ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1 9 9 6 /3 1 5 G rants a n d A cquisitions Hugh Thom pson T h e L ib r a r ie s o f The Claremont Colleges have re­ ceived a grant of $1 million from the Ahmanson Foun­ dation to acquire new tech­ nological capabilities and to u p g rad e existing te ch n o l­ ogy. The grant will enable th e lib r a r ie s to m a k e progress toward their goal of c o n n e c tin g v a rio u s ca m ­ puses, students, and faculty through electronic networks. C o lu m b ia U n iv e r s it y Libraries has received a grant of $25,000 from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation to sup­ port two projects to increase scholarly access to archives at Columbia. The Rare Book and Manuscript Library will get $16,000 to aid in the com pletion o f a project to catalog more than 300 valuable medieval and Renaissance manuscripts from the library’s collection. The remainder will assist the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library in cataloging drawings related to the archives of architect and builder Rafael Guastavino (1842– 1908). H a rv a rd U n iv e rsity 's Fine A rts L ib ra ry , along with the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the National Gallery of Canada, has received $160,000 to convert card files of art-auction cata­ logs to electronic format. The three participat­ ing institutions will contribute the records of the catalogs—which provide financial and prov­ enance information of works of art dating back to the 17th century—to SCIPIO, the Research Libraries G roup’s database of auction catalogs. The U n iversity of Ca lifo rnia -lrvine (UCI) Libraries has received two gifts: the 1996 Se­ nior Class Gift an d a special grant from the Friends of the Library. Graduating seniors are asked to m ake a pledge, the recipient of which is chosen by ballot. The Senior Class Gift for 1995 was more than $21,000. The Friends of the UCI Library have pledged $150,000 for the purchase of new furniture for the public areas in the renovated Main Library. The U niversity Lib raries a t W a y n e State University have received a bequest from the Gerald J., Myrna F., and Stuart L. Bernath estate in the am ount of $550,000. The gift will be used to sup­ port the establishment of the Stuart L. B ernath Seminar R o o m , to c o n s tr u c t th e G e ra ld J. a n d M yrna F. Bernath Auditorium, to es­ tablish the Bernath Family endowment for the purchase of library materials, and to fund th e B ernath Lecture Series in the areas of Ameri­ can history, diplomacy, and foreign affairs. A cq u isitio n s M ore th an 2 5 0 E d w a rd ia n no vels w r it­ ten betw een 1901 and 1915 have been acquired by the Fales Library of New York University. The acquisition will strengthen the library’s al­ ready extensive holdings of Edwardian p o p u ­ lar novelists. Authors in the collection include Edith Barclay, Harold Bindloss, Baroness Orczy, Max Pemberton, and many others. United M edia h as donated 7 1 6 volum es o f N ew sp ap er Enterprise Association p ro o f books dating from 1903 to 1977 to Ohio State University’s Cartoon, Graphic, and Photographic Arts Research Library. The collection of syndi­ cate proof books is unique as the only publicly available com plete run o f all of the new s sto­ ries and features offered by a major American n ew spaper syndicate. The proof books include comic strips and panel cartoons, daily world new s (from the Russo-Japanese War to the Carter p residency), editorial analysis (from n o ted colum nists such as H eyw ood Broun, D re w P e a r s o n , E rn ie P y le, a n d E le a n o r Roosevelt), and feature materials (including child training, movies, etiquette, sports, and gardening). A collection of a rt b o o k s, p e rio d ica ls, and auction catalogs has been acquired by the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Library. The gift, donated by brothers Joseph, Francis, N icholas, H enry, an d Louis Fazzano (w ho served as RISD’s president in 1992-93), totals 3 1 6 /C&RL News more than 8,200 items, in­ cluding 1,600 books, m ono­ graphs o f artists, exhibition catalogs, and fine press edi­ tions. The brothers also d o ­ n a te d re s e a rc h m aterials supporting a collection of 1920s and 1930s American prints that w ere given by the Fazzano family to RISD’s Museum o f Art in 1984. The p a p e rs of Jo e M a d ­ ison, m em b er o f th e Na­ tional Board o f the NAACP an d h ost o f the “Lunch with J o e ” talk-radio program in W a s h in g to n , D .C ., h a v e b e e n ac q u ired by Tulane U n iv ersity ’s A m istad Re­ search Center. Madison is former executive di­ rector o f the Detroit chapter o f the NAACP and president o f the Michigan Leadership Confer­ ence. H e w as th e n atio n al d irecto r for th e NAACP Voter Education Department (1979–86). His popular radio talk show w on the 1990 March o f Dimes A chievem ent in Radio Award, and the JayCees nam ed him one o f America’s Note­ w orthy Community Leaders in 1976, 1977, and 1978. The collection includes tapes, clippings, photographs, an d videos docum enting a life spent in the front lines o f civil rights. A collection of m a te ria ls b y a n d a b o u t A merican au th o r Jesse Stuart have b ee n ac­ quired by the University o f South Carolina. The gift from Lucille Jo rd an Palmer includes 15 printed titles, a substantial collection o f origi­ nal letters from Stuart to Palmer d ated from the 1950s to the 1970s, and a group o f inscribed cuttings an d offprints o f Stuart pieces w hich ap p eared in periodicals and learned magazines. The m ost important item is a rare first edition o f Stuart’s first book, Harvest o f Youth, p u b ­ lished in 1930 an d inscribed to Palmer. The p a p e rs of H e n ry W a sh in g to n B e n ­ ham, a colonel in the Corps o f Engineers w hose career included service in the Mexican War and the Civil War, have b ee n acquired by the Uni- Ed. n o te : Send y o u r new s to: G rants & A c ­ quisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H u ro n St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; e-mail: J o e M a d iso n a n d f r ie n d . M a d is o n ’s p a p e r s a r e n o w a t T u la n e U n iv e rsity . v ersity L ib raries’ S pecial Collections Division at the University o f Texas at Ar­ lington. The papers include four m anuscript m aps p re­ p are d by Benham during the Mexican War w hich at­ test to his talent as a mili­ tary cartographer. In addi­ tion, the collection includes a rare copy o f his recollec­ tions o f his service entitled Recollections o f Mexico a n d the B attle o f B u e n a Vista, M e x ic o , Feb. 2 2 n d a n d 23rd, 1847, p u b lish ed in Boston in 1871. From his Civil War service there are 20 m aps eith er d raw n or used by him, as well as let­ ters an d a handw ritten ledger b o o k with all the dispatches an d orders reflecting his actions in w estern Virginia. The p a p e rs of British p la y w rig h t Jo hn O sborne have b ee n acquired by the Harry Ran­ som Humanities Research Center at the Uni­ versity o f Texas at Austin. O sborne, w ho died Christmas Eve 1994, gained international fame in 1956 w h en his play Look B a ck in A nger was presented at London’s Royal Court Theatre. The collection includes handw ritten drafts of most of O sb o rn e’s w orks, such as The Entertainer, Luther, Inadm issible Evidence, an d A Patriot fo r Me, as well as clippings, photographs, posters, an d co rresp o n d en ce representing O sb o rn e’s dealings w ith m any p eople in the theater busi­ ness, an d ev en fan letters. T he handw ritten drafts for Look B a ck in A n g er w ere acquired by the Ransom Center in 1993. The a rc h iv e of noted p h o to g ra p h e r a n d author David Plow den o f Winnetka, Illinois, has b ee n acquired by the Beinecke Rare Book and M anuscript Library at Yale University. Since 1952, w h en he began to photograph steam lo­ comotives, Plow den has studied, docum ented, an d com m ented u p o n the transform ation of America. Com piled over m ore than 40 years, the archive includes m ore than 10,000 nega­ tives and contact prints, several thousand exhi­ bition a n d reproduction prints, field notebooks, journals, correspondence, research notes, drafts o f various publications, an d copies o f virtually all o f Plow den’s published work. ■