ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 349 pher in the acquisitions division, University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. Frances Scott has joined the staff of the University of Houston libraries as assistant ac­ quisitions librarian, Houston, Texas. Shirley Senn has been appointed cataloger at the City College library, City University of New York. Judy Sessions is now assistant librarian at the Spartanburg regional campus, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Charles C. Sisson is now on the staff of the reference division of the University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. Bronwen Solyom is the new administrative assistant to the university librarian at the Uni­ versity of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Thomas Spaith is now engineering librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Mrs. Susan Spector is the new assistant se­ rials librarian, Northwestern University, Evans­ ton, Illinois. Marjorie B. Stephenson has been appoint­ ed humanities librarian at Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Muriel G. Stewart has been appointed cataloger, The City College library, City Uni­ versity of New York. Paul Stott has been appointed as head of the loan division at Mann library, Cornell Uni­ versity libraries, Ithaca, New York. Mrs. Linda Anne Sundholm has been ap­ pointed to the staff of the cataloging depart­ ment of the University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. Linda Vandervelde is a new assistant cata­ log librarian at the University of Kansas li­ braries, Lawrence. Guy W estmoreland is now the assistant reference librarian, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Katharine W olpe is the new psychology librarian at the City College library, City Uni­ versity of New York. Dr. Sheh W ong is now assistant professor and head of the East Asian library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Richard J. W ood has joined the library staff of Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, as head of circulation. Mrs. Susan Zappen was appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Karen Zimmerman has been newly appoint­ ed as an associate catalog librarian at the Uni­ versity of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. Ed. Note: The October issue of the News listed Mr. Russell H. Benedict as head of the Indiana State University catalog division. This note was in error. Mr. Benedict is head of the Indiana State Library catalog division and Mrs. Frances Kepner is head of the catalog division at the Indiana State University Library. Our apologies to both individuals. NECROLOGY Mabel Eaton, librarian emerita of Bates College died in Lewiston, Maine, August 11, 1971, a t the age of eighty-three. Since her re­ tirement from Bates in 1957 she had been ac­ tively associated with the Central Maine Gen­ eral Hospital Nursing Library. Myron Warren Getchell, former assistant professor of library science at Catholic Univer­ sity from 1944-55, died February 28, 1971. During his thirty-three years of involvement with libraries, Mr. Getchell served as a catalog­ er at the University of Illinois, librarian of Eastern State Teachers College in Madison, South Dakota, and as associate editor of the thirteenth and fourteenth editions of Dewey. He was living in retirement in Washington, D.C. at the time of his death. ■ ■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised th a t these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication o f the salary, the institution is w illin g to provide for the position offered.. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed ­ ited to exclude d ire ct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions o f employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p u b li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after th a t tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed, line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE BOOK PRINTING—W e p rin t as few as 200 copies paper­ back, hard cover, pamphlets. . New copy or reprints. Quality, economy, and cooperation. Free details. Graphi- copy, Box 285-C, Floral Park, NY 11001. N ATIO NAL U NIO N CATALOG, pre-1956 im prints. Vol­ umes 1-180, m int condition. Cost $3,781.80. Future vo l­ umes available from Mansell of London. Bids f.o.b. your lib ra ry w ill be considered until December 31, 1971. Columbus Memorial Library, MNB-BI03, 1828 L St. NW, Room 350, Washington, DC 20036. WANTED COLOR PLATE BOOKS. Botanical, sporting, natural his­ tory, atlases, ornithology, costumes, views, landscapes, etc. Especially wanted Audubon, Ca†esby, Gould, H ud­ 350 son River portfo lio , Ackermann Publications, florals, etc. We w ill consider incom plete books & volumes outwardly in bad condition—the plates being o f main importance. Also, Black and W hite illustrated books such as Piranesi, Bartlett, A llom , etc. J. N. Bartfield Books, Inc., 45 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. POSITIONS WANTED LIBRARIAN, MSLS, 9 years’ experience head small aca­ dem ic library, desires same o r reference, bibliography, cataloging, or com bination. Specialties: religion, Near East, French, German, Arabic, Turkish. Can teach part- tim e. Philadelphia or area. W rite Box 810, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. "UNDERWORKED, OVERPAID AND OVERLOVED" ac­ quisitions librarian, M A (Spanish), MALS, "Bookm an"; several years o f experience in large and medium-sized academic libraries—general, Latin American, and Slavic acquisitions—wants to relocate as acquisitions librarian or subject b ibliographer. Very good Spanish, German, and Slavic. W rite Andrew L. Makuch, 1587 E. Edison, Tucson, AZ 85719. POSITIONS OPEN A dm in istra tio n COORDINATOR of evening library services fo r C ity Uni­ versity New York College, to work 4 weekday evenings + Saturday or Sunday. Start Feb. I. Salary $ 12,700—$22,500 depending on background.. Require ALA-accredi†ed MLS + 2 years’ reference experience; prefer second master’s o r doctorate and adm inistrative experience. Faculty rank, to p benefits, a ttractive campus. W rite in full to Box 810, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARY DIRECTOR B. Virginia State Library. W orking under assistant state librarian, w ill administer and super­ vise acquisition, cataloging, reference, and circulation work o f 500,000-volume general, scholarly library, in­ cluding extensive interlibra ry loan and mail reference service, historical picture collection, and statewide mo­ tion picture film service. Graduation from accredited li­ brary school and a t least 5 years’ experience, 2 o f which must have been adm inistrative. Salary range $13,728-$17 ,150. A p p ly to Personnel Manager, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA 23219. C ata lo ging ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN—MLS from accredited lib ra ry school with some experience or knowledge of LC. O rig in a l cataloging with some supervision o f small but eager staff, 12—15,000 accessions annually. TIAA-CREF, sick leave, hospitalization benefits, and faculty rank. C ul­ turally-oriented community. Tri-C ollege Library Con­ sortium. Salary $8,000 up depending on experience. Po­ sition open im m ediately. W rite K. L. Janecek, Director o f Libraries, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102. HEAD CATALOGER. O pportunity fo r experienced DC ca†aloger in lib ra ry of one m illion volumes. Must have several years’ experience cataloging in research library, adm inistrative a b ility, master’s degree from ALA-ac­ credi†ed library school. Faculty rank. $11,500 minimum fo r II months. Ideal location in academic setting near m etropolitan areas. Moderate clim ate; a world o f fresh a ir and sunshine—why w ait for retirement? A p p ly to Roscoe Rouse, Library Director, Oklahoma State Uni­ versity, Stillwater, OK 74074. Reference LARGE EASTERN UNIVERSITY lib ra ry. Two reference va­ cancies: ( I ) Business adm inistration or economics back­ ground; (2) History o f a rt major. MLS required, some experience preferred. Salary range $8,500-$10,500. Send resume to A-52, P.O. Box 2045, Philadelphia, PA 19103. An equal opportunity employer. S ubject Specialists BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR HISTORY. Broad knowledge o f the general subject area (North American and British history and history o f Western Europe), its b ib lio g ra p h ic tools, current , publishers’ output, and bibliosearch procedures is required.. In-depth knowledge of a particu la r aspect of the subject, knowledge o f out-o f-p rin t material and antiquarian dealers, and some related language fluency would be helpful. Salary is $9,000. Send resume to R. Max Willocks, Assistant Director of Libraries, 208 Carnegie, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. To supervise entire circula­ tion operation including 3 full-tim e staff and 30 students. Master’s degree from ALA-accredi†ed lib ra ry school + minimum o f 3 years’ , professional experience in circula­ tion in an academic library. Starting salary $10,000. Inter­ views a t ALA M idw inter can be arranged. W rite L. W. Walker, Dir. of Ls., Florida Technological University, Orlando, FL 32816. An equal o pportunity employer. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN in an expanding de­ partm ent of two (2) other professionals and eight (8) sub­ professionals. MLS and at least two (2) years o f library experience, preferably in technical services. Supervisory experience and a knowledge o f foreign languages de­ sirable. Position open imm ediat e ly .. Salary $9,000. Reply with resume to Director of University Libraries, Univer­ sity o f Cincinnati, Main Campus Library, Cincinnati, OH 45221. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN position open, prefer MLS g ra d ­ uate with background in science/engineering, interest in documents and serials. Salary range $8,000-$10,000, ap­ proxim ately; good status and fringe benefits. Send re­ sume to Mrs. L. B. Peck, Librarian, Montana C ollege of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte, MT 59701. ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Reference and col­ lection development. Development of faculty-student re­ lations. Some supervisory duties. MLS required; first preference given to subject background in the geological sciences or related field. Year reference experience or superior academic background. Interest and aptitude for pub lic service work. Maximum salary $8,772. Rank: Li­ brarian I or II. A p p ly to Merwin M. Moores, Asst. Dir. o f Ls. for Personnel and Budget, M I7I Library, University o f Washington, Seattle, W A 98195. An equal opportunity employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES DIVISION HEAD. M illion-volum e ARL library. Must, have experience în this line, master’s de­ gree from ALA-accredi†ed school, adm inistrative ability, knowledge o f the disciplines. Subject fie ld master’s de­ sirable. Excellent location near m etropolitan areas, m od­ erate clim ate, congenial staff. Seat on Library A d m in ­ istrative Council. Faculty rank. $10,500 minimum for II months. A p p ly to Roscoe Rouse, Library Director, O kla­ homa State University, Stillwater, OK 74074. SOCIAL SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER. W ork in a superb physical facility, a nonrest rictive environment which en­ courages self-direction, initiative, and im agination. M ajor responsibility for the systematic development of the col­ lections in the social sciences. Plan and coordinate ac­ quisitions, policies, and procedures in consultation with other bib liographers and faculty. MLS, graduate degree in social sciences required. 2—3 years’ appropriate library experience desired. Salary is $ 11,500-$ 13,500 depending on qualifications. Send resume to Dr. Richard Press, Asst. Uniy. Ln. for Collection Development, Northwestern Uni­ versity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. FORESTRY RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. General manage­ ment o f branch library. Reference and collection develop­ ment. Liaison with faculty and students. MLS required; BS or MS in fie ld o r relevant life sciences preferred. Two years’ experience in reference work including some super­ visory responsibility. Maximum salary $11,268. Rank: Li­ brarian II or III. A p p ly to Merwin M. Moores, Asst. Dir. o f Ls. for Personnel and Budget, M I7I Library, University of Washington, Seattle, W A 98195. An equal opportunity employer. 351 T he W orks of Stephen Crane Edited by Fredson Bowers (Center for Editions of American Authors) T h e O ’R u d d y Volume IV E d ited by Fredson Bowers, University o f Virginia. In tro d u ctio n by J. C. Levenson, University of Virginia. lxx iv , 362 p p., illus. $15.00 T h e O ’R u d d y, an Irish romance, is the last work w ritten by Crane. I t was left unfinished a t the tim e of his d eath an d was la ter com pleted by R o b ert Barr. T h e O’R u d d y shows the ex ten t of C rane’s artistic creativity an d his genuine feeling for Irish people, language, a n d customs. T h is edition, based m ainly on an unrecorded holograph m anuscript of C ran e’s an d on R o b e rt B arr’s early page proof, is as close as possible to the version C rane originally in tended. T h e In tro d u c tio n gives a detailed analysis of T h e O ’R u d d y ’s sources. R e p o rts of W ar Volume IX E dited by Fredson Bowers, University o f Virginia. In tro d u ctio n by J ames B. Colvert, University o f Georgia, x x ix , 678 p p., illus. $24.00 Volume IX of C ran e’s W orks establishes for the first tim e a definitive text of C ran e’s war dispatches from Greece, Florida, Cuba, P uerto Rico, and England. C rane wrote the dispatches for various syndicates an d newspapers, most of them ap p earin g in the New York W orld, the N ew York Journal, o r the W estm inster Gazette. T h is volume also includes Great Battles of the W orld, a series of eight articles w ritten for L ip p in c o tt’s Magazine, an d several “Im ogene C arter” w ar dispatches from Greece w hich Cora Crane w rote w ith C ran e’s help. T he Buck Fever Papers By Sherwood Anderson. E d ited by W elford Dunaway T aylor, University of R ich m o n d , x x x , 250 p p., illus. $12.50 Sherwood A nderson was at his wittiest w hen he w rote these whimsical news stories u n d er the guise of “Buck Fever” for his two newspapers in Southwest Virginia. T h is is the first com plete collection of those columns, an d it is the best collection of A nderson’s hum orous an d dialect w riting. W interthur Portfolio 7 E dited by I an M. G. Q uimby, E d ito r of W in te rth u r Publications. 256 pp. (tn t.), illus., index. $10.00 T h is latest W in te rth u r Portfolio again provides an au th o ritativ e an d fully illustrated account of several im p o rta n t aspects of early A m erican culture. T h e articles include: "W hen W ine T u rn s to Vinegar: T h e Critics’ View of ‘19th-Century A m erica’ ” by Jay C antor. “Eighteenth-C entury C u ltu ral Process in Delaware Valley Folk B uilding” by H enry Glassie. “T h e Political A rt of Jam es A kin” by M aureen O ’Brien Quimby. “T h e Shaker Mission to the Shawnee In d ian s” by Edw ard D em ing Andrews. “T h e Pew ter of W illiam W ill: A Checklist” by Suzanne H am ilton. "C olonial P h ilad elp h ia an d Its Back­ g ro u n d ” by J o h n F. Walzer. “A H istorical Checklist of the Pines of Eastern N o rth A m erica” by Charles van Ravenswaay. “O tt Brewer: E tru ria in A m erica” by Jam es M itchell. “C arpentry in the S outhern Colonies d u rin g the E ig h teen th C entury w ith Emphasis o n M aryland an d V irginia” by P eter C. Marzio. University Press of Virginia Charlottesville GALE’S MANAGEMENT INFORMATION GUIDE SERIES B ecau se o f t h e la c k o f c o m p re h e n s iv e and o rg a n iz e d in v e n to rie s o f re s o u rc e s a v a ila b le f o r f a c t f in d in g in p a r t ic u la r fie ld s , G ale is r a p id ly e x te n d in g it s s e rie s o f v it a l M a n a g e ­ m e n t In f o r m a t io n G u id e s . Each b ib lio g r a p h y in th e s e rie s is c o m p ile d b y a re c o g n iz e d s p e c ia lis t; each is d e s ig n e d t o d ir e c t t h e u s e r t o ke y s o u rc e s o f in f o r m a t io n . T h e n in e M IG b o o k s fe a tu r e d b e lo w a re th e la te s t a d d itio n s t o t h is e s s e n tia l s e rie s . W r it e f o r c o m p le te d e ta ils o n th e s e and o th e r M IG t it le s . USE THESE NEW MIG BOOKS FREE FOR THIRTY DAYS A C C O U N T IN G I N F O R M A T I O N S O U R C E S (M IG 18) Edited by Rosemary Demarest. Arranged according to the major areas of accounting practice and problems, this outstanding bibliography assists accountants, their clients and employers in finding authoritative answers to the complex questions facing the profession today. 420 pages. L.C. #70-120908. $ 1 4 .5 0 . A M E R I C A N E C O N O M IC A N D B U S IN E S S H I S ­ T O R Y I N F O R M A T I O N S O U R C E S (M IG 2 3 ) Edited by Robert W. Lovett. The only current, comprehensive bibliography of the literature on the subject. Succinct annotations delineate the scope and value of each w ork cited. The titles selected reflect the most significant w ork in the field from 1948 to the present. 3 2 6 pages. L.C. #78-137573. $ 1 4 .5 0 . C O M M E R C I A L L A W I N F O R M A T I O N S O U R C E S (M IG 17) Edited by Julius J. Marke and Edward J. Bander. Designed to serve the layman, student, business­ man, accountant, legal practitioner, and librarian, this one integrated bibliography covers every major aspect of modern commercial law and related subject areas. 220 pages. L.C. #73-120909. $ 1 4 .5 0 . E T H IC S IN B U S I N E S S C O N D U C T (M IG 21) Edited by Portia Christian. Grouped in chronological sections, the references in this guide cover th e problems and attempted solutions relating to ethics in business conduct and outline the subject’s place in business edu­ cation. The annotated entries reflect the changes w hich have occurred in standards of ethics since 1900. 156 pages. L.C. #77-127411. $ 1 4 .5 0 . F O O D A N D B E V E R A G E I N D U S T R I E S (M IG 16) Edited by A lbert C. Vara. Included in Library J o u rn a l’s "Business Books of 19 70: A Selection of Recommended Books" (LJ, March 1, 1971), this volume covers books and periodicals and offers the most comprehensive lis t­ ing ever published of audio-visual information sources for this $15 -b illio n segment of the U.S. economy. 275 pages. L.C. #70-102058. $ 1 4 .5 0 . (M IG I N S U R A N C E I N F O R M A T I O N S O U R C E S 24 ) Edited by Roy Thomas. In this bibliography and guide book, Thomas covers the books, periodicals, libraries, professional organizations, and educational institutions that are concerned w ith this vast field. Also listed are books dealing w ith career opportunities plus texts and booklets w hich the student may study to learn about the insurance industry. 3 3 8 pages. L.C. #75- 137575. $ 1 4 .5 0 . I N V E S T M E N T I N F O R M A T I O N S O U R C E S (M IG 19) Edited by James B. W oy. Intended for investment neophytes as w ell as those experienced in the field, this volume indexes and analyzes daily, weekly, and monthly publications including investment periodicals, govern­ ment publications, newsletters, and newspapers. 237 pages. L.C. #79-118791. $ 1 4 .5 0 . P U B L IC R E L A T IO N S I N F O R M A T I O N S O U R C E S (M IG 2 2 ) Edited by A lice Norton. Prepared for public relations practitioners, librarians, public relations faculty and students, and the untrained w h o are called upon to perform public relations functions, this bibliography lists materials (m ost published after 1950) in six s ections: general sources, special fields and special publics, public relations tools, public relations associations in the U.S., public relations careers, and international public relations. 153 pages. L.C. #71-137574. $ 1 4 .5 0 . R E S E A R C H IN T R A N S P O R T A T IO N (M IG 20) Edited by Kenneth U. Flood. Part I, "Legal/Legislative Research," covers publications w hich carry texts of laws and regulations and ICC and cou rt decisions. Part II, "M e thod s o f Searching fo r Inform ation," outlines various procedures for legal and legislative analysis. Part III, "E conom ic Research," lists and describes general b ib li­ ographies of transportation as w ell as sources o f statistical information, directories, periodicals, and newsletters. 726 pa G ges A . L L E .C. #72- 1 BO RE 1 OK TOW SE 8792 A . $ 1 R • R 4 E DET C .5 0 H . ROIT. M C IC O H . M 482 P 26 ANY