ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 43 People A P P O I N T M E N T S James M. Armour—head reference librarian —Northern Arizona University libraries, Flagstaff. Anita Booth—cataloger—University of North Carolina library, Chapel Hill. Muriel Coil—reference librarian—North­ ern Arizona University libraries, Flagstaff. Susan Cosgrove—librarian—American In­ stitute of Architects, New York. Ian E dward—head, acquisitions department —Memphis State University, Tennessee. Paula F rosch—cataloger, Thomas J. W at­ son Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. D avid E. Gleim—cataloger—F lorida State University, Tallahassee. Rev. Barry J. Griffin—director of library services—Mary Manse College, Toledo, Ohio. Steven J. H erman—head, national collec­ tions section in the division for the blind and physically handicapped—Library of Congress. Nancy M. Keels—faculty member—Mem ­ phis State University libraries, Tennessee. Robert E. Kemper—director of libraries— Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. Marianne Kozlowski—fine arts: music li­ brarian, Lovejoy Library—Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. Michele MacCaughelty—head, interlibrary loan and N.C. union catalog—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Arden Meyer—reference librarian—North­ ern Arizona University libraries, Flagstaff. Marion Mitchell—executive secretary— Southwestern Library Association. Anne P. Mosby—assistant librarian, docu- ments/science-technology division—F l o r id a State University, Tallahassee. George E. Pettengill—librarian emeritus, archivist and historian—American I nstitute of Architects, New York. Patricia Polentz—cataloger—University of North Carolina library, Chapel Hill. George C. Rogers, Jr.—named to Advisory Committee on the American Revolution Bicen­ tennial Program—Library of Congress. D avid Rose—Slavic bibliographer—Univer­ sity of North Carolina library, Chapel Hill. Robert S. Runyon—associate director—Uni­ versity of Utah libraries. Janice A. Schogren—government documents librarian—Iowa State University, Ames. Ruth Schwebke—library instruction li­ brarian, Lovejoy Library—Southern Illinois niversityU , Edwardsville. Janifer T hompson—assistant serials cata­ loger—University of North Carolina library, Chapel Hill. H oward Wade—reference librarian—North­ ern Arizona University libraries, Flagstaff. Cynthia C. Wise—assistant librarian, special collections division—F lorida State Univer­ sity, Tallahassee. Jerry T. W right—serial records librarian— University of South Alabama, Mobile. R E T I R E M E N T Suzanne E nos has retired after eleven years as chief librarian of the Reference Room, Fal- vey Memorial Library, Villinova University, Pennsylvania. N. Orwin Rush, director of libraries, F lorida State University, retired recently after fifteen years of service. Gertrude P. Wildner, gifts and exchanges librarian, Florida State University, rętired in October after fourteen years of service. Overloaded with searches? You’ve got a fine reference section. And a reputation for good service. But because you’re good, you may have a problem : more literature searches than there’s time to do. That’s the time to ask /S/® Search Service for help. IS/ search specialists are experts at taking your to p ic—almost any topic in science or the social sciences— and developing a strategy of literature searching that provides a maximum of information in minimum time. And they’re backed up by the entire line of/S / services designed to find what you’re after—whether it was published 10 years or 10 days ago. They also have at their fingertips a variety of indexes and references from sources outside /S/. Get p r ofession al help from ISI’s team o f skilled search specialists. When searches pile up because there’s no time to do them, just give an IS/ search specialist a call (215/923-3300) or mail in the coupon below. For only $25 per hour (two- hour minimum), your professional, custom- tailored searches will be quickly underway.