ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 366 / C&RL News ■ June 2003 news In t h e W e all k n o w that recruiting to the profession is a big issue in academic and research librarianship, and mentoring n e w librarians is an important aspect of retaining those that join our ranks. However, it can sometimes b e difficult to develop a recruitment and retention p lan o r to e v en k n o w w h e re to begin. This issue includes several articles that discuss re­ cruitment and retention a nd present ideas and ex­ amples that can help you jump-start your efforts. In “G ot a secret? Pass it o n … Lynn Chmelir shares w ays that academ ic librarians can m entor n e w librarians into the profession. She points out that m aking connections across cam pus, particu­ larly with career services departments, and reaching out to those already engaged in some level of library work, such as paraprofessional and student library workers, are excellent ways to tap n ew talent. Charlene Kellsey approaches the recruitment is­ sue from the perspective o f specialization. Noting the difficulty in hiring librarians w ith foreign lan­ guage expertise, she recommends ways to seek out individuals w ith these skills a n d spread the w o rd that academic a nd research librarianship is a career for them (“Crisis in foreign language expertise in research libraries”). In “Mentoring untenured librarians,” three ten­ ure-track librarians at O a k lan d University w rite a bout their inform al m entoring group, led by the associate dean of the library, and provide guidelines o n h o w to b e a successful leader o f such a group, from the perspective of those being mentored. Also in this issue, librarians from Brigham Young University share the results o f a survey o f events geared towards advancing awareness of the schol­ arly communication crisis (“W idespread academic efforts address the scholarly com m unication cri­ sis”). A summary o f the survey findings will also be s h a re d at th e ACRL/SPARC Forum at th e ALA Annual Conference. Complete ACRL results from the 2003 election are included as well. Congratulations to the winners. — Stephanie O rp h a n , Editor-in-chief mailto:sorphan@ala.oig