ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 576 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 INTERNET RESOURCES Children’s literature Useful sites for teachers, librarians, and students by Pam Werre and Ru Story-Huffman I n recent years, children’s literature has come to be considered a serious field of study. Information on the Internet has grea increased access to materials in the field. Gen­ eral information on authors and supplemen­ tary teaching materials are readily available on the Web; a welcome addition for class­ room teachers and their students. Still lacking, however, are the more schol­ arly critical and interpretative materials in children’s literature. The primary scholarly journals offer only limited content online or are available through subscription only. The serious student of children’s literature must not limit his or her research to Internet re­ sources only, but must continue to rely on the more traditional methods and resources for research. This selective list of children’s literature sites should be of interest to the practicing teacher and librarian as well as to the stu­ dent and scholar of children’s literature. In­ tentionally excluded from this bibliography are Internet resources in the area of young adult and adolescent literature. D isc u ssio n g ro u p s • CHILD_LIT. Child_Lit is a very active, unmoderated discussion group devoted to children’s literature. Created at Rutgers Uni­ versity in November 1993, Child_Lit is de­ tly signed for anyone with an interest in the com­ bination of children and literature. The list members are well versed in the field of children’s literature, which makes for an ex­ cellent source of information, contacts, and ideas. Access: http://w w w -mjoseph/childlit/about.html. Access: Send th e m e s s a g e SUBSCRIBE CHILD_LIT to listserv@email. • CHILDLIT-L. A relatively inactive elec­ tronic discussion list discussing all topics per­ taining to children’s literature. Access: Send th e m e s s a g e SUBSCRIBE CHILDLIT-L to listproc@lists. • r e c .a r ts .b o o k s.c h ild r e n s. An unmod­ erated newsgroup covering all aspects of children’s literature. According to the char­ ter, topics for discussion will include, but not be limited to, book reviews, authors, and discussion of issues raised by books. A FAQ for the new sgroup is available at h ttp :// C o m p re h e n siv e site s • C arol H urst’s C h ild ren ’s Literature Site. Designed with the teacher in mind, this site is useful to all interested in the use of children’s literature as an educational and entertaining tool. Features include book re- About the authors Pam Werre is public services librarian a t M oo rh ead State University in M oorhead, Minnesota, e-mail:; Ru Story-Huffman is public services librarian a t Cumberland College in Williamsburg, Kentucky, e-mail: rshuff@cc. C&RL News ■ Ju ly/A ugust 2000 / 57 7 views, the use o f child ren’s literature in the curriculum, authors and illustrators, and pro­ fession al topics. N ice features include the search function and e-m ail update option. Thou gh th e advertising on the pag es may distract som e, the con ten t is useful and m er­ its attention. A cce ss : http://www.carolhurst. com/. • C h ild re n ’s L iteratu re W eb Guide. This is th e prem iere site for child ren’s literature resources on the Web. David K. Brow n, Uni­ versity o f Calgary, has constructed a c o m ­ prehensive, w ell-organized, and search able site dedicated to child ren’s literature. Brow n includes resources for teachers, parents, sto­ rytellers, writers, and illustrators. A nice fea­ ture is the “Douchette Index o f Teaching Ideas for Children’s B o o k s,” an index to b o o k s and Web sites that contain useful teaching sug­ gestions. Also included is a list o f child ren’s literature electronic journals and b o o k review sources. A ccess: ~dkbrown/. • ISLMC C h ild r e n ’s L ite ra tu re a n d L an g u a g e A r ts R e s o u r c e s . W ith a fo cu s on child ren’s literature in education, this site is part o f th e In ternet Sch o ol Library Media C enter W eb site and was d evelop ed by Inez Ramsey at Ja m e s M adison University. It is di­ vided into ten broad categories that feature a selective list o f links. A good site for useful teaching ideas and lesson plans. Access: http:// • O n c e U p o n a T im e … A C h ild r e n ’s L ite ra tu r e W eb Site. Mary Ellen Van Camp, Ball State University, is the author and devel­ o p er o f this site. Intend ed for use in Van C am p ’s C h ild ren ’s Literature an d E nglish L ite r a tu r e c la s s e s , t h o s e in t e r e s t e d in c h ild ren ’s literature will also find this site useful. Num erous links to children’s litera­ ture sites are represented, plus som e links for libraries and m useum s. Van Camp m ain­ tains a useful section that contains inform a­ tion about authors o f ch ild ren ’s literature, w hich can ben efit scholars o f the genre. This site still provides useful information, although it was last updated in 1998. A cce ss: http:// O m evancam p/ouat. html. Research-oriented sites • A m e r ic a n L ib r a ry A s s o c ia tio n B o o k A w ard s. Collectively these pages give infor­ m ation about som e o f the m ost important b o o k aw ards in ch ild ren ’s literature. T h e Randolph Caldecott M edal1 is awarded to the artist o f the m ost dis­ tinguished A m erican p i c t u r e b o o k , th e Newbery Medal to the a u th o r o f th e m o st d istinguished con tri­ b u tio n to A m erican literature for children, and the Coretta Scott King Award to authors and illustrators o f Af- rican d escen t w h ose d istin gu ish ed b o o k s p ro m o te an u n d e r­ standing and ap p re­ ciation o f the “Ameri­ can D ream .” T he pages give background in­ form ation on the awards and a com p reh en ­ sive list o f award-winning titles. • C aldecott Medal H om e P age. A c c e ss: • C o re tta S c o tt K in g Aw ard. A c c e s s : • N ew bery M edal H om e P age. A ccess: http :// www. ala. org/ alsc/new bery. htm l. • d e G ru m m o n d C h ild r e n ’s L ite ra tu r e C o l l e c t i o n . L o ca te d at th e U niversity o f S o u th ern M ississip p i, th e d e G ru m m ond Children’s Literature C ollection is a reposi­ tory and research c en ter for the study o f child ren’s literature. T h e collection is com ­ p osed o f original illustrations, manuscripts, and published b o o k s that focu s on American an d B ritis h c h ild r e n ’s litera tu re. T h e d e G rum m ond C ollection is the main repository for the works o f Ezra Ja c k Keats and c o n ­ tains num erous galleys, illustrations, and in­ form ation. T h e collection is expanding with e ach passing year, as evid enced by the re­ cen t addition o f H. A. Rey materials. This site is an excellen t exam p le for other special c o l­ lection d epositories to follow . Not only will W eb page d evelopers find this site useful, re s e a r c h e r s an d s c h o la rs in th e field o f http://www.carolhurst 578 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 children’s literature will, too. Access: http:// • H is to ry o f C h ild r e n ’s L ite r a tu r e . These pages, developed by Kay Vandergrift, a professor o f children’s literature at Rutgers School o f Communication, Information and Library Studies, offer a useful overview of the history o f children’s literature and link to extensive bibliographies and other resources that she has compiled. A useful resource for the student o f children’s literature, as is the larger um brella site (.Access: http://www. Access, kay/history.html. • Reading About C h ild ren ’s Literature: A B ib liograp h y o f C riticism . Developed to accom p an y P le a s u r e s o f C h i ld r e n ’s L it e r a ­ tu re, 2nd edition by Perry Nodelm an, this site inclu des a bibliograp hy o f b o o k s and journal articles from the 1st edition o f the sam e title. During pu blication o f th e 2nd edition, Nodelman revised and updated the bibliography, and m ade it available via the Web. W hile not a “critical” evaluation o f ch ild ren ’s literature p er se, this site may lead to print resou rces o f interest to sch o l­ ars and students. N odelm an’s intention is to publish a 3rd edition o f P le a s u r e s o f C h ild r e n ’s L iter a tu re, and w e anticipate ad­ ditional w ork and information on the Web. Access, criticism.htm. Author and illustrator sites • A u th o r s a n d I l l u s t r a t o r s o n th e W e b . T h is s e c t i o n o f D a v id B r o w n ’s C h ild r e n ’s L itera tu re Web G u id e is dedicated to children’s authors and illustrators. Arranged alphabetically, Brown includes brief descrip­ tions o f the author sites and indicates those that are particularly com prehensive and use­ ful. A ccess: http://w w w -dkbrown/ authors. html. • F a ir ro s a C y b er L ibrary: A u th ors an d Illu strato rs. Part o f the Fairrosa Cyber Li­ brary (Access: ies/fairrosa), this site features a nice selec­ tion o f authors and illustrators for both children’s picture books and young adult novels and nonfiction. Recom m ended for anyone wishing information on a favorite author/illustrator, students doing research, or those interested in the creators o f children’s literature. Access: braries/fairrosa/cl. authors. html. • In d e x to I n te rn e t Sites: C h ild re n ’s an d Y o u n g A dults’ A uth ors an d Illu stra­ to r s . A very simple, yet com prehensive list o f authors and illustrators that is part o f the Internet School Library Media Center Web site, developed by Inez Ramsey at Jam es Madi­ son University. Ramsey has included teacher resource files, where available, to b e used when teaching specific authors or texts. A c ­ c e s s : h ttp :/ / fa lc o n .jm u .e d u / ~ ra m s e y il/ biochildh om e.h tm . • M e e t A u t h o r s a n d I l l u s t r a t o r s . C h ild r e n ’s Literature'll an electronic and print book review source that also includes addi­ tional information on children’s literature. O n e fe a tu r e o n th e W eb v e rs io n is a browsable author/illustrator list highlighting w e ll-k n o w n -authors and illu strato rs o f c h ild r e n ’s b o o k s . A c c e s s : http://w w w . Organization and association sites • A m erican A sso ciatio n o f S ch o o l Li­ b ra ria n s (AASL). This is the Web site for AASL, a division o f the ALA for school librar­ ians and school library media specialists. In­ cluded are conference and event informa­ tion, the new national guidelines and stan­ dards, professional materials for handling book and material challenges, resources on Internet filtering, and AASL mission and po­ sition statements. Access, aasl/index.html. • A ss o c ia tio n fo r L ib ra ry S erv ice to C h ild r e n (A LSC ). Supp ortin g c h ild re n ’s librarianship is the stated goal o f the ALSC, a division o f the ALA. Through the ALSC Web site, m em bers and n onm em bers can d iscover asso ciatio n new s, co n fe re n c e in­ form ation, and links to various related Web sites. Sch o o l and p u b lic librarian s w ho w ork with child ren will find this site u se­ ful and m em bers will find a d irect route to in v o lv em en t in th e a s so c ia tio n . A c c e ss : • C h ild ren ’s B oo k C o m m ittee at B ank S treet C ollege. The Children’s B ook Com­ mittee at Bank Street College was formed 75 years ago with the purpose o f selecting the best children’s books published each year. The site provides information on the com ­ mittee, its book awards and publications, and http://www http://www C&RL News • July/August 2000 / 579 its annual list o f the 600 best children’s books. A ccess: • Th e C h ild ren ’s B oo k C o un cil (CBC) Online. The CBC has been in existence since 1945 and provides various opportunities for encouraging reading in children. The CBC Online has links o f interest to publishers, authors, teachers, librarians, booksellers, and parents. In addition, special events are high­ lighted and presented. The Teachers and Li­ brarians Page features information about new books, noteworthy authors and illustrators, bibliographies, reading activities, featured topic forums, and authors. Members o f the CBC will find this site useful for council news, while librarians and teachers will discover useful ideas for use in the classroom. Access-. • C h i l d r e n ’s L i t e r a t u r e A s s e m b ly (CLA). Affiliated with the National Council o f Teachers o f English, th e CLA p r o m o te s children’s literature and its teaching. The site in­ cludes the CLA’s an­ nual list o f n o ta b le children’s trade books in the language arts, its annual report, and a list o f the Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children. Access. • C h ild re n ’s L ite ra tu re A ss o c ia tio n . P ro m o tin g s ch o la rs h ip and re s e a rch in children’s literature, the Children’s Literature Association Web page presents membership information, an overview o f the association, conference information, and links to its pub­ lications, including a topical index to CbLA Quarterly. While designed to promote and support the association, this Web site will pro­ vide the general learner with information. Ac­ cess. html. • S ociety o f C h ild ren ’s B oo k W riters a n d Illu strators (SCBW1). Repre­ s e n tin g th e w riter’s side o f children’s litera­ ture, SCBW I is the only profes­ sional organiza­ tion dedicated to the writers and il­ lustrators o f children’s books. The site pro­ vides information about the children’s pub­ lishing industry as well as the Golden Kite Award lists and selected SCBWI publications. Access: Electronic journals • B oo k Links. Published by Booklist Pub­ lications, B o o k Lin ks is a journal for teachers, librarians, and those interested in the use and enjoyment o f children’s literature. The Web version o f B o o k Lin ks provides selected ar­ ticles, indexes, subscription information, and submission information. This Web site should prove useful for anyone looking to subscribe to the journal, while others may find the in­ d e x and b a c k a rtic le s o f s o m e v a lu e. Access: • Bulletin o f th e C en ter fo r C h ild ren ’s B oo k s. Founded in 1945, the B u lletin is one o f the m ajor review ing journals devoted to current b o o k s for children. T he e le c ­ tronic version provides selected reviews and bibliograp hies with an archive o f se ­ lected articles and topical bibliograp hies dating to 1997. Su bscribers to the print version have a ccess to an onlin e search ­ able database o f the journal, including the full-text o f all b o o k reviews. Access: http:// • C h ild ren ’s L iteratu re. C h ild r e n ’s Lit­ e r a tu r e is a review publication that highlights recently published books. The Web site for C h ild r e n ’s L iter a tu re provides them ed re­ views and related sites o f interest, including teaching materials and conference informa­ tion. Visitors to the Web site also have the opportunity to request a sample issue o f the C hildren ’s Literature Newsletter. Access, http:// • T he H o rn Book. Published sin ce 1924, T he H orn Book, is a bi­ monthly publication of children’s literature re­ views and critical articles and essays. The online v e rsio n p ro v id e s s e ­ lected articles, editorials, and articles from the most recent issue and an index to reviews in the The Horn Bock Magazine Volume 1. Number 1 (c o n tin u e d o n p a g e 5 8 8 )