ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 I 611 Washington Hotline Lynne E. Bradley There are only around 30 legislative days left to the second session of this 106th Congress. With the July 4 recess, timeout for the political party conventions, and Labor Day recess, there is little time to get much work done betw een now and October, when the Congress wants to go hom e to campaign. This kind of legisla­ tive session requires an “end gam e” strategy, needing library advocates to stay informed of the important legislation and maintain constant grassroots pressure on their representatives and senators to support library positions. Appropriations The main work that Congress m ust complete is FY2001 Appropriations. At this writing, li­ brary supporters are waiting for floor votes in the House o f Representatives on the Labor- HHS-Education appropriations bill, H.R. 4577 — which contains the main library funding for the Library Services an d T echnology Act (LSTA). The Senate version is bill S. 2553- ALA and other library advocates have been fighting for LSTA funding at the full level re­ quested by the Clinton Administration: $173 million. This compares with the House level of $168 million and the Senate level of $170 million. A filtering amendm ent, which w ould require that blocking and filtering software be installed in libraries and schools, to use fed­ eral funding for computer-related activities, is still pending. In previous efforts, this am end­ ment, sponsored by Rep. Ernest Istook (R-Okla- homa), has been removed but in this conten­ tious election year, it is unknow n w hether the library community and others will succeed at cutting this out of the Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill. The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and other funding at the G overnment Printing Office were targeted for severe cuts by the House Appropriations Committee ear­ lier this spring. The House bill, H.R. 4516, pro­ poses a cut of 25% to GPO, which translates into a 62% cut to the FDLP by eliminating most printing functions at GPO. This w ould require Lynne E. Bradley is Office o f Government Relations director o f ALA’s Washington Office: e-mail: the FDLP program to become exclusively elec­ tronic. The proposed House cuts w ould also eliminate the regular printing of compilations to the U.S. Code. This is just one example of important access to governm ent information that w ould be lost to the American public, unless they can pay private sources or have full electronic access. The legislative branch appropriations also cover the Library of Con­ gress, the Government Accounting Office, and other congressional agencies and expenses. The Senate Appropriations Committee was far m ore reasonable. The comm ittee voted unanimously on S. 2603 to support level fund­ ing for all legislative branch agencies. Level funding for GPO w ould still cause serious cuts in several areas, which is why supporters have been pressing for passage o f the Senate pro­ posal. Database legislation With Congress involved with these and sev­ eral other appropriations bills that must be passed before Congress can go sine die or into final recess in October, there is less opportu­ nity for votes on other issues, such as the du­ eling database bilks. ALA and its allies have supported the “good" database bill, H.R. 1858, which is more reasonable and balanced in its approach to providing additional protections to databases in the electronic environment. The “bad” database bill, H.R. 354, is overbroad and problematic for the library community. Aca­ demic librarians have been especially helpful in seeking support for the preferred bill and arguing against the offensive bill. Check the ALA Web site for legislative up­ dates on these and other issues at: h ttp :// w ww At this site, readers can find the latest re­ ports from the online newsletter, ALAWON, issue briefs, and other information posted about all of these issues. You can also find a link to the online ALA Legislative Action Center, which helps advocates send personalized printed or electronic letters to their respective senators and congressional representatives by provid­ ing sam ple letters and messages and a zip- code link to identify congressional offices, ■