ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 27 College & Research Libraries news A look at who’s running for office Vice-president/President-elect Camila Alire is dean of library services at the University of New Mexico, a position she has held since 2002. From 1997-01, she was the dean of university libraries at Colorado State University. She was also dean of librar­ ies at the University of Colorado-Denver (1991- 97) , and, prior to that, director of the learning resources center at Pikes Peak Community College (1984-89). Her activities in ALA divisions include serv­ ing as chair of the 2005 ACRL National Confer­ ence (2003-05) and as the local arrangements cochair of the 2001 National Conference Execu­ tive Committee (1999-01). Alire has also been active on the ACRL Budget and Finance Com­ mittee (1991-95), the College a n d Research Li­ braries News Editorial Board (1996-99), and the Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) Executive Board (1989-91). Among her ALA activities are service on ALA Council (1997-03); Executive Board (2000-03); Finance and Audit Committee (2000- 03); American Libraries chair (1997-99); Ex­ ecutive Director Search Committee chair (1997- 98) ; Education Committee chair (1996); Nomi­ nating Committee chair (1995); Accreditation Site Visitation Teams (1989, 1991,1994, 2000). Alire’s activities in REFORMA include the Executive Board (1987,1989-95,1999-00); the Education Committee chair (1999-00); the National C onference Steering Com m ittee fundraising chair (1995-97); the National Presi­ dent (1993-94); and the Finance Committee chair (1994—95). Her work with state and regional associa­ tions has included membership in the Colo­ rado Library Association, with service on its Program Committee (1997); Special Events for Conference Committee chair (1991); Legisla­ tive Committee chair (1991-94); Local Arrange­ ments Committee co-chair (1998-89); and Edu- Camila Alire Charles Kratz cation Committee chair (1986-87). Since 2002, Alire has also been involved with the New Mexico Library Association and the Mountain Plains Library Association. She is also involved with the Association of Research Hbraries (ARL) and is currently on the Executive Board (2003) and the Leadership Com­ mittee (2000). In addition, she was active on the Diversity Committee (1998-00). Alire was awarded the ALA Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for Change Award (1997), the Moun­ tain Plains Library Association Legislative Lead­ ership Award, and the CLA Exemplary Library Services to Ethnic Populations Award (1995 and 1998). Her publications include Library Disaster Plan­ ning and Recovery Handbook, editor/contribu- tor, 2000; Serving Latino Communities, coauthor, 1998; “Minorities and the Symbolic Potential of the Academic Library,” coauthor, College a n d Research Libraries, November 1995. Alire received her bachelor of arts degree from Adams State College and her master’s of library science from the University of Den­ ver. She also received her Ed.D. from the University of Northern Colorado. Charles Kratz has been the dean of librar­ ies at the University of Scranton since 1991- From 1985 to 1991, he was the assistant dean ACRL candidates for 2004 28 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 of public services at Hofstra University, and, prior to that, he served as an associate uni­ versity librarian at Rider University (1982-85). In addition, he served as the head of public services at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (1979-82). His activities in ALA divisions include ser­ vice on the ACRL President’s Program Com­ m ittee, of w hich h e w as chair (2001-03). Kratz also served on the ACRL National Con­ ference Steering Committee (1999-03) and was chair of the Colleagues Subcommittee (2001-03). He served as cochair of the Poster Sessions Subcommittee (1999-01) and was active on the University Library Section (ULS) Organization and Bylaws Committee (1993— 95) a n d Policy a n d P lanning C om m ittee (1991-93). Kratz served on the Instruction Section (IS) Clearinghouse Committee (1986- 90) and has b e e n active on the LAMA Board of Directors (1992-99), w here he served as president (1997-98). Kratz has also serves o n th e ALA C o u n ­ c il ( 1 9 9 9 - 0 5 ) , a n d h a s c h a i r e d t h e Lippincott A w ard Ju ry (2003-04), the Eliza­ b e th Futas C atalyst for C hange A w ard Ju ry (2001-02), a n d th e H. W. W ilson Library Staff D e v e lo p m e n t G rant Ju ry (1989-90). In add itio n , h e se rv e d o n th e Executive D irector Search C om m ittee (1997—98) a n d th e B e s s ie B o e h m M o o re A w a rd J u ry (1990-91). Kratz w as also th e N ew M em ­ bers R ound Table p re s id e n t (1984-85) and has b e e n active w ith Reform a. His activity at the state and regional level has included service to the ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter Ad EĬoc Committee on Mem­ bership (2003-05) and Legislative Day Activi­ ties (2000-02). Kratz was also active with the New York Greater Metropolitan Chapter, was vice p re s id e n t/p re s id e n t-e le c t (1991-93); served on its Symposium Planning Commit­ tee (1987-93); and was newsletter editor (1988- 91) . While active with the New Jersey Library Association College and University Section, Kratz served as editor of the newsletter (1982- 85) and as chair of the Legislative Committee (1982-83). He was president of the PALINET Board of Trustees (1998-99, 2001) and also served as vice president (1997). He has been active on the Northeastern Pennsylvania Library Network Board of Directors since 1991. In addition, Kratz is currently serving on the OCLC Members Council as vice president/ president-elect (2003-05) and as a PALINET delegate (1999-present). He was also presi­ dent of the Association of Jesuit College and U niversity Libraries D irectors C onference (1999). Kratz was a m em ber o f the Beta Phi Mu H onor Society (1976) and w as also aw arded ALA’s Library Adm inistration a n d M anage­ m ent Association Certificate of Achievem ent (2001). His publications include “H ow To Know Your Staff’s N eeds” in S ta ff Development: A Practical Guide, 3rd edition, 2001, and The Personnel M anual: A n Outline f o r Libraries, 1994. He e a rn e d a b a c h e lo r’s o f arts a n d a m a s te r ’s d e g re e fro m th e U n iv ersity of N otre D am e, as w ell as a m a ste r’s of li­ b rary scien ce from th e U niversity o f Mary­ land. A C R L B o ard o f D ire cto rs Director-at-Large: L yn n e King, associate director of libraries, Sage Colleges; Debbie Malone, head of technical services, Ursinus College. Director-at-Large: J e a n n e Boyle, a sso c i­ ate university librarian for public services and comm unications, Rutgers University Librar­ ies; Lori Goetsch, director, public services, University of Maryland. Councilor: Elaine Didier, dean, University Library, O akland University; E m m a Bradford Perry, dean of libraries, Southern University. A fric a n A m e ric a n S tu d ie s L ib ra ria n s Se ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: H e a th e r M artin, Arts and Hum anities librarian, University of Alabama-Birm ingham ; Vanessa M iddleton, instruction services team leader, W ayne State University. Secretary: M. Elaine Hughes, assistant pro- fe s s o r/re fe re n c e /lia is o n librarian, G eorgia State U niversity; C o u rtn ey Young, social sc ie n c es librarian, se le c to r for race, g e n ­ der, a n d ethnicity, P ennsylvania State U ni­ versity. Member-at-Large: A sla ku B erh a n u , cata­ lo g a n d r e f e re n c e lib ra ria n , C h a rle s L. Blockson Afro-American Collection, Tem ple University; Carmelita Pickett, assistant p ro ­ fessor, American/African American Studies librarian, Texas A&M University. C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 29 A n t h ro p o lo g y a n d S o c io lo g y S e ctio n V ice-ch a ir/C h a ir-elect: S h a w n W. Nicholson, head of governm ent docum ents and bibliographer for sociology and social Work, Michigan State University; Katharine A. Whitson, head, access services/reference librarian, Cascadia Community College and University of Washington. Member-at-Large: S u san Erickson, bibli­ ographer for anthropology and sociology and r e f e r e n c e a n d d a ta s e rv ic e s lib r a ria n , V anderbilt University; L ynn C. H a tten d o rf Westney, assistant reference librarian, Uni­ versity of Illinois-Chicago. A R TS S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: J a n e Sloan, m e­ dia librarian and head, multimedia services, Rutgers University Libraries. A sia n , A fric a n , and M iddle Ea ste rn S tu d ie s Se ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: C y n th ia Tysick, social sciences librarian, State University of New York-Buffalo. Secretary: Doris Seely, East Asian cataloger, University of Minnesota. Member-at-Large: Kristen Kem, preservation/ catalog librarian, Portland State University Library; Lokman I. Meho, assistant professor, School of Information Science and Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York. C o lle g e L ib ra rie s S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: R o b in W agner, director of library services, Gettysburg Col­ lege; M elinda Dermody, access services co­ ordinator, St. Cloud State University. Secretary: Kitty McNeill, director of the li­ brary and assistant to the dean for special initiatives, Oxford College, Emoiy University; Rita Gulstad, dean of extended studies and learning resources, Central Methodist College. Member-at-Large: A lbie Johnson, associ­ ate vice-president for academic resources and library director, W heelock College; A lice Bahr, dean of libraries and instructional re­ sources, Salisbury University. C o m m u n ity a n d Ju n io r C o lle g e Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Christine Godin, di­ rector of learning resources, Northwest Vista College. Secretary: A n n Cam pion Riley, library di­ r e c to r , St. L o u is C o m m u n ity C o lle g e - Meramec. D ista n ce L e a rn in g S e ctio n V ice-chair/C hair-elect: J a c k Fritts, d i­ rec to r of library services, B ened ictin e Uni­ versity. Secretary: Lois C. Gilmer, library director, Fort W alton Beach Campus, University of West Florida; Beth A. Reiten, digital library services librarian, Oklahom a State University. Member-at-Large: Joyce Rum ery, interim director and assistant director for public ser­ vices, University of Maine Libraries; William Denny, librarian, off-campus library services, Central Michigan University. E d u c a tio n and B e h a v io ra l Scie n ce s Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: D oug Cook, ref­ erence and instruction librarian, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania; Venta Silins, ref­ e re n c e a n d e d u catio n librarian, Cascadia Community College and University of W ash­ ington-Bothell. Member-at-Large: Julie C unningham , chief librarian, Mina Rees Library, City University of New York; Deborah Schaeffer, com m u­ nity college outreach librarian and liaison librarian to the Charter College of Education and to the School of Social Work, California State University-Los Angeles. In stru c tio n S e ctio n V ice-ch a ir/C h a ir-elect: Lisa J a n ic k e Hinchliffe, coordinator for inform ation lit­ eracy services and instruction/associate pro­ fessor of library administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Secretary: Carla Buss, instructional services coordinator, Student Learning Center, Uni­ versity of Georgia; Lori DuBois, reference and instruction librarian, Williams College. Member-at-Large: Susan Beck, collection developm ent coordinator, New Mexico State University; Nicole Auer, college librarian for English, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. L a w a n d P o litic a l S cie n ce S e ctio n V ice-chair/Chair-elect: C o n n ie Salyers Stoner, associate director, Public Services, Shawnee State University; Jeanie M. Welch, 30 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 reference librarian, University of North Caro­ lina-Charlotte. Member-at-Large: Kelly Janousek, librar­ ian, California State University, Long Beach; Cathy Carpenter, reference librarian and sub­ ject librarian to the School of Public Policy and Political Science, Georgia Institute of Technology. L ite ra tu re s in E n g lis h S e ctio n Chair: Jen Stevens, interim head, George B. Brain Education Library, W ashington State University. V ice-ch air/C h air-elect: S u s a n n a V an Sant, collection m anagem ent librarian for lit­ erature a n d linguistics, University of Mary­ land; Charlotte M. Droll, hum anities librar­ ian, Wright State University. Secretary: J u d y Reynolds, language and lit­ erature librarian, San Jose State University; Todd Seacrist Gilman, librarian for literature in English, Yale University. Member-at-Large: Sara Seten Berghausen, librarian for literature a n d theater studies, Duke University Libraries; Helene Williams, English bibliographer for th e Hum anities, Harvard University. R are B o o ks a n d M a n u scrip ts S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Katherine Reagan, curator of rare books, Cornell University Li­ brary; Lois Fischer Black, assistant head and curator of collections, Special Collections, North Carolina State University. Member-at-Large: Jane Gillis, cataloger, rare b o o k team , Yale University Library; A n n e Dondertman, assistant director, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto. S cie n ce a n d T e c h n o lo g y S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Julia Gelfand, ap­ plied sciences and engineering librarian and bibliographer, University of California- Irvine, adjunct faculty at the School of Information Resources and Library Science at the Uni­ versity of Arizona; Lori Critz, librarian II/ physical sciences inform ation consultant, Georgia Institute of Technology. S ecretary/P u blicity Officer-Elect: S u ­ san Kimball, science librarian, Amherst Col­ lege; E lizabeth Cooksey, search assistant, Legal Resource Group, consulting research librarian, UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium. S la v ic a n d E a ste rn Eu ro p e a n S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: D a n ie l Pennell, bibliographer for Russian, East E uropean, and Germanic studies, University of Pitts­ burgh. Member-at-Large: John DeSantis, bibliog­ r a p h e r fo r R u ssian a n d Slavic s tu d ie s , Dartm outh College. U n iv e rs ity Lib ra rie s S e ctio n V ic e-ch a ir/C h a ir-elect: S a n d r a Yee, dean, University Library System, W ayne State University; M ary M unroe, associate dean, Collections and Technical Services, North­ ern Illinois University. Member-at-Large: F aye B a c k ie , a s s is ­ ta n t d ire c to r, p u b lic serv ices, M ichigan State University; M ary Sellen, assistant di­ rec to r for u s e r services, U niversity at Al- bany-SUNY; J u lie Yang, in terdisciplinary scien ce librarian, U niversity of California- San D iego. W e ste rn Eu ro p e a n S tu d ie s S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Helene B au m a n n , librarian for African and W estern European Studies, Duke University; A n n Snoeyenbos, librarian for West European social science, New York University. Secretary: Jam es Burgett, co o rd in ato r of collection developm ent, University of Ken­ tucky; Rebecca Malek-Wiley, principal cata­ log librarian, Tulane University. Member-at-Large: D ennis Lambert, head, collection developm ent and m anagem ent, and head, preservation, Villanova Univer­ sity; Thea Lindquist, history and germanic language and literature librarian, University of Colorado-Boulder. W o m e n 's S tu d ie s S e ctio n Vice-chair/Chair-elect: M egan M. Adams, social sciences librarian, Swarthmore Col­ lege. Secretary: Regan Brum agen, electronic ser­ vices librarian, Georgia College and State Uni­ versity; Pam ela M. Salela, reference librar­ ian, Center for Information Media, St. Cloud State University. Member-at-Large: C a m e Kruse, director, College Library, University o f W isconsin- Madison; Katia Roberto, head, m onographs original cataloging, University of G eorgia Libraries. ■ C&RL News ■ January 2 0 0 4 / 31