ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Index to C&RL News volume 64 (2003) ■ /-1 College & Research Libraries news A Abdulla, Ali D., “Eight steps for developing a first-year English composition award: a look at a successful program at East Carolina University” & photo., 238-40 “About the guidelines,” ACRL, 403, 470, 673 “Academic and research library campaign to launch during ACRL National Conference,” 6 “Academic community is focus of new @ your library campaign,” 6 Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award, 2003, 261; 2004, 541 Acquisitions (by institution): Appalachian State U., 558; Brooklyn Coll., 766; CSU (Northridge, 683 (& photo.); Sacramento, 683); Chicago Botanic Garden, 47; Emory U., 47, 212, 558; Georgetown U., 766; Hampshire Coll., 418-19; Harvard U., 278; Houston Academy of Medicine- Tex. Medical Ctr., 629-30; Knox Coll., 419 (& photo.); Marshall U., 630; NYPL, 346, 683; NYU, 481, 766; Saint Michael’s Coll., 419; San Diego State U., 212, 683; Schomburg Ctr., 630; State U. of W. Ga., 212; SUNY, Plattsburgh, 47; Tex. A&M U., 557-58; UC (Berkeley, 481; San Diego, 558; Santa Barbara, 346, 629, 766; Santa Cruz, 122); U. of Del., 212; U. of Md., 629; U. of Mont., 558; U. of Nev., 278; U. of Or., 481; U. of Pittsburgh, 766; U. of S.C., 346; Yale U., 419 Guide to index Filing is word-by-word (ALA, 1968). Abbreviations: Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Names of some organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are also abbreviated and are alphabetized as if spelled out. Special abbreviations: appt. appointment f. foundation port. portrait prof. profile prog. program Special usages: More than one reference per page is indicated in parentheses. Under the heading “Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title)” parentheses may enclose donors’ names (for sub­ jects) or subjects (for named collections). “Addendum to ACRL m em bers running for ALA Council,” 237 “Adventure, mystery, romance, and LCSH!” & photos., Mizzy, 14-15, correction, 77 “Africa Action” & logo, rev. of, 478 Agenbroad, Jam es, retired, 280 “Agriculture Network Information Center “ & logo, rev. of, 203 Aldrich, Duncan, new s note, 482 Alexander, Adrian W., “Two years after the launch: an update on the BioOne electronic publishing initiative,” 652-55 Allen, Bryce L., deceased & port., 485 Allen, Nancy M., revs. (“The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project”, 760; “National Center for Health Statistics” & logo, 118) Alpi, Kristine M., “Criminal investigation and forensic science: sources for scholars and aficionados” & logos, 590-93, 609 Amer. Antiquarian Soc., Leab Award, 325 “American Folklife Center: the Library of Congress" & logo, rev. of, 624 ALA, Annual Conference, 2003, “ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, June 2003: highlights of the Board’s annual conference m eetings” & photos., 518-21; “ACRL in Toronto: ACRL programs at the ALA Annual Conference” & photos., 509-16, 521; “ACRL program s & m eetings,” AC-1—AC-16 (n o .5); “Instruction Section to offer preconference in Toronto,” 76, 237; “2003 ALA Annual Conference audiotapes now available,” 511 ALA, Midwinter Meeting, 2003, “ACRL at the Midwinter Meeting: actions of the ACRL Board of Directors,” 168- 70; “Meet the ACRL Board,” 38 ALA, Midwinter Meeting, 2004, “ACRL Discussion Groups," 715; “ACRL midwinter meetings in San Diego: a tentative schedule,” 713-19; “ACRL offering three workshops at Midwinter,” 650; “Celebrate 15 years of Information Literacy,” 719; “D o n ’t miss the ACRL P re sid e n t’s Discussion Forum,” 714; “In a Tropical Garden was created to prom ote the Panama-California Expedition held in San Diego in 1915,” a postcard, 701 (photo., cover, no. 11); “Meet Alire and Kratz— candidates for ACRL President,” 718; “The PATRIOT Act and higher education,” 717; “Share your ideas with the ACRL Board," 716 “ALA/ACRL encourage participation of RoweCom creditor committee,” 147 “ALA extends subscriptions to Divine/Rowecom customers,” 76 “ALA signs agreement to mitigate RoweCom library losses,” 236 “ALA TechSource offers com bined subscriptions,” 441-42 A bout the autho r I Kathy L. (Kit) Dusky is cataloger/associate professor a t Portland State University, e-mail: Compiled by Kathy L. (Kit) Dusky Index to Vol. 64 (2003) /-2 ■ Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) “Am erican Political Science A ssociation an n o u n ce s n e w journal,” 368 “An application profile and prototype metadata m anagem ent system for licensed electronic resources,” Chandler, 405, 705 “A pply for Im m ersion ’04,” 588 “Apply for Im m ersion ’04, July 30 to A ugust 4, 2004,” 648 A ppointm ents, 48-49, 124-25, 214-16, 279-80, 348-49, 420- 21, 483-84, 560-61, 631-33, 685-87, 769-70 “Archives a n d special collections: a guide to resources on the W eb" & logos, Zanish-Belcher, 163-66 “Archives a n d special collections: 24/7,” Brown, 440 Argentati, Carolyn, appt., 631; n ew s n o te & port., 420 “A ssessm ent o f reference instruction as a teaching a n d learning activity: an e xperim ent at th e University o f Illinois-Springfield,” G reen, 256-58 “Assoc. Colleges o f the South creates online journal,” 300 “ALCTS m etadata task force re p o rt available,” 505 ACRL, A cadem ic o r Research Librarian o f the Y ear Award, 2003, 26l; 2004, 541; “A d dendum to ACRL m em bers running for ALA Council,” 237; “ALA/ACRL encourage participation o f RoweCom creditor com m ittee,” 147; “A nd th e w inners are ...: the official results of the 2003 ACRL elections,” 398-401; “Apply for Im m ersion ’04, July 30 to A ugust 4, 2004,” 648; “@ y o u r library toolkit will h elp y o u m arket y our library,” 370 (& photo.); Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2 0 0 3 ,262; 2004, 542; “D on’t b e left out: sign u p for ACRL e-mail u pdates,” 89; “D o n ’t forget the F orum ,” 506; “D um ont a n d Maloy share plans for ACRL: vote in the election this spring,” 102-6; E xcellence in Academ ic Libraries Award, 2003, 260, 262; 2004, 541; “Friends o f ACRL,” 751; “G et involved w ith ACRL: volunteer to serve o n a division or section com m ittee, 599-601; “G uidelines R egarding Thefts in Libraries m akes literary d ebut,” 299; “Harvard Leadership 2003,” 91; Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 2003, 324; 2004. 541; “It’s coming! N ew ACRL W eb site to launch in April,” 148; “It’s n o t just academ ic @ y our library: the C ampaign for America’s Libraries Academic a n d R esearch Library C am paign” & p hoto., 159-60; “Learning to M ake a Difference: P roceedings o f the ACRL 11th N ational Conference is 401; “Meet the candidates for ALA president: v ote in th e election this spring” & ports., 182-88; “M eet th e staff,” 752-55; “M em bers-only content n o w available o n ACRL W eb site,” 504; “M em bers running for ALA Council,” 190; “M em bership statistics,” 735; “N ew m o n o g rap h titles fo r 2002-03,” 742; “Participate in th e ACRL strategic p lanning process," 505; “Register n o w for th e ACRL/ H a rv a rd L e a d e rs h ip I n s titu te A u g u s t 3-8, 2003, C a m b rid g e , M a s s a c h u s e tts ,” 302, 370; “S e c tio n com m ittee v o lunteer form ,” 603; “Share y o u r effective practices th ro u g h ACRL’s clearinghouse,” 703; “Share y o u r lib ra ry ’s e ffe c tiv e p ra c tic e s t h r o u g h ACRL c le arin g h o u se ,” 150; “Sponsorships fo r 2003,” 727; “Subscribe to ACRL e-m ail u p d a te s ,” 336; “T hose immersed resurface: a follow up with Track 2 participants of the first Inform ation Literacy Im m ersion,” 17-19; “2003-04 ACRL c h ap ter con fere n ce s/ev e n ts,” 604-5; “Y ear in review ,” 731-44 ACRL, Annual Conference, 2003, “C onference program s— T o ro n to ,” 2003, 729; “In struction Section to offer preconference in T oronto,” 76, 237; “P reconferences,” 2003, 738; “2003 ALA A nnual Conference audiotapes n o w available,” 511 ACRL, A nnual C onference, 2004, “ACRL offering three w o rk sh o p s at M idwinter,” 650; “I n a Tropical G arden was created to prom ote the Panama-California Expedition h e ld in San D iego in 1915,” a postcard, 701 (photo., cover, no. 11) ACRL, A nnual report, 2002-2003, 725 ACRL, B oard o f Directors, “Highlights” (Jan., 168-70; Ju n e & p hotos, 518-21); “Meet the ACRL B oard,” 38; p hoto. & roster, 2002-03, 745 ACRL, Budget & Finance Comm. Chair, “Financial report” & port., 746-50 ACRL, College a n d Research Libraries Standards Task Force, “H earing o n the ‘Standards for Libraries in H igher E ducation’”, 331; “Standards for libraries in higher e d ucation,” a draft, 329-36 ACRL, Comm, on the Status o f Academ ic Librarians, “About the guidelines,” 673; “A guideline for the screening and a p p o in tm en t o f academ ic librarians using a search com m ittee,” final draft, 672-73 ACRL, CJCLS, Community College Learning Resources/Library A chievem ent Awards, 2004, 542; C om m unity College Learning Resources/Library Achievement Awards, 2003, 327 ACRL, DLS, “G uidelines b rochures available o nline,” 271; “Guidelines for distance learning library services,” draft revision”, 265-71; “Revising th e g uidelines,” 266-67 ACRL, EBSS, “A bout the g uidelines,” 470; D istinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award, 2004, 542; D istinguished Education a n d B ehavioral Sciences Librarian Award, 2003, 326; “Guidelines for curriculum m aterials centers,” ap p ro v ed 2003, 469-74 ACRL, Exec. Director, “Letter” & port., 730-31 ACRL, Institute for Inform ation Literacy, “Characteristics of program s o f inform ation literacy that illustrate best practice,” a draft, 32-35; “Characteristics of program s o f inform ation literacy that illustrate b e st practices: a guideline,” ap p ro v ed 2003, 544-47; “History,” 33, 545; “T hose im m ersed resurface: a follow u p w ith T rack 2 participants o f the first Information Literacy Immersion,” 17-19 ACRL, IS, “Characteristics o f program s o f information literacy that illustrate b est practice,” a draft, 32-35; “Finally, guidelines!”, 617; “Guidelines for instruction program s in academ ic libraries, approved 2003, 616-19; “History,” 33, 109; Innovation in Instruction Award, 2003, 327; 2004, 542; Instruction Section P ublication o f the Year Award, 2003, 325; 2004, 542; “Instruction Section to offer p reconference in T oronto,” 237; Miriam D udley Instruction Librarian Award, 2003, 262-63; 2004, 542; “Panel se ssio n ,” 111; “R esearch a g en d a for library instruction a n d inform ation literacy,” u p d a te d version, 108-13 ACRL, LPSS, Marta Lange/CQ Award, 2003, 263; 2004, 541- 42 ACRL, M idw inter m eeting, 2003, “ACRL at the Midwinter Meeting: actions o f th e ACRL B oard o f D irectors,” I68- 70; “W orkshops @ M idw inter M eeting,” 739 ACRL, Midwinter meeting, 2004, “ACRL Discussion Groups,” 715; “Celebrate 15 years o f Inform ation Literacy,” 719; “D o n ’t miss the ACRL President’s D iscussion Forum ,” 714; “M eet Alire a n d Kratz— c a n d id a te s for ACRL President,” 718; "Meetings in San Diego: a tentative sc h e d u le ,” 713-19; “T he PATRIOT Act a n d h ig h er education,” 717; “Share your ideas with the ACRL Board,” 716 ACRL, National C onference, 2003, “Academic a nd research library cam p aig n to la u n c h d uring ACRL N ational C onference,” 6; “ACRL invites y o u to join its 11th N ational Conference in Charlotte, April 10-13, 2003,” 145 (p h o to ., c o v e r, n o . 3); “A u d io c a s se tte s /C D s available,” 444; “The Carolinas’ rich library legacy: touring Charlotte-area libraries at the ACRL National Conference" & photos., Tierney, 80-83; “Charlotte nights: w h a t to do at the e n d o f the conference d ay” & photos., Tierney, 179-181; “Charlotte o n the W eb,” Tierney, 180; “Learning to m ake a difference: Charlotte, N orth Carolina, April 10-13: preliminary program” & photos., C-l— C-28 (no.l); “Learning to m ake a difference: coverage from ACRL’s 11th N ational C onference, p a rt 1“ & photos. & ports., 372-377, 409; “Learning to m ake a difference: coverage from ACRL’s 11th National Conference, part 2" & photos., 443-88, 454; “P roceedingsavailable,” 377; “T ake a r id e on this charm ing trolley w h e n you visit Charlotte, North Carolina,” 3 (photo., cover, no. 1); “T ransportation information,” Tierney, 181; “W ebcasts o f ACRL National Conference program s available,” 299 ACRL, N ational Conference, 2005, “Call for participation: M inneapolis National C onference,” insert (no. 10) ACRL, President, “M essage” & p o rt., 726-27 ACRL, RBMS, “A bout the g uidelines,” 403; “G uidelines regarding thefts in libraries,” a p p ro v ed 2003, 402-7; Katharine Kyes Leab a n d Daniel J. Leab A m erican B ook Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards, 2003, $25- 26; 2004, 542; “Richard Clement nam ed editor of RBM,” 149 ACRL, Scholarly Communication Committee, “Principles and strategies for the reform o f scholarly com m unication: issu e s re la te d to th e fo rm a l sy ste m o f sc h o larly com m unication,” 526-27, 547 ACRL, STS, Eunice Rockwell O berly Award, 2003, 326 ACRL, TLT G roup, “Register n o w fo r ‘Inform ation Literacy a n d A ssessm ent’ online sem inar,” 457 ACRL, ULS, “News from the University Libraries Section: a w ra p -u p of activities at M idwinter,” 254-55 ACRL, Vice-President, “M essage” & port., 728-29 ACRL, WESS, Coutts Nijhoff International W est E uropean Specialist Study Grant, 2003, 326-27; 2004, 542; “Join WESS in Paris in M arch 2004," 584 ACRL, WSS, C areer A c h ievem ent in W o m e n ’s Studies L ib ra ria n sh ip , 2 0 0 3 , 263; 2 0 0 4 , 542; S ignificant A chievem ent in W om en’s Studies Librarianship, 2003, 263; 2004, 542 “ACRL and TLT Group offer second installment in information literacy sem inar series,” 237 “ACRL at the Midwinter Meeting: actions o f the ACRL Board o f D irectors,” 168-70 “ACRL aw ard w inners, 2003, ”733 “ACRL candidates for 2003: see w h o ’s running for office.”, 28-31 “ACRL com m ittee v o lunteer form ,” 602 “ACRL creates first-year experience task force,” 706 “ACRL D iscussion G roups,” 715 “ACRL environm ental scan available online to m em bers,” Cary, 300-301 “ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute,” 302, 370 “ACRL/Harvard L eadership Institute: highlights from the fourth annual institute,” Gilreath, 90-91 “ACRL h o n o rs the 2003 aw ard w inners: a recognition of professional achievem ent,” Sherrod, 260-63 “ACRL honors the 2003 aw ard winners: the final installment o f ACRL a w ard w inners,” Sherrod, 324-27 “ACRL in T oronto: ACRL program s at the ALA A nnual C onference” & photos., 509-16, 521 “ACRL in vites y o u to a tte n d th e 2003 ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute,” 236 “ACRL invites y ou to join its 11th N ational C onference in Charlotte, April 10-13, 2003,” 145 (photo., cover, no. 3) “ACRL journals,” 741 “ACRL launches @ y o u r library discussion list,” 235 “ACRL m id w in te r m ee tin g s in San Diego: a tentative sc h e d u le ,” 713-19 “ACRL offering three w o rkshops at M idwinter,” 650 “ACRL offering tw o online sem inars this fall,” 542 “ACRL President H elen H. Spalding signed a cross-border a greem ent” p hoto., 504 “ACRL p rogram s & m eetings,” AC-1—AC-16 (no.5) “ACRL sponsoring LeamingTimes Library Online Conference: m em bers receive $50 registration d iscount,” 586 ACRL Standards & Guidelines (“A bout the guidelines,” 403, 470, 673; “Characteristics o f p rogram s o f inform ation literacy that illustrate b e st practice,” a draft, 32-35; “Characteristics o f program s o f information literacy that illustrate best practices: a guideline,” ap p ro v ed 2003, 544-47; “Finally, guidelines!”, 617; “A guideline for the screening and appointm ent of academ ic librarians using a search com m ittee,” final draft, 672-73; “Guidelines brochures available online,” ACRL, 271; “Guidelines for curriculum m aterials centers,” a p p ro v e d 2003, 469-74; “Guidelines for distance learning library services,” ACRL, draft revision, 265-71; “G u id e lin e s for in stru ctio n program s in academ ic libraries, approved 2003, 616-19; “Guidelines regarding thefts in libraries,” approved 2003, 402-7; “Hearing on the ‘Standards for Libraries in Higher Education”’, 331; “History," 33,109, 545; “Panel session,” 111; “R esearch a g e n d a for library in stru ctio n a n d information literacy,” u p dated version, 108-13; “Revising the guidelines,” ACRL, 266-67; “Standards for libraries in h igher e du ca tio n ,” a draft, 329-36) “ACRL’s 2004 aw ards program : h o n o rin g o u tstan d in g achievem ents in academ ic librarianship” & photo., Petrow ski, 541-42 “ACRL’s e-Learning W ebcasts ... just a click aw ay,” 442 “ACRL’s m ission,” 725 ASERL, “UNC Charlotte joins ASERL’s Kudzu project,” 150 “ASERL launches sh ared c hat reference service,” 503 “ASERL o pens program s to n onm em ber libraries,” 75 @ your library Toolkitf o r A cadem ic a n d Research Libraries, published, ACRL, 370 (& photo.) y o u r library toolkit will h elp y ou m arket y o u r library," ACRL, 370 (& pho to .) y o u r library at th e ACRL N ational C onference,” 6 Atkinson, Ross, “Nam ed Academic/Research Librarian of the Year” & port., 233, 2 6l (port., cover, no. 4); photo., 514 Atkinson (H ugh C.) Memorial Award, 2003, 324; 2004, 541 Attanasi, Meagan, photo., 239 A uburn U., “Diversity: it’s n o t just the right thing to d o ,” 594-95, 605 “A udiocassettes/C D s available,” 444 Awards, 74-5, 260-63 (8), 324-27 (9), 541-52 (15), 733 B Baker, William, n ew s note, 348 Baker & Taylor, Academic o r Research Librarian o f the Year Award, 2003, 2 ć l; 2004, 541 Balderram a, Sandra Rios, new s n ote & port., 631 Barczyk, Ewa, appt., 685 Bard, Scott, photos., 541, correction, 585 Barnes, Sherri, “WSS Significant A chievem ent A w ard goes to B arnes,” 263 Barreau, D eborah, new s note, 123 Bartosz, Kimberly, rev. (“National Partnership for W om en & Families” & logo), 342 B aruch Coll., “E xcellence in Academ ic Libraries w inners a n n o u n ce d ,” 260 B atem en, Betzi L., “E ducational technology: a guide to resources o n th e W eb” & logos, 9-12 B aton Rouge Com m unity Coll., “Carr a n d B aton Rouge Com m unity College w in CJCLS aw ards, 327 Beall, Jeffrey, “H ow successful is copy cataloging at catching a n d fixing typographical errors in records im ported from bibliographic utilities?”, 704 Beck, Sheila, rev. (“Education W orld”), 274 Bell, Steven J., “Stop sending those cards: enhancing faculty- librarian collaboration using e-selection strategies,” 606- 9 Berring, Robert, appt. & port., 214 “T he b ew ildering n e w w orld o f scholarly com m unication: . help in g faculty u n d e rstan d the issues,” Dess, 242-245 Bibliocentre, “Sirsi selected b y Bibliocentre,” 301 Bielefeld, Megan, port. ,752 Billings, Harold, retired & port., 216 BioOne, “T w o years after the launch: an u p d a te on the B ioO ne electronic p ublishing initiative,” 652-55 Black, Fiona, appt., 348 Blackwell’s Book Services, Excellence in Academic Libraries Award, 2003, 260, 262; 2004, 541 “B lackwell’s O nline B o okshop gets a m akeover,” 370 Bleiler, Richard, n ew s n ote, 482 “Blue Lady” w as d e signed fo r the cover o f the Stone a n d K im ball p u b lic a tio n The Chap-Book, Bradley, 581 (photo., cover, no. 9) Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) ■ /-3 l-4 ■ Index to C&RL News volume 64 (2003) Blum, Robert, “A street c o m e r in San Francisco’s China Town, circa 1890,” 437 (photo., cover, no. 7) Bowling G reen State U., “Adventure, mystery, rom ance, a n d LCSH!" & photos., 14-15, correction, 77; “Jerom e Rollers, a newly form ed library drill team, performing in the Bowling G reen State University Holiday P arade” photo., 14, correction, 77; “Popular culture cataloger and reference librarian,” 15 Bradley, Lynne E., “W ashington hotline,” 198, 272, 338, 409, 475, 549, 620, 674, 756-57, 771 Bradley, Will, “Blue Lady” was designed for the cover of the Stone and Kimball publication The Chap-Book, 581 (photo., cover, no. 9) Brey, Carol, “Meet the candidates for ALA president: vote in the election this spring” & port., 182-88 Brigham Y oung U., “W idespread academ ic efforts address the scholarly com m unication crisis: the results of a survey of academ ic institutions, 382-83, 389 “Bringing history to life” & port., Mizzy, 596-97 “British library op en s collections for electronic delivery,” 442 Browar, Lisa, appt., 124 Brown, Barbara, retired & port., 561 Brown, Doris R., “Collection disaster: m old in the stacks,” 304-6 Brown, William, “Archives a nd special collections: 24/7,” 440 Brunk, Charles, retired, 125 Buck, A nne M., d eceased & port., 421 Buhr, Rosemary E., retired, 633 Burk, Teresa, new s note, 123 Burke, Gerald T., “T here’s m oney out there for you: writing personal grants,” 155-57, 170 Burke, Jane, new s note, 123 “Burke Library to join Columbia,” 302 Burnette, Liz, new s note, 560 Busch, Nancy, appt., 631 Buschm an, John, new s note, 768 Byrd, T heresa S., photos., 518, 745 C CSU, “Integrating inform ation literacy into the learning outcom es of academic disciplines: a critical 21st-century issue,” 612-15 CSU, Northridge, “W ho’s afraid of partnerships for information literacy initiatives? W orking to g e th e r to e m p o w e r learners," 246-48, 253 “Call for papers: Popular Culture Association 2004,” 584 “Call for participation: M inneapolis National Conference," ACRL, National Conference, 2005, insert (no. 10) Cammarata, Paul & Clo, “Photojournalism o n the Web: a guide for practicing a n d student photojournalists” & logos, 451-54 Canadian Association o f College a nd University Libraries (CACUL), “ACRL President Helen H. Spalding signed a cross-border agreem ent” photo., 504 “C anadian National Site Licensing Project chooses Science Direct," 237 Cannon, Tyrone H., ACRL president & port., 398-99; “The learning com m unity as know ledge builders: the 2003- 04 ACRL President’s th em e ,” 533-35; “Message from the vice-president” & port., 728-29; photos., 377, 510, 518, 520, 745 Career Achievement in W omen’s Studies Librarianship, 2003, 263; 2004, 542 Carney, Kathleen, photo., 510 “The Carolinas’ rich library legacy: touring Charlotte-area libraries at the ACRL National C onference” & photos., Tierney, 80-83 Carr, Mary, “Carr and Baton Rouge Community College win CJCLS aw ards, 327 Carroll-Hackett, Mary, photo., 239 Cartoons, 5, 75, 147, 235, 299, 367, 439, 503, 583, 647, 703 Cary, Shannon, “ACRL environm ental scan available online to m em bers,” 300-301; port., 752 Caw thorne, J o n E., “Integrating o u treach and building p a rtn e rsh ip s: e x p a n d in g o u r role in th e learn in g com m unity,” 666-69, 681 “Celebrate 15 years of Inform ation Literacy,” 719 “A Celebration of W om en W riters” & logo, rev. of, 202-3 “Center for A pplied Linguistics,” rev. of, 274-75 “Center for Biologies Evaluation and Research” & logo, rev. of, 552 “Center for History a nd New Media” & logo, rev. of, 118-19 Central Mich. U., “W hen the library becom es the largest c o m p u te r lab o n cam pus: su p p o rtin g productivity software in an academ ic environm ent,” 462-64, 468 Chabot, Lisabeth, appt., 631 Chandler, Adam, “An application profile a n d prototype m etadata m anagem ent system for licensed electronic resources,” 405, 705 Channing, Rhoda, d e c e a s e d s port., 561-62 Chapel, Robert, d eceased S port., 50 “Characteristics o f program s of inform ation literacy that illustrate best practice,” ACRL, a draft, 32-35 “Characteristics of program s of inform ation literacy that illustrate b est practices: a guideline,” ACRL, app ro v ed 2003, 544-47 “Charlotte nights: w h a t to do at the e n d of the conference day” S photos., Tierney, 179-181 “Charlotte o n the W eb,” Tierney, 180 Cheng, Y ungrang Laura, “Receives Doctoral Dissertation Fellow ship” & port., 262 C hm elir, Lynn, “G ot a secret? Pass it o n re c ru itin g n e w librarians,” 395-97; “Recruiting for librarianship,” 3 96 “CHOICE offers compilation of Outstanding A cadem ic Titles", 505 City Coll, of San Francisco, “Excellence in Academic Libraries w inners a n n o u n ce d ,” 260; “P an Am erican Unity," tw o panels from the mural, Rivera, 501 (photo., cover, no. 8) City o f San Jose, “First joint city/university library o p e n s its d o o rs,” 503 CUNY›Queensborough Community Coll., “Multilingualism at the reference desk: keeping students connected," 322-23, 336 “C iv ilrig h ts.o rg : th e P ro g re ssiv e C o a litio n fo r E qual O pportunity” & logo, rev. of, 119 Clark, Susan E., rev. ( “U.S. Institute of P eace” & logo), 414 “Classical Music Library offers charter subscription," 650 Clement, Richard W., “N am ed editor o f RBM,” 149; new s note, 685 Coburn, Barbara, deceased, 280 Cochenour, Dormice, new s note, 482 “Collection disaster: m old in the stacks,” Brown, 304-6 C&RL News, “Statem ent o f ow nership a nd m anagem ent,” 655; “Viles steps d ow n as ‘Fast Facts’ editor,” 441 “C&RL News seeks cartoonist,” 503 “C&RL News seeks “Fast Facts” editor,” 149 “ C&RL News subm ission guidelines,” 36 “College of DuPage hosts Russian librarians,” 505-6 “College of New Rochelle Library n a m e d Project of the Y ear,” 439 Coll, of the Holy Cross, Leab Award, 325 Columbia Coll., “ITW Library Skills Exchange,” 709; “W orld Library Partnership” & photo., 708-9, 709 “Columbia establishes digital program ,” 584 Columbia U., “Burke Library to join Columbia,” 302; “DSpace Federation collaboration announced,” 147; “Putin tours Columbia U. archive,” 649-50 “Committee volunteer form ,” ACRL, 602 “Community, technical colleges choose Voyager,” 648 C o m m u n ity C o lle g e L e a r n in g R e s o u r c e s / L ib r a r y A chievem ent Awards, 2004, 542 C o m m u n ity C o lle g e L e a r n in g R e s o u r c e s / L ib r a r y A chievem ent Awards, 2003, 327 Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) ■ l -5 “T he com m unity college library perspective in a n age of o p p o r tu n ity : m e e tin g e x p e c ta t io n s in tim e s o f uncertainty,” Fradkin, 721-23 Conahan, M argot Sutton, port., 752 C onference circuit ( “ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute: highlights from the fourth a n n u al institute,” Gilreath, 90-91; “ACRL at the M idw inter Meeting: actions o f the ACRL B oard of D irectors,” 168-70; “ACRL D iscussion G roups,” 715; “ACRL in Toronto: ACRL program s at the ALA Annual Conference” & photos., 509-16, 521; “ACRL m idw inter meetings in San Diego: a tentative schedule,” 713-19; “Celebrate 15 years of Inform ation Literacy," 719; “D o n ’t m iss th e ACRL P re sid e n t’s D iscussion Forum ,” 714; “Meet Alire a n d Kratz— candidates for ACRL P re sid e n t,” 718; “N ew s from th e University Libraries Section: a w ra p -u p o f activities at M idwinter,” S h e rb y , 254-55; “T h e PATRIOT A ct a n d h ig h e r edu ca tio n ,” 717; “T he P resident’s Discussion Forum at M idwinter: exploring a w o rld o f v alues,” Padley, 252- 53; “Share y o u r ideas w ith the ACRL B oard,” 716) CQ, Marta Lange/C Q Award, 2003, 263; 2004, 541-42 Conn. Coll., “CTW Library Consortium chooses Voyager,” 439 Connolly, David, port., 752 Consales, Judy, n ew s note, 48 Conway, Martha, p hoto., 211 Cornell U., “Diversity initiatives vs. residency program s: agents o f change?, 308-10, 315; “DSpace Federation collaboration an n o u n ce d ,” 147 Corrections, 77, 149, 245, 468, 547, 585 C oughlin, Caroline, d eceased, 770-71 “CLIR surveys au d io collections,” 299 Coutts Nijhoff International West E uropean Specialist Study Grant, 2003, 326-27; 2004, 542 “The cover illustration is from the Marjorie Pickthall Manuscript Collections in the Special Collections o f the Victoria U niversity at the University o f T o ro n to ’s E. J. Pratt Library,” 297 (photo., cover, no.5) “Criminal investigation a n d forensic science: sources for scholars a n d aficionados” & logos, Alpi, 590-93, 609 “Crisis in foreign language expertise in research libraries: h o w do w e fill this gap?’’, Kellsey, 391— 92, 397 “CTW Library C onsortium c h o o se s V oyager,” 439 “Culinary resources: cookery and culinary history W eb sites” & logos, Summerfield, 656-59 D Daganaar, Mark L., appt. & port., 279 D ancik, D e b o rah B., photos., 518, 520, 745 Daniel, Milton G. “Roy,” d eceased, 771 D a nton j o s e p h Periam , d eceased , 50 D arbyshire, Je a n , “Using a n executive search firm to fill faculty library positions: o n e library’s story,” 523-25 Davis, Francie, d eceased , 349 Davis, Mary Ellen K., “Letter from the executive director” & port., 730-31; photos., 512, 518, 520, 745; port., 753 D eaths, 50, 125, 21ó, 280, 349, 421, 485, 561-62, 634, 688, 770-71 D enholm , Patricia, appt. & port., 685 D ePaul U., “C ollection disaster: m old in the stacks,” 304-6; “W orld Libraiy P artnership” & photo., 708-9, 709 Desai, Christina M., “Getting cited: te n tips for practitioners o f citation analysis in the library” & p hoto., 21-23, 27 Dess, H ow ard M., “The bew ildering n e w w orld o f scholarly comm unication: helping faculty understand the issues,” 242-245 “A detail from an illustration in th e m ultivolum e w ork D escription de L ’Égypte, on R ecueil des O bservations ■ 73 (photo., cover, no. 2) Dickstein, Ruth H ., “Wins WSS C areer Achievem ent A w ard” & port., 263 “Digital projects m an ag er,” Mizzy, 597 D illon, D e n n is, “S tra te g ies to k e e p th e w o lf fro m th e d o o r: c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t w h e n th e b u d g e t is tig h t,” 536-37 D istinguished E ducation a n d Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award, 2004, 542 D istinguished Education a n d Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award, 2003, 326 “Diversity: it’s n o t just the right th ing to d o ,” Goss, 594-95, 605 “Diversity initiatives vs. re sidency program s: agents of change?, Hankins, 308-10, 315 D octoral D issertation Fellow ship, 2003, 262; 2004, 542 “D o n 't b e left out: sign u p for ACRL e-mail u p d a te s,” 89 “D o n ’t forget the F orum ,” 506 “D o n ’t miss the ACRL President’s D iscussion Forum ," 714 Douglas, Jeffrey, p hoto., 419 D ow n, Nancy, port., 14, correction, 77 D ow ner, Sheri, n ew s note, 348 D ro b n ic k i, J o h n A., rev. ( “EUROPARL: th e E u ro p e a n Parliam ent On-Line”), 552-53 Drost, Carol A., “Internet review s,” 42-43, 118-19, 202-3, 274-75, 342-43, 413-14, 477-78, 552-53, 624-25, 678- 79, 760-61 “DSpace Federation collaboration a n n o u n ce d ,” 147 D udley (Miriam) Instruction Librarian Award, 2003, 262-63; 2004, 542 D uguid, Paul, port., 373 D um ont, Paul, ports., 28, 102-4 “D u m ont a n d Maloy share plans for ACRL: vote in the election this spring,” 102-6 D ykhuis, Randy, n ew s note, 482 “Dynix a n d YBP Library Services e n te r p a rtn e rsh ip ,” 302 “Dynix celebrates 20th anniversary,” 583 “Dynix partners w ith Serials Solution,” 706 D yson, Allan J., retired, 484 E “E-poetry: digital frontiers for an evolving art form ” & logos, Shirkey, 249-51 E. Carolina U., “Eight steps for developing a first-year English com position award: a look at a successful program at East Carolina U niversity” & p hoto., 238-40 Eberhart, G eorge M., “N ew publications,” 44-45 (& photos.), 120-21 (& p hoto.), 206-8 (& p h o to .), 277 (& photo.), 344-45 (& photo.), 416-17 (& photo.), 479-80 (& photos.), 554-555 (& p hoto.), 626-27 (& p h o to s.), 680-81 (& photos.), 762-64 (& p hotos.) “Ebrary launches n e w d atabase collections,” 147 EBSCO, Com m unity College Learning Resources/Libraty A chievem ent Awards, 2004, 542; Com m unity College Learning Resources/Library Achievement Awards, 2003, 327 “EBSCO acquisition of Row eCom ’s U.S. a n d E uropean op eratio n s a p p ro v e d ,” 367 “EBSCO to acquire Row eCom o p erations,” 75 EBSCOhost, “Index browsing available through EBSCOhost,” 647 “EBSCO’s A-to-Z service n o w available,” 441 “E ducation W orld,” rev. of, 274 “Educational technology: a g uide to resources on the W eb” & logos, Batem en, 9-12 Edwards, Tory, port., 753 “Eight steps for developing a first-year English com position aw ard: a look at a successful p rogram at East Carolina U niversity” & p h o to ., Abdulla, 238-40 Eimas, Richard, retired, 50 “11th N ational C onference Proceedings available from ACRL,” 401 Elmborg, Jam es K., “N am ed IS Publication A w ard w inner,” 325 “Elsevier lau n ch es Library C onnect,” 7 Elsevier Science, Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award, 2003, 262-63; 2004, 542 “E ndeavor an n o u n ce s c ourse co n te n t integrator,” 506 “E ndeavor releases ENCom pass 3.0,” 77 “Entering academ ic librarianship: tips for library school students," Singleton, 84-86, correction, 245 l -6 ■ Index to C&RL News volume 64 (2003) Errata, 77, 149, 245, 468, 547, 585 Eunice Rockwell O berly Award, 2003, 326 “EUROPARL: the E uropean Parliam ent On-Line,” rev. of, 552-53 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award, 2003, 260, 262; 2004, 541 F Farrell, K atharine, “Farrell & T ruitt a w a rd e d L azerow Fellow ship,” 262; photo., 541 “Fast facts,” Pattillo, 578, 642, 698,790; Viles, 70,138, 230, 294, 362, 434, 498 Faulkner, Lila, “K. G. Saur Award” & photo., 326 Ferris, Bill, photo., 448; port., 375 Ferullo, D onna L., “Piracy on cam puses: opportunity not problem ,” 664-65 Fescemyer, Kathy, “Horticulture: sources for gardeners,” 312-15 “Finally, guidelines!", ACRL, 617 “First joint city/university library o pens its doors,” 503 Flake, Chad John, deceased, 771 Fong, Victoria, n ew s note, 279 Ford, Barbara J., new s note & port., 214 Fosmire, Michael, “The LEADER project: becom ing an inform ation LEADER at Purdue University,” 192-95 Fowler, Clara S., “Instructional leadership: new responsibilities for a n e w reality,” 465-68, correction, 546 Fradkin, Bernard, “The community college library perspective in an age o f opportunity: m eeting expectations in times of uncertainty,” 721-23 F rank, D o n a ld G., “N e w re la tio n s h ip s in a c a d e m e : opportunities for vitality and relevance,” 24-27 Frederiksen, Linda, revs. (“Center for History and New Media” & logo, 118-19; rev. “” & logo, 678) Frey, Susan M., rev. ( “ ” & logo), 413-14 Fridena, Betty, port., 458 “T he Friends o f the Minnesota Library h o ste d ‘An Evening o f Ribald Literature’ to celebrate the g ro u p s’ tenth anniversary in O ctober” photo., 706 Frodin, David G., “STS Oberly Award g oes to Frodin,” 326 G “Gale aligns reports to ICOLC and COUNTER guidelines,” 442 “Gale introduces virtual reference d atabase,” 585 Galloway, Ann-Christe, “Grants a n d acquisitions,” 47, 122, 211-12, 278, 346, 418-19, 481, 557-58, 628-30, 682- 83, 765-66; “P eople in the Newś', 48-50, 123-25, 214- 16, 279-80, 348-49, 420-21, 482-85, 560-62, 631-34, 685-88, 768-71; port., 753 “G allup offers w eekly briefing service,” 7 Gard, Betty, n ew s note, 48 Garrett, Marie, “Taking im m ersion hom e: applying lessons learned a t ACRL’s Im m ersion Program ,” 587-88, 609 Germ ain, Carol Anne, “T h ere’s m oney o u t there for you: w riting personal grants,” 155-57, 170 “G et involved w ith ACRL: v o lunteer to serve on a division or section com m ittee, 599-601 “Getting cited: ten tips for practitioners of citation analysis in the library” & photo., Desai, 21-23, 27 “Getting to k now your subject specialty: add a little romance (literature) to y our life,” W ard, 318-20 Getty Research Inst., Leab Award, 325 G ilreath, Charles, “ACRL/Harvard L eadership Institute: highlights from the fourth annual institute,” 90-91 “globalEDGE” & logo, rev. of, 624-25 Golderman, Gail, rev. (“Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, a n d P eace”), 625 Gollop, Claudia, new s note, 123 Goodm uth, Rebecca Lynn, photo., 239 Gorm an, Larry, retired, 216 Goss, Harold, “Diversity: it’s n o t just the right thing to d o ,” 594-95. 605 “Got a secret? Pass it o n ...: recruiting new librarians,” Chmelir, 395-97 Gotwals, Joan, retired & port., 633 “GPO a n d NARA sup p o rt p e rm anent online access,” 583 Graf, Francine, port., 753 Graham , Krista, “W hen the library becom es the largest c o m p u te r lab o n cam pus: su p p o rtin g productivity softw are in an academ ic environm ent,” 462-64, 468 Grant, Marilyn, deceased, 280 “Grants a n d a c q u is itio n s ,” G a llow ay, 47, 122, 211-12, 278, 346, 418-19, 481, 557-58, 628-30, 682-83, 7 6 5-66 G rants (by grantee): ATLA, 557; Atlanta U. Ctr., 682; Black H aw k Com munity Coll., 346; Burke Library, 302; CSU, Northridge, 418; Center for Research Libraries, 346; CUNY, H ostos Com munity Coll., 557; Clark Atlanta U., 682; Coll. Ctr. for Lib. A utom ation, 628; Columbia U., 211, 628-29, 765; Cornell U., 122, 212; D uke U., 557; E. Carolina U., 682; Emory U., 47; Fisk U., 557; Frank H. McClung Mus., 122; Ga. Institute of Technology, 122; H erzog August Bibliothek, W ofenbüettel, 122; HBCU, 628; 111. State U., 346; Ind. U., 481; J ohns H opkins U., 47, 278, 418; Libraries for the Future, 557; M orehouse Coll., 682; M ount Holyoke Coll., 682; N.J. State Lib., 765; NY State Historical Assn., 278; NYU, 557, 628; Newberry Lib. & photo., 211; N. Central Coll., 346; N.C. State U, 628-29, 765; N ortheastern U., 211-12; Oberlin Coll., 682; O ccidental Coll., 682; O hio State U., 211; Ringling School of Art and Design, 278; Rutgers U., 122, 682-83, 765; Simmons Coll., 418; SOLINET, 628, 765; Spelman Coll., 682; Swarthmore Coll., 682; T am pa Bay Lib. Consortium, 628; T em ple U., 122; UC (Davis, 211; Santa Barbara, 682); U. of Chicago, 628-29; U. of 111., U- C, 47, 122; U. of La., Lafayette, 628; U. o f Pittsburgh, 278, 346, 418; U. o f SC, 418, 481; U. of T enn., 122; U. of W ash., 122; W ayne State U., 682; W ellesley Coll., 682; W. State Coll, of Colo., 122; W estern 111. U., 346; W illamette U., 47 Grants (by grantor): Apex, 682; Baird F., 278; Brach (John) alum nus, 122; Buhl F., 418; Delmas (Gladys Krieble) F., 122; Ford F., 212; Gates (Bill & M elinda) F., 418, 557; H aynes (John R andolph & D ora) F., 418; H um boldt (A lexander v on) F. TransCoop, 122; 111. State Lib., 211; IMLS, 47, 122 (2), 211, 278, 682, 765; LSTA, 211-12 (2), 346, 628; La. Bd. of Regents Traditional E nhancem ent Grant, 628; Luce (H eniy) F., 346; Mellon (A ndrew W.) F., 302, 481, 628, 682, 765; Meyer M emorial Trust, 47; Moran (William R.) donation, 682; Natl. Film Preservation F., 481, 557; NEA, 557; NEH, 47, 418 (2), 557, 628, 682-83; NHPRC, 557; NSF, 122, 765; Pew Charitable Trusts, 122; Pittsburgh F., 418; Ringling School Library Assn., 278; Rockefeller F., 211; Save America’s Treasures, 211, 278; Sim pson (Robert & Juanita) Endow m ent, 47; USDE, 628-29 Green, D enise D., “Assessm ent of reference instruction as a teaching and learning activity: an experim ent at the University o f Illinois-Springfield,” 256-58 G reenberg, Charles J., new s note, 48 G reenw ood Publishing, Career A chievem ent in W om en’s Studies Librarianship, 2003, 263; 2004, 542 “A guideline for the screening and appointm ent of academic librarians using a search com m ittee,” ACRL, final draft, 672-73 “G uidelines brochures available online,” ACRL, 271 “Guidelines for curriculum materials centers,” ACRL, approved 2003, 469-74 “G uidelines for distance learning library services,” ACRL, draft revision, 265-71 “G uidelines for instruction program s in academ ic libraries, ACRL, a p p ro v ed 2003, 616-19 “Guidelines regarding thefts in libraries,” ACRL, a p p ro v ed 2003, 402-7 “ Guidelines R egarding Thefts in Libraries m akes literary d e b u t,” ACRL, 299 Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) ■ l -7 H H ahn, Bessie King, n ew s note, 420 H ahn, Karla, “K. G. Saur A w ard” & p h o to ., 326 H ahn, Suzan, port., 316 H ahn, Trudi Bellardo, n ew s note & port., 768 H a m p sh ire Coll., “M assachusetts C enter for th e B ook celebrates books, reading, a n d libraries,” 235 H a n k in s, R ebecca, “D iversity initiatives vs. re sid e n c y program s: agents o f change?, 308-10, 315 H annaford, William, new s note, 768 H ardesty, Carol, p h o to ., 374 H ardesty, Larry, photos., 372, 374, 377, 444 H artsook, H erbert J., appt. & port., 483 Harvard Business School, “Harvard’s Baker Library prepares for re novation,” 300-301 Harvard Coll., “T akes reference o n th e ro ad ” & photo., 441 Harvard Institues for Higher Education, “Harvard Leadership 2003,” 91 H arvard Institutes for H igher Education, “ACRL/Harvard L eadership Institute: highlights from the fourth annual institute," 90-91; “ACRL invites y o u to a tte n d th e 2003 ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute,” 236; “Register no w for th e ACRL/Harvard L eadership Institute A ugust 3-8, 2003, Cam bridge, M assachusetts,” 302, 370 “H arvard L eadership 2003,” ACRL, 91 “H arvard’s B aker Library prep ares for renovation,” 300-301 H aw k, Ben, port., 754 “H aw orth Press introduces electronic access for all journals,” 504 “Hearing on the ‘Standards for Libraries in Higher Education”’, ACRL, 331 H eath, Fred M., n e w s note, 48 H edberg, Jane, “Preservation n e w s,” 40, 45, l l ó , 200, 273, 340, 411, 476, 551, 622, 677, 759 H igginbottom , Patricia C., n e w s n ote, 48 “H igher e d u ca tio n ICT initiative established,” 647 Hillson, Barbara, rev. (“Population Reference B ureau”), 760- ć l “Historically Black Colleges formalize alliance,” 237 “H istory,” ACRL, 33, 109, 545 “H ,” rev. of, 343 Holler, Susan, n ew s note, 768 Holley, Robert P., “T he ivory to w e r as p reparation for the trenches: the relationship b e tw e e n library e d u cation a n d library practice,” 172-75 “H oover Institution o n War, Revolution, a n d Peace,” rev. of, 625 H opp, Ralph Harvey, d eceased, 216 Horst, Victoria A., n ew s n ote, 685 “Horticulture: sources for ga rd en e rs,” Fescem yer, 312-15 “H o w successful is copy cataloging at catching a n d fixing t y p o g r a p h ic a l e r ro r s in r e c o r d s i m p o r t e d fro m bibliographic utilities?”, Beall, 704 H o w e ll, E liz a b e th , “N ew r e la tio n s h ip s in a c a d e m e : o p p o rtunities fo r vitality a n d relevance,” 24-27 H rabow ski, Freem an A., photo., 509 H ugh C. A tkinson M emorial Award, 2003, 324; 2004, 541 H ughes, Jennifer, p hoto., 239 H yde, G ene, rev. ( “Virtually M issouri” & logo), 42 I “If y o u b u ild it, will th e y come?: reaching o u t to faculty th rough inform ation literacy instruction,” M oore, 455- 57 “ILCSO w elcom es 12 n e w m em bers,” 235 "In a Tropical G a r d e n i a s created to prom ote the Panama- California E xpedition h e ld in San D iego in 1915,” a postcard, 701 (photo., cover, no. 11) “In the N e w s , O rphan, 4, 74, 146, 234, 298, 366, 438, 502, 582, 646, 702 “Index brow sing available th rough EBSCOhost,” 647 “ITW Library Skills E xchange,” Mizzy, 709 “IAA to p u sh for revised analysis o f p u blisher m ergers,” 585 “Inform ation Literacy Meeting o f Experts drafts p rinciples,” 647 “Inform ationist,” Mizzy, 177 “Informationists: making rounds m akes a difference” & ports., Mizzy, 176-77 “Ingenta a dds th ree U.S. association p ublishers,” 442 “Ingenta lau n ch es library u sage statistics,” 506 “Ingenta provides o nline solutions for W orld Bank, Oxford Univ. Press,” 149 Ingles, Ernie, p hoto., 509 In n ovation in Instruction Award, 2 003, 327; 2004, 542 “Innovative offers digital collections solutions,” 148 “Innovative offers electronic ordering for EBSCO b ooks,” 5 “Innovative to offer Linux o p tio n ,” 368 ISI, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2003, 262; 2004, 542; Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 2004, 542; Samuel Lazerow Fellow ship, 2003, 262 “ISI e n h an c es Current Contents w ith eFirst,” 235 “IEEE offers inform ation technology library,” 150 “IEEE to price o nline products low er th a n p rint,” 649 “Institute o f International Bankers donating copies of study to libraries," 585-86 Instruction Section Publication o f the Y ear Award, 2003, 325; 2004, 542 “Instruction Section to offer preconference in Toronto,” 76, 237 “Instructional leadership: n e w responsibilities for a n e w reality,” Fowler, 456-68, 465-68, correction, 546 “Integrating information literacy into the learning outcom es o f academ ic disciplines: a critical 21st-century issue,” Rockman, 612-15 “Integrating outreach a n d building partnerships: expanding o u r role in th e learning com m unity,” Caw thorne, 666- 69, 681 Internet resources ( “Archives and special collections: a guide to resources o n the W eb ” & logos, Zanish-Belcher, 163-66; “Criminal investigation a n d forensic science: sources for scholars a nd aficionados” & logos, Alpi, 590- 93,609; “Culinary resources: cookery and culinary history W eb sites” & logos, Summerfield, 656-59; “E-poetry: digital frontiers for an evolving art form” & logos, Shirkey, 249-51; “Educational technology: a g uide to resources o n the W eb ” & logos, Batem en, 9-12; “Horticulture: so u rc e s for g a rd e n e rs ,” F escem yer, 312-15; “Latin America on the Internet: a bibliography" & logos, Tanragó, 710-12; “More a b o u t Southeast Asia,” Klopfer, 106; “More o n archives a n d special collections,” Zanish- Belcher, 166; “N onprint m edia preservation: a guide to resources o n the W eb” & logos, Pennavaria, 529-32; “Photojournalism o n the Web: a guide for practicing and student photojoum alists” & logos, Cammarata, 451-54; “Plagiarism a n d cyber-plagiarism: a guide to selected resources on th e W eb” & logos, Sim monds, 385-89; “Southeast Asian studies: o n line re so u rce s” & logos, Klopfer, 96-99, 106) “Internet review s,” Roberts, 42-43, 118-19, 202-3, 274-75, 342-43, 413-14, 477-78, 552-53, 624-25, 678-79, 760- 61 Iris & B. G erald Cantor Art Gallery, Leab Award, 325 “It’s coming! N ew ACRL W eb site to launch in April,” 148 “It’s n o t just academ ic @ y o u r library,” 6 “It’s n o t just academ ic @ y o u r library: the C am paign for Am erica’s Libraries A cadem ic a n d R esearch Library C am paign” & photo., Spalding, 159-60 “T he ivory to w e r as p re p a ra tio n for the trenches: the relationship b e tw e e n library ed u ca tio n a n d library practice,” Holley, 172-75 J Jacobson, G ertrude “T rudy,” d eceased, 688 Jahoda, Gerald, d eceased, 688 Jerom e, Rebecca, port., 176 “Jerom e Rollers, a newly formed library drill team, performing in the B owling G reen State University Holiday P arade” p hoto., 14, correction, 77 l -8 ■ Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) Jo b o f a lifetime (“Adventure, mystery, rom ance, a nd LCSH!” & photos., Mizzy, 14-15, correction, 77; “Bringing history to life" & port., Mizzy, 596-97; “Digital projects m anager,” Mizzy, 597; “ITW Library Skills E xchange,” Mizzy, 709; “Inform ationist,” Mizzy, 177; “Inform ationists: m aking rou n d s m akes a difference” & ports., Mizzy, 176-77; “Observations of an observatory librarian” & port., Mizzy, 458-59; “O ff-cam pus librarian,” Mizzy, 317; “Popular culture cataloger a n d reference librarian,” Mizzy, 15; “Solo librarian,” Mizzy, 459; “W hen your campus is Alaska” 6 port., Mizzy, 316-17; “W orld Library Partnership” & photo., Mizzy, 708-9) “Jo h n s H opkins restores w ater-dam aged b o o k s,” 504-5 Jo h n so n , W endell, rev. ( “Legends” & logo), 202 “Jo in WESS in Paris in March 2004,” 584 Jones, Rita, photos., 518, 520, 745 Joseph, Heather, “Two years after the launch: an u pdate o n the B ioO ne electronic p ublishing initiative,” 652-55 JSTOR, “W ilsonW eb databases n o w link to JSTOR,” 585 “JSTOR reports unauthorized u se through o p e n proxies,” 5- 7 K K. G. Saur A w ard for Best C&RL Article, 2003, 326 Kan. State U., “Using a n executive search firm to fill faculty library positions: o n e library’s story," 523-25 Kastanis, Penny, n ew s note, 279 Katharine Kyes Leab a n d Daniel J. Leab A m e ric a n Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards, 2003, 340- 26; 2004, 542 Keillor, Garrison, photo., 706 Keller, Jan, retired, 349 Keller, Michael, new s note, 279 Kellsey, C harlene, “Crisis in foreign language expertise in research libraries: h o w d o w e fill this gap?”, 391— 92, 397 “K enan R esearch Center o p e n s at Atlanta History Center,” 77 Keyse, Dana, “Mentoring unten u red librarians: all it takes is a little Un-TLC,” 378-80 Kirk, Tom, photo., 512 Klavans, Judith L., n ew s note, 560 Klopfer, Lisa, “More a bout Southeast Asia,” 106; “Southeast Asian studies: online resources” & logos, 96-99, 106 Koller, Nancy, retired & port., 633-34 Koonce, Taneya, port., 176 Koren, Johan, appt., 214 Kosokoff, Jeff, photo., 441 Kraemer, Elizabeth W., “M entoring u n tenured librarians: all it takes is a little Un-TLC,” 378-80 Kratz, Charles, “T ransform ing the delivery o f service: the joint-use library a n d inform ation com m ons,” 100-101 Kreitz, Patricia A., photos., 518, 520 Kreitz, Patricia K., photo., 745 Krem pasky, Fran, new s note, 348 Krolikowski, Cindy, n ew s note, 348 Kuchi, Triveni, rev. ( “Social Science Inform ation G atew ay (SOSIG)” & logo), 477-78 L LaBash, Steve, appt., 348 The Lady o f the Lilies (c. 1910) by Kathy Prather Thum , 365 (photo., cover, no. 6) Lampert, Lynn D., “Who’s afiaid of partnerships for information literacy initiatives? W orking to g e th e r to e m p o w e r learners,” 246-48, 253 Lange (M arta)/CQ Award, 2003, 263; 2004, 541-42 “Latin America o n the Internet: a bibliography” & logos, Tarragó, 710-12 “Lazerow Fellow ship recipients research c opy cataloging a n d electronic resources m anagem ent system s,” 704-5 Lazerow (Samuel) Fellowship, 2004, 542 Lazerow (Samuel) Fellowship, 2003, 262 “Leab Exhibition A w ard w inners n a m e d ,” 325-26 Leab (Katharine Kyes a n d D aniel J.) A m e rica n B ook Prices C urrent E xhibition Catalogue Awards, 2003, 325-26; 2004, 542 “The LEADER project: becom ing an information LEADER at Purdue University,” Macklin, 192-95 “The learning com m unity as know ledge builders: the 2003- 04 ACRL P resident’s th em e ,” C annon, 533-35 “Learning to m ake a difference: Charlotte, N orth Carolina, April 10-13: prelim inary program ” & photos., ACRL, N ational C onference, 2003, C -l— C-28 ( n o .l) “Learning to m ake a difference: coverage from ACRL’s 11th N ational Conference, part 1" & photos. & ports., 372- 377, 409; p art 2" & photos., 443-88, 454 “Learning to M ake a Difference: P roceedings o f the ACRL 11th N a tio n a l Conference is available,” 401 Lee, C atherine A., n ew s notes, 685, 7Ć8 Lee, Chang C., retired & port., 634 “T he legend o f the roasted ta n n e r,” 194 “Legends” & logo, rev. of, 202 Lehman, Charlene, retired, 50 Lehner, John, “News from the University Libraries Section: a w ra p -u p of activities at M idw inter,” 254-55 Leonhardt, Thom as W., appt., 214 Leopold, Alan, photo., 211 Lewis, Janice Steed, “Eight steps for developing a first-year English com position aw ard: a lo o k at a successful program at East C arolina University” & p h o to ., 238-40 “LexisNexis provides free inform ation o n w a r in Iraq,” 300 “LexisNexis to create digital U.S. C ongressional Serial Set,” 585 Lib. of Va., Leab Award, 325 Linke, Erika C., “Financial re p o rt” & port., 746-50; photos., 518, 745 “Literature, Arts, a n d M edicine D atabase,” rev. of, 43 Little, Rosem ary Allen, “H o n o re d w ith Marta Lange/CQ aw ard,” 263 Lokke, Margaret Jean, d eceased, 485 Long Island U., “Palm er School developing rare b ooks program ,” 76 Lougee, W endy Pradt, p hoto., 706; “This y e ar’s Atkinson w inner a n n o u n c e d ” & port., 324 Lougen, Colleen, rev. ( “globalEDGE” & logo), 624-25 Loyola U., N ew Orleans, “Excellence in Academic Libraries w inners a n n o u n ce d ,” 2Ć0, 262 Lubetzky, Seymour, deceased, 485 Lyman, H elen H., d eceased, 50 M McCallister, Myma, appt., 279 McCulley, Carol, rev. ( “Center for Biologies Evaluation and Research” & logo), 552 MacDonald, Mary C., rev. ( “ the Progressive Coalition fo r Equal O pportunity” & logo), 119 McKinnell, Jennifer, rev. ( “N” & logo), 342-43 Macklin, Alexius Smith, “The LEADER project: becom ing an inform ation LEADER at P urdue University,” 192-95 McMillan, Gail, new s note, 420 McTigue, Bernard, d eceased & port., 634 “Maine libraries choose E ndeavor’s E ncom pass,” 236 “Malcolm X papers placed on deposit at NYPL’s Schomburg C enter,” 77 Malenfant, Kara, photo., 708 Maloy, Frances, ACRL, vice-president & port., 398-400; ports., 28-29, 102, 104-6 “Marcel D ekker lau n ch es e -b o o k sites,” 703 Marcum, D eanna, appt., 560 Marcus, Sandra, “M ultilingualism at th e reference desk: k e ep in g students connected," 322-23, 336 “M arquette dedicates n e w library” & port., 649 Marshall, Jo a n K., deceased, 562 Marta Lange/C Q Award, 2003, 263; 2004, 541-42 Martin, Susan K., photo., 446; port., 754 “T he Martin Luther King Jr. P apers Project,” rev. of, 760 Masnik, Ann, new s n o te & port., 482 Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) ■ l -9 “M assachusetts C enter for th e B ook celeb ra tes books, reading, a n d libraries,” 235 MIT, “DSpace Federation collaboration a n n o u n ce d ,” 147 “MIT a n d Rice Univ. join Digital Library F ederation,” 506 “MIT launches DSpace,” 5 Matthews, Linda, appt. & port., 631 Maymi-Sugrañes, H ector, appt., 685 “M ediafinder provides o n line subscription reference for periodicals,” 77 “Meet Alire a n d Kratz— candidates for ACRL President,” 718 “Meet th e ACRL B oard,” 38 “Meet the ACRL staff,” 752-55 “Meet the candidates for ALA president: vote in the election this sp rin g ” & ports., 182-88 “M em bers-only c o n te n t n o w available o n ACRL W eb site,” 504 “M em bers ru nning for ALA C ouncil,” ACRL, 190 M em bership Services at the Chicago Multitype Lib. System, “W orld Library P artnership” & p hoto., 708-9, 709 “M entoring u n te n u re d librarians: all it takes is a little Un- TLC,” Keyse, 378-80 M iddleton, Vanessa, n ew s note, 348 Miller, Jo h n , d e ce ased & port., 280 Miller, Lisa K., rev. ( “W orld Resources Institute”), 42-43 Miller, Rush, n e w s note, 48 Miriam D udley Instruction Librarian A w ard, 2003, 262-63; 2004, 542 Mitchell, W. B ede, p hotos., 518, 520, 745 Mizzy, Danianne, “Adventure, mystery, romance, and LCSH!" & p h o to s., 14-15, correction, 77; “B ringing history to life” & port., 596-97; “Digital projects m an a g er,” 597; “ITW Library Skills Exchange,” 709; “Informationist,” 177; “Informationists: m aking rounds m akes a difference” & ports., 176-77; “Observations of an observatory librarian” & port., 458-59; “O ff-cam pus librarian,” 317; “P o pular culture cataloger a n d reference librarian,” 15; “Solo librarian,” 459; “W hen y o u r cam pus is Alaska” & port., 316-17; “W orld Library Partnership” & p h o to ., 708-9 “Monticello: the H om e o f Thom as Jefferson” & logo, rev. of, 761 M oore, Lara J., de ce ased & p ort., 562 M oore, Melissa, “If y ou b u ild it, will th ey come?: reaching o u t to faculty th rough inform ation literacy instruction,” 455-57 “M ore a b o u t Southeast Asia,” Klopfer, 106 “More o n archives a nd special collections,” Zanish-Belcher, 166 Morrissett, Elizabeth Ellen W inkelm ann, d eceased, 634 Mueller, D aw n, port., 754 “Multilingualism at th e reference desk: k e e p in g students c o n n e c te d ,” Marcus, 322-23, 336 “Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning a nd Online T eaching (MERLOT)” & logo, rev. of, 413 Murray-Rust, Catherine, appt. & port., 631-32 “Music literature abstracts available th ro u g h IDS,” 302 N NARA, “GPO a nd NARA support p erm anent online access,” 583 “National C enter for H ealth Statistics” & logo, rev. of, 118 “National Partnership for W om en & Families” & logo, rev. of, 342 “N ationM ” & logo, rev. of, 678 Nauta, Tjalda, appt. & port., 124 “Navigating a tight job m arket: th e re ’s a job for y o u ,” Saunders, 661-63, 669 Neal, Jam es, p hoto., 446 Neal, Jam es G., “R eaction to terror: gauging th e afterm ath a n d the im pact o f USA PATRIOT legislation,” 78-79 “N ew publications,” Eberhart, 44-45 (& photos.), 120-21 (& p h o to .), 206-8 (& p hoto.), 277 (& p h o to .), 344-45 (& p h o to .), 416-17 (& p hoto.), 479-80 (& photos.), 554- 555 (& photo.), 626-27 (& photos.), 680-81 (& photos.), 762-64 (& photos.); Parets, g u e st review er, 344 N ew realities, n e w relationships ( “Diversity initiatives vs. residency program s: agents o f change?, Hankins, 308- 10, 315; “G ot a secret? Pass it o n ...: recruiting n e w lib ra ria n s,” C hm elir, 395-97; “T h e ivory to w e r as pre p ara tio n for the trenches: the relationship b e tw e e n library e d u cation a n d library practice,” Holley, 172-75; “N ew relationships in academe: opportunities for vitality a n d r e l e v a n c e , ” F r a n k , 2 4 -2 7 ; “R e c r u itin g fo r librarianship,” Chmelir, 396; “Transforming the delivery o f se rv ice : th e jo in t-u se lib ra ry a n d in fo rm a tio n com m ons,” Kratz, 100-101; “W ho’s afraid of partnerships for inform ation literacy initiatives? W orking together to e m p o w e r learners,” Lampert, 246-48, 253) “N ew realities, n e w relationships ACRL, A nnual report, 2002-2003, 725 “N ew relationships in academ e: opp o rtu n ities for vitality a n d rele v an c e ,” Frank, 24-27 NYPL, Leab Award, 325; “Malcolm X papers placed on deposit at NYPL’s Schom burg C enter,” 77; “Russia Engages the World, 1435-1825,” a m ajor exhibition at the N ew York Public Library, 645 (photo., cover, no. 10) “NYPL launches em ergency cam paign,” 367 “NYPL Picture C ollection goes digital,” 147 “NYU kicks off library renovation,” 75 Newlen, Robert R., “Meet the candidates for ALA president: vote in the election this spring” & port., 182-88 “N ew s from the field,” O rphan, 5-7, 75-77,147-50, 235-37, 299-302, 367-70, 439-42, 503-6, 583-86, 647-50, 703- 6 “N ew s from the University Libraries Section: a w ra p -u p of activities at M idw inter,” Sherby, 254-55 N ew ton, Verne W., appt., 632 Nilsson, Frances Stith, n ew s note, 123 Nisbet, Miriam, “W ashington hotline,” 38 Nitschke, Marie Morris, retired, 687-88 “N onprint m edia preservation: a guide to resources o n the W eb” & logos, Pennavaria, 529-32 N orstedt, Marilyn L., d e c e a s e d & port., 562 “Nunez Community College participating in digital library," 5 “N” & logo, rev. of, 342-43 Nutty, D avid J., appt., 685 O O akland U., “M entoring un ten u re d librarians: all it takes is a little Un-TLC,” 378-80 O berly (Eunice Rockwell) Award, 2003, 326 “O bservations of a n observatory librarian” & port., Mizzy, 458-59 “OCLC pricing to rem ain u n c h a n g e d in 2004,” 439 “Off-campus librarian,” Mizzy, 317 Ohio State U., “DSpace Federation collaboration announced,” 147 “O hioLink celebrates te n y ears,” 7 “OhioLINK u p d a te s catalog, introduces p ick-up fe atu re,” 586 “O ld Dom inion celebrates 40 years as a federal depository,” 648 Olson, Michael P., “Wins Courts Nijhoff Study Grant,” 326-27 “Omniglot: a guide to writing systems” & logo, rev. of, 678-79 “O pen-access PLoS journal receives k u d o s,” 648-49 O renstein, David, appt., 560 O rphan, Stephanie, “In the N ew ś', 4, 74, 146, 234, 298, 366, 438, 502, 582, 646, 702; “N ew s from th e field,” 5- 7, 75-77, 147-50, 235-37, 299-302, 367-70, 439-42, 503-6, 583-86, 647-50, 703-6; port., 754 O sterloh, C assandra E., rev. ( “A C elebration o f W om en W riters” & logo), 202-3; rev. ( “O m niglot: a g uide to w riting system s” & logo), 678-79 O utstanding A ca d e m ic Titles, “CHOICE offers com pilation o f O utsta n d in g A c a d e m ic Titleś’, 505 P Padley, Pam ela Moffett, “T he President’s D iscussion Forum at M idwinter: e x ploring a w o rld o f v alues,” 252-53 l-10 ■ Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) “Palmer School developing rare b ooks program ,” 76 “P an Am erican Unity,” tw o panels from the mural, Rivera, 501 (photo., cover, no. 8) “Panel session,” ACRL, 111 Pankake, Marcia, photo., 706 Parets, Meredith, “N ew publications,” guest reviewer, 344 Parker, Elise, port., 755 “Participate in the ACRL strategic planning p rocess,” 505 Partnerships and connections (“The community college library p e r s p e c tiv e in a n a g e o f o p p o rtu n ity : m e e tin g expectations in tim es of uncertainty,” Fradkin, 721-23; “In te g ra tin g o u tre a c h a n d b u ild in g p a rtn e rsh ip s: e x p a n d in g o u r role in th e lea rn in g c o m m u n ity ,” C aw thorne, 666-69, 681; “T he learning com m unity as k n ow ledge builders: the 2003-04 ACRL P resident’s them e,” Cannon, 533-35) “The PATRIOT Act a n d h igher education,” 717 Pattillo, Gary, “Fast facts,” 578, 642, 698, 790 Paulson, Keri-Lynn, “Recruitment, education, and retention of librarians: a response to the top issues,” 89 Peach, Janis K., “A ssessm ent o f reference instruction as a teaching and learning activity: an experim ent at the University o f Illinois-Springfield,” 256-58 Pennavaria, Katherine, “Nonprint media preservation: a guide to resources o n the W eb” & logos, 529-32 “Pennsylvania libraries c hoose D ocutek,” 369-70 “People in the N ew ?, Galloway, 48-50, 123-25, 214-16, 279-80, 348-49, 420-21, 482-85, 560-62, 631-34, 685- 88, 768-71 Perry, G erald J., new s note, 48 Person, Roland, retired, 561 Peterson, Betty Jo, deceased, 125 Petrow ski, Mary Ja n e , “ACRL’s 2004 aw ards program : h o n o rin g o u tsta n d in g a c h ie v e m e n ts in aca d em ic librarianship” & photo., 541-42; port., 755 “The Pew Research C enter for the People a n d the Press” & logo, rev. of, 275 Philadelphia U., “Stop sending those cards: enhancing faculty- librarian collaboration using e-selection strategies,” 606- 9 Phillips, Jane, photo., 504 “Photojournalism on the Web: a guide for practicing and student photojournalists” & logos, Cammarata, 451-54 Piatz, Carolyn, rev. (“St. Nicholas: D iscovering the Truth a bout Santa Claus” & logo), 679 Pickett, Doyle C., deceased, 562 Pickthall, Marjorie, “The cover illustration is from the Marjorie Pickthall Manuscript Collections in the Special Collections of the Victoria University at the University of T oronto’s E. J. Pratt Library,” 297 (photo., cover, no.5) Pierpont Morgan Lib., Leab Award honorable mention, 325- 26 “Piracy on cam puses: opportunity not problem ,” Ferullo, 664-65 Pitchford, Veronda, photo., 708 “Plagiarism a n d cyber-plagiarism : a g uide to se lected resources o n the W eb” & logos, Simmonds, 385-89 Popko, John, photo., 510 “Popular culture cataloger and reference librarian,” Mizzy, 15 “P opulation Reference B ureau,” rev. of, 760-61 "Poynteronline” & logo, rev. of, 553 “Preservation n e w s,” H edberg, 40, 45, 116, 200, 273, 340, 411, 476, 551, 622, 677, 759 “The President’s Discussion Forum at Midwinter: exploring a w o rld of values,” Padley, 252-53 “Principles a n d strategies fo r th e refo rm o f scholarly com m unication: issues related to the form al system o f scholarly com m unication,” ACRL, 526-27, 547 Pritchard, Sarah, new s note, 279 “Proceedings available,” 377 “Project Muse offers flex-plan,” 506 “ProQ uest enters into linking partnerships,” 148 “Proquest offers electronic dissertation submission program,” 75 Puckett, Anita, new s note, 420 Purdue U., “T he LEADER project: becom ing an information LEADER at P urdue University,” 192-95 Putin, Vladimir, “Tours Columbia U. archive,” 649-50 Q Q uinlan, Catherine, new s note, 123 R Rappaport, Ellen Coolman, deceased, 562 Ratliff, Ron, “Using an executive search firm to fill faculty library positions: o ne library’s story,” 523-25 Raynor, Ginger, photo., 239 “Reaction to terror: gauging the aftermath and the impact of USA PATRIOT legislation,” Neal, 78-79 “Read the ex p an d e d article,” Suber, 94, correction, 149 “Readers' G uide online via W ilsonW eb,” 76 Reakes, Patrick, rev. (“Poynteronline” & logo), 553 “Records of Iraqi civilization d estroyed,” Sharma, 368-69 “Recruiting for librarianship,” Chmelir, 396 “Recruitment, education, a n d re te n tio n o f librarians: a response to the top issues,” Paulson, 89 Reeser, Gale, retired, 421 “Reference Universe supports OpenURL protocol,” 703 “Register no w for ‘Inform ation Literacy a nd A ssessm ent’ online sem inar,” 457 “Register n o w for the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute August 3-8, 2003, Cambridge, M assachusetts,” 302, 370 “Removing barriers to research: a n introduction to o p e n access for librarians,” Suber, 92-94,113, correction, 149 Renfrow, Debbie, rev. ( “American Folklife Center: the Libraiy of C ongress” & logo), 624 Rêpettoire International d e Littérature Musicale (RILM), “Music literature abstracts available th rough IDS,” 302 Repplinger, John, rev. (“Agriculture Netw ork Inform ation Center “ & logo), 203 “Research a g enda for library instruction a n d inform ation literacy,” ACRL, u p d a te d version, 108-13 Retirem ents, 50, 125, 216, 280, 349, 421, 484-85, 56l, 633-34, 687-88 “Revising the guidelines,” ACRL, 266-67 Rice U., “MIT and Rice Univ. join Digital Library Federation,” 506 Richardson, Jo h n V., new s n ote & port., 214 Rivera, Diego, “Pan Am erican Unity,” tw o panels from the mural, 501 (photo., cover, no. 8) Robare, Lori, rev. (“Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database”), 43 Roberts, Joni R., “Internet review s,” 42-43, 118-19, 202-3, 274-75, 342-43, 413-14, 477-78, 552-53, 624-25, 678- 79, 760-61 Rockman, Ilene, “Named EBSS Distinguished Librarian,” 326, correction, 468 Rockman, Ilene F., “Integrating information literacy into the learning outcom es of academ ic disciplines: a critical 21st-century' issue,” 612-15 Rockwood, Irving, port., 755 Rose, Robert F., photo., 518, 745 R outledge Press, Significant A chievem ent in W om en’s Studies Librarianship, 2003, 263; 2004, 542 Ruelle, Jo a n D., appt., 420 Ruhl, Taylor, appt. & port., 686 Russell, Thyra K., retired, 561 “Russia Engages the World, 1435-1825,” a m ajor exhibition at the New York Public Library, 645 (photo., cover, no. 10) Rutgers U., “T he bew ild erin g n e w w o rld o f scholarly communication: helping faculty understand the issues,” 242-245 S St. Clair, Ann, appt., 632 St. Clair, Gloriana, appt. & port., 632 Index to C&RL News volume 64 (2003) ■ l -11 “St. Nicholas: D iscovering the T ruth a bout Santa Claus” & logo, rev. of, 679 Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 2004, 542 Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 2003, 262 San Diego State U., “In a Tropical Garderrms created to promote the Panama-California Expedition held in San Diego in 1915,” a postcard, 701 (photo., cover, no. 11); “Integrating outreach and building partnerships: expanding our role in the learning community,” 666-69,681 San Jose State U., “First joint city/university library opens its doors,” 503 Saunders, Laura, “Navigating a tight job market: there’s a job for y o u ,” 661-63, 669 Saunders, Laverna M., appt., 48 Saunders, M ichele, “D iversity initiatives vs. residency program s: agents of change?, 308-10, 315 Saur (K. G.) Award for Best C&RL Article, 2003, 326 Saye, Jerry, new s note, 123 Schacht, John, retired, 688 Scherdin, Mary Jane, new s note & port., 48 Schmidt, Ford, rev. ( “Monticello: the H om e of Thom as Jefferson” & logo), 761 Schmidt, Sherrie, new s note, 48 Scholarly com m unication ( “T he bew ildering n e w w orld of scholarly com m unication: helping faculty understand the issues," Dess, 242-245; “Principles and strategies for the reform of scholarly communication: issues related to the fonnal system of scholarly communication,” ACRL, 526-27, 547; “Read the ex p an d e d article,” Suber, 94, correction, 149; “Removing barriers to research: an introduction to o p e n access for librarians,” Suber, 92- 94, 113, correction, 149; “Two years after the launch: a n u p d a te o n th e B io O n e e le c tro n ic p u b lis h in g initiative,” Joseph, 652-55; “W idespread academic efforts address the scholarly com m unication crisis: the results o f a survey o f academ ic institutions, W ard, 382-83, 389) “SPARC a n nounces Open Access Newsletter’, 503 Schultz, Jason M., rev. ( “Africa Action” & logo), 478 S ch u m ach erju lie, photo., 706 “Scienœ D irect offers Encyclopedia o f Social & B ehavioral Sciences online,” 76-77 “Section com m ittee volunteer form ,” ACRL, 603 Seidman, Ruth K., retired, 484 Senior, Heidi E. K., rev. ( “Center for A pplied Linguistics”), 274-75 “Serials Solutions to freeze pricing schedule,” 583 Service, Rose Marie, deceased, 50 Shane, Jordana, “Stop sending those cards: enhancing faculty- librarian collaboration using e-selection strategies,” 606- 9 “S h a r e y o u r e f f e c ti v e p r a c t i c e s t h r o u g h ACRL’s clearinghouse," 703 “Share y our ideas w ith the ACRL B oard,” 716 “Share y o u r library’s effective practices th ro u g h ACRL clearinghouse,” 150 Sharma, R. N., “Records of Iraqi civilization destroyed,” 368-69 Sheen, Martin, photo., 649 Sherby, Louise S., “News from the University Libraries Section: a w ra p -u p o f activities at M idwinter,” 254-55 Sherrod, Stephanie, “ACRL honors the 2003 aw ard winners: a recognition of professional achievem ent,” 260-63; “ACRL h o n o rs the 2003 a w a rd w inners: th e final installm ent o f ACRL aw ard w inners,” 324-27 Shirkey, Cynthia D., “E-poetry: digital frontiers for an evolving art form ” & logos, 249-51 Shupert, Cheryl, cartoon, 5 Sibley, D eborah, appt., 483 Sickles, Bob, retired, 634 Significant Achievement in W om en’s Studies Librarianship, 2003, 263; 2004, 542 Simmonds, Patience, “Plagiarism and cyber-plagiarism: a guide to selected resources on the W eb” & logos, 385-89 Simmons, Kitty J., appt., 279 Sim m ons Coll., “M a ssac h u se tts C e n te r fo r th e B ook celebrates books, reading, a nd libraries,” 235 Simmons-Welbum, Janice, appt., 632 Simpson, Charles, appt., 483 Sims, Arlie, photo., 708 Singleton, Brett, “Entering academ ic librarianship: tips for library school students,” 84-86, correction, 245 “Sirsi selected by B ibliocentre,” 301 Situ, Ping, “Diversity initiatives vs. residency programs: agents o f change?, 308-10, 315 Smith, Mark A., rev. ( “Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)’’ & logo), 413 “Smithsonian o pens natural history library," 148 Snavely, Loanne, “Wins IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian A w ard” & port., 2Ć2-63 Snelson, Pamela, photos., 518, 520, 745 “Social Science Inform ation Gateway (SOSIG)” & logo, rev. of, 477-78 “Solo librarian,” Mizzy, 459 “Southeast Asian studies: online resources” & logos, Klopfer, 96-99, 106 Spalding, H elen H.. “It’s n ot just academ ic @ y our library: the Cam paign for America’s Libraries Academic and Research Library Campaign” & photo., 159-60; “Message from the p resident” & port., 726-27; photos., 372, 377, 444, 504, 509, 514, 518, 520, 541, 745 Sparrow, W. Keats, photo., 239 “ ” & logo, rev of, 413-14 “Standards for libraries in higher education,” ACRL, a draft, 329-36 Stanford U., Leab Award honorable m ention, 325 SUNY, Plattsburgh, “Those imm ersed resurface: a follow up with Track 2 participants of the first Information Literacy Im m ersion,” 17-19 Steele, Pat, new s n ote & port., 482 Stetson U., “A detail from an illustration in the m ultivolume w o r k D e s c r ip tio n d e L ’Ē gypte, oil R e c u e il d e s O bservations. .1, T i (photo., cover, no. 2) Stewart, Sharon, retired, 50 Stockham , Marcia, “Using an executive search firm to fill faculty library positions: o ne library’s story,” 523-25 Stoffan, Mark A., rev. ( “ ”), 343 Stokes, Allen H., retired, 484 “Stop s e n d in g th o se cards: e n h a n c in g fa cu lty -lib rarian c o lla b o ra tio n u sin g e -se le c tio n stra te g ie s ,” S hane, 606-9 “Strategies to k e ep the w olf from the door: collection developm ent w h e n the b udget is tight,” Dillon, 536-37 “A street corner in San Francisco’s China Town, circa 1890,” Blum, 437 (photo., cover, no. 7) Strong, Gary E., appt., 420 Suber, Peter, “Read the ex p an d e d article,” 94, correction, 149; “Removing barriers to research: an introduction to o p e n access for librarians,” 92-94,113, correction, 149 “Subscribe to ACRL e-mail u p d a te s,” 336 Sum m erfield, Susan, “Culinary resources: cookery a nd culinary history W eb sites” & logos, 656-59 “Swets Blackwell to change n a m e ,” 584 Swords, David, photo., 514 T Tacchi, M aryjane, deceased, 771 “Take a ride on this charming trolley w hen you visit Charlotte, North Carolina,” ACRL, National C onference, 2003, 3 (photo., cover, no. 1) “Taking immersion home: applying lessons learned at ACRL’s Im m ersion Program ,” Garrett, 587-88, 609 Tarragó, Rafael, “Latin America on the Internet: a bibliography” & logos, 710-12 Taylor, Tomaro, appt. & port., 483 Tex. A&M U., “Diversity initiatives vs. residency programs: agents o f change?, 308-10, 315 Tex. T ech U., “Turkish archive available through Texas Tech," 149-50 l -12 ■ Index to C&RL News volume 64 (2003) “T here’s m oney o u t there for you: writing personal grants,” Burke, 155-57, 170 Thom as, Sarah, new s n ote, 768-69 T hom pson, H ugh, port., 755 Thom pson, Laurie L., appt., 420 “T hose im m ersed resurface: a follow u p w ith T rack 2 participants of the first Information Literacy Immersion,” Toth, 17-19 Thum , Kathy Prather, The L ady o f the Lilies (c. 1910) by Kathy P rather Thum , 365 (photo., cover, no. 6) Tierney, Barbara, “The Carolinas’ rich library legacy: touring Charlotte-area libraries at the ACRL National Conference” & photos., 80-83; “Charlotte nights: w hat to do at the e n d o f th e c o n fe re n c e d a y ” & p h o to s ., 179-181; “Charlotte on the Web,” 180; “Transportation information,” 181 T onner, Shawn, appt., 560 Toth, Michelle, “Those immersed resurface: a follow up with T rack 2 participants o f the first Inform ation Literacy Im m ersion,” 17-19 Totten, H erm an L., “Meet the candidates for ALA president: v o te in the election this spring” & port., 182-88 Toyam a, Ryoko, retired & port., 484-85 “Transform ing the delivery o f service: the joint-use library a n d information com m ons,” Kratz, 100-101 “T ransportation information,” Tierney, 181 Trinity Coll., “CTW Library C onsortium chooses Voyager,” 439 T routm an, Leslie, d e ce ased & port., 485 Truitt, Marc, “Farrell & Truitt aw arded Lazerow Fellowship,” 262; photo., 541, correction, 585 Tryka, Kim, port., 596 “Turkish archive available th rough Texas T ech,” 149-50 T urkos, Anne, n ew s n o te & port., 769 “T w enty-four early c areer librarians participated in the University o f M innesota’s biennial training for librarians from u n d e rre p re se n te d groups" p hoto., 7 “2003 ALA A nnual C onference audiotapes n o w available,” 511 “2003-04 ACRL c h ap ter c o n ferences/events,” 604-5 “T w o years after th e launch: a n u p d a te o n the BioO ne electronic publishing initiative,” Jo sep h , 652-55 U Union Theological Seminary, “Burke Library to join Columbia,” 302 U nion U., “If y ou b u ild it, will th ey come?: reaching o u t to faculty th rough inform ation literacy instruction,” 455- 57 “U.S. Institute o f P eace” & logo, rev. of, 414 U. of Alaska, Fairbanks, “Off-campus librarian,” 317; “W hen y o u r cam pus is Alaska” & port., 316-17 U. o f Ariz., “O bservations of an observatory librarian” & port., 458-59; “Solo librarian,” 459 UC, B erkeley, “A rchives a n d sp e c ia l c o lle ctio n s: 2 4 /7 ,” 4 40; L e a b A w a rd S p e c ia l C o m m e n d a ti o n fo r E le ctro n ic E x h ib itio n s, 326; “A s tre e t c o rn e r in San F ra n c is c o ’s C h in a T o w n , c irc a 1890,” 437 (p h o to ., c o v e r, n o . 7) “UC Irvine dedicates library,” 703 “UCLA selects E ndeavor,” 703, 706 U. o f Del., “Diversity initiatives vs. residency program s: agents o f change?, 308-10, 315 U. o f 111., Chicago, “Blue Lady” w as d e signed for the cover o f th e Stone a n d Kimball publication The Chap-Book, Bradley, 581 (photo., cover, no. 9) U. o f 111., Springfield, “A ssessm ent o f reference instruction as a teaching a n d learning activity: an experim ent at the University o f Illinois-Springfield,” 256-58 “U niv. o f M a ry la n d to o ffe r M a ste r o f In fo rm a tio n M anagem ent de g ree ,” 235-36 U. o f Mich., “W ins IS Innovation in Instruction Award,” 327 “U. o f M innesota h olds biennial training fo r librarians from u n d e rre p re se n te d g ro u p s” & photo., 7 “UNC-Chapel Hill graduates first class o f IS u n dergrads,” 439 “UNC-Chapel Hill u ndergraduate library reopens,” 5 “UNC Charlotte joins ASERL’s Kudzu project,” 150 U. o f Or., “G etting to k n o w y o u r subject specialty: a d d a little rom ance (literature) to y o u r life,” 318-20 “Univ. o f Pittsburgh launches ep rin t archive,” 301 U. o f R o c h e s te r, “D S p ac e F e d e ra tio n c o lla b o ra tio n an n o u n ce d ,” 147 “USF libraries h elp Addis Ababa University Library,” 583 U. o f T enn., “Taking im m ersion hom e: applying lessons lea rn ed at ACRL’s Im m ersion Program ,” 587-88, 609 U. o f T oronto, “T he cover illustration is from the Marjorie Pickthall Manuscript Collections in the Special Collections o f the Victoria University at the University o f T oronto’s E. J. Pratt Library,” 297 (photo., cover, no.5); “DSpace Federation collaboration an n o u n ce d ,” 147 U. o f Va., “Bringing history to life” & port., 596-97; “Digital projects m anager,” 597 U. o f Wash., “DSpace Federation collaboration announced,” 147 “UIUC moves the Newspaper Library to rem odeled location,” 369 “UIUC a dds one-of-a-kind b o o k as 10 m illionth v olum e,” 649 “University o f Louisville to launch library expansion,” 367 “UTA libraries feature T ejano voices,” 148-49 Unsworth, Jo h n M., appt., 348 “Using an executive search firm to fill faculty library positions: o n e library’s story,” Stockham , 523-25 V Valentine, Barbara, rev. (The Pew R esearch C enter for the P eople a n d the Press” & logo), 275 Van Norman, Clare, p hoto., 419 Van O rnum , Mary, “W ithout a cross w ord: o n e library’s a n sw e r to to m o u t text” & a crossw ord, 460-61 Vanderbilt U., “Informationist,” 177; “Informationists: making ro u n d s m akes a difference” & ports., 176-77 Vann, J. Daniel, appt. & port., 632 Varner, Carroll, photo., 239 Vassar Coll., “W ithout a cross w ord: o n e library’s answ er to to m o u t text” & a crossw ord, 460-61 Victoria U., “The cover illustration is from the Marjorie Pickthall Manuscript Collections in the Special Collections o f the Victoria University at th e University o f T oronto’s E. J. Pratt Library,” 297 (photo., cover, no.5) Viles, Ann, “Fast facts,” 70, 138, 230, 294, 362, 434, 498; “Steps d o w n as ‘Fast Facts’ e ditor,” 441 “Virtually Missouri” & logo, rev. of, 42 Voelck, Julie, “M entoring un ten u re d librarians: all it takes is a little Un-TLC,” 378-80 W Walker, William D., appt. & port., 632 Walter, Scott, “Instructional leadership: n ew responsibilities for a n ew reality,” 465-68 W alton, Linda J., n ew s note, 48 W and, Pat, new s note, 483 W and, Patricia A., photos., 518, 520, 745 W ard, H eather E., “Getting to k now y o u r subject specialty: a d d a little rom ance (literature) to y o u r life,” 318-20 Ward, Randall, “W idespread academ ic efforts address the scholarly com m unication crisis: the results o f a survey o f academ ic institutions, 382-83, 389 “W ashington hotline,” Bradley, 198, 272, 338, 409, 475, 549, 620, 674, 756-57, 771; Nisbet, 38; W eingarten, 114 W atson-Boone, Peter, retired & port., 688 W augh, K appa, cartoons, 75, 147, 235, 299, 367, 439, 503, 583, 647, 703 W awrzaszek, Susan V., appt., 560 T he w ay I see it ( “Diversity: it’s n o t just the right thing to do,” Goss, 594-95, 605; “Multilingualism at the reference Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003) ■ l-13 desk: k e ep in g students c o n n ec te d ,” Marcus, 322-23, 336; “Piracy o n cam puses: o p p o rtunity n ot pro b lem ,” Ferullo, 664-65) “Webcasts o f ACRL National Conference programs available,” 299 W eingarten, Rick, “W ashington hotline,” 114 Weiss, Egon, deceased, 771 Weiss, Gerhard, p hoto., 706 W esleyan U., “CTW Library Consortium chooses Voyager,” 439 W. Ken. U., The L ady o f the Lilies ‹c. 1910) b y Kathy Prather Thum , 365 (photo., cover, no. 6) W heelan, Bell, photo., 377 “W hen the library b eco m es th e largest co m p u te r lab on campus: supporting productivity software in an academic environm ent,” G raham , 462-64, 468 “W hen y our cam pus is Alaska" & port., Mizzy, 316-17 W hite, H erbert S., new s note, 483 “W h o ’s afraid o f p a rtn e rsh ip s fo r inform ation literacy initiatives? W orking to gether to em p o w er learners,” Lampert, 246-48, 253 “W id e s p re a d a c a d e m ic effo rts a d d re ss th e sc h o larly communication crisis: the results of a survey of academic institutions, Ward, 382-83, 389 W ildem uth, Barbara, new s note, 124 Williams, Sylvia Murphy, deceased, 421 Willis, Paul, new s note, 48 Wilson, Myoung C., “The bewildering n ew world of scholarly communication: helping faculty understand the issues,” 242-245 “W ilsonW eb databases n o w link to JSTOR,” 585 “W ilsonW eb expands art a n d social sciences database," 299 W indsor, Elizabeth A., d eceased, 688 W indsor, Elizabeth Arnold, de ce ased & port., 421 “W ithout a cross w ord: o n e library’s answ er to torn out text” & a crossw ord, Van O rnum , 460-61 Wolfe, N. J., appt. & port., 279 “W orld Library Partnership" & photo., Mizzy, 708-9 “W orld Resources Institute,” rev. of, 42-43 Y Yale U., “Sym posium desig n ed to recruit librarians,” 439, 441 YBP Library Services, “Dynix a n d YBP Library Services e n te r p artnership,” 302 Z Zanish-Belcher, Tanya, “Archives a n d special collections: a guide to resources o n the W eb ” & logos, 163-66; “More o n archives a n d special collections,” 166 ■ l -14 ■ Index to C&RL News volum e 64 (2003)