ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ACRL Executive Committee actions, April 1 9 9 3 Highlights o f the ACRL E xecutive Committee spring m eeting T he ACRL Executive Committee met April 15-17, 1993, at ALA headquarters in Chi­ cago for their spring meeting. Highlights of their meeting are as follows: Set th e priority areas fo r FY1994. Based on the priority planning session held at Midwin­ ter with ACRL leaders, the Executive Committee identified four priority areas for fiscal year 1994: • participate effectively in the electronic en­ vironm ent • seek input from members on their val- ues/interests/priorities • netw ork w ith other ALA units, higher education and information related orga­ nizations • provide learning opportunities for mem­ bers. A pproved p la n s fo r future p la n n in g s e s ­ sio n s. The Executive Committee agreed to hold a planning session at Midwinter 1994 through 1996 for the ACRL Board, chairs o f committees, section vice-chairs and the chair and vice-chair of Chapters Council. The input from these ses­ sions will be reviewed by the Executive Com­ mittee w ho will use the information for plan­ ning and setting priorities. R ev iew ed th e re c o m m e n d a tio n s fro m th e P ublications Task Force. The Executive Committee review ed the seven recom m enda­ tions in the Publications Task Force report and took the following actions: R ecom m endation 1: Determ ine m em bers’ current and anticipated access to the electronic environm ent and their skill in using it. Action: Instruct staff and the Membership Committee to include items in the m embership survey that w ould address this area. R ecom m endation 2: Determine ACRL’s role in helping members gain access and training in the electronic environm ent. Action: The Membership Communication Task Force and the Professional Education Committee, work­ ing with the data from the Membership survey, will present this information to the board, Mid­ winter 1995. Recom mendation 3: Prepare business plans for periodical and non-periodical publications. Action: ACRL staff liaisons have this responsi­ bility and plans are being prepared. Recom m endation 4: Contract with an out­ side consultant to determine: a. Location for Choice. Action: Choice has signed a five year lease and will stay in Middle- town. b. Assess benefits o f unified ACRL publish­ ing program c. Forecast a role for ACRL publishing in the scholarly market. Action: Staff will study and present a first report to the board by Summer, 1994. d. Evaluate the effectiveness of ACRL publi­ cations in meeting member needs. Action: Mem­ bership Survey will include appropriate ques­ tio n s to c o v e r th is a n d th e M e m b ersh ip Com munication Task Force will present the results to the Board. R ecom m endation 5: ACRL should experi­ ment with a listserv. Action: ACRL listserv has b een established and its progress will be re­ p o rted to the M embership Com munications Task Force routinely. Recom m endation 6: Financial support for section newsletter should be phased out. Ac­ tion: The M embership Communication Task Force will develop plan. Recom m endation 7: Work with the consult­ ant. Action: Staff will perform the analysis. E stablished Leadership L uncheon. The ACRL 1992-93 Orientation Committee decided to discontinue the Friday afternoon training session due to declining participation. Instead the committee is planning a dutch-treat, lead­ ership luncheon for Saturday, 12:30-2:00 p.m. New committee chairs and section vice-chairs will be invited to have lunch with representa­ tives from Budget and Finance, program plan­ ning experts and the Board o f Directors. ■ J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 4 1