ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 616 / C&RL News ■ JulyAugust 2000 New Publications George M. Eberhart A Field Guide fo r the Sight-Impaired Reader, by Andrew Leibs (247 pages, January 2000), is an introduction, for both blind stu­ dents and academic librarians who work with them, on how to locate, obtain, and integrate many different resources to create a world of reading equal to that of the fully sighted. In addition to providing annotated listings of tech­ nological, Internet, Braille, and large-print aids, it offers chapters on how to find and manage readers and winning strategies for many aca­ demic reading tasks. Appendixes include a state-by-state resource guide and a list of com­ mercial audio publishers. The type is large and the scope is broad. $49.95. Green­ w ood Press. ISBN 0-313-30969-8. Historical Encyclopedia o f Atom ic Energy, by Stephen E. A tkins (491 p a g e s , J a n u a r y 2000), includes more than 450 entries that trace the history of nuclear energy from the discov­ ery of uranium to the Com pre­ hensive Test Ban Treaty. Topics encom pass scientific processes, terms and concepts, nuclear ac­ cidents, test sites, protest m ove­ ments, treaties, international or­ ganizations, and biographies of scientists and leaders involved with the d e ­ velopment of atomic energy. Suggested read­ ings accom pany each essay. $65.00. G reen­ w ood Press. ISBN 0-313-30400-9. Hollywood Death and Scandal Sites, by E. J. Fleming (281 pages. May 2000), pro­ vides directions for 16 driving tours that e n ­ compass famous graves, haunted celebrity homes, the locations of famous murders and deaths, and scandalous locations. Yes, this book will be difficult to justify as a curricu­ lar expense; however, if your film-collection budget is liberal, give this a try. Where else will you find photos of the houses w here Ida Lupino, Keenan Wynn, Peter Lorre, and George M. Eberhart is senior editor o f American Libraries; e-mail: Bugsy Siegel died; the graves of Joan Hackett, Mack Sennett, Rita Hayworth, Sharon Tate, and Bela Lugosi; the hom es haunted by the ghosts o f G eorge Wolf, Jean Harlow, and Ozzie Nelson; and the m urder sites of Phil H artm an , T h elm a T odd, N icole B row n Simpson, Dorothy Stratten, Bobby Fuller, Ray Raymond, and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca? A com prehensive index allows you to lo­ cate your favorite stars and their infamous activities. $35.00. McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-0160-5. In the Footsteps o f Eve: The Mystery of Human Origins, by Lee Berger, w ith Brett H ilton-B arber (304 pages, June 2000), tracks the dis­ co v ery o f fossil h o m in id s in South Africa and the origins of Berger’s hypothesis that hum an ancestors evolved in South Af­ rica, not East Africa—the theo­ retical favorite since the finding o f th e b o n e s o f Lucy (A ustralopithecus afarensis) in Ethiopia by Donald Johanson’s team in 1973. Berger tells the story in a largely autobiographi­ cal fashion, enticing readers into the excitement of the search in a s u b t le , p e r s o n a l w ay . T h e r o b u s t australopiths of South Africa, according to the author, share more characteristics with our remote ancestor Homo ha bilis than Lucy, w ho was an evolutionary dead end. The answ er lies in the postcranial fossil bones (those below the head), w hich are much rarer than crania and have not been studied as closely. Read this book and you w on't ever again consider tibias trivial. $26.00. National G eographic Adventure Press. ISBN 0-7922-7682-5. The Inca World: The Development of Pre­ Columbian Peru, A.D. 1000-1534, edited by Laura Laurencich Minelli (240 pages, March 2000), is an English translation of a 1992 Italian w ork that examines the social, political, and artistic structures of the Late In- C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 677 termediate and Inca Empire periods in Peru. Various contributors look at the ceramic styles o f the different señ oríos or chiefdoms; the Sicán, Chimú, and Chincha cultures; ceramic, goldwork, and textile arts; the cultural im­ portance o f the Ceja de Selva region in sup­ plying coca and exotic bird feathers; the ori­ gins o f the Incas and their enem ies, the Chanca; the economic and political system o f the Inca Empire at its height; the use of the quipu; and the prodigious stoneworks that constitute Incan architecture. One find­ ing is that the instability o f the Inca state, and the discontent of its inhabitants who were continually forced to till the state lands as serfs, was responsible for the collapse o f the empire, rather than a handful o f adventur­ ous Conquistadors. $49-95. University o f Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-8061-3221-3. M i l e n i o s d e M é x ic o , by H u m berto Musacchio (3,384 pages, 3 vols., July 2000), is a lavishly illustrated, full-color, hardcover, Spanish-language encyclopedia about every­ thing and everyone Mexican. Antiquities, geography, science, art, sports, popular cul­ ture, music, literature, food, religion, and social and educational institutions are all cov­ ered in some depth with a large number of specific entries. The biographical information in these volumes alone justifies their acquisi­ tion, and the number and type o f graphics leave many American encyclopedias o f simi­ lar size and scope behind in a cloud o f dust. Musacchio is an internationally recognized journalist and contributor to such periodicals as R eform a and ¡Siem pre! A superb reference work for anyone studying Mexican history or the Spanish language. $289.00. Whitehurst & Clark, 100 Newfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837. ISBN 968-6565-34-5. A N a t u r a lis t 's G u id e t o t h e Tro p ics, by Marco Lambertini (312 pages, May 2000), covers the flora and fauna o f all tropical re­ gions in Asia, Africa, and South America. Di­ rected at tourists who return home “with only the memory o f large hotels and restaurants, or o f beaches that all seem ed to b e about the sam e,” this guide intends to inspire lofty ecotourism in the most jaded o f beach bums. The chapters describe the clim ate, soils, plants, animals, mangroves, forests, coral reefs, savannas, deserts, and ecology o f those latitudes betw een 230 north and south. As Lambertini proclaims, “It is time that the natu­ ral life o f our planet b e felt as a common patrimony.” This is a text for “responding to many o f the curiosities and questions that arise spontaneously in the tropical tourist w ho has taken an interest in the natural w orld.” A field guide to skim and savor. $25.00. University o f Chicago Press. ISBN 0- 226-46828-3. O n ce u p o n a n A m e r ic a n D re a m : The S t o r y o f E u r o D is n e y la n d , by Andrew Lainsbury (292 pages, March 2000), ponders w hether the French them e park was an American exp ort or a E uropean import. Lainsbury, a Disney fan and form er em ­ ployee, looks at its vision, its blunders, and its rescue by a Saudi Arabian prince. This is the story o f how Disney imagineers rein­ vented their narrow American entertainment concept to becom e a global corporate en­ terprise. $35-00. University Press o f Kansas. ISBN 0-7006-0989-X. T h e O r a n g u t a n s , by Gisela Kaplan and Lesley J. Roberts (192 pages, May 2000), does for the red tree apes o f Indonesia what Jan e Goodall and Dian Fossey did for chimps and gorillas. The authors give an intimate, first­ hand account o f orangutan mothering skills, learning capacity, problem-solving abilities, tool use, visual and vocal signaling, and mat­ ing activities. An introductory section ex­ plains the evolution o f the great apes and explains the orangutan’s specialized adap­ tations. Unfortunately, given their rapidly dwindling rain-forest habitat, orangutans face a bleak future. Kaplan and Roberts provide many photos that capture characteristic or­ angutan facial expressions. $23.00. Perseus. ISBN 0-7382-0290-8. Anne E. Russon’s O rangutans: W izards o f th e R ain Forest (222 pages, March 2000), is an excellent, well-illustrated supplement that documents the behaviors o f a group of red apes at a research site, Camp Leakey, in Borneo. These orangutans’ ability to mimic human behaviors resulted in their helping to wash clothes, weed camp paths, hammer and chop wood, sw eep porches, and per­ form other tasks that kept the camp func­ tioning. $29.95. Firefly Books. ISBN 1-55209- 453-7. ■