ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1993/355 THEIDASSFELSDI C A Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $6.60 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.40 for others. Late job notices are $15.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $18.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $295 to $565 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude dis­ criminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among insti­ tutions. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, CSRL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that "ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N S L IB R A R IA N . M illsa p s C o lle g e s e e k s a re so u rce fu l individual to m a n a g e a c q u is itio n s a nd s h a re in tec h n ic a l s e rv ic e s . H e / she w ill p a rticip a te in s e le ctio n , p erfo rm a cq u isitio n s {o n e p a rt-tim e assistan t), and p re ca ta lo g in g and se rve as system s m a n a g e m e n t (D RA) backu p, a s w e ll as s h a re so m e p u b lic s e rvice a nd c o lle g e fa c u lty re s p o n s ib ilitie s . Q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e e x p o s u re to sm a ll co lle g e e n v iro n m e n t, d e m o n s tra te d b ib lio g ra p h ic skill, c o m p u te r lite ra cy, fle x ib le style , a nd th e a b ility to w o rk w e ll w ith stu d e n ts, staff, and facu lty. Th re e y e a rs a c a d e m ic e x p e rie n ce pre fe rred . A L A -M L S , letter, re su m e, n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n ce s, and tra n s c rip ts re q uired . EOE/AA. A va ila b le J u ly 1 ‚ 1993. S alary ra n ge : $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 4 ,0 0 0 . Full benefits, C o n ta c t: J im P arks, C o lle g e L ib ra ria n , M ills a p s C o lleg e, P.O. Box 1 5 0 1 4 8 , J a c k s o n , M S 3 9 2 1 0 -0 0 0 1 , {6 0 1 ) 9 2 4 - 1 0 7 0 , p a rk s jf@ o k ra .m ills a p s .e d u . A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R , L IB R A R Y /A R C H IV E S D IV IS IO N . K a n sa s S ta te H isto rica l S o cie ty, To pe ka , K a n sa s. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: A d m in is ­ ters all a s p e cts o f th e lib ra ry se ction , o v e rs e e s the a c tiv itie s o f th e re feren ce a n d m icro film s e c tio n s , and s u p e rvise s th e e m p lo y e e s h ea ding th o s e se ction s. A s s is ts th e D ivision D ire cto r in p la n n in g , im ple m e ntin g , a nd e v a lu a tin g th e w o rk o f th e d ivisio n w h ic h in c lu d e s the S ta te A rch ive s, re co rd s m a n a g e m e n t, m a n u scrip ts, a n d p h o to se ction s. A n im m e d ia te ta s k w ill be to in itia te th e use o f O C L C in lib ra ry and a rc h iv e s c a ta lo g in g a nd im p le m e n t o th e r a u to m a te d se rv ic e s as fea s ib le . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e qu ired : M LS, th re e ye a rs p ro fe ssio n a l e xp e rie n ce in a lib ra ry, sp ecia l co lle ction , o r historical so c ie ty in clu d in g o r s u p p le m e n te d b y o ne y e a r o f s u p e rviso ry e x p e ri­ ence . P re fe rred : E x p e rie n ce w ith M A R C ca ta lo g in g on a uto m a te d lib ra ry sy s te m s su c h a s O C L C , RLIN, o r B ib lio file ; kn o w le d g e o f h istorical and g e n e a lo g ic a l re se arch , kn o w le d g e o f th e p rin c ip le s a nd p ro c e d u re s o f lib ra rie s a n d a rch ive s, d e m o n stra te d s u p e rv is o ry skills. S a la ry: $ 26,880 p lu s sta te b e n e fits. O p e n in g co n tin g e n t o n a pp ro val o f S ta te C ivil S e rvice . E O /A A E . C o n ta c t: P erson ne l O ffic e r, K an sas State Historical Society, 120 W e s t 10th, Topeka, K S 6 6 6 1 2 ; (9 13) 296 -3 25 1 fo r a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n and a pp lica tio n re q uirem en ts. A p p lica tio n d e a d lin e : Ju rie 3 0, 1993. A S S IS T A N T R E F E R E N C E LIBR A R IA N. T w o p o sitio n s. S ou th D a ­ kota S ta te U n ive rsity (1 0 -m o n th , te rm o r te n u re -tra c k a p p o in tm e n t d e p e n d in g on q ua lific a tio n s ). B o th p o sitio n s p erform g en eral re fe r­ e n c e s e rvice s a nd p a rticip a te in b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ction a nd d a ta ­ b ase se a rc h in g w ith o th e r a s s is ta n t re fe re n ce lib ra ria n s. A s s is ta n t R e feren ce L ib ra ria n -ln s tru c tio n : In vo lve s sig n ific a n t b ib lio g ra p h ic in ­ stru ction re sp o n sib ilitie s as the c o o rd in a to r of the in stru ction pro gra m . A s s is ta n t R e feren ce L ibra ria n -S c ie n c e /T e c h n o lo g y : Invo lve s in -d e p th re feren ce a s sista n ce a nd c o lle c tio n d e ve lo p m e n t in th e scie n c e a nd te c h n o lo g y d iscip lin e s; a ls o s ig n ific a n t re sp o n sib ilitie s fo r plan n in g, e v a lu a tion , a nd im p le m e n ta tio n o f n e w in form atio n tec h n o lo g y . Re­ quired - b oth p o sitio n s: A LA -a c c re d ite d M LS ; e ffe ctive co m m u n ic a ­ tio n a nd in te rp e rso n a l re la tio n s sk ills and broad re fe re n ce skills; g ra d u a te c o u r s e w o rk in a d v a n c e d re fe r e n c e to p ic s ; g ra d u a te c o u rs e w o rk a n d /o r e xp e rie n c e w ith b ib lio g ra p h ic c o m p u te r d a ta b a se se archin g . R e qu ired - S cie n c e /T e c h n o lo g y p o sitio n : A n a c a d e m ic backg ro u n d in scie n ce . D esired - both p o sitio n s: A ccre d ite d s u b je c t m a ste r's d e g re e in a d d itio n to th e M L S (req uire d fo r a s s is ta n t p ro fe s­ so r/te n u re tra c k a pp o in tm e n t). D e sire d - in stru ctio n p o sitio n : B ib lio ­ g ra p h ic in stru ctio n o r te a c h in g e xpe rie n c e . D e sire d - S c ie n c e /T e c h ­ n o lo g y p o sitio n : K n o w le d g e o f c o m p u te r a p p lica tio n s in lib ra rie s. M inim um sa lary $ 1 9 ,5 0 0 (in s tru c to ra p p o in tm e n t), $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 (a ssista n t p ro fe sso r a p p o in tm e n t) w ith sta n d a rd b en efits. A p p lica tio n d e a d lin e : Ju n e 28, 1993, o r u n til fille d . S ta rtin g d a te : S e p te m b e r 1, 1993 (n e go tiab le ). S end re su m e, w h ich a d d re s s e s s p e c ific jo b q u a lific a ­ tio n s, a nd have tra n s c rip ts and th re e re c e n t le tte rs o f re co m m e n d a tio n (w hich d e scrib e a p p lic a n t's jo b -re la te d q u a lific a tio n s ) s e n t d ire c tly to : C la rk H allm an, R e feren ce S ea rch C o m m itte e , S o u th D a ko ta Sta te U niversity L ib ra ry, B o x 2 11 5, Bro okin g s, S D 5 7 0 0 7 -1 0 9 8 . A A /E E O E m p lo y e r/A D A R e a so n a b le A cco m m o d a tio n s (6 05) 6 88 -4 1 2 8 ; T T / V oice (6 05) 688 4394. A S S O C IA T E D IR EC T O R FOR PU B LIC S E R V IC E S Th e U n ive rsity o f D enver, P en ro se Library, in vite s a pp lic a tio n s fo r th e positio n o f A s s o c ia te D irecto r fo r P ub lic S e rvice s. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: M a n a g e ­ m ent o f tra dition al p u b lic s e rv ic e p ro g ra m s a nd se rv ic e s in P en ro se L ib ra ry in clu d in g le n d in g , in te rlib ra ry loan, s ta cks m a n a g e m e n t, m icrotext, re se rve s, a c c e s s to c u rre n t p e rio d ica ls, re feren ce, c o lle c ­ tio n s and s e rvice s, lib ra ry in stru c tio n , a nd c o m p a ct d is k a n d o n lin e d a ta b a se se archin g . In a d d itio n , re sp o n s ib le fo r im p le m e n tin g in n o ­ va tive, tech n o lo g y -b a s e d p ro g ra m s fo r a ssiste d a c c e s s to e le c tro n ic in form atio n , in clu din g a c c e s s to In te rn e t re so urce s, d is ta n c e e d u c a ­ tio n pro gra m s, a nd s e rv ic e s fo r a d u lt le a rn e rs in n on tra ditio n al d e g re e p ro gra m s. R e q u ire m e n ts: The M L S d eg re e from an A LA -a c c re d ite d pro gra m , th re e to fiv e y e a rs o f p ost-M LS p u b lic se rv ic e s m a n a g e m e n t e x pe rie n ce, p re fe ra b ly in an a ca d e m ic lib ra ry; a th o ro u g h u n d e rsta n d ­ in g o f in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g y is s u e s a ffe c tin g user se rv ic e s w ith in th e areas of re sp o n sib ility; e x c e lle n t in terpe rso na l a n d c o m m u n ica tio n skills, a lo n g with th e a b ility to w o rk e ffe c tiv e ly in g ro u p s and w ith a d ive rse and in te rn a tio n a l u n ive rsity co m m u n ity , re p re se n tin g th e lib ra ry to c o n stitu e n t g ro u p s ; a b ility to p a rticip a te in p la n n in g a ll lib ra ry p ro g ra m s and se rv ic e s as a m e m b e r o f the lib ra ry a d m in is tra tiv e g ro u p . P re fe r e x p e rie n ce w ith a n y o f th e fo llo w in g : S up e rvisio n , g ra n t w riting , re search a nd p u b lica tio n , fa c u lty /s tu d e n t lia iso n pro gra m s, d is ta n c e e d u ca tio n s e rvice s, n o n p rin t and m u ltim e d ia re so urce s, no n tra d itio n a l d eg re e p ro g ra m s, lib ra ry in stru ction , u se r n e e d s and p ro gra m a sse ssm e n t, sta ff d e ve lo p m e n t, and b ra nch libraries. T h e U n ive rsity o f D e nve r is an a ccre dite d, in de p en d en t, c o e d u ca tio n a l in stitutio n. P en ro se L ib ra ry p ro vid e s m a terials a nd se rv ic e s f o r a ll o f the a c a d e m ic and re se arch u n its a t th e m a in ca m p us a nd is re s p o n ­ s ib le fo r the M u s ic L ib ra ry and the C a rs o n -B rie rly D a n ce L ibrary lo cated on th e N o rth e a s t C a m p us. Penrose L ibrary c o n ta in s o v e r a m illion vo lum es, 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 d ocu m e nts, and over a m illion ite m s in m icro fo rm s, and su b s c rib e s to o v e r 4 ,0 0 0 se ria ls. Th e lib ra ry is a m e m b e r o f BCR, O C LC , and a fo u n din g m e m b e r o f C A R L . M inim um s a la ry o f $ 3 8 ,0 0 0 , m e d ica l a n d tu itio n b en efits, 2 2 d a y s vacation. P en ro se L ib ra ry fa c u lty hold n o n te n u re -tra ck a p p o in tm e n ts. A p p lic a ­ tio n s w ill be revie w e d a fte r Ju ne 30 how e ve r, th e y will be re ce ived until th e p ositio n is filled. T h e U n iv e rs ity o f D e n ve r is co m m itte d to 3 5 6 /C&RL News STATISTICS AND MEASUREMENT SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER Association of Research Libraries The Association of Research Libraries seeks a Senior Program Officer to develop and manage a Statistics and Measurement Program. The primary responsibility is the development of strategies for measuring the organizational performance and effectiveness of research libraries. ARL is comprised of 119 libraries that serve m ajor North American research institutions. This new position reflects the interest of the association in expanding a long-standing program for compiling statistics to include developm ent of approaches to measure the effectiveness of library programs and services. Qualifications and Skills Candidates are encouraged to apply if they have knowledge of research library services and operations; speaking, writing, and technical comm unication skills; and expertise in all or some combination of the following: ‘ the transformation of scholarly comm unication and its im pact on higher education; • university and governm ent information policies and practices; ’ program evaluation, quantitative statistical analysis, and other analytical techniques; ‘ application of database, spreadsheet, and statistical software. Salary range is $47,000-$55,000 and includes a benefits package. Interested parties should submit a letter, resume, and the names of three references by June 3 0 ,19 9 3 to: Mary Jane Brooks Association of Research Libraries 12 Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 EOE enhancing the diversity of its faculty and staff, encouraging applica­ tions particularly from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. A letter of application and resume with names of references should be sentto: Toni Miller, University of Denver, Penrose Library, Dean’s Office, 2150 East Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208. BIBLIOGRAPHER (Search Extended). The University of Maryland College Park Libraries invites applications for the position: Librarian I, Bibliographer, Collection Management and Special Collections Division. Responsibilities: To provide direct support for campus curricula, teaching and research in developing library collections in: business, economics, law, criminal justice, and geography. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; formulation and application of collection policies; monitoring of expenditures; develop­ ing and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade, and with library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science. Graduate degree in business or the social sciences. Experience Required: Minimum three years experience in collection development. Pre­ ferred: Collection development experience in an ARL library; work experience in dealing with the book trade; demonstrated ability to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions, ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, and ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Preferred: Working knowledge of one of the following languages. French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Salary: $29,702. Salary com­ mensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. For full consider­ ation, submit resume and names/addresses of three references by June 30, 1993. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Personnel Librarian, Library Personnel Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN/INSTRUCTOR, LI­ BRARY SCIENCE. The University of Wisconsin-Superior seeks a creative, energetic librarian who can teach, formally and informally, information literacy skills, provide instruction for assigned courses in library science program (undergraduate minor), and serve regularly scheduled shifts, including evenings/weekends, at reference/infor- mation desk. Experience or familiarity with multimedia and informa­ tion retrieval technology a must. Minimum qualification: Master's degree in library science from ALA-accredited institution. Second master's desirable. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment. Minimum salary: $25,830. Send applications (with resume and names of 3 references) by July 1, 1993, to: Bob Carmack, Director, Library and Media Resources, University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior, Wl 54880. The University of Wisconsin-Superior is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. CATALOGER OF JAPANESE AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE MATERI­ ALS. Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Library. Responsibilities: The Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Library seeks a cataloger for its library materials including books, journals, newspapers, Japanese government documents, and audiovisual materials. The library uses OCLC terminals, but at present has no OCLC CJK terminals. Biblio­ graphic data of materials in Japanese language are romanized. Must be able to supervise a technical assistant. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school program or extensive cataloging experience with Japanese materials in an American library. Knowledge of the Japanese language is essential, including the ability to romanize bibliographic data of Japanese materials. Familiarity with OCLC MARC format and AACR2 cataloging rules. Cataloging experience with Japanese materials. Exception: Entry- level candidates with an MLS degree may be considered if the Japanese language requirements are met and if no qualified experi­ enced candidates have been found. Salary range is $30,000-$45,00Q. Application: Submit a letter of application and a current resume and names of three references. Applications received until the position is J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 5 7 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN OhioLINK The Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) Is seeking a systems librarian to work closely with the Director of Library Systems, with OhioLINK staff, and with personnel from OhioLINK member institutions in planning, im plementing, and managing the OhioLINK project with a primary emphasis on the implementation of Integrated library systems for the two-year technical and community colleges. Serve as the primary liaison to the tw o-year technical and comm unity colleges on all issues related to implementation including database preparation, hardwareconfigurations, telecommunications, software and database profiling, and installation and training schedules. The systems librarian will serve as prim ary liaison between OhioLINK and the integrated library system vendor (Innovative Interfaces, Inc.) on planning and implementing the integrated library systems for designated institutions. Will be responsible for developing im plementation schedules, recommending hardware and software configurations, and ordering equipment. In conjunction with other OhioLINK staff, w ork with database preparation and retrospective conversion vendors in setting up schedules and managing database processing to meet deadlines for implementation. Will participate fully inthe selection, implementation, and evaluation of new products and services. The systems librarian will givedemonstrations, presentations, and answerquestions relating to implemen­ tation and/or to the application of the software or hardware. Will organize and oversee special Implemen­ tation groups as necessary. Will attend designated OhioLINK comm ittee meetings, and represent OhioLINK at non-OhioLINK meetings. Qualified candidates will have a master's of library science from an ALA-accredited program, and a m inim um oftw oyearsoflibrarysystem sexperienceinacom m unity college or university library is required. The candidate must have experience in im plementing integrated library systems. The candidate is also expected to demonstrate excellent oral and written communication skills, and the ability to work successfully in group settings to facilitate discussion and build consensus. Familiarity with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. software is preferred. Salary is $38,000 minimum annually plus an excellent benefits package. Salary may be higher depending on qualifications of the successful applicant. Interested individuals should submit a letter of application, acurrent resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Anita Cook Director of Library Systems OhioLINK 1224 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212 Applications will be accepted until June 30,1993. OhioLINK is an EEO/AA employer. filled. Address application to: T. Okoshi, Sasakawa Peace Founda­ tion USA, 1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Library. Responsibilities: The Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA (SPF-USA) Library seeks chief librarian to administer a newly established library under the general direction of the foundation’s chief executive officer. Description of the library: The SPF-USA is a nonprofit, educational organization with a mission to foster deeper friendship and mutual understanding between the citizens of the United States and Japan. The library services are designed to give the American people better access to up-to-date information on contemporary affairs in Japan and on Japanese perspectives with regard to the evolving international society and Japan’s role in it. The library stocks an array of books, videos, government documents, and “gray” papers which are pub­ lished in Japan but are not commercially available in the U.S. The library is a circulating library and open the public. It is a member of OCLC and provides interlibrary loan services via OCLC. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school program, pref­ erably with an advanced degree in Asian studies and/or other relevant fields such as political science, economics. Knowledge of the Japa­ nese language is essential, including the ability to read in romanized form bibliographic data of Japanese materials. Familiarity with library automation, including OCLC or other major bibliographic utilities. Minimum salary $50,000 and negotiable, depending upon qualifica­ tions. Application: Submit a letter of application and a current resume and names of three references. Applications received until the posi­ tion is filled. Address inquiries and application to:T. Okoshi, Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, 1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. CURATOR, EXHIBITIONS, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Co­ lumbia University Libraries. The primary responsibility of this position is the planning and installation of Rare Book and Manuscript Library- sponsored exhibitions and, with other curators, providing in-depth reference service and overseeing circulation and use of rare books and manuscripts. This position is responsible for organization and 3 5 8 /C&RL News cataloging of nonbook and nonmanuscript collections and shares responsibility for library instruction, collection development, and assistance with special projects. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: Knowledge of reference sources in rare books and manuscripts, descriptive bibliography, archival organization and tech­ niques, and preservation methods; and the ability to search in RLIN and other electronic databases. Effective written and oral communi­ cation skills and the ability to work cooperatively with others is an important quality necessary for success in this position. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in planning and installing rare book and manuscript exhibitions; demonstrated aesthetic sensi­ bilities; a reading knowledge of German and Latin; and a graduate degree in American or English history, or other relevant graduate degree. Salary ranges, which will increase July 1,1993, are currently: Librarian I: $30,000-$39,000; Librarian II: $32,000-$43,200. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exemp­ tion for self and family. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send resume listing names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Preference will be given to applications received by June 30,1993. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Brooklyn Botanic Gar­ den seeks strong leader with creativity and vision to administer and coordinate all library programs, collections and services. Develop, manage, and evaluate collections, relating to botany and horticulture. Design and implement plans for automated system. MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Five years library experience, budgeting, supervision, and library networks. Salary range: $30,000-$40,000. Send resume to: Director of Personnel, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1000 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11225-1099. DOCUMENTS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. This librarian reports to the library director and supervises the operations of a department which services both federal and Texas state publications. This posi­ tion works closely with technical services, and serves in the reference desk rotation. Required: Master's degree from a library science program accredited by the American Library Association; working knowledge of GPO materials; two years or more experience in public and technical service; working knowledge of OCLC cataloging rou­ tines; supervisory experience. Desired qualifications: Experience in a federal depository library; working knowledge of the Texas State Depository program; undergraduate degree in business or one of the sciences; online searching experience. Employment: Full-time. Nontraditional work week. The University of Texas at Tyler has a current enrollment of approximately 4,000 students, and offers 69 degrees, 24 at the master’s level, in the liberal arts, the sciences, and some of the health professions. The library participates in AMIGOS/ OCLC, DIALOG, BRS, and the Forest Trail Library Consortium, and uses the DRA automated system. UT Tyler is the only public degree­ granting university in the East Texas Planning Region, which has a population base of more than 650,000. Salary and Benefits: Minimum of $20,000, with final salary determined on individual qualifications; $965 in state contributions toward Social Security premiums. Addi­ tional state contributions include up to $4,170/year to health and benefits package, and 8.5 percent of annual salary contributed by the state for optional retirement programs. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references. Consideration for the position will begin July 1, and will continue until a satisfactory candidate has been identified. LIT Tyler strongly encourages applications from all minori­ ties and women. Applications should be sent to: Charles B. Harrell, Library Director, The University of Texas at Tyler, 3900 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75799. The university is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Responsible for the overall management of the newly-formed Biblio­ graphic Record Services Department, which includes post-receipt bibliographic searching, creation of in-process records, and copy cataloging for monographic publications. Staff perform some 75,000 searches and catalog more than 30,000 titles annually. Responsible for policy formulation; procedural review; goal setting; hiring, super­ vision, and evaluation of staff members; and budget formulation. Serves as a member of Management Council, an advisory body to the university librarian. Library utilizes online automated system (NOTIS). Qualifications: MLS from accredited library school. Five years of increasingly responsible research library technical services experi­ ence using a computer-based processing system. Cataloging and NOTIS knowledge preferred. Successful supervisory experience and ability to communicate effectively are required. Salary: Minimum of $33,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Lance Query, Assistant University Librarian for Planning and Administration, N orthwestern U n iversity Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208. Applications received by June 30, 1993, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action Employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. HEAD CATALOGER. Providence College, a Roman Catholic, four- year liberal arts college conducted under the auspices of the Domini­ can Friars, seeks an experienced professional to assume responsibilitY for all cataloging operations. Specific responsibilities,include: coor­ dination of original and copy cataloging of all materials added to library collection using OCLC and Innovative Interfaces automated system; retrospective conversion; materials processing and catalog mainte­ nance. Supervises two paraprofessional cataloging clerks. The posi­ tion requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, at least three years of professional cataloging experience utilizing OCLC and knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, and LC classification. Preferred is experience with Innovative Interfaces cataloging subsystem. This is a twelve-month position with 22 days vacation, liberal fringe benefits. Minimum annual salary is $30,000. Review of applications will begin June 15, 1993, and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recom­ mended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers, and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ÄL4 Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $26,200# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New Y o rk varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 * Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 5 9 SENIOR SYSTEM ANALYST OhioLINK The Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) is seeking a senior systems analyst to workclosely with the director of library systems and with personnel from OhioLINK member institutions in planning, implementing, and managing the OhioLINK project with aprim ary em phasison technical support forthe central site computer systems located at Wright State University In Dayton, Ohio. OhioLINKisaconsortium composed of 15 public and two private universities and the State Library of Ohio. The senior systems analyst will participate fully in the recommendation, implementation, and ongoing development of centrally maintained services. The position will serve as the OhioLINK networking liaison with the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) in the development and maintenance of the intrastate telecommunications network supporting OhioLINK, and as the primary liaison between OhioLINK and Wright State University Computing Services on all operational and system security issues regarding the central site hardware and software. Additionally, the person will act as technical advisor on computing and networking issues forthe OhioLINK central office, located in Columbus, Ohio, and when requested, fo rth e member institutions. The position will be based In Columbus. Qualified candidates will have a bachelor of science or arts in computer science, systems engineering, or a related technical field, oram inim um of fouryears equivalent experience in computer system operations. Knowledge of the UNIX operating system, mid-size systems hardware (e.g., Digital’s DEC5900 or DEC5500), and current networking technology is required. Thecandidate must demonstrate excellent oral and written communication skills, and the ability to work successfully in group settings to facilitate discussion and build consensus. Experience with integrated library system operations is highly desired. Experience and knowledge of the Internet and TCP/IP protocols is desired. At least one year of programming experience (preferably in C) is desired. Salary is $38,000 minimum annually plus excellent benefits package. Salary may be higherdepending on the qualifications of the successful applicant. Interested individuals should submit a letter of application, a current resume, and the names, addresses, andtelephone numbers of three references to: Anita Cook Director of Library Systems OhioLINK 1224 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212 Applications will be accepted until June 30,1993. OhioLINK Is an EEO/AA employer. to: Edgar Bailey, Library Director, Phillips Memorial Library, P rovi­ dence College, Providence, Rl 02918. HEAD, ELECTRONIC ACQUISITIONS AND SERIALS CONTROL DEPARTMENT. The University of Texas at San Antonio Library seeks applicants responsible for the organization, development, and man­ agement of the department. Responsible for orders, receipts, check­ in, claims, and payment for all library documents. Develops and maintains fund and statistical reports. Reports to assistant director for Technical Services and Library Computer Systems and supervises six classified staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, five years rel­ evant experience; successful supervisory experience, ability to work successfully with colleagues, faculty, staff, and vendors; ability to work with others as well as independently. Firm knowledge of book and serial trade. Adept at problem solving. Prefer experience with NOTIS or other electronic formats, electronic vendor interfaces; government depositories, academic experience; experience as a bibliographer. Salary: $30,000 minimum. UTSA offers a full package of benefits. Application Deadline: July 5, 1993. Application: Send letter of application and resume to: Sue Tyner, Assistant Director for Technical Services and Library Computer Systems, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249-0671. UTSA is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Sweet Briar College seeks an energetic, creative, proactive librarian as head of public services. Reporting to the director of libraries and media services, the head of public services is responsible for development and implementation of policies for reference, circulation, reserves, online searching, interlibrary loan, and all other areas dealing with patrons. Manages bibliographic instruction programs and, together with bibliographic instruction and branch librarian, takes an active role in teaching, including development of and training in electronic information tech­ nologies. Responsible for collection development for reference and collection development liaison with several academic departments. Supervises access services including stack management. Super­ vises two paraprofessionals and 30 to 50 student assistants. Orga- 3 6 0 /C&RL News HEAD, BUSINESS INFORMATION SERVICE Emory University AVAILABLE: September, 1993. RESPONSIBILITIES: Direct and provide leadership and effective management for library services in support of the Emory Business School. Develop print and electronic resources and provide research services. Plan and implement user access and services in coordination with the Business School's programs and priorities. Prepare reports, planning documents, evaluations, and budgets. W ork in close concert with the dean of the Business School and thefaculty in developing and managing services and collections; coordinate activities with the public services division of the library and otherdivisions as appropriate. Reports to vice provost and director of libraries. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited master's degree and strong academic background in business administration required, advanced degree preferred. At least three years experience in business reference in a research library. Experience and demonstrated ability in management and supervision, budgeting, and planning. Familiarity with modern business school curricula and research. Strong skills and experience in use of computer technology, particularly with business databases. Familiarity with OCLC. RLIN, local automated systems, and a networked environment. Excellent speaking, writing, and public presentation skills. Ability to assess needs and to engage in long-range planning, to accomplish objectives in rapidly changing environment, and to work well with all segments of the academic community. EMORY LIBRARIES: The libraries of Emory University hold 2.2 million volumes and employ a total of 263 FTE. In addition to theGeneral Libraries, there are separate libraries for law, health sciences, theology, and Oxford College. The libraries offer end-user searching of LEXIS/NEXIS, Dow Jones News/Retrieval, ABI/INFORM, ABI/INFORM-Business Periodicals Ondisc, and various other databases on CD-ROM. Emory is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Research Libraries Group, and the University Center in Georgia. EMORY BUSINESS SCHOOL: Emory Business School has an enrollment of ca. 430 MBA students infull- time, evening, and executive programs as well as 290 BBA students and 45 FTE faculty. Joint graduate programs are offered with the Law School, the School of Theology, the Medical School, and the School of Nursing. BEGINNING SALARY: Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience but not less than $35,000. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Linda M, Matthews Administrative Office Robert W. Woodruff Library Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 Applications received by July 7,1993, will receive first consideration. Emory University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and encourages women and minority candidates. nizes and manages library orientation and student employee training programs. Position requires rotating evening and weekend duty during the academic year. Applicant must possess the MLS and a minimum of three years experience in an academic or research library with progressively advancing supervisory and management respon­ sibilities. Applicant must have strong interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills and be able to work with diverse groups. Desirable qualifications include advanced subject knowledge in an academic discipline, experience with Dialog, BRS, WilsonLine, STN, and VUTEXT, and microcomputer experience (Apple Macintosh and MS-DOS/Windows) and integrated library systems (DYNIX pre­ ferred). As a faculty member, applicant must meet faculty criteria for promotion. The Sweet Briar College library system consists of a central library and three branches: art, music, and science. The collection has over 200,000 volumes and over 1,000 active subscrip­ tions. The library provides a full range of reference services and uses DYNIX integrated library system as part of a regional consortium. Benefits include 22 days annual leave, retirement program (TIAA/ CREF or Zenith Accumulator), paid life insurance, BC/BS. Hiring at sssistant professor range of between $34,000 and $38,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Please send letter of application with complete resume and names, addresses, phone numbers of three professional references to: Patricia Wright, Associate Director of Libraries, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA 24595. Screening of applicants will begin June 15. Appointment to begin August 1. Sweet Briar College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Manages reference services, collections, and personnel in the largest library on campus. Prepares budget requests J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 6 1 LIBRARIAN MONOGRAPH COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS Western Carolina University Responsible for providing leadershipinthe development, evaluation, acquisition, and maintenance of the monograph collection. Responsible for managing allocation of monograph budget, working closely with teaching faculty to ensure that expenditures are in alignment with curricular offerings, coordinating work of library faculty who serve as liaisons to departments. Will be involved in the creation of a new collection developm ent policy. Supervises two full-time staff and several student assistants. After library reorga­ nization, anticipated within one year, the position will report to the head of collection developm ent (all form ats): until that time, reports to the university librarian. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree in library science and at least two years experience in m onographic collection development. Knowledge of current trends and issues in academ ic collection development. Understanding of the instruction and research needs of students and faculty. Knowledge of booktrade and fund accounting. Demonstration of good oral and written communication skills, planning and organizational skills, and an ability to w ork effectively with teaching faculty, students, library faculty, and staff. PREFERRED: Supervisory skills; knowledge of automated systems. Position is faculty rank, twelve-m onth, tenure-track, choice of TIAA/CREF o r state retirement system. Salary range is $26,000-$31,300. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Sharon Kimble Search Committee Hunter Library Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC 28723 Preference will be given to applications received by July 8,1993. Hunter Library has an annual monograph budget of approxim ately $225,000, processes over 10,000 volum es per year, contains over 360,000 volumes, and has a staff of 14 professionals and 28 support staff. W estern Carolina University currently shares an LS/2000 system with tw ootherstate universities. A new integrated system will be installed by 1995. Hunter Library serves astudent body of approximately 6,000 enrolled in programs through the master’s level. Western Carolina University is one of the 16 senior institutions of the University of North Carolina. The university is in a rural setting located between the Great Sm oky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains, 55 miles w est of Asheville, North Carolina. IVesíem Carolina University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. and manages allocations, including collection budget of $253,000. Participates in long-range planning and policy making. Supervises, trains, and evaluates staff (over 10 FTE). Participates directly in the provision of services. Reports to an associate director and is a member of the Memorial management team. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS. Minimum of seven years increasingly responsible professional experience in public services in an academic or research library. Demonstrated understanding of the nature of scholarly re­ search and the impact of current trends in electronic information technology. Demonstrated excellence in written and oral communica­ tion, interpersonal effectiveness, strong leadership abilities, and commitment to quality service. Prior supervisory experience. Experi­ ence with collection development. Desired: Prior experience supervis­ ing professional staff. Experience with the management of govern­ ment documents. Evidence of commitment to professional growth. This is a twelve-month, academic staff position carrying the title of senior academic librarian. Salary range: $33,019-$49,529. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Sandra Guthrie, Personnel Director, 365 Memorial Library, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 728 State St., Madison, Wl 53706-1494. Application deadline: Monday, July 5, 1993. Complete position announcement available from S. Guthrie, (608) 262-8190. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants and nominees must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an equal opportunity and affirma­ tive action employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabili­ ties are encouraged to apply. HEAD SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, seeks an energetic, service-oriented librarian to administer Special Collections (Nevada collection, gaming collection, university archives, and rare books). Reports to the dean of libraries. Responsibilities: Establishes departmental priorities, policies, and 3 6 2 /C&KL News J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 6 3 procedures; develops collections in the areas of Nevada, gaming, and regional interests; acquires and manages manuscript collections and university archives; provides reference services; supervise one pro­ fessional and two classified staff; participates in fundraising and outreach efforts. Qualifications: A minimum of five years of progres­ sively responsible professional experience working with special col­ lections, preferably in an academic library; experience and/or knowl­ edge of manuscript or archival processing; demonstrated planning, supervisory, and communication skills; and the proven ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with co­ workers, donors, and patrons. Desired: ALA/MLS and/or advanced degree(s) in subject areas; a record of professional involvement and research activities; knowledge of the application of computer technol­ ogy to special collections. Salary: $40,000 to $44,415 depending on experience and qualifications. Benefits: 12-month, tenure-track con­ tract with 24 days annual leave, retirement options, health insurance, no state income tax. Application deadline and details: Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of current reference to: Myoung- ja Lee Kwon, Search Committee Chair, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV, 89154-7001. Posi­ tion available July 1,1993. Review of applications begins on July 19, 1993 and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is an AA/EEO employer. UNLV employs only U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to work in the U.S. MANAGEMENT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Seeking an energetic and forward-looking librarian to provide information and instructional services to the University of Rochester's Management Library user com m unity- primarily the faculty and graduate students in the Economics Depart­ ment and the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business. Also participate with a team of public services librarians taking a leadership role in planning, development, marketing, evaluation, and training in the libraries’ electronic information resources. Under the direction of the. head of Management and Special Libraries, participates in collection development in selected fields of management and busi­ ness and in a full range of reference, bibliographic instruction, and outreach services. Supervises two library assistants and oversees the work of 15 students at the Management Library's busy, service- oriented circulation/reference desk. The University of Rochester is a private institution with library membership in RLG, ARL, CRL, and active library use of electronic services such as CarlUnCover, NEXIS, Dow Jones, and over 90 CD-ROM products (including 23 networked). Qualifications: Educational background in social science, preferably in business or economics. MLS from ALA-accredited program. Dem­ onstrated written and oral communication and interpersonal skills. Thorough familiarity with electronic information retrieval systems and services and microcomputers. Highly desirable: One to two years professional experience; supervisory experience. Position available: July 1,1993. Salary negotiable from $24,000. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names of three references to: Management Library Search Committee, Management Library, Rush Rhees Library, Uni­ versity of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Phone: (716) 275-4482. Fax: (716) 473-1906. EOE/M-F. MUSIC LIBRARIAN, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (tenure-leading). Branch Services Department, starting January 3,1994. (1) Direct and supervise operations such as circulation and audio services of Music Library. (2) Supervise 1.5 FTE staff plus student assistants. (3) Serve as liaison librarian to School of Music. (4) Develop Music Library collections through selection of materials (e.g., books, journals, scores, sound recordings, videotapes, etc.) and encumbrance of assigned funds. (5) Provide library instruction to Music Library pa­ trons. (6) Provide reference services to faculty, students, and others. (7) Attend and participate in Branch Services Department/Unit meet­ ings. (8) Participate in library committees, task forces, working groups, etc., as part of collegial atmosphere and management approach. Required: (1) MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. (2) Degree in music or music education. (3) Three years of profes­ sional academic or music library experience. (4) Excellent communi­ cation skills including oral, written, and interpersonal. Preferred: (1) Graduate degree(s) in music or music education. (2) Supervisory experience. (3) Music collection development experience. (4) Com­ puter experience including searching (e.g., OCLC, relevant CD-ROM products, etc.). Salary: $28,500 minimum for a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full resume plus names and current addresses/telephone numbers of three references by July 15 to: Kent Hendrickson, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action and equal opportunity and is responsive to the needs of dual career couples. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Larry Kahle at the above address for more information. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. University of Evansville. (Search re­ opened). Responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all aspects of periodical service, including the selection, development, and use of periodicals and microforms. Works with librarians and faculty in identifying the needs of the periodicals collection, works with the acquisitions/collection development librarian and the director of the University Libraries in selecting, acquiring, and projecting funding for periodicals. Operates gift and exchange programs for periodicals and oversees temporary and permanent binding of periodicals and repair of monographs. Assists in the selection and servicing of microform and other equipment. Supervises one paraprofessional and ten student assistants. Reports to the director of University Libraries. Requires an MLS degree from ALA-accredited library school. Prefer at least two years of academic library experience in management of periodicals budget and knowledge of the role of periodicals in academic libraries; working knowledge of computer and microform technology, familiarity with vendors and periodical publishers required. Work at the reference desk including some evenings and/or weekends, and take active part in bibliographic instruction. Salary is $24,000-$25,000, depending on qualifications and experience. The UE Libraries house over 225,000 bound volumes and over 250,000 microforms. Fully automated and integrated online catalog on the NOTIS System. The position is twelve-month, tenure- track with faculty rank, requiring demonstrated proficiency in librarianship, scholarly activity, and community or university service. Twenty vacation days, plus holidays. TIAA/CREF. Send application and resume including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Chair, Periodicals Librarian Search Committee, c/o R.N. Sharma, Director, University of Evansville Libraries, 1800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47722. Equal opportunity employer. Deadline for applications is June 30,1993. The University of Evansville is an independent, church-related, selective admissions university located in a city of 135,000 in southwestern Indiana. It offers a comprehensive program of instruction including liberal arts, sci­ ence, engineering, business, nursing, and education. Enrollment numbers 2,400 full-time students. The university also includes a major campus in England, Harlaxton College. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT LI­ BRARIAN, undergraduate library. University of Michigan. As part of the University Library system, the Undergraduate Library (UGL) serves a general undergraduate population of 23,000 on the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus. The 200,000 volumes core collection in the social sciences, sciences, and humanities includes a range of electronic and nonprint resources including software, CD-ROMs, microforms, and access to a wide variety of commercial databases. The UGL is known for its leadership in establishing innovative programs and services designed to meet the needs of undergraduates in a large, research university setting including an academic outreach effort with a Peer Information Counseling Program targeted for minority students. The UGL building is currently undergoing a major renovation, including a 30,000 sq. ft. building expansion to house a consolidated central Science Library. Duties: Reporting to the Head, Undergraduate Library (UGL), and focusing on the needs of under­ graduates, participate in the development of an evolving instructional program designed to help the university community engage in teach­ ing, learning, and research in the emerging information environment. Provide bibliographic instruction including orientation in a variety of formats and settings; these involve classes in the College of Litera­ ture, Science and the Arts, workshops, on-demand sessions, point- of-use instruction in the use of online systems for information retrieval. Participate in a range of activities designed to meet the needs of a diverse student body as part of UGL's nationally recognized outreach program. Provide reference service to UGL’s primarily undergraduate clientele including answering a high volume of inquiries using refer­ ence collection of 5,000 volumes encompassing humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Perform and interpretonline searches through use of BRS, Dialog, Wilsonline, and RLIN. Participate in collection development for the UGL collection including serving as a selector in appropriate subject disciplines. Participate in librarywide planning and committee activities as appropriate. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Strong commitment to excellence in public service and innovative programs in serving a diverse academic community. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively as a team member in a dynamic, collegial environment. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to work enthusiastically and creatively with colleagues, faculty, and students in a demanding, rapidly changing environment. Demonstrated ability 3 6 4 /C&RL News Serials Cataloger and Serials Acquisitions Librarian* Two positions available in the Serials & Acquisitions Department, University Libraries, State University o f New York at Stony Brook. (1) Serials Cataloger- perform original cataloging of serials; assist in training and supervision o f support staff in bibliographic searching, copy cataloging, and related activities, including monographic series and continuing sets on standing order. (2) Serials Acquisitions Librarian: place online and manual orders fo r domestic and foreign serial publications, involving communication with vendors and publishers, consulting a wide variety of online and in -p rin t bibliographic sources, and resolving associated payment and receipt problems; assist in the supervision of support staff; assist in training branch libraries’ staff in NOTIS serials functions. Both positions include participating in the conversion to a NOTIS serials system, providing public service and participating in other departmental projects. All duties described above are essential. Salary: $26,500-$32,500, commensurate with qualifications. A LA -accredited MLS re q u ire d . Experience in the relevant serials operations in an academic or research library preferred. Knowledge of automated operations, a working knowledge of European languages, a broad subject background, and experience with NOTIS or other online systems and OCLC or RLIN are desirable. For the acquisitions position, fam iliarity w ith the b oo k trade and knowledge o f German are also desirable. 12 month, faculty status, tenure-track appointment, generous benefits. In order to qualify for tenure and higher academic ranks, library faculty are expected to satisfy criteria including contributing to the advancement of the profession and performing university service as well as fulfilling specific library assignments. Send resume and names of 3 references to Judith Kaufman, Assistant Director for Personnel and Development, Main Library, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3300. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled, but those received by June 25, 1993 will be given first consideration. SUNY at Stony Brook is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 6 5 LE MOYNE COLLEGE Le Moyne College seeks two librarians to share with four other librarians the operations of public and technical services. Le Moyne College, founded in 1946 by the Jesuits, is an independent college committed to academic excellence in both liberal arts and professional programs. Enrollment: 1,962 undergraduates. A new part-time MBA program will be offered during the 1993/94 academic year, and graduate programs in education are anticipated. A three-year program to automate the library will begin with the 1993/94 academic year. ACQUISITIONS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Responsiblefor managing the operations of the Acquisitions and Serials/I nterlibrary Loan Departments and supervision of an acquisitions assistant, serials/interlibrary loan supervisor, and 4.7 FTE staff. Will participate in the selection of an automation system and lead the departments in the implementation of the acquisitions/ serials subsystem. Anticipate transfer of interlibrary loan operations to public services with development of master's programs. Requirements: ALA-MLS;undergraduatedegreein education orbusiness administration or equivalent experience; and knowledge of online database searching. Preferred: Knowledge of OCLC and acquisition processes and systems in an automated environment and supervisory experience. CATALOGING/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Responsible formanaging the Cataloging Department, original cataloging, and supervision of acopycataloger, cataloging assistant, and 1.6 FTE staff. Will participate in the selection of an automation system and lead the department in the implementation of the cataloging subsystem. Requirements: ALA-MLS; undergraduate degree in education or business administration or equivalent experience; two years cataloging experience using OCLC in an automated environment; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, and LC classification; original cataloging experience; and knowledge of online database searching. Preferred: Supervisory experience. BOTH POSITIONS will provide general reference service and bibliographic instruction and provide specialized reference services, collection development, and bibliographic instruction forthe Education and Psychology Departments orthe Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, and Industrial Relations Departments. Subject assignment will depend on subject expertise. Minimum salary range: $24,200-$32,700 for 12-month contract. Submit letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, and undergraduate and graduate transcripts to: James J. Simonis, Director of the Library, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY 13214. Review of applications will begin June 30,1993, and continue until position is filled. Applications will be accepted at ALA-New Orleans. Anticipated starting date: August 30,1993. An AA, EOE employer. and commitment to working with a predominantly undergraduate clien­ tele. Desired: Prior teaching and reference experience in an academic setting. Prior experience and/or demonstrated knowledge of information resources and retrieval in the electronic networking information environ­ ment. Salary and leave: Minimum salary of $26,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. Apply to: Lucy R. Cohen, Manager, Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application Deadline: Applications received by June 30, 1993, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a non- discriminatory, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Reporting to the assistant director for public services, will coordinate library services for the College of Business Administration (CBA), and participate in collection develop­ ment for business and related subjects. All reference librarians share in reference desk services, conduct database searches, offer library instruction, and may coordinate one or more public service programs. All librarians may assume other responsibilities as assigned. Mini­ mum annual salary of $24,000, medical and tuition benefits, 22 days vacation, faculty status, nontenure-track appointment. Required: MLS degree from ALA-accredited program. Two years experience with business information services (preferably in an academic library) OR an MBA or its equivalent. Strong interpersonal and communication skills. Experience and skill with information technologies, including online searching experience/training (Nexis, Dialog, and CDs). Expe­ rience with government publications preferred. Penrose Library con­ tains over one million volumes in addition to depository documents, and 1.1 million microforms. CBA is AACBS accredited. Applications post-marked by June 30 will receive greatest consideration. The position will remain open until filled. Applicants should submit a letter of application, and resume with references to: Toni Miller, Dean’s Office, Penrose Library, University of Denver, 2150 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208. The University of Denver is committed to enhanc­ ing the diversity of its faculty and staff and encouraging applications from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for providing information and reference service, including some nights and weekends. This person participates in library instruction, performs collection develop­ ment responsibilities in the social sciences, and shares in various departmental projects, programs, and committees. Reports to the head of reference services and is a member of the library faculty. This is a dynamic service-oriented department in an outstanding, fully automated university library of over 1.5 million volumes. The University of Toledo is the fastest growing state university in Ohio with almost 25,000 students, offering associate, bachelor, professional, and doctoral degrees in eight colleges. Qualifications: MLS from ALA- accredited institution, knowledge of reference sources, electronic information delivery systems, and methods of scholarly research in use in academic libraries. Vital are: Ability to work and communicate effectively with library staff, the university community, and other library users; demonstrated organizational skills with evidence of initiative; commitment to service, professional growth and development. Pre­ ferred are: Professional academic library experience, background in the social sciences, a demonstrated ability to teach, knowledge of and experience in searching electronic reference sources. Faculty status, 12-month contract, tenure-track with liberal fringe benefits. Salary range starts at $27,000. Position available July 1,1993. Send resume and the names of at least three references to: Julia F. Baldwin, Search Committee Chair, William S. Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. EEO/AA Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/SCIENCES OR SOCIAL SCIENCES. Under the direction of the Head of Reference, this librarian provides general academic reference service, including some evenings and weekends, bibliographic instruction, online searching. Will partici­ pate in collection development for sciences or social sciences. Qualifications include MLS from ALA-accredited school or foreign equivalent; strong commitment to public services in an academic setting; demonstrable ability and desire to work closely and proactively with students and faculty; effective interpersonal and communica­ tions skills; familiarity with online searching and CD-ROM products. 3 6 6 / C&RL News J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 6 7 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN University of Houston R ESPO N SIBILITIES:The University of Houston Libraries are expanding electronic information services and acquiring asecond-generation integrated library system. The libraries currently provide public access to 36 networked CD-ROM databases, tw o locally developed programs (an expert system and library orientation system, a CD-ROM union catalog for eight libraries, and the G eac Integrated Library System (I LS). The network is being significantly expanded to include 36 public and numerous staff workstations, converted to 10Base-T Ethernet, and linked to the Internet so that CARL UnCover2 and othersystem s can be accessed. The existing ILS will be replaced by a new system which will support new locally mounted databases and utilize hundreds of networked m icrocom puter workstations. The systems librarian reports to the head o f system s and provides support for all com puter and network systems in the libraries. Q UALIFICATIO NS: Requires ALA-accredited m aster’s degree; excellent analytical and communication skills;astrongcom m itm entto responsive and innovative service;the ability to work effectively inademanding and rapidly changing environm ent; academ ic training in information technology; and a strong desire to master new technologies and stay current. SALARY: $26,000. O TH ER INFORMATION: The libraries have been successful in obtaining grants to support innovative technology projects, including the IRIS Projectthat was named as one of the Joe W yatt Challenge Success Stories by EDUCOM. The libraries sponsorthe popular PACS-L list and publish two electronic serials. The libraries are a mem ber o f ARL. APPLICATIO N DEADLINE: R eview of applications will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks Assistant Director for Administration University of Houston Libraries Houston, TX 77204-2091 An equal opportunity employer. Desirable qualifications include an academic background in the sciences (preferred) or education and psychology and experience in providing reference service in an academic library. This entry-level position is tenure-track with faculty rank and status. Successful applicants must have or complete a second master's degree for tenure and show potential to gain promotion through faculty ranks. Starts September 1, 1993. Salary: $31,000. Benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement, medical, dental plans, full tuition remission at USD, including graduate school. Screening begins July 9, 1993. Submit cover letter, current resume with names, addresses, telephone num­ bers of three recent professional references to: Tony Harvell, Head of Reference, Copley Library, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110-2492. A Catholic university, USD has 6,000 students and offers master's degrees in marine studies and education among other fields. Copley Library has 350,000 volumes, 24 CD-ROM databases, a professional staff of eight librarians. USD is an AA/EO employer. Applications encouraged from minorities. REFERENCE/LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of Evansville. Entry-level position. Participate in all activities of the Department of Reference and Library Instruction, assist in performing online literature searches, and coordinate an existing, successful, course-integrated library instruction program. Reports to the head of reference. Some evening and weekend work is required. Requires an MLS degree from ALA-accredited library school. Prefer experience in academic library reference service. Will consider graduate-assistant level experience. Basic experience in online literature searching and some knowledge of CD-ROM computer databases and Lexis/Nexis preferred. Teaching experience preferred. Salary is $22,000. The UE Libraries house over 225,000 bound volumes and over 250,000 microforms. Fully automated and integrated online catalog on the NOTIS System. The position is twelve-month, tenure-track with faculty rank, requiring demonstrated proficiency in librarianship, scholarly activity, and community or university service. Twenty vacation days, plus holidays. TIAA/CREF. Send application and resume including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three refer­ ences to: Chair, Reference/Library Instruction Librarian Search Com­ mittee, c/o R.N. Sharma, Director, University of Evansville Librar­ ies, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47722. Equal opportunity employer. Deadline for applications is June 30,1993. The University of Evansville is an independent, church-related, selective admis­ sions university located in a city of 135,000 in southwestern Indiana. It offers a comprehensive program of instruction including liberal arts, science, engineering, business, nursing, and education. Enrollment numbers 2,400 full-tim e students. The university also includes a major campus in England, Harlaxton College. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CENTER DEPARTMENT HEAD. Responsible for programs and services in a science and engineering department emphasizing collection development and information services. Supervises department staff consisting of two profession­ als, one clerk, and student assistants, as well as the university’s branch library for marine studies. Manages department involved in collection development, reference and geographic information ser­ vices, computer literature searching, user education, and faculty outreach. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; three years experience serving a science or engineering clientele with responsibilities for collection developm ent, reference service, com puter literature searches, and user education; demonstrated supervisory ability; excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred: Under­ graduate or graduate degree in a science or engineering discipline. Benefits: Twelve-month appointment with 20 working days annual leave, TIAA/CREF, life and health insurance. Salary Range: $30,000- $35,000 depending upon experience. To Apply: Send cover letter addressing position requirements, resume, and names of three references to: Mary Casserly, Chair, Search Committee, University of Maine, 5729 Raymond H. Fogler Library, Orono, ME 04469-5729. Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. University of Maine, the Land Grant University and Sea Grant College for the State of Maine, is the flagship campus for the UM System and 3 6 8 /C & R L News HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT The University of Cincinnati The University of Cincinnati University Libraries is seeking a strong leader, manager, and supervisor for the head of its centralized acquisitions department. This position reports to the Division Head for Collection Management and Processing Services and regularly consults with the collection development officer. This is a 12-month faculty (tenure-track) position. Salary is dependent on qualifications of the candidate, but the minimum salary will be $33,000. Benefits include 22 vacation days, sick leave, tuition remission for self and immediate family, and health care and retirem ent plans. The University of Cincinnati is the second largest academ ic institution in the state of Ohio. University Libraries is comprised of acentral humanities and social science library and nine branch libraries with a collection of 1.2 million titles, 1.5 million volumes, and an acquisitions budget of $3.7 million. It uses afully integrated Innovative Interface Inc. system and shares a union database with four other UC libraries. UC is a leading m em berof OhioLINK, a d ynam ic statewide information access network. DUTIES: Provide leadershipin adynam ic environment. Plan and directthe activities of the departm ent of 16 FTE. With department supervisors, monitor the workflow, assign individual duties, and evaluate the performance of departmental staff. Formulate departmental and interdepartmental policies, goals, and procedures in consultation with the division head and otherdepartment supervisors. Maintain appropriate working relationship with and monitor performance of vendors used in the acquisition of library material. Plan, coordinate, and monitor training and development for department staff. Participate in committees, prepare oral and written reports, and participate in selection of library materials. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MA/MS in library science from ALA-accredited program; three years experience in an academ ic or research library, including substantial experience in the acquisition of serials, monographs, and nonbook form ats; knowledge of and experience with automated acquisition systems; experience with OCLC or a sim ilar bibliographic utility; proven successful supervisory experience; strong interpersonal skills; evidence of ability to adapt (and help others adapt) to a rapidly changing environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Substantial managerial experience that demonstrates excellence in leadership, goal setting, planning, analysis, and organizational change; ability to maintain effective working relations with diverse individuals; reading knowledge of one modern European language in addition to English; collection development experience; working knowledge of microcomputer software. Send a letter of application, resume, the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Priscilla Neill AUL-Personnel 640 Langsam Library University of Cincinnati Mail Location 33 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033 DEADLINE: Primary consideration will be given to those applications received by July 5,1993. The University of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. offers a full range of programs in engineering, life sciences and agriculture, and physical sciences. Fogler Library has a staff of 21 professionals, an integrated library automation system, and an annual acquisitions budget of approximately $2.1 million. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Folsom Library is seeking a creative, innovative librarian who is comfortable working in a computer-intensive environment and capable of applying new information technologies to the library’s science services. Re­ porting to the head of collection development/reference services, responsibilities include development of the library’s collections and services (especially electronic) in the sciences, reference service, database searching, bibliographic instruction, continued professional development, and service on library and university committees and task forces. Qualifications: An MLS from an ALA-accredited program, interest and ability to work with scientific and technical materials, ability to work effectively with the public, excellent oral and written communications skills, familiarity with library automation applica­ tions, ability to work in a rapidly changing environment, and commit­ ment to professional development. Preferred qualifications are sci­ ence reference experience in an academic library: bachelor's or advanced degree in a science discipline: experience in collection development and bibliographic instruction; and experience with on- J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 6 9 UNIVERSITY CENTER LIBRARIAN George Mason University George Mason University seeks a librarian to manage its new University Center Library, scheduled to open August 1995. The library will com bine the latest in inform ation technology with a m ultim edia center and a basic collection supporting the undergraduate curriculum. The University C enter is a320,000-square- foot building which will be occupied by student activity and student union functions and a 100,000-square- foot library. The library is planned to house approxim ately 25 staff members, a 100,000-volume multicultural collection, and 2,000 seats. Its services will be integrated with the main library less than a block away. The U niversity C enter librarian will play a m ajor role in the developm ent o f the collection and staff fo rth is new library, and will w ork extensively with representatives of occupants of the building to develop new service concepts. The position is open August 1,1993, or as soon as possible thereafter. REQ UIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS, second m aster's highly desirable. At least five years profes­ sional experience in academic libraries required, primarily in public services. Experience with information technology and multimedia highly desirable. The successful applicant will demonstrate ability to supervise a diverse group of employees in an unconventional library setting and w ork with members of the university com m unity in an integrated approach to student life. Experience in collection developm ent and/or media services desirable. Salary $30,000-$40,000, com m ensurate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits. Send letter of application with resum e and names of three references by July 10 deadline to: Lesle La Berge Library Administration George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 AA/EEO employer, minorities encouraged to apply. line searching, CD/ROMs, and the use of Internet resources. Salary is $25,000 minimum, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Application review will begin July 15. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Barbara Lockett, Director of Libraries, Folsom Library, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti­ tute, Troy, NY 12180. Rensselaer is an AA, EEO employer. Applica­ tions of minorities and women are particularly encouraged. SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. The University of Akron is the third largest state-assisted university in Ohio. It offers its 29,000 day and evening students more than 230 associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degree programs, and 14 doctoral programs. The College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at the University of Akron is recognized as the largest and most respected graduate and research program in its area in the world. The University Libraries are seeking an innovative individual to provide research assistance to specialized clientele and to provide general reference services in all areas of science and technology. Required: Bachelor's degree in chemistry, physics, o r related discipline; background in physical science including rubber chemistry and polymers; a broad knowledge of the rubber and plastics industry; expertise in electronic access to data; demonstrable oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; ability to work collegially. Preferred: MLS from an ALA-accred- ited school; master's degree in chemistry, physics, or related disci­ pline; experience in industry or academic libraries; potential for research and evidence of scholarly/professional achievement; word processing and database management skills; ability to organize office procedures, supervise student assistants, and coordinate activities within the department; positive interactions with clients. This is a 12- month tenure-track faculty appointment with rank and salary appropri­ ate to qualifications. An MLS will be required for tenure or promotion. It will include 22 days vacation and a standard benefits package. Application deadline is June 28, 1993. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Nancy L. Stokes, Chairperson, Search Committee, Science and Technology Librarian, Bierce Library, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-1707. The University of Akron is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. A permanent, faculty-level appointment with academic rank but without tenure. The incumbent manages the acquisition, processing, and cataloging of all serials; develops procedures for the entering and m aintaining of serials-related records in the library’s INNOPAC-based integrated online system; adminis­ ters the contracts with the library’s serials (EBSCO and UM I) and binding vendors; and is responsible for selecting, training, directing, and evaluating subordinates. Required: an ALA-accredited master’s degree; knowledge of technical library operations with special em ­ phasis on principles of serials acquisitions and cataloging; at least one year directly related experience. Desired: A second m aster’s degree or subject expertise in one of the sciences; experience using an integrated online library com puter system. Salary negotiable, minimum $24,000 for 12 months. Furman University is a private, liberal arts college located in Greenville, South Carolina. The library has over 330,000 volumes, a faculty of eight, a support staff of twelve, and an annual budget of $1,000,000. Send letter of inquiry to: Trisha Long, Administrative Secretary, Jam es B. Duke Library, Furman University, Greenville, SC 29613-0600, or call (803) 294-2191. To receive full consideration, applications should be complete by July 2, 1993. AA/EOE. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Sweet Briar College seeks a strongly service- oriented librarian to be responsible for oversight of journal and serial resources in print, microform, and electronic formats. Reporting to director of libraries and media services, serials librarian is responsible for automated serials system implementation, collection manage­ ment and review, vendor relations, and binding/preservation services. Additional responsibilities include serials cataloging and mainte­ nance of OCLC Union List of Serials, microforms, systems support, and active participation in bibliographic instruction program. Serves as liaison with several departm ents for collection development. Position includes responsibility for rotating night and weekend refer­ ence during the academic year. Supervises student assistants. Applicant must possess the MLS, excellent interpersonal skills, and be able to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff. Desirable qualifications include experience with microcomputers (Apple Macin- 3 7 0 /C&RL News tosh and MS-DOS/Windows), automated serials control systems (Dynix preferred), electronic information sources and advanced sub­ ject knowledge in an academic discipline. As a faculty member, applicant must meet faculty criteria for promotion. The Sweet Briar College library system consists of a central library and three branches: art, music, and science. The collection has over 200,000 volumes with over 1,000 subscriptions. The library provides a full range of traditional and online reference services and is implementing the serials control module o fa DYNIX integrated library system. Benefits include 22 days annual leave, retirement program (TIAA/CREF or Zenith Accumula­ tor), paid life insurance, BC/BS. Hiring at assistant professor range with a salary of $34,000. Please send letter of application with complete resume and names, addresses, phone numbers of three professional references to: Patricia Wright, Associate Director of Libraries, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA 24595. Screening of applicants will begin June 15. Appointment to begin August 1. Sweet Briar College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. USER INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Musselman Library. Gettysburg College is accepting applications for the full-time position of user instruction librarian in Musselman Library. This position serves as primary provider of library instructional services and guides and coordinates the instructional efforts of other librarians. Provides a program of library user instruction to students and faculty on a highly networked campus. Works closely with faculty, campus computing personnel, and other librarians. Duties include some scheduled reference service as an element of user instruction. Reports to newly- created position of associate college librarian for information and technology. G ettysburg is becoming a model among liberal arts colleges for utilization of inform ation technology to support class­ room teaching and student and faculty research. Candidates must possess an ALA-accredited degree in library and informa­ tion science. Desired qualifications consist of additional gradu­ ate work; knowledge of traditional and electronic information resources; experience and creativity in training students and faculty in the use of campus and remote information sources; successful experience in a recognized program of user instruc­ tion; experience as an effective classroom faculty member help­ ful; proven record of collegiality and cooperation; strong oral and written skills. Salary com petitive and commensurate with our expectations for this position. Liberal benefits package, including TIAA/CREF. Gettysburg College is a highly selective liberal arts institution located one and one-half hours north of the Baltim ore/ Washington area in the countryside of southern Pennsylvania. If interested, please send letter of application and resume with the names of three references by June 22, 1993, to: Gettysburg College, Human Resources, Penn Hall, Attn: Jane D. North, D irector, 300 N. W ashington St., G ettysburg, PA 17325. Gettysburg College is an equal opportunity/affirm ation action employer. Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Position description: the archi­ tectural resources librarian serves as curator o f Southeastern Architectural Archive and is also responsible for collection development o f the Tulane University Library’s architectural holdings. The holder of the position reports to the assistant university librarian for special collections and works collegially with other members o f the Special Collections. Noted as one of the top three architectural archives in the U.S. (Forbes Magazine), the Southeastern Architectural Archive was established as a separate entity in 1978. The Architectural Archive houses over 200 individual collections containing significant architectural drawings, project records, and extensive holdings of photographic and three dimensional materials. The bulk of the collection dates from the mid-1800s to the present. The Southeastern Architectural Archive is a member of the International Confederation o f Architectural Museums and includes an exhibition gallery. The architectural resources librarian supervises one library assistant and a number o f student assistants. There is a close working relationship with the School of Architecture and the regional professional design community. Required: MLS with archival emphasis and/or equivalent training or experience in archives and/or profes­ sional degree in architecture or degree in architectural history or related field; strong organizational and communication ability. Preferred: Knowledge of photography; computer as well as design skills; knowledge of Louisiana and Gulf South architectural history. Level: Librarian II or higher; salary range m id - to upper $20,000s. Tw elve- month appointment with 22 vacation days; excellent general benefits. Review of applications will begin July 15,1993, and will continue until position is filled (no later than September 30,1993). Send letter o f application; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Tulane University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. CATALOGING SERVICES/COMPUTER AND AUTOMATED SYSTEMS LI­ BRARIAN. Olive Kettering Library, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Position: cataloging services/computer and automated systems librarian will be available July 1, 1993. Responsibilities: Perform classification and cataloging, including original cataloging, o f all materials in a variety o f formats for all Antioch University campuses. Continue the ongoing automating o f library functions. Supervise microcomputer and automated systems software, hardware, and applications. Maintain quality control and ensure the integrity o f the online database. Represent Antioch College on J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 7 1 appropriate cataloging councils. Serve as reference librarian, including weekend and evening rotation. Share responsibility for teaching students and faculty use o f inform a­ tion retrieval systems. Qualifications: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited li- brary/inform ation science school. Prefer at least three years o f responsible experience in an academic cataloging department. Expertise with OCLC, MARC formats, and local automated systems. Thorough knowledge o f LC classification and AACR2. Fam iliarity with LCSH and experience with PRISM. A bility to interact in a positive m anner with students, faculty, and staff in a rapidly changing environment. A service- oriented view o f librarianship. Send letters o f nom ination or application, including the names o f three references, along with curriculum vitae to: R. Eugene Rice, Dean of Faculty, Antioch College, Y ellow Springs, OH 45387. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Affirm ative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. ASSOCIATE D EAN FOR INFORM ATIO N TECHNOLOGY. University Libraries. Essential Functions: Represents the dean o f university libraries at the national, state, and-local levels on inform ation technology issues; coordinates the application of advanced inform ation technology in the library; plans for the development o f online library services based upon existing and emerging technology; serves as liaison to university com puting and n on -A S U institutions; participates fully with the assistant/ associate deans in the administration o f the university libraries. Required: M aster’s degree in library science or com puter science and five or more years professional experience managing automation and com m unication resources in a large and complex inform ation environm ent; thorough knowledge o f com puter hardw are, software, systems analysis, and program m ing procedures and techniques; thorough knowledge o f developments and trends in the use o f advanced technology in libraries and/or experience in the application o f advanced technology to library operations; ability to plan, direct, develop, im plem ent, and m aintain automated systems; knowledge o f telecommunications, networking, and local area network (LAN) managem ent; strong leadership, advocacy, administrative, interpersonal, and com munication skills; ability to work with a diverse academic com munity; evidence o f strong professional involve­ ment and ability to meet university criteria for appointment as an academic profes­ sional. Preferred: Experience w ith the im plem entation and maintenance o f an online catalog, local area network, and online bibliographic databases; experience or fam il­ iarity with TAN DEM system architecture, operating system, and CARL application software; experience or fam iliarity with m ultiple workstation platforms, including PC- based and UNIX; developm ent and use o f networks, including LAN and W AN (TCP/ IP) in distributed client-server environments. Salary: $55,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experience. Deadline: July 15, 1993, or the M onday o f each week thereafter until filled. Procedure: Send letter, resume, and nam es, addresses, and phone numbers o f four recent references to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Personnel, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006. (602) 965-3417. AA/EEO employer. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AN D CURATOR OF THE W EST V IR ­ GINIA AN D REGIONAL H ISTO R Y COLLECTION. W est V irginia University Libraries. Responsibilities: The head o f special collections and curator reports directly to the Dean o f U niversity Libraries, and serves as a m em ber o f the libraries’ leadership team. The incum bent is responsible for the m anagem ent and oversight o f the libraries’ special collections, including technical and public services, planning, public relations, outreach, and preservation functions. A s curator, the successful candidate will assume responsibility for directing the day-to-day affairs o f the W est Virginia and Regional H istory Collection, the prim ary historical archive for the state o f W est Virginia; and will assume responsibility for identifying, acquiring, organizing, and preserving state, regional, and Appalachian materials appropriate to enhancing the mission and scope o f this collection. The W est V irginia and Regional H istory Collection currently consists o f more than 3,100 archival and m anuscript collections, as well as printed, mono­ graphic, and sound materials, totalling 20,000 linear feet. Existing collection strengths 3 7 2 /C&RL News include the papers o f 13 o f the earliest W V governors; the personal papers o f various political figures; the archives o f businesses, industrial organizations, and unions; Civil W ar histories pertaining to the Appalachian region; diaries; artifacts; and a compre­ hensive collection o f printed materials documenting Appalachian history. The head o f special collections and curator actively develops external support for the archival and special collections, working collaboratively with the libraries’ and the university’s development officers in fundraising, proposal writing, and donor activities. A major expectation o f the incumbent is to work toward developing and implementing MARC- based bibliographic records o f the archival collections for loading onto the libraries’ online public access catalog and into the OCLC database to support national access; and development o f a comprehensive Archive documenting the history o f the Univer­ sity. Other responsibilities involve supervision o f the libraries’ preservation micro­ filming program; publishing o f a triannual newsletter; and management o f the West Virginia and Regional History Association, the Collection’s patron/donor group. Staff o f 8 FTE, plus student assistants. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school and a second master's or Ph.D. in American history or other subject area relevant to the collections; a minimum o f five years o f progressively responsible administrative experience in archives or special collections in an academic or research library, two years o f which must have been at a supervisory level; training and experience in archival management; demonstrated knowledge o f preservation principles; excellent oral and written communications skills; and strong interpersonal skills are required. Qualifications desired: Experience in fundraising and proposal writing highly desired. Salary and rank: salary and rank negotiable, dependent upon qualifications. Minimum salary: $35,000. A non -ten u re-track faculty position. Ben­ efits include excellent vacation, sick leave, and insurance options, flexible retirement options including TIAA/CREF, and continuing education opportunities. In close driving proximity to both W ashington, DC, and Pittsburgh, PA. W est Virginia University is a doctoral degree granting institution and the major research resource within the state. Review o f applications will begin July 1,1993, and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should submit letter o f application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f at least three references to: Chair, Head o f Special Collections and Curator Search Committee, c/o George H. Libbey, P.O. Box 6069, Wise Library, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W V 26506-6069. W est Virginia is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. W omen and minorities are encour­ aged to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. The University o f Rochester seeks an energetic and forward-looking librarian to provide leadership in the planning, development, integration, evaluation, and marketing o f electronic resources for Public Services in River Campus Libraries. This position coordinates a team o f Public Services staff in: training o f library staff and users in effective use o f electronic resources; planning for electronic access to a variety o f full-text, biblio­ graphic, and numeric databases; serving as liaison to M icrocom puter Services, Systems, and Technical Services departments concerning electronic initiatives; seek­ ing grant funding and donor contributions; providing general current awareness and technological vision and focus for Public Services. Other duties include a limited schedule o f reference assistance and collection development responsibilities in an area o f the social sciences. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required and an under­ graduate emphasis or graduate work in the social sciences preferred. Professional library experience in the use o f electronic resources, including substantial knowledge o f CD-ROM products, online services, Internet access, new technology instruction, and microcomputer hardware/software technology. Demonstrated analytical, organiza­ tional, planning, and leadership skills. Strong oral and written communication and interpersonal skills. The University o f Rochester is a private institution, with library membership in OCLC, RLG, ARL, CRL, and active library use o f electronic services such as CarlUnCover, NEXIS, Dow Jones, and over 90 CD-ROM products (including 23 networked). Salary dependent upon experience and qualifications— negotiable from J u n e 1 9 9 3 /3 7 3 $30,000 plus benefits. Send a letter o f application, resume, names/addresses o f three references to: Search Committee/Electronic Resources Librarian, Director’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, University o f Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Phone: (716) 275-4461; Fax: (716) 273-1032. Application should specify exact qualifications for the position. Applications will be reviewed beginning July 1, 1993. EOE/MF. HEAD OF CATALOGING. Loyola University Chicago. Loyola University seeks a creative leader in cataloging to manage a department o f 4 librarians, 6.5 support staff and 2 FTE student workers. Primary responsibilities include planning and developing effective and efficient methods o f providing access to the libraries’ collections housed in five libraries on four campuses. The head o f cataloging also serves as the OCLC liaison, and participates in library-wide planning. Head o f cataloging participates with other technical services department heads and the assistant university librarian for technical services in planning for the future operations o f technical services. Reports to the assistant university librarian for technical services. Requires an A LA-accred- ited MLS; at least five years cataloging experience in an academic or research library; substantive supervisory experience; demonstrated knowledge o f AACR2, LC classifi­ cation and subject headings, MARC formats; experience with OCLC or RLIN and a local online system, preferably NOTIS; understanding o f the principles o f authority control. Also requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills, a commitment to the service mission o f the academic library and a collegial management style. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Base salary from $35,000. Benefits include 20 days vacation, individual and family tuition benefits, university contribu­ tions to TIAA/CREF, dental insurance and choice o f medical plans. Qualified appli­ cants should send letter o f application, resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers o f three recent references to: Ellen J. Waite, University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola University o f Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. Application deadline is June 30, 1993. Loyola University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator/employer. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Westfield State College is seeking applicants for a twelve-month, tenure track cataloging librarian-departm ent head. The successful candidate will be responsible for the daily operation o f the cataloging department, including examination and documentation o f policies and procedures; will set priori­ ties, establish workflow, and coordinate procedures relating to other departments; will supervise copy cataloging, implementation o f C/WMARS (CARL), recon project; will perform original cataloging; will provide some evening reference desk service; will supervise two paraprofessionals and student workers; will report to the director o f the library. Qualifications: Accredited MLS; knowledge o f and experience with AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, and OCLC; and demonstrated communication and training skills required; two to three years supervisory and cataloging experience in an automated environment preferred. Review o f credentials will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled; rank and salary are dependent upon experience and qualifications. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Please forward a letter o f application; resume; transcript for most recent degree; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references: Pamela Mitchell-Crump, Director, Affirmative Action, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA 01086. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. RECRUIT THE B ES T.. . Reach a group of outstanding professionals by listing your open positions in C&RL News. Academic librarians count on C&RL News for the latest job information. Contact Jack Helbig, classified ad manager, at 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2513 for help in placing your ad. Or you can fax your ad to us at (312) 280- 7663. And we'll do the rest! 3 7 4 /C&RL News ANNOUNCEMENT OF FOUR POSITION VACANCIES BALL STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Ball State is a com prehensive university w ith over 20,000 students and 1,000 faculty serving east-central Indiana. It is located fifty m iles northeast of Indianapolis in a city o f 80,000. The library contains 1.4 million item s in a modern building; it is serviced by 40 librarians and 85 FTE support staff. H EAD OF CATALO G ING SER VIC ES R eports to Assistant Dean fo r Technical Services. R esponsible for m anaging the cataloging services unit and coordinating all cataloging activities. Supervises professional and classified staff (5 librarians and 16 support staff); establishes cataloging policies fo r m aterials in all m edia; directs daily activities of cataloging services unit; prepares written reports and proposals; com piles statistics as required. Requirem ents: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; substantial professional experience in a cataloging unit; experience in cataloging d ifferent kinds of m aterials a t all levels of difficulty, using national standards as established by AACR2(rev.) and LC; strong organizational abilities and supervisory skills; excellent oral and written com m unication skills. Preferred: Experience with online integrated library system s; additional advanced degrees. Salary: Negotiable; $36,000 minimum. C ATALOG LIBRARIAN FOR M ON OG RA PH S R eports to head o f cataloging services. Catalogs m onographs using AAC R2(rev), O C LC/M ARC fo rm a t and LC classification, subject headings, and rule interpretations; creates, m aintains, and ensures consistency of autom ated a uthority records; participates in developm ent, docum entation, and evaluation o f unit policies and procedures. Requirem ents: M LS from an A LA-accredited program o r equivalent; know ledge of M ARC form ats, AAC R2(rev), and LC subject headings and classification; know ledge of autom ated cataloging using national bibliographic utility, such as OCLC. Preferred: Professional cataloging experience; know ledge of em erging technologies, especially the autom ation of library technical services functions; w orking know ledge of at least one W estern European language; additional advanced degrees. Salary: Negotiable; $24,000 minimum. C ATALO G LIBRARIAN (M U SIC EM PHASIS) R eports to head of educational resources technical services. Catalogs m usic scores, sound recordings, and other nonprint m usic materials, and other assigned A V form ats, using AAC R2(rev), OC LC/M ARC form ats for descriptive cataloging, and LC subject headings and classification schedule; supervises m usic cataloging section of ed. res. technical services (2 technical cataloging assistants); trains technical cataloging assistants and revises th e ir work; creates authority records and assists with th e ir m aintenance. Requirem ents: MLS from ALA-accredited program or equivalent; know ledge of M AR C form ats, AAC R2(rev), and LC subject headings and classification; know ledge of autom ated cataloging using a national bibliographic utility, such as OC LC; working know ledge o f at least one W estern European language; effective com m unication skills. Preferred: A dvanced degree in music; supervisory experience; m usic and/or AV cataloging experience; know ledge of em erging technologies, especially the autom ation o f library technical services functions. Salary: Negotiable; $24,000 m inimum. INTER LIBR A RY LO AN LIBRARIAN R eports to assistant head o f access services. Supervises interlibrary loan office and staff (one direct, three indirect); develops and evaluates interlibrary loan policies and procedures; interprets ILL service policies and functions to students, faculty, and staff; provides bibliographic verification and reference service to library users; m aintains awareness of current national, international, regional, state, and local ILL codes and agreem ents; maintains know ledge of current bibliographic verification tools. R equirem ents: M LS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent; knowledge o f OCLC, print, and autom ated sources; strong organizational skills; effective oral and written com m unication skills. Preferred: ILL experience; supervisory experience; experience with N OTIS and C D-ROM S; advanced degrees displaying research abilities. Salary: Negotiable; $24,000 m inimum. T ER M S AND C O N DITIO NS: All positions are fiscal year, 12-m onth appointm ents. Faculty status possible with appropriate academ ic credentials. Benefits include 24 vacation days, 12 d ays sick leave; TIAA, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, life, and disability insurance packages. A PPLIC A TIO N: Send letter o f application, resum e, transcripts for all graduate degrees (unofficial copies acceptable), and a list of three references, including addresses, and telephone num bers. List should include current or m ost recent supervisor. Address as follows: C. W illiam Barnett D irector, Library Business Services 101 Bracken Library Ball State University M uncie, IN 47306 R eview of applications will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. Ball Slate University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer, and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. Structure Bookmarks June 1993/355 June 1993/355 THEIDASSFELSDI C A Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $6.60 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $8.40 for others. Late job notices a services as feasible. Qualifications: Required: MLS, three years professional experience in a library, special collection, or historical society including or supplemented by one year of supervisory experi­ence. Preferred: Experience with MARC cataloging on automated library systems such as OCLC, RLIN, or Bibliofile; knowledge of historical and genealogical research, knowledge of the principles and procedures of libraries and archives, demonstrated supervisory skills. Salary: $26,880 plus state benefits. Ope 356/C&RL News STATISTICS AND MEASUREMENT SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICERAssociation of Research LibrariesThe Association of Research Libraries seeks a Senior Program Officer to develop and manage a Statistics and Measurement Program. The primary responsibility is the development of strategies for measuring the organizational performance and effectiveness of research libraries.ARL is comprised of 119 libraries that serve major North American research institutions. This new position reflects the interest of the association in expan enhancing the diversity of its faculty and staff, encouraging applica­tions particularly from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. A letter of application and resume with names of references should be sentto: Toni Miller, University of Denver, Penrose Library, Dean’s Office, 2150 East Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208.BIBLIOGRAPHER (Search Extended). The University of Maryland College Park Libraries invites applications for the position: Librarian I, Bibliographer, Collection Management and BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN/INSTRUCTOR, LI­BRARY SCIENCE. The University of Wisconsin-Superior seeks a creative, energetic librarian who can teach, formally and informally, information literacy skills, provide instruction for assigned courses in library science program (undergraduate minor), and serve regularly scheduled shifts, including evenings/weekends, at reference/infor- mation desk. Experience or familiarity with multimedia and informa­tion retrieval technology a must. Minimum qualification: June 1993/357 SYSTEMS LIBRARIANOhioLINKThe Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) Is seeking a systems librarian to work closely with the Director of Library Systems, with OhioLINK staff, and with personnel from OhioLINK member institutions in planning, implementing, and managing the OhioLINK project with a primary emphasis on the implementation of Integrated library systems for the two-year technical and community colleges. Serve as the primary liaison to the two-year technical and community colleges on all iss filled. Address application to: T. Okoshi, Sasakawa Peace Founda­tion USA, 1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.CHIEF LIBRARIAN. Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Library. Responsibilities: The Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA (SPF-USA) Library seeks chief librarian to administer a newly established library under the general direction of the foundation’s chief executive officer. Description of the library: The SPF-USA is a nonprofit, educational organization with a mission to foster deeper friendship and mutual required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school program, pref­erably with an advanced degree in Asian studies and/or other relevant fields such as political science, economics. Knowledge of the Japa­nese language is essential, including the ability to read in romanized form bibliographic data of Japanese materials. Familiarity with library automation, including OCLC or other major bibliographic utilities. Minimum salary $50,000 and negotiable, depending upon qualifica­tions. Application: Submit a letter 358/C&RL News cataloging of nonbook and nonmanuscript collections and shares responsibility for library instruction, collection development, and assistance with special projects. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: Knowledge of reference sources in rare books and manuscripts, descriptive bibliography, archival organization and tech­niques, and preservation methods; and the ability to search in RLIN and other electronic databases. Effective written and oral communi­cation skills and the ability to work coo $33,000. Send letter of application and resume, including names of three references, to: Lance Query, Assistant University Librarian for Planning and Administration, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208. Applications received by June 30, 1993, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action Employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.HEAD CATALOGER. Providence College, a Roman Catholic, f June 1993/359 SENIOR SYSTEM ANALYSTOhioLINKThe Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) is seeking a senior systems analyst to workclosely with the director of library systems and with personnel from OhioLINK member institutions in planning, implementing, and managing the OhioLINK project with aprimary emphasison technical support forthe central site computer systems located at Wright State University In Dayton, Ohio. OhioLINKisaconsortium composed of 15 public and two private universities and the State Library of to: Edgar Bailey, Library Director, Phillips Memorial Library, Provi­dence College, Providence, Rl 02918.HEAD, ELECTRONIC ACQUISITIONS AND SERIALS CONTROL DEPARTMENT. The University of Texas at San Antonio Library seeks applicants responsible for the organization, development, and man­agement of the department. Responsible for orders, receipts, check­in, claims, and payment for all library documents. Develops and maintains fund and statistical reports. Reports to assistant director for Technical Services an letter of application and resume to: Sue Tyner, Assistant Director for Technical Services and Library Computer Systems, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249-0671. UTSA is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Sweet Briar College seeks an energetic, creative, proactive librarian as head of public services. Reporting to the director of libraries and media services, the head of public services is respon 360/C&RL News HEAD, BUSINESS INFORMATION SERVICE Emory UniversityAVAILABLE: September, 1993.RESPONSIBILITIES: Direct and provide leadership and effective management for library services in support of the Emory Business School. Develop print and electronic resources and provide research services. Plan and implement user access and services in coordination with the Business School's programs and priorities. Prepare reports, planning documents, evaluations, and budgets. Work in close concert with the dean of the Business Sc nizes and manages library orientation and student employee training programs. Position requires rotating evening and weekend duty during the academic year. Applicant must possess the MLS and a minimum of three years experience in an academic or research library with progressively advancing supervisory and management respon­sibilities. Applicant must have strong interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills and be able to work with diverse groups. Desirable qualifications include advanced subject kno tions. The library provides a full range of reference services and uses DYNIX integrated library system as part of a regional consortium. Benefits include 22 days annual leave, retirement program (TIAA/ CREF or Zenith Accumulator), paid life insurance, BC/BS. Hiring at sssistant professor range of between $34,000 and $38,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Please send letter of application with complete resume and names, addresses, phone numbers of three professional references to: Patricia Wrig June 1993/361 LIBRARIANMONOGRAPH COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS Western Carolina UniversityResponsible for providing leadershipinthe development, evaluation, acquisition, and maintenance of the monograph collection. Responsible for managing allocation of monograph budget, working closely with teaching faculty to ensure that expenditures are in alignment with curricular offerings, coordinating work of library faculty who serve as liaisons to departments. Will be involved in the creation of a new collection develo and manages allocations, including collection budget of $253,000. Participates in long-range planning and policy making. Supervises, trains, and evaluates staff (over 10 FTE). Participates directly in the provision of services. Reports to an associate director and is a member of the Memorial management team. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS. Minimum of seven years increasingly responsible professional experience in public services in an academic or research library. Demonstrated understanding o of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Sandra Guthrie, Personnel Director, 365 Memorial Library, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 728 State St., Madison, Wl 53706-1494. Application deadline: Monday, July 5, 1993. Complete position announcement available from S. Guthrie, (608) 262-8190. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants and nominees must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confiden 362/C&KL News June 1993/363 procedures; develops collections in the areas of Nevada, gaming, and regional interests; acquires and manages manuscript collections and university archives; provides reference services; supervise one pro­fessional and two classified staff; participates in fundraising and outreach efforts. Qualifications: A minimum of five years of progres­sively responsible professional experience working with special col­lections, preferably in an academic library; experience and/or knowl­edge of manuscript or archival pr career couples. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Larry Kahle at the above address for more information.PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. University of Evansville. (Search re­opened). Responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all aspects of periodical service, including the selection, development, and use of periodicals and microforms. Works with librarians and faculty in identifying the needs of the periodicals collection, works with the acquisitions/c 364/C&RL News Serials Cataloger and Serials Acquisitions Librarian*Two positions available in the Serials & Acquisitions Department, University Libraries, State University of New York at Stony Brook. (1) Serials Cataloger- perform original cataloging of serials; assist in training and supervision of support staff in bibliographic searching, copy cataloging, and related activities, including monographic series and continuing sets on standing order. (2) Serials Acquisitions Librarian: place online and manual orders for do June 1993/365 LE MOYNE COLLEGELe Moyne College seeks two librarians to share with four other librarians the operations of public and technical services. Le Moyne College, founded in 1946 by the Jesuits, is an independent college committed to academic excellence in both liberal arts and professional programs. Enrollment: 1,962 undergraduates. A new part-time MBA program will be offered during the 1993/94 academic year, and graduate programs in education are anticipated. A three-year program to automate the library will be and commitment to working with a predominantly undergraduate clien­tele. Desired: Prior teaching and reference experience in an academic setting. Prior experience and/or demonstrated knowledge of information resources and retrieval in the electronic networking information environ­ment. Salary and leave: Minimum salary of $26,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. Apply to: Lucy R. Cohen, Manager, Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Grad REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for providing information and reference service, including some nights and weekends. This person participates in library instruction, performs collection develop­ment responsibilities in the social sciences, and shares in various departmental projects, programs, and committees. Reports to the head of reference services and is a member of the library faculty. This is a dynamic service-oriented department in an outstanding, fully automated university library of over 1.5 millio 366/C&RL News June 1993/367 SYSTEMS LIBRARIANUniversity of HoustonRESPONSIBILITIES:The University of Houston Libraries are expanding electronic information services and acquiring asecond-generation integrated library system. The libraries currently provide public access to 36 networked CD-ROM databases, two locally developed programs (an expert system and library orientation system, a CD-ROM union catalog for eight libraries, and the Geac Integrated Library System (I LS). The network is being significantly expanded to include 36 publi Desirable qualifications include an academic background in the sciences (preferred) or education and psychology and experience in providing reference service in an academic library. This entry-level position is tenure-track with faculty rank and status. Successful applicants must have or complete a second master's degree for tenure and show potential to gain promotion through faculty ranks. Starts September 1, 1993. Salary: $31,000. Benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement, medical, dental plans, full tuition remissi names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three refer­ences to: Chair, Reference/Library Instruction Librarian Search Com­mittee, c/o R.N. Sharma, Director, University of Evansville Librar­ies, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47722. Equal opportunity employer. Deadline for applications is June 30,1993. The University of Evansville is an independent, church-related, selective admis­sions university located in a city of 135,000 in southwestern Indiana. It offers a comprehensive program of instru 368/C&RL News HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENTThe University of CincinnatiThe University of Cincinnati University Libraries is seeking a strong leader, manager, and supervisor for the head of its centralized acquisitions department. This position reports to the Division Head for Collection Management and Processing Services and regularly consults with the collection development officer. This is a 12-month faculty (tenure-track) position. Salary is dependent on qualifications of the candidate, but the minimum salary will be offers a full range of programs in engineering, life sciences and agriculture, and physical sciences. Fogler Library has a staff of 21 professionals, an integrated library automation system, and an annual acquisitions budget of approximately $2.1 million. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Folsom Library is seeking a creative, innovative librarian who is comfortable working in a computer-intensive environment and capable of applying new inf services (especially electronic) in the sciences, reference service, database searching, bibliographic instruction, continued professional development, and service on library and university committees and task forces. Qualifications: An MLS from an ALA-accredited program, interest and ability to work with scientific and technical materials, ability to work effectively with the public, excellent oral and written communications skills, familiarity with library automation applica­tions, ability to work in a ra June 1993/369 UNIVERSITY CENTER LIBRARIAN George Mason UniversityGeorge Mason University seeks a librarian to manage its new University Center Library, scheduled to open August 1995. The library will combine the latest in information technology with a multimedia center and a basic collection supporting the undergraduate curriculum. The University Center is a320,000-square- foot building which will be occupied by student activity and student union functions and a 100,000-square- foot library. The library is planned to hou line searching, CD/ROMs, and the use of Internet resources. Salary is $25,000 minimum, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Application review will begin July 15. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Barbara Lockett, Director of Libraries, Folsom Library, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti­tute, Troy, NY 12180. Rensselaer is an AA, EEO employer. Applica­tions of minorities and women are particularly encouraged.SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. The University of Akron i SERIALS LIBRARIAN. A permanent, faculty-level appointment with academic rank but without tenure. The incumbent manages the acquisition, processing, and cataloging of all serials; develops procedures for the entering and maintaining of serials-related records in the library’s INNOPAC-based integrated online system; adminis­ters the contracts with the library’s serials (EBSCO and UM I) and binding vendors; and is responsible for selecting, training, directing, and evaluating subordinates. Required: an ALA-acc 370/C&RL News tosh and MS-DOS/Windows), automated serials control systems (Dynix preferred), electronic information sources and advanced sub­ject knowledge in an academic discipline. As a faculty member, applicant must meet faculty criteria for promotion. The Sweet Briar College library system consists of a central library and three branches: art, music, and science. The collection has over 200,000 volumes with over 1,000 subscriptions. The library provides a full range of traditional and online reference services and is personnel, and other librarians. Duties include some scheduled reference service as an element of user instruction. Reports to newly- created position of associate college librarian for information and technology. Gettysburg is becoming a model among liberal arts colleges for utilization of information technology to support class­room teaching and student and faculty research. Candidates must possess an ALA-accredited degree in library and informa­tion science. Desired qualifications consist of additional g Late Job ListingsARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Position description: the archi­tectural resources librarian serves as curator of Southeastern Architectural Archive and is also responsible for collection development of the Tulane University Library’s architectural holdings. The holder of the position reports to the assistant university librarian for special collections and works collegially with other members of the Special Collections. Noted as one of the top three architectural archives in the U.S. (F June 1993/371 appropriate cataloging councils. Serve as reference librarian, including weekend and evening rotation. Share responsibility for teaching students and faculty use of informa­tion retrieval systems. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited li- brary/information science school. Prefer at least three years of responsible experience in an academic cataloging department. Expertise with OCLC, MARC formats, and local automated systems. Thorough knowledge of LC classification and AACR2. Familiarity wit 372/C&RL News include the papers of 13 of the earliest WV governors; the personal papers of various political figures; the archives of businesses, industrial organizations, and unions; Civil War histories pertaining to the Appalachian region; diaries; artifacts; and a compre­hensive collection of printed materials documenting Appalachian history. The head of special collections and curator actively develops external support for the archival and special collections, working collaboratively with the libraries’ and the univ June 1993/373 $30,000 plus benefits. Send a letter of application, resume, names/addresses of three references to: Search Committee/Electronic Resources Librarian, Director’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Phone: (716) 275-4461; Fax: (716) 273-1032. Application should specify exact qualifications for the position. Applications will be reviewed beginning July 1, 1993. EOE/MF.HEAD OF CATALOGING. Loyola University Chicago. Loyola University seeks a creative leader in cataloging to 374/C&RL News ANNOUNCEMENT OF FOUR POSITION VACANCIESBALL STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESBall State is a comprehensive university with over 20,000 students and 1,000 faculty serving east-central Indiana. It is located fifty miles northeast of Indianapolis in a city of 80,000. The library contains 1.4 million items in a modern building; it is serviced by 40 librarians and 85 FTE support staff.HEAD OF CATALOGING SERVICESReports to Assistant Dean for Technical Services. Responsible for managing the cataloging services unit and c