ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1 9 9 6 /3 0 5 Preservation N ew s J a n e H ed berg C o n w a y co n sid ers d ig ital p re se rv a tio n Paul Conway, h ea d o f the Preservation D epartm ent at Y ale U niversity, has co m ­ p leted a report for th e Com­ mission on Preservation and Access titled “Preservation in the Digital W orld.” This re­ port is intended to describe the changing nature o f pres­ ervation as it encom passes new electronic m edia and to create a framework for u n ­ d e r s ta n d in g th a t c h a n g e . Conway postulates that the preservation con­ cepts that have b ee n developed for print and other traditional media during the past twenty years may no t all b e ap p ro p riate for digital media. He argues that w hile preservation of traditional media em phasizes the physical in­ tegrity o f th e object, preservation o f digital media m ust em phasize the intellectual integ­ rity o f the object. Access to information stored in digital form is so short lived, com pared to traditional forms, that preservation management should begin before creation o f the digital o b ­ ject. The Commission h o p es this report will stimulate discussion an d exploration o f these important issues. Copies are available for $15.00 from the Commission on Preservation and Ac­ cess, 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 740, W ashing­ ton, DC 20036-2117; phone: (202) 939-3400; fax: (202) 939-3407. Prepaym ent is required. Commission sponsors receive publications free of charge. ECPA o ffers Internet access The European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) has recently developed both a discussion list and a World Wide W eb site. They are intended to engender interest in and dis­ tribute information about preservation activi­ ties in Europe. The W eb site contains descrip­ tive material o n the ECPA, announcem ents, a calendar, conference summaries, a list o f p u b ­ lications, an d a list o f preservation institutes an d organizations, all w ritten in English. O ne may subscribe to the discussion list by sending the one-line message: subscribe EPIC- LST to The ad­ dress o f the W eb site is h ttp ://w w w .lib rary . k n aw .n l/ep ic/ec p atex / w elco m e.h tm . C o m m issio n /C LR p u b lish project list T he Commission on Preser­ vation and Access an d the C o u n c il o n L ib rary R e­ so u rce s (CLR) h av e p u b ­ lished a n ew report, “Digi­ tal C o llectio n s In v en to ry R eport.” As collections of d o c u m e n ts o n th e W eb have proliferated, the Com­ mission/CLR rea lize d th e value and inherent difficulty in identifying digital collec­ tions of interest to scholars. This 64-page report is the result o f their pre­ liminary project to inventory digital collections. It lists collections in four broad categories, plus Web sites that lead to digital collections. Copies are $20.00 from the Commission on Preservation and Access (see address in first item); phone: (202) 939-3400; fax: (202) 939- 3407. P rep ay m en t is req u ired . C om m ission sponsors receive publications free o f charge. NEDCC o ffers m icrofilm ing w o rk s h o p s The Northeast D ocum ent Conservation Center (NEDCC) has scheduled four m ore w orkshops about preservation microfilming. D esigned to train project administrators in planning, imple­ menting, an d m anaging filming projects, the w orkshops will also include information on digi­ tal technologies an d their role in hybrid pres­ ervation systems. Susan Wrynn, director o f Re­ prographic Services at NEDCC, is the principal instructor. The first w orkshop is May 13– 15 in Sacramento; the second is Ju n e 10– 12 in New Mexico; the third is Septem ber 9– 11 in North Carolina; an d the fourth is O ctober 7 -9 in New York City. Registration is $210, including p ur­ chase o f Preservation Microfilming: A G uide fo r Librarians a n d Archivists, o r $150 w ithout p ur­ chasing the guide. For m ore information, contact Gay Tracy, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (508) 470-1010; fax: (508) 475- 6021; e-mail: nedcc@ ■ J a n e Hedberg prepares this c o lu m n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Comm ission on Preservation a n d Access. Subm issions m ay be m a d e to: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 C entral St., Wellesley, MA 02181; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www.library mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU