ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries and his MLS from Catholic University in 1984. King’s career at UM began in 1985 w hen he joined the staff as an associate librarian in ref­ erence. Before that he served as an adjunct lec­ turer at Catholic University while serving there as information specialist, library operations manager, and then project specialist for the National Rehabilitation Information Center from 1982 to 1985. From 1975 to 1981 King was a speech and language clinician for the Baltimore City Public Schools. King was a member of ALA and its Black Caucus, the DC Library Associa­ tion, and the Association of Specialized and Co­ operative Library Agencies. Myra Jo M oon, preservation librarian at Colo­ rado State University Libraries, died after a brief illness on March 15. Moon joined the libraries in 1965 first as assistant catalog librarian, then as h ea d o f the P repara­ tions Department. She took on her most recent position in 1982. Moon was an active workshop presenter and consult­ a n t o n p r e s e rv a tio n problems in Colorado. A founding member of the Colorado Center for Myra Jo Moon the Book, the Colorado Preservation Alliance, and the Colorado Library Association Preserva­ tion Roundtable, she was currently the project director of an LSCA grant for a state preserva­ Advertiser index American Psychological cover 2 AMIGOS 335 Ballen 323 Blackwell 311 Book House cover 3 Congressional Quarterly 332 John Minter Associates 353 NOTĬS cover 4 OCLC 321 Springer-Verlag 354 University of Missouri 314 H.W. Wilson 330 tion action plan. Nationally, she was a member of the ALA PLMS Library Binding Institutes Plan­ ning Committee. H elen S. Olney, former librarian at the School of Public Health, Harvard University, died Janu­ ary 14. She worked at Harvard from 1935 until her retirement in 1970. D onald Charles Y elton died February 23 in Warwick, Rhode Island, at the age of 75. He had a long library career serving as head li­ brarian at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, from 1952-1965; head librarian at New York State College at Buffalo (1965-1967); and director of libraries at the State University of New York at Potsdam (1967-1972). Yelton graduated from H am ilton College in 1935 an d received a master’s degree from Georgetown University in 1950. He also received an MLS from Colum­ bia University in 1950 and was awarded his Ph.D. there in 1962. The author o f B rief Am eri­ can Lives: Four Studies in Collective Biography (Scarecrow Press, 1978), Yelton had recently been active in the affairs of the Westerly Public Library in Westerly, Rhode Island. ■ June 1 9 9 3 /3 5 3