ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 43 P erso n n el PROFILES Mr. Jerome P. Daniels was appointed Direc­ tor of the Karrmann Library and Head of the Department of Library Education at Wiscon­ sin State University—Platteville effective last March 1. In the six years since he received his M.L.S. from the University of Wisconsin, Madi­ son, Mr. Daniels has progressed in the Karr­ mann Library from acquisitions librarian to as­ sistant director for five years, and finally, di­ rector. Throughout his tenure at Platteville, his ori­ entation has been automation but automation as a tool to offer better service to the public. He has been involved with acquisitions systems, a periodicals list, and a KWIC index of theses. a t t a Feeling that an intimate knowledge of the Rutgers’ library system and New Jersey was vital for their university librarian, Rutgers has appointed Mrs. Raymond L. Whitney to re­ place Roy L. Kidman, now head librarian at the University of Southern California. She is one of the few women directors of an A.R.L. li­ brary. Mrs. Whitney, while on the staff of the Ur­ ban Studies Center Library a t Rutgers, also served as assistant director of the Volunteer Urban Agents program. From 1965 until 1970, she was a lecturer in the Graduate School of Li­ brary Service at Rutgers. In 1967 she was ap­ pointed librarian at Douglass College, the wom­ en’s unit of the State University, and remained in that post until the following year when she was named associate librarian for public ser­ vices at Rutgers. When Roy L. Kidman re­ signed, Mrs. Whitney was asked to serve as act­ ing university librarian. Mrs. Whitney received a B.S. degree from Middlebury College in 1936. After raising two daughters and a son, she became a library as­ sistant at the Free Public Library in East Or­ ange, serving there from 1955 to 1962. Simul­ taneously, she completed work for a Master of Library Service degree from the Rutgers Grad­ uate School of Library Service. She is a member of the American Association of University Professors, the New Jersey Li­ brary Association, of which she is an executive board member, and the American Library Asso­ ciation. Mrs. Whitney sees the library as an integral part of the educational process and sees her role as one of “planning for library services to keep service in step with the educational evaluation, balancing the strengths of tradi­ tional library service with the innovation brought about by new knowledge, new tech­ nology, and new informational needs.” APPOINTMENTS Sonja Bay is the newly appointed public services librarian of the art library a t Yale Uni­ versity, New Haven, Connecticut. Jo Anne Boorkman has joined the staff of the UCLA Biomedical library, University of California, Los Angeles. Doris Carson is now head of the catalog­ ing department at Wichita State University Library, Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. F rances N. Coleman received the ap­ pointment of assistant professor and acting head of the catalog department, Mitchell Me­ morial library, Mississippi State University, State College. Ruth A. Durch has joined the staff of Wich­ ita State University library, Wichita, Kansas, as a cataloger. Allan J. Dyson is the new head of the Moffitt undergraduate library at the University of California, Berkeley. Thomas F alco is the new assistant historical librarian at the Yale Medical library, Yale Uni­ versity, New Haven, Connecticut. Mrs. F lorence Hayes has joined the staff at the Mann library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, as assistant librarian in the acquisi­ tions department. Laura Heinrich is the new education li­ rarian at the Kansas State University, Man­ hattan. Mrs. Martha B. Irby is now on the staff of he Mitchell Memorial library at Mississippi tate University, State College, as instructor nd interlibrary loan librarian. Ruth I. Jacobson has been appointed audio­ isual services librarian, Richard Stockton State ollege, Pomona, New Jersey. Halyna Lobay is now the catalog librarian n the subject cataloging division at Yale Uni­ ersity, New Haven, Connecticut. D orothy McGarry has accepted a position n the engineering and mathematical sciences ibrary at the University of California, Los An­ eles. Sharon L. Mason has joined the staff at ichita State University as a cataloger in the niversity library, Wichita, Kansas. Roberta Medford is a new librarian in the ublic affairs service of the University of Cali­ ornia library, Los Angeles. Mrs. Iva Mostecky has been appointed as ead of the serials and documents departments b t S a v C i v i l g W u p f h 44 at the University of California, Berkeley. Mary L ee Nelson was appointed assistant professor and head of special collections depart­ ment at the Mitchell Memorial Library, Mis­ sissippi State University, State College, Missis­ sippi. Corrine Nordquest has been appointed senior catalog librarian at Yale Divinity library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. John P. Nunelee is the new associate pro­ fessor, assistant director, and head of public services of the Mitchell Memorial library, Mis­ sissippi State University, State College. Jean Peck was appointed head, monographic cataloging division in the catalog department, University of California, Berkeley. Joseph W. Pegram has been named the head of the physics library at the University of California, Los Angeles. Nancy Rear has been appointed as a new member of the college library staff at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Daniel T. Richards has joined the UCLA library staff as a cataloger in the biomedical library, Los Angeles. David W. Rudkin received the appointment of university archivist at the University of To­ ronto library, Ontario, Canada. Rorert Shaw has accepted an appointment as a reference librarian in the college library a t the University of California, Los Angeles. Mrs. F annie R. Simmons is now assistant professor and cataloger of the Mitchell Me­ morial library, Mississippi State University, State College. Susan Smith has become the new public services librarian in the art library at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Paula Thomas is the newly appointed cata­ log librarian at Yale Medical library, Yale Uni- Have you remembered to RENEW YOUR ALA MEMBERSHIP? To insure continuous receipt o f ALA publications without interruption you should send in your renewal by March 31. Complete your membership renewal form and mail in postage-paid envelope to ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. versity, New Haven, Connecticut. Kenneth L. Tracy is the new acting head of humanities reference a t th e Mitchell Me­ morial library, Mississippi State University, State College. George Vdovin is now head of the physical sciences libraries at th e University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. Thomas G. W aldman is the new rare books bibliographer in the University of Pennsylvania library, Philadelphia. Mrs. Anne W oods worth is now head of the reference departm ent at the University of Toronto library, Ontario, Canada. Joan Zenan has been appointed serials b ib ­ liographer for the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service in the UCLA biomedi­ cal library, University of California, Los Ange­ les. Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made tor nonmember advertising. WANTED COLOR PLATE BOOKS. Botanical, sporting, natural his­ tory, atlases, ornithology, costumes, views, landscapes, etc. Especially wanted Audubon, Catesby, Gould, Hud­ son River portfolio, Ackermann Publications, florals, etc. We will consider incomplete books & volumes outwardly in bad condition—the plates being of main importance. Also, Black and White illustrated books such as Piranesi, Bartlett, Allom, etc. J. N. Bartfield Books, Inc., 45 West 57†h Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. POSITIONS WANTED LIBRARIAN (MS IN LS), 8 years' academic library ex­ perience in public service wants new opportunity. Phila­