ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 1 5 Professor bikes across A m erica for Penn State Libraries Penn State engineering pro­ fessor, Joseph H. Goldberg, will bicycle across the United States this sum m er to raise m oney for the university li­ braries. Goldberg is one of 60 participants in Ride Across America, a 47-day bicycle trek across the U.S., s p o n ­ sored by Pedal for Power, a program of the nonprofit Bi­ cyclists’ Educational and Le­ gal Foundation o f th e League of American W heelmen. To qualify, G oldberg m ust raise $5,000 or more from donations. Sponsors may either pledge a flat donation or a p er mile rate. A portion of the donations cover ride expenses and the rest will be split betw een Ride Across America and the libraries. “I am thrilled to be able to bike across the country and at the same time raise m oney for Penn State’s Library,” says Goldberg. “A teaching and research-oriented university like Penn State cannot survive w ith­ out a m odern library. ” W o m e n 's archivist position end o w ed a t D uke In the nam e of documenting w om en’s “voices” fo r fu tu re re se a rc h , w rite r/fe m in is t Sallie Bingham has given a $750,000 gift to perm a­ nently fund the position of w om en’s studies ar­ chivist at Duke University. This is the first en ­ dow ed library position at Duke and one o f the first endow ed w om en’s studies archivists in the nation. Income from the endow m ent will fund up to 50% of the salary and benefits o f the ar­ chivist position, n ow held by Virginia Daley, w ho currently chairs ACRL’s W om en’s Studies Section; D uke’s Perkins Library will provide the other 50%. Bingham is an author o f short sto­ ries, plays, and novels whose publications of­ ten examine issues of power, patriarchy, and w om en’s roles in family and society. NISO offers online sources The National Information Standards Organiza­ tion (NISO) has established three online infor­ mation sources about their activities and stan­ dards. These services are: niso-1, a listserv used by NISO to announce activities and news from N e w s f r o m the f i e l d the standards committees as well as to announce ballot­ ing and publication o f new and revised standards; an anonym ous ftp server pro­ viding a variety of informa­ tion including a complete list of NISO published and draft standards, and a go­ p h er server providing ac­ cess to the same set of in­ formation files. To subscribe to niso-1 s e n d an e-m ail m e s s a g e to listserv@ - nerv m .n erd c.u fl.ed u co n ­ taining the single line message, subscribe niso- 1 yourfirstname yourlastname. To access NISO via anonym ous ftp, do ftp and sign on with a log-in ID of anonym ous and a passw ord of guest. Change directory to /go- pher-data/ .niso-1/ .data. To access the NISO g o p h er from your go p h er client do go p h er For details contact NISO at (301) 975-2814 or internet Applications fo r NEH reference m aterials grants due Sept. 1 The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) invites applications for its reference materials program to support the preparation o f reference works that will enhance the avail­ ability of information and research materials. These projects include research tools such as dictionaries, historical or linguistic atlases, en- Talk to the ACRL board in N e w Orleans Here is your chance to share your concerns directly with the ACRL Board of Directors. The first 21 minutes of the June 26, 1993, 2:00 p.m. meeting of the ACRL Board o f Di­ rectors in New Orleans will b e given to an open-m ike period. ACRL mem bers may, on a first-come, first-served basis, address the Board (with a limit of three minutes per speaker) on any topic. The ACRL Executive Committee during its spring meeting agreed to ex p e rim en t w ith this com m unication method in order to facilitate hearing the con­ cerns and interests of the members. 3 1 6 /C&RL News cyclopedias, calendars, concordances, reference grammars, databases, an d textbases, as well as bibliographies, descriptive catalogues, union lists, indexes and other guides to materials in the humanities. The September 1, 1993, dead­ line is for projects beginning July 1, 1994. Ap­ plicants are encouraged to submit a three-to- five page preliminary proposal by July 1, 1993, for staff review. Questions on tools should be directed to Helen Agüera or Adrienne Lo and o n guides to Michael Poliakoff or Karen Bond, all o f w hom can b e reached at (202) 606-8358 or b y mail at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 318, Washington, DC 20506. Task force on Intellectual Freedom w a n ts y o u r opinions Should ACRL have a standing committee on Intellectual Freedom as other divisions do? What are some o f the current intellectual freedom issues confronted by academic libraries? Should ACRL respond to the issue of “political correct­ ness?” These are some of the questions now being discussed by ACRL’s Task Force on In­ tellectual Freedom an d they w elcom e your opinions. The task force, set u p in June 1992, will submit its final report to the ACRL Board o f Directors in 1994. Members of the task force are: Noreen S. Alldredge (Montana State Uni­ versity), Charles Beard (West Georgia College), Ellen Johnson (University of Central Arkansas), Nancy H. Marshall (College of William and Mary) and Arthuree Wright (Howard University). Send your comments to: Task Force Chair Judy Gibson Noyes, Case Library, Colgate Uni­ Clarification Here is som e additional information about two of the lists noted in the “Internet re­ sources for architecture studies” o n page 189 o f the April 1993 issue o f C&RL News. The list RLGART-L@yalevm is op en only to those working at RLG m em ber institutions. Any­ o n e w anting more information about this list can send e-mail to the RLIN Information Cen­ ter at To sign onto the list CAAH@PUCC (art history forum) you must send an e-mail m es­ s a g e to M a rily n A ro n b e rg L av in at MALA VIN@PUCC.P rinceton.B itnet, giving your field of special interest and academic affiliation. versity, 13 Oak Dr., Hamilton, NY 13346; phone: (3 1 5 ) 824-7 3 6 2 ; in te r n e t: jn o y e s@ c en - ACRL a nd CAUSE publish book on inform ation jobs in higher ed Reinvesting in the Inform ation Job Family on Campus: Context, Changes, New Jobs, a n d Mod­ els fo r Evaluation a n d Compensation by Anne W oodsworth and Theresa Maylone examines the impact of information technology on orga­ nizational structure and job classifications in higher education. Reinvesting in the Inform a­ tion Job Family on Campus reports the results of a two-year study funded by the Council on Library Resources that tested a m ethodology to examine jobs in computing centers and librar­ ies. The study validated the notion that a single job family for academic com puting and library jobs is em erging. This book, p u b lish ed by CAUSE in cooperation with ACRL is available to members o f ACRL and CAUSE for $12.00—a 50% discount off the $24.00 list price. Order from ALA Order Dept., 50 East H uron St., Chi­ cago, IL 6 0 6 ll; phone: (800) 545-2433, press 8; fax: (312) 944-2641. Also o f interest is CAUSE’S Reengineering Teaching a n d Learning in H igher E ducation edited by Robert C. Heterick Jr. This CAUSE Professional Paper #10 examines information technology’s impact on the teaching and learn­ ing process at a research university, a small liberal arts college, a community college, and a large state com p reh en siv e university. Al­ though some authors hold reservations about technology, all express their enthusiasm for the positive changes it can bring to the educational process. Reengineering Teaching . . . is avail­ able for $24 from CAUSE Publications, 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 302 E, Boulder, CO 80301; (303) 449-4430; fax (303) 440-0461. NEH grants fo r archival research in Eastern Europe The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), to com mem orate the 2,500th anniver­ sary o f th e birth o f dem ocracy, is seeking projects reflecting emerging opportunities for research in recently o p en ed archives in newly democraticized countries, such as the former Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe or th e rep u b lics o f th e form er Soviet U nion. Projects may address topics in any field of the hum anities but p reference will be given to projects th a t investigate d o cu m en ts w h o se J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 1 7 M akin g e v e ry new hire count The Cataloging Services Department at the University of Virginia Library has experimented with an approach to hiring that seeks to bring each new employee into the best possible lear­ ning environment. We wanted to make the socialization and training more effective by empowering existing staff to take responsibil­ ity for the success of new employees. The program involves working with exist­ ing staff before the employee arrives. The main com ponents are (1) including staff in the hir­ ing and orientation process and (2) assisting staff in analyzing how they influence new em ­ ployees and what they can do to ensure their success. Staff are included on search committees for new hires or meet with candidates during in­ terviews. Staff are also involved in preparing orientation/training programs. We use a broad base of trainers and have found many ben­ efits, one being the shared responsibility the trainers take. We schedule a meeting before the em ­ ployee arrives to go over last minute details o f the orientation. At those meetings we have presented the ideas of Fairfield-Sonn (“Work G roup Reactions to New Members: Tool or Trap in Making Selection Decisions?,” Public Personnel M anagement, Winter 1984), w ho physical condition or w hose uncertain future access necessitates urgent attention. Grants of u p to $20,000 are available to cover travel ($2,800) living expenses (not to exceed $1,250/ month) and research expenses. Although the first application deadline was May 11, 1993, proposals will be reviewed at bi-monthly dead­ lines, subject to availability of funds. Contact NEH at (202) 606-8210 or e-mail: nehres®- gw uvm .gw with “archival research” in the subject line. Springer journal p re v ie w service Springer-Verlag is offering the table of contents and article abstracts of 30 scientific journals via Internet three to six w eeks before publication of the printed journal. Access to the table of contents is free; access to the abstracts is avail­ able for a $20 annual fee payable only by credit card. This offer is not available to commercial information suppliers. The aim of this two-year developed a model for predicting the initial reactions of a group to a new member. He examined two dimensions: group recep­ tivity (how open or closed a group is to the new member) and position placement (how much power the new member exerts on the group— e.g., boss or peer). Based on these two dimen­ sions Fairfield-Sonn predicted four reactions: nurturance (open group/boss position), accept­ ance (open group/peer position), confrontation (closed group, boss position) and avoidance (closed group/peer position). We ask the group to develop strategies which will lead to an open group response, thereby encouraging the “nurturance" and “ac­ ceptance" reactions. Discussion of these strat­ egies has a tendency to reinforce positive be­ h av io rs an d allo w a s e n se o f co llectiv e responsibility to develop. With this approach new staff members have been acclimated to the work and social envi­ ronm ent in a m anner that encourages success. We tailor the program to the group, but al­ ways include these elements: involve staff in the selection process, assign as many staff as possible for training and orientation, and work with existing staff to develop their sense of collective responsibility.— Susanne Glass, Uni­ versity o f Virginia project is to prom ote rapid scientific exchange electronically. The address of the mailserver is svjps@dhdspri6 (inbinet/earn). Send an e-mail message consisting of the w ord “help” to ob­ tain detailed information about the service and how to take advantage of the offer. ■ Compile a subject list of Internet resources C&RL News w ould like to print brief subject lists o f Internet resources such as the one prepared by Jeanne Brown on architecture studies that appeared on page 189 of the April 1993 issue. If you are interested in pre­ paring a brief list in your area of expertise contact: Mary Ellen Davis, Editor & Pub­ lisher, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 ll or e-mail: