ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ARL publishes preserv­ ation resource guides The Association o f Research Libraries (ARL) has published s e v e n c o m p re h e n s iv e r e ­ source guides to the basic com ponents o f preservation programs. The guides p ro ­ vide normative inform ation w hich can be used to evalu­ ate existing preservation pro­ grams or provide the im pe­ tus for n ew initiatives. The titles are: Options f o r Replac­ ing a n d Reformatting Dete­ riorated Materials-, Collections Conservation-, Commercial Library Binding, Collections M a in ­ tenance a n d Im provem ent Programs-, Disaster Preparedness-, S ta ff Training a n d User A w are­ ness in Preservation Management-, and Orga­ n izin g Preservation Activities. Copies are available for $15 each, or $70 for the set o f seven, from the ARL, Publications Dept., D ept. #0692, W ashington, DC 20073- 0692. O rders m ust be prepaid. For more infor­ mation, contact Gloria Haws, (202) 296-8656. CPA distributes rep ort on preservation issues in Archives The Commission o n Preservation and Access is distributing The Preservation o f A rchival Mate­ rials, the eight-page report o f its Task Forces o n Archival Selection. The Task Forces at­ tem pted to identify an d consider a variety of issues important to the preservation o f archival materials and to include a variety of viewpoints in the report. It is intended for a diverse audi­ ence: archivists; preservation professionals; ad­ ministrators o f institutions, facilities, professional organizations, networks or consortia; allocators of governm ent o r private funding; as well as, users o f archival materials. The Task Forces have also developed a d e­ cision m odel for assigning preservation priori­ ties to archival materials, w hich is being tested by the Research Libraries G roup, Inc. RLG will distribute the results of the test after it is completed. Copies of The Preservation o f A rchival M a­ terials are available for $5 from the Commis­ sion o n Preservation an d Access, 1400 16th Street, N.W., Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036- 2217. O rders m ust be prepaid. (Commission sponsors receive copies o f all CPA publications Preservati on N ew s Jane Hedberg free-of-charge.) For m ore information, contact Sonny Koerner, (202) 939-3400. C ulpeper Foundation g ra n t to CPA The Commission o n Preser­ vation an d Access (CPA) re­ ceived a two-year, $175,000 g ra n t from the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation. The funds will be used to support three major CPA programs; com munications and publi­ cations (including the CPA newsletter), tw o multi-day seminars for library school deans on “reconceptualizing” preserva­ tion education, and the College Libraries Com­ mittee. The College Libraries Committee has been involved in a num ber o f activities supporting preservation of smaller academic collections. At its m ost recent meeting, the Committee se­ lected 22 participants for the second Preserva­ tion M anagement for College Libraries Semi­ nar (to be held in July 1993) and committed itself to interest other organizations in sp o n ­ soring future PMCL seminars. The Committee has also b een involved in the planning of Project IBID, a dem onstration project designed to test the feasibility o f storing out-of-print books in digital format and producing copies u p o n d e­ mand. The Committee’s chair, Kathleen Spen­ cer, has spoken at a briefing session for m em ­ b e r s o f C o n g ress a n d th e ir staffs o n th e im portance of the NEH Preservation Program for college libraries. The Com mittee’s current m em bers are: Willis E. Bridegam, Librarian at Amherst College; Barbara J. Brown, University Librarian at Washington & Lee University; David Cohen, Director of Libraries at the College of Charleston; Caroline M. Coughlin, Library Di­ rector at D rew University; Michael H aeuser, H ead Librarian at Gustavus A dolphus College; a n d K ath leen S pencer, Library D irector at Franklin & Marshall College. ■ J a n e Hedberg prepares this c olum n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Subm issions m a y be m ade via: Internet: JHEDBERG@SLUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU; fa x : (617) 283- 3640; phone-. (617) 283-2103; o r m ail to: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 1 06 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275. J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 4 3 WELLESLEY.EDU