ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 836 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 Career o p p o rtu n itie s C L A S S I F I E D A d s fro m across the country Deadlines: Orders fo r regular classified advertisements m ust reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads w ill be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $10.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.60 for others. Late job notices are $24.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $29.50 for others. Organizations subm it­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $485 to $900 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. O r see our Web site: h ttp://w w w l. Guidelines: For ads th a t list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the m onth in w hich the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). AH job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy o f the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents w ill be edited to exclude dis­ crim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status v ary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the W eb at http://w ww l. Ads w ill be placed approxim ately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Elise Parker, C lassified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c& rlnewsads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality o f opportunity for all library employees or applicants fo r employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T A R C H IV IS T F O R T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. The Princeton U niversity Library, in the vanguard o f the world’s best research libraries, is heavily used by a population of 6,400 students and 1,100 faculty members. The general collection includes 6 million printed volum es tha t m eet the diverse needs o f the academ ic community. Its holdings range from ancient papyrus and incunabula to the most advanced electronic databases and journals. The library employs more than 300 professional and support personnel, complem ented by a large student and hourly workforce. The library system includes a large central library and 15 specialized libraries. More inform ation may be found a t the library’s W eb site: Description: The A ssistant Archivist w orks a t the Princeton U niversity Library’s Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, a unit o f the Department o f Rare Books and Special Collections. This library houses a m ajor collection of 20th-century public policy papers (about 15,000 linear feet) and the Princeton U niversity Archives (about 12,000 lin e ar feet). On an annual basis, over 2,500 researchers from around the nation and the world visit the Library, requesting over 6,000 containers and ordering over 50,000 pages of photocopies and 500 photographs. The library also responds to about 1,000 telephone inquiries and 2,000 mail, fax, and e-mail queries annually. The Assistant Archivist reports jointly to the University Archivist and Curator o f Public Policy Papers, who sets priorities, and to the Rare Books and Special Collections Department’s Head of Technical Ser­ vices, w ho oversees w o rk procedures and standards. Th e prim ary responsibility of this person is to manage technical services operations at the Mudd Manuscript Library. T h is includes an a m bitious processing program (typically 5 00 -1 00 0 linear feet p e r year) that involves oversight of two project archivists and their support staff (between 2 and 5 FTE) as well as the recording o f o ve r 120 accessions p e r year. This person also manages the library’s Web site, cataloging, and data management activi­ ties, and supervises one full-tim e perm anent assistant. Th e position requires a high degree of fluency with databases, W eb technologies, and computing tools in addition to standard bibliographic control conventions such as MARC. Th e Assistant Archivist is part o f the Mudd Manuscript Library’s m anagem ent team (consisting o f this person, the Assistant A rch ivist fo r Public Services, and the U niversity Archivist) and is part of Mudd’s reference rotation, serving a s prim ary and backup reference person one day per week. The tw o A ssistant Archivists w o rk together closely, as they are responsible fo r the daily operations of the Library, and each helps establish priorities, policies and procedures fo r the building and staff, as well as participating in system wide library activities. This person is also involved in mounting exhibitions both within the building and as part o f a rotation in the main gallery in Firestone Library. He o r she is expected to work one evening p er w e ek on an occasional basis. F o r more information, seethe Mudd Library’s homepage: -m u d d /. The Assistant Archivist also participates in the managem ent of the Department’s Technical Services Division along with the Division’s Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALAOffice for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $26,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $36,503 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 *R a th e r than establish one state w id e salary m inim um , some state associations have adopted a form ula based on variables such as com parable salaries fo r public school teachers in each com m u- nity, o r the grade level o f a p rofessional librarian post. In these cases, you m ay wish to co nta ct the state association fo r minim um salary information. **These recom m endations apply o nly to public librarians. other unit heads. Qualifications: Required: MLS with significant historical coursework in American history o r graduate degree, preferably in 20th- century American history; experience appraising and processing large archival collections and producing finding aids and oth e r collection man­ agement tools; advanced computer skills, including database literacy and HTM L and Web-related knowledge; strong organizational abilities and excellent writing and editing skills; supervisory experience and knowl­ edge of 20th-century American history; five years o f progressively re­ C&RL News ■ December 2002/ 837 HEAD, PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT J U O N H I N V S E H R O S P I KI T N Y S Attention Preservation Librarians: Come lead and shape our preservation program. The Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University offer an exciting opportunity in the field of preservation administration for an individual with vision, energy, and the entrepreneurial spirit. Boasting one of the older and better-known preservation programs in an academic library in the United States, the Sheridan Libraries have often been in the vanguard of the preservation community. Today, the libraries seek a technologically knowledgeable manager who is able to extend the preservation program into new arenas, such as digital and other types of reformatting, care of nonprint and electronic materials, and staff and user education. The Sheridan Libraries are strongly committed to diversity. A strategic goal of the libraries is to “work toward achieving diversity when recruiting new and promoting existing staff.” The libraries prize initiative, creativity, and professionalism and offer challenge, independence, and visibility. Position reports to the Dean of University Libraries. RESPONSIBILITIES Develop and recommend policies and programs to conserve and preserve the libraries' collections. Organize, manage, and plan for all preservation activities reporting to this position: General Collections, Conservation, Special Collections Conservation, the Commercial Binding Office, and Preparations. Represent the libraries in preservation activities involving local, state, regional, national, and international agencies and organizations, and provide leadership in the development of cooperative preservation projects. Serve on the libraries' management team. Position reports to the Dean of University Libraries. QUALIFICATIONS MLS from ALA-accredited library school, with at least three years of job-related experience: concentration In preservation administration preferred; extensive knowledge of library preservation, conservation, and collections management principles, practices, and issues; knowledge of and experience with formatting technologies, including the application of digital technologies to preserva­ tion; demonstrated administrative and supervisory experience, preferably in an academic research library preservation/conservation program; familiarity with the national and international library arena and preservation/conservation issues; ability to develop inter/intra-institutional cooperation; excellent interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills. For a more detailed job description and position qualifications and to apply online, please go to:; or send résumé, including the names of three refer­ ences and indicating job#SCRA9353 on cover letter, via e-mail to: jhu @; fax to: (877) 262- 0646; or mail to: JHU Résumé Processing Center P.O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 Approximate starting salary range $53,470-$68,180. We offer excellent benefits, including tuition remission, in a smoke-free and drug-free environment. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. sponsible archival experience. Preferred: Records managem ent and reference experience and experience within a university archives; cata­ loging experience using AACR2, national authority files, and MARC, as well as experience using an integrated library m anagem ent system. Compensation and Benefits: Compensation will be competitive and com­ mensurate with experience and accom plishments.Twenty-four vacation days per year, plus 11 paid holidays. Health care insurance, disability insurance, and other benefits are available. Nominations and Applications: Review of applications w ill begin im m ediately and w ill continue until the position is filled. Nominations and applications (résumé and the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of three references) should be sent as a W ord attachm ent via e-mail: libhrpro@; o r fax: (609) 258-0454. Subm issions via regular mail are also welcomed and can be se nt to: Search Committee fo r Assistant ArchivistforTechnical Services, c/o Lila Fredenburg, Human R esources Librarian, Princeton Univer­ sity Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544-2098. Princeton University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R FO R A D M IN IS T R A T IV E A N D ACC ESS SERVICES. The New York Public Library seeks a dy­ namic individual to serve as the Assistant Director fo r Administrative and Access Services fo r The New York Public Library fo r the Perform ing Arts. 838 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY William Paterson University is a comprehensive public institution o f higher learning, committed to promoting student success, academic excellence, and community outreach with opportunities fo r lifelong learning. Members o f the faculty are highly distinguished and diverse teachers and scholars, many o f whom are recipients o f prestigious awards and grants from the F u lr ig h t Council (25 scholars), the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment fo r the Humanities, the National Institutes o f Health, the National Science Foundation and the American Philosophical Society. Featuring nationally renowned academic programs, the University maintains a low student: faculty ratio (12:1) and small class size (21) fo r its 30 undergraduate and 19 graduate degree programs, supported by state-of-the-art information and communications technology. The University enrolls 10,000+ students from across the country and from over 40 foreign nations. William Paterson University is situated on a beautiful suburban campus in Wayne, New Jersey, twenty miles west o f New York City. Library Systems Specialist R e p o rtin g t o t h e H ead o f L ib ra ry In fo rm a tio n S y stem s, t h e L ib ra ry S y stem s S p e c ia list p ro v id es su p p o rt f o r th e L ibrary's integ rated o peratin g sy stem a n d w eb-based info rm atio n system s. W orks w ith other L ib rary u nits to coo rd in ate d atabase and in terd ep artm en tal au to m atio n p ro jects. U ses d atabase m an a g e m en t to o ls to develop rep o rts an d p rovides tech n ical su p p o rt fo r O C L C services; W orks w ith the Library's W eb team a nd recom m ends d atabase and autom ation procedures to electronically in te g rate s e rv ic es an d w orkflow . P a rtic ip a tes in th e U s e r E d u c a tio n an d C o lle c tio n D e v e lo p m e n t P ro g ram s. R E Q U IR E D Q U A L IFIC A TIO N S: M L S from an A L A accredited s chool and a n u nderstan d in g o f M A R C form ats, m etadata stan d ard s and d atab ase stru ctu res. M u st h ave stro n g a nalytical and p ro b lem so lv in g c a p ab ilities, effective com m u n icatio n skills and an ability to w ork effectively b oth independently and as a team m em ber. D em onstrated experience w ith w eb authoring, H T M L an d w e b -b a sed a p p lic a tio n s is e sse n tia l. P R E F E R R E D Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : a c ad e m ic b a c k g ro u n d o r p rac tic a l e x p e rie n ce in m a in ta in in g lib r a ry sy stem s, d e m o n stra te d ex p e rie n ce u s in g r e p o r t g e n e ra tin g so ftw a re , e x p e rie n ce w ith O ra c le o r o th e r d ata b a se m an a g e m en t sy ste m an d p r o g ra m m in g sk ills. T his p o sitio n is a 12-m onth, ten u re-track appointm ent; seco n d M aster's o r A B D status req u ired fo r tenure. Position offers a sa lary ran g e f ro m $40,3 4 0 .0 8 to $ 6 0 , 514.81 an d a c om prehensive b e n e fits p a c k ag e in clu d in g tu itio n w aiv er fo r d epen d en t c h ild ren a fter one y ear o f fu ll-tim e em ploym ent. A pplications w ill b e accep ted u ntil p o sitio n is filled . P lease forw ard letter o f application, resum e and n a m e s and c o n tact info rm atio n fo r three r eferen ces to: Dr. A n n e C ilib erti, D irector o f L ibrary S erv ices, C h en g L ibrary, W illia m P aterson U n iversity, 3 0 0 P om p ton R o a d , W ayne, N J 074 7 0 . F or m o re in fo rm atio n ab o u t th e L ib ra ry v isit: h ttp ://w w w .w p u n j.e d u /lib r a r y . W illiam P aterso n U n iv ersity is a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity in stitu tio n co m m itted to diversity. W om en, m in o ritie s a n d u n d e r-re p re se n te d g ro u p s a re e n c o u ra g e d to apply. William Paterson University _________________________________________ WAYNE, N EW JERSEY You will develop, im plement, and coordinate administrative support for internal units, management procedures, facility operations, and staffing. In this role, you will also assist with the m anagem ent of fiscal operations including budget preparation and control and serve as liaison to service organizations in the performing arts. Requirements include an ALA- accredited MLS degree and excellent analytical, organizational, problem­ solving, and diplomatic skills. Candidates should have a broad knowledge and understanding of the role of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Please visit us at for a complete job description and instructions on how to apply. AS SO C IA TE DEAN OF LIBRARIES. (Reopened) T exas Tech University invites applications and nominations fo r the position of Associ­ ate Dean of Libraries fo r Outreach and Information Services. The univer­ sity libraries is seeking an innovative individual to provide leadership in tactical and strategic planning, coordination, leadership program evalua­ tion and innovation in all aspects of the university libraries. This position w ill oversee liaison and outreach, reference services, bibliographic in­ struction, access services, government documents, and two branch libraries. This position reports to the Dean of Libraries. Candidates fo r this position must possess a master’s degree from an ALA-accredíted pro­ gram and evidence of outstanding leadership ability w ith a minim um of five years’ experience in an academ ic environment. Candidates with the following qualifications will be given preference: Com m itm ent to excel­ lence, effective communication and service; knowledge of systems appli­ cation and skills; relevant experience; critical understanding of current issues and developm ents in scholarly publishing; advanced degree or Ph.D. The position is a 12-month appointment with a nationally competi­ tive salary. Librarians and archivists have academ ic status and are an integral part of the academic teaching and research mission of the University. Texas Tech University ( is a state- supported institution with an enrollment o f 28,000. It offers a wide range of academic programs in 13 colleges and schools, including law and medi­ cine. There are approximately 115master’s degree programs a nd over 58 at the doctoral level. Texas Tech is a m em ber o f the Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries, and the Greater Western Library Alliance. The newly renovated University Library (http:// w has o v e r 2.1 million volum es and an annual budget of o ver $9 million. Lubbock has a metropolitan population of 224,000 and is the regional ce nte r fo r education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Interested candidates should forward a lette r of application indicating qualifications and interest in the position, current résumé, and names and contact information of three references to: Human Resources Office, Texas Tech University Libraries, Box 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002. Electronic submissions are welcome and should b e sent to: Please address all correspondence to the Search Committee C h air and specify the title of the position. Review of applica­ tions will begin December 16, 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. A S S O C IA T E V IC E P R E S ID E N T FO R IN F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G IE S A N D S E R V IC E S A N D DE A N O F T H E L IB R A R Y AN D M E DIA S E R V IC E S . S h ip p en s b u rg U n iv e r­ sity invites nominations and applications fo r the Associate Vice President for Information Technologies and Services and Dean of the Library and Media Services. The successful candidate will be a dynamic leader who plays a major role in the university’s strategic planning for academic and adm inistrative information resources, technologies, and services. The candidate should demonstrate leadership experience o r skills in manag­ ing and implementing change in an environment characterized by rapidly evolving technology. Information T echnologies and Services is a new division, which provides a challenging and exciting opportunity for the candidate possessing vision, talent, and a strong com m itm ent to excel­ lence. A detailed job description and organizational chart are available upon request. Information on the university is also available though the university Web site at: The Associate Vice President for Information Technologies and Service and Dean of the Library and Media Services is responsible for providing leadership, planning, budgeting, coordination, oversight, evaluation of services and personnel, and staff developm ent for the Ezra Lehman Memorial Library, the University Elementary School Library, and Instruction Technology and Media Ser­ vices. He or she must be a service-oriented leader with strong interper­ sonal skills w ho can advance the educational mission of the library as the university’s centerpiece of scholarship and teaching and the integration of information and com puter competencies throughout the curriculum. The successful candidate must have a master’s degree in library and/or information science from an ALA-accredited program and an additional advanced degree in a related discipline; an earned doctorate is preferred. It is also expected that the candidate will have at least five years of successful and progressive responsibility in library leadership and ad­ C&RL News December 2002/ 839 ■ TECHNOLOGY COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN University of Arkansas The University of Arkansas (UA) seeks dynamic, innovative, and service-oriented candidates for the position of Technology Collections Librarian to join the university libraries’ rapidly expanding collection management program. Responsible for pro-active collection management, for outreach to faculty and students, and for initiating and conducting course-related and resource-specific instruction in support of the programs of the College of Engineering, of the Mathematical Sciences Department, and of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department. Responsible for collection analysis, use studies, development of innovative collection techniques, and building collections in all formats in partnership with the faculty in these subject areas. Other responsibilities are to develop innovative instruction programs for undergraduate and graduate students, provide specialized reference assis­ tance and consultation, and oversee internship programs for graduate students and undergraduate Honors students in these subject areas. The Technology Collections Librarian will participate as a member of the Sciences Collections Team in managing existing collections and future growth of the Libraries’ resources in technology. Reports to the Director for Collection Management Services and Systems. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; collection management experience in engineering, mathematics, or computer science in an academic or research environment; strong interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students; ability to work as a group o r team member; experience in instructional programs; demonstrated in-depth knowledge of one or more of the disciplines represented and of the research and publishing trends in these fields. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the subject areas; experience in conducting use studies and in using other collection analysis methodologies. Twelve-month appointment with tenure-track faculty status. Rank and annual salary negotiable, depending on experience and qualifications. Benefits include TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity; 22 days’ annual leave, tuition reduction, and health and dental insurance. Supported by major gifts received through the Campaign for the 21st Century, university goals include increasing enrollment by several thousand students; establishing new academic programs, especially in the Honors College and Graduate School; and increasing research across the curriculum. In concert with these goals, the libraries have identified strategic initiatives to meet increasing expectations of students and faculty in this growth environment, including innovations within the libraries, a higher level of operational excellence, enabling activity to support the university’s land-grant teaching and research mission, and dedication, innovation, cooperation, and flexibility among personnel. The university is situated in the Ozarks in one of the most rapidly growing areas of the country, offering numerous cultural and recreational opportunities associated with natural beauty. For more information, visit the UA homepage ( Review of applications will begin December 2, 2002, and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Janet Parsch Director for Organizational Development University of Arkansas Libraries 365 N. Ozark Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002 E-mail: The University of Arkansas is a nationally competitive, student-centered research university serving Arkansas and the world. The University o f Arkansas is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity institution committed to achieving a culturally diverse faculty. We encourage applications from a ll qualified candidates, especially individuals who contribute to the social, ethnic, and gender diversity o f our faculty and academic community. Applicants m ust have proo f o f legal authority to work in the United States. ministration, as well as dem onstrated leadership in strategic, fiscal, and program planning, including facilities planning/management and the use of evolving technologies in libraries. Further, the candidate must be a team player who is committed to diversity and colleg¡al¡ty. It is preferred that the candidate have professional involvem ent a t national and /or statewide levels, experience with consortia and other cooperative entities, and an understanding of collective bargaining, grant writing, and teaching institu­ tions that have a public service mission. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Starting date is June 1, 2003. Candidates m ust subm it a letter o f application that addresses the 840 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 HISTORY LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Barbara The University of California, Santa Barbara, one of 10 campuses of the University of California system, is seeking a History Librarian. Reporting to the Head of Information Services, the History Librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide reference, instruction, and collection development services to students, faculty, staff, and the university community. Provides scheduled reference service with some evening and weekend assignments, research consultation, electronic reference, and online searching. Designs and teaches course-integrated classes and library credit-bearing courses in information research methods. Has responsibility for all aspects of collection management and development for United States and World History including selection of information resources, monitoring approval plans, preservation and weeding decisions, faculty liaison, collection interpretation, evaluation, budgetary management, and resource sharing. ALA-accredited MLS; academic background and/or knowledge of the literature of the United States and World History; reference experience in general and/or specialized reference services; experience developing and delivering library instruction; experience in collection development; experience with print and electronic information resources. Strong commitment to public service and ability to work effectively with students, faculty, students, and staff; demonstrated initiative and flexibility; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Experience designing and maintaining Web pages is desirable. Hiring range is $42,996 to $64,164, based on qualifications and experience. Consideration of applications begins January 3, 2003, and continues until the position is filled. Send résumé and names and addresses of three references to: Detríce Bankhead Associate University Librarian Human Resources, Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 For the complete job announcement, visit: The University o f California is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace and invites applications from candidates who can contribute in this area. qualifications and responsibilities above, a full curriculumvitae, and three letters o f reference. All applications and inquires will remain confidential. Applications, nom inations, and inquiries should be sent to: Judith A. Brissette, R.H. Perry & Associates, 260 7 31st Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20008; phone: (401) 823-0762; e-mail: judithabrissette@ . Deadline fo r submission of completed applications is January 15, 2003. C A T A LO G E R L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n ive rsity o f C e ntral Florida (UCF) Library, Orlando, seeks a Cataloger Librarian to jo in a team of catalogers in a dynam ic, service-oriented environment preparing for migration to ExLibris, the new library management system. UCF encour­ ages national cooperative cataloging projects, is a m em ber of NACO, and catalogs an average o f 51,000 volum es per year. This new Cataloger Librarian reports to the Head of Cataloging in a departm ent w ith 6.25 FTE librarians and 9.0 FTE paraprofessionals. Responsibilities: The Cata­ loger Librarian is responsible fo r original and com plex copy cataloging; perform s bibliographic maintenance and authority control as appropriate. C ontributes to planning and training to support the objectives o f the Cataloging Department. Maintains an awareness o f national standards and local practices. Is expected to develop as a resource cataloger in at least one specialized area. Q ualifications: Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited institution. Preferred: Experience with o r knowl­ edge of AACR2R, LCCS and/or SuDocs, LCSH, MARC21 ,OCLC, online library system, W indow s applications, NOTIS and/or ExLibris; reading knowledge of one o r more foreign languages; evidence of commitm ent to service; ability to work independently and cooperatively; dem onstrated strong potential for professional development and creative problem solv­ ing; com m itm ent to learning and using emerging technologies; effective interpersonal, communication, analytical, multitasking, and organiza­ tional skills; dem onstrated fle xibility and the ability to handle change. Finalists w ill be asked to give a brief presentation during the on-campus interview. Environment: The University o f Central Florida is a rapidly growing metropolitan university located 13 miles east of downtown O r­ lando. UCF has 39,000 students, and 5,000 employees and serves a metropolitan population o f 1.5 million residents. The university offers 76 bachelor’s, 62 m aster’s, and 20 doctoral programs and confers about 7,000 degrees a year. The main library has a collection o f over 1.3 million volum es and is a partial depository fo r governm ent documents and patents. Th e library m aterials budget is $5.2 m illion. The staff o f 116 includes a library faculty o f 45. UCF offers an exciting and vibrant academ ic environment with growing collections, advanced technology, and an expanding campus. W eb site: Salary and Rank: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. T h is is a fu li- tim e, n o n -te nu re -tra ck faculty position with generous health insurance benefits and retirement options. To Apply: Subm it résumé, nam es of at least three professional references, and a letter explaining the applicant’s experience and qualifications forthis position, postmarked by January 15, 2003, to: Cynthia Kisby, Personnel Librarian, University of Central Florida Library, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, F L 32816-2666; fax: (407) 823-2529; e-mail: ckisby@ m Searches are conducted in ac­ cordance with the State of Florida open-records laws. U CF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CA T A LO G IN G T E A M LIB R A R IA N . Indiana U n¡versity-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries. Position Available: May 1 , 2003. Environment: Indiana University-Purdue University India­ napolis is a leading urban university campus where achievement-oriented students receive degrees from Indiana University o r Purdue University. Located in the heart of Indiana’s capital city, ju st blocks from the State House and centers o f business, art, and education, IUPUI reflects the dynam ic spirit of a growing city. IUPUI offers the largest range o f a ca­ demic programs and has received more sponsored research funding than C&RL News ■ December 2002/ 841 DEAN OF LIBRARIES University of Mississippi The University of Mississippi invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Libraries. The University Libraries include the main library, known as the John Davis Williams Library, and the Science Library. The University of Mississippi Libraries collections include over 1.2 million volumes and 8,500 periodical subscriptions. A state-of-the-art integrated library system provides access to over 95 subscription databases, 2,800 electronic journals, and over 25,000 electronic books. The library is a regional depository for United States government publications and, with the acquisition of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants collection, the library has become the national library of the accounting profession. In addition, the Department of Archives and Special Collections houses over 500 literary and historical collections of Mississ¡ppiana, the Blues Archive, and the Southern Media Archive. The library, a member of CRL, ASERL, and SOLINET, has 30 faculty and 27 staff members and a total budget over $6 million. The library is positioned to pursue ARL membership. Founded in 1848, the University of Mississippi is located in Oxford, a city In the hill country of North Mississippi about 75 miles from Memphis. Enrollment is at a record high of 14,500 students, and the university is featured in The Student Guide to America’s 100 Best College Buys. Oxford provides outstanding schools, medical facilities, and cultural opportunities; it has been listed in Fortune magazine’s top 100 small towns in America. Candidates must hold an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. They should also have a record of substantial and successful administrative experience in an academic research library, significant scholarly achievement evidenced through publications, and a record of active participation in relevant professional associations. Candidates should have demonstrated effective leadership, communica­ tion, and management skills in library administration, including budgetary responsibility. Broad experi­ ence in academic library administration including areas such as collection development, special collections, technical and public services, information literacy, information technology, and contract negotiation is essential. The Dean, reporting directly to the Provost, is responsible for the administration and direction of all aspects of the library services. Essential duties include building consensus and fostering cooperation among faculty, staff, and students, as well as articulating a vision for the future of library resources and services. The Dean also serves as an institutional representative and actively contributes to advancement and public relations. Applications should include a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, names of at least five current references, and other supporting materials that address the requirements of the position. A review of applications will begin January 1, 2003 and will continue until the position is filled or an adequate applicant pool is established. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Ronald Vernon Chair, Library Dean Search Committee Office of the Provost University of Mississippi P.O. Box 1848 University, MS 38677 The University o f M ississippi is an EEO/AA/Title Vl/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer. any other campus in Indiana. The University Library at IUPUI is among the most technologically sophisticated academic libraries in the United States. It is the centerpiece of a campus strategy to provide the latest information resources and services fo r students, faculty and the Central Indiana community. The library is a team-based organization tha t focuses on the innovative application of technology and new forms of engagement with the campus and the community. Job Description: Reports to the Cataloging Team Leader. The successful candidate w ill serve as a m em ber o f the library’s Cataloging Team . Duties include com plex copy and original cataloging o f monographs and serials, and creation of metadata fo r the library’s growing collection o f digital resources. M ay include liaison responsibilities with academic department. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited degree in library o r information science; knowledge o f the concepts and applications used in the standards and practices of organiz­ ing information; cataloging experience, including experience with AACR2R, LC classification, LCSH, LCRI, OCLC Passport, and a local integrated library system; ability to work in a com plex team-based environment with a diverse user group; strong verbal and written skills; knowledge of library information technology; ability to plan, coordinate, and implement projects; good organization skills and an aptitude for complex analytical and detailed work; ability to meet the requirem ents of a tenure-track appointment. Preferred: Experience with one o r m ore of the following metadata stan­ dards: EAD, TEI, Dublin Core, VRA Core, RDF, CIDOC, o r others; experience with SGM L and/or XML. Rank and Salary: The position is a 12- month, tenure-track appointm ent at the Assistant Librarian rank. Salary M inim um : $37,000. Starting Date: The position w ill be available May 1, 2003. Review of applications will continue until filled. A pplications re­ ceived before February 1 5 , 2003, w ill be guaranteed full consideration. A pplications should include co ver letter indicating specific position of interest, résumé, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses (e-mail if possible) o f fou r references. Send applications to: Mary Stanley, Asso­ ciate Dean, IUPUI U niversity Library, 755 W est Michigan Street, India­ napolis, IN 46202-5195; phone: (317)274-0487. IUPUI University Library has a com m itm ent to providing excellent public service to students, faculty, and the general community. IUPUI also has a com m itm ent to the p rinciple o f diversity and is a ctively seeking to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of o u r staff. W e encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups. For more information about IUPUI University 8 4 2 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 Furman University F u rm a n U n ive rsity , o n e o f th e n a tio n 's to p - r a n k e d lib e ra l a rts co lle g es, is s e e k in g ta le n te d lib ra ria n s t o f i l l t w o p o s itio n s : ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/SERIALS LIBRARIAN (N EW POSITION) D e s c rip tio n : C o o rd in a te s a c q u is itio n o f a n d access t o th e lib ra ry 's e le c tr o n ic resources, in c lu d in g research d a ta ba se s, o n lin e jo u rn a ls , a n d e le c tr o n ic b o o k s, a n d t o serials in a ll fo r m a ts . F a c ilita te s p a tr o n access t o e le c tr o n ic re sou rce s a n d serials v ia th e c a ta lo g a n d o th e r W e b -b a se d access to o ls . R e q u ire m e n ts : A LA/M LS, m in im u m t w o ye ars lib ra r y e x p e rie n c e , k n o w le d g e o f e le c tro n ic resources a n d se ria ls o p e r a tio n s , a w a re n e s s o f c u r r e n t tr e n d s a n d e m e r g in g te c h n o lo g ie s in e le c tr o n ic resources access, a n d e x p e rie n c e w it h c a ta lo g in g s ta n d a rd s f o r e le c tro n ic resou rce s a n d serials. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN D e s c rip tio n : W o rks closely w it h a ll lib ra ry d e p a rtm e n ts t o cre a tiv e ly envisio n th e p ossib ilitie s prese n te d by advances in in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g y . M anages a ll lib ra ry c o m p u te r systems, in c lu d in g th e In n o v a tiv e Interfaces a u to m a te d system, c o m p u te r n e tw o rk , W e b server a nd o ffic e d e s kto p a p p lica tio n s . R equirem ents: ALA/MLS, m in im u m tw o years lib ra ry experience, expe rtise w it h in fo rm a tio n te ch n olo gy, in clu d in g in te g ra te d library a u to m a tio n systems and co m p u te r netw o rks, a b ility to com m unicate effectively w ith b o th tech n ica l and n on -tech n ica l personnel re g a rd in g in fo rm a tio n te c h n o lo g y issues a nd services. C o m p le te jo b d e s c rip tio n s f o r b o th p o s itio n s a re a v a ila b le a t h ttp ://lib r a r y .fu r m a n .e d u /s ta ff/p o s itio n s .h tm . A BO UT THE UNIVERSITY F u rm a n U n iv e rs ity is a h ig h ly se le ctive , in d e p e n d e n t lib e ra l a rts c o lle g e o f 2 ,8 0 0 u n d e rg r a d u a te a n d g r a d u a te s tu d e n ts a n d 2 34 f u ll- t im e fa c u lty . It is d is tin g u is h e d b y its c o m m itm e n t t o e n g a g e d le a rn in g , a p ro b le m -s o lv in g , p r o je c t- o r ie n te d , a n d e x p e rie n c e -b a s e d a p p ro a c h t o e d u c a tio n . F u rm a n 's u n d e r g ra d u a te research p r o g r a m is r a te d f o u r t h in th e n a tio n by U.S. N ew s a n d W o r ld R e p o rt. F u rm a n 's 7 5 0 -a cre ca m pu s in th e f o o t h ills o f th e B lue R id g e M o u n ta in s is c o n s id e re d o n e o f th e m o s t b e a u tifu l in th e n a tio n . It is lo c a te d 15 m in u te s fr o m d o w n to w n G re e n v ille , SC, o n e o f th e S o u th 's m o s t p ro s p e ro u s a n d in t e r n a tio n a l c itie s w it h a m e tr o p o lita n p o p u la t io n o f 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 a n d a n e x c e lle n t a rra y o f c u ltu r a l e ven ts, re s ta u ra n ts a n d s h o p p in g . The c a m p u s is also ju s t 45 m in u te s fr o m A s h e v ille , NC, w h ic h p ro v id e s a w id e v a r ie ty o f o u t d o o r r e c re a tio n a n d e n t e r ta in m e n t o p p o r tu n itie s . T he F u rm a n U n iv e rs ity L ib ra rie s h a ve 12 fa c u lty - r a n k lib ra ria n s a n d 15 p a ra p ro fe s s ¡o n a l s ta ff. The lib ra rie s c o n ta in 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s a n d h a ve an a n n u a l a c q u is itio n s b u d g e t o f o v e r $1 m illio n . T he Jam es B. D u k e L ib ra ry is c u r r e n tly u n d e r g o in g a $ 2 5 - m illio n e x p a n s io n a n d re n o v a tio n , w h ic h w ill be c o m p le te d in 2004. For m o re a b o u t th e lib ra ry , see h ttp ://lib r a r y .fu r m a n .e d u . SALARY A N D BENEFITS: Salaries a re c o m p e titiv e a n d c o m m e n s u ra te w it h e x p e rie n c e . L ib ra ria n s have f a c u lty s ta tu s, 10 p a id h o lid a y s , 20 days v a c a tio n , a n d an e x c e lle n t b e n e fits p a cka g e , in c lu d in g d o m e s tic p a r tn e r b e n e fits . APPLICATIONS: R evie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w il l b e g in J a n u a ry 15, 2003, a n d w ill c o n tin u e u n t il th e p o s itio n is f ille d . S u b m it le t te r o f a p p lic a tio n , re sum e , tra n s c rip ts (co p y a c c e p ta b le in itia lly ) , names, addresses, p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th r e e re fe re n c e s to : J o h n K. Payne, A s so cia te D ir e c to r o f L ib ra rie s, F u rm a n U n iv e rsity, 3300 P o in s e tt H ig h w a y, G re e n v ille , SC 29613. A A /E O E /A D A C&RL News ■ December 2002/ 843 Music/Performing Arts Librarian RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Rutgers University Libraries seek an experienced, creative, and energetic professional to be the primary collection development, reference, instruction, and liaison Librarian for Music and the Performing Arts on the New Brunswick campus. Reporting to the Director, the successful candidate will work closely with outstanding librarians and with the distinguished faculty of the Mason Gross School of the Arts and will provide leadership in digital library initiatives, effectively manage projects related to music and the performing arts, and develop creative partnerships in order to expand and enhance the library's services to faculty and students. This is a faculty position, requiring research and publications, grant proposal writing, and leadership in professional associations. ALA accredited MLS, minimum of five years relevant experience in a research library, especially in collection development, are required. Advanced degree In Music and proficiency in European languages are highly desirable, as is a commitment to working closely with faculty and students in other disciplines within the Performing Arts, especially Theater and Dance. Skills and interest in the application of information technology, including audio/text/imaging, and a familiarity with metadata standards are preferable. Non-U.S. citizens must be authorized to work in the U.S. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The complete position profile is at Resumes received no later than January 1 0 , 2003 will receive first consideration. Submit resume, cover letter, names of three references to Sandra Troy (APP.159), University Libraries Human Resources Manager, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163, email: rulhr@, FAX: 732-932-7637. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey is an equal-opportunity, affirmative action employer Library, visit o ur W eb site at: w w w Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity institution. Individuals who require a reasonable accommoda­ tion to participate in the application process must notify Mary Stanley a t the above address and telephone number, a reasonable tim e in advance. C H A R L E S J . L IE B M A N C U R A T O R O F M A N U S C R IP T S . The New York Public Library seeks a dynam ic individual to serve as the Charles J. Liebman Curator of Manuscripts fo r the Humanities and Social Sciences Library. The Curator has full responsibility fo r the man­ agement and adm inistration o f the Manuscripts and Archives Division. This will include acquisition, processing, and preservation o f institutional records, personal papers, and oth e r historical and special archival collec­ tions. Requirements include an ALA-accredited MLS degree and an undergraduate degree in the Humanities along with substantial archival experience including experience with a variety of manuscript and archival standards. Please visit us at for a complete job description and instructions on how to apply. D IR E C T O R O F R A M A K E R L IB R A R Y . N o rth w e s te rn C o l­ lege, Orange City, Iowa, has a full-tim e, 12-month position open fo r a library director beginning in sum m er 2003 o r sooner. The position is a faculty (nontenured, no rank) position. The director coordinates and supervises all facets of library operations, including budget development and monitoring; hiring, supervising, and evaluating library staff; program development and review; acquisition and circulation of materials; and maintenance of equipment and facilities. Reporting directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, th e director attends faculty meetings and serves on cam pus committees. At the current tim e, Ram aker Library holdings include 125,000 volumes and 650 periodical subscriptions. Other than the director, the personnel o f the library are composed of two librarians and five support staff. The library is open 98 hours per week during the academic year. Given the rapid changes in information services and the age of the current facility, the new Director of the Library will have a rare opportunity to participate in and guide the building of a new Library and Information Technology Center on campus. Northwestern is commit- ted to building a state-of-the-art facility that will serve the college commu­ nity for the next generation. The ideal candidate will have a vision for what a modern college library should be, and any previous experience in building programs is a plus. Candidates m ust have a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution, five o r m ore years of progressively responsible academ ic library experience, excellent organizational and interpersonal skills, a strong Christian faith, and a commitm ent to the liberal arts. P reference will be given to candidates with a doctorate o r a second master’s degree and a working knowledge o f current library technology. The college provides excellent benefits, which include moving assistance and tuition remission fo r fam ily members. Orange City is located 45 minutes north of Sioux City, Iowa, and 75 minutes south of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Orange City is a quiet, friendly, safe com m unity of 5,000 people. The college’s vibrant theater and music programs provide cultural opportunities fo r the community. Collegiality is a positive feature o f the college’s ethos. Submit a letter of application and a résumé o r vitae to: Karen Cianci, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 101 7th Street, S.W., Orange City, IA 51041: email; An online application is available at E-mail questions are welcome. EAST ASIAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN. Description: Specialist in East Asian Studies with an em phasis on Japanese Studies, assigned to Technical S ervices, Bobst Library. Librarians are expected to serve as partners in the educational mission o f New York University (NYU) by establishing strong relationships with the faculty and students, building and maintaining appropriate research collections, and providing responsive and innovative information services. This position is expected to continue building a core collection in Japanese, to meet new and developing instructional and research needs. The primary focus is on literature, with highly selective coverage in fine arts, the social sciences and business. Additionally, the successfuI candidate will serve as coordinator of library activities and staff in support o f the East Asian Studies Program in languages beyond Japanese. Collection developm ent responsibilities include selecting and managing research materials in all formats, faculty liaison, providing a variety of research, consultation, and instructional services to faculty and students, and participating in the preservation efforts of the library. Technical services responsibilities include acquiring, cataloging, and classifying m onographs and serials, in print and micro­ form, in all appropriate languages and subject fields using AACR2, LC classification, and subject headings. Qualifications: Required: ALA-ac- credited MLS; proficiency in English and Japanese; substantial knowledge of East Asian studies as an academic discipline. Preference will be given to candidates who have done graduate work in Japanese studies and have substantial experience in either collection development o r knowledge of 844 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 DIRECTOR o f the JAMES A . CANNAVINO LIBRARY M ARIST COLLEGE Marist College invites applications and nominations for the Director of the James A. Cannavino Library. The Library is housed in a new state-of-the-art 83,000 square foot building. The Romanesque style structure is located at the center of the campus overlooking the Hudson River and integrates traditional collections with a substantial technological infrastructure. The building includes spacious reading and study areas with over 600 network connections, four digital classrooms, and a Center for Collaborative Learning. Among the Library’s special collections are the Lowell Thomas Collection, the Richard and Gertrude Wein¡nger Collection in Judaic Studies, the John Tillman Collection, the George M. and Alice S. Gill Fore-Edge Collection, the Nelly Goletti Music Collection, and the Rick Whitesell Record Collection. With a nationally-recognized record of achievement in using technology to enhance teaching and learning, Marist has been a leader in the digital library technologies in partnership with the IBM Corporation. The Director will provide innovative leadership for expanding the already considerable digital library technologies and content management approaches in support of the academic mission of the College. The Director oversees systems improvements to strengthen academic programs and to deliver services. He or she will guide the library in its continued evolution as a library in the electronic age. The Director will support faculty research, distance education initiatives, will be responsible for active instructional programs committed to fostering information literacy, for the library’s Endeavor IOLS system, and for expanding its traditional and electronic collections. The Director should be an advocate for enhanced digital library services; committed to library distance education services; have demonstrated experience in using new technologies and applying them to library services and collections; have knowledge of and success with external funding sources; have experience in building partnerships with technology vendors; and have demonstrated managerial expertise commensurate with advanced technical knowledge. The Director acts as the Library liaison to the College Community including the Board of Trustees, the President's Cabinet, the Academic schools and other administrative units. He or she reports to the Dean of Academic Programs, and will serve on the IBM Joint Study Steering Committee and the Information Technology Advisory Committee. The successful candidate will possess outstanding academic credentials, as well as a strong background in digital library applications. He or she will demonstrate evidence of vision and leadership, the capability for collaborative long-range planning and implementation, and strong communication, supervisory and management skills. The position offers a very competitive salary with a comprehensive benefits package and an excellent environment. Marist College is a comprehensive, independent, liberal arts institution located in Poughkeepsie, New York in the scenic Hudson River Valley. It enrolls 3,900 full-time and over 600 part-time undergraduates and 900 graduate students. Visit our home page at Marist College is strongly committed to the principle of diversity. We are especially interested in receiving applications from members of ethnic minorities, women, disabled individuals and other under-represented groups. The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a candidate is selected. Application materials should include a letter of interest that addresses how the candidate’s strengths and experience match qualifications for the position, a curriculum vita, and five references. They should be sent to: Dr. John Ritschdorff, Dean of Academic Programs, Marist College, MPO 905/CRL, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387 or via e-mail to: A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity/A ffirm a tive A ctio n E m p lo y e r C&RL News ■ December 20 0 2/ 845 Librarian For Reference And Instruction Salem State College is seeking a Library Associate fo r Reference and Instruction to be responsible fo r tra in in g lib ra ry patrons and sta ff how to id e n tify in fo rm a tio n needs; how to locate, retrieve, evaluate and synthesize inform ation; how to use electronic, trad itiona l and non -traditional in form ation resources. Required qua lifica tions include an ALA accredited Master’s degree in library science; in-depth know ledge o f electronic and tra d itio n a l reference resources, web authorin g tools and trends; a b ility to com ­ municate effective ly o ra lly and in w ritin g ; enthusiasm fo r lib ra ry public service and lib ra ry teachings and the a b ility to w o rk in a team environm ent and w o rk cooperatively and collegially w ith students, fa cu lty and colleagues; experience in and com m itm ent to w o rkin g in a m ultiracial, m ulticultu ral enviro nm e nt w ith students o f diverse back­ grounds and le arning styles preferred. Salary range is $33,000-40,000 depending on experience and credentials. M ust be available to w o rk Sunday through Thursday 2PM-10 PM. A p plication review w ill begin im m ediately and w ill continue u ntil an adequate pool is developed. To apply, send le tter o f application specifying dep artm ent and p osition fo r w h ich you are applying, resume, appropriate transcripts and three letters o f reference to: O ffic e o f H u m an Resources & Equal O p p o rtu n ity , Salem State College, 352 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA 01970; FAX: (978) 542-6163; E-MAIL:; (Word or Word Perfect Attachm ents Only) REFER TO: 03-AA-L-LIB-LIB2 SALEM STATE COLLEGE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE A CTIO N EMPLOYER. PERSONS OF COLOR, W OM EN A N D PERSONS W IT H DISABILITIES ARE STRONGLY URGED T O APPLY. For further information, see our website. cataloging and classifying materials on a national bibliographic utility using AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings. Salary and Benefits: Faculty status and attractive benefits package including five weeks’ annual vacation; salary commensurate with experience and back- ground. Send résumé with salary requirements to: Janet Koztowski, Director of Human Resources, New York University, Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Review of applica­ tions will begin im mediately and continue until the position is filled. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. H U M A N IT IE S /E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S C A T A L O G E R . Brigham Young University (BYU), Provo, Utah. BYU, an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, requires observance o f Church standards. Preference is given to applicants who are Church members. The Humani­ ties/Electronic Resources Cataloger performs original cataloging follow­ ing national and local standards fo r the creation of bibliographic and authority records. To Apply: Review the complete jo b listing (position /001425) located at and submit résumé, names of three references, and BYU employment appli­ cation form (download from above URL) to: Cali O’Connell, Library TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Oregon State University Science and Social/Humanities Librarians Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries seek two innovative and energetic individuals to support the research and instruction needs of the university community. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a dynamic group of library faculty and staff in a beautiful, recently renovated and expanded facility. These are full-time, 12-month, tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor. For complete position announcements, see: TO APPLY: Submit a letter of application and current résumé along with the names, ad­ dresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail ad­ dresses of three references to: Melissa Maloney 121 Valley Library Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-4501 For full consideration, apply by December 1, 2 0 0 2 . OSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and has a policy o f being responsive to the needs o f dual career couples. Human Resource Services, 2068 HBLL, Brigham Young Univer­ sity, Provo, UT 84602. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Anderson University invites applications for the position of Library Director. The position, beginning summer 2003, will be filled by an energetic individual who possesses the following desirable qualities and traits: recent administrative experience in an academic library setting, knowledge of and experience with current library technol­ ogy, ability to help the university community think strategically about the place o f the library, and experience in a church-related college o r univer­ sity. The ideal candidate will possess an MLS or MIS from an ALA- accredited institution in addition to a second master’s degree. Ph.D. desirable. Anderson University is a comprehensive institution affiliated with the Church of God of Anderson, Indiana, and seeks faculty who possess an active and maturing Christian faith. Anderson University is an equal o pp ortun ity e m ployer. Please send le tte r o f a pplication and résumé to: Carl Caldwell, Vice President o f Academ ic Affairs, Ander­ son University, 1100 East Fifth Street, Anderson, IN 46012; e-mail: chcaldwell @ M O N O G R A P H S O R IG IN A L C A T A LO G IN G HEAD. R e sp o n ­ sible to the Head of Cataloging fo r the planning, coordination, and biblio­ graphic control of original cataloging and classification of the libraries’ print and electronic monographic materials in all languages and subjects. Training and supervision of staff are primary responsibilities of the position. Duties include direct responsibility fo r two librarians and student assistants. For a full description of duties and qualifications, visit: http:// Standard benefits package includes life, health, and disability insurance, and mandatory participation in the state o r optional retirement system, 21 days’ annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Minimum Salary: $40,000, commensurate with experi­ ence. Application Procedure: Send letter of application specifically ad­ dressing each qualification, résumé, and the names, addresses, phone 846 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY California Baptist University California Baptist University, an evangelical Christian university affiliated with the California Southern Baptist Convention, invites applications for the position of Director of the Library. The Director provides leadership and direction in the planning, budgeting, development, and administration of library services. Overseeing all operations of the library, the Director ensures that quality library services are offered to students and faculty. Four faculty librarians and three full-time staff assistants report to the Director. REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must embrace the mission of California Baptist University and evidence a clear understanding of, and commitment to, excellence in teaching through the integration of the Christian faith and learning. MLS required; doctorate in an academic area or administration preferred. Successful candidates will have a minimum of five years’ successful experience in library program design, development, and performance assessment. Significant knowledge of and experience with information technologies, automated library systems, and networking required. STARTING DATE: July 1, 2002. A faculty application may be submitted electronically at: Contact Information: Jonathan K. Parker California Baptist University 8432 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92504 Phone: (909) 343-4213 Fax: (909) 343-4572 numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references, by January 10, 2003, to: Thom as Cetwinski, Human Resources Department, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, G A 30602-1641. Affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. R E F E R E N C E A N D IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . T h e C o l­ lege o f W ooster is seeking a Reference and Instruction Librarian to be responsible fo r coordinating the libraries’ reference and instructional programs, in which all of the librarians participate; providing reference and instructional services personally; overseeing the Student Reference As­ sistant program; and working with appropriate academic departments on collection development. Annual Salary: $33,000. T he position w ill be available May 15, 2003. A master’s degree in library o r information science from an ALA-accredited graduate school and appropriate experi­ ence are required. Candidates should mail a letter of application and résumé and/or curriculum vita, along with names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses for a t least three references, to: Damon D. Hickey, Director of Libraries, The College of W ooster, W ooster, O H 44691 .All applications should be received by December 3 1, 2002.The College o f W ooster is an independent college o f the liberal arts and sciences with a com m itm ent to excellence in undergraduate education. The College values diversity, strives to attract qualified women and minority candidates and encourages individuals belonging to these groups to apply. W ooster seeks to ensure diversity by its policy o f making appointm ents without regard to age, sex, race, creed, national origin, disability, handicap, sexual orientation, o r political affiliation. The College o f W o o ste r is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . C h a ffe y C o m m u n ity C o lle g e D ¡strict.Te n ure-track position beginning fall 2003. Master’s in library science, library information science, o r equivalent. Salary $37,318 (mini­ mum qualifications) to $67,730 (doctorate); excellent benefits. For an­ nouncement and information, calljobline: (909) 941 -2750; o r visit our Web site: This position opens Decem ber 2002. S C IE N C E L IB R A R IA N . C a lifo rn ia S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Long Beach (CSULB, www Tenure-track position avail­ able July 1, 2003. This position will be responsible fo r reference service, collection development, instruction and library liaison/outreach to stu­ dents and faculty of the College o f Natural Science and Mathematics (w The appointee will provide reference service in a busy, highly automated centralized environment. CSULB librarians are expected to participate in university and library governance and to engage in professional activities, including research and publication. The position requires an ALA-accredited professional library degree; other required and desired qualifications described in the application packet. Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience ($50,100- $80,136); this salary range may increase as a consequence o f collective bargaining. The position will remain open until an appointment has been made; review of candidates is expected to begin in late January 2003and continue through early spring 2003.To request an application packet, o r for further information, contact the library adm inistrative office by phone: (562) 985-7839; o r e-mail: CSULB is an equal oppor­ tunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and takes pride in its multicultural environment. S Y S T E M S L IB R A R IA N FO R D IG IT A L IN IT IA T IV E S . U n i­ versity of Colorado at Boulder. Job Description:This tenure-track position reports to the Faculty Director of the Systems Department. The Systems Department provides information technology support to the University Libraries. The position serves as liaison to technical and public services departments engaging in or supporting digital projects and is expected to maintain awareness o f developments in information technologies related to academ ic libraries, particularly digital initiatives. The successful can­ didate will have an opportunity to shape this new position and to contribute to the future o f digital initiatives in the libraries. Duties include providing leadership and training in the use of tools and formats appropriate for digital library initiatives by advising libraries’ faculty and staff and serving as a resource person on key issues in the digital environment; stim ulating, developing, im plementing, and com municating Libraries’ digital initia­ tives; experim enting and testing cutting-edge digitization techniques; maintaining a working knowledge o f metadata schem es appropriate fo r digital information; consulting with appropriate colleagues on metadata, digital preservation, and Web issues; working collaboratively with faculty colleagues on grant and other p roposals related to digital initiatives; working with campus colleagues on issues related to development of an institutional digital repository. Additional duties include providing technical support fo r special and ongoing activities, including the operation of Chinook, the Libraries' Innovative Interfaces system; providing support for effective use of the libraries’ intranet; assisting libraries faculty and staff with using Intranet features such as file sharing and collaboration; collabo­ rating with and training libraries faculty and staff in the use of Web development tools such as Dreamweaver and PhotoShop; and analyzing W eb and intranet server usage statistics. Significant p arts o f the respon­ C&RL News December 200 2/8 4 7 ■ CALEB T. WINCHESTER UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Wesleyan University Wesleyan University, a highly selective liberal arts university, seeks a visionary leader to enhance the library’s central role in the teaching, learning, and research of faculty and students. Reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Judith Brown, the University Librarian will lead an effort to create an expanded role fo rt he library and enhanced services in support of the academic community. These activities will enable the library to better integrate information resources in teaching, learning, and research and will enable it to innovate and respond flexibly to the rapid technological advances of the digital age while maintaining the enduring strengths of the library. She or he will assume the direction of an historically prominent and currently strong university library and staff, widely appreciated by faculty and students, that is well-positioned for further development. She or he will be a strategic partner in the leadership of Wesleyan University, serving in the Dean’s Council, and collaborating with a s trong Office of Information Technology Services. Located in Connecticut, halfway between Boston and New York, Wesleyan University is distinctive among other leading private, coeducational, liberal arts institutions. Its moderate size (290 tenure-track and tenured professors, 2,700 undergraduates, 150 full-time graduate students, and several hundred part-time students enrolled in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program) and genuinely collegial culture encourages academic collaboration and supports streamlined Institutional decision-making, while offering academic opportunities and facilities usually found only at larger universities. The Wesleyan University Library plays a central role in the life of the university. It is one of the finest small academic libraries in the United States with holdings of approximately 1.5 million items and a rapidly growing collection of electronic resources. The extent and variety of the library’s collections provides strong support fo r the university's educational mission and compares favorably with the smaller ARL libraries. Successful candidates will bring an understanding of and experience in addressing the significant challenges facing academic libraries today-rapid changes In scholarly communication and technology, space limitations, and the need for prudent financial management. Master's level academic preparation is required, with an advanced degree in library science preferred. Compensation will be competitive and commensurate with the successful candidate’s experience. Isaacson, Miller has been retained to assist Wesleyan University’s search committee in this important recruitment. Inquiries, referrals, and résumés should be directed in confidence to: Alan Wichlei, Vice President or Beverly Brady, Senior Associate Isaacson, Miller Internal Box 2556 334 Boylston Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02116-3805 Phone: (617) 262-6500 Fax: (617) 262-6509 E-mail: Electronic submission of résumés is strongly encouraged. Wesleyan University values diversity a nd is an equal opportunity employer. NOW AVAILABLE! 2001 ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Online: In print: 848 / C&RL News ■ December 2002 DIVISION LEADER FOR COLLECTION MANAGEMENT Emory University Emory University’s General Libraries seeks nominations and applications for the position of Division Leader for Collection Management. The Division Leader reports directly to the Vice Provost and Director of Libraries and is a member of the library’s senior management team, the Executive Strategy Group. The Division Leader is responsible for the overall direction of collections in all formats in the context of the library’s mission and strategic directions. He or she represents the library in key national and regional organizations. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Division Leader has strategic responsibility for advancing the collection management program. He or she stays abreast of academic programmatic needs, provides leadership for collection assessment for a research library, and collaborates with several other division leaders in planning for long-term collection space and storage needs. He or she works closely with the special collections division to coordinate the development of general collections and special collections. The Division Leader has budget responsibility at the strategic and operational level. The Division Leader develops the Information resources budget proposal and participates with the Executive Strategy Group in making strategic decisions for both the information resources budget and the overall library budget. He or she allocates funds to reflect academic and programmatic priorities and monitors expenditures to respond to changing needs. The Division Leader cultivates consortia and other relationships to promote joint purchasing and resource sharing. As leader and manager, the Division Leader guides the collection management work of 25 to 30 departmental liaisons and coordinates with leaders of the Instruction Team and Research Services Team to balance the range of liaison responsibilities across multiple teams. The Division Leader develops effective procedures and training, and evaluates outcomes to facilitate collection management activities. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Either a master’s degree in library/information science with a second advanced degree preferred or a Ph.D.; demonstrated understanding of current trends and issues in scholarly publishing, particularly with electronic resources; an understanding of the mission of a research library and the research university environment; experience with information resources budget preparation and allocation; experience negotiating with vendors and publishers; demon­ strated leadership ability and successful management o r supervisory experience, preferably in a library setting; strong Interpersonal and communication skills and proven ability to work effectively and collegially with faculty and library staff; ability to apply technology to enhance effectiveness in collection management operations; record of active participation in professional activities. Preferred: Experience with documenting and/or assessing collections; proficiency in one or more Western European languages; and experience with license agreements. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience; comprehensive benefits package, including tuition benefits; several retirement plan options, including TIAA-CREF; attractive moving allowance. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Dianne M. Smith Library Human Resources Officer Robert W. Woodruff Library Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 Applications may be faxed to: (404) 727-0805. Application review begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. For more information about the Emory Libraries, visit our Web site: Emory University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages women and minority candidates. C&RL News ■ December 2002/ 849 sibilit ies o f this position are research and creative work and service in keeping with the tenure standards of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Requirements: Master’s deg re e from an ALA-accredited institution (de­ gree by Decem ber 3 1 , 2002); education o r experience with digital initia­ tives (such as digital imaging, video, o r audio techniques); experience with information technologies and tools related to an academic library environ­ ment including standard operating systems and office productivity tools such as Windows 2000 and XP and the Microsoft Office suite; experience with basic W eb authoring too ls such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop, or Flash, and knowledge o f HTM L o r XML; excellent oral and written com m unications and interpersonal skills; and the ability to work effec­ tively as part of a collegial team and in a changing environment. Preferred Qualifications: Tw o to three years o f experience in an academ ic library setting; advanced training in digital initiatives managem ent in academic libraries (such as Cornell’s “ Moving Theory into P ractice” workshop or NEDCC’s School fo r Scanning); knowledge of guidelines and specifica­ tions fo r digitization (such as digital reformatting o r EAD), digital preser­ vation, and delivery o f digital objects; experience with Cold Fusion, Microsoft Access, o r Java developm ent o r programm ing in Perl; basic knowledge of integrated library system s such as Innovative Interfaces’ Millennium products; and training o r teaching experience. Appointment and Salary: The successful candidate with dem onstrated accom plish­ ments in research and creative work w ill be appointed as a full-tim e assistant professor on tenure track. A successful candidate with promise in research but lacking an established scholarly record will be appointed as a senior instructor (non-tenure track) fo r two years, with promotion to the tenure track and the rank o f assistant professor upon a successful review. Starting salary range will be $35,000-40,000. Benefits include 22 working days’ vacation, 10 paid holidays, liberal sick leave, university group health care plan, group life insurance, TIAA-CREF retirement/ annuity, and support fo r scholarly and professional activities. Tenured librarians are eligible fo r sabbatical leave. Application Process: Review of applications and nominations will begin im mediately and continue until the position is filled. It is suggested that applications be on file with the search committee by D e cem be r2 , 2002. Send letter o f application specifically addressing qualifications fo r the position, résumé, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses o f three references to: Scott Seaman, Associate Director for Adm inistrative Services, University Libraries, 184 UCB, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0184. The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. SYSTEM S L IB R A R IA N . G u stav u s A d o lp h u s C o lle g e in St. Peter, Minnesota, seeks candidates fo r a Systems Librarian, a 9-month, tenure-track position to begin Septem ber 1 , 2003. Primary responsibility for: the integrated library system; the planning, implementation, staff training, and evaluation of library technical services computing applica­ tions; coordinating the library W eb pages; serving as general liaison with campus and external computing providers. We seek candidates who have an ALA-accredited MLS; experience with a variety of OCLC products and cataloging applications, Windows operating platform, and Web Program­ ming and scripting languages. The Systems Librarian must have a commitm ent to teaching, outstanding communication skills, a nd a willing­ ness to take an active leadership role in library governance. For complete description and application information, see: humanresources/index.cfm. Review of applications will begin January 10, 2003, and continue until the position is filled. Equal opportunity employer. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R /C A T A L O G IN G LIBRARIAN. Humboldt State University. Responsibilities: Supervise and coordinate the work o f 5.8 FTE cataloging and acquisitions staff in a newly reorganized Technical Services Department; manage the library’s monographic acquisitions budget; and perform original and complex copy cataloging fo r the full range of print, nonbook, and electronic information resources. Position reports to the University Library Dean. Required Qualifications: M LS from an ALA-accredited program with a minimum of three years of professional library experience directly related to th e d uties of this position a t th e tim e o f appointment; supervisory/managerial expe­ rience; original cataloging experience, including work with the Library of Congress classification system; working knowledge o f AACR2, MARC, LCSH.LC classification, and a bibliographic utility; familiarity with current trends, standards, and emerging technologies in cataloging and technical services, including those related to digital information resources; demon­ strated flexibility and co m m itm en t to a participatory m anagem ent style; proven ability to train staff and delegate responsibilities effectively; strong public service commitm ent and ability to work collegially. F o r a complete vacancy announcem ent and additional qualifications, see: http:// Humboldt State Uni­ versity is located in the coastal redwood forest of northwestern California and serves a student population o f 7,400. Salary: A ppointm ent to this tenure-track position will be at Senior Assistant o r Associate Librarian depending upon qualifications and experience, with starting minim um of $50,100. To Apply: Submit a letter of application, a current curriculum vita, and three current letters of reference to: Robert Sathrum, Chair, Technical Services Coordinator/C ataloging Librarian Search Committee, c/o Humboldt State University Library, 1 Harpst Street, Areata, CA 95521 -8299. To ensure full consideration, application packets must be received by January 15, 2003. Late Job Listings LIBRARIAN. The Jewish Theological Seminary of America seeks a Librarian for the Western Hemisphere’s premier center for scholarly research in the fields of Judaica and Hebraica. The collections consist of items from the 10th through 21st century in a wide variety of media, including the largest repository of Hebrew manuscripts outside of Israel, which include CD-ROMs, electronic database, musical scores, ketubbot, megillot, slides, micrographs, broad­ sides, and more. The library houses the finest collection of rare books, manuscripts, and archives, in addition to an extensive collection of Jewish art. Through active digitization, preservation, and conservation programs, the library is making its collections, online exhibi­ tions, and other electronic resources available on the library’s Website a t The librarian will be responsible for personnel management, planning and budgeting, collection development and maintenance, collaboration with campus constituencies, development and expansion of technological resources, fundraising and development, and community outreach. The ideal candidate has an earned doctorate in a field of Judaic studies, experience working with manuscripts and rare books, excellent Hebrew communication skills, ten years of increasing supervisory responsibility in a research library setting, demonstrated knowledge of current issues in librarianship and fundraising ability, strong leadership and communication skills, ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituents, and a commitment to customer service. MLS degree strongly preferred. Faculty appointment available where warranted. Salary commensurate with experience. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until candidate is chosen. Position becomes available July 1 , 2003. Please send letter of application or nomination, along with curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a t least three references to: Michael B. Greenbaum, J ew ish Theologi­ cal Sem inary o f America, 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027; fax: (212)678-8833.