ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 56 Personnel A P P O I N T M E N T S M r s . L e s l i e J. A d m i r e has joined the staff of San Diego State College library as assistant humanities librarian in San Diego, California. H o w a r d L. A p p l e g a t e is the director of the new George Arents Research Library at Syra­ cuse University. He will also continue in his former post as assistant director of libraries at Syracuse University. M r s . V i r g i n i a W . B a k e r has joined the American Library Association staff as profes­ sional assistant for the Library Administration and Association of College and Research Li­ braries divisions. W i l l i a m O. B a k e r is a newly appointed member of the Board of Regents of the Na­ tional Library of Medicine. M r s . E l a i n e B e r c K has been appointed to the new position of curriculum materials li­ brarian at Hamilton Library, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania. K e i t h B l e a n is now head of the catalog department at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. J o n L. B r e e n has assumed a reference li­ brarian position at California State College, Dominguez Hills. W i l l i s E. B r i d e g a m , former medical li­ brarian at the University of Rochester’s Medi­ cal Center library has been named associate director of University libraries for reader serv­ ices at the University of Rochester. L i n d a B r o d e r i c k has been appointed bibli­ ographic searcher at the University of Cali­ fornia at Santa Barbara library. V i r g i n i a C a r l s o n has been appointed to the arts library at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. A l e x a n d e r B. C a r v e r is the newly appoint­ ed bibliographer at the Wesleyan University library, Middletown, Connecticut. Ja n e S. C a r v e r is now assistant reference li­ brarian at the Wesleyan University library, Middletown, Connecticut. F r e d e r i c k G. C o o k has been appointed cataloger at the Wesleyan University library, Middletown, Connecticut. W. St u a r t D e b e n h a m , Jr ., has been ap­ pointed head of the acquisitions and bibliog­ raphy departments, Yale University library, New Haven, Connecticut. R a y E. D e n g e l has joined the staff of Hamilton Library, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania. J a c k T. E r i c s o n is now assistant director for administrative services in the George Arents Research Library at Syracuse University. D o u g l a s F e r g u s o n has joined the automa­ tion division of Stanford University libraries as editor of publications for Project BAL­ LOTS. He will also participate in analysis and design work. E l i z a b e t h A n n F o s t e r joined the library staff of California State College, Dominguez Hills as reference librarian. J o h n M . G a l i j s is the newly appointed as­ sistant director of resources and technical serv­ ices of the Iowa State University library. H a r o l d L. G e i s s e , Jr ., has been appointed as circulation librarian at Wesleyan University library, Middletown, Connecticut. R o b e r t W i l m o t G e t t y received appoint­ ment as audiovisual librarian, instructor in li­ brary administration, University of Oregon li­ brary, Eugene, Oregon. D a n i a e l H . G i f f e n has been named assist­ ant director for developmental services in the new George Arents Research Library at Syra­ cuse University. M r s . K a t h y r n E. G o e b e l is now assistant education librarian at the San Diego State Col­ lege library, San Diego, California. C a r o l L. G o y n e is the newly appointed assistant serials librarian at the San Diego State College library, San Diego, California. M r s . D o r o t h y D . G r e g o r has been ap­ pointed librarian II in the public health li­ brary of the University of California at Berke­ ley. M a r t h a H a c k m a n has joined the staff of the John F . Kennedy Memorial Library, Cali­ fornia State College, Los Angeles in a newly created position in reference services. V i n c e n t W . H a r j u has joined the staff of the engineering library at Stanford University. M r s . K a t a l i n H a r k a n y i has been named assistant catalog librarian at the San Diego State College library, San Diego, California. M r s . G e r a l d i n e M . H a r r i s o n has been ap­ pointed assistant catalog librarian at the San Diego State College library, San Diego, Cali­ fornia. R o b e r t a H a r r i s o n is now working in the cataloging department at Hamilton Library, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsyl­ vania. C o r a J. H a s t i n g s has joined the staff o f the San Diego State College library as assistant education librarian. M r s . F r a n c e s M . H o n o u r is now reader’s advisor and instructor, Ralph Brown Draughon 57 Library, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. V a n c e H a r p e r J o n e s has been named mu­ sic librarian for the library of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts at the University of Florida. M a r y E. K e n n a m e r is now instructor and special projects librarian at Mississippi State University. N e l l i e K i t c h e n is the new cataloger at La Verne College library, La Verne, Califor­ nia. A k e I l m a r K o e l became head, catalog de­ partment, Yale University library, New Haven, Connecticut. A l b e r t K r i c h m a r is now in the reference department at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. J a c k M. L a y t o n is a new member o f the Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine. M r s . F r a n c e s L i v i n g s t o n has been pro­ moted to college librarian and associate profes­ sor of library science at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. M r s . B e t t y M a c M a h o n is the newly ap­ pointed interlibrary loan librarian in the ref­ erence department of the library at the Uni­ versity of California at Santa Barbara. J o h n C. M c N e e is the new assistant di­ rector for public services of the Iowa State University library. Jo h n S. M a y f i e l d is curator of manuscripts and rare books in the newly organized George Arents Research Library at Syracuse Univer­ sity. E s t e r M e r v e s is now assistant humanities librarian at the San Diego State College li­ brary, San Diego, California. F. E v a n M i l l e r is the new library systems analyst at the San Diego State College, San Diego, California. M r s . Ju d i t h M o n r o e is a n e w cataloger at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. S u s a n M o w e r has joined the staff of the Towson College library, Baltimore, Maryland, as assistant serials librarian. F a l i h M u d a b i s has been named head of cataloging, Kresge Library, in the Oakland li­ brary, Oakland University, Rochester, Michi­ gan. L a u r a N a n n a is now working in the order department at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. C o n s t a n c e O k a d a is working in the order department at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. M r s . J a n e P a r s o n s has been appointed seri­ als librarian in the Towson College library, Baltimore, Maryland. F r e d M. P e t e r s o n was appointed associate director of the Iowa State University library. h m b I l a l s R i c h a r d P e t t e n g i l l has been named head of serials, Kresge Library, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. W i l l R e b i n t i s c h has joined the staff of Hamilton Library, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania, as reference librarian. E v e l y n J. S c h n e i d e r has been appointed university librarian emerita at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. R e v . R o b e r t J . S c h u e t z , O S B , has been ap­ pointed director of libraries of S t. Vincent College and Archabbey, Latrobe, Pennsylvan­ ia. M u r r a y C. S h e p h e r d has been appointed head of technical services at the University of Waterloo library, Waterloo, Ontario. G l e n n B. S k i l l i n has been appointed as­ sistant director for bibliographic services in the George Arents Research Library, Syracuse University. R o b e r t L. S t r o n g , Jr ., is the new head of reclassification at Wesleyan University library, Middletown, Connecticut. D o l o r e s C. T a m b e l l i n i has been appointed assistant lower division librarian at San Diego State College, San Diego, California. M r s . Su z a n n e T i p l e r is the newly ap­ pointed catalog librarian in Kresge Library, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. C h a r l e s T o w n l e y is now in the serials and government publications department at the University of California at Santa Barbara library. C a r o l B. W a l k e r has joined the staff of Mississippi State University as instructor and catalog librarian. C a r o l W e i l has been appointed human­ ities librarian and instructor, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University. S a u l W e i n s t e i n has been appointed chief librarian for Hamilton Library, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania. W a l t e r L. W e l c h will be the director of the Thomas Alva Edison Re-recording Labo­ ratory and curator of audio-archives in the newly organized George Arents Research Li­ brary at Syracuse University. K a r e n L. W e l s h has joined the staff of the San Diego State College library as assistant umanities librarian. D i a n e W h i t e has accepted a position in the catalog division of Southern Illinois University. J a n e W i l s o n is the newly appointed ad­ inistrative assistant to the director of the Li­ rary of Medical Sciences at the University of llinois Medical Center, Chicago. W i l l i a m R . W o o d s has accepted a position as acquisitions librarian at California State Col­ ege, Dominguez Hills. D r . S t a n l e y M. Y a t e s has been appointed ssistant professor and head of the special col­ ections department at the Iowa State Univer­ ity library. 58 N E W • • LC CARD NUMBER INDEX TO NEWLY PRINTED LC CATALOG CARDS To h e lp a n s w e r questions lik e : • H as the L ib ra ry o f C on gress ca ta log ed this recent acquisition? • S h ou ld I o rd e r L C card s n ow ? • W ill p r o o fslip s fo r these b o o k s arrive s o o n ? • W ill this title appear in the next N a tion al U n io n C a ta log? • S h ou ld I con sid er original cata loging? You need— Bibliodata Index W — The WEEKLY card number index of new additions— 52 issues $ 9 5 1 Bibliodata Index M - The M O N T H L Y card number index 12 cumulative issues $1501 From BIBLIOGRAPHIC p. o. box 146 DATA maynard CENTER mass. 01754 .save 15% if you o rder before MARCH 1st 1. add $10 for mailing & handling the indexes are to be airmailed