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, University of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. Telephone: (714) 856-7115. AA/EOE. ONLINE SPECIALIST. Under the general direction of the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service Online Services Coordinator, provides online training and information services in RML regions 6 and 7. One of two instructors for NLM's MEDLARS Searching classes in the Western Online Region, classes are held at UCLA and at sites throughout the Western Online Region. Teaches NLM’s Basics of Searching MEDLINE course. Writes articles about the MEDLARS system and online searching for the PSRMLS Newsletter and the NLM Technical Bulletin. Develops course materials and presents online continuing education courses for online searchers. Qualifications: MLS from an accred­ ited program. Evidence of strong teaching and communications skills and extensive experience in searching NLM's MEDLARS system. Salary range: $26,136-$40,092 based on qualifications and years of experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Personal inter­ view required. Send resume and list o f references to: Alison Bunting, Biomedical Librarian, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA Louise Darling Biomedical Library, 10833 Le Conte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024-1798. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Librarians at UCLA are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). PRINCIPAL CATALOGER (Search Extended). Associate Librar­ ian or Librarian ($31,944-$59,556) based on qualifications and experience. Open immediately. Responsible for ensuring that original cataloging conforms to national standards and is expected to motivate catalogers to maintain high levels of productivity. Is expected to assume leadership in innovation and creativity in planning and im plementation of efficient procedures in a manual and automated environment. Responsible for the supervision, training and evaluation of professional catalogers (7 FTE) in the Original Cataloging Section of the Catalog Department which catalogs m onographs only. The appointee works closely with the supervisors of the Copycataloging and Postcataloging Sections and with the Department Head in formulating cataloging policies and in managing the Department. Answers questions and resolves problems on request from faculty, staff and other Library Depart­ ments, Serves as Chair of the joint Catalog-Serials Departments, Authority Files Committee. Catalogs material in areas of expertise as time permits. Helps plan for anticipated acquisition of a local integrated online Library system. Contributes to Library, Univer­ sity, and professional activities. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent; minimum of five years cataloging experience in a research library, including demonstrated leadership ability and successful supervi­ sory experience. Thorough knowledge of cataloging principles and procedures, including AACR2, LC classification and subject head­ ings, MARC form ats and authority control. W orking knowledge of a modern European language (additional language skills desirable). Experience with a major utility, such as RLIN or OCLC. Strong oral and written communication skills. A record of professional achieve­ ments is desirable. Experience with a local integrated online system is highly desirable. Applicants should send letter, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three refer­ ences (including current supervisor) to: Sandra A. Vella, Assistant Personnel Librarian, 108 Shields Library, University o f California, Davis, CA 95616. Telephone: (916) 752-1138. Applications re­ ceived by December 1, 1989, will be assured consideration. The University of California, Davis is committed to a policy of affirma­ tive action and specifically invites inquiries and applications from women and ethnic minorities. REFERENCE AND ARCHIVES LIBRARIAN. Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana (Louisville, Kentucky, metropoli­ tan area), one of 8 cam puses in Indiana University System. Under the supervision of Head of Readers Services, Reference and November 1989 / 959 Archives Librarian provides reference and bibliographic instruction services {3/4 time); under supervision of Director of Library Serv­ ices manages IUS Archives (1/4 time). ALA/MLS required; 2nd Master’s degree in archives and/or records management pre­ ferred. Also required: knowledge of online searching, OCLC, excel­ lent interpersonal skills, strong service orientation, and appropriate professional experience. Must be able to meet requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Salary: $19,500/12 months. TIAA/ CREF; liberal benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names of 3 references by 8 December 1989, to: Nancy Totten, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Indiana U n ive rsity Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150. Indiana University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION (Search extended). Includes refer­ ence, library instruction, online searching, collection development and liaison to a teaching departm ents). Required: MLS from ALA- accredited institution, experience in an academic or research library, excellent communications skills and a commitment to quality service. Background in the sciences preferred. Considera­ tion also given to background in social sciences or library automa­ tion and technology, Library has an OPAC and is in the planning stages for an automated circulation system. SUNY Oswego has over 8,000 students and is located on the shores o f Lake Ontario. Tenure-track position with excellent fringe benefits. Salary and Rank: Depending on qualifications, probable range $24,000- $30,000. Rank Assistant or Senior Assistant. Application Dead­ line: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but for maximum consideration applications must be received by Novem­ ber 15. Send letters of application, resume, transcripts, and names of 3 references to: Anne Commerton, Director, Penfield Library, State U n ive rsity of New York College at O sw ego, Oswego, NY 13126. SUNY Oswego an equal opportunity employer; women and minority persons, handicapped persons, and Vietnam veterans are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Auburn University at Montgomery. Tenure-track entry-level position responsible for information serv­ ices, bibliographic instruction, database searching and collection development. Will act as liaison with one or more academic departments. Reference duties include nights & weekends. Quali­ fications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; knowledge of Dialog searching; interest in collection development, preferably in sciences. Good communication skills. Minimum salary $19,500 for 12 months. Position now available. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Mary Harrison, A u b urn U nive rsity at M ontgom ery Library, Montgomery AL 36117-3596. AUM is an EEO/AA employer, REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SPECIALIST. Respon­ sible for the bibliographic instruction, online searching and collec­ tion development in the areas o f business and economics. Rotat­ ing duty on general reference desk. Position includes some rotated weekend and night reference hours. Knowledge of main print and online bibliographic tools (BRS, Dialog, Dow Jones), working knowledge of microcomputers and software. Ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing. Ability to work effectively with faculty, staff and students essential. Required: ALA-accredited Master’s degree. Experience: Two years reference experience in an academic library. Preferred: MLS plus undergraduate or Mas­ ter's degree in business. Salary: $24,500-$26,500. Closing date: December 15, 1989. Send resume and 3 letters of reference to: Joanne Line, Administrator, Library, U nive rsity o f M innesota, 248 Library, 10 University Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. duPont Library, University of the South. Reports to Coordinator of Public Services/Head Reference Librarian, Responsible for general reference service including government documents, online database arching, library instruc­ tion, and collection development. Includes regular night and week­ end work. Required: MLS (ALA-accredited); ability to provide quality reference sen/ice to faculty and students; good interper­ sonal skills; facility with microcomputers and software; and expe­ rience or training in online database searching, OCLC and other computer reference services. Preferred: undergraduate degree from a liberal arts institution, previous reference experience, and familiarity with library automation. Salary: $17,631 minimum. Excellent benefits. Position Available November 27,1989. Univer­ sity of the South, founded in 1857, consists of a very selective, coeducational, residential liberal arts college of 1,050 undergradu­ ates and a graduate School of Theology (Episcopalian) of 80 students. Sewanee is located on the Cumberland Plateau (about 2,000 feet above sea level) between Nashville and Chattanooga. Staff are engaged in planning an online library system for which funding has been committed. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: David Kearley, University Librarian, duPont Library, U nive rsity o f the S outh, Sewanee, TN 37375. Applications accepted until position is filled. EOE. Minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR WESTERN EUROPEAN LAN­ GUAGES AND LITERATURES. Search Extended. Subject spe­ cialist in French, Italian and German languages and literatures assigned to the General and Humanities Reference Center, Bobst Library. Duties include reference assistance, bibliographic instruc­ tion, orientation, database searching, selection and evaluation of materials, and faculty liaison. Accredited MLS, subject master's degree required for tenure, proficiency in French, knowledge of Italian and German, 2 years’ successful public service experience in an academic library required, degree in French preferred. Fac­ ulty status, tuition remission, TIAA/CREF or alternative pension program, 5 weeks annual vacation. Salary minimum $27,000. To ensure consideration, send resume and letter of application includ­ ing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references, immediately to: Alice Deich, Personnel Representative, New York U n iv e rs ity Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Science Specialty. Search Reopened. The Z, Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University seeks a highly motivated librarian to perform a full range of reference services in a general reference department including coordination of online and end-user database searching, bibliographic instruc­ tion, collection development, and creation of specialized science reference aids. Evening and weekend work required. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, significant coursework in the physical or life sciences. Good interpersonal skills and a commitment to service. Desired: Library work experience including online searching. Advanced degree in the sciences. Entry-level appointment pos­ sible. The successful candidate will be able to participate in the automation of the Reynolds Library and the expansion and reloca­ tion of the Reference Department to a building addition now in the planning stage. Wake Forest University, located in the thriving Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, has a collection of over one million volumes for a student population of 4,500, and is a liberal arts university with doctoral programs and strong professional schools. Salary range: from low $20’s commensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience. Position will remain open until filled by qualified applicant. Send letter of application and resume to: Director, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest U niversity, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7777. AA/EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the general direction of the Head of the Reference Division, provides reference desk service, online search services, and instructional activities, including both standard course-related instruction and end-user search training. Also included are consulting activities designed to assist our primary users with searching NLM databases directly. Instructional activities include providing general orientation tours, course-re­ lated or other academic related instructional sessions on the use of abstracting and indexing services in the health and life sciences, and end-user training sessions on the MEDLINE database and intricacies of the MeSH vocabulary. Each reference librarian is assigned coordinating responsibilities for an area of divisional activity, such as education services, online searching, or reference desk service. Minimum qualifications: Dynamic individual with effective oral and written communications skills, demonstrated successful interpersonal skills, and the ability to work as a team member. Ability to work with health sciences and life sciences professionals and students, Familiarity with health and life science reference materials. Experience in searching NLM databases. Desirable qualifications: Experience in planning and presenting instructional activities for adult learners. Knowledge of major-end user search system command languages, including Grateful Med and BRS. Experience in working with microcomputer equipment 960 /C&RL News and software for personal information management. Salary range: $26,136-$31,944 based on qualifications and years of expedience. Excellent fringe benefits. Personal interview required. Send res­ ume and list of references to: Alison Bunting, Biomedical Librarian, U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , Los A n geles, UCLA Louise Darling Biomedical Library, 10833 Le Conte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024­ 1798. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer actively seeking minority applicants. Librarians at UCLA are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). SCIENCE LIBR ARIAN /BIBLIO G R APHER . T he Science Librar­ ian/Bibliographer shares public services assignments with three other librarians in the Science and Technology Library. Responsi­ bilities include collection development, bibliographic instruction, online database searching, and faculty liaison for assigned physi­ cal science and/or engineering departm ents. The Science Librar­ ian/Bibliographer reports directly to the Head of STL and is one of eight full-time staff members. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of sci­ ence and engineering reference and bibliographic resources. Desired: Experience or academic preparation in one o f the sci­ ences; and additional graduate degree in a relevant discipline; training and experience in online database searching. Employ­ ment: Full-time. Non-traditional w ork week. Location: The Univer­ sity of Texas a t Arlington, located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro- plex, has a current enrollm ent o f approxim ately 24,000 and offers 97 degrees, 21 at the Ph.D. level. The University Libraries pres­ ently have approxim ately 800,000 volume equivalents in the gen­ eral collection, 1,000,000 volume equivalents in the documents collection, a staff of 100, and an FY1989-1990 budget of nearly $5,000,000. The Libraries participate in AMIGOS/OCLC, DIALOG, BRS, and have installed the NOT IS automated system. Salary and Benefits: $19,428 salary plus $965 in State contributions toward Social Security for an annual minimum of $20,393. Additional State contributions include up to $1800 per annum to health benefits package, and 8.5 percent of annual salary contributed by the State for optional retirement programs. Applications should include a resume and the names and addresses of three professional refer­ ences. Consideration fo r the position will begin December 4 ,1989, and will continue until a satisfactory candidate has been found. Applications and nominations should be addressed to: Chair, Science Librarian Search Committee, The U n iv e rs ity o f Texas at A rlin g to n Libraries, P.O. Box 19497, Arlington, TX 76019. Applica­ tions from qualified minorities are encouraged. The University of Texas at Arlington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER, with the potential of moving to Assistant or Deputy Executive Director. This position encom­ passes responsibilities associated with the ARL statistics program including exploration of new measures o f library operations and performance. Exceptional record of leadership and achievement in research librarianship is required. Research, quantitative, and technology skills are desirable. Minimum: $53,000. Please send a letter of application, resume, and names o f references to: Execu­ tive Director, A s s o c ia tio n o f R esearch L ib ra rie s , 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., W ashington, DC 20036. LATE JOB LISTINGS BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR & PUBLIC RELATIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: The University at Albany, State University of New York seeks a librarian to assume primary responsibility for development, implem­ entation, and evaluation of library instructional programs and to serve as Public Relations Librarian. Bibliographic Instruction offers opportunities for: develop­ ment of undergraduate instructional co-teaching course-related sessions; creative applications of video and CAI technology to instructional delivery; teaching use of the online catalog and CD-ROM databases; development of printed user aids; co­ sponsorship of staff development programs; service on library-wide working com­ mittees and task forces. Reports to the Head, Reference Services Department. Public relations responsibilities will include the promotion of Albany’s University Libraries to enhance its image as a comprehensive research library serving the University community and the Capital District. The Public Relations Librarian is responsible for the coordination of Library public relations, public programming, exhibitions, special events, and promotional publications. The Public Relations Librarian works closely with the Friends of the Libraries and the Director of Libraries. Twelve-month tenure-track faculty appointment; research and publica­ tion expected for continuing appointment and promotion. Appointment at rank of Senior Assistant Librarian or Associate Librarian. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; strong oral and written communication skills; experience with libarry applications for microcomputers; experience with reference services; minimum of three years experience in library instruction; experience or interest in public relations. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Salary range $26,000 to $35,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries-UL 139, The University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin December 15, 1989. Please include a list of three persons with addresses whom we can contact for references. The University at Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications form women, minority persons, handi­ capped persons, special disabled, and Vietnam era veterans are especially welcome. November 1989 / 961 BIBLIOGRAPHIC MAINTENANCE SECTION SUPERVISOR, Catalog De­ partment, Northeastern University Libraries, Boston. (Search extended.) Plan and manage bibliographic database maintenance operations, post-cataloging materials processing and reclassification and retrospective conversion projects. Train, super­ vise and evaluate 4 FTE support staff and 8 FTE student assistants, plus temporary project staff. Catalog in selected areas dependent upon departmental needs with an emphasis on reclassification and retrospective conversion. Compile statistical analyses and other reports. Participate in departmental and library planning, com­ mittees, and general activities. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Three years of professional academic library experience as a cataloger with increasing responsibilities and demonstrated supervisory ability. Thorough knowledge of the MARC formats, LC classification, AACR2, and a bibliographic utility. Knowledgeable about library automation and local bibliographic database issues cataloging management, and related current developments. Excellent com­ munication, organizational, supervisory, planning, and analytical skills. Salary: Hiring range minimum $24,300; actual appointment salary will depend upon qualifications and experience. Applications received by December 15 will have first consideration. Please submit letter of application, resume, and names with ad­ dresses and phone numbers of three references to: Gene Damon, Associate Dean for Technical Services, 211 Dodge, Northeastern University Libraries, 360 Hunting­ ton Ave., Boston, MA 02115. Northeastern University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for all cataloging and processing operations and personnel. Work with Technical Services Coordinator to develop and imple­ ment local cataloging policies. Participates in the implementation of the Tri­ College automated system. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; thorough knowledge of AACR2, OCLC/MARC formats and tagging, LC Classification and subject head­ ings; cataloging experience in a library with OCLC or other bibliographic utility; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to maintain effective working relationships with colleagues and students. Supervisory experience and additional advanced degree desirable. Salary range: $24,000-$26,000. Generous fringe benefits. Application deadline: January 19. Preliminary interviews may be held at ALA Midwinter. Please send letter of application, resume, transcripts and names of 3 references to: Martha Payne, Coordinator, Technical Services and Automation, Haverford College Library, Haverford, PA 19041. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Temporary 12-month appointment. To engage in a wide range of cataloging activities for monographs in an automated environment using OCLC and an online catalog. Will participate in retrospective conversion and reclassification projects. Will be responsible for some supervision and training of technical assistants and student workers. An ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications and subject headings required. Previous cataloging experience, familiarity with microcomputers, and knowledge of foreign languages preferred. Salary from $22,000. depending upon experience. Send res­ ume and names of three references by November 27, 1989, to: James Cubit, Assistant College Librarian, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01267. CATALOGER (2 Positions), New Mexico State University. NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 70 major undergraduate areas, 42 master’s degrees, and 19 doctoral degree programs. In its 101st year, NMSU is the land-grant institution for New Mexico. Located in southern New Mexico on the high desert in the city of Las Cruces, NMSU is 40 miles from El Paso, Texas, at the southern edge of the Rocky Mountains. The area enjoys abundant sunshine and moderate temperatures, yet is within easy driving distance of alpine areas that include excellent skiing and winter sports. The NMSU Library is in the initial stages of an $11 million expansion; is 962 / C&RL News highly automated using OCLC, a VTLS-based online catalog, INNOVACQ, and Dialog, and has an expanding CD-ROM operation. One entry-level position includes responsibility for original cataloging of monographs, theses and dissertations, editing problematic OCLC member-contributed copy, and some retrospective con­ version. Salary: $20,500. One position expecting 3-5 years experience includes responsibilities for original cataloging of monographs, serials, special formats, and some retrospective conversion. Salary: from $24,000. Both positions require ALA- accredited MLS with a second master’s preferred. Desirable qualities include working knowledge of Western European languages, especially German, knowl­ edge of AACR2, OCLC, automated library systems, LC classification and subject headings, and MARC formats. Willingness to participate in shared responsibilities including collection management and reference service. Appointed to a faculty position, the individuals employed will be expected to fulfill the usual requirements for promotion and tenure. Attractive fringe benefit package with 22 days annual leave. If you are interested in a challenging position in a most attractive location, please submit your application with the names and addresses of 3 references by January 19 to: Anne Morgan, Head of Technical Services, New Mexico State University Library, Box 30006, Las Cruces, NM 88003. NMSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and Vietnam veterans are encouraged to apply. CLASSICS CATALOGER, search reopened. University of Cincinnati. Respon­ sible for original and OCLC cataloging of materials, primarily monographs, for the Classics Library with a collection of 130,000 volumes. The U.C. Libraries have an online catalog (UCLID), the database of which contains 900,000 records represent­ ing the holdings of all U.C. library systems. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; reading knowledge of Latin and one or more European languages; degree in Classical Studies or related field; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and MARC tagging; ability to communicate clearly orally and in writing; and ability to work affectively with colleagues. Preferred QUALIFICATIONS: Reading knowledge of Greek; experi­ ence in cataloging with OCLC or another bibliographic utility. Salary Range $21,000-$25,000 depending on qualifications. Letter of application, including res­ ume and the names and addresses of three references must be postmarked no later than December 8,1989. Send to Mark W. Weber, Assistant University Librarian for Personnel, University of Cincinnati Libraries, Mail Location 33, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. This University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action/equal employ­ ment opportunity employer. COMPUTER REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Provide and coordinate online search service and microcomputer support services, plus general reference duties in social science and humanities library. Participate in bibliographic instruc­ tion and training of database searchers. Master’s degree in Library Science, experience with database searching, and effective oral and written communication skills required. Academic reference and broad microcomputer experience desirable. Salary $20,000+. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Patricia Berge, Chair, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Marquette University Library, 560 North 16th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233. Preference given to applications received by December 1, 1989. Marquette is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, University of Missouri-Columbia. The University of Missouri-Columbia invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of Libraries. The University Libraries include Ellis Library and six branches, with cumulative collections of approximately 2.5 million volumes, 4.6 million microforms, and 17,000 serials subscriptions. This is a major academic and November 1989 / 963 research (ARL) library serving a student body of 25,000 and a faculty of 1,500, and which circulates about 500,000 items and interlibrary loans 26,000 items per year; it typically serves 4,000 users and answers 1,000 reference questions daily. The Library benefits from the cooperative effort of an ALA-accredited graduate program in library education. MU Library is a full OCLC participant, with an online catalog, automated circulation, and microcomputer support. It was recently awarded a $2 million National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant to strengthen and preserve collections in the humanities, and has earned a campus commitment to enhanced funding that is providing significant improvements in base salaries and in acquisitions. This is a period of dynamic development for the Library: Ellis has recently been expanded, and plans are in progress for the next building expansion and for new facilities for branch libraries. The Director of Libraries reports directly to the Provost, holds membership on the Council of Deans, and has responsibility for administration, management, recruitment and hiring, staff development, budgeting, planning, and fund-raising for the Libraries. Candidates for this position must possess, at minimum: a master’s degree from an ALA- accredited program and significant management experience in an academic re­ search library setting. A doctorate degree is desirable but not required. Preference will be given to candidates with the following qualifications: proven leadership and collegial management skills; an understanding of the major problems and opportu­ nities facing academic research libraries and the vision and ability to formulate effective plans and solutions; the ability to communicate effectively with diverse constituencies; a record of success in fund-raising and pursuing grants; experience in handling concurrent projects: building construction/renovation, automation, expanding preservation efforts; a demonstrated commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity; scholarly accomplishment in librarianship discipline; an interest in sustaining cooperative efforts in library education. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, $77,000 minimum. In order to receive fullest consideration, applications must be received by December 1, 1989. All candidates should arrange for four letters of reference to be submitted by this date. Please send nominations, applications, and letters to: John Miles Foley, Chair Search Committee, Director of Libraries, Office of the Provost, 114A Jesse Hall, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211. DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Wright State University is accepting applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University Library. The Director reports to the Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs and assumes the primary responsibility for all library operations. The University Library has over 450,000 volumes, a staff of 54 FTE, a budget of $3.4 million, Ohionet membership and an integrated library system cooperative network which includes 10 local institutions. Additionally, the University Library is actively participating in the planning for a state-wide library network. Master’s degree required; ALA-accredited MLS preferred. Evidence of continued professional devel­ opment required. A minimum of 10 years of professional library experience in an academic/research library, including 5 years of administrative experience with responsibility for long-range planning, budgeting, personnel development, and daily operations, is required. Current knowledge of library technology, and experi­ ence with cooperative networks are highly desirable. Candidate must be a dynamic leader, possessing superior communication skills, and be able to articulate the future direction of the University Library. Candidate should be committed to participatory management and to serving the academic and local communities. Twelve-month appointment; salary minimum $56,180. Wright State, located 10 miles east of Dayton, Ohio, is a young, dynamic institution with 17,000 students and 700 faculty, offering 120 undergraduate majors and doctorates in 5 fields. Screening of applications will begin on December 1, 1989, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send a letter summarizing qualifications, curriculum 964 / CirRL News vitae, and the names of at least 3 references to: Lillie Howard, Chair, Office of Academic Affairs, Room 105 Allyn Hall, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435. Wright State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. The position of Engineering Librarian in the Hagerty Library, Drexel University, will be available 1 December 1989. The requirements for the position are a master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA- accredited Library School, a degree in an engineering field or in a physical science is necessary; at least two years of professional library experience in an academic library or its equivalent, including database searching; and experience in collection development. Applicants must have the ability to work and communicate effec­ tively with staff, faculty, and students. The responsibilities of the job include reference desk service; database searching; bibliographic instruction; supervision of clerical employees, library assistants, and part-time students; selection of library materials in the engineering field; and liaison with the college of Engineering. The base salary is $25,000 per year with academic status, retirement, and illness benefits. Applicants should address their correspondence to: Lucille R. Jones, Co­ Director, Hagerty Library, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Deadline for applications: 27 November 1989. An Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirma­ tive Action Employer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, Joyner Library, East Carolina University. Responsibilities: Participates in all documents services, collection development, reference service, bibliographic Instruction, CD-ROM, and online datafile searching. The collection includes federal depository, North Carolina State, United Nations, and selected foreign and international government publica­ tions. Position reports to Head, Government Documents Department/North Caro­ lina Collection. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of reference and bibliographic sources; effective oral and written communication skills; experience in use of online databases. Twelve-month tenure track faculty appointment. Salary $22,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. Research and publication expected for tenure and promotion. Government Documents & N.C. Collection Department staff of seven includes four librarians. East Carolina University’s libraries serve a campus community of over 15,000 students and 950 faculty. The University is a constituent institution of the sixteen-campus University of North Carolina system. Screening of applications will begin January 5,1990, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Jo Ann Bell, Acting Director of Academic Library Services, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official tran­ scripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. Federal law requires proper documentation of identity and employ­ ability at the time of employment. East Carolina University is an affirmative- action, equal opportunity employer and, as such, encourages applications from women, blacks, and other minorities. MEDIA MATERIALS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for administration and develop­ ment of Media Materials/AV Department, University Library. Department houses all non-book materials (motion pictures, videocassettes, sound recordings, educa­ tional kits, microfilm, microfiche, art slides) in the Library’s collections. Promotes effective instructional use of non-book materials. Participates with other public service department heads in formulating policies and planning procedures to meet needs of faculty, students. Reports to Director of Media and Computer Services. Duties include working with faculty and deans on materials selection, ordering and receiving media materials, cataloging via OCLC for departmental catalog, coordi­ nating with Media Services the classroom use of media materials and preserving, November 1989 / 965 weeding, repairing, or replacing materials in collection. Participates in general reference work, library orientation program. Acts as coordinator for clearing copyright information on non-book materials. Expansion of university in near future will provide opportunities for creative leadership. University is part of Texas A&M University System and will become four-year in 1994. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, broad academic background; experience with non-book materials in university setting; knowledge of and familiarity with a broad range of media formats; experience handling audio visual equipment, microform readers and printers; ability to communicate and work successfully with colleagues, faculty, and students; a positive public service attitude; willingness to work a flexible schedule with one technical assistant and student assistants; interest in relating media materials to teaching. Preferred are additional experience: familiarity with micro­ computers, knowledge of a modern European language. Salary depends on qualifi­ cations and experience, minimum of $20,000 for 12-month appointment; position is entry-level or near entry-level. Benefits include state vacation, holiday package, percentage payment of employee’s SS, choice of retirement programs, medical and insurance programs, no state or local income tax. Librarians at CCSU are a distinct group of academic professionals. Send letter of application addressing qualifica­ tions, resume (including names, addresses, telephone numbers of three references) by November 27, 1989,to: R. L. O’Keeffe, University Librarian, Corpus Christi State University Library, 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412. MONOGRAPHIC SERIES CATALOGER. Available: January 2, 1990. Descrip­ tion: This position coordinates the Analytics Unit within the Serials Cataloging Section with primary responsibility for the establishment and cataloging of mono­ graphic series, decisions on analyzing, and maintenance of the series authority file. The cataloger works closely with Serials and Monographic Cataloging staff to standardize entries for series in the online catalog, check-in, and other records; provides assistance in serials cataloging and/or revision, and performs other tasks as assigned. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS and two years experience in cataloging or serials work; ability to work with at least one Western European language in addition to English; ability to work cooperatively in processing complex materials. Prefer experience in cataloging serials, series, and analytics; familiarity with LC classification and subject headings, and OCLC cataloging technology; supervisory experience. Salary and Benefits: This is a twelve-month academic appointment with a minimum salary of $22,500 and standard State benefits of annual leave, sick leave, insurance coverage, and retirement plan. Deadline for Application: November 30, 1989. To Apply: Send resume and names of three references to: Barbara DeLon, Library Personnel Officer, CB #3900, Davis Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3900. An Equal Opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Joyner Library, East Carolina University. Responsibilities: Participates in all aspects of reference service including service at the reference desk, online/CD-ROM database search­ ing, and bibliographic instruction. Acts as liaison to assigned faculty departments and develops the reference and stack collections in these subject areas. Department staff of twelve includes nine librarians. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, strong oral and written communication skills, reading knowledge of a foreign language. Reference experience in an academic or research library, second master’s degree, and experience with library applications for microcomputers preferred. Twelve-month tenure-track faculty appointment. Salary $22,000 minimum, de­ pending on qualifications. Research and publication expected for tenure and promotion. East Carolina University’s libraries serve a campus community of over 15,000 students and 950 faculty. The University is a constituent institution of the sixteen-campus University of North Carolina system. Screening of applications will 966 / CirRL News begin January 5, 1990, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Jo Ann Bell, Acting Director of Academic Library Services, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. Federal law requires proper documentation of identity and employability at the time of employ­ ment. East Carolina University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer and, as such, encourages applications from women, blacks, and other minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN(S). Responsible for general reference utilizing tradi­ tional and computerized resources including OPAC, CD-ROMs, and online data­ bases. Additional responsibilities include collection development in subject speci­ alities and participation in a comprehensive bibliographic instruction program. Candidates must demonstrate well developed interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. Positions available as of February 1, 1990. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS for rank of instructor ($26,260-$29,346) plus subject master’s degree for rank of assistant professor ($28,630-31,716). Two years relevant experience in an academic or research library preferred. Applications must be received by December 30,1989. Send letter of application, resumes, and names of three professional references to: Chief Librarian, Baruch College, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 317, New York, NY 10010. AA/EO. REFERENCE/MEDIA LIBRARIAN. Position provides basic reference service for library and media services. Media portion includes occasional equipment set ups. Requirements: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Prefer LOOKING FOR A JOB? A C R L ’ s F ast Job Listing Service brings you jo b notices four weeks before they appear in College & Research Libraries News. This monthly bulletin also contains jo b postings that, because o f narrow application deadlines, do not appear in C&RL News. The F ast Job Listing Service is sent to subscribers b y first-class mail the first w eek o f every month. Y ou can be a step ahead o f other jo b applicants by seeing position descriptions very shortly after they are received in our office. Subscriptions to the F ast Job Listing Service are for a period o f six months— by that time w e hope you have found the jo b y o u ’ re looking for! The cost is $15 for A C R L members and $20 for non-members. Y o u may use the form below to enter your subscription. Y E S ! I want to see jo b notices as quickly as possible by subscribing to A C R L ’ s F ast Job Listing Service. -----------I am a member o f A C R L and am enclosing $15. _______ I am not a member o f A C R L and am enclosing $20. N A M E :_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ A D D R E S S :___________________________________________________________________________________________________ C I T Y /S T A T E /Z I P :__________________________________________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to A C R L /A L A and send to the Fast Job Listing Service, A C R L /A L A , 50 E. Huron Street. C hicago. IL 60611. MAKE VITAL CONNECTIONS As a member of the Association of College and Research Libraries, you can make vital connections through the Society of American Archivists. SAA is the interdisciplinary organization for those who care about records with historical value. SAA offers an inexpensive membership for people just like you. Interact with professionals from a variety of allied disciplines who share your interest in materials with historical importance, including: •Librarians • Museum Curators •Historians • Archivists • Manuscript Curators • Records Managers Attend workshops, presented by an interdisciplinary team of specialists, on such topics as collection development and computer technologies. Participate in the SAA ANNUAL MEETING, which offers a variety of educational programs and opportunities for interaction, including: • workshops • sessions • roundtables • sections • office hours • exhibits Receive subscriptions to The American Archivist, the Society’ s official journal, and the SAA Newsletter. MAKE VITAL CONNECTIONS WITH YOUR ARCHIVAL COLLEAGUES Become an Associate member of the Society of American Archivists by contacting: Georgeann Palmer Director of Membership Services Society of American Archivists 600 S. Federal, Suite 504 Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 922-0140 968 / C&RL News someone with reference desk experience in an academic, special or large public library. Experience in microcomputer applications desirable. Some evening and weekend duties. Salary range: $16,375-^26,780, depending on experience and qualifications. Applications must be in the Personnel Office by 4:30 p.m., November 30, 1989. Send letter, resume, and names of three references to: Director of Personnel, St. Ambrose University, 518 West Locust Street, Davenport, IA 52803. Affirmative action, equal employment opportunity. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Williams College Library. Participates with the Head of the Reference Department in providing both general reference service and special services in the sciences. Answers specific questions using the reference collections, government documents and general collections. Engages in more extensive research for readers when necessary. Works with the science faculty in selecting, assessing, and maintaining the departmental science collections. Serves as liaison between the library and academic departments in the sciences. Performs computerized literature searches. Participates in bibliographic instruc­ tion and orientation tours. Serves as officer-in-charge of the main library on nights and weekends as scheduled. Compiles bibliographies and guides, writes reports, and answers correspondence. Directs the work of student assistants. Maintains on­ going familiarity with technological advances in information science. Participates in departmental planning and performs other professional assignments as needed. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school. Science background desirable. Experience with computerized searching and end-user technology. Salary from $22,000 depending upon experience. Send resume and names of three references by November 27, 1989, to: James Cubit, Assistant College Librarian, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO/AA employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES CATALOGER, The University of North Carolina. Position: Social Sciences Cataloger. Available: December 1, 1989. Description: The Social Sciences Cataloger is responsible for English-language monographs in the social sciences with a focus on materials for the general collection and the Business Administration Social Sciences (BA/SS) reference collection. The cataloger also acts as Catalog Department liaison and problem solver for the BA/SS collection. Occasional responsibilities include supervising student assistants and assisting with the training of professional and paraprofessional staff. This entry-level position is one of two social sciences catalogers within the Monographic Cataloging Section of the Catalog Department. The twelve professionals within the Section use AACR 2 and Library of Congress classification and subject headings. They create original cataloging records on OCLC and edit OCLC records needing extensive re­ vision. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS is required. Desirable qualifica­ tions include graduate-level course work in a social science discipline and familiar­ ity with OCLC, AACR2, and Library of Congress classification and subject head­ ings. Salary and Benefits: This is a twelve-month academic appointment with a minimum salary of $21,000, and standard State benefits of annual leave, sick leave, insurance coverage, and retirement plan. Deadline for application: November 30, 1989. To Apply: Send resume and names of three references to: Barbara DeLon, Library Personnel Officer, CB #3900, Davis Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3900. An Equal Opportunity, Af­ firmative Action Employer. because it offers so many opportunities for service to my library colleagues. “I sp en t 16 years in an academ ic library w here 1 experienced firsthand th e com plexities of serials m anagem ent, th e challenges of collection developm ent and the great d em an d s placed on academ ic librarians. At EBSCO I’ve found a significant way to put that experience to work for o u r custom ers. “I'm an Account Services Manager, a position th a t’s unique to EBSCO in th e serials subscrip­ tion business. It’s my job to see th at you get all the help you need from EBSCO to m anage your serials responsibilities effectively. So I listen... I advise... and 1 solve problems. ‘'Like my co u n terp arts in EBSCO Regional Offices across the country, 1 work with the o th er m em bers of your serial^ su p p o rt group—the EBSCO Sales Representative, General Manager and C ustom er Service R epresentative—to ensure that the routine aspects of your subscription program are handled prom ptly and efficiently. But I’m also available to help with the m ore sophisticated, non-routine needs you m ight have—like collection developm ent reports, budget planning reports, inservice training sem inars, reviews of services provided and of others available through EBSCO... w hatever your special needs may be.” Lee Ketcham, MLS Account Services Manager At EBSCO, we think librarians deserve qualified personnel who know a nd understand llie challenges they face. Isn't that w hat you expect from a professional subscription agency? S SUBSC S RIPTI S ON SER f V f ICES l In tern ation al H eadquarters P.O. B ox 1943 • B irm in gh am , AL 35201 (205) 991-6600 CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE. REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS The Development GOVERNMENT Subject Directory 1990: ASSISTANCE Bibliographies A Guide to the International ALMANAC, of Government Development Community in the U.S. and Canada 1989-90: Publications: The Guide to A ll Federal A Compilation of Books. Edited by Pam Korsmeyer and Financial and Other Reports, and Pamphlets George Ropes. Second edition. Preface. Introduction. Entries: 688 Domestic Programs Available from the U.S. Government Printing Office at organizations, 362 individuals. the Time of Their Publication 1989. Standing Order Available. $95 Edited by Pam D. Oliver. Approximately 950 pages. Preface. Compiled to provide a clearer Appendix. Index. Standing Order understanding of the theories and Available. $65 practices of U.S.- and Canadian-based organizations and individuals in­ Included in this master bibliography of volved 227 diverse, alphabetically arranged in contributing to the develop­ ment of Third World countries. subjects are: Accounting and Auditing: Africa; Aging; Alcohol. Tobacco, and Firearms; Atomic Energy and Nuclear Power; Business and Business Manage­ ment; Canada; Child Abuse and P rivatization : Neglect; China; Civil War; Drug Abuse, Europe; Food, Diet, and Nutrition; A Sourcebook. Foreign Trade and Tariff; Latin America and the Caribbean; Mental Health; Edited by John Sherrod. Approx­ Music; Poetry Literature; Retirement, imately 500 pages per volume. Social Security; Space, Rockets, and Foreword. Standing Order Edited by J. Robert Dumouchel. Satellites; Travel and Tourism; United Available. Per volume: $75 Third edition. 749 pages. States Reports; Women; and many Contains reports, surveys, and other Summary tables. Index. 1989. others with wide-ranging appeal. selected materials of trends, projects, Standing Order Available. $55and practices of government, trade and professional societies, founda­ Revised. Enlarged. An invaluable tions, and other public and private Available on 60-day approval. guide to over 1,115 government groups. 10% discount on standing orders. assistance programs. Contains Volume 1 concentrates on privatiza­ 4,000 addresses and phone tion of libraries, especially those numbers. Includes information associated with government agen­ about government loans with and cies. Future volumes, in preparation, without interest; fellowships, O m m m p n i c swill deal with privatization on the in­ ternational level and in foreign scholarships, living stipends; Penobscot Building countries. how-to-apply for assistance; and Detroit, Ml 48226 much more. Master index Fax: 313-961-1383 features 130 two-column pages. Toll-free phone: 800-234-1340 Structure Bookmarks 944 / C&RL News POSITIONS OPENACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Arizona State University, to manage the current periodicals and microforms units of Access Services, integrating them into one cohesive unit and providing a high level of service to patrons, This is a continuing appointment- track position, requiring professional development and service in addition to excellence on the job, and represents an outstanding opportunity for a bright recent MLS graduate. The ASU Libraries are rapidly becoming fully automated and offer a dy Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the Octo­ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.75 per line for ACRL members, $7.25 for others. Late job notices are $13.75 per line for members, $16.20 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their November 1989 / 945 periodicals services. Preferred: Library public service experience successful supervisory experience; knowledge of online public access systems; knowledge of serials control systems; experi­ence working in a microforms area or periodicals department. Salary: $20,500 and up, dependent on qualifications and experi­ence, To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizon Personnel OfficerSTANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESAssistant Library Personnel Off icer for Staff Training and DevelopmentUnder the general direction of the Library Personnel Officer, plans, schedules, pro­motes and evaluates staff training and de­velopment, continuing education and ori­entation activities; trains staff in personne - and information management-related ac­tivities; assesses training needs and devel­ops workshops to meet those needs; ad ministers travel and tuition reimbursemen programs; oversees 946 / CirRL News TWO POSITIONSPenn State UniversityPenn State invites applications for the following faculty positions at the University Park campus. Head, Earth and Mineral Sciences Library. Responsible to the Chief, Science and Technology Department, for administration and services to the Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, and for participation in planning, instruction, development of collections and online database searching. Collections include approximately100,000 volumes, 1,500 current periodical and serial subscript continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, resume and names of three references to: Sheila G. Johnson, Assistant University Librarian for Reference, Instruction, and Col­lections, Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University, Stillwa­ter, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Successful applicant must comply with IRCA.AUDIO-VISUAL LIBRARIAN, the University of the West Indies. Applications are invited for the post of Audio-Visual Librarian (at the level of Librarian Ill/Assistant Librarian) in the University Librar­ies for assignment to the Medical Sciences Library, Eric Williams November 1989 / 947 TWO POSITIONSKent State UniversityThe Kent State Libraries and Media Services seek applicants for two professional positions. The University Libraries hold membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and NEOMARL, a consortium often academic and research libraries in northeastern Ohio. The Libraries have fully implemented the NOTIS online system in the main and five branch libraries on the Kent Campus and have a combined collection of over 1.6 million volumes and 7 Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope. A good first degree (preferably in the biological/biomedical sciences) and a profes­sional qualification in Library/Information Science required. Expe­rience in audio-visual services, including acquisition and catalogu­ing of audio-visual materials, and knowledge of audio-visual equip­ment essential. Experience in academic and research-oriented libraries would be an advantage. Annual Salary Ranges: Librarian III: TT$54,708-$77,604; Assistant Librarian: TT$45,480-$49,296 references (as soon as possible) to: Registrar, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, W.l. Further particulars sent to all applicants.BIBLIOGRAPHER/REFERENCE LIBRARIANS, two positions. The SUNY-Binghamton library system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the social sciences and humanities and housing the centralized technical services operation, the Science Library, the Fine Arts Library and three residential college libraries. 948 / C&RL News The University is a member of RLG. The Bartle Reference Depart­ment provides service to the university community through direct patron assistance at the reference and government documents desks, database searching and patron instruction. The department staff are providers of information and research services, collection development for the social sciences and humanities, and as appropriate, service to the wider community. Bibliographer for Sociology, Political Science, Afro-American and African Studies and ment for Management and Economics, and reference services at the reference desk, online searching, and patron instruction. Re­ports to Head of Reference/Coordinator of Bartle Collections. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS, a major foreign language, experience with online database searching, effective interpersonal skills and a strong commitment to service and professional devel­opment are required. Second advanced degree relevant to the position and academic library experience is preferred. Screening for bot November 19891949 loging Coordinator, this position is responsible for the original cataloging, complete copy cataloging, and classification of all serials, both current and retrospective, using LC classification and practices, LCSH, OCLC and a local automated cataloging system. The Serials Cataloger will perform bibliographic maintenance of serial records on the online catalog (PAC), resolve problems, supervise the clerical support of a small part-time staff, and serve on the bibliographic Issues Committee at CARL. Qualific Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent, and a minimum of five years experience in an academic or research library, including significant administrative and cataloging responsi­bilities. Familiarity with integrated online library systems essential; excellent analytical, planning and communication skills. Additional advanced degree desirable. The Libraries include collections of over 3 million volumes, 25,000 current serials and extensive hold­ings of documents, maps, archival materials, m CATALOG LIBRARIAN/SERIALSTrinity UniversityTrinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications for the position of Catalog Librarian/Serials, a faculty appointment. San Antonio, site of the ALA 1988 and 1992 Midwinter meetings, is the nation’s ninth largest city. Trinity, with 2,400 undergraduates and 200 graduate students, is strongly committed to excellence in support of the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Scholarly achievement is recognized through Phi Beta Kappa, other national honor socie 950 / C irRL News STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESChief Librarians(two positions) for Automated Bibliographic Control (ABC) Dept., Original & Special Materials Cataloging (OMC) Dept.The Stanford University Libraries seek two broadly experienced, flexible managers with strong interpersonal skills and technical expertise in bibliographic structure and access to take charge of its system-wide cataloging functions. The successful applicants will function comfortably as part of a dynamic, diverse, highly interactive Technical Servic November 1989/951 promotional activities associated with CASS. Provide reference services to students, faculty, and other patrons. Participates in collection development, faculty liaison, and user instruction pro­grams, as assigned. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science degree. A minimum of two years experience in an academic library, including online searching of DIALOG and/or BRS. Degree or substantial course work in science area is pre­ferred. Supervisory experience preferred. Ability to work confi­dently there are schools of law and medicine. The University is located in Lubbock, (metropolitan population of 224,000), a center for higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Lo­cated in the Texas High Plains, Lubbock enjoys a temperate climate with 270 days of sunshine annually. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget of $2.2 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. Application: Applications received by November 31,1989, will be given first consideration. HEAD OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL DEPARTMENTTexas Tech UniversityTexas Tech University is seeking candidates for Head of the Bibliographic Control Department, a key managerial position. Reporting to the Associate Director of Libraries for Information Access and Systems, the Head of Bibliographic Control directs 15 FTE staff (4.5 professionals) in monographic and serials cata­loging. The department processes 28,000 items per year, and within the next 18 months will participate in implementation of an integra 952 / C &RL News Collections. The Curator will participate in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs for collection development, reference sen/ice, research, and financial support. The Curator will also be appointed to an appropriate faculty rank in the Department of the History of Science, in the College of Arts and Sciences. This position is governed by the University's policies for teaching, research or creative achievement, and professional service as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: Salary: Assistant Professor $28,966 (12-month minimum), Associ­ate Professor $32,755 {12-month minimum), Full Professor $37,766 (12 month minimum). Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retire­ment System; comprehensive medical protection; group life insur­ance; 21 days vacation; University holidays; generous sick leave. History of Science Collections: The History of Science Collections contain more than 77,000 volumes supporting research and teach­ing programs in the History of Science. The Collections include numero Director of LibrariesThe University of Western Ontario invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries.The University Libraries comprise one of the largest university library systems in Canada, with a collection of 1.9 million catalogued volumes and more than 2.6 million items in other formats. The system provides support for a broad range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional pro­grams through a central and six divisional and professional libraries. The Libraries have November 1989 / 953 BSTATiEn UNgIVEhRSITaY OmF NEtWo YOnRK two positionsThe State University of New York at Binghamton, one of the four comprehensive doctoral-granting University Centers of the 64 campus system, seeks applications and nominations for Assistant Director for Information and Research Services and Head, Science Library. The SUNY-Binghamton library system is composed of the Glenn G. Bartle Library, serving the social sciences and humanities and housing the centralized technical services operation, the Science Libra 954/Cis-RL News Libraries possess an LS2 automated circulation system and is implementing the NOTIS Library System. Application: Send letter of application with resume and the names of three references in­cluding current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Manager, Admin­istrative Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. University of Oklahoma is an equal opportu­nity, affirmative action employer.CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER for the School of Education and Human Development. The SUNY-Bin The cataloger keys records, establishes headings, and prepares authority records on GLADIS, the Library’s automated processing system and catalog, Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent; familiarity with AACR2, MARC format for bibliographic data, and knowledge of LC descriptive and subject cataloging rules. Fluency in German is required; knowledge of one other Western language, preferably Spanish, is desirable. Experi­ence with original cataloging and automated bibliographic data­ November 1989/955 Libraries. Faculty position responsible for overall library admini­stration and services, instruction, participation in planning and development, staff supervision, and effective involvement with students and faculty, the community and the University Park campus library where processing is centralized via interactive computer systems. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; three years academic library experience with emphasis on successful public service and administrative activities; demonstrated ability to w or equivalent, demonstrated knowledge of library resources and services, experience or training in online searching, awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multi-cultural popula­tion, evening/weekend shifts. Cross cultural experience and/or training (e.g., bilingual, bicultural background) preferred, Aca­demic library experience or leadership in small library desired. Available 4/1/90. Senior Assistant Librarian starting at $33,168, This is a tenure-track position. Priority given to appl REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC useINSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIACrocker Business Library, Position #132.Reports to Head, Crocker Business Library. Provides reference/online information retrieval searches. Lectures on research methods or specialized information sources. Conducts tours, student orientation, training for USCInfo and Compact Disclosure. Responsible for material selection and collection develop­ment for reference, international, and business. Develops new career collection. 956/C&RL News locations. Reports to Director of University Libraries and partici­pates fully in planning, resource allocation, and overall policy development, State-of-the-art library occupied June 1989, Mercer University is a leading church related institution established in 1833, Mercer provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in the liberal arts, business, engineering, law, medicine, and pharmacy, Historic Macon (120,000) is located in a growing metropolitan area (280,000) only 80 miles South of Atl Department of English and Comparative Literature and Depart­ment of Classics. Shares collection development responsibilities. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; degree in English or Comparative Literature or relevant experience; demonstrated commitment to public service; excellent communication skills; basic computer literacy; ability to work with all elements of a culturally-diverse academic community. Appointment at Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, salary $26,136-$46,020. Applications received by University of California, San Diego The University LibraryThe Library at lhc University of California, San Diego invites applications for three positions. The University Library consists of the Central University Library, The Biomedical and Medical Center Libraries, the Undergraduate Library, the Science and Engineering Library, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library, and the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies Library. Collections total over 1.9 million volumes. UCSD is 958 / C&RL News MAP LIBRARIAN, University of Michigan, Associate Librarian. Responsibilities: Plans and budgets for services and collections of the Map Library; establishes goals and policies for the collecting, housing, and use of cartographic materials, including new ventures into the area of geographic information systems; and develops procedures for the most effective implementation of these goals and policies. The Map Library is a unit of the Graduate Library; the librarian reports to the Head of Graduate Library Refe accredited MLS degree; ability to develop a well-planned and focused outreach program; demonstrated commitment to public sen/ice; excellent communication skills; basic computer literacy; ability to work with all elements of a culturally-diverse academic community. Appointment at Assistant or Associate Librarian rank salary $26,136-$46,020. Applications received by November 15,1989, will receive first consideration, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Send application letter with 1) a complete November 1989 / 959 Archives Librarian provides reference and bibliographic instruction services {3/4 time); under supervision of Director of Library Serv­ices manages IUS Archives (1/4 time). ALA/MLS required; 2nd Master’s degree in archives and/or records management pre­ferred. Also required: knowledge of online searching, OCLC, excel­lent interpersonal skills, strong service orientation, and appropriate professional experience. Must be able to meet requirements of a tenure-track appointment. Salary: $19,500/12 months. TIAA/ familiarity with library automation. Salary: $17,631 minimum. Excellent benefits. Position Available November 27,1989. Univer­sity of the South, founded in 1857, consists of a very selective, coeducational, residential liberal arts college of 1,050 undergradu­ates and a graduate School of Theology (Episcopalian) of 80 students. Sewanee is located on the Cumberland Plateau (about2,000 feet above sea level) between Nashville and Chattanooga. Staff are engaged in planning an online library system for which fun 960 /C&RL News and software for personal information management. Salary range: $26,136-$31,944 based on qualifications and years of expedience. Excellent fringe benefits. Personal interview required. Send res­ume and list of references to: Alison Bunting, Biomedical Librarian, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA Louise Darling Biomedical Library, 10833 Le Conte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024­1798. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer actively seeking minority applicants. Librarians at UCLA are represente eral collection, 1,000,000 volume equivalents in the documents collection, a staff of 100, and an FY1989-1990 budget of nearly $5,000,000. The Libraries participate in AMIGOS/OCLC, DIALOG, BRS, and have installed the NOT IS automated system. Salary and Benefits: $19,428 salary plus $965 in State contributions toward Social Security for an annual minimum of $20,393. Additional State contributions include up to $1800 per annum to health benefits package, and 8.5 percent of annual salary contributed by the Sta LATE JOB LISTINGSBIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR & PUBLIC RELATIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: The University at Albany, State University of New York seeks a librarian to assume primary responsibility for development, implem­entation, and evaluation of library instructional programs and to serve as Public Relations Librarian. Bibliographic Instruction offers opportunities for: develop­ment of undergraduate instructional co-teaching course-related sessions; creative applications of video and CAI tech November 1989 / 961 BIBLIOGRAPHIC MAINTENANCE SECTION SUPERVISOR, Catalog De­partment, Northeastern University Libraries, Boston. (Search extended.) Plan and manage bibliographic database maintenance operations, post-cataloging materials processing and reclassification and retrospective conversion projects. Train, super­vise and evaluate 4 FTE support staff and 8 FTE student assistants, plus temporary project staff. Catalog in selected areas dependent upon departmental needs with an emphasis on reclassification and retrospecti 962 / C&RL News highly automated using OCLC, a VTLS-based online catalog, INNOVACQ, and Dialog, and has an expanding CD-ROM operation. One entry-level position includes responsibility for original cataloging of monographs, theses and dissertations, editing problematic OCLC member-contributed copy, and some retrospective con­version. Salary: $20,500. One position expecting 3-5 years experience includes responsibilities for original cataloging of monographs, serials, special formats, and some retrospective conversion. Salary November 1989 / 963 research (ARL) library serving a student body of 25,000 and a faculty of 1,500, and which circulates about 500,000 items and interlibrary loans 26,000 items per year; it typically serves 4,000 users and answers 1,000 reference questions daily. The Library benefits from the cooperative effort of an ALA-accredited graduate program in library education. MU Library is a full OCLC participant, with an online catalog, automated circulation, and microcomputer support. It was recently awarded a $2 million National 964 / CirRL News vitae, and the names of at least 3 references to: Lillie Howard, Chair, Office of Academic Affairs, Room 105 Allyn Hall, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435. Wright State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ployer.ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. The position of Engineering Librarian in the Hagerty Library, Drexel University, will be available 1 December 1989. The requirements for the position are a master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA- accredited Library School, a degree in an e November 1989 / 965 weeding, repairing, or replacing materials in collection. Participates in general reference work, library orientation program. Acts as coordinator for clearing copyright information on non-book materials. Expansion of university in near future will provide opportunities for creative leadership. University is part of Texas A&M University System and will become four-year in 1994. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, broad academic background; experience with non-book materials in university setting; knowledge 966 / CirRL News begin January 5, 1990, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of applica­tion, resume, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Jo Ann Bell, Acting Director of Academic Library Services, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. Federal law requires proper documentation of identity and employability at the time of employ­ment. East Carolina MAKE VITAL CONNECTIONSAs a member of the Association of College and Research Libraries, you can make vital connections through the Society of American Archivists.SAA is the interdisciplinary organization for those who care about records with historical value. SAA offers an inexpensive membership for people just like you.Interact with professionals from a variety of allied disciplines who share your interest in materials with historical importance, including:•Librarians • Museum Curators •Historians • Archiv 968 / C&RL News someone with reference desk experience in an academic, special or large public library. Experience in microcomputer applications desirable. Some evening and weekend duties. Salary range: $16,375-^26,780, depending on experience and qualifications. Applications must be in the Personnel Office by 4:30 p.m., November 30, 1989. Send letter, resume, and names of three references to: Director of Personnel, St. Ambrose University, 518 West Locust Street, Davenport, IA 52803. Affirmative action, equal employment op because it offers so many opportunities for service to my library colleagues.“I spent 16 years in an academic library where 1 experienced firsthand the complexities of serials management, the challenges of collection development and the great demands placed on academic librarians. At EBSCO I’ve found a significant way to put that experience to work for our customers.“I'm an Account Services Manager, a position that’s unique to EBSCO in the serials subscrip­tion business. It’s my job to see that you get all REFERENCEPUBLICATIONSThe Development GOVERNMENT Subject Directory 1990:ASSISTANCE Bibliographies A Guide to the International ALMANAC, of Government Development Community in the U.S. and Canada1989-90:Publications:The Guide to All Federal A Compilation of Books. Edited by Pam Korsmeyer and Financial and Other Reports, and Pamphlets George Ropes. Second edition. Preface. Introduction. Entries: 688 Domestic ProgramsAvailable from the U.S. Government Printing Office at organizations, 362 individuals.the Time o