ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 8 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 Career opportunities fro m across the country D eadlines: O rders fo r regular cla ssifie d advertisem ents m ust reach the A C R L office on or before th e second o f the m onth preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 fo r the O cto b er issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads w ill be accepted on the next b u siness day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis a fte r the second of the month. Rates: C lassified adve rtise m e nts are $10.85 per line fo r institutions th a t are A C R L m em bers, $ 12.95 fo r others. Late jo b notices are $24.95 per line fo r institu tio ns th a t are AC R L m em bers, $30.45 fo r others. O rga n iza tio n s s u b m it­ ting ads w ill be charged a ccording to th e ir m em bership status. D isplay ad rates range from $ 500to $925 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. O r see our Web site: h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg /a c rl/. G uidelines: For ads th a t list an application deadline, we suggest th a t date be no sooner than the 20th d ay of the m onth in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O cto b er 20 for the O cto b er issue). All jo b announcem ents should include a salary range per policy o f th e Am erican Library A ssociation (ALA). Job a n n ouncem ents will be edited to e xclude d is­ c rim in a to ry references. A pp lica n ts should be aw are that the te rm s fa c u lty ra n k and sta tu s va ry in m eaning among in stitu tio ns. Internet: C &R L N ew s classifie d ads are a ccessible on th e W eb at h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg/a crl/jo b s. A ds will be placed approxim ately fo u r w eeks before the printed edition of C&RL N ew s is published. C o ntact: Elise Parker, C lassified A dvertising M anager, C&R L N ew s C lassified A dvertising D epartm ent, ACR L, A m erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 o r (312) 280-2520; e-m ail: c & rln e w sad s@ a la .o rg . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is comm itted to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.’’ By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN A C C E S S S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R . Q u e e ns C olleg e , C ity University o f New York (CUNY), A ssistant Professor (tenure-track)/ Instructor (non-tenure-track). Queens College Library seeks an Access Services C oordinatorto w ork in a collegial and cultu rally diverse environ­ m ent where user service and instruction are priorities, and there is considerable activity in adding new technologies to service delivery and instruction. Reporting to the library director, the coordinator m anages circulation, reserves, interlibrary lending, collection m aintenance, and mediaservices; handles copyright and intellectual property issues; serves as a m em ber of the library m anagem ent group; and participates in user education programs. Library faculty must demonstrate a record ofschol- arlyachievem ent and service fo r tenure and promotion. Required: M an­ agem ent experience; fam iliarity with electronic reserves, autom ated circulation, interlibrary loan, and media, with w ork experience in at least one o f these areas; skills in W eb authoring and other softw are applica­ tions; MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Preferred: Library instruc­ tion and reference experience; additional master’s degree in an academic discipline or an allied professional field. Salary and Rank: (Assistant Professor) $35,031-$61,111; (Instructor) $32,153-$52,123 for 12 months, commensuratewith experience. Appointment at Assistant Professor rank (tenure-track) requires an MLS and an additional master’s degree at time of appointm ent. Appointm ent as Instructor (non-tenure-track, five-year maxim um term inal appointm ent) is possible if candidate is com pleting a second m aster's degree, R eview of applications will begin February 1, 2004, but position will remain open until filled. Send vita and names, phone num bers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses of four references to: Chair, Search Committee, Rosenthal Library, Queens College, 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11367-1597. Q ueens C ollege is an A A /EO E/ IRCA/ADA employer. A R T A N D A R C H IT E C T U R E R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n ive rsity o f C o lo rad o a t B o u ld e r L ib ra rie s in vite s a p p lica tio n s fro m in n o va tive and e n th u sia stic s e rvice -o rie n te d pro fe ssio n a ls fo r the positio n o f A rt and A rc h ite c tu re R efere n ce L ib ra ria n . R esp o n si­ b ilitie s o f th e p o sitio n in clu d e p ro vid in g g e n e ra l and sp e cia lize d re fe re n ce s e rv ic e s (in clu d in g e ve n in g a nd weekend rotations); par­ ticipating in an active library instruction program; selecting library materials in the areas of art, art history, architecture, and design and planning; and guiding collection management decisions related to the art and architecture collection. This position serves as liaison to the Department of Art and Art History and the College of Architecture and Planning and assumes primary responsibility for the development and delivery of services for students and faculty in these units. T h is is a te n u re -tra c k fa c u lty positio n re po rtin g to th e F a cu lty D ire cto r for R e fe re n ce and In s tru c tio n a l S e rvice s. T h e R e fe re n ce a nd In s tru c ­ tio n a l S e rv ic e s D ep a rtm e n t p ro vid e s g e n e ra l and sp e c ia liz e d re ­ se arch se rvice s and c o lle ctio n s fo r th e social scie n ce s and h um a n i­ tie s, and th is p o sitio n p a rtic ip a te s fu lly in th e sh a re d re fe re n c e and Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associationsforprofessional library postsinthese states. The recommendations are advisoryonly, and ALAhas notadopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should considerthese recommended minimumswhen evaluating profes- sionalvacanci es. For additional information onlibrari an salaries, contact ALAOfficefor Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Louisiana Maine Massachusetts New Jersey North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Texas Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin $39,148 $22,500** $37,408* varies* $23,911 $26,000 varies* $31,362* $39,329 $27,641** $25,198“ $30,249* $29,800 varies* $22,000 $33,000 $26,464 $22,000 $32,700 •R a th e rth a n establish one sta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , som e state associations have adopted a fo rm ula based on variables such as com parable salaries fo r public school teachers in each com m u­ nity, o r th e grade level o f a p rofe ssio n al librarian post. In these cases, you m ay w ish to c o n ta ctth e state association fo r m inim um salary inform ation. “ These recom m endations a pply only to pub lic librarians. cla s s ro o m te a c h in g in itia tiv e s o f th e d e p a rtm e n t, in clu d in g fre s h ­ m an-le ve l inform a tio n litera cy instructio n . D epending upon th e c a n ­ d id a te , so m e s u p e rv is o ry re s p o n s ib ilitie s m a y be p o ssib le . S ig n ifi­ c a n t p arts o f th e re s p o n s ib ilitie s o f th is p o sitio n a re re se a rch and cre ative w ork and se rvice in keeping w ith th e te n u re sta n d ard s o f the U n iv e r s it y o f C o lo r a d o a t B o u ld e r . For a c o m p le te p o sitio n announcem ent, please see: http://w w w jobs_art.htm . C L A S S I F I E D Ads C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 49 SCIENCE LIBRARIAN Furman University Furman University, one of the nation’s top-ranked liberal arts colleges, is seeking a talented librarian for the position of Science Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Supports library instruction, reference services, and collection development in the natural sciences; serves as library liaison to science departments; and oversees the Ezell Science Reading Room in the science building. The Science Librarian will also have the opportunity to participate in planning a new science library as part of a future expansion of science facilities. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in science; academic library expe­ rience; knowledge of science resources and information technology. Experience in science librarianship preferred. A complete job description is available at: Furman University is a highly selective, independent liberal arts college of 2,800 students and 235 faculty. It is distinguished by its commitment to engaged learning, a problem-solving approach to education. Furman’s undergraduate research program was rated fourth in the nation in 2002 by U.S. News and World Report. Furman’s 750-acre campus in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains is considered one of the most beautiful in the nation. It is located 15 minutes from downtown Greenville, South Carolina, one of the South’s most prosperous and international cities with a metropolitan population of 450,000 and an excellent array of cultural events, restaurants, and shopping. Thecampus is also just 45 minutes from Asheville, North Carolina, which provides a wide variety of outdoor recreation and entertainment opportunities. The Furman University Libraries have 12 faculty-rank librarians and 15 staff. The libraries contain 450,000 volumes and have an annual acquisitions budget of over $1 million. The James B. Duke Library is currently undergoing a $25 million expansion and renovation, which will be completed in 2004. The Ezell Science Reading Room houses 200 current journal subscriptions and 30,000 bound volumes. Planning is underway for a new science library as part of the expansion and renovation of science facilities. For more about the libraries, see: SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salaries are competitive and commensurate with experience. Librarians have faculty status, 10 paid holidays, 20 days’ vacation, and an excellent benefits package, including domestic partner benefits. APPLICATIONS: Review of applications will begin February 1, 2004, and will continue until the position is filled. Submit letter of application, résumé, transcripts (copy acceptable initially), and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: John K. Payne Associate Director of Libraries Furman University 3300 Poinsett Highway Greenville, SC 29613 A A /E O E /A D A A S S IS T A N T C O N T R A C T S A N D D E V E L O P M E N T L IB R A R ­ IAN, Librarian II. University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries Contracts and Development Office seeks an individual to assist with the process of securing and m anaging the license agreem ents and contracts fo r all electronic resources acquired by UNT Libraries. Under the general direction of the Head, Contracts and Development Office, the successful applicant will have prim ary responsibility for the creation and m ainte­ nance of the contracts database, initial license review, routine correspon­ dence and communication with vendors, and design and maintenance of the libraries development page. Other responsibilities include maintaining the license and contracts files, working on special projects, and notifying vendors of changes in UNT system libraries' IP addresses. Required Qualifications: MLS or MIS from an ALA-accredited program; prior experience with licensing and contracts; experience with database, spread­ sheet, and w ord processing software packages; knowledge of Web site development and maintenance; knowledge and ability in using electronic resources; and excellent written andoral communication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Strongly Preferred: Experience with serials; experience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. automation system; working knowledge of l.l.l. bibliographicand order records. Preferred: Course w orko rw ork with scanning/digitization projects. Rank: Librarian II. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Position Available: January 1,2004. Contact: Applicants should subm it a letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of three profes­ sional references to: DoinaG. Farkas, Head, Contracts and Development Office, U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth Te xa s Libraries, P.O. Box 305190, Denton, TX 76203-5190; fax: (940) 369-8760. The University of North Texas is an AA/ADAÆ OE institution and encourages applications from women and m inorities, as it is com m itted to creating an ethnically and culturally diverse community. A S S IS T A N T HEAD, SC IEN C E LIBR A RY. U nive rsity of C olo ­ rado at Boulder. This is a tenure-track, faculty position reporting to the Head of the Science Library. The Science Library is located in the main library, Norlin Library. The Science Library contains the research collec­ tions in biology, chem istry, history o f science, kinesiology, museum studies, psychology, and speech disorders. Duties include supervision, refe ren ce , co lle ctio n d e ve lo pm e n t, c o o rd in a tio n o f ch em ica l re­ source s, in stru ctio n , liaison a ctivitie s, o utreach e ffo rts, and W eb hom epage design. This position w orks in a collaborative environm ent w ith shared re sp o n sib ilitie s a m ong p eers in the u n ive rsity libraries. A sign ifica nt part o f this position involves research and creative work, and a c o m m itm e n tto service, in keeping with the tenure standards of th e U n iversity of Colorado at Boulder. For a com plete position 50 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT/FENWICK LIBRARY George Mason University George Mason University Libraries seeks a highly energetic, innovative, and experienced individual to lead the Reference Department in Fenwick Library, the main research library at George Mason University. Initiatives currently underway at the university libraries include a consortially based virtual reference service; implementation of core competencies for reference service throughout all the libraries; restructuring of library instruction into an information literacy program; and reorganization of the library liaison program. RESPONSIBILITIES: Leads a staff of nine reference/liaison librarians (including the Government Documents/Maps Librarian), who have responsibilities for reference desk and e-reference duties, specialized reference and research consultation by appointment, instruction, and collection develop­ ment for assigned academic programs. Departmental staff also includes two classified staff, four Graduate Research Assistants, and a number of student assistants. Plans, organizes, and assesses activities within areas of administrative assignment in consultation with other library administrators. Collaborates with other department heads to provide quality service, ensure effective coordination of the liaison program, and promote a spirit of teamworkand a user-centered approach to library services throughout the libraries. Position reports to the associate University Librarian for Public Services. More information about George Mason University and its Libraries is available at: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or recognized foreign equivalent; substantial managerial and supervisory experience in an academic research library setting; demonstrated decision-making, planning, and organizational abilities; knowledge of trends in contemporary reference service and library instruction; excellent communication and teamwork skills; strong mentoring/coaching abilities and experience with staff development. APPOINTMENT: Professional faculty appointment; salary competitive, commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Excellent benefits include health plan options and paid life insurance; several retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF; 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition waiver for self. Application: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Head, Reference Department/Fenwick Library Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Review of applications will begin on February 16,2004, and continue until position is filled. Position available July 1,2004. Affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer; m inorities are encouraged to apply. announcement, please go to: jobs_science.htm. B U S IN E S S /E L E C T R O N IC A C C E S S L IB R A R IA N . (S e a rc h Extended) Slippery Rock University’s Bailey Library is seeking appli­ cants for afull-tim e (nine month), tenure-track position at the Instructor/ Assistant Professor level beginning July 1,2004. Primary responsibilities include collection development, reference, and library instruction forthe School of Business. Administration of the Serials unit is also primary, and includes management of electronic journals with an emphasis on access issues, acquisition and collection developm ent of periodicals in all for­ mats, m aintenance and enhancement of periodicals records in Voyager database, serials cataloging, and supervision of a staff of one FTE. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. A complete position description is posted at: Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution required at time of employment; knowledge of and/or experience in business librarianship; demonstrated ability to man­ age electronic journals; strong public service orientation; excellent written and oral communication skills; and perceived ability to w orkproductively with students and colleagues in an evolving environm ent are required. Successful performance in an on-campus interview, including a presen­ tation, is also required. Preferred Qualifications: Academ ic library expe­ rience in serials, reference, and bibliographic instruction; supervisory experience; and familiarity with Endeavor/Voyager software. Send letter of interest, résumé, graduate and undergraduate transcripts (official tran­ scripts required before hiring) and the names, addresses, and phone numbers o fth ree references (one of whom must beacu rre ntorp re vio u s supervisor) to: Mr. Lynn Hoffmann and Ms. Judy Silva, Co-chairs, Business Librarian Search Com m ittee, Bailey Library, Slippery Rock U niv e rs ity, S lip p e ry Rock, PA 16057. For inquiries, conta ct: lynn.hoffm ann@, (7 24)738-2666;judith.silva@, (724) 7 3 8 -2 6 58 ; fax: (724) 738 -2 6 61 . R eview o f a p p lica tio n s w ill begin F e b rua ry 9 ,2 0 0 4 , and co n tin u e until positio n is fille d . V isit o u r W eb page at: w w w .s ru .e d u . TTY: (724) 7 3 8 -4 8 81 . A ffirm a tive action , equal o pportunity em ployer. D E P A R T M E N T H E A D , S E R IA L S S E R V IC E S . U n iv e rs ity o f W est Florida. R ep o rtstoD irectoro f Libraries. Full-time, 12-month, non- tenured faculty position. Minimum salary: $41,000. We seek an Assistant o r Associate Librarian who will provide leadership and direction fo r the operation and maintenance o f the serials collection and its services; supervise five paraprofessionals andstudent assistants; plan and imple­ ment services that provide access to theserials collections; represent the department on appropriate library and university committees; maintain an C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 51 Executive Director, Baker Library Harvard Business School (HBS) is recruiting for a new Executive Director of Baker Library (, a pre-eminent academic business library with a long history of developing extensive print and digital collections on business and management ranging from the fifteenth through the twenty-first centuries, a budget of $7M, and a staff of 70-75. The Library supports the teaching, research, and lifelong learning needs of HBS and its alumni and the Harvard University and world-wide scholarly communities. The new Executive Director faces a unique opportunity. He/she will operate within the highly entrepreneurial HBS environment, devising and articulating strategies for maintaining and building on Baker’s past, while leading the Library through its next stage of growth into a leading-edge 21st century library/information center. The successful candidate will also spearhead key knowledge management initiatives, in the tradition of such ongoing activities as the weekly online magazine HBS Working Knowledge (, the Lehman Archives Project, and the Business Taxonomy Project. An additional opportunity is presented by the project to renovate and expand Baker Library into the Baker Library/Academic Center, currently under construction and scheduled to open in the fall of 2005. About HBS and Baker Library Founded in 1908, HBS was initially conceived as a “delicate experiment” in the new field of professional management training. Harvard was the first university to require a college degree for admission to its business program. Today, with a faculty of about 200 and a permanent staff of over 800, HBS, located on the banks of the Charles River in Boston, MA, offers a full-time Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) program, five Doctoral programs, and over 40 executive education programs. The School also supports Harvard Business School Publishing, which includes the Harvard Business Review (HBR), Case Studies, HBS Press, Newsletters, and Interactive Multimedia and Video. Baker Library holds extensive print and digital resources in the areas of business and management, including such specialties as accounting and control, agribusiness, banking, commerce, business and economic history, economic philosophy, finance, information technology, international business, management education, manufacturing, marketing, political economy, and transportation. The Library is organized into six departments: Administrative Services, the Business Information Services Center, Historical Collections, Information Products/lnformation Technology, Library Technical Services, and Research Services. Required education, experience, and skills: MLS or equivalent, 2nd Master's or Doctorate preferred. 10+ years’ experience as a director or associate director of a substantial academic, research, or corporate library or information center. Requires the breadth of experience, scope of knowledge, and entrepreneurial outlook required to be a driving force at HBS for the development of new knowledge management methods and information products, and library services and programs. Solid understanding of scholarly communication and research processes. Solid grounding in the uses of information and the technologies for delivering it to the user. Demonstrated ability to plan strategically and to successfully implement those plans. Proven organizational, interpersonal, communication, and consultative skills. Demonstrated ability to develop trusting working relationships with staff, colleagues, and vendors. Solid track record in developing, motivating, and managing a team essential. For more information on careers or to apply on-line, visit Please indicate requisition number 18570. A t Harvard University, Diversity Is An Essential Source Of Vitality And Strength. effective w orking relationship with serials vendors, library adm inistra­ tors, and o th e r library departm ents; provide leadership in resource and budget m anagem entforthe department; negotiate and w ork with facultyto determ inethefuture o fthe print and online balance oftheserialscollection; and prom ote aservice-oriented environm ent. Requires an ALA-accred- ited MLS degree; appropriate professional library and m anagement expe­ rience; know ledge o f a wide range of library operations and services, particularly relating to automation; effective com m unication and interper­ sonal skills; professional cataloging and appropriate budgeting experi­ ence. Forfull description, see: Review of appli­ cations begins February 13,2004, and continues until position is filled. Submit résumé, cover letter, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Caroline Thom pson, Chair, Serials Selection C om m ittee, John C. Pace Library, University of W est Florida, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, F L 3 2 51 4-5750. A ffirm ative ac­ tion, equal opportunity employer. D IR EC TO R , D IG ITA L C O L L E C T IO N S . T h e U n ive rsity o f M in­ nesota Libraries s e e ksa D ire cto ro f Digital C ollections e a g e rto provide innovative and expert leadership. W e seek a librarian w ho know s best practices in digital content managem ent, is an excellent com m unicator, and is skilled a t collaboration and building partnerships. Context: The Digital C ollections unit (DCU) fosters the creation o f and access to research and scholarly material in digital form from across the University o f M innesota. The DCU supports in-house and externally contracted digitization services. In collaboration with subject specialists and archi­ vists, the DCU provides expertise and services to departments, labs, and centers ofthe university, supporting the creation, collection, archiving, and dissem ination o f digital content. Position Description: The D irector of the Digital C ollections reports to the associate university librarian fo r infor­ mation technology. The D irector manages the budget o fth e DCU, devel­ ops projects forthe unit, and seeks external funding sources to continue the innovative w ork of the unit. T he D irector w orks closely with departm ents across the university and seeks opportunitiesforstatew ide, national, and international partnerships. The D irector participates in the larger digital library com m unity by actively exploring questions related to digital reposi­ tories and shares th a t know ledge through regular presentations and publications. The actual shape o f this role will depend on the incum bent’s skills and D CU’s needs. Q ualifications: R equired: An ALA-accredited m aster's degree in Library o r Inform ation S cien ce , o r e q u iv a le n t co m ­ b in a tio n o f a d v a n c e d d e g re e a nd re le v a n t experience; a t least three years o f grow ing responsibility and a cc o m p lis h m e n t in d ig itiz a tio n or d ig ita l re p o sito ry d e ve lo pm e n t. For a com plete listing o f qualifications and jo b d e scrip tio n, p le a se see: h ttp ://w w w .o h r.u rn n.e du /1 6 1 7/ 52 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 S erials Librarian The State University of New York at Oswego seeks a Serials Librarian to direct the acquisitions, cataloging and processing of print, microform and electronic serials for Penfield Library, and to supervise the Periodicals/Media public service desk. Penfield currently supports more than 15,000 full- text electronic journals and approximately 1000 print journals. The Serials Librarian manages all aspects of the Library’s ExLibris ALEPH 500 electronic serials control system; works with public services, acquisitions and collection development to evaluate electronic products; provides leadership to improve access to electronic journal titles/collections and to investigate relevant emerging technologies. This position reports to the Head of Technical Services and includes supervisory responsibility for three full-time and two part-time support staff, plus student employees. Other duties include developing and recommending changes in policies and procedures for serials management; maintenance of the Library’s OCLC Union List of Serials records; establishing and strengthening positive working relationships with subscription vendors and publishers; and preparing statistical reports. This position also includes some reference desk coverage, including occasional night/weekend hours, and collection development responsibility in assigned areas. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA accredited program; familiarity with electronic serials control systems, particularly the ExLibris system; knowledge of cataloging practices including OCLC, MARC formats and AACR2; understanding of serials trade and current trends in serials control; strong supervisory skills; excellent written/oral communication skills; ability to work effectively, both independently and as part of a team; strong interpersonal skills; ability to work in a quickly changing environment; and working knowledge of basic office software, i.e., word processing, spreadsheet and database creation/management packages. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: One or more years of serials experience in an academic library; familiarity with Serials Solutions and/or other similar Serials Control systems; reference experience; knowledge of SFX and/or other Open URL technologies. This is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position at Assistant or Senior Assistant rank. Minimum salary: $36,000 depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Position available February 2004. The State University of New York at Oswego is a comprehensive institution of 9,000 students, offering 60 undergraduate and advanced degree programs, including graduate degrees in business, education and liberal arts. The campus is located on the beautiful southeastern shore of Lake Ontario and is one of the 64 institutions within the State University of New York (SUNY) system. The library web site is Application review will begin February 1,2004, and will continue until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, resume, transcripts and the names, addresses and phone numbers of 3 professional references to: Mary Beth Bell, Director Penfield Library SUNY Oswego Oswego, NY 13126 SU N Y Oswego is an Affirmative Action Employer job_details.cfm ?id=7363. S alary and Benefits: The university libraries offer a com petitive salary com m ensurate w ith skills and experience. Excellent benefits. This is afull-tim e, 12-month, continuous-appointm ent track, academ ic professional position with initial appointm ent at the assistant or associate librarian rank. To Apply: Position is available immediately. Send lette ro f application, résumé, and nam es and contact inform a tio n of th re e c u rre n t p rofe ssio n al re fe ren ce s to: Lib ra rie s H u­ m an R esources, 499 W ilson Library, U n iv e r s ity o f M in n e s o ta , 3 0 9 1 9th A ve n ue S outh, M inneapolis, MN 55455. P lease id e n tify the application with U L171. The U niversity o f M innesota is an equal o ppor­ tunity edu ca to ra nd employer. D IR EC TO R , J O A N N E W A X M A N LIB R A R Y. M aine C olleg e of Art (MECA) is seeking a skilled, energetic, and imaginative Director of the Joanne W axm an Library. The D irector will lead the continuing develop­ m ent of the library as an effective resource fo r research, teaching, and learning, and as a central agency in the creation of contem porary art and its critical discussion. In addition to m anaging the library’s staff, re­ sources, services, and daily operations, the D irector m ust be able to collaborate across disciplines and learning platforms, including the Insti­ tute of C ontem porary A rt a t MECA. The ideal candidate will also lead the library’s educational program and its provision o f visual resources online, in service to the college, the arts com m unity, and an increasingly diverse audience. Requirem ents: A LA-accredited M LS degree; progressively responsible professional library experience, including two to three years’ teaching experience in an academ ic environm ent; dem onstrated skills and experience in relevant inform ation technology, including its use and management; evidence o f effective interdisciplinary collaboration across an institution; evidence o f a continuing contribution to the library profes­ sion; asuccessful history of coordinating people, facilities, and budgets; an understanding of and experience with visual resources; exposure to and experience with an online environm ent and other developm ents in this field; and a dem onstrated com m itm ent to one of th e visual disciplines. Library: O ccupying beautiful, recently renovated space in the college's primaryteachingfacility in downtown Portland, Maine, the Joanne Waxman Library is an Innovative Interfaces Inc. library and participates fully in M aine's m any progressive collaborations, prom oting literacy and infor­ m ation access to the citizens o f the state. Maine C ollege of A rt is a small, dynam ic college o f art and design located in Portland, Maine, tw o hours north o f Boston. Founded in 1882 and fully accredited, M ECA educates Director of Technology & Technical Services Reporting directly to the Dean of the USF Library System, the Director for Technology & Technical Services is supported by an Associate Director for Library Computing; the Department Heads for Acquisitions and Cataloging; and the Coordinator for Electronic Collections. The division is comprised of 40 FTE (12 faculty and 28 paraprofes­ sionals). Although physically situated in the Tampa Library, this director works collaboratively across the library system to actively lead the division into the next generation of library services. The successful candidate will work tc promote the Libraries’ pursuit of ARL membership and to facilitate the 2005 migration to ExLibris (Aleph). The University: The second largest university in the southeast and among the 20 largest in the nation, the Carnegie Foundation ranks USF for its research in the top national classification. Founded in 1956, USF serves 41,000 students in ten colleges on four campuses in Tampa, Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota. USF offers degree programs in 79 undergraduate disciplines, 89 master's and specialist programs, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty of more than 2,000. The USF Libraries: The USF Libraries are comprised of four campus libraries, the Shimberg Health Sciences Library, and the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute Library. The combined libraries offer researchers access to 1,826,650 volumes, 16,698 periodicals, as well as extensive electronic and digital research collections. Materials expenditures approximate $6 million annually. Responsibilities: • Provide leadership, management and direction that anticipates future trends in an evolving information environment. • Develop and implement strategies to maximize efficiency and productivity while maintaining high quality standards. • Participate fully in the expansion and promotion of the Libraries’ extensive digital collections and initiatives. • Serve as a member of Libraries’ administrative team and collaborate across all divisions to provide strategic leadership for the USF Libraries. • Maintain excellent working relationships with the institution’s multiple campus and special libraries as well as with the Libraries’ external partners. • Actively foster a diverse work environment. • Participate to the fullest extent possible in programs, cooperative library efforts and professional activities with partners on and off campus and in activities of the ARL, the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC), Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), and other organizations. Required Qualifications: • M.L.S. from an ALA-accredited program or foreign equivalent. • A successful record of eight (8) years of substantial administrative and/or management experience in increasingly responsible positions within information technology and/or technical services in a university library. • Four (4) years experience administering and/or managing library faculty. • Record of participation and accomplishment within the library profession including research, publication, service and governance activities. Preferred Qualifications: • Second Master’s or other postgraduate degree; preferably MIS or MBA. • Experience with current/emerging issues and practices in technical services in academic libraries. • Experience with contemporary issues/practices in information technology in academic libraries. • Experience solving complex problems in ambiguous situations by applying strong analytical skills in conventional and unconventional ways. • Experience with strategic planning, budgets and resource allocation priorities. • Experience with program or project implementation within complex organizations. • Experience with faculty governance and faculty working under a collective bargaining agreement. • Experience with library fund raising, private funding procurement, and/or grants. • Experience developing ARL-level library services, specifically in technology & technical services. • Effective oral and written communication skills. • Record of research and publication. Salary and Benefits; Salary and rank dependent upon years of post-Masters experience and record of scholarly achievement and service. Library faculty are 12-month, non-tenured faculty earning 22 days of vacation and 13 sick days annually. TIAA/CREF or other retirement options and insurance benefits are available. In addition, FL does not have a personal income tax requirement. Other terms & conditions may be specified in the contract. A pplication Procedure; Send letter of application, vita, names and email addresses of 3 references by J a n u a ry 30, 2004 to: Matthew Guida, Library HR Manager, USF, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., LIB 122, Tampa, FL 33620-5400 (813) 974-4592; FAX (813) 974-5156 (m guida@ USF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and equal access institution. For disability accommodations, contact Matt Guida at (813) 974-7592, TDD (813) 974-9874, at least five working days in advance of the need. For more information about this position, the USF Libraries, or the University of South Florida, please visit http: / / C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 53 54 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANS Youngstown State University’ s Maag Library seeks two dynamic librarians looking to build careers in rapidly evolving, forward-thinking, team-based environment. E L E C T R O N IC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Looking for individual with strong technical and interpersonal skills, who thrives in fast-paced, multi-tasking environment, to provide lead support for technology driven projects, web services support, high-level desktop support, liaison activities to Computer Sciences faculty; and reference assistance including information literacy education. Minimum Qualifications: Master’ s degree in Library/Information Science and knowledge of HTML, JAVA, and/or other web programming languages as demonstrated by successful coursew ork, professional certifications and/or documented and completed web projects. (Will consider candidates completing degree by June 2004.) Preferred: Professional (compensated) experience with Windows, Linux or Mac OS X desktop systems. SCIENCE/ENGINEERING SPECIALIST (ASSISTANT R EFEREN CE LIBRARIAN) Seeking outgoing, creative individual to develop innovative collaborations between library and academic departments in sciences and engineering. Will also guide institution in rapidly evolving activities o f collection development in science and technology as well as provide general reference services, including information literacy education. Minimum Qualifications: Master’ s degree in Library/Information Science and undergraduate degree or work experience in discipline within fields o f science, engineering or technology. (W ill consider candidates completing degree by June 2004.) Initial Salary: $28,700-$32,500. Review of applications begins January 20, 2004 and continues until positions are filled. For more information about these positions and how to apply visit Maag Library’ s website: YSU is an affirmative action!equal opportunity employer committed to increasing the diversity o f its faculty, staff and students. artists a t all stages of theircreative careers, offering both the bachelor and m aster o f fine arts degrees as well as a w ide range o f professional institutes and continuing studies classes for individuals o f all ages. The college gallery, the Institute of Contem porary Art a t MECA, has achieved national recognition as a critical venue fo r contem porary art. Salary: Com m ensurate with experience. Starting Date: July 2004. Application Procedure: Please subm itale tte rsp ecifyin g are a s of interest and exper­ tise, curriculum vitae, teaching and learning philosophy, a sample sylla­ bus, and a portfolio of published w ork (if relevant). Include the names of three references. Include self-addressed stamped envelope forth e return of m aterials. Send to: Library Search C om m ittee, Maine College of Art, 97 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04101. Deadline: W e will begin reviewing applications January 2, 2004. Maine C ollege of A rt is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployerand encourages women and m em bers o f m inority groups to apply. IN S T R U C T IO N A N D C O L L E C T IO N M A N A G E M E N T . S e ­ nior A ssistant Librarian Rank. Som e refe ren ce h ou rs; 12 -m o n th , te n ­ u re-track. F o rfu ll announcem ent, see: http://w w w .p o tsd a m .e d u/H R / Personnel/Vacancies/Facultyjndex.htm l. Consideration of applications will begin on January 20, 2004. Subm it letter of application, current résumé, and names, addresses, and p ho n e n um b e rs o f th re e p ro fe s ­ sion a l re fe re n ce s to: Ja n e S u b ra m a n ia n , S earch C om m ittee C hair, C o lle g e L ib ra rie s, S U N Y P otsd a m , P otsd a m , NY 13676; o r fa x to: (3 1 5 ) 2 6 7 - 2 7 4 4 . S t a t e U n iv e r s it y o f N e w Y o r k (S U N Y ) P otsdam is an equ a l o p p o rtu n ity e m plo ye r co m m itte d to excellence th ro u gh dive rsity. IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . P rim a ry R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : A s s is t with the development, implementation, promotion, and assessment of an expanding information literacy program for students and faculty. Collabo­ rate with librarians and departmental facu Ity to design and create instruc­ tional m ethods and materials, teach inform ation literacy skills, and inte­ grate inform ation literacy into the university curriculum . W ork w ithin an instruction unit led by the C oordinatorfor Information Literacy. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; dem onstrated effective teaching experience and a strong com m itm ent to student learning; fam iliarity with information literacy standards; ability and interest in developing a variety o f instructional materials, including W eb pages and other online re­ sources; knowledge of a w ide range of print and electronic inform ation C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 55 E a s te rn M ic h ig a n U n iv e rs ity Eastern Michigan University seeks applications from highly motivated, energetic, and technologically knowledgeable library professionals for the following two positions. ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Reports to the University Librarian, provides administrative leadership for the staff and coordinates day-to-day library operations and information technology support. As a member of the administrative team, collaborates on the long-range planning, program and policy development, and resource allocations. Some required qualifications include: an MLS from an ALA accredited program; minimum of 5 years progressive administrative experience in an academic library; demonstrated collaborative, innovative, and responsible leadership in an academic library environment, knowledge of best practices and current trends in the provision of information technology, strong organizational and analytical skills with attention to detail; excellent interpersonal skills, both written and oral. Complete position description of the Associate University Librarian is available at Submit a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Posting #APAA0411, Eastern Michigan University, 202 Boone Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. BUSINESS LIBRARIAN, INSTRUCTOR/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Candidate will be a member of the Information Services Team specializing in the fields of business and economics. Scheduled reference service includes some evening and weekend hours. Instructor appointment requires ALA-accredited MLS. Assistant Professor appointment requires ALA-accredited MLS and 18 additional graduate credit hours OR 5 years professional library experience. Other qualifications include: minimum of 2 years experience as a reference librarian providing business reference assistance in an academic research library, public library, or corporate library; some academic background in economics and/or business-related disciplines; experience developing and delivering library instruction; experience developing collections and selecting electronic resources. C om plete position description o f the B usiness L ibrarian is located at: Submit a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Posting #F0449, Eastern Michigan University, 202 Boone Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Review process will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. Women and members o f minority groups are encouraged to apply. EMU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to faculty, staff and student diversity. sources; strong service orientation, flexibility, and excellent interpersonal and organizational skills; a bility to w ork closely with departm ental faculty throughout th e university; dem onstrated initiative and ability to w ork well a s a m em ber o f a group as w ell as individually to achieve organizational goals; ability to m aintain effective w orking relationships with colleagues andstudents; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; dem onstrated com m itm en t to th e te a ch er/scho lar m odel, public and university service, and a cu ltura lly diverse learning environm ent. Preferred Q ualifications: Teaching, instructional design, and reference experience. Setting: Library collections include o v e r400,000 boundcata- loged volum es, current subscriptions to approxim ately2,500 periodicals, and an expanding array o f databases. S ta ff includes 13 library faculty, 6 professional staff, and 22 clerical positions. K ent Library is a m em be r of M OBIUS, a consortium o f m ore than 50 a cadem ic libraries in M issouri using a com m on library platform from Innovative Interfaces. Salary Range: $30s, d epending on qualifications and experience. 12-m onth, regular, non-tenure-trackfaculty appointm ent. T u itio n rem ission is part of b e n e fit p a cka g e . A p p lic a tio n s : A p p lic a tio n s re ce ive d by J a n u a ry 30, 2 0 0 4 , w ill re c e iv e fir s t c o n s id e ra tio n . P re fe rre d S ta rtin g D ate: Ju ly 1, 2 0 0 4 . P o s itio n w ill re m a in o p e n u n til fille d . S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n a d d re s s in g q u a lific a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n , ré su m é , and n a m e s, a d d re s s e s , p h o n e n u m b e rs, a nd e -m ail a d d re s s e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : S a ra h M o rt C ro n , D ean, A c a d e m ic In fo rm a tio n S e r­ vic e s , K e n t L ib r a r y - M S 4 6 0 0 , S o u th e a s t M is s o u ri S ta te U n i­ v e rs ity , O n e U n iv e rs ity P la za , C a p e G ira rd e a u , M O 6 3 7 0 1 . An e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , M -F, a ffirm a tiv e a ctio n e m p lo ye r. LIB R A R Y D IR E C T O R . C oncordia C ollege, M oorhead, a four-year liberal arts college of the ELCA, seeks nominations and applications forthe position of Director o f the Library, a 12-m onth administrative appointment. An M LS from an A LA -accredited institution is required, Ph.D. preferred. The d ire cto r o f th e library p rovides strong intellectual leadership and a rticula te s to th e cam pus co m m unity the lib ra ry’s visio n fo rth e future of inform ation literacy, library services, and collections. H e o r she d ete r­ m ines library policy, d evelops and m onitors th e budget, and ca rrie s out long-range planning. T he d ire cto r o f th e L ibrary initiates and supervises innovative collaborations between th e library and all stakeholders in the C oncordia com m unity. S upervising a sta ff o f 22, including eig h t profes­ sional librarians, th e Library D ire cto ra d m in iste rsth e hiring, evaluation, and prom otion o f library personnel and m anages daily library operations. 5 6 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 Complete information on the position is available a t humres/positions/faculty/Library%20Director.htm. Position to begin July 1,2004. Send letterof application, vita, transcripts, and at leastthree letters ofreferenceto: Connie Jones, Search Committee Chair, Carl B.YIvisaker Library, C oncordia College, Moorhead, MN 56562. Review of appli­ cations will begin February 1,2004, and continue until position is filled. C oncordia C ollegeoffersacom petitive salary and benefits package and is an equal opportunity em ployer. See college W eb site at: http:// L IFE A N D H E A L TH S C IE N C E S L IB R A R IA N . W ic h ita S ta te University Libraries seeksacreativeand knowledgeable individual forthe position of Life and Health Sciences Librarian. Located in the largest m etropolitan area in Kansas and with an enrollm ent o f over 14,000, W ichita State University is one of three research institutions in the state’s university system. Position serves as subject librarian fo rth e C ollege of Health Professions and the Departments of Biology and Chemistry. Other responsibilities include general reference desk hours, collection develop­ ment, library instruction, and Web page development. Required Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited master’s degree (must have the degree at the hiring date); excellent oral and written com m unication skills; dem onstrated evidence of self-m otivation, service orientation, and ability to w ork suc­ cessfully in a collegial environm ent; dem onstrated ability to w ork effec­ tive ly with diverse populations; knowledge of trends in academ iclibrary reference and instructional services; knowledge of trends in scholarly research and publishing in the sciences or health professions; dem on­ strated potential fo r meeting the library's tenure and prom otion require­ ments. Must be eligible to w orkin the United States. Preferred Qualifica­ tions: Educational background orwork-related experience in an academic area related to the assignm ent; recent experience in an academ ic or specialized library in reference, collection developm ent, and/or instruc­ tion; an additional graduate degree in an academ ic area related to the assignment. Application Deadline: February 15,2004. Competitive salary negotiable depending on experience and education with a m inimum of $32,500. Forafull position announcement, visit the library’s W eb page at: Send letter of applica­ tion, résum é, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three current references to: Cathy Moore-Jansen, Chair, Search Committee, W ichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, W ichita, KS 67260-0068. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. P U B LIC S E R V IC E S LIB R A R IA N . O hio N orthern U nive rsity is seeking applicants fo rth e position of Public Services Librarian. Respon­ sibilities include C irculation D epartm ent and providing reference ser­ vices in collaboration with other librarians. C irculation D epartm ent re­ sponsibilities include developing and im plem enting policies relating to lending of library m aterials (local as well as OhioLINK); m aintaining print and electronic reserves collections; and training and coordinating the work of full-tim e clerical supervisors a ndstudent assistants. Reference duties involve working halfdays a t the Reference Desk with som e evening and Sunday hours. W ill have the opportunity to participate in bibliographic instruction and will be expected to contribute to ongoing developm ent of print and electronic reference collection. Qualifications include MLS from an ALA-accredited school. Academ ic library experience preferred. A strong com m itm ent to helping students faculty and staff is essential. Creativity and initiative are vital. Must be able to w ork closely with colleagues in a functionally integrated environm ent. Fam iliarity with OCLC, Innovative Interfaces products, and OhioLINKservicesdesirable. Prior supervisory experience helpful. 12-month, tenure-track appoint­ ment. R a n ko fln stru cto ro r Assistant Professor, depending on qualifica­ tions. Salary range in mid $30s. Deadline for application is February 15, 2004, or until position is filled. Applicants should send résumés, tran­ scripts, andthenam es, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references who have recent know ledge o f the background and potential of the applicantto: Paul M. Logsdon, Director, Heterick Memorial Library, Ohio N orthern University, Ada, OH 45810. P U B L IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N /IN S T R U C T IO N C O O R ­ DINATOR. Foley Center. Gonzaga University in Spokane, W ashing­ ton, offers a perm anent, full-tim e, tenure-track library faculty position, Public Services Librarian/lnstruction Coordinator. Responsibilities: Pro­ vides reference services utilizing both traditional and electronic sources; coordinates all library instruction activities including scheduling and assignm ent of classes; conducts needs assessm ent fo r general and specific library instruction activities; is responsible fo r all aspects of library instruction and inform ation literacy activities on cam pus; partici­ pates in delivery o f bibliographic instruction. Qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS; significantexperience participating in or coordinatinga library instruction program; fam iliarity with current theory, practices, and issues related to library instruction and information literacy. Salary com m ensu­ rate with qualifications and experience. Position is a 12-m onth, perm a­ nent, tenure-trackfaculty appointm ent with liberal faculty benefits includ­ ing tuition w aiverand relocation assistance. Position reports to the Chair, Public Services Departm ent. The Foley C enter Library is a modern facility with w ireless access, 300,000 volum es, a w ide variety o f data­ bases, and extensive interlibrary loan services. Gonzaga is a four-year, comprehensive university dedicated to a Catholic and humanistic educa­ tion of its5,700 students. Spokane isacity o f220,000 residentsand boasts ample restaurants, shopping, atem perate climate, and low cost o f living. Position is available June 1 ,2004. Screening of applications will begin January 2004 and continue until position isfilled. To Apply: Send letterof application, vita, names and addresses with telephone num bers of three current references to: Faculty Search Com m ittee, Instruction Coordina­ tor, c/o Dean of Library Services, Gonzaga University Library, Spokane, W A 99258-0001. Gonzaga is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer com m itted to diversity. G onzaga University is a Jesuit, Catholic, humanistic institution; therefore, we are interested in candidates who willcontribute to our distinctive mission, P U B L IC S E R V IC E S /W E B S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . T h e InstituteofG overnm entalS tudies(IG S ) Library, University of California, Berkeley, seeks a versatile and creative librarian to oversee public services, th e content and design o f the library’s W eb pages, and the library’s contractual services to an off-cam pus client. The IGS Library is an independent, specialized library with afocuson American public affairs and policy. Required Qualifications: M LISfrom an ALA-accredited insti­ tution or equivalentdegree; familiarity with current concepts and methods of reference service and library instruction; fam iliarity with procedures and technologies fo r providing inform ation and docum ent delivery se r­ vices rem otely; and training or experience in W eb design and W eb authoring. Hiring Range: Assistant/Associate Librarian, $37,920-$64,164. Review of applications begins February23,2004. Start Date: June 2004. The University of California, Berkeley is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. More inform ation, including full jo b a n ­ nouncement, at: R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n i v e r ­ sity of California, Riverside, is seeking an innovative, energetic, and service-oriented Reference/lnstruction Librarian to jointheteam in the Reference Services D epartm ent of the Rivera Library. Responsibilities: Provide reference service, research consultation, and library instruction to a diverse user com m unity in the humanities, social sciences, and arts; assist the instruction coordinator in developing new workshops and education programs; and serve as a subject specialist to one or more academ ic departm ents in the Hum anities. The position reports to the R ivera Library head o f reference services. Required: ALA-accredited MLS o r e quivalentdegree; undergraduate degree in the hum anities or social sciences or one or m ore ye ars’ experience in collection development in ahum anitiesorsocial sciences discipline. Preferred: One year of academ ic library reference and instruction experience; hands-on experience developing Web pages and working with courseware; collec­ tion developm entexperience managing research library collections. The successful candidate will be appointed to the librarian series a tth e salary level appropriate to the candidate'squalifications and experience. Appoint­ m ent R a n g e :$ 3 7 ,9 2 0 -$ 6 0 ,132. T o e nsure co nsid e ratio n , app lican ts sh ould send a le tte ro f application, a com plete résum é, and com plete c o n ta c t info rm a tio n fo r th re e re fe re n ce s by F e b ru a ry 1 5 ,2 0 0 4 , to: D avid R io s, In te rim D ire c to r o f L ib ra ry P e rson n e l, U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rnia , U n ive rsity Library, P.O. B o x 5900, R iverside, C A 9 2 5 1 7 . T he U niversity o f C alifo rnia is an affirm a tive action, equal o pportunity e m p lo y e r. L in k to th e c o m p le te p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n : h ttp :// lib ra ry.u cr.e d u/em p loym e n t. SC IEN CE A ND TEC H N O LO G Y LIBRARIAN. The Science and Technology Reference Librarian provides reference and inform ational assistance at reference desks and through individual reference consulta­ tions. As part o, a team, the librarian’s schedule m ay require at least one eveningaw eekas well as participation in aweekend rotation. The librarian assists faculty with research-related requests, conducts library instruc­ tion sessions, serves as a liaison to one or more academ ic departments, prepares W eb pages and other bibliographic resources, participates actively in collection developm ent and collection evaluation, participates in providing staff training, participates in library and/or university com m it­ tees, and perform s other duties as assigned. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or M IS; an academ ic background or library experi­ ence in one of the pure o r applied sciences; knowledge of reference sources, both print and electronic; good verbal and written communication skills; good interpersonal skills; ability to w ork successfully in a team environm ent; a stro n g com m itm ent to public service; experience with a variety o f softw are packages, such as Frontpage. Preferred Q ualifica­ tions: Previous academic reference experience; experience in instruction and collection development; W eb page developm ent expertise. Position available January 1,2004, a tth e rank of Librarian I or II. Applicants should subm it a letter of application, vita, and names, addresses, and phone num bers fo r at least three professional references to: M arthaT arlton, Chair, Science and Technology Librarian Search C om m ittee, c/o Uni­ v e rs ity o f N orth T e x a s L ib ra rie s A d m in istra tive O ffices, Box 305190, Denton, T X 76203-5190. University of North Texas is an AA/ADA/ C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 57 EOE institution com m itted to diversity, thereby creating a w elcom ing environm ent fo r everyone. S C IE N C E /E N G IN E E R IN G L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n iv e r s it y o f N evada, Las V e g a s Libraries invites applications for the new tenure- track position of Science/Engineering Librarian. Responsibilities include providing reference, instruction, and collection developm ent services, especially in thefields of Physics, M athematics, and Engineering. Salary com m ensurate with laborm arket, n o tle s s th a n $ 45 ,72 0 . P o sitio n c o n ­ tin g e n t upon fu n d in g . R evie w o f a p p lica tio n s w ill beg in im m ed iate ly. A p p lic a tio n d e ta ils fo r th is p o s itio n m ay be o b ta in e d b y v is itin g h ttp ://h r.u n lv .e d u /E m p lo y m e n t_ S v c s /. A ffirm a tiv e a ctio n , equ a l o p p o rtu n ity e m plo ye r. S E R IA L S /E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S L IB R A R IA N . F ra n cis A. D rexel Library, S aint J os e ph’s University, Philadelphia, Penn­ sylvania. This position reports to the A ssociate D irector fo r Resources M anagem ent, supervises one support staff, and is responsible fo rth e m anagem ent of the library’s serials collection, consisting of periodicals and new spapers in electronic, print, and m icroform form ats. Provides lea dershipandform ulatespoliciesandproceduresfor serials operations. C oordinates and supports the acquisition, im plem entation, and m ainte­ nance of e lectronic resources, including the design and utilization of statistical and m anagem ent reports. Prom otes the use of e-resources cam pusw ide. Participates in reference, instruction, collection develop­ ment, cam pus and professional activities, and serves on library com m it­ tees. T his is a full-tim e, academ ic/professional position th a t requires an ALA-accredited MLS and has a m inim um salary in th e high $30s. Appli­ cations will be considered until the position is filled. A com plete position description and application guidelines can be found at: libra ries/drexel/jobs.htm. S E R IA L S L IB R A R IA N . U n ive rsity o f W isco n s in -S te v e n s Po in t (UWSP). Adm inisters the electronic and print serials collection, including planning, coordinating, and assessing serials resources and budget, as well as m anaging periodicals staff. M onitors serials publishing trends. Participates in library instruction, reference, collection developm ent, and scholarship and service as a9-m onth, te n u re-tracklibra ryfa cu lty m em ­ ber. Forfull description, see: 04/04-6 2 F 1 8 .h tm . Send letter o f interest (no e-m ail please), résumé, copies of transcripts, and nam es, e-m ail and m ail addresses, and te le ­ phone num bers of three professional references to: U W -Stevens Point Library, S earch and Screen C om m ittee, c/o Patti Becker, University of W iscon sin-S teven s Point, Stevens Point, W l 54481. U W SP is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. S O C IA L S C IE N C E S B IB L IO G R A P H E R . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f C alifornia, R iverside, libraries is seeking an innovative and dy­ nam ic librarian to be the Social Sciences Bibliographer. The Social Sciences Bibliographer oversees development of the libraries’ collections within the broad discipline of the social sciences; oversees the libraries’ collections b udget within this broad discipline; develops one or more disciplines o f the libraries’ social sciences collections; and coordinates and evaluates the activities o f the social sciences subject specialists. The candidate should have significant experience in th e m anagem ent and developm ent of collections in a m ajor research library; m aster’s degree from an A L A -accredited library school or equivalent degree; dem on­ strated experience and know ledge o f collection developm ent; strong verbal and w ritten com m unication skills; bachelor’s degree in the social sciences. Preferred: Subject m aster’s in the social sciences; knowledge o f budget m anagem ent; supervisory experience. The successful candi­ date will be appointed to the librarian series at the salary level appropriate to th e cand id ate ’s qualifications and experience. A ppointm ent Range: $42,9 96-$70,500.Toensure consideration, applicantsshouldsendaletter o f application, com plete résum é, and com plete contact inform ation for three references by February 13,2004, to: David Rios, Interim Director of Library Personnel, University of California, University Libraries, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. T he University of California is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. Lin kto the complete position descrip­ tion: T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S /C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T LIBR A RIAN . C alifornia State U niversity, Los Angeles, seeks an inno­ vative and service-oriented librarian to lead and coordinate technical services and collection developm ent. Technical Services has five staff and five FTE student assistants. She or he supervises and evaluates support staff, drafts policy, and develops procedures; w orks with the Knowledge R esourcesTask Force; and serves as backup forthe systems librarian. The unit is highly automated using Innovative Interfaces’ Innopac system, OCLC (including PromptCat), Yankee Book Peddler’s GobiLink, and M ARCIVE. M inim um Q ualifications: M LS from an ALA-accredited program at an accredited institution o f higher education; experience working with collection developm ent and acquisitions and/orcataloging; relevant supervisory experience; experience with integrated library sys­ tems and OCLC; familiarity with basic cataloging standards and practices such as AACR2, M ARC, Library of C ongress Subject Headings, and Library o f C ongress classification; strong inform ation technology skills; effective oral and w ritten com m unication skills; a bility to w ork indepen­ dently and in collaboration with others; fle xib ility and ability to adapt to a changing environm ent; ability to balance multiple responsibilities sim ul­ taneously; potential for research, scholarly, and/or creative activity involv­ ing students; continuing com m itm entto professional development; dem ­ onstrated ability a nd/or interest in w orking in a m ultiethnic, m ulticultural environm ent. C alifornia State University (CSU), Los Angeles, acom pre- hensive urban university and one o f 2 3 cam puses in th e CSU system , offers program s in m ore than 50 fields. T he cam pus is located at the eastern edge of Los Angeles, with m ore than 22,000 students who reflect the rich ethnic diversity o f th e area. T he library’s collection includes over one m illion volum es, 2,000 subscriptions, and access to about 13,000 e- journ a lsa n d otherm aterials in over 100 licensed databases. Refer to the library’s W eb site at: h ttp ://w w w . Librarians havefaculty status. To Apply: S e ndaletter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters o f recom m endation, and an official tra n scrip tfro m the insti­ tution aw arding the highest degree. R eview of applications w ill begin February 1 6,2 00 4 , and continue until th e position is filled. Application, required docum entation, and/or re q u e stfo r inform ation should be ad ­ dressed to: D ouglas A. Davis, U niversity Librarian, John F. Kennedy M em oria l Library, C a lifo rn ia S ta te U n iv e rs ity, Los A nge le s , 5151 S tate University Drive, Los Angeles, C A 90032-8300. Expected starting date is April 1,2004. Starting Salary Range: $ 5 0 ,1 0 0 -$ 7 6 ,3 9 2 , depending on qualifications. For complete position description and appli­ c a tio n in fo rm a tio n , c o n s u lt th e lib ra ry ’s W e b s ite a t: h ttp :// w w w ; o r call: (323) 343-3953. Equal o p ­ portunity, Title IX, AD A employer. Late Job Listings INFORMATION COMPETENCYÆNSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Saratoga, Califor­ nia. West Valley College seeking motivated librarian to develop library’s Information Competency Program. 10-month, tenure-track. Fall 2004. Web: wvc/library/. Phone: (408) 741-2155. Deadline February 27, 2004. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Georgia College and State University. Applicants for the position o f University Librarian must hold a minimum o f an MLS degree or equivalent from an ALA-accredited program. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experi­ ence. Review o f applications will commence on January 5, 2004. For more information, contact: UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Portland State University (PSU) is currently accepting applications for University Librarian. For the full position description and deadlines, please visitthe PSU Web site at: