ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 114 / C &RL News News from the Field Acquisitions • Boston University's Twentieth Century Archives now include the papers o f author and playwright Arthur Marx, who has written biogra­ phies o f several Hollywood celebrities including his father, Groucho Marx. Marx began his writing ca­ reer as a joke writer for Milton Berle, moved on to plays and films, and has contributed to television series such as All in the Family, Maude, The Jeffer- sons, and Alice. • Columbia University has been given the archives o f the Carnegie Corporation o f New York, whose gifts built free public libraries and aided underprivileged groups across America. The his­ toric collection, which includes the archives o f the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement o f Teaching, has thousands o f items o f correspon­ dence, reports, and minutes dating from 1905. The gift was accom panied by an endow m ent o f $470,000, which will support an archivist for the Carnegie papers in the Columbia Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Columbia has also been given the archives o f Vanguard Press, which launched the careers o f James T. Farrell, Nelson Algren, Saul Bellow, Joyce Carol Oates, Marshall McLuhan, Dr. Seuss, and many other writers who helped shape American attitudes. The gift by Random House, Inc., in­ cludes more than 100,000 letters, manuscripts, and publishing documents from the press’s founding in 1926 to its sale 62 years later. In celebration, the library has mounted a major exhibit o f first editions, autograph letters, manuscripts, proofs, editorial records, photographs, and other materials which will be on view at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library through February 16. • Northeastern Illinois University’s Ronald Williams Library, Chicago, recently became an official depository library for Illinois Regional Ar­ chives (IRAD) materials. The IRAD collection consists o f pre-fire manuscripts, census reports, official plats from communities that were later incorporated into the city o f Chicago, film censor­ ship records, and genealogical information. R e­ quests for viewing materials should be made to Sara Schwarz, university archivist and IRAD librarian. • Ohio University. Athens, has been given the Henry Miller collection o f Robert Blair, late pro­ fessor o f mathematics at the university, by Blair’s heirs. There are approximately 500 items, includ­ ing first editions o f Miller’s works, books signed or inscribed by Miller (including association items), critical and biographical works about Miller, bibli­ ographies, issues o f journals, works by Anais Nin, and record albums. Inquiries are welcome. • The Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe Col- lege, Cambridge, Massachusetts, has been given Julia Child’s personal collection o f approximately 2,000 cookbooks. The professional and personal papers o f the great American ch ef were already in the library, along with videotapes o f some o f the fa­ mous “ French C h e f’ series on public television. Cookbooks were prominent among the gifts to the library last year: over 2,000 charitable cookbooks were received. • The University o f Idaho Library, Moscow. has received all the papers accumulated by Sen. James A. McClure (R-Idaho) during his nearly 25 years in Congress. Terry Abraham, head o f special collections and archives, says that the bulk o f the material will be opened for research after UI archi­ vists have arranged, inventoried, and cataloged it, but he noted it will be an extremely involved, time- consuming process. Approximately 1,500 cubic feet o f records are included in the gift. • The University o f Michigan Library at Ann Arbor has received a collection o f 250 Yiddish books and periodicals from Congregation Shaarey Zedek o f Southfield, Michigan. Included are many Yiddish periodicals published in Warsaw and New York, which will be bound and placed in the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library stacks. • The University o f Tennessee-Knoxville Library has received the congressional papers o f former U.S. Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr., including more than 2,000 o f his own photographs o f world leaders and four “doodle” cartoons drawn by Presi­ dent Ronald Reagan. Baker said it was “a traujna o f sorts” to give up the papers. The university plans to do an oral history o f the Baker years, including his service at the White House. Friends o f the former senator have donated $120,000 for the project. • The University o f Texas at Austin has taken custody o f the library o f Sam Rayburn, legendary speaker o f the U.S. House. The library will remain in Bonham, Rayburn’s hometown about 80 miles northeast o f Dallas, but will be administered by the university’s BarkerTexas History Center in Austin. February 1991 /1 1 5 The Sam Raybum Library Foundation will transfer to UT Austin an endowment valued at approxi­ mately $2.5 million for operation o f the Raybum library. • Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem. North Carolina, has received the personal papers and m anuscripts o f W ilbu r Joseph Cash (1900-1941), an alumnus o f Wake Forest College and author o f the critically acclaimed The Mind o f the South (Knopf, 1941). The University will host a symposium, “The Minds o f the South,” February 8-9, 1991, on the occasion o f the 50th anniversary o f the publication o f The Mind o f the South and items from the Cash collection will be on display in the Rare Books Reading Room. • At Wheaton College in Illinois, the Billy Graham Center Archives has received the papers o f John and Betty Stam, who were executed by Chinese Communists in 1934, their second year as missionaries in China. The papers document their brief careers, their deaths, and the impact o f their deaths on the mission and on their families. Grants • Alfred University’s Herrick Memorial Li- brary in New York has been given $93,500 by the Charles E. Culpepper Foundation o f Stamford, Connecticut, for barcoding its holdings and for software. • Auburn University in Alabama has received a Title II-C grant to finish a three-year project to catalog the microfilm set Confederate Imprints. Records are being entered into OCLC to provide broad access to these research materials. • DePaul University. Chicago, has received a library support grant for the third straight year from the International Council for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Consultate General in Chicago. This matching grant will be used to purchase materials relevant to Canadian studies. • Gonzaga University. Spokane. Washington. has been granted $283,525 in Title II-D funds to implement an automated library system that will link Gonzaga’s new Center for Information and Technology (CIT) with libraries at the University o f Idaho, University o f Montana, Western Montana College, North Idaho College, and Whitworth College. Federal funds will cover about 29% o f the cost o f equipment needed to establish the network. The remaining costs, expected to exceed $1.8 mil­ lion, will be borne by the participating institutions. They are in the final stages o f forming a consortium to be known as INLAN (Inland Northwest Library Automation Network). IN LA N ’s hub will be Gonzaga’s new CIT, which will utilize computers and high-speed telecommunications to facilitate the rapid exchange o f library holdings data, online periodical indexes, FAX and digitized document images, and specialized databases. The $20 million CIT project is funded, in part, by the U.S. Depart­ ment o f Agriculture. It will be the largest building on Gonzaga's campus at 135,000 square feet. • The New York University Bobst Library has been selected by the Rockefeller Foundation to administer the Media Alternatives Project (MAP) under a first-year grant o f $116,000. MAP will promote the use o f independently produced films and videos in American history courses. Alternative works by and about African, Asian, Native Ameri­ can, and Latino people will be identified. Initially the project will result in published guidelines for the use o f multicultural media in the classroom, as well as lists o f recommended films and videos in American history. Future plans include the pro­ duction o f video and print materials, a national teleconference, and the development o f a data­ base. • Ohio University. Athens, has received a Title II-C grant to catalog special research collections on Southeast Asia. The first year’s award is $132,999, with the amounts for three subsequent years to be determined later. Items to be cataloged include serial titles microfiched by the Library o f Congress office in Indonesia. This part o f the project will complete an effort begun in 1985 to catalog the full set o f these materials. The microfiche contain valu­ able research on Indonesia mainly in the Indone­ sian language, and otherwise unavailable else­ where in the world. The Library o f Congress plans to add the serial titles to its national database as well. • The University o f Illinois. Urbana-Cham- paign, has received two Title II-C grants to create cataloging information about two collections and enter it into national databases. A grant o f $174,766 will enable the Agriculture Library to continue cataloging its massive collection o f publications by the U.S. Department o f Agriculture and agricul­ tural experiment stations in all 50 states. They will become available for the first time by their real titles and by author and subject. The second Title II-C grant, for $100,901, is for cataloging the Latin American collection. Full bibliographic informa­ tion about 30,000 items will be input into national databases, permitting searches by subject and eventually by key words. The project is part o f a nationwide effort to provide full cataloging infor­ mation on Latin American books for OCLC and RLIN. • The University o f Maine’s Raymond H. Fogler Library in O rono has been awarded $115,628 under the Strengthening Research Li­ braries Resources Program to acquire Canadian Studies resources and enhance access to them. The library will complete its collection o f Pre-1900 Canadiana, create machine-readable records for the 57,000 titles in this collection, and load them 1 1 6 / C &RL News into its on online catalog, which will be accessible through IN TE R N E T. The Fogler Library’s hold­ ing symbol will be added to the O C L C records for all Pre-1900 Canadiana titles, which will be avail­ able through interlibrary loan. The library will also identify needed federal and provincial Canadian documents and nominal census materials. • The University o f South Carolina in C o- lumbia has received $31,000 for establishing a South Carolina Post Card Collection which the university’s South Caroliniana Library will house and service. The grant from the South Carolina Humanities Council will be used to organize and catalog the collection. Records for 15,000 post cards will be entered into the university’s sys­ temwide, NOTIS-based online catalog (USCAN), using the M ARC format for archival visual materi­ als. News notes • D iablo Valley C ollege Library in Pleasant Hill, California, inaugurated its new automation system with a tea party on August 30,1990. A LIC E (Access to Library Information for College Educa­ tion) was w elcom ed by costumed library staff and college drama students, banners, buttons, bal­ loons, bookmarks, croquet games on the library Betty Bortz, reference librarian lawn, and a ribbon-cutting cerem ony with a huge scissors loaned by the local Chamber o f C om ­ merce. Alan Ritch, librarian at the University o f California at Santa Cruz, spoke on “ Mouse-traps and M em ory and Muchness: A LIC E , great-uncle M ELVYL and the new wonderland o f library infor­ mation.” The automated system is Innovative In­ terfaces, Inc.’s IN N O PA C including the online catalog, circulation, and cataloging modules. • The Library o f Congress has announced that the first com plete recording o f George and Ira Gershwin’s 1930 musical com edy, Girl Crazy, was released on com pact disc by Elektra Nonesuch in November. An accompanying 100-page booklet includes articles by Gershwin scholars on various aspects o f the show, as well as the com plete lyrics o f the songs. The recording is the first in a series o f reconstructed Gershwin shows that will be under­ taken by the Leonore Gershwin-Library o f C on­ gress R ecord in g and Publishing Project, an­ nounced in 1989. The purpose o f the project is to recreate the Gershwin works— very few o f which have been recorded in their entirety— in versions that are authentic, com plete, and faithful to the style o f the era in which the shows were originally created. • Northwestern University in Evanston. Illi- nois, will use a $10 million gift from Jack and Dollie Gaiter to expand its Health Sciences Library, which will be renamed in their honor. • The Earth and Mineral Sciences Library at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, has receiv ed $100,000 from Ray S. W alker, founder and retired president o f Bradford Coal Co. o f Bigler, and his wife, Louise. The gift will be used to purchase geophysical data on com pact disks. Penn State has also received $646,000 from the estate o f Agnes R. R obb to endow an acquisitions fund for the University Libraries. Robb, a longtime staff mem ber o f the University o f California at Berkeley (to which she contrib­ uted more than $700,000), died in 1989 at the age o f 94. The fund honors her father, James F. Robb, who graduated from Penn State in 1880 and served as a university trustee from 1890 to 1896. It will b e used, in accordance with the donor’s wishes, to acquire general materials that will benefit students and faculty university-wide, al­ though som e emphasis will be placed on acquiring materials re­ lating to the study o f law. • At Texas A&M University. College Station, the class o f 1990 presented Evans Library Director Irene B. Hoadley with a check for $17,785 to acquire the Wilson Humanities Index database for the library’s online system, and to increase access to the PsycLit and Sociofile data­ bases. Although the gift was prearranged, the class surprised Hoadley with an additional check for $15,000 for the library’s endowment. ■ ■