ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 news I n t h e In this month’s issue, Patricia A. Kreitz ex­ p lo re s ACRL P re sid e n t T yrone C annon’s them e of “Partnerships and Connections” by addressing the notion of librarians as knowl­ edge builders (p. 8). She describes the fac- ulty/librarian partnership that resulted in the Stanford Linear A ccelerator Center library collaborating w ith similar research centers worldwide to create a preprint archive for particle physics. The article offers a positive exam ple o f the value of cam pus partner­ ships to n o t only the local learning com m u­ nity, but to the worldwide community, as well. In “Territorial invasion or symbiotic relation­ ship?” (p. 12) authors Naomi R. Sutherland and Valarie P. Adams focus on the opportunities for cooperation between technical services and ref­ erence staffs. They propose a number of meth­ ods for opening communication between the two areas to end the perceived “war” between cataloging and reference. The Scholarly C om m unication colum n provides a unique exam ple of a library’s contribution to scholarly communication, the publication of the Journal o f Insect Science (an online, o p en access journal) by the Uni­ versity of Arizona library. To help you prepare for the election this spring, information on the ACRL candidates for v ice -p resid en t/p resid en t-elect, Camila Alire and Charles Kratz, is provided on page 27, along with the complete slate of candi­ dates for section officers. Need to find an article from the 2003 volume of C&PL News but not sure where to look? A complete index is provided in this issue. For those of you hoping to appear in a future index, guidelines for submitting articles to the maga­ zine are included on page 32. — Stephanie Orphan, Editor-in-chief