ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1989 / 1021 News notes • The M issouri H istorical Society, St. Louis, has begun construction o f a new storage and con­ servation facility and renovation o f th e form er U nited H e b rew T em p le for its library an d archives. T he new structure will provide 54,000 square feet o f secure, clim ate-controlled space for preserva­ tion o f the Society’s collections. Conservation labo­ ratories, processing areas and research facilities are planned, as well as related staff offices. T he 1927 tem p le building, u sed by th e U n ited H eb rew C ongregation until S eptem ber 17,1989, will house the main library, archives, and pictorial history collections with stacks, offices, and a com m unity m eeting space. T he total cost o f th e new construc­ tion and renovation is estim ated to be $7.5 million. F unding will com e from th e tax m oney received from th e History M useum Sub-district and from private contributions. • T he S tan ford U n iversity Libraries’ experi- ence with the re cen t earthquake is excerpted from a B IT N E T message of O ctober 19, re p rin te d in the Arizona State University Newsletter: “Braun Music C en ter...h ad no structural damage, b u t th e library was a mess with books and o th er m aterials all over th e floor and one of our big card catalog units had fallen over....O th er library facilities on cam pus did not hold up so well. T h ere is major structural dam age in th e old p art o f th e main library which houses all o f th e technical services [including] preservation and special collections. It seems that structural repairs to th a t building, if they can be m ade at all, are likely to take a couple of years. Planning is now going on for th e best way to keep th e technical services operation functioning and how best to extract all of th e rare m aterials from th at building; no one is allowed to e n te r th at build­ ing at this point since it appears th at th e aftershocks are making th e building even less stable. T he u n ­ d e rg ra d u a te lib rary an d several o f th e o th e r branches are still closed pending fu rth e r inspection o f th e facilities for dam age and asbestos problem s. I heard an estim ate th at a third to one h alf of the books w ere knocked off th e shelves library-wide. So it looks like we have a major clean-up effort ahead of us and th at [regular] workflow and receipt o f m aterials, binding, etc., may be d isrupted for some tim e.” ■ ■ P E P O L E Profiles James R. Benn has been appointed research associate at the National Commission on Libraries and Inform ation Science, W ashington, D .C. Benn com es to th e Commission from th e C onnecticut State Library, w here he was director o f th e D e p a rt­ m ent o f Planning and N etw ork Services. In this role, he developed a reorganization plan for th e Division o f Library Services, an autom ation plan for th e Division, conducted a statewide needs as­ sessm ent o f th e state interlibrary delivery system, and served as liaison betw een th e agency and six regional library cooperatives. F ro m 1978 to 1988, B enn was executive director o f th e Southeastern C onnecticut Library Association. H e has taught in th e School of Library Science and Instructional Technology at th e S outhern C onnecticut State University. B enn is a m em ber o f th e American Library Association and th e C onnecticut Library Association. H e has served on num erous com m it­ tees, both within professional associations and in his com m unity. H e has published in th e profes­ sional literature, prim arily in th e areas o f legislation and library adm inistration. A graduate of th e U ni­ versity o f C onnecticut, B enn received his MLS from S outhern C onnecticut State University. The U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Infor­ m ation S cience is a p e rm a n e n t, in d e p e n d e n t agency of th e F ed eral G overnm ent charged with advising both C ongress and th e P resident on m at­ ters relating to national library and information policies and plans, and local libraiy needs and services. Howard D illon has been nam ed director of academ ic inform ation services at C olum bia U ni­ versity Libraries, N ew York. Dillon comes to Co­ lum bia from th e University o f Chicago Library, w here h e was associate director for public services. D illon’s responsibilities include th e developm ent 1022 / C&RL News and provision of library services to m em bers o f the academic community in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science and Engineering, as well as coordination of service activities for th e Avery Architectural Library and the Starr East Asian Library. As associate director of public services at the University of Chicago Library, Dillon was re ­ sponsible for library-wide planning and policy for­ mation, as well as for collection development, pres­ ervation, reference and circulation, and resource sharing. Prior to association with the University of Chicago, Dillon worked for Sangamon State (Illi­ nois), Harvard, and Ohio State University. H e received his MLS (1961) from Indiana University in Bloomington, and a bachelor’s degree in music an d p h ilo so p h y (1959) from Knox C ollege, Galesburg, Illinois. Charles L. Gilreath has been nam ed assistant director for public services at N orth Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh. Gilreath was the head of the Central Ref­ ere n c e D e p a rtm e n t at the University of Arizona w here he was responsible for th e o p e ra tio n and developm ent of a 45,000- v o lu m e re fe re n c e d e ­ partm ent providing on­ line literature searching, b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tr u c ­ tion, and reference serv­ ices in the fine arts, hu­ manities, and social sci­ e n c e s. F ro m 1977 to Charles L. Gilreath1984 he was head of the au to m ated inform ation retrieval service at Texas A&M University Library w here he developed a com puter literature program from a three-person operation to one involving virtually all reference staff and providing service to all segments o f the university community. Gilreath worked as an assistant social sciences librarian at Texas A&M University from 1973 to 1977. H e received both his BA and MA in English from the University of Texas at Austin and his MLS from the G raduate Library School there. H e is active in the Science and Technology Section o f ACRL serving on several o f its committees and as its chairman in 1982-1983. H e is also active in the College and Universities Libraries Division of the Texas Library Association serving as chairman of its legislative com m ittee in 1980-82. In the Arizona State Li­ brary Association he was vice-president o f the College and University Division and m em ber of the C onference Program C om mittee in 1987, and president of the Division in 1988. H e has been a consultant for the National Agricultural Library (1975-1984), the Texas Energy and Natural Re­ sources Advisory Council (1980-1981), and the Arizona D epartm ent of Libraries, Archives, and Public Records (1988). His many publications include: Com puter Literature Searching: Research Strategies a n d Databases, 1984; A G R IC O L A User ’s Guide, revised edition, 1984; Comparison o f Two E nd User Operated Search Systems: Final R eport, 1985; and “D irectories o f Publishing Opportunities,” Reference Books Bulletin, 1983. Barbara E . Kemp has been appointed Lehman Librarian at the Columbia University Libraries, New York. K em p’s new responsibilities include planning and developing programs, policies, and procedures for intellectual and physical access to the Lehman/Social W ork collections. Kemp comes to Columbia from W ashington State University Libraries, w here she was head of Humanities/So- cial Sciences Public Services. She was responsible for administering all public service units of the H um anities/Social Sciences division, including reference, collection developm ent, interlibrary loan, microforms, serial records, and circulation. She has also served on a num ber of library-related committees and published several articles in library journals. Prior to h er position at W ashington State, Kemp worked at the University o f Michigan U n­ dergraduate Library. She received h er MLS (1968) from the University of Michigan and h er bachelor’s degree in F rench (1966) from Northwestern Uni­ versity. Natalie A. Logan has been nam ed executive director of the Catholic Library Association, Hav- erford, Pennsylvania. Logan received a bachelor’s degree from W est C hester State University, P enn­ sylvania, in 1974 and an MLS from Drexel Univer­ sity’s College of Information Studies in 1981. H er previous experience includes assignments at the Institute for Scientific Information, the Atwater Kent Museum, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Logan has been editor o f The Catholic Periodi­ cal and Literature Index since February of 1985. In July 1987 she was appointed assistant to the execu­ tive director and convention coordinator. In April 1989 Logan was appointed acting executive direc­ tor, replacing John T. Corrigan, CFX, who had taken a medical leave. She will continue her duties as editor until a replacem ent is found. H er free time is spent as a volunteer historian at Springton Manor Farm , a National Register P rop­ erty in Glenmore, Pennsylvania. H e r activities th ere include writing A B rief History o f Springton M anor Farm and Its Owners. H e r next project is a biography, entitled Abraham Robinson Mcllvaine o f Springton M anor Farm. Logan also offers advice on the care and preservation o f the documents and books and other artifacts at the farm. December 1989 / 1023 Sanford G. Thatcher has b e e n n am ed d irec­ to r of th e P en n State Press, University Park, P e n n ­ sylvania, th e scholarly publishing u nit o f Pennsyl­ vania S tate University. H e com es to P en n State from P rinceton U niver­ sity, w here he was ed i­ to r-in -ch ief of P rinceton U n iv e r s ity P r e s s . A t P r i n c e t o n U n iv e r s ity P r e s s , T h a t c h e r a c ­ q u ired books in history, philosophy and religion, and m ost o f th e social sciences, concentrating in re cen t years on Latin A m erican studies, politi­ Sanford G. Thatchercal science, an d philoso­ phy. H e sponsored 600 books for publication th ere , 45 o f w hich w on prizes. H is o th e r ac c o m p lish m e n ts in c lu d e d h e lp in g launch th e journal “Philosophy & Public Affairs” an d a series o f books called “Studies in Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy.” A fter graduating from P rinceton in 1965 with h ighest honors in p h i­ losophy, T h atc h er p u rsu e d graduate w ork at C o­ lum bia U niversity and P rinceton b efore joining P rinceton University Press in 1967 as m anuscript editor. In 1969 he becam e social science editor and in 1977 assistant director. H e was n am ed editor-in- ch ief in 1985. H e is th e chairm an o f th e C opyright C om m ittee o f th e Association o f A m erican U niver­ sity Presses, a m e m b er o f th e C opyright C om m it­ tee o f th e Association o f A m erican P ublishers, a m e m b e r o f th e O ptical D isk P ro ject Advisory C o m m ittee o f th e L ib rary o f C ongress an d a m em b er o f th e Board o f D irectors o f th e Associa­ tion for C opyright E nforcem ent. People in the news Marilyn Guin, O regon S tate U niversity L i­ brary’s H atfield M arine Science C e n te r librarian, received th e B eaver C ham pion Award at th e U ni­ versity D ay ce rem o n ies h eld in S e p te m b e r in Corvallis. Guin is th e first librarian to receive th e coveted P resid en t’s Award, a cast-bronze statue depicting a swimming beaver, th e official O regon State U niversity mascot. G uin has m anaged H a t­ field M arine Science C e n te r Library in N ew port, O regon, a branch of OSU Libraries, for 13 years. E linor M. H ashim, O C L C program director, Special Libraries, D ublin, Ohio, received th e first E m erson G reenaw ay D istinguished Service Award for L ibrarianship from th e N ew E ng lan d Library Association (N ELA ) at its annual co nference in Springfield, M assachusetts. H ashim was no m i­ n ated by N E L A m em bers and selected by its ex­ ecutive bo ard for th e award, n am ed in honor o f E m erson Greenaw ay, fo rm e r directo r o f th e F re e Library o f Philadelphia and th e E noch P ratt Li­ brary in Baltim ore, Maryland. P rior to com ing to O C L C in 1985, H ashim was supervisor o f re fere n ce and technical services at th e P e rk in -E lm e r C orp o ratio n , Norwalk, C o n ­ necticut. She was app o in ted to th e U.S. National C om m ission on L ibraries and Inform ation Science by P resid en t R onald R eagan in 1981; served as its chairm an from 1982 to 1986, an d currently serves as chairm an em eritus. She also served on and chaired th e C o n n ecticu t State Library Board, and serves on th e International F ed eratio n o f Library Associations and In stitu tio n s’ Standing C om m ittee on Science an d Technology Libraries. H ashim is a m e m b e r o f th e A m erican L ibrary Association, and th e Special Libraries Association. She has b e e n a m e m b e r o f th e A m erican Society for Inform ation Science, th e C o n n ecticu t L ibrary Association, and th e N ew E ngland L ibrary Association, and has served on num erous com m ittees o f th ese associa­ tions. She has received th e C onnecticut Library Association’s L ibrarian o f th e Year Award, th e S outhern C onnecticut State University’s D istin­ guished Alumni Award, and th e Special Libraries Association’s Fellows Award. Glenn H oetker is th e recipient of th e LITA/ C L SI Scholarship award. T he scholarship is m ade to a beginning stu d en t on th e m aster’s level in an ALA accredited program in library and inform a­ tion science w ith em phasis on library autom ation. T h e scholarship is su p p o rted by a contribution from C L SI, Inc., Newtonville, M assachusetts and is adm inistered by th e E ducation C o m m ittee of LITA. H o e tk e r w orked as a stu d en t assistant in th e R eference D e p a rtm e n t of th e Library at E arlham College, R ichm ond, Indiana, w here he received his bachelor o f arts d egree in m athem atics and Japa­ nese studies. Following a y ear o f studying library autom ation in th e F a r East, H o e tk e r is now e n ­ rolled at th e University o f Illinois-U rbana, w here h e is studying for his m aster’s d egree in library science. John D avid Marshall o f T o d d Library, M iddle T en n e ssee State University, M urfreesboro, has b ee n elec ted to th e B oard o f G overnors o f th e W inston C hurchill M em orial an d L ibrary at W est­ m inster College, F ulton, Missouri. T h e b o ard has a m e m b e r s h ip o f 15, i n c lu d in g S ir W in s to n C hurchill’s daughter, Lady M ary Soames D B E, and his granddaughter, E dw ina Sandys (Mrs. R ich­ ard Kaplan). M arshall has b ee n a C hurchill Fellow o f W estm in ster C ollege since 1982. Ron Miller, a adm inistrator w ith an extensive background in library autom ation and networks, has b e e n chosen to lead th e W estern Library N e t­ w ork (W LN) into th e private sector. Since 1977, 1024 / C&RL News Miller has been executive director o f the C oopera­ tive Library Agency for Systems and Service (CLASS) in San Jose, California. Miller said he has three mairi im mediate priorities for WLN: 1) con­ ducting the organization into its new status as a private, non-profit corporation; 2) becoming more familiar with the capabilities o fW L N ’s people and its system; and 3) become acquainted with WLN custom ers’ needs through onsite visits and exami­ nation o f m arket studies. Miller will also begin working on future opportunities for WLN. Ravindra N. Sharma, director of libraries at the University of Evansville, Indiana, and editor of Library Times International, has been appointed chair of the C ountry Resource C om m ittee for India. This appointm ent was made by the Standing C om m ittee on Library Education of the American Library Association. John B. Thomas has been nam ed recipient of th e N orth C arolina Library Association’s 1989 Significant Contribution Award for his work in preserving the Bienenstock F urniture Library col­ lection. Thomas, who is dean o f learning resources at Davidson County Community College, received th e award at the NCLA’s biennial conference held O ctober 11-13 in Charlotte. In addition to the honor, Thomas will receive a $250 cash award. The award is presented annually to a North Carolina librarian who has made a significant contribution to his or h er institution or to the profession. The furniture project began in 1983 with a grant from the North Carolina General Assembly and has involved preserving the private collection of N. I. Bienenstock, founder and publisher o f Furniture World-Furniture South. Since 1973 the collection has been housed in th e Bernice Bienenstock F u rn i­ tu re Library in High Point. For years, designers, scholars, and others who wished to use th e books had to visit the library in o rder to do so and these rare books w ere being h an d led by increasing num bers o f people. Thomas led D CCC in recognizing the value of these materials and actively pursuing the preserva­ tion of th e collection. Through micropublication of the rarest and most representative volumes, the College and Readex have attem pted to preserve the works and make the collection available to interested readers throughout th e world. Today the microfiche collection, which retails for $9,450, includes approximately 600 titles relating to the history o f furniture design, architecture, decora­ tion, style, manufacture, furniture and cabinet­ makers in E urope and America from the 1600s to the early 20th century. Thomas joined th e D C C C staff in 1971. H e is a 1964 graduate o f W estern Carolina University and a 1971 graduate o f Emory University. Herbert S. White, dean of the School of Li­ brary and Inform ation Science (SLIS), Indiana University, Bloomington, has announced that he will be resigning the deanship of the school effec­ tive S eptem ber 1,1990, to return to a full time post as professor in the school. In making the announce­ ment, D ean W hite stressed that this was in no way to be looked on as a retirem ent, ju st a change in emphasis. D uring the years o f W hite’s term as dean, the school has grown both in size and in quality to becom e one o f the top three or four schools in the country. W hite is the recipient of th ree research publica­ tion awards from th e Special Libraries Association (SLA) and his writings have also been recognized by the Library Research R ound Table and the American Library Association (ALA) Resources and Technical Services Division. His study on the interaction betw een libraries and scholarly p u b ­ lishers was voted book of the year by the American Society for Inform ation Science (ASIS). H e has served as president of both SLA and ASIS, as well as treasurer o f the International Federation for Docum entation and a board m em ber of the Ameri­ can Federation of Inform ation Processing Socie­ ties. H e currently serves as a nationally elected m em ber o f the ALA Council. H e has recently been honored by SLA in being nam ed a Fellow, by ASIS in being nam ed a Pioneer, and by ALA in the receipt o f th e Melvil Dewey Medal for professional contributions. A recent study to identify perceived leaders in th e library profession nam ed him as one of 16 such individuals, and as the only educator in the group at th e time o f selection. Appointments Kari J. Anderson is now assistant librarian in the Reference Unit o f the Bio-Medical Library at th e University o f Minnesota-Twin Cities. Karen Baranson has joined th e Cataloging D epartm ent at th e State University of New York at Buffalo. Cathy Barnes has been appointed reference librarian in th e Scott Library at York University, Toronto. Toby Bernstein has been prom oted to principal cataloger, N ortheastern University, Boston, Mas­ sachusetts. Marilee Birchfield has been appointed in­ struction services librarian in the R eference D e­ partm ent at N orthw estern University, Evanston, Illinois. D ana Boden has been appointed to the Branch Services D epartm ent o f the University Libraries at the University o f Nebraska-Lincoln. Martin B reen has been appointed reference librarian at th e B ehrend College Library, Pennsyl­ vania State University at Erie. With some booksellers, a small customer doesn’t rate quite the consideration that a large customer might. But at Ballen, the single book customer receives the same service and services that a thousand book customer does. Which means no m atter what size your library, you can expect to have your very own customer service representative to help answer all your questions. And your very own shelf reserved in our warehouse to guard against shipment and inventory mix-ups. It also means access to our online, interactive BallenNet system for order entry and current status. The ability to reach a Ballen company officer just by picking up the phone. And an ongoing evaluation of library needs so rigorous, it’s given us the industry’s lowest overall return rate - less than 1%. All of which we provide with the understanding that what are small fish today, might one day be big ones. For information or our new brochure, call (800)645-5237. In New York, call (800)832-4552. 1026 / C&RL News D eborah Burns has joined th e staff of th e Baker Library Technical Services staff in th e Acquisitions D ep artm en t at th e H arvard University Library. D avid Buxton has b ee n appointed assistant library director for autom ation services at Gonzaga University, Spokane, W ashington. Suzanne Byron has been appointed reference librarian at James Cabell Library of Virginia C om ­ monwealth University, Richmond. Thomas Cesarz has been prom oted to head of access services, N ortheastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. E laine Challacombe is now tem porary curator o f th e W angensteen Historical Library of Biology and M edicine at th e University of M innesota-Twin Cities. H ugo Chapa-Guzman has been appointed cata- loger of th e Benson Latin American Collection at th e University o f Texas, Austin. Stefan Christian has joined th e staff in the acquisitions section of th e Andover-Harvard T heo­ logical Library. Bryna R. Coonin has been appointed assistant head of th e R eference D ep artm en t at N orth C aro­ lina State University, Raleigh. Linda A. Cranston is now head of technical services at th e University o f N ew H am pshire, D urham . Jinnie Y. D avis has been nam ed assistant direc­ to r for planning and developm ent at N orth C aro­ lina State University, Raleigh. Patrick D awson has b een appointed Romance languages librarian at th e University o f California, Irvine. James A. D endy has been prom oted to re fer­ ence services coordinator, N ortheastern Univer­ sity, Boston, Massachusetts. D ottie Eakin has been appointed director o f th e Medical Sciences Library and associate direc­ to r o f the Sterling Evans Library o f Texas A&M University, College Station. H anna Fisher has been appointed reference librarian in the H ealth Sciences C e n te r Library, University o f Arizona, Tucson. E dward Fishwick has b ee n appointed history and geography bibliographer/governm ent publica­ tions librarian at N orthw estern University, E van­ ston, Illinois. Kennon Hopkins Garofalo has been appointed reference librarian at th e Southwest Texas State University Library, San Marcos. Ann Gener has b ee n appointed curatorial assis­ tan t at th e Rosenbach Library, Philadelphia. Alicia Grant was appointed minority intern, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Robin Gratz has b ee n nam ed library director at M anchester College, N orth M anchester, Indiana. Philip T. Hamilton has b ee n appointed re ­ search database analyst in Baker Library’s R e­ search Services D ep artm en t at th e H arvard U ni­ versity Library. Jeanne H ickling has been appointed reference librarian at M anchester College, N orth M anch­ ester, Indiana. Cheryl H illmer has b ee n appointed head o f th e Acquisitions D epartm ent, N ortheastern U ni­ versity, Boston, Massachusetts. Phyllis H . Johnson is now director o f th e J. R obert Van Pelt Library, Michigan Technological University, H oughton. Lee W. Leighton has been nam ed head of cataloging at the University o f California, Berkeley. Erica Lilly has b e e n appointed science librar­ ian at th e Brill Science Library, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Poping Lin has b ee n appointed bibliographic services librarian, N ortheastern University, Bos­ ton, Massachusetts. Stephen W. Littrell is now th e map librarian in th e R eference D e p artm en t at th e University of Texas, Austin. Ciming Mei has been appointed serials and non­ p rint materials cataloger, N ortheastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. William R. Mills has joined th e staff o f the New York Law School Library, N ew York City. Sandra Moline is now head o f th e Science and E ngineering Library R eference/R esearch Division at th e University o f M innesota-Twin Cities. Barbara Montanary has been appointed to a position in th e Physical Sciences Libraiy at the University of California, Irvine. Sheila O’Brien is now th e interim East Asian librarian in th e Humanities/Social Sciences L ibrar­ ies at th e University o f M innesota-Twin Cities. Charles Owusu has been appointed as a refer­ ence librarian at th e Nassau C om m unity College Library, G arden City, N ew York. Margaret M. Ovitsky is now head o f Inform a­ tion M a n a g em en t E d u c a tio n Services at th e H e alth Sciences Library, U niversity o f N orth Carolina, C hapel Hill. Linda Pierce is the new autom ated information access librarian at Crosby Library, Gonzaga Uni­ versity, Spokane, W ashington. Margaret Reucroft has been appointed head of th e D edham , M assachusetts, branch campus library, N ortheastern University. D errie Roark was n am ed dean o f learning resources at Hillsborough C om m unity College in Tam pa, Florida. M. Kathryn Robbins is now assistant librarian in th e Bio-Medical Library at th e University of M innesota-Twin Cities. Michael Robinson is now an inform ation serv­ ices librarian at th e Library o f H ealth Sciences, Texas Tech University H ealth Sciences C enter, Lubbock. December 1989 / 1027 Jane A. Rosenberg is now assistant d irector for th e R eference Materials Program at th e National E n d o w m en t fo r th e H um anities, W ashington, D .C. Joyce Saltalamachia has b ee n appointed to th e B oard of Governors o f th e Society o f Am erican Law Teachers, N ew York City. James E. Satchell has b ee n appointed re fe r­ ence librarian at James C abell Library o f Virginia C om m onw ealth University, Richm ond. Jean Sayre has b ee n appointed director and ch ief m edical librarian at N ortheastern Ohio U ni­ versities College o f M edicine, Rootstown. Jean E. Seitzer has b ee n appointed as a re fer­ ence librarian at th e Southw est Texas State U niver­ sity Library, San Marcos. D iana Sheffield has b ee n appointed reference an d governm ent docum ents librarian at th e N ew York Law School Library, N ew York City. Charles E. Shreeves is now th e assistant uni­ versity librarian for collection m anagem ent at the University o f Iowa Libraries, Iowa City. L ois Smyres is now supervisor o f th e Circulation D epartm ent, University o f Neveda, Reno. Bryan Stack has b e e n appointed governm ent docum ents/technical services librarian at th e U ni­ versity o f Nebraska, Omaha. Suzy Stapenhorst is now supervisor o f th e E ngineering Library, University o f Neveda, Reno. E lena Thomas-Hall has b ee n appointed as a re ference librarian at th e Nassau C om m unity C ol­ lege Library, G arden City, N ew York. Christine E . Thompson has b e e n appointed to th e School o f Library and Inform ation Science faculty at th e University o f W isconsin, Milwaukee. Barbara R. Tysinger is now cataloger at th e H e a lth S ciences Library, U niversity o f N o rth Carolina, C hapel Hill. John E . U lmschneider has b ee n n am ed assis­ ta n t director for library systems at N orth C arolina State University, Raleigh. Charles M. Vance Jr. is now database m anage­ m ent services librarian at th e Southw est Texas State University Library, San Marcos. E lizabeth Watson has b e e n appointed re fe r­ ence librarian in th e G overnm ent D ocum ents/ Administrative Studies Library at York University, Toronto. Karen Whittlesey-First has b e e n n am ed head o f Copy C ataloging and D ata Base M anagem ent in th e Law School Library at H arvard University. Lydia K. Wong is now assistant docum ents lib ra ria n at N o rth C aro lin a S ta te U niversity, Raleigh. Karen Worley has been appointed re ference librarian at Williams College, W illliamstown, M as­ sachusetts. Mary Lee C. Xancó has b e e n appointed collec­ tion developm ent officer at N o rth eastern U niver­ sity, Boston, M assachusetts. Susan Yates has b e e n p ro m o ted to head o f th e bibliographic services dep artm en t, N ortheastern University, Boston, M assachusetts. Christy Zlatos has b e e n a p p o in ted biblio­ graphic services librarian, N o rth eastern U niver­ sity, Boston, M assachusetts. Retirements Anne Cannon re tire d from th e York University Libraries on N ovem ber 30. She jo in ed th e L ibrar­ ies in 1968 and h eld a n u m b er o f positions in the Scott Library and th e G overnm ent D ocum ents/ A dm inistrative Studies Library. Charles C. Colby, associate librarian for the B oston M edical Library Services, re tire d this sum ­ m er. Colby has served in this position since th e library o p en e d in 1964. P rior to th a t tim e, he had b e e n librarian o f th e Boston M edical Library b e ­ fore it joined its collection an d operations w ith th e H arvard M edical Library to form th e Countw ay Library. F o r th e u pcom ingyear Colby will have th e title of special consultant to th e Boston M edical Library. N ieves Farin h ead o f th e Acquisitions D e p art­ m ent, N o rth e astern University, Boston, re tire d recently after 22 years o f service. Kimiyo Hom, form er head of th e Astronomy/ M athem atics/Statistics Library at the University o f California, Berkeley, re tire d S ep tem b er 30, after 26 years o f service. O ver th e years she provided a strong advocacy role on b eh a lf o f th e astronomy, m athem atics, and statistics faculty and students and w orked to develop collections in support of th eir needs. Ethel Lee, head o f th e docum ents departm ent, re tire d June 30, 1989. Lee, who first joined th e Brown University Library staff in 1947 as a cata­ loger, has b ee n in charge o f th e Library’s govern­ m en t docum ents for th e past 21 years. William C. Lowe has re tire d as assistant direc­ to r for re fere n ce services at N orth Carolina State University, Raleigh. His ca ree r began in 1953 with his appo in tm en t as a physicist with th e Xerox C o r­ poration. In 1958 he assum ed th e responsibilities o f librarian at Xerox and h eld th at position until 1966 w hen he joined th e N C SU Libraries to estab­ lish th e T echnical Inform ation C en ter. In this position he developed a new program designed to assist N orth C arolina business in m eeting th eir inform ation needs; th e libraries now enjoy strong relationships w ith th eir corporate supporters. In 1971 he was appointed to th e newly established position o f assistant director for re ference services. F or th e past 17 years, Lowe has served as p art o f th e Libraries’ adm inistrative team and has led re fer­ 1 0 2 8 / C&RL News ence services into the online environment. Nellie L. Wältner has retired as assistant di­ rector for technical services and collection m an­ ag em en t' at N o rth C arolina State University, Raleigh. W altner came to the NCSU Libraries in 1956 and worked in th e Circulation D epartm ent until 1962 when she left to enroll in th e library science graduate program at the University of N orth Carolina at Chapel Hill. After receiving h er m aster’s degree, she rejoined the staff in 1969 as a cataloger. In 1971 she succeeded Cyrus King as head of the acquisitions departm ent. She was ap­ pointed assistant director for technical services in 1984. In this position W altner worked hard to lay the groundwork for the autom ation of the acquisi­ tions and serials function. She leaves N orth C aro­ lina State University after 25 years of service. Deaths Hester M. Black, librarian and noted scholar of m odem Irish literature, died in late Septem ber. Black was brought to the University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, from D ublin in 1957 to cata­ log th e W.B. Yeats Collection. After cataloging the collection, m ounting a major exhibition, and w rit­ ing a catalog o f th e exhibition, H e ste r retu rn ed home. She came back to Kansas later for a two-year term , which she spent cataloging English litera­ ture. While she was in the Catalog D epartm ent, H ester set th e Libraries’ all-time record for original cataloging: over 700 titles in one month. John T. Corrigan, CFX, executive director of the Catholic Library Association (CLA), died on August 12, 1989, in Louisville, Kentucky, after a long illness. Corrigan served CLA as executive director from July 1987, until April 1989. F or 14 years prior to assuming th e responsibilities o f ex­ ecutive director, h e was assistant to the executive director o f CLA and editor o f Catholic Library W orld, th e official journal o f th e Catholic Library Association. His career o f 25 years was devoted to the fields o f education, communications, public affairs, and program m anagem ent, including: p ro ­ gram developm ent w ith national and local profes­ sional associations; organization o f support for national standards in library and information sci­ ence and publishing; writing and editing books; and planning, designing, and editing of a national li­ brary journal. Clare Francis, a cataloger in York University’s Scott Library since 1969, died on S eptem ber 27. Gerda H . H erritt, a m em ber o f th e University o f California, Santa B arbara Cataloging D e p art­ m ent from 1965 to 1975, died at h er hom e in Santa Barbara on S eptem ber 20. H erritt, who came to the library from th e UCSB Foreign Languages D ep artm en t via UCLA and the Library of C on­ gress, received h er Ph.D. in Indology from the University o f Kiel, Germany. H e r wealth of foreign language expertise included Hindi, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan, as well as h er large variety o f m odern E uropean languages. She cataloged Arabic lan­ guage and Special Collections materials. She as­ sisted in cataloging th e Library’s G reek New Testa- m ent Collection, th e foreign language portion of th e Marie Stopes Collection, and com pleted the Spanish Inquisition Collection. Robert C. Hersch, director o f library services at th e Mary Livermore Library o f Pem broke State University, N orth Carolina, from 1980 to 1989, died on O ctober 19. Prior to working at Pem broke he held a com parable position at M ethodist Col­ lege in Fayetteville, N orth Carolina. Eugene Holtman, associate professor em eritus at E astern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, died O ctober 24 in Ann Arbor after a b rief illness. H e was 71. H oltm an joined EM U in 1967 as assistant librarian and was assistant director o f the C enter for E ducational Resources (now L earning R e­ sources and Technologies) w hen he re tire d in 1983. Prior to EM U he worked at Ohio State University and at S outhern Illinois University. His MLS was from the University o f Michigan. Lillian H . Smoke, librarian em erita of G et­ tysburg College, died July 1, 1989, after a short hospitalization. Smoke served as college librarian from 1959 to 1974. B enjamin Whitten, form er college librarian of W hittier College, died at th e age o f 82 on O ctober 9. W hitten began his career at W hittier College as assistant librarian in 1933, becoming college librar­ ian in 1940. H e retired in 1974. D uring his time as college librarian he twice oversaw relocation of the library and reclassification from Dewey to Libraiy o f Congress. Stephen G. Wolff, senior assistant librarian at th e University of Delaware Library, died on May5, 1989. W olff served as a reference librarian with a specialty in business from S eptem ber 1985 until S eptem ber 1987 w hen he becam e too ill to con­ tinue working. H e was active both in ACRL and in RASD. Before his position at Delaware, Steve worked as a reference librarian at Trinity College in Hartford, th e H artford Public Library, and the C onnecticut State Library. H e received his MLS from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, in May 1979. ■ ■