ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 625 CLASSIFIED Ads Career opportunities from across the country D e a d lin e s: O rders fo r regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $9.50 per line for institutions that are AC R L mem bers, $11.50 for others. Late job notices are $22.00 per line fo r institutions that are ACRL members, $26.75 fo r others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m embership status. Display ad rates range from $435 to $820 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. O r see our W eb site: http:// w w w l. G u id e lin e s : For ads th a t list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the October issue). All job a nnouncem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library A ssociation (ALA) . Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim i­ natory references. Applicants should be aware th a t the term s fa cu lty rank and sta tu s vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL /Veivsclassified ads are accessible on the W eb at http;//w w w .a ia .o rg/acrl/c& rln e w 2 .h tm l. Ads will be placed approxim ately 2 - 3 w eeks before the printed edition of C&HL N ew s is published. Contact: Nicole W heatley, Editorial Assistant, C lassified Advertising D epartm ent, ACRL, Am erican Library Asso cia ­ tion, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 2 80 ­ 2513; fax: (312) 2 80-7663 o r (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c&rlnewsads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICE LIBRARIAN. The Oregon Institute of Technology Library is seeking a creative, sen/ice-oriented Access Services Librarian to manage the operations of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Reserves, This is a full-tim e, 12-month, fixed-term position with faculty rank. Responsibilities: This position reports to the Director of the Library. The successful candidate will supervise one full-tim e support staff and several student assistant positions. The Access Services Librarian will promote cooperation with other libraries, manage relations with com m ercial docu m e nt delivery suppliers and work with oth e r staff to develop policies that im prove and enhance access to OIT Library's collections and services. The librarian will be responsible for collection d evelopm ent in selected curriculum area, including governm ent docum ents. T h is position requires teaching library-related classes and rotating hours, including evenings and weekends, at the reference desk. The librarian will also provide leadership in providing and developing service to distance learners, including m aintenance of the L ibrary's W eb pages. Requirem ents: Master's degree from an ALA -a ccre dited program o r equivalent; dem onstrated technical skills related to Internet technologies (e.g., managing W eb pages o r W eb sites): strong public services attitude; the ability to work in dependently and in collaboration with others; e xcellen t o ral, w ritte n , in te rp e rso n a l, and p u b lic re la tio n s skills; flexibility; the capacity to learn q uickly and constantly: and the ability to w ork e ffectively in a changing environm ent. Preferred: Supervisory experience: two years' e xperience in an academ ic library access services department; knowledge of electronic requesting and delivering tech n olo g ie s; e x p e rie n ce w ith In n o va tive In te rface s and A R IE L technology. Application review will begin July 20. 2000, and continue until p ositio n is fille d . T o a pply, send a le tte r of a p p lica tio n , resum e, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three professional references to: O ffice o f Human R esources - #99-33011. O re g o n In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , 3201 Cam pus Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. For further inform ation, contact: Tom Leonhardt, S earch Chair, at (541) 885-1770, o r visit O IT's W eb site at w w w .o it.ed u . O IT is an affirmative action, equal opportunity, ADA em ployer. A N G LO -A M E R IC A N B IB L IO G R A P H E R . The Colum bia U niversity Libraries seek an Anglo-American Bibliographer to be responsible for developm ent of a strong research co llection of m aterials in all form ats in the history and literatures of the United S tates, C anada, and Britain. The Bibliographer also provides inform ation services within Butler Library, C olum bia U niversity’s main history and hum anities library. The Bibliographer w ill select books and serials in the above fields fo r Butler Library’s stack collections and participate in selection of electronic and m icrofo rm m a te ria ls in tho se fie lds fo r the U n ive rsity L ib ra rie s. S/he will also serve as the Libraries' liaison to a ppropriate academ ic departm ents and w ill w o rk closely w ith faculty and graduate students, assisting them in the use of library resources and assuring that the Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting salary figures recommended by state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Jobseekers and employers should consider these recommended minim ums when evaluating professional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641” Ohio $25,198" Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,240 * R a th e rth a n e sta b lish one s ta te w id e sa lary m inim um , som e s la te a sso c ia tio n s h ave a do p te d a fo rm u la based on va ria bles such as c o m p a ra b le sa larie s fo r p u b lic sch oo l te a ch e rs in each co m m u n ity, o r the g ra de level or a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n post. In th e se ca ses, you m ay w ish to co n ta c t the state a sso cia tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in form atio n . **T h e se re co m m e n d a tio n s a pp ly o n ly to p u b lic lib ra ria n s. collections are d eveloped co nsiste nt with the research and teaching n eeds of the U n ive rsity co m m u n ity. R e po rtin g to the D irector, H u m a nities and History Libraries, and working clo se ly with the Associate University Librarian, who coordinates collection development systemwide, the Bib lio gra p he r will wo rk with oth e r units of the Libraries in processing and p rovision of a ccess to the m aterials in the above fields. The Bib lio gra p he r w ill a lso play an active role in the p reservation of these co lle ction s and assist in selection of m aterials fo r location at the Libraries’ offsite storag e facilities. W orking w ith the Butler R eference 626 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 Department, which provides reference service to Columbia’s under­ graduate and graduate students, faculty, and researchers, the Bibliog­ rapher will serve limited hours at the Butler Reference Desk and provide consultation service to researchers as appropriate. Requirements are: advanced degree in a relevant su bje ct field (P h.D. and MLS are preferred); significant experience as a bibliographer in the field of history and/or literature at a research library or comparable academic experience; intimate knowledge of the literature and culture of the United States, Canada, and Great Britain; intimate knowledge of the literature and culture of the United States and Western Europe; demonstrated oral and written communications skills; and ability to work effectively with colleagues and users at all levels in a complex academic setting. Reading knowledge of Spanish or French is desirable. Salary ranges (which will increase July 1,2000) are currently: Librarian I: $37,500-$46,875; Librarian II: $39,500-$53,325; Librarian III: $42,500-$63,750. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send letter of application, résumés, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Robert Reiter, Human Resources Office, Box 18 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Cover letter must specify Job #UL70100012; please include e-mail address in cover letter. Screening of applications will begin July 31, 2000. Columbia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT ARCHIVIST/SOUTHWEST COLLECTION. Texas Tech University Libraries. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Assistant Dean of the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, this continuing- appointment-track position collects and manages archival materials, including assessment, accessioning, arrangement and description of collections, identification of materials for conservation/preservation, maintaining use and processing statistics, reference work, participation in professional activities of archival, historical, and library communities, and public outreach. Qualifications: MA in history o r related field with preference given to knowledge of Texas and the American Southwest; or MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Formal archival course work required. One year's experience in archives o r manuscript repository. Knowledge of archival procedures for manuscript processing essential. Familiarity with processing procedures for photographic and oral history collections. Strong organizational ability. Computer profi­ ciency and knowledge of automation as it applies to archival control including MARC and EAD. Strong oral and written skills. One year supervisory experience. Salary/Benefits: Hiring range $29,916-$42,156, depending on qualifications. Benefits include choice of group medical and retirement programs; 15 state holidays, 10 days' vacation; developmental leave opportunities; partial moving expenses and no state o r local income tax. General Information: Texas Tech University is a state-supported institution with an enrollment of 25,000. It is the newest of four major comprehensive state universities in Texas. A wide range of academic programs is offered in nine colleges and Schools of Law, Medicine, and Allied Health/Nursing, including nearly 100 degree offerings at the master’s level and 50 at the doctoral level. The University Library has 2.1 million volum es, an annual budget of over $9 million and is a member of the Association of Research Libraries. The Lubbock area (population 225,000) is the West Texas center for education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Additional inform ation about TTU and its libraries is available at http:// To Apply: Send letter of application, current résumé, and names of three references familiar with the applicant’s job history, including mail/e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers to: SWC Archivist Search Committee, Texas Tech University, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409- 1041. Telephone: (806) 742-3749. Fax: (806) 742-0496. Applications received by July 31,2000, will be given first consideration and position will remain open until filled. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTIO N COORDINATOR/R EFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Auburn University Montgomery (AUM) Library seeks aqualified individual fo r a tenure-track position. Required: An ALA-MLS degree or equivalent; one year's experience relating to reference and bibliographic instruction; good communication, interpersonal, organi­ zational, and written skills; knowledge of basic reference sources. Desirable: Experience with computer-assisted reference service, and collection development. Responsibilities: Coordinates the operations of the bibliographic instruction program, including teaching library instruc­ tion courses and giving orientations to user groups. Assists in the provision of reference services. May participate in some collection development activities based upon subject interest. Salary: $30,000, plus standard benefits. To apply, send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 627 A S S IS T A N T A R C H IV IS T A m h erst C ollege Am herst College, a private undergraduate liberal arts college for men and wom en, with 1,600 students and 165 faculty, invites appli­ cations fo r the position of A ssistant A rchivist at the Robert Frost Library. Located in w est­ ern M assachusetts, A m herst participates with Hampshire, M ount Holyoke, and Smith C ol­ leges and the U niversity of M assachusetts in the Five C ollege Consortium . Reporting to the A rchivist of the C ollege and Special C ollections C oordinator, the can di­ date will pa rticipate in all aspects of the College A rchives and S pecial C ollections o p­ erations. Position will have prim ary responsi­ bility fo r providing reference services to col­ lections, and for overseeing the records m an­ agem ent com ponent of the departm ent, and will participate in the appraisal, arrangem ent, and description of collections, including elec­ tronic inform ation resources. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : G ra d u a te d e g re e or equivalent experience in an historical, library, or related discipline or from a form al program of archival education required; m inim um 5 years of p o st-ad vance d degree experience in a professional archival position with in­ creasing responsibility required, preferably in an academ ic setting; knowledge of current archival and records standards and practices required; and A C A certification desirable. D em o nstra ted e xp erien ce w ith standard desktop softw are applications and network electronic resources required; related expe­ rience with M AR C -AM C cataloging, HTML, SGML, and EAD coding, and W eb applications highly desirable. C andidate m ust possess strong interpersonal skills and service orien­ tation; effective oral and w ritten com m unica­ tion skills; and the ability to lift, move, and shelve packed record storage boxes w eighing up to 40 lbs. This is a full-tim e position with com petitive salary and benefits. C andidates should sub­ mit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the nam es of three references to: Librarian of the College Robert Frost Library Am herst College P.O. Box 5000 A m h e rs t, MA 0 1 0 0 2 -5 0 0 0 Applications/résum és will be accepted until the position is filled. Am herst College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages women, minorities, and disabled persons to apply. ASSISTANT DEAN FOR LIBRARY SERVICES Indiana S tate U niversity 12-m onth, tenure-track position. Prim ary re­ sponsibilities include w orking closely w ith A s­ sociate Dean for Library Services in a manage­ ment team structure. Provide creative lead­ ership in planning, im plem enting, coordinat­ ing, evaluating day-to-day library operations including personnel, budget, facilities. REQUIREM ENTS: ALA-accredited master's in Library Science, in Inform ation Science, or equivalent degree. M inim um 5 years of dem ­ on strate d ac h ie v e m e n t and progre ssively responsible adm inistrative experience in an academ ic library. Proven ability to solve prob­ lems creatively and com m unicate effectively. O utstanding oral, w ritten, interpersonal com ­ m unication skills. SALAR Y: D ependent on faculty rank for which candidate qualifies; ranging in the $50s. Send nam es/addresses/phone num bers of 3 references to: Marsha Miller Search Com m ittee Chair ISU Library Terre Haute, IN 47809 Indiana S tate U niversity, located in w est central Indiana, invites applicants to access h ttp ://o d in .in d s ta te .e d u /le v e l1 .d ir /jo b .d ir / jobs.htm l fo r com plete requirem ents and po­ sition descriptions. R eview of applications begins im m ediately and continues until posi­ tions are filled. ISU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Chair, Bl C oordinator Search C ommittee, Auburn University Mont­ gom ery Library, P.O. Box 244023, M ontgomery, AL 36124-4023. The Committee will begin reviewing applications August 2 4 ,2 00 0, and will continue until the position is filled. AUM is an EEO/AA employer. Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. W ash­ ington State University Libraries. Currently open. Background: Seek energetic, versatile, service-oriented librarian with a business or econom ics background to join the d ynam ic and collegial Humanities/ Social Sciences Public Services department. Responsibilities: Provides the full range of reference, collection developm ent, and instructional services to faculty and students in departm ents of the College of Business and Economics. Offering BA through Ph.D. degrees, the college is a ccre dite d by A AC S B — T he In te rn a tio n a l A sso cia tio n fo r M an­ a g e m e n t Education. Duties include cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with faculty and students, com m unicating effectively to facilitate awareness o f resources and services, selecting print and electronic resources fo r assigned departments, and developing Web- based resources. Essential to the position is a high level of consultation between faculty and students and the librarian. The person in this position also provides reference service in hum anities/social sciences disciplines, law and governm ent information; participates in the Libraries' general library instruction program. Performs some weekend and evening work. Reports to the Head, Humanities/Social Sciences 628 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN Florida Gulf Coast University FGCU, located in southwest Florida, seeks a creative professional to manage resource developm ent in a team-based, technology-rich environm ent with complex outsourcing relationships. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a new institution in the State University System that is committed to using the latest information technology for teaching and learning and supporting innovation and professional development. The Resource Management Librarian will foster a content-based approach to materials evaluation and acquisition, integrating traditional and electronic formats. Determines collection developm ent (CD) needs and priorities; m aintains and implements CD policy, coordinates collaborative CD efforts, represents FGCU on a statewide electronic collections committee, working with other library teams regarding access to resources and management of the library materials budget; coordinates the technical and business arrangements for electronic resources; works closely with the Technical Services and Systems Teams on issues such as product trials, licensing agreements, user authen­ tication, and tracks renewals and price increases. Develops and leads the library liaison program, including evaluating the program, coordinating and supporting the w ork of library liaisons, facilitating com munication with the cam pus com munity about library services and collections. C ontributes to the Reference Team and to library wide policy developm ent as a member of the library leadership team. Contributes to a collegial atm osphere with library and across the University and participates in service to the University and the community. Shared responsibility for faculty governance. Stays abreast of changes in the electronic m anagement of information through scholarship and professional developm ent activities. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, CD experience, knowledge of e-resources and CD issues/trends, experience managing com plex projects, strong service orientation. Prefer excellent leadership skills and the ability to facilitate group decision-m aking and planning processes, to work in a collegial and collaborative manner; effective problem -solving skills; ability to meet challenging situations with flexibility and tact. Understanding national trends in scholarly com m uni­ cation, library policy issues, and information technologies related to higher education. APPOINTMENT: A t faculty rank and salary on a 12-month, multiyear basis: Assistant University Librarian with 3 years experience; Associate University Librarian with 5 years experience; University Librarian with 8 years experience. Salary: $35,000-$50,000. TO APPLY: Subm it two packages, one original and one photocopy, including letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and a list of 5 references postmarked by July 28, 2000, to: Florida Gulf Coast University P o sitio n #1 01 72 Director, Human Resources 10501 FGCU Boulevard S. Ft. Myers, FL 33965-6565 Finalists will be required to provide official transcripts. FGCU is an EO/EA/AAI. Public Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited degree. Degree in business or economics o r demonstrated knowledge of business o r economics through combination of educational background and experience. Experience with print and electronic resources in business and economics. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Desired: Reference experience in an academic or research library. Teaching or instruction experience. Familiarity with statistical soft­ ware. R elated second advanced degree. K nowledge of learning technologies. Ability to design and create Web sites and pages. Strong commitment to public service. Salary: From $30,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA-CREF, broad insurance program, 22' days vacation and 12 days' sick leave per year. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references with complete mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses to: Bonny L. Boyan, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, W A 99164-5610; o r e-m ail: b oyan@ w App lica tio n review begins July 21, 2000. Open until filled. Washington State University Libraries’ homepage is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Appalachian State University Library seeks a cre a tive and enth usia stic individual fo r the position of C atalog L ibrarian. R esponsibilities: In a co lle gia l, team -based environm ent, this individual w ill catalog a udiovisual m aterials (videos, spoken and popular m usic sound recordings, kits, and other form ats as needed, including print materials) using AACR2R, MARC form a ts, and L ibrary of C o ng re ss subject headings and rule interpretations; classify library m aterials using LC and Dewey classification systems; perform database maintenance and catalog enrichment functions; and participate in the development, documen­ tation, and evaluation of cataloging unit procedures. Tw elve-m onth faculty appointm ent. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the L ibrary and the University, and to be active in scholarship and professional sen/ice. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s degree from A LA-accredited program at tim e of appointment; knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2R, LC subject headings and classification and Dewey classification; knowledge of autom ated ca ta lo ging using a national b ibliog ra p hic u tility such as OCLC or RUN; strong service orientation; excellent oral, written, and interper­ sonal communication skills; the ability to work effectively in a team- C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 629 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE California State U niversity, Stanislaus The University Library seeks tw o energetic and enthusiastic reference librarians fo r tenure-track (12- month) positions. R e fe re n c e L ib ra ria n R ESPO NSIBILITIES: Participates as an integral m em ber of the reference team, including service at the reference desk, instruction, collection developm ent, and liaison w ork with assigned academic departm ents. Some night and w eekend w ork required. Some travel to CSU Stanislaus-Stockton off- cam pus center m ay be required. Reports to the Dean of Library S ervices; collegial relationship with other library faculty. Participates in library faculty and university governance. T o be recommended fo r prom otion an d/or tenure, libra ry facu lty m ust de m onstrate proficiency in the areas of librarianship; research, scholarship and/or creative activities; and participation in university affairs. Q UALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited graduate degree; knowledge of a wide range of digital and print reference sources; evidence of com m itm ent to service excellence; good interpersonal and com m unication skills; ability to maintain effective w orking relationships with colleagues and students in a culturally diverse academ ic com m unity; ability to be flexible and to adapt to a changing work environm ent. Preferred: Professional reference experience in an academ ic library; advanced degree in subject discipline; W eb authoring skills. APPOINTM ENT: S enior Assistant Librarian. Salary Range: $4 6,488-$48,720, depending upon experience and qualifications. The position is now open. Applications received by S eptem ber 29, 2000, will be assured consideration. R e fe r e n c e /In s tr u c tio n L ib r a ria n R ESPO NSIBILITIES: Coordination o f an expanding program of instruction both on- and off-campus that includes course-related library instruction, w orking with faculty to im plem ent newly approved General Education requirements, assisting with new Honors program, continuing close working relationship with Faculty Developm ent C enter, and assessing the instruction program. Participates as an integral mem ber of the reference team , including service at the reference desk, instruction, collection developm ent, and liaison w ork with assigned academ ic departm ents. Some night and w eekend w ork required. Some travel to CSU S tanislaus-Stockton off-cam pus center may be required. Reports to the Dean of Library Services; collegial relationship w ith other library faculty. Participates in library faculty and university governance. To be recom m ended fo r promotion and/or tenure, library faculty must dem onstrate proficiency in the areas of librarianship; research, scholarship, and/or creative activities; and participation in university affairs. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Required: A LA-accredited graduate degree; minim um of three years' reference/ instruction experience in an academ ic library; dem onstrated skills in instruction, both one-on-one and in a classroom with groups of various sizes; dem onstrated knowledge of a w ide range of digital and print reference sources; evidence of com m itm ent to service excellence; outstanding interper­ sonal, com m unication, and organizational skills; ability to maintain effective w orking relationships with colleagues and students in a culturally diverse academ ic com m unity; ability to be flexible and to adapt to a changing w ork environm ent. Preferred: Knowledge of instructional theory and assessm ent techniques; subject background in business; W eb authoring skills. APPO IN TM EN T: S enior A ssistant Librarian to Associate Librarian. Salary: $46,488-$60,144, depending upon experience and qualifications. The position is available as of D ecem ber 2000. Applications received by Septem ber 29, 2000, will be assured consideration. California State University, S tanislaus is a liberal arts university with programs in applied and professional studies. Additional information is available at http://w w w Apply to Reference Librarian Search C om m ittee o r R eference/Instruction Librarian Search C om m it­ tee. Please subm it a com plete résumé and arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly to the Search Committee. c/o Dean of Library Services California State University, Stanislaus 801 W est Monte Vista Avenue Turlock, CA 95382 An equal opportunity employer. W omen and m inorities are encouraged to apply. CSU S tanislaus hires only individuals lawfully authorized to w ork in the United States. 630 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 HEAD OF REFERENCE & INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES C olum bia C ollege Chicago Columbia College Chicago Library seeks a dynamic, experienced librarian for a newly restructured position as Head of Reference and Instructional Services. The position is responsible for reference and information services, library instruction, and faculty outreach. Reports to Library Director. RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop vision, goals, and strategies for the provision and assessment of reference and instructional services; manage an active library instruction program and work with other librarians, college faculty, and administrators to develop a future vision for information literacy and instructional programs; guide proactive reference services; actively participate in the electronic reference collection development. Supervise 4 FTE librarians and coordinate participation in reference services by 5 - 6 other librarians. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited program and a minimum of three years’ experience in a service m anagement position. Demonstrated ability to envision, plan, implement, and assess new services. Strong and enthusiastic user-centered philosophy. Experience with W eb page develop­ ment desired. A second master’s degree and/or background in the arts or communications preferred. Columbia College is a diverse, open admissions, urban institution of 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students emphasizing arts and communications in a liberal education setting. Visit the library’s homepage at: http://www.lib.colum .edu/library. Application will be reviewed as received and will continue until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, résumé, and names of three references with contact information to: Mary Schellhorn Library Director Columbia College Chicago 600 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605 EOE M /F/D /V ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR THE SCIENCES University of California, Riverside The University of California, Riverside is seeking a dynamic and energetic Assistant University Librarian (AUL) for the Sciences to administer library programs and services offered in the sciences. The Science Library opened in 1998 and includes 1,500 reader stations, an NT-based computer network, 25 group-study rooms, and fully equipped library instruction rooms. The Science collections include over 450,000 volumes, 3,000 current serials, and over 100,000 maps, atlases, and aerial photographs that support over 20 departments and interdisciplinary programs in the physical sciences, life sciences, agriculture, and engineering. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduate library degree. Increasingly responsible administrative experience in an academic, special, or public library with significant science holdings. Demonstrated skills in organizational leadership, planning, and supervision. Proven communication skills, extensive experience in Science Librarianship including reference service and collection development, and management. Strong grasp of current state of information technology. The successful candidate will be appointed to the AUL series at a salary level appropriate to the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Appointment Range: $55,6 0 0 -$ 1 03,200. AULs are academic appointees and accrue vacation at the rate of two days/month and sick leave at the rate of one day/month. The University offers a broad range of benefits and an excellent retirement program. Applicants should send letter of application, complete résumé, and the names and addresses of three references by July 31, 2000, to: Advanced Inform ation M anagem ent 900 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1424 Los Angeles, CA 90017 C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 631 L IB R A R IA N -T W O PO SITIONS AVAILAB LE D allas B aptist U niversity C a ta lo g L ib r a r ia n R e s p o n s ib le fo r c a ta lo g in g an d c la s s ify in g prin t and n o n p rin t m a te ria ls , o rig in a l and cop y c a ta lo g in g using a b ib lio g ra p h ic u til­ ity, w o rk in g in an a u to m a te d lib ra ry s y s ­ tem , an d u tiliz in g O C L C , M A R C , A A C R 2, LC, D D C , LC SH . D is ta n c e E d u catio n L ib rarian Responsible fo r extending all library services to off-cam pus sites and distance learners/ faculty, developing distance-learning library instruction tools, participating in traditional reference and instructional services using print and electronic resources, preparing traditional and online docum entation, and ability to develop W eb pages desired. C R IT E R IA D E S IR E D : D e d ic a te d C h ris tia n ; m e m b e r o f a B a p tis t c h u rc h ; s tro n g c o m ­ m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS or M L IS ; c o m m itte d to fa ith , q u a lity , and s e rv a n t le a d e rs h ip . A pplicants should send résum é along w ith a cover letter to: Dr. Gail Linam Dallas Baptist University 3000 M ountain C ree k P arkw ay D a lla s, TX 7 5 2 1 1 -9 2 9 9 k a th y s @ d b u .e d u Dallas B aptist U niversity com plies w ith all applicable state and federal nondiscrim ina­ tion laws. DBU does not discrim inate in em ­ ploym ent or the provision of services on the basis of age, sex, disability, race, color, or national origin. based environm ent; and com m itm ent to professional service and scholarship. Preferred Qualifications: Cataloging experience in an academ ic library; experience with an autom ated library system , preferably In n o va tive Inte rface s; kn ow led g e o f e m e rg in g te c h n o lo ­ gies, e s p e c ia lly th e a u to m a tio n o f lib ra ry te c h n ic a l s e rvice s fun ctio ns; re a din g kn o w le d g e o f one o r m o re fo re ig n la ng u ag e s; project m anagem ent experience; knowledge of standard W eb authoring tools; experience in reference a nd /or collection d evelopm ent; experi­ ence o r tra in ing in a m u ltic u ltu ra l e n viro n m e n t; se co n d a dva nce d degree. The Library strongly encourages applications from m embers of ethnic and racial groups representative of A ppalachian’s student minorities, principally African Am ericans, Hispanic Am ericans, Native Americans, and Asian Am ericans. Appalachian is a m em ber of the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium o f three state universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces, Inc. system . The U n ive rsity has an e n ro llm e n t o f 1 2,500 a nd o ffe rs u n d e rg ra d u a te and g ra d u a te d e g re e s in m o re than 2 00 m a jo rs. It is p a rt o f Th e U n ive rsity of North Carolina S yste m . B oo n e is lo ca te d in n orth w e st North C a ro lin a in the s c e n ic Blue R id g e M o u n ta in s a nd is a y e a r- round re so rt are a. C o m p le te d a p p lic a tio n s m ust be received by August 14,2000. This is a tenure-track faculty position. Salary and rank are nationally com petitive and com m ensurate with qualifications. For appointment at the rank of A ssistant Professor o r higher, a second advanced degree is required. Send letterof application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, telephone num bers, and e-m ail addresses of th re e re ferences to: Dr. M ary Reichel, U nive rsity Librarian, Appalachian S tate University, Carol Grotnes Belk Library, P.O. Box 32026, Boone, NC 28608-2026. Appalachian State U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. C A T A LO G IN G /R E FE R E N C E LIB R A R IA N . Cam eron University, Lawton, O klahom a (h ttp ://w w w .cam in/personnel) is accepting applications fo r a Cataloging/Reference Librarian with faculty status, tenure track. Responsible fo r cataloging all library materials, database maintenance, and authority control using AACR2r, LCSH, LCC, US M A R C u sing O C LC in a V T LS e n viro n m e n t. P ro vide s re feren ce se rvice on a rotatin g basis, in clu din g so m e w e eke n ds and evenings. S u p e rvise s ca ta lo g in g a ssista n t. Minim um Qualifications: ALA/MLS, tw o ye ars of p rofessional ca ta lo ging expe rie n ce o r substantial paraprofessional cataloging experience. Preferred Qualifications: Good oral and written communications skills, supervisory and reference desk, dem onstrated cataloging experience in an integrated library system w ith an online bibliographic utility. To Apply: Send co ver letter indicating specific experience applicable to position, current résumé, transcripts (unofficial), and three references (including current addresses and telephone num bers) to: Library Search Com m ittee, Cam eron Univer­ sity, 2800 West Gore Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505-6377. Deadline: July 31, 2000, o r until filled. EOE/AA 632 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES, LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER. Faculty - 12-Month, $34,500 to $48,000. Responsible for assisting the Director of Library Services with the public sen/ice operations of the LCCC Library. These include information services, such as reference seervices and assistance to users of public access computer systems and assistance with off-campus users, circulation services, audiovisual services, interlibrary loan, reserves and periodi­ cals. Assists the Director with managing a staff of librarians and support staff in the provision of services in his absence. MLS in Library or Information Science required from an ALA-accredited school preferred. Three years’ experience in the reference services area of a college library with at least one year in a supervisory role. Ability to plan, organize, and im plement projects; broad knowledge of library trends in information services and use of technologies; commitment to making the library a learning organization. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Must have strong interpersonal skills. Qualified applicants should submit a letter of application, résumé, and names of three professional references to: Linda Greenwald, Vice President fo r Administrative Services, Lehigh Carbon Community College, 4525 Education Park Drive, Schnecksville, PA 18078. EOE/AA DATABASE MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track, nine-month position available beginning August 28, 2000. The Library seeks a creative, future-oriented, flexible individual, who is experienced in an integrated online academic environment to maintain the Library’s Voyager database as a gateway to all forms of information to which the library has access. As head of the Database Management Unit, the individual must be knowledgeable about current standardsand practices in acquisitions and cataloging, including the integration of both individual and aggregate collections of Web-based resources into the library database. The successful candidate will be responsible fo r creating metadata records fo r all types of materials except serials using OCLC, MARC, LCSH, and LC and Dewey classification as well as acquiring library materials utilizing the Voyager Acquisitions Module, vender Web-based databases, and the local automated purchasing system. Information Services activities include proactive, innovative participation in devel­ oping methods of ensuring that the library database will meet the needs of campus, off-campus, and consortial constituencies. Participation in reference rotation and liaison activities with academic departments as designated will also be an aspect of this position. The complete position description is posted at: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Proven professional cataloging experi­ ence utilizing an online integrated library system, AACR2, LC, LCSH, OCLC. Outstanding analytical and problem-solving skills for initiating strategic plans and carrying out projects; skills in fostering a cooperative work environment and managing change. Supervisory experience. Preferred: Academic library experience; reference or bibliographic instruction experience; experience cataloging audiovisual and electronic formats; experience with Dewey classification; expe­ rience with Cataloging and Acquisitions Modules of Voyager; acquisi­ tions experience; experience with and/or study of Metadata standards, Web page creation; MS Access. Successful perform ance in an on- campus interview, including a presentation and excellent written and oral communication skills required. Perceived ability to work produc­ tively with students and colleagues required. Send letter of application, résumé, graduate and undergraduate transcripts (official transcripts will be necessary before hiring), three references, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references (one of which must be from a current o r previous supervisor) to: Jane Smith, Co- Chairperson, Database Management Librarian Search Committee, Bailey Library, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA 16057; (724) 738-2664; e-mail: Slippery Rock University is located one hour north of Pittsburgh in the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania. Review of applications will begin July I7 ,2000. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania is a member of the State System of Higher Education and is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer building a diverse academic community and encourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply. You can learn more about us on our Web page at DIGITAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. The University of Connecti­ cut Libraries. (Search # 00A432). The University of Connecticut Libraries seek a forward-thinking, energetic individual to build upon an already strong existing program and to help lead the Libraries into an increasingly electronic future. Working in a team environment and under the general direction of the Area Head of Archives and Special ASSOCIATE DEAN Drexel U niversity Library The W.W. Hagerty Library of Drexel University seeks innovative, dynamic candidates for Associate Dean. Reporting directly to the Dean of Libraries, the Associate Dean is a key mem ber of the management team responsible for formulating and implementing the Library’s overall vision. The Associate Dean is responsible for administration of the Systems and Technical Services departments, and continually enhances services and resources in response to the changes, challenges, and opportunities that are part of the Library’s current environment. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an A LA-accredited program and a minimum o fte n years' increasingly responsible supervisory experience, at least part in an academic library. Ability to com municate well verbally. Strong writing skill essential. Broad and in-depth understanding of information technology as it applies to libraries. Record of professional involvement and publication desirable. See http:// for the complete job description. The Hagerty Library administration is com mitted to using technology to improve service. The entire technological infrastructure was upgraded recently to state-of-the-art equipm ent for staff and patrons. The Library has about 400,000 volumes and an extensive and rapidly growing num ber of electronic resources which Includes 5,000 electronic journals, and the first O racle implementation of the Innovative library system. See Drexel is a technologically- based urban university that is part of a large academic community near center city Philadelphia. See h ttp ://w w w .d re x e l.e d u /. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Screening of applications will begin J u ly 20,200 0, and will continue until the position is filled. Send cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of 3 references to m ontgoch@ or to: Carol Hansen Montgomery, Ph.D. Dean of Libraries, Drexel University 32nd and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, PA 19104 Drexel University is an EEO/AA employer. C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 633 MUSIC AND LANGUAGE LIAISON/ REFERENCE LIBRARIAN G eorgia State U niversity Georgia State University, a dynamic urban university in the heart of Atlanta, is seeking an energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking individual to join a team charged with implementing refocused, client-centered services. Successful candidate will focus on liaison activities with the School of Music and the Department of Modern and Classical Languages in addition to reference services, library instruction, and collection development. Subject areas include music theory, history, industry, education, performance, and composition, and the foreign languages Spanish, French, and German. The Library’s Music area is participating in OCLC’s CORC Project, and this position plays an important role. REQUIREMENTS: An ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science; library experience; major coursework or experience in one of the music subject areas; familiarity with resources in a variety of formats; skilled in use of technology; ability to perform library instruction and use Web applications; ability to work in a progressive organizational environment; excellent communication and interper­ sonal skills. PREFERRED: Second master’s degree and/or extensive experience in assigned subject area; experience in an academic library; knowledge of collection development issues and trends; reading knowledge in one of the noted foreign languages; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities; evidence of creativity and initiative. AVAILABLE: Immediately. SALARY AND RANK: $31,000-$38,000. TO APPLY: Send letter addressing above qualifications and stating subject specialty area. Include résumé and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Carm en R. Newton Human Resources Officer Georgia State University 100 Decatur Street, SE, Room 205 A tla n ta , GA 3 0 3 0 3 -3 2 0 2 Materials received by A ug ust 11, 2000, will receive priority. For more information, please visit our Web site at: Georgia State University is an equal opportunity educational institution and affirmative action employer _________________________________ strongly committed to cultural diversity.__________________________________ Collections, the Digital Collections Librarian is responsible for: planning, developing, and im plementing an infrastructure that enhances access to the intellectual resources of the University Libraries through local digitization projects; collaborating with appropriate digitization efforts at oth er institutions; integrating digital content and access tools into a coherent set of library services. As leader of the U niversity Libraries’ digital initiative, the Digital Collections Librarian provides vision that moves the University Libraries toward a content-rich and coherent suite of electronic products and services that complem ent traditional library print services. She/he identifies potential digita l collections and potential partners on campus and off campus and coordinates with subject Liaisons and Library teams responsible for acquiring and organizing digital content. The Digital Collections Librarian works closely with system and server adm inistrators and cataloging staff to select technical solutions that integrate digital collections with appropriate access tools and with other digital resources already supported by the Libraries. The Digital Collections Librarian also seeks an integrated approach that involves all Library areas in the digital effort, resulting in programs and projects that meet the widest needs o f the academic community. The complete job description is available at: http://www.lib.uconn/edu/jobopps/. Required Qualifications: MLS with a minimum of two years' pre- or post-MLS experience using technology for the delivery of digital information; knowledge of concepts and application of standards and practices for organizing information; an understanding of the scholarly use and developm ent of library collections and services and laws governing intellectual property in the digital environm ent; excellent oral/written com m unication skills; ability to prepare reports and procedural documentation; ability to work in a team environment with diverse groups of library staff and faculty to build consensus for new programs, ability to plan, coordinate, im plement and evaluate projects; and to communicate effectively and openly with colleagues and customers in a variety of settings and presentation modes. Desirable Qualifications: Experience with different com puter operating systems, digital imaging, differing file formats and Internet protocols, and a variety of software applications; knowledge of SGML, HTML, PERL scripting, database programming, and the ability to learn new mark-up languages such as XML; ability to initiate and adapt to change; analyze/solve problems and work collaboratively. University Setting: The University of Connecticut, established in 1881, is a Carnegie Research I University. It was recently cited as one of the top 20 public national universities and is engaged in UConn 2000, an ambitious ten-year, $1 billion campus building project. The main campus, situated in Storrs on 3,100 acres of woodland and rolling hills, is located approximately 30 miles from Hartford, the state capital, and midway between Boston and New York City. There are approximately 21,750 students systemwide. University Libraries: As a m em ber of the Association of Research Libraries, the Libraries are technologically advanced and recognized as an exciting center of intellectual life on campus. The Libraries are organized in team-based structures and are engaged in ongoing strategic programs. The Libraries operate in a heavily electronic environment with approxim ately 25% of the acquisition budget spent on information in electronic form. The Libraries are currently involved with Mystic Seaport Museum and the Connecticut Historical Society in an imaginative digitization project with support from an IMLS grant to deliver electronically 15,000 photographic images with metadata to students at UConn and across the state. Com pen­ sation: Anticipated hiring salary $36,500 to $49,488, depending upon experience. U niversity benefits include 22 paid vacation days/year, 12 http://www.lib.uconn/edu/jobopps/ 634 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 SIX POSITIONS B oston Public Library C o o rd inator o f S ervices to A dults The Boston Public Library plans to fill the vacant position of Coordinator of Services to Adults. Under the direction of the Coordinator of Community Services and in close coordination with other appropriate staff, the Coordinator of Services to Adults assumes functional responsibility for ongoing development and coordination of services to adults and seniors in the Central library and neighborhood branch libraries, in liaison with related institutions and organizations throughout the City of Boston. Minimum Qualifications for this position are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university, and a master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school, seven years of related library experience, including three years of work in adult service at a supervisory and/or management level, and the proven ability to interpret and apply library policy. Successful experience in serving diverse populations, and productive collaborations with a significant number and variety of community groups and organizations, including cultural institutions, is desirable. Also desirable are specific experience and broad knowledge in related collection development, technology, public programming, outreach services, and staff development. Salary ranges from $46,550 to $62,841 annually. B ranch L ibrarian I The Boston Public Library intends to fill a vacant Branch Librarian position. Under direction of the Director of Public Services and the Director of Operations, the Branch Librarian assumes responsibility for the administration and programs of a branch library. Minimum Qualifications are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university and a master’s degree in library science from an accredited library school. In exceptional instances, specialized education, training, and/or experience may be substituted for part or all of the educational requirements. Four years of pertinent professional library experience and/or any equivalent combination of education, training, and/or experience sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. Administrative insight and broad professional outlook; demonstrated progressive, professional development; broad knowledge of library policies, practices, and procedures and willingness and ability to execute them effectively; extensive knowledge of book and non-book materials; comprehensive knowledge of bibliographical tools and sources; demonstrated knowledge of appropriate technology; broad knowledge of library collec­ tions; proven skills in oral and written communications; superior ability and willingness to assume responsibility; initiative in generating new ideas; proven ability to plan and supervise the work of others; continuing interest in and ability to improve existing work techniques and procedures; demonstrated ability to work successfully with staff and public alike; commitment to library leadership within the neighborhood served; willingness and proven ability to work with patrons of all age groups; professional demeanor; tact, dependability, good judgment, and courtesy. Salary ranges from $38,140 to $52,482 annually. C h ild re n ’s Librarian I The Boston Public Library intends to fill a vacant Children’s Librarian position. Under supervision, and within the framework of Library policies and practices, the Children’s Librarian participates in services to a diverse population characteristic of an urban setting with emphasis on service to children and to perform professional work requiring application of professional knowledge of literature, biblio­ graphic sources, and services with a concentration on children. Minimum Qualifications are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university and a master’s degree in library science from an accredited library school. Courses in children’s literature and/or work, taken for credit, at an accredited library school. Storytelling courses and/or experience is desirable. In exceptional instances, specialized education, training, and/or experience may be substituted for part or all of the educational requirements. Knowledge of children’s literature including bibliographic tools and sources pertaining to children’s literature and work; knowledge of the techniques of programming for children; interest in children and in library work with children; willingness and ability to develop strong interactive community relationships; willingness to assume responsibility and carry out assignments independently; good oral and written communication skills as well as the ability to search the Internet and other electronic databases; ability to work well with staff and public; initiative, dependability, good judgment, tact, courtesy. Salary ranges from $31,388 to $43,369 annually. C h ild re n ’s Lib rarian II The Boston Public Library intends to fill the vacant Children’s Librarian (P2) position. Under supervision and within the framework of the Library policies and practices, the Children’s Librarian assumes responsibility for the effective execution of the Library’s programs of service to a diverse population (continued on next page) C& RL News ■ July/A u g u st 2000 / 635 (continued from previous page) characteristic of an urban setting with emphasis on children and to perform professional work requiring application of substantial professional knowledge and experience. Minimum Qualifications are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university. A master’s degree in library science from an accredited library school. Courses in children’s literature and children’s work taken for credit from an accredited library school. Storytelling courses and/or experience desirable. In exceptional instances, specialized education, training, and/or experience may be substituted for part or all of the educational requirements. Two years of pertinent professional library experience or any equivalent combination of education, experience, and training sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. Broad knowledge of Library policies, practices, and procedures; extensive knowledge of children’s literature including bibliographic tools and sources pertaining to children’s literature and work; demonstrated knowledge of the techniques of programming for children; demonstrated interest in children and in library work with children; demonstrated ability and willingness to develop strong, interactive community relationships; demonstrated ability and willingness to assume responsibility and to carry out assignments independently; proven oral and written communication skills as well as the ability to search the Internet and other electronic databases; demonstrated ability to work well with staff and public; initiative, dependability, good judgment, tact, and courtesy. Salary ranges from $34,594 to $47,706 annually. G e n e r a lis t L ib r a ria n I The Boston Public Library plans to fill a vacant Generalist Librarian (P1) position. Under supervision, and within the framework of Library policies and practices, the Generalist Librarian participates in services to a diverse population characteristic of an urban setting and to perform professional work requiring application of professional knowledge of literature, bibliographic sources, and services. Minimum Qualifications are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university and a master’s degree in library science from an accredited library school. In exceptional instances, specialized education, training, and/or experience may be substituted for part or all of the educational requirements. Knowledge of popular literature including bibliographic tools and sources; knowledge of the techniques of programming for the general public; interest in community and library work; willingness and ability to develop strong interactive community relationships; willingness to assume responsibility and carry out assignments independently; good oral and written communica­ tion skills as well as the ability to search the Internet and other electronic databases; ability to work well with staff and public; initiative, dependability, good judgment, tact, courtesy. Salary ranges from $31,588 to $43,369 annually. G e n e r a lis t L ib r a ria n II The Boston Public Library intends to fill a vacant Generalist Librarian (P2) position. Under supervision and within the framework of the Library policies and practices, to assume responsibility for the effective execution of the Library’s programs of service to a diverse population characteristic of an urban setting and to perform professional work requiring application of substantial professional knowledge and experience. Minimum Qualifications are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university. A master’s degree in library science from an accredited library school. In exceptional instances, specialized education, training, and/or experience may be substituted for part or all of the educational requirements. Two years of pertinent professional library experience or any equivalent combination of education, experience, and training sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. Broad knowledge of Library policies, practices, and procedures; extensive knowledge of popular book and non-book materials including bibliographic tools and sources; demonstrated knowledge of the techniques of programming; demonstrated interest in community and library work; demonstrated ability and willingness to develop strong, interactive community relationships; demonstrated ability and willingness to assume responsibility and to carry out assignments independently; proven oral and written communication skills as well as Internet and other electronic database searching experience; demonstrated ability to work well with staff and public; initiative, dependability, good judgment, tact, and courtesy. Salary ranges from $34,594 to $47,706 annually. To apply for any of these positions, specify job title and send résumé to: Boston Public Library c/o H um an R esources 70 0 B o y ls to n St. B o s to n , M A 0 2 1 1 6 F ax: (6 1 7 ) 2 6 6 -4 6 7 3 636 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 THREE POSITIONS The H untington Library, Art C ollections and B otanical G ardens The Huntington Library invites applications and nominations fo r three professional positions. Located about 15 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles, the Huntington was created in 1919 as an independent private library for advanced scholarly research in English and American history and literature, combined with public art galleries and botanical gardens. The Library collections, comprising 385,000 rare books, 4 million manuscripts, and large collections of historical prints, photographs, and ephemera, are consulted annually by nearly 1,800 scholars from around the world. P rincipal Rare Book C a ta loger Manages Rare Book Cataloging Unit; supervises staff of 2 FTE and several grant-funded catalogers. Reports to head of Technical Services. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. 3 -5 years' professional experience in academic or research library; 2 -3 years' special collections cataloging experience. Familiarity with rare book and archival cataloging standards, including thorough knowledge of MARC, AACR2, LCSH, DCRB, and special thesauri. Experience with an integrated library system and a bibliographic utility (Innopac and RLIN preferred). Knowledge of the principles of bibliographic description and the characteristics of early printed books. Preferred: Management and/or supervisory experience. Demonstrated knowledge of current developments in the field; experience with microcomputer applications. Working knowledge of at least one modern European and one classical language. Minimum of range: $36,750. S y s te m s L ib ra ria n Coordinates Library wide systems activities: to standardize intellectual access to the Library’s collections; to automate Library operations; and to organize access to electronic resources. Member of the executive administrative team; reports to Director of the Library. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; 3 -5 years' technical services or systems experience in academic or research setting. Demonstrated knowledge of library and information technology standards and functions of library automated systems. Familiarity with metadata standards, digital libraries, and microcomputer applications. Experience in the creation and management of digital information; Web site development; software development/customization in a networked environment. Excellent communication skills. Preferred: Experience with Innopac and RLIN. Knowledge of licensing and patron access issues; preservation of digital Information; CD-ROM technology; HTML, SGML, and EAD. Management experience. Familiarity with library practices with regard to primary research materials. Minimum of range: $46,900. C a ta lo g L ib r a r ia n /D a ta b a s e M a n a g e r Responsible for maintenance of Library’s bibliographic database, both current cataloging and post­ conversion cleanup. Reports to Chief Catalog Librarian. This is a 2-year, grant-sponsored position, with possibility of renewal. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent. Demonstrated knowledge of current national cataloging standards, such as AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, MARC, and principles and procedures of authority control. Experience with an integrated library system and a bibliographic utility (Innopac and RLIN preferred). Preferred: 2 -3 years technical services experience in academic or research library. Working knowledge of at least one modern European language. Minimum of range: $32,840. BENEFITS include medical and life insurance, flexible spending accounts, access to a credit union, and paid vacation, holidays, and sick leave. Letters of application, curricula vitae, and the names (with contact information) of three references to: Carl Foote The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens 1151 O xford Road San Marino, CA 91108 Review of applications will begin July 31, 2000, and will continue until positions are filled. For more information about The Huntington, visit: C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 637 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Lamar University Lamar University invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of Library Services. The Director reports to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for administering library services and programs. Functions include policy making, planning, staffing, directing, coordinating, and budgeting library programs and activities. The Director is a member of the Academic Council of Deans and participates actively in University affairs in order to make library programs responsive to institutional goals and the goals of higher education. QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. (strongly preferred). MLS from ALA-accredited institution is required. Four years of experience as a Dean/Director or Assistant/Associate Director is required. Candidate must have previous budgeting experience and excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as well as proven leadership abilities. Experience in the application of new technologies to library services is required. RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate must be able to achieve consensus and articulate a clear vision of the library’s role in supporting the endeavors of faculty and students. The Director provides the leadership for formulating library goals, objectives, and policies. Additional responsi­ bilities include: personnel and resource management, faculty and staff evaluation, budget devel­ opment and administration, collaboration with internal and external support and community organizations and assist with the agenda for external funding. SALARY: Negotiable, commensurate with qualifications. STARTING DATE: January 2001 is the expected starting date. The starting date is negotiable. APPLICATION: Review of the applications will begin on September 15,2000, and conclude when the position is filled. A letter of application detailing qualifications, a vita, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of five references should be sent to: R. Carl Westerfield, Dean College of Education & Human Development Chair, Search Committee P.O. Box 10034 Lamar University Beaumont, TX 77710 Lamar University is an EEO/AA institution and employer. paid state holidays, excellent health and retirement plans, and tuition waivers. Application Procedures: Submit a letter of application that addresses how previous experience and personal qualities meet the requirements for the position; a résumé; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Deborah Stansbury Sunday, Administrative Librarian, University of Connecti­ cut Libraries, Box U-1005A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, C T 06269-1005. Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The University of Connecticut has a strong commitment to diversity. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Bluffton College seeks a full-time Director of Libraries beginning January 2001. Responsibilities include leadership and coordination of planning, budgeting, managing the collections, and staffing of Musselman Library, including the Mennonite Historical Library, the Bluffton College Archives, and other collections on campus. Direct the library’s integration of technology through its participation in the OPAL and Ohiolink consortia. Represent library matters to administration, serve as liaison with library publics, and interact effectively with faculty and others in promoting the mission of the library. Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program required; Ph.D. preferred. Administrative and supervisory experience in an academic setting expected. Review of applications will begin August 1, 2000, and continue until an appointment is made. Bluffton College is a growing, Mennonite-related college committed to and shaped by that historical peace church’s traditions (see acadaffairs/employment.htm). Review of applications will begin August 1,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of interest, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, and official transcripts to: Dr. Robert Peiffer, Associate Dean, Bluffton College, 280 West College Avenue, Bluffton, OH 45817-1196. EOE. Members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Drexel University, W.W. Hagerty Library seeks full-time Electronic Resources Librarian to manage an extensive and growing array of Web-based databases, journals, reference works and e-books. As part of an interdepartmental team, plays a pivotal role in the selection and acquisition of electronic resources. Acts as primary contact with publishers, aggregators, and consortia for price and licensing issues. Sets up e-resources access and troubleshoots access problems. Serves as content editor of the Library Web site. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. At least two years’ relevant experience. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Experience with HTML, indexing, and developing Web content. The Hagerty Library administration is committed to using technology to improve service. The entire technological infrastructure was upgraded recently to state-of-the-art equipment for staff and patrons. The Library has about 400,000 volumes and an extensive and rapidly growing number of electronic resources, which includes 5,000 electronic journals and the first Oracle implementation of the Innovative library system. See Drexel is a tech­ nologically based urban university that is part of a large academic c o m m u n ity n e a r c e n te r c ity P h ila d e lp h ia . S ee h ttp :// www See eresourcesjob/default.html for the complete job description. Applica­ tion Deadline: Screening of applications will begin July 20,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Send cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of 3 references to: or to: Bruce Whitham, Head, Information Services, W.W. Hagerty Library, Drexel University, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Drexel University is an EEO/AA employer. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Longwood College invites applications for the position of Electronic Resources Librarian. This 638 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIANS (2) Raymond Fogelman Library New School University The New School University seeks innovative, service-oriented, and energetic librarians to work with an exciting academic community. RESPONSIBILITIES: Design, implementation, and assessment of information literacy programs; provision of reference assistance to undergraduate and graduate students and faculty; creation of instructional materials; and collection development, as well as other duties including supervisory responsibilities and staff training. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degreefrom an ALA-accredited program; sound background in the social sciences or humanities including academic degree in an appropriate subject; 2 -3 years' professional library reference or instructional experience, preferably in an academic library; knowledge of a wide range of traditional and electronic resources; working knowledge of HTML and Web page development, and instructional technologies; excellent written and oral communication skills; the ability to maintain effective working relationships w4ith colleagues and students in a culturally diverse academic community; ability to prioritize tasks; and working knowledge of one or more foreign languages (preferably German, French, or Spanish). Second master's degree in a social science or humanities subject preferred as well as prior supervisory experience. Excellent benefits package; mid-$30s. Interested applicants should submit a résumé, cover letter and list of three references by July 15, 2000, to: Gail Persky University Librarian and Director Raymond Fogelman Library New School University 65 5th Avenue New York, NY 10003 The New School, as well as its individual academic divisions, is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all its activities and programs including employment and promotion. The New School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, veteran or marital status. position is primarily responsible for acquisition and cataloging of electronic resources. Employee serves as library liaison to one o r more academic departments, shares in collection development, participates in reference services including night and weekend rotation, offers bibliographic instruction, shares in training and supervision of student assistants and part-time workers and other duties as needed. Qualifications for the position include MLS from ALA-accredited program and recent cataloging experience or familiarity with AACR2 and USM ARC format gained through academic training. Acquaintance with OCLC and automated library system(s). Ability to work effectively and congenially with public and coworkers and to manage multiple priorities. Excellent oral and written communication skills. This is an entry-level, 12-month, non-tenure-track position with a starting annual salary between $33,000 and $37,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Information about Longwood College and Library can be found at: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Forward letter of application, résumé, and complete addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Human Resources, Longwood College, 201 High Street, Lancaster 335, Farmville, VA 23909; fax: (804) 395-2635. AA/ EOE GIS SPECIALIST. Librarian II- III. Sterling Memorial Library, Re­ search Services and Collections, Yale University. The Yale University Library seeks an energetic Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialist to develop and implement a successful GIS service and instruction program. The position offers an exciting opportunity to advance the use of digital geospatial analysis and mapping across the Yale campus. There will also be an opportunity to plan and implement digitization projects based upon the library’s extraordinarily rich collection of historic maps. A complete job description may be found o n lin e a t: h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry .y a le .e d u /jo b s /E m p lo y m e n t/ Employment-MP/ldtn8485.html. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent advanced degree in information science required. Degree in geography (GIS specialty) or computer science preferred. Two years' professional experience with geospatial data and cartographic mate­ rials. For appointment at the Librarian III rank, five years of professional experience is required. Demonstrated familiarity with a variety of geospatial software such as ARCView; demonstrated interest in new technologies and a high degree of computer literacy; excellent communication skills; and the ability to excel as an instructor. Salary and Benefits: Competitive salary and rank based on qualifications and experience. Full benefits package. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Requests for more information, nominations, and applications (consisting of a cover letter, résumé, and names of three references) should be directed to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Human Resources, Yale University Library, Source Code EAYU8485, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520; fax: (203) 432-1806. Yale University is an equal opportunity employer. HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES. Louisiana State University Libraries. The LSU Libraries is seeking an energetic, congenial, ambitious, and highly motivated faculty member with growth potential to lead Reference Services in the main library. This is a tenure-track position (Assistant o r Associate Librarian rank) which offers substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. Reference Services offers access to more than 100 online databases and is moving strongly into more electronic information dissemination. Reference assistance is provided to patrons at a centralized reference desk in Middleton Library, the main campus library. The staff consists of 12 librarians and 13 FTE support staff. The Head has primary planning and administrative responsibility for Reference Services, which includes reference and information services, instruction, government docu­ ments, microforms, and distance education. The incum bent is responsible for providing effective leadership in the introduction of new services, continually evaluating services, and adopting new policies and procedures in response to the evolving needs of reference and information services. The Head is expected to be a ctively involved C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 639 in the statewide network (LOUIS) (h ttp://lsum louis/) and to work in sharing electronic collections and access services to meet the research needs o f all academ ic libraries in the state. W orks to meet requirements fo r tenure and promotion; must be qualified for appointment at assistant o r associate librarian level. LSU is the state's flagship University and is classified by Carnegie as a Research University I Institution, ( LSU has 202 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs serving 31,000 students. The LSU Libraries ( is a member of ARL, SOLINET, EDUCAUSE, ASERL. Qualifications: Required: MLSfrom an ALA-accredited program and substantial experience in progressively more responsible public service positions in academic libraries; a record of successful administrative and management experience; commit­ ment to public service and the proven ability to work effectively with a diverse population of faculty, staff, student, and com m unity members; demonstrated experience with a variety of user services including collection development, instruction services, and electronic information resources and services; demonstrated ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, faculty, and staff in a complex and rapidly changing environment; ability to view HEAD, SYSTEMS AND ACCESS DEPARTMENT (Search Extended) S outheast M issouri S tate University RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and administer new department responsible for Kent Library’s com­ puter systems and access services. Guide the planning, design, and development of library-based information systems and services. Work closely with the dean and other department heads. Provide leadership in identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating information technologies, including the library’s computing infrastructure, operating systems, hardware, and software. Provide operational support. Participate in collection development program. Participate in cooperative university projects. Provide line supervision for access services and interlibrary loan whose day-to- day activities are managed by two professional staff who direct the work of 6 FTE support staff and a varying number of student assistants. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. At least 2 years' professional work experience in an academic library. Significant experience working with information technology and electronic resources including but not limited to online library systems, networking, and various local and remote information services. Familiarity with microcomputer hardware and software in a Windows environ­ ment. Demonstrated knowledge of the computing needs of a university library. Demonstrated understanding of systems analysis and programming. Excellent analytical and communications skills. Demonstrated commitment to the teacher/scholar model, public and University service, and a culturally diverse learning environment. Ability to work well as a member of a group as well as individually in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Second master's or doctoral degree. Experience with INNOPAC. Knowledge of Windows NT/98, Novell Netware, and TCP/IP. Supervisory experience. SETTING: Southeast Missouri State University ( is a comprehensive student- centered university of five colleges and two schools offering more than 120 academic programs. Campus Is located in the heart of Cape Girardeau, a Mississippi River town of about 40,000, located on Interstate 55 between St. Louis and Memphis. Student enrollment is 8,500 with a student/faculty ratio of 18:1. Library collections include over 400,000 bound cataloged volumes and current subscriptions to approximately 2,500 periodicals. Staff includes 14 library faculty, 6 professional staff, and 22 clerical positions. An unusual opportunity. The library has added positions, Initiated restructuring of library staff into departments, led development of a 12.3-million-dollar renovation plan, established a library strategic plan, and increased support for the development of services and collections. While currently using NOTIS, Kent Library is one of 49 academic libraries in Missouri which have formed a consortium to purchase and Implement a common library platform from Innovative Interfaces, with all installations to be complete within the next three years. SALARY RANGE: Minimum $45,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits package. Academic year and summer contract. Faculty tenure-track appointment. Must meet established criteria, including a second master's degree, for promotion and tenure. Tuition remission part of benefit package. APPLICATIONS: Applications received by Septem ber 15, 2000, will receive full consideration. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, transcripts, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Chair, Systems and Access Department Head Screening Committee Kent Library - MS 4600 Southeast Missouri State University 1 University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 An equal opportunity/M-F/affirmative action employer 640 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 issues from a librarywide perspective, foster teamwork, and stimulate cross-functional collaboration; demonstrated ability to initiate, plan, and im plement new information services; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal com munication skills; evidence of ability to meet requirements for promotion and tenure. Desired: Advanced degree in subject area; successful experience in grant writing; a record of scholarly contributions and service to the profession; successful teaching experience; and experience with staff development and professional guidance. Salary Minimum: $50,000. Review of applications will begin September 1,2000, and continue until filled. See more complete ad at: Please send application letter, philosophy of public sen/ice, résumé, and three references to: Jennifer Cargill, Dean of Libraries, LSU Libraries, 295 Middleton, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300. Ref #007161. INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Washington State University Libraries. Currently open. Background: Seek candidates who are enthusiastic about teaching, experienced with emerging information technologies, and work successfully in a team environment. Our expanding and innovative instruction program collaborates with the English Depart­ ment and other university departments and programs, offers credit courses in academic research and information literacy, and develops models for teaching and learning information access skills across the university’s curricula. Responsibilities: Participates in the promotion, coordination, and delivery of a creative and effective library instruction program. Teaches information access skills to university students, especially in English composition classes, and to other library clientele. Coordinates development of instructional materials in both print and Web-based formats. Serves as a resource for library colleagues engaged in library instruction. Collaborates with librarians and teaching faculty in the development of library instructional methods and materials. Participates in statewide mandated assessment of university students’ information literacy. Provides reference service. Reports to the Coordinator of Library Instruction. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited degree; dem onstrated com m itm ent to library public services and instruction; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; knowledge of instructional technologies including HTML and Web design; ability to work collaboratively in a collegial environment. Desired: Teaching experience; knowledge of instructional design, particularly in library instruction; reference experience in an academic library. Salary: From $30,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA-CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days' vacation and 12 days' sick leave per year. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references with complete mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses to: Bonny L. Boyan, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610; o r e-mail: boyan@ Application review begins July 21,2000. Open until filled. Washington State University Libraries’ homepage is: http:// WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. INSTRUCTION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Juniata College currently seeks an Instruction Services Librarian to join the reference services team of the L.A. Beeghly Library. The Instruction Services Librarian is responsible for the promotion, coordination, and design of patron instruction fo r the Beeghly Library. Position requires an energetic and organized person to build an information literacy program for the TWO POSITIONS Education Reference Librarian. Under the general direction of the Head of Information Services, provides reference service in a cooperative centralized reference environment, as well as specialized reference services for the School of Education faculty and students. The Education Reference Librarian will deliver instruction sessions, create instructional materials and Web pages, and develop the library’s collections in the field of education. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; minimum of five years of professional experience in public services in a college or university library setting; academic coursework or degree in the field of education; broad experience with a wide variety of print and electronic reference materials; expertise in resources in the field of education; demonstrated ability to work creatively and collaboratively with faculty, staff, students, and colleagues. Salary Range: $40,866 to $46,000, dependent upon rank and qualifications. Health Sciences/Science Reference Librarian. Under the general direction of the Head of Information Services, provides reference service in a cooperative centralized reference environ­ ment, as well as specialized reference services for nursing, public health, and science faculty and students. The Health Sciences/Science Reference Librarian will deliver instruction sessions, create instructional materials and Web pages, and develop the Library’s collections in the health sciences and science disciplines. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; minimum of five years of professional experience in public services in a college or university library setting; academic coursework or degree in a science or health science field; broad experience with a wide variety of print and electronic reference materials; expertise in resources in nursing, public health, and the sciences; demonstrated ability to work creatively and collaboratively with faculty, staff, students, and colleagues. Salary Range: $40,866 to $46,000, dependent upon rank and qualifications. To apply for either position, send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Dr. Susan E. Cirillo Director of Library Services Southern Connecticut State University 501 Crescent St. New Haven, CT 06515-1355 SCSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and encourages women and minorities to apply. C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 1 641 Beeghly Library. Includes reference services, shared teaching respon­ sibilities, and evening hours, along with a thorough knowledge of standard print and electronic inform ation sources, including the Internet. Preferred: A thorough knowledge of science resources o r a background in the sciences, demonstrable knowledge of established and emerging instructional methods and technologies, including the ability to develop com puter-assisted instructional m aterials, especially Web page design and construction. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required (recent graduates encouraged to apply); knowledge of and experience with new technologies; com m itm ent to team w ork and professional developm ent; excellent interpersonal skills; strong com ­ m unication and organizational abilities. Position is available August 1, 2000. Juniata College is a selective, independent liberal arts college of 1,200 students located in the h istoric tow n of H untingdon surrounded by the beautiful mountains of central Pennsylvania. Send letter of application, résumé, and three letters of reference to: Gail Leiby Ulrich, HEAD, INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The University of Alabama Libraries is seeking a dynamic, experienced librarian with a user- centered vision of 21st century information services to provide leadership for the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Government Information Services Department located in the Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library. Incorporated in this department are the Information Center and Government Documents unit staffed by seven librarians, five classified staff, and twelve student assistants. Reference librarians, including the Head of the department, are engaged In collection development, bibliographic instruction, and an expanding array of electronic information services. The Head of the Information Services Department reports to the Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide clear vision and strong leadership for the Information Services Department to meet the information needs of library users; work with department members to build a strong identity for the Information Services department that emphasizes user services and teamwork; effectively manage, administer, and supervise daily operation of the department; be an advocate for library users and the department within the Libraries and throughout the University; facilitate effective working relationships between and among library and campus departments to ensure quality library services and programs to users both on and off campus; actively participate in the overall management of the Libraries and in statewide and national groups as appropriate. QUALIFICATIONS: REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum 5 years' post-MLS progressively responsible information service experience; successful supervisory experience with commitment to mentoring, training, and staff development; demonstrated service orientation and strong interper­ sonal, written, and oral communication skills; ability to work collaboratively with diverse populations; well-developed management, team-building, and decision-making skills along with initiative, flexibil­ ity, and the ability to facilitate change; experience working in a technologically complex environment and knowledge of scholarly communication patterns and other issues facing libraries; evidence of ability to meet University requirements for tenure and promotion. QUALIFICATIONS: PREFERRED: Academic library experience; knowledge of humanities and/or social sciences; experience with government documents, collection development, and/or biblio­ graphic instruction; second master's degree. LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT: The University maintains membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Centerfor Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, SOLINET, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. A U.S. Government documents regional depository, the Libraries serves Alabama libraries and the public. The Libraries employ the Voyager integrated Library System and is an active participant in the Alabama Virtual Library. The Libraries’ homepage may be accessed at SALARY/BENEFITS: 12-month tenure track appointment. Rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Strong benefits including professional development support and tuition fee waiver; substantial moving allowance may be available. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Voni B. W yatt, Personnel Officer The University of Alabam a Libraries B ox 8 7 0 2 6 6 T u s c a lo o s a , AL 3 5 4 8 7 -0 2 6 6 Applications received by A u g u st 18, 2000, are assured of receiving consideration. The University o f Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 642 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 Director of Human Resources, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 16652. of serials, electronic publications, media, and gifts; monitoring the collection and access budget; making decisions concerning materials needing conservation o r replacement; deselecting materials for storage or discard; preparing selection policies; preparing collection needs assessments and evaluations; fundraising and grant writing; and networking with counterparts in other libraries. Qualifications Required: Graduate library degree; a degree o r relevant experience in Latin American Studies o r related disciplines; excellent knowledge of Spanish (reading, writing, and speaking); collection development experience; and good communications skills. Preferred: Broad academic background in the humanities o r social sciences; reading knowledge of Portuguese or other European language; and familiarity with the Latin American book trade and bibliography. Appointment: The successful candidate will be appointed to the Librarian Series at the salary level appropriate to the candidate’s qualifications and experience. Librarians are academic appointees and accrue vacation at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at the rate of one day per month. The University offers a broad range of benefits and an excellent retirement program. Applicants should send a letter of application, a complete résumé, and AA/EOE LATIN AMERICAN/HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BIB­ LIOGRAPHER. University of California, Riverside. Assistant Librar­ ian-Associate Librarian. Appointment Range: $32,940-$44,196. Position Description: This position is responsible fo r the development and management of teaching and research collections in Latin American and Iberian Studies, as well as a select number of subjects in the Humanities and Social Sciences (to be determined on the basis o f the candidate’s background and interests). The position is in the Collections Division, under the general direction and review of the Assistant University Librarian for Collection Development. Duties include coor­ dinating the collection developm ent work o f librarians in other departments who select materials in individual subjects; liaison with faculty members and academic departments including membership on the Latin American Studies Committee; review of book approval plans and publishers’ and booksellers’ catalogs; cultivating productive contacts with foreign, antiquarian, and specialized booksellers; review P restig io u s n o n -p ro fit org an izatio n dedicated to imW ICIEND KR AFO YMEDE TYAMNp roHOCEvEing th e h ealth o f th e p u blic seeks e xp erienced lib ra r y scie n ce p rofession als. T h e A cad em y L ib r a ry co n ta in s o v e r 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 p rin ted b o o k s, as w ell as s ig n ifica n t c o lle ctio n s o f m anuscripts, archives, photographs, and artifacts. As th e o n ly m edical lib rary in N e w Y ork th a t it open to th e p ublic, th e A cad em y 's c o lle ctio n s are consulted by reg ion al stu d ents and facu lty, as w ell as th e g e n e ra l p u b lic. T h e A cad em y L ib r a r y 's in te rn a tio n a lly re n o w n ed H is to r ic a l C o lle c tio n s attra cts re search ers from around th e w orld. F o r fu rth e r in fo rm atio n a b o u t th e A cad em y and th e Lib rary , p lease c h e ck o u r w eb s ite: (fo r full jo b d escrip tio n see "E m p lo y m e n t O p p o rtu n itie s "). C u r a t o r o f R a r e B o o k s & M a n u s c r i p t s U n d e r th e d ir e c tio n o f th e A sso ciate L ib r a ria n fo r H is to r ica l C o lle c tio n s and P ro g r a m s you w ill b e re s p o n s ib le fo r s u p e rv is in g daily o p e ra tio n s o f th e H is to r ic a l C o lle c tio n s re a d in g ro o m , in c lu d in g sch ed u lin g o f re search ers and m o n ito rin g o f secu rity proced u res and en v iron m en tal co n d itio n s. D evelop and revise pol./proc. re la tin g to read ing ro o m and co ll. security, ref., access and p reservation o f th e rare b o o k and m a n u s c rip t c o lle c t io n s . P a r tic ip a te in p la n n in g and im p le m e n tin g th e d ig ita l e n d e av o r, especially in regard to e le c tr o n ic access to the co ll. and use o f te ch n o lo g y fo r im proved p ro m o tio n and d is s e m in a tio n o f h is to r ic a l m a te ria ls , as w ell as p a r tic ip a te in p u b lic s e r v ic e a c tiv itie s . C o o r d in a te e x h ib itio n p ro g ram . D e v e lo p ra re b o o k c o lle c tio n s . E d it n e w s le tte r F a v o u rite E d itio n . Id e n tify and prepare g ra n t proposals. G rad u ate d egree from A L A -accred ite d program in lib rary s cien ce ; 5 o r m o re years e xp erien ce in a ra re b o o k and m an u scrip t library; p ro ficie n cy in at least tw o W e ste rn E u ro p e a n langu ages (p referably F r e n c h , G e rm a n , o r L a tin ); e xce lle n t w ritten and oral com m ./ in terp erson al sldlls; fa m ilia rity w ith n a tio n a l stan d ard s in a d m in is te rin g c o lle c tio n s o f r a r e b o o k s and m a n u s crip ts ; and co m m itm e n t to p u blic service. S tro n g p referen ce will b e given to candidates w ith a graduate d egree in h is t o r y o r th e h u m a n itie s ; c o u r s e w o rk in t h e h is to r y o f s c ie n c e o r m e d ic in e ; k n o w le d g e o f th e an tiq u arian b o o k trad e; e xp erien ce w ith digital lib ra ries ; supervisory e xp erien ce ; e xp erien ce in d o n o r re la tio n s and fund raisin g ; and p r o ficie n cy w ith co m p u ters, n etw ork s, and d ig ital access te ch n iq u e s . Salary co m m e n su rate w ith qualifications. R e f e r e n c e L i b r a r i a n P rovid es history o f m e d icin e refere n ce service in person, te lco m , m ail/e-m ail. S ch ed u les and supervises re s ea rch ers usin g rare m aterials. P a rticip a tes in o u treach activities. M a in ta in s d ep artm en tal statistics. C o n trib u te s to the digital endeavors o f th e Academy. P ag es, reshelves, and p h o to co p ie s m aterials from the H isto r ica l C o lle c tio n s. Assists w ith N Y A M archives and m an u scrip t co ll. Assists in b o o k s electio n . P ro ce s s es req u ests fo r p h otograp h ic services. Sp e cial p ro jects. M ain tain s professional p rese n ce in library an d a c a d e m ic o r g a n iz a tio n s th ro u g h p u b lic a tio n s , p r e s e n ta tio n s , and s e r v ic e. M L S fr o m an A L A - accre d ite d library program ; reading know ledge o f F r e n c h o r G e rm a n ; good in terp erso n al skills; ab ility to w rite cle arly ; w illingness to co o p e ra te w ith professional colleagu es in a sm all d ep artm e n t; p r o ficie n cy w ith co m p u te rs, n etw orks, and digital access tech n iq u e s and issues. S tr o n g p refe re n ce will b e given to candidates w ith (1 ) a backgro und in history, e sp ecially h isto ry o f m e d icin e o r scie n ce (B .A . o r second m a s te r s ) , ( 2 ) e x p e r ie n c e o r s p e c ia l tr a in in g in s p ec ia l c o lle c t io n s o r ra r e b o o k lib r a r ia n s h ip , (3 ) co m p e te n c e in L a tin , (4) exp erien ce with e xh ib it prep aration , o r (5 ) exp erien ce w ith digital lib raries. E n tr y level position. C o m p e titiv e salary (SM A ) and e xce lle n t b en efits. T O A P P L Y : S e n d re s u m e and le tte r o f a p p lica tio n to Ed w ard T . M o r m a n , M S L S , P h .D . A sso cia te A cad em y L ib r a r ia n f o r H is to r ic a l C o lle c tio n s and P r o g r a m s T h e N e w Y o r k A c a d e m y o f M e d i c in e 1 2 1 6 F i f t h A v e n u e , N e w Y o rk , N Y 1 0 0 2 9 . The New York Academy o f Medicine is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirm ative Action Employer. C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 643 the names and addresses of three references by July 31,2000, to: John W. Tanno, Associate University Librarian, University of California, University Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. For further information o r to arrange an informal visit, feel free to contact John Tanno at (909) 787-3221 orjohn.tanno@ F o r a full description of this position, visit o ur W eb site at: jobs.shtml. The University o f California is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN FOR DRAMA, FILM, AND THEATER STUDIES. Li­ brarian l- l l Yale University. The Yale U niversity Library seeks an innovative and energetic librarian to serve the teaching and research needs of students and faculty associated with the Film and Theater Studies Programs, the School o f Drama, and those with an interest in media studies. Serves as professional liaison to faculty in the Film and Theater Studies Programs and in the School of Drama in support of teaching and research; develops and maintains print and digital collections for drama and fo r film , theater, and media studies in all Western European languages; provides general reference. A complete d e scrip tio n m a y be fou n d at: h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry.ya le .e d u /jo b s/ Employment/Employment-M P/ldtn8499.html. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent. Appointment at the Librarian II level requires a minim um of tw o years of relevant professional experience and dem onstrated professional accom plish­ ments. Advanced degree in film, theater, drama studies, or a related field preferred. Knowledge of two or more Western European languages, HEAD OF REFERENCE (S earch Extended) U niversity of C entral Florida The University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida (UCF) is a dynamic metropolitan research institution with an enrollment of 31,000. The university, part of the state university system (SUS), offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering and Computer Science, and Health and Public Affairs, as well as the School of Optics and the Honors College. The 1,445-acre campus Is located In suburban Orlando, 13 miles northeast of downtown. The Orlando area offers a variety of outdoor activities, tourist attractions, close proximity to beaches, professional sports, and cultural events including art festivals, concerts, and theatre including the Orlando-UCF Shakespeare Festival. The University Libraries include two locations on the UCF campus in Orlando and several facilities on area campuses in Central Florida. The main library, housed in a facility of 200,000 square feet, has a collection of over 1.2 million volumes and is a documents and patents depository. The library has a materials budget of $4.7 million and a total staff of 106 Including 36 library faculty. Through WebLUIS, the SUS online system, the library provides access to numerous electronic full-text journals and databases. For more information, visit our Web site: RESPONSIBILITIES: The Head of Reference provides leadership in planning, implementing, and evaluating reference and Information services, library Instruction, government documents, patents, and fee-based services. Oversees development of the reference collection and Web pages. Works collaboratlvely to create and provide new services responsive to the needs of a rapidly growing university community and a changing technological environment. Supervises a staff of twenty-two, including 17 library faculty members. Reports to the Associate Director for Public Services. REQUIRED: An ALA-accredited MLS. Five years' post-MLS experience in library public services. Supervisory experience in an academic library. PREFERRED: Progressively more responsible experience in academic library reference services; demonstrated commitment to public service and outreach; ability to view issues from a librarywide perspective; ability to foster teamwork in a collegial environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent Interpersonal skills; ability to implement appropriate new technolo­ gies; library instruction experience; collection development experience; record of ongoing profes­ sional activities and participation. SALARY AND RANK: Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Full-time 12-month n on- tenure-track position with generous benefits. TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references by the postmark closing date of A ug ust 15, 2000, to: Frank R. Allen Associate Director for Adm inistrative Services UCF Library P.O. Box 162666 O rlan do , FL 32 81 6 -2 6 6 6 Cover letter should address qualifications/experience within the specialization and cover required/ preferred criteria. Finalists will be asked to give a brief presentation during the on-campus interview. Searches are conducted in accordance with the State of Florida Sunshine Regulations. UCF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 644 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 preferably German and a Romance language. Demonstrated interest in information technologies and a high degree of computer literacy. Some reference experience preferred. Demonstrated commitment to excel­ lent public service. Ability to excel as an instructor. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to work successfully in a highly collaborative and challenging environment. Competitive salary and rank, based upon the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days; 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive healthcare; TIAA-CREF o r Yale retirement plan; and relocation assistance. Deadline: Application deadline is July 15,2000; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Nominations, requests for more information, and applications (consisting of a cover letter, résumé, and the names of three references) should be directed to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Human Resources, Yale U niversity Library, Source Code EAYU8499, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520; fax: (203) 432-1806. Yale University is an equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER. The systems programmer manages the integrated library system (Sirsi) and is instrumental in creating, maintaining, and enhancing components of the Hekman Digital Library ( The systems programmer works closely with the Digital Resources Librarian and the college's information technology staff to ensure maximum use of the library’s computing resources and the content of the library’s digital library. Responsibilities include the library’s IBM RS6000 server and the Sirsi software, Web page design and programming, relational database construction in a Web environment, training, and supervision of students. This is not a professional librarian position, but the experience is germane to work done by librarians. Qualifications: A BS in Computer Science o r relevant degree, or significant experience with UNIX and systems analysis, relational databases, and Web design, Web applica­ tions, and Web administration; excellent oral and written communica­ tion skills; an MLS/MLIS degree is highly desirable. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send cover letter and résumé (including three references) to: Connie Bellows, Director of Human Resources, Calvin College, 3201 Burton, SE, Grand Rapids, Ml 49546. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Professional position for a person possessing energy and initiative, strong public service interests, a commitment to information literacy education and to library resources in all formats, and the ability to work in a collaborative environment. Initial appointment will be at the Assistant Professor rank with a two- year, renewable contract. Responsibilities include participation in reference service rotation, including evenings and weekends, partici­ pation in an active information literacy instruction program, serving as library liaison to selected academic departments, and supervision of library support staff in one or more areas. Requires: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution; good written and oral communication skills; strong self-motivation; and ability to be effective and tactful in meeting all elements of a campus community that makes heavy demands on library services. Desired: Experience with one o r more of the following: supervision, circulation, reserve, interlibrary loan, library technology applications, copyright and/or electronic reserves. Salary: Competitive and commensurate with experience. In their letters of application, candidates should address th e ir interest in employm ent in an undergraduate, liberal arts environment that emphasizes close faculty-student interaction. Letters of application, including a current vita and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references should be sent to: Christopher McKee, Librarian of the College, Burling Library, 1111 Sixth Ave., Grinnell, IA 50112-1690; phone: (515) 269-3351 orfax: (515) 269- HEAD, DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICES University of Pennsylvania Library System The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a qualified professional to serve as Head of Document Delivery Services in the Biomedical Library This position manages and coordinates all aspects of Document Delivery Services, including interlibrary loan and copy services. It reports to the Associate Director for Information Resources and supervises 5 full-time staff and 3.5 FTE student assistants. The responsibilities of this position are: develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate short- and long- range goals; maintain a smooth workflow; resolve procedural problems and distribute work; keep current with delivery trends especially as relates to technological enhancements and national standards; implement changes as appropriate; monitor and supervise photocopy services; hire, train, and evaluate staff and student workers; serve as liaison between faculty, staff, and students to determine needs and resolve conflicts related to the delivery services; review borrowing trends to assist in collection development; oversee income, expenditures, and payments; coordinate delivery services with other campus and noncampus services; participate in long-range planning; represent the Library in interlibrary loan-related committees and professional organizations. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or equivalent knowledge, training, and experience; excellent managerial, supervisory, organizational, communication, and time-management skills; knowledge of applicable technologies. Demonstrated ability to be innovative, resourceful, and flexible. Strongly Preferred: Experience with Docline, Quickdoc and Ariel; experience with the biomedical literature and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. SALARY: Commensurate with experience. Appointment as Librarian B requires 3 -5 years of experience, appointment as C requires at least 5 years' professional experience. Interested applicants should forward a résumé and letter of interest to: Robert Eash Library Human Resources Manager Van Pelt Library 3420 W alnut S treet Philadelphia, PA 19104 Applications received by July 30, 2000, will receive first consideration. The University o f Pennsylvania is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ July/A ugust 2000 / 645 4283. T o be a ssured o f consideration, applications m ust be received no la ter than J u ly 14, 2000. For furth e r inform ation, see the lib ra rie s’ W eb page at: h ttp ://w w w .lib .g rin.e du . G rinnell C ollege is an equal opportunity, affirm a tive action e m p loye r com m itted to em ploying a highly q ualified staff w hich reflects the diversity o f the nation. No applicant shall be d iscrim inated a gainst on the basis o f race, national or eth n ic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, m arital status, religion, creed, o r disability. PUBLIC SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. The Peru S tate College Library invites a pplications from se rvice-oriented e nergetic librarians to plan and m anage all a spects of public services including reference, user education, and circulation. P rim ary duties in clude planning and im ple ­ menting departm en tal policies, supporting an active inform ation literacy program with a strong electronic resources e m phasis fo r on- cam pus and e xtended learning stud e nts and faculty, su pervising and providing reference se rvice s and activities, providing budgetary and space planning advice, and serving on co lle ge com m ittees. S uccessful candidate should foste r team w ork, possess cre a tive problem -solving skills, have strong o rganizational analysis abilities, and engage in professional se rvice activities. Peru S tate College is beginning a com prehensive library building project with com pletion due about 2003. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS degree. Strong preference fo r a pplicants w ith three ye a rs’ p rofessional p ub lic service (reference and circulation) in an academ ic library. W eb page m a n agem ent and collection deve lo pm en t e xperience d esirable. T h is is a 12-m onth full­ tim e p rofessional staff position w ith a continuing a ppointm ent. Salary Minim um : $31,008, negotiable com m e nsu ra te with experience. Start date negotiable, but p referably before m id-A u gu st 2000. R eview of applications w ill begin im m ediately and w ill co ntin ue until the position is filled. Interview s can be a rranged fo r ALA in Chicago. Send a letter addressing your qualifications and background fo r this position, résumé, and nam es with addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available) and telephone num bers o f three cu rre nt references to: Eulanda Cade, Personnel Director, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit o u r W eb site at: http://w w w .pe ru .ed u . Peru State College is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Underrepresented m inorities and w om en are stro ng ly e ncouraged to apply. RE FE R E N C E AND IN S TR U C T IO N A L S ER VIC E S L IBRA RIAN. The University Library seeks an individual to lead in initiating, im plementing, and assessing a wide a rra y o f W eb-based instructional offerings. The U niversity and departm ent have a strong co m m itm en t to achieving diversity a m ong faculty and staff. W e a re particularly interested in receiving applica tio ns from m em bers o f u nd errepresented g roups and stro ng ly e ncourage w om en and persons o f co lo r to apply. Assists patrons with th e ir inform ation needs by perform ing general and specialized reference work. A ctively p articipates in collection d eve l­ opm ent. Serves as library liaison to the C ollege o f Education and oth e r d epartm ents as assigned. Fulfills requirem ents of faculty status in areas of co ntribu tion s to librarianship, scholarly activities, and service. Q ualifications: A LA -accredited MLS. Experience in providing a wide range o f reference services. Experience in W eb se rve r technology, TCP- IP protocols, and at le ast one scripting language. Excellent org an iza ­ tional, planning, interpersonal, com m unication, and w ritten skills. Flexibility and team w ork a must. Desired: S econd m a ster’s degree, p referably in e ducation o r a no the r social science. Experience in library instruction. S alary/B enefits: Salary is low er $ 40s fo r a 12-month appointm ent, tenure track, TIAA-C R EF, 24 d ays' vacation, flexible benefits package. R eview of applications will begin Ju ly 1 7 ,2 00 0, and co ntin ue until a cand id ate is selected. A letter o f application, résumé, and the nam es o f 3 re ferences should be se nt to: Jan Boyer, University Library, U niversity of Nebraska a t O m aha, Om aha, NE 68182-0237; e-m ail: jb oye r@ un o m a ha .ed u o r fax (402) 554-3215. For additional in form ation a bout the U niversity Library and a com plete co py o f the jo b d e s c r ip tio n , v is it th e L ib r a r y ’ s h o m e p a g e a t: h tt p : // R EFER EN C E CO O R D IN A T O R . T h e U niversity o f M innesota Duluth Library (http ://w w w is seeking a visio n ary le ader for SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN (S e a rc h R e o p e n e d ) U n iv e rs ity o f R ic h m o n d The Social Sciences Reference Librarian is one of six librarians who provide reference, outreach, and instruction services in Boatwright Memorial Library (main library). The University of Richmond has an innovative program in outreach and instruction and we intend to hire a dynamic, outgoing librarian who will contribute in this important area. The Social Sciences Librarian conducts library Instruction sessions, serves as liaison to the departments of Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology, and Education, prepares Web pages and other bibliographic resources, participates actively In collection development, provides staff training, and performs other duties as assigned. As part of this team, the librarian’s schedule requires at least one evening a week as well as participation in a weekend rotation. Reports to the Head of Outreach and Instruction Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of reference sources, both print and electronic; good oral and written communication skills; good Interpersonal skills; ability to work successfully in a team environment; and a strong commitment to public service. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: 1 -2 years of general reference experience; teaching experience; a bachelor’s or master’s degree or appropriate experience/interest in the fields of psychology or sociology; experience using technology In an educational or library setting; experience with Microsoft Office, electronic databases, and Web page development. SALARY and BENEFITS: Commensurate with experience. Benefits Include TIAA-CREF, paid medical Insurance, 20 days of vacation and 13 paid holidays. CONTACT: Applications received by A u g u s t 1, 2000, will receive first consideration. Applicants should submit a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of at least three current professional references to: Ja n e t R agusa Hum an Resource Services Political Science Bldg. U niversity of R ichm ond R ic h m o n d , VA 2317 3 646 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 its Reference Team. The incum bent is responsible fo r leading a team of 10 librarians and one support staff. The C oordinator reports to the Library D irector and p articipates in the managem ent of the Library as a mem ber o f the Library’s Coordinators Team. Responsibilities of this position include planning, program direction, developm ent and evalu­ ation of reference and instructional services, with a special emphasis on the developm ent and provision of electronic/digital information services. The Environment: The University o f Minnesota Duluth (UMD) is a com prehensive regional university. Enrollment is approxim ately 7,500. Undergraduate students can choose from 11 bachelor’s degrees in 70 majors. In addition to the tw o-year program at the School of Medicine, UMD offers graduate programs in 18 different fields. The UMD Library has a collection o f more than 650,000 volum es. The EDD (Electronic Data and Documents) computer program, developed at UMD and nationally known, allows easy access to the U.S. Census and other governm ent data. A new $25.8 million Library will be open fo r fall sem ester 2000. The new library building has electronic instruction classrooms, a multimedia laboratory, group study rooms, and more than 400 study seats with desktop computers with network access. Essential Qualifications: MLS or MA from an ALA-accredited program; five years' experience providing library reference services; a record o f progres­ sively responsible library supervisory positions; ability to provide leadership and manage in a collegial manner; excellent oral and written com munication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Ability to view issues from a library wide perspe ctive and to co ntribu te e ffe ctively to collaborative projects within and outside the library; ability to establish and maintain e ffective working relationships with colleagues, faculty, and staff; knowledge o f current trends in electronic reference and information services. Salary and Benefits: This is a full-tim e, 12-month, academ ic/administrative position with an annual renewable contract. Starting Salary: $40,000. To Apply: Completed applications must include a le tte r of application; a résum é; an a ffirm a tive action, equal INSTRUCTOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN U niversity of South Florida The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute at the University of South Florida has an actively growing collection of over 24,000 volumes devoted to issues in mental health law, research, and policy. It serves the general public, scholars, Institute research faculty and staff, students from the University of South Florida, and the state of Florida. The Institute Library is a member of the University of South Florida Library and part of the State University automated library system. This position is a 12-month non-tenure-earning faculty appointment. The successful candidate will have familiarity with a variety of areas within a library, particularly in cataloguing and acquisitions. Although standard knowledge of reference and bibliographic instruction is required, the ability to develop analyses and perform in-depth literature reviews is crucial for the successful candidate. Participation on interlibrary committees will be required as well as involvement in research initiatives at the Institute and scholarly publishing. SALARY: For Instructor rank, $28,000 to negotiable. Excellent benefits. For more information on this position, the de la Parte Institute, and the University of South Florida, please visit our Web site at: h ttp ://w w w .fm MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an accredited school of library science; knowledge of or familiarity with cataloguing (knowledge of AACR2R, MARC, LCSH, and online systems), acquisitions, collection development, and bibliographic instruction; demonstrated competency in computer software and applications— e.g., library management systems (LMS), database programs, word processing applications, and/or networked applications (internet/LAN)— and the ability to work flexible hours, including evenings. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience on NOTIS, or other large LMS; cataloguing experience; experience handling budgets and purchasing, service to the public, excellent communication skills, scholarly achievement, documented ability to work with diverse populations, experience with interdisciplinary teams, ability to work under tight deadlines, excellent time/project management skills, and excellent supervisory skills. APPLICATION PROCESS: Send letter of application, vita, names, telephone numbers, and addresses of three references received by July 31, 2000, to: Carol Frazier Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute University of South Florida 13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Tam pa, FL 33612 E-mail: frazier@ fm The state of Florida has a Public Meetings Law and a Public Records Law, and all university searches are conducted under the terms thereof. All meetings of the Search Committee are publicly announced and conducted. All documents submitted to the Committee are treated as open material with the exception of evaluative documents specific to the performance of the faculty of the State University System of Florida. U S F is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, and equal access institution. For disability accommodations, contact Ardis Hanson a t (813) 974-6428 a t least five working days in advance o f need. C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 647 CURATOR OF RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS/ COLLEGE ARCHIVIST V a s s a r C ollege Vassar College invites applications fo r the position of Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts/College Archivist. This senior-level management position administers the Special Collections Department, which includes the manuscript and rare books collections as well as the College Archives. Responsible for collection development and promotion, exhibitions, budget management, reference queries and library instruction. Also responsible for establishment of an archives and records management program. This is a new program entailing appraising, processing, and providing access to more than 2,200 linear feet of material currently held in storage. Responsibilities include the development of records retention and disposition schedules for all College offices. ALA-accredited MLS, MA in Archival Studies or MA in History with archival training and five years of experience in college or university archives or Special Collections Department including experience establishing institutional archives required. Additionally, candidates must have strong oral and written communication skills; familiarity with encoded text applications as well as experience with professional standards in archives, including MARC, AACR2, APPM, and EAD; demonstrated leadership skills; the ability to interact effectively with a broad clientele; and the ability to perform physical activities associated with archival environments. Priority will be given to candidates with certification by the Academy of Certified Archivists. For consideration, send letter, résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Director of the Libraries Vassar College Box 20 124 Raym ond A venue P o u g h k e e p s ie , NY 12 60 4 -0 0 2 0 Vassar College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN/ LIBRARY SYSTEMS COORDINATOR V assar C ollege Vassar College invites applications for a Library Systems Coordinator/Systems Librarian to join a team-based support environment for educational technology within the libraries. Incumbent will work closely with library staff and staff from Computing and Information Services (CIS) to coordinate and plan for technology changes in the libraries while maintaining and supporting the libraries’ online system, computing equipment at public stations and staff desktops, and microtext and audiovisual equipment. Responsible for Identification of staff training needs, collaboration on the libraries' Web presence, and oversight of staff who provide hands-on support. MLS or two years of library experience and demonstrated expertise with integrated library systems, microcomputer hardware and software in both MAC and PC environments, Web-based applications for libraries and electronic Information delivery, and knowledge of current trends in educational technology required. Familiarity with UNIX and strong mentoring and teaching skills are a plus. For consideration, send letter, résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Director of the Libraries Vassar College Box 20 124 R aym ond A venue P o u g h k e e p s ie , NY 1 2 6 0 4 -0 0 2 0 Vassar College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 648 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 DIRECTOR OF THE EUGENE MCDERMOTT LIBRARY U niversity of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at Dallas seeks nominations and applications for the position of Director of The Eugene McDermott Library. The Director reports to the Executive Vice President/Provost, supervises the Library personnel and budgets, and works cooperatively with UTD Deans, faculty, students, university staff, and interested citizens to provide knowledgeable and dynamic leadership in helping the Library reach its maximum potential and the University realize its ambitious academic goals. The Eugene McDermott Library comprises the main library facility on the Richardson campus and the specialized library of the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, located in Dallas adjacent to the campus of The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. The McDermott Library maintains an active Corporate Information Service for Dallas-area businesses and several outstanding special collections, including the A.A. Jaffe Holocaust Collection, the Philatelic, the History of Aviation. The Library staff currently consists of two dozen professionals along with four dozen paraprofessionals and student assistants. The Library's personnel budget for FY2001 is $2,150,000, and its collections and materials budget is $2,200,000. The current collection includes approximately 800,000 volumes and a periodical subscription list of approximately 1,400 journals. The Library is purchasing Endeavor Information System Voyager for electronic management of Its operations and participates actively in various collaborative consortia programs involving The University of Texas System and the other major research universities of the north Texas region. Additional information about UTD and The Eugene McDermott Library can be found at: http:// Founded in 1969, UTD, one of the nine general academic components of The University of Texas System, is a young, growing Carnegie Doctoral I institution with a historically strong emphasis on research that currently enrolls 5,600 undergraduate and 4,500 post-baccalaureate students. Located In the Telecom Corridor, a major concentration of internationally prominent telecommu­ nication and microelectronics companies at the juncture of northern Dallas with the cities of Richardson and Plano, UTD Is surrounded by a mix of corporate office parks and residential neighborhoods. Ranked by U.S. N ew s a n d W orld R e p o rt as one of three Texas Tier III or better universities and by P ersonal Finance magazine as one of the three Texas institutions In the top 100 U.S. public universities, the SAT scores of UTD’s freshman classes rank at the top of Texas’s public universities, the per capita external research support of its faculty is high, and Its doctoral graduates have filled many prestigious academic and nonacademic positions. UTD is committed to establishing a forefront position in electronic access to information while sustaining the development of Its conventional library materials. UTD seeks to appoint a Director who understands the critical role of the 21st-century library in a complex research-oriented university and the vital Importance of emerging technologies to that role, who can manage a complex operation of finances and personnel, and who can work productively with external constituencies in order to supplement state and student-fee support of Library functions with private support. Desired qualifications include a MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent experience, an earned doctorate, progressively responsible positions in library administration, conceptual and applied expertise in library automation and electronic access modalities, and good communication and interpersonal skills. Review of candidates will commence on August 1, 2000. Applications should include a statement of Interest, a current résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least four professional references, and should be addressed to: Director of University Library Search #8071 Office of the Provost The University of Texas at Dallas P.O. Box 830688, M/S AD 23 R ich ards o n, TX 7 5 0 8 3 -0 6 8 8 Indication of sex and ethnicity for affirmative action statistical purposes is requested but not required. The University of Texas at Dallas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and strongly encourages applications from candidates who would enhance the diversity of the University's faculty and administration. C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 649 opportunity accomplishments and philosophy statement; and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references. Completed applications must be postmarked on or before September 8, 2000, and sent to: Liz Benson Johnson, Assistant Library Director, Library, 10 University Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. Position is available January 8,2001. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. University of Houston Libraries. Responsibilities: As a member of the Information Services department, responsible fo r reference service, user education, and collection development in psychology, sociology, and other assigned areas. Duties include providing centralized reference service at a very busy Reference/Electronic Publications Center desk, including some evenings and weekends; providing user education to assigned academic departments; developing the Library’s print and electronic collections in assigned subject areas, including Web resources; and serving as the Library’s resource person for faculty and students in assigned academic departments. Requirements: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school required. Undergraduate degree, significant course work, or subject specialist experience as a librarian in the behaviorally oriented social sciences (psychology, sociology, etc.) is strongly preferred. Demonstrated excellent communication skills and strong service orientation essential. Experience o r demonstrated interest in user education preferred. Salary: $31,000. Excellent benefits package. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. For a complete position announcement, please see: local/socsci.htm. The University o f Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRAR­ IAN. Washington State University Libraries. Currently open. Back­ ground: Seek a versatile, forward-looking, user-oriented librarian to join an academic library department responsible fo r reference, collection development, and library instruction in social sciences and humanities disciplines. Responsibilities: Launch new educational initiatives, includ­ ing the creation of Web-based instructional resources; act as a library instruction consultant to colleagues and coordinate library instruction activities in the unit; work with the Libraries’ User Education Office, teaching in the library instruction program; provide general reference in social sciences and humanities; and be responsible fo r selection of materials and departmental liaison in assigned areas of the social sciences. Perform some weekend and evening work. Report to the Head, Humanities/Social Sciences Public Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited degree; academic or professional background in the social sciences. Experience with HTML and Web design. Teaching or instruction experience. Knowledge of emerging educational technolo­ gies. Evidence of excellent skills in oral and written communication. TWO POSITIONS W a g n e r C o lle g e Located on beautiful Grymes Hill in New York City, Wagner College is a competitive four-year undergraduate college with five master’s level graduate programs. The enrollment is approximately 1,650 undergraduate and 350 graduate students. In addition to 28 majors, 22 minors, and 9 professional programs, the college recently adopted a highly innovative undergraduate curriculum of “Reading, Writing and Doing,” known as the Wagner Plan, which requires all students to complete a program of integrated multidisciplinary studies and experiential learning tutorials. The library has a book collection of 280,000, 16 staff members, provides an innovative library information service and a library instruction program of reading and writing of research materials, using sophisticated database searches. The following library positions are available, beginning fall semester of 2000: Systems and Technical Service Librarian: The library seeks an experienced leader to manage all library automated information systems and cataloging. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages an automated library system (with an anticipation of installing the integrated library automation system), fileservers, networked microcomputers, and Internet accessibility, and maintains library Web page; plans and implements systems projects, equipment purchase, and software application; manages the OCLC cataloging system and Cataloging Department, including original/copy cataloging. Reference and Information Services Librarian: The library seeks an experienced dynamic leader in reference and information services and to manage the Circulation Department. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages all activities of the Reference and Circulation Departments; coordi­ nates formal and informal library instruction/information technology programs; oversees reference collection development and ILL; provides leadership in evaluating existing reference services and develops new services with automated technological applications; schedules working hours for staff, graduate assistants, and work-study students. QUALIFICATIONS AND SALARY: Each position requires ALA-accredited master’s degree; second master’s degree or doctorate preferred; substantial knowledge of and experience in appropriate field; excellent oral and written communication skills. Competitive salary. Applications accepted until the positions are filled, but those received prior to July 25, 2000, will have preference. Please send résumé, cover letter, and three references to: Dean of the Library Services Wagner College One Campus Road Staten Island, NY 10301 650 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 651 Desired: Reference experience in an academic or research library. Strong commitment to library public service. Advanced degree in the social sciences. Familiarity with instructional assessment techniques. Salary: From $30,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA-CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days' vacation and 12 days' sick leave per year. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references with complete mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses to: Bonny L. Boyan, Washington State University Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, W A99164-5610; o r e-mail: boyan @ Applica­ tion review begins July 21, 2000. Open until filled. Washington State University Libraries’ homepage is: WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Peru State College Library is seeking energetic, versatile, service-oriented applicants fo r Technical Services Librarian to plan and manage all aspects of technical services including acquisitions, cataloging, database maintenance, management of license agreements, serials management, and materials processing in all formats. Primary duties include administration and coordination of technical services, coordination of the NSCS Innovative Interfaces system on a three-year consortial rotation, providing budgetary and space planning advice, and serving on college committees. Shares responsibility for providing quality reference services, including working one evening per week. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS. Strong preference fo r applicants with three ye ars’ dem onstrated professional technical service experience (cataloging and acquisitions) in an academic library, knowledge of current cataloging standards and national trends in technical services, experience using LC Classification, OCLC, and an automated integrated library system. Professional activities and PC proficiency expected. Innovative Interfaces experi­ ence, Web page management and collection development experience desirable. Peru State College Library is beginning a comprehensive library building project to expand its library and services with completion due about 2003. Position is 12-month full-time professional staff with a continuing appointment. Salary from $30,192, commensurate with experience. Start date is negotiable. Review of applications begins im mediately and will continue until the position is filled. Interviews can be arranged for ALA in Chicago. Send a letter addressing your qualifications and background fo r this position, résumé, and the names, addresses (including e-mail addresses, if available), and telephone numbers of three current references to: Eulanda Cade, Personnel Director, Peru State College, P.O. Box 10, Peru, NE 68421. Please visit our W eb site at: Peru State College is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Underrepresented minori­ ties and women are strongly encouraged to apply. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR H u n te r C o lle g e of th e C ity U n iv e r s ity o f N e w Y o rk Reporting to the Chief Librarian, responsible for all aspects of planning, development, implemen­ tation, and maintenance of computer and LAN network systems for four library sites; maintains Novell CD-ROM networks, online bibliographic and full-text databases, Internet/WWW access, and PC/ MAC/multimedia products in support of public services; coordinates campus network support with Office of Instructional Computing and Information Technology; prepares strategic planning documents as relates to library automation activities; coordinates NOTIS system support with CUNY central office; works with staff in addressing automation, training, and public access computer lab issues; supervises 2 F-T and4P-T staff. Qualifications: MLS or its equivalent from an ALA-accredited library school, plus an additional master’s degree or Ph.D. Highly Desirable: Minimum two years' library systems experience with some working experience in an academic library; solid understanding of the application of computers in an academic library setting; knowledge of computer systems, networks, emerging technologies, Windows/NT, TCP/IP, client-server platforms, Ethernet, ATM; initiative, self-direction, and ability to work independently and in a team environment; excellent leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; supervisory, teaching, and training experience; ability to meet requirements for promotion/tenure. Salary: Assistant Professor: $32,703-$57,049; Associate Professor: $42,616-$68,174, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Liberal fringe benefits. 35-hour, 5-day work week, including some possible evening and/or weekend hours. Position is available In summer 2000. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Send résumé and names (with addresses, telephone, fax numbers, e- mail addresses) of at least three current references to: Louise S. Sherby Chief Librarian Hunter College Libraries 695 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10021 Hunter College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/lRCA/Americans with Disabilities A ct employer. Females, minority group members, disabled persons, and veterans are urged to apply for this position. L a te J o b L is tin g s ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (Special Colleetions-Reference). The University of Maryland Eastern Shore is accepting résumés for a full-time, regular position with full University System 652 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 of Maryland benefits. The position will report to the Dean of Library Services. Responsibilities: Supervises the Special Collections/Archives Department’s collections management unit, which is responsible for managing the preservation, and access to a variety of archival materials; and assist in providing library reference and electronic resource instruction services. Some evening and weekend duties required. Performs other related duties assigned. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited program school required. A minimum of three (3) years experience with the following qualifications: a strong background in archival research methodology with demonstrated skills in oral and written communication, and library reference and electronic resources instruction experience. Must have the ability to work closely with colleagues and library users from diverse backgrounds. Knowledge of rare books and special collections, preservation and conservation techniques, and preservation program administration required. Must demonstrate a strong commitment to delivering quality public service. Knowledge of emerging information technology trends required. Reference experience in an academic library, including the ability to conduct effective reference interviews required. Excellent communication, interpersonal, planning and organizational skills required. Must have a commitment to professional development. Résumé Deadline: Résumés will be accepted until the position is filled. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, résumé, and three letters of professional recommendation (sent directly by reference) to: Department of Human Resources, University of M aryland E a ste rn Shore, Princess Anne, MD 21853. The University System of Maryland is an EEO/AA employer. The successful candidate m ust be able to show acceptable documentation proving the right to accept employment in the United States of America. Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR O F THE SCARBOROUGH LIBRARY. Shepherd College invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Shepherd College Library. Reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director will provide vision, leadership, planning, and budgetary management for a staff of four professional librarians and nine support personnel, will be responsible for the overall planning and management of all libraiy operations, will supervise a separate Media Services unit, and will guide the library through a construction project th a t will more than double the size of the existing building. Groundbreaking for the libraiy addition is slated for fall 2000. The Director will have a faculty appointment and a salary commensurate with qualifications and experience; the salary range is $50,000-$60,000. Shepherd College is an accredited, baccalaureate, state-supported college with an enrollment of approximately 4,600 students, 25% of whom live on campus. The campus, located in historic Shepherdstown in the growing, dynamic Eastern Panhandle ofWest Virginia, lies on the shores of the Potomac River and is 70 miles from Washington, D. C., and Baltimore, Maryland. More information about the College and the Library can be found a t Qualifica­ tions for the position include an ALA-accredited MLS, a second graduate degree, and a record of increasing responsibility in academic libraiy administration. The successful candidate will have a clear vision of the issues impacting libraries, particularly those involving technology; ability to serve as advocate, spokesperson, and leader for the library’s mission and services at the campus and state levels; demonstrated ability to work within a collaborative and collegial framework and to foster this ability in others; and a record of scholarly and professional achievement appropriate for continuing appointment. The library has a commitment to faculty and student research, an excellent service orientation, and a strong instruction program. The library collections include 160,000 volumes, 134,000 government documents (selective federal depository), 138,000 microform units, 12,000 AV units, and 900 periodicals. Electronic services include Endeavor, several Internet-based database services, and access to resources through the library’s Web site. Review of applications will begin September 15 and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and names and addresses of three to five references to: Office of Human Resources, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. HEAD, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. The University of New Hamp­ shire invites applications and nominations for the position of Head of Collection Development. This is a full-time tenure-track position and reports directly to the University Librarian. The department also consists of a newly created position of assistant collection development librarian for electronic resources, a full-time staff member and student assistants. The Head of Collection Development provides leadership in building collections to support curriculum and C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 653 INFORMATION LITERACY MINORITY RESIDENCY Plattsburgh S tate U niversity of N ew York The Division of Library & Information Services at Plattsburgh State University of New York is seeking qualified applicants for an Information Literacy Minority Residency position. This twelve-month position is a two-year, non-tenure appointment; the possibility of a tenure track position may exist at the conclusion of the term appointment. The Information Literacy Minority Residency offers exceptional opportunities to gain significant experience in the area of information literacy and instructional technology. The position will provide a multifaceted residency experience for a librarian who is particularly interested in developing skills in the area of library instruction/information literacy and advance the library’s development of the Information literacy curriculum through the integration of technology. In addition, we hope to increase the number of librarians from underrepresented populations here at Plattsburgh State University of New York. Plattsburgh State’s Library & Information Services Division offers an outstanding environment for the successful candidate to gain experience in all aspects of library instruction, information literacy, and Instructional technology. Feinberg Library offers a comprehensive Instruction program Including course-related Instruction and a required one-credit course, which is a component of General Education curriculum. Additionally, the integration of information literacy across the curriculum is presently a key initiative in the College’s strategic plan. As a member of the Instruction Unit, the successful candidate will have an opportunity to participate in all aspects of the College’s information literacy program. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to work with the Instructional Technology Unit in integrating technology into the curriculum. Primary opportunities of the position are working with and learning from an outstanding library and Instructional technology staff, working in a mentoring relationship in an academic environment that values information literacy, and working in an environment that Is actively Involved In integration of technology into the curriculum. Residency responsibilities include: developing and teaching sections of the library’s one-credit course and course-related instruction sessions; working with the Instruction Unit In program development, planning, implementation, and assessment; exploring cutting-edge instructional technology approaches and applications; integrating information literacy Into distance learning; and developing and pursuing a research project with an emphasis on publishing or presenting results. Reference work Is also integral to this position. Q ualifications: An expectation of the award of an MLS degree by January 2001 from an ALA- accredited institution or foreign equivalent; a strong interest in and commitment to instruction/ information literacy; energy, creativity, strong interpersonal skills, and excellent oral and written communication skills. Librarians seeking to change career paths from other types of libraries are also encouraged to apply. Salary: $36,000 minimum, with excellent benefits. Applications from women and minority candidates are especially welcomed. Plattsburgh State University of New York is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. Please send a letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Chair, Search Com m ittee (PJ# 2443-CRLN) c/o Human Resources Plattsburgh State University of New York 101 Broad Street P lattsb u rg h, NY 12901-2681 Fax: (5 1 8 ) 56 4-5 0 6 0 654 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 evaluates existing collections and assesses needs for support of new and existing programs; contributes to accreditation reports; allocates and oversees a $3.5 million materials budget; keeps up to date on new vendor products and developments; negotiates contracts and works closely with vendors for the approval plan, serials, electronic databases, etc.; administers the Library’s approval book plan and monitors vendor service; works closely with Acquisitions/Serials faculty and staff; coordinates the collection development activities of library Maisons and serves as a library liaison to selected academic departments; communicates with potential donors of materials and analyzes gifts for inclusion in the Library; chairs the Collection Management Committee; and participates in regional resource sharing efforts. The successful candidate will develop a comprehensive collection development and management profile for the Library’s collections including monographs, serials, electronic and multimedia materials. Qualifications: Required: an ALA-accredited MLS, substantial experience with collection development, includ­ ing budget administration and vendor relations in an academic or research library; thorough understanding of bibliographic sources and processes; knowledge of the publishing trade including online resources; and demonstrated leadership, strong interpersonal and communica­ tion skills within a collegial environment. Preferred: Asecond advanced degree is highly preferred and is required for tenure. Also preferred: Computer literacy including a working knowledge of integrated library systems, specifically the INNOPAC; budgeting experience; experience in the evaluation of electronic assess to and delivery of information resources; and demonstrated success in the preparation of proposals and grant applications. This is a 12-month tenure-track position with appointment at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, depending on qualifications. The successful candidate will be expected to meet library and university requirements for reappointment, promotion and tenure. The minimum salary is in the mid $40’s, commensurate with experience. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The University Library consists of the newly renovated Dimond Library, four branch libraries and a storage facility. The Library has a staff of 75 including 21 faculty. It serves a full­ time faculty of 660 and a student body of approximately 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students with a collection of over 1.1 million volumes and substantial serial, document, microform, audiovisual andspecial collections. The Library has the INNOPAC system, numerous electronic databases, and Internet connections in all buildings. UNH is located in Durham, near the New Hampshire seacoast and is about a 90 minute drive from Boston to the south and the White Mountains to the north. ItisaLand Grant, Sea Grant and Space Grant institution. Within the University System of New Hampshire, UNH is the oldest unit and the only public research university in the state. UNH faculty are represented by the AAUP for collective bargaining. Please submit a letter of application with the résumé and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to: Claudia J. Momer, University Librarian, Dimond Library, University of New Hampshire, 18 Library Way, Durham, NH 03824,(603) 862-1540, e-mail: For more information about the Library, see http:// UNH is committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and staff and encourages applications from women, persons of color, persons with disabilities and veterans. SCIENCE REFERENCE/LIAISON LIBRARIAN. The Eugene McDermott Library at the University of Texas at Dallas is accepting applications for a Science Reference/Liaison Librarian. Responsibilities include assisting patrons, acting as faculty liaison for collection development, providing library instruction, and preparing reports, guides, and user aids. The position requires a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution and at least three years of appropriate library experience, including reference service using a variety of traditional and electronic resources. Excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing, and a commitment to public service are essential. Preference will be given to applicants with a second master’s degree and a background in a scientific or technical discipline. Minimum salary: $32,000.12-month administrative/professional appointment. Benefits include medical, dental, and life insurance, a variety of optional retirement programs, and holiday, vacation, and sick leave. To ensure full consideration, the committee must receive applications by August 1, 2000. Please send a letter of application, a résumé, and three professional references to: University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 830688, Search #8074, Richardson, TX 75083-0688. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARI AN/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (New Position) The Mississippi State University Libraries seek innovative and dynamic applicants for a tenure-track, assistant professor/science reference librarian position. The University Libraries provide their C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 655 communities of users an ongoing, creative, technologically advanced library program. Primary responsibilities include providing reference service for scheduled hours a t the reference/ information desk (including some nights and weekends); providing patron access to information using electronic indexes/databases and printed sources; providing library instruction as assigned; maintaining the science reference collection; serving as library liaison to the science departments; and fulfilling other tasks according to individual strengths and experience. Reports to the Reference Services Coordinator. Required: Master’s degree from an ALA- accredited program; experience in broad-based information access/reference skills primarily in the use of electronically accessible database systems; participation in activities related to the criteria for promotion and tenure; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation; and an ability and willingness to work as a team member in an evolving library and university environment. Preferred: Additional m aster’s degree or Ph.D. in science area. Excellent benefits package. Faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities; 12-month appointment. Rank/Salary: Assistant Professor; $30,000-$32,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Submit application, résumé, names/addresses/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Debra Fairbrother, Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Mississippi State U niversity Libraries, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Applications accepted through July 7, 2000, or until suitable applicant is found. For additional information on the Mississippi State University community, see the University’s Web site at: Mississippi State University is an EEO/AA employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, (faculty status) Saint Martin’s College is seeking a Technical Services Librarian to plan, organize and direct technical services and activities related to acquisitions, cataloging, serials, processing, and the Innovative Interfaces system. See the complete job announcement at: Final review of applications will begin August 1,2000, and will continue until position is filled. Applicants should send a cover letter specifying interest in this available position, a current résumé, and name, address, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resources Office, Saint M artin’s College, 5300 Pacific Avenue SE, Lacey, WA 98503. EE/AA. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (2 positions), East Carolina University, Joyner Library. Instruction/Reference Librarian. Joyner Library, East Carolina University (ECU) seeks two Instruction/Reference librarians to assist in the development and delivery of innovative, user- centered general and subject-specific instructional materials th at serve students through general library orientation sessions, course-integrated instruction, and Web-based tutorials; explore and apply new technologies to instruction and reference services; work with specific user populations; provide general and specialized reference services for library users; and serve as collection development liaison to an academic department. Scheduled hours on the Reference Desk, including some evening and weekends, are required. If interviewed, a presentation that demon­ strates the candidate’s instructional skills will be required. Visit the library’s Web site at http 7/ for a complete job posting and additional information about Joyner Library and ECU. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree or international equivalent in library or information science; substantial knowledge of and experience with traditional and electronic reference materials and databases; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; strong commitment to helping students learn and succeed; ability to work as a member of a team. Preferred Qualifications: Teaching/training experience; ability to set and attain goals effectively; experience with Microsoft Office Suite and Web-authoring tools; experience in instructional technology and design; knowledge of current issues and trends in library instruction and technology; two years of public service experience in a library. Rank, Salary and Benefits: Twelve­ month tenure track faculty position with appointment at the rank of assistant professor. Professional achievement, service, and research/creative activity are required for tenure and promotion. Salary $29,000 minimum, substantially higher based on experience. The salary is supported by a comprehensive fringe benefits package. Application Process: Screening of appli­ cations will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, résumé, copy of highest degree transcript, and three current letters of reference (may be mailed separately) to: Search Committee, Instruction/Reference Librarian, Becky Foster, Processing Assistant, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. ECU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma­ tive Action Employer and accommodates individuals with disabilities. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. Official transcript required upon employment. Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 625 Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices natory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL /Veivsclassified ads are accessible on the Web at http;// Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&HL News is published.Contact: Nicole Wheatley, Editorial Assistant, Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Associa­tion, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280­2513; fax: (312) 280-7 POSITIONS OPENACCESS SERVICE LIBRARIAN. The Oregon Institute of Technology Library is seeking a creative, sen/ice-oriented Access Services Librarian to manage the operations of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Reserves, This is a full-time, 12-month, fixed-term position with faculty rank. Responsibilities: This position reports to the Director of the Library. The successful candidate will supervise one full-time support staff and several student assistant positions. The Access Services Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Jobseekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut$34,172Delaware$22,500**Illin 626 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 Department, which provides reference service to Columbia’s under­graduate and graduate students, faculty, and researchers, the Bibliog­rapher will serve limited hours at the Butler Reference Desk and provide consultation service to researchers as appropriate. Requirements are: advanced degree in a relevant subject field (Ph.D. and MLS are preferred); significant experience as a bibliographer in the field of history and/or literature at a research library or comparable academic experience; intimate knowledge ciency and knowledge of automation as it applies to archival control including MARC and EAD. Strong oral and written skills. One year supervisory experience. Salary/Benefits: Hiring range $29,916-$42,156, depending on qualifications. Benefits include choice of group medical and retirement programs; 15 state holidays, 10 days' vacation; developmental leave opportunities; partial moving expenses and no state or local income tax. General Information: Texas Tech University is a state-supported institution with C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 627 ASSISTANT ARCHIVISTAmherst CollegeAmherst College, a private undergraduate liberal arts college for men and women, with 1,600 students and 165 faculty, invites appli­cations for the position of Assistant Archivist at the Robert Frost Library. Located in west­ern Massachusetts, Amherst participates with Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Col­leges and the University of Massachusetts in the Five College Consortium.Reporting to the Archivist of the College and Special Collections Coordinator, the candi­date w ASSISTANT DEAN FOR LIBRARY SERVICESIndiana State University12-month, tenure-track position. Primary re­sponsibilities include working closely with As­sociate Dean for Library Services in a manage­ment team structure. Provide creative lead­ership in planning, implementing, coordinat­ing, evaluating day-to-day library operations including personnel, budget, facilities.REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited master's in Library Science, in Information Science, or equivalent degree. Minimum 5 years of dem­onstrated achiev Chair, Bl Coordinator Search Committee, Auburn University Mont­gomery Library, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124-4023. The Committee will begin reviewing applications August 24,2000, and will continue until the position is filled. AUM is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Wash­ington State University Libraries. Currently open. Background: Seek energetic, versatile, service-oriented librarian with a business or economics background 628 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LIBRARIANFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityFGCU, located in southwest Florida, seeks a creative professional to manage resource development in a team-based, technology-rich environment with complex outsourcing relationships. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a new institution in the State University System that is committed to using the latest information technology for teaching and learning and supporting innovation and professional development.The Resource Management Libraria Public Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited degree. Degree in business or economics or demonstrated knowledge of business or economics through combination of educational background and experience. Experience with print and electronic resources in business and economics. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Desired: Reference experience in an academic or research library. Teaching or instruction experience. Familiarity with statistical soft­ware. Related second advanced degree. Know CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Appalachian State University Library seeks a creative and enthusiastic individual for the position of Catalog Librarian. Responsibilities: In a collegial, team-based environment, this individual will catalog audiovisual materials (videos, spoken and popular music sound recordings, kits, and other formats as needed, including print materials) using AACR2R, MARC formats, and Library of Congress subject headings and rule interpretations; classify library materials using LC and Dewey clas C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 629 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLECalifornia State University, StanislausThe University Library seeks two energetic and enthusiastic reference librarians for tenure-track (12- month) positions.Reference LibrarianRESPONSIBILITIES: Participates as an integral member of the reference team, including service at the reference desk, instruction, collection development, and liaison work with assigned academic departments. Some night and weekend work required. Some travel to CSU Stanislaus-Stockton off- campus center may be r 630 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 HEAD OF REFERENCE & INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICESColumbia College ChicagoColumbia College Chicago Library seeks a dynamic, experienced librarian for a newly restructured position as Head of Reference and Instructional Services. The position is responsible for reference and information services, library instruction, and faculty outreach. Reports to Library Director.RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop vision, goals, and strategies for the provision and assessment of reference and instructional services; manage an active libra ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR THE SCIENCESUniversity of California, RiversideThe University of California, Riverside is seeking a dynamic and energetic Assistant University Librarian (AUL) for the Sciences to administer library programs and services offered in the sciences. The Science Library opened in 1998 and includes 1,500 reader stations, an NT-based computer network, 25 group-study rooms, and fully equipped library instruction rooms. The Science collections include over 450,000 volumes, 3,000 cur C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 631 LIBRARIAN-TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLEDallas Baptist UniversityCatalog LibrarianResponsible for cataloging and classifying print and nonprint materials, original and copy cataloging using a bibliographic util­ity, working in an automated library sys­tem, and utilizing OCLC, MARC, AACR2, LC, DDC, LCSH.Distance Education LibrarianResponsible for extending all library services to off-campus sites and distance learners/ faculty, developing distance-learning library instruction tools, participating in traditional ref based environment; and commitment to professional service and scholarship. Preferred Qualifications: Cataloging experience in an academic library; experience with an automated library system, preferably Innovative Interfaces; knowledge of emerging technolo­gies, especially the automation of library technical services functions; reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages; project management experience; knowledge of standard Web authoring tools; experience in reference and/or collection development; e and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Dr. Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Appalachian State University, Carol Grotnes Belk Library, P.O. Box 32026, Boone, NC 28608-2026. Appalachian State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.CATALOGING/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma ( is accepting applications for a Cataloging/Reference Librarian with faculty status, tenure tra 632 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES, LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER. Faculty - 12-Month, $34,500 to $48,000. Responsible for assisting the Director of Library Services with the public sen/ice operations of the LCCC Library. These include information services, such as reference seervices and assistance to users of public access computer systems and assistance with off-campus users, circulation services, audiovisual services, interlibrary loan, reserves and periodi­cals. Assists the Director with managing a staff of lib reference rotation and liaison activities with academic departments as designated will also be an aspect of this position. The complete position description is posted at: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Proven professional cataloging experi­ence utilizing an online integrated library system, AACR2, LC, LCSH, OCLC. Outstanding analytical and problem-solving skills for initiating strategic plans and carrying out projects; skills in fostering a cooperative work envir ASSOCIATE DEANDrexel University LibraryThe W.W. Hagerty Library of Drexel University seeks innovative, dynamic candidates for Associate Dean. Reporting directly to the Dean of Libraries, the Associate Dean is a key member of the management team responsible for formulating and implementing the Library’s overall vision. The Associate Dean is responsible for administration of the Systems and Technical Services departments, and continually enhances services and resources in response to the changes, challenges, C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 633 MUSIC AND LANGUAGE LIAISON/ REFERENCE LIBRARIANGeorgia State UniversityGeorgia State University, a dynamic urban university in the heart of Atlanta, is seeking an energetic, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking individual to join a team charged with implementing refocused, client-centered services. Successful candidate will focus on liaison activities with the School of Music and the Department of Modern and Classical Languages in addition to reference services, library instruction, and collection developmen Collections, the Digital Collections Librarian is responsible for: planning, developing, and implementing an infrastructure that enhances access to the intellectual resources of the University Libraries through local digitization projects; collaborating with appropriate digitization efforts at other institutions; integrating digital content and access tools into a coherent set of library services. As leader of the University Libraries’ digital initiative, the Digital Collections Librarian provides vision th to build consensus for new programs, ability to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate projects; and to communicate effectively and openly with colleagues and customers in a variety of settings and presentation modes. Desirable Qualifications: Experience with different computer operating systems, digital imaging, differing file formats and Internet protocols, and a variety of software applications; knowledge of SGML, HTML, PERL scripting, database programming, and the ability to learn new mark-up language 634 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 SIX POSITIONSBoston Public LibraryCoordinator of Services to AdultsThe Boston Public Library plans to fill the vacant position of Coordinator of Services to Adults. Under the direction of the Coordinator of Community Services and in close coordination with other appropriate staff, the Coordinator of Services to Adults assumes functional responsibility for ongoing development and coordination of services to adults and seniors in the Central library and neighborhood branch libraries, in liaison with related i C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 635 (continued from previous page)characteristic of an urban setting with emphasis on children and to perform professional work requiring application of substantial professional knowledge and experience. Minimum Qualifications are as follows: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university. A master’s degree in library science from an accredited library school. Courses in children’s literature and children’s work taken for credit from an accredited library school. Storytelling courses and/or experie 636 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 THREE POSITIONSThe Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical GardensThe Huntington Library invites applications and nominations for three professional positions. Located about 15 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles, the Huntington was created in 1919 as an independent private library for advanced scholarly research in English and American history and literature, combined with public art galleries and botanical gardens. The Library collections, comprising 385,000 rare books, 4 million manuscripts C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 637 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESLamar UniversityLamar University invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of Library Services. The Director reports to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for administering library services and programs. Functions include policy making, planning, staffing, directing, coordinating, and budgeting library programs and activities. The Director is a member of the Academic Council of Deans and participates actively in University paid state holidays, excellent health and retirement plans, and tuition waivers. Application Procedures: Submit a letter of application that addresses how previous experience and personal qualities meet the requirements for the position; a résumé; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Deborah Stansbury Sunday, Administrative Librarian, University of Connecti­cut Libraries, Box U-1005A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT06269-1005. Screening will begin immediately a ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Drexel University, W.W. Hagerty Library seeks full-time Electronic Resources Librarian to manage an extensive and growing array of Web-based databases, journals, reference works and e-books. As part of an interdepartmental team, plays a pivotal role in the selection and acquisition of electronic resources. Acts as primary contact with publishers, aggregators, and consortia for price and licensing issues. Sets up e-resources access and troubleshoots access problems. Serves as 638 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIANS (2)Raymond Fogelman Library New School UniversityThe New School University seeks innovative, service-oriented, and energetic librarians to work with an exciting academic community.RESPONSIBILITIES: Design, implementation, and assessment of information literacy programs; provision of reference assistance to undergraduate and graduate students and faculty; creation of instructional materials; and collection development, as well as other duties including supervisory responsibi position is primarily responsible for acquisition and cataloging of electronic resources. Employee serves as library liaison to one or more academic departments, shares in collection development, participates in reference services including night and weekend rotation, offers bibliographic instruction, shares in training and supervision of student assistants and part-time workers and other duties as needed. Qualifications for the position include MLS from ALA-accredited program and recent cataloging experien geography (GIS specialty) or computer science preferred. Two years' professional experience with geospatial data and cartographic mate­rials. For appointment at the Librarian III rank, five years of professional experience is required. Demonstrated familiarity with a variety of geospatial software such as ARCView; demonstrated interest in new technologies and a high degree of computer literacy; excellent communication skills; and the ability to excel as an instructor. Salary and Benefits: Competitive salary C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 639 in the statewide network (LOUIS) ( louis/) and to work in sharing electronic collections and access services to meet the research needs of all academic libraries in the state. Works to meet requirements for tenure and promotion; must be qualified for appointment at assistant or associate librarian level. LSU is the state's flagship University and is classified by Carnegie as a Research University I Institution, ( LSU has 202 undergraduate, graduate, and pro an ALA-accredited program and substantial experience in progressively more responsible public service positions in academic libraries; a record of successful administrative and management experience; commit­ment to public service and the proven ability to work effectively with a diverse population of faculty, staff, student, and community members; demonstrated experience with a variety of user services including collection development, instruction services, and electronic information resources and services; HEAD, SYSTEMS AND ACCESS DEPARTMENT(Search Extended) Southeast Missouri State UniversityRESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and administer new department responsible for Kent Library’s com­puter systems and access services. Guide the planning, design, and development of library-based information systems and services. Work closely with the dean and other department heads. Provide leadership in identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating information technologies, including the library’s computing infrastructure 640 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 issues from a librarywide perspective, foster teamwork, and stimulate cross-functional collaboration; demonstrated ability to initiate, plan, and implement new information services; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; evidence of ability to meet requirements for promotion and tenure. Desired: Advanced degree in subject area; successful experience in grant writing; a record of scholarly contributions and service to the profession; successful teaching experience; and experience wi in library instruction. Collaborates with librarians and teaching faculty in the development of library instructional methods and materials. Participates in statewide mandated assessment of university students’ information literacy. Provides reference service. Reports to the Coordinator of Library Instruction. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited degree; demonstrated commitment to library public services and instruction; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; knowledge of instructional techn TWO POSITIONSEducation Reference Librarian. Under the general direction of the Head of Information Services, provides reference service in a cooperative centralized reference environment, as well as specialized reference services for the School of Education faculty and students. The Education Reference Librarian will deliver instruction sessions, create instructional materials and Web pages, and develop the library’s collections in the field of education.QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; min C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 1 641 Beeghly Library. Includes reference services, shared teaching respon­sibilities, and evening hours, along with a thorough knowledge of standard print and electronic information sources, including the Internet. Preferred: A thorough knowledge of science resources or a background in the sciences, demonstrable knowledge of established and emerging instructional methods and technologies, including the ability to develop computer-assisted instructional materials, especially Web page design and construction. Qual required (recent graduates encouraged to apply); knowledge of and experience with new technologies; commitment to teamwork and professional development; excellent interpersonal skills; strong com­munication and organizational abilities. Position is available August 1, 2000. Juniata College is a selective, independent liberal arts college of 1,200 students located in the historic town of Huntingdon surrounded by the beautiful mountains of central Pennsylvania. Send letter of application, résumé, and three le HEAD, INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENTDESCRIPTION: The University of Alabama Libraries is seeking a dynamic, experienced librarian with a user- centered vision of 21st century information services to provide leadership for the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Government Information Services Department located in the Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library. Incorporated in this department are the Information Center and Government Documents unit staffed by seven librarians, five classified staff, and twelve student assist 642 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 Director of Human Resources, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 16652. of serials, electronic publications, media, and gifts; monitoring the collection and access budget; making decisions concerning materials needing conservation or replacement; deselecting materials for storage or discard; preparing selection policies; preparing collection needs assessments and evaluations; fundraising and grant writing; and networking with counterparts in other libraries. Qualifications Required: Graduate library degree; a degree or relevant experience in Latin American Studies or relate AA/EOELATIN AMERICAN/HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BIB­LIOGRAPHER. University of California, Riverside. Assistant Librar­ian-Associate Librarian. Appointment Range: $32,940-$44,196. PositionDescription: This position is responsible for the development andmanagement of teaching and research collections in Latin Americanand Iberian Studies, as well as a select number of subjects in theHumanities and Social Sciences (to be determined on the basis of thecandidate’s background and interests). The position is in Prestigious non-profit organization dedicated to imW ICIEND KR AFO YMEDE TYAMNproHOCEvEing the health of the public seeks experienced library science professionals. The Academy Library contains over 700,000 printed books, as well as significant collections of manuscripts, archives, photographs, and artifacts. As the only medical library in New York that it open to the public, the Academy's collections are consulted by regional students and faculty, as well as the general public. The Academy Library's intern C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 643 the names and addresses of three references by July 31,2000, to: John W. Tanno, Associate University Librarian, University of California, University Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. For further information or to arrange an informal visit, feel free to contact John Tanno at (909) 787-3221 For a full description of this position, visit our Web site at: jobs.shtml. The University of California is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.LI Studies Programs, the School of Drama, and those with an interest in media studies. Serves as professional liaison to faculty in the Film and Theater Studies Programs and in the School of Drama in support of teaching and research; develops and maintains print and digital collections for drama and for film, theater, and media studies in all Western European languages; provides general reference. A complete description may be found at: Employment/Employment-MP/ldtn8499.html. HEAD OF REFERENCE(Search Extended) University of Central FloridaThe University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida (UCF) is a dynamic metropolitan research institution with an enrollment of 31,000. The university, part of the state university system (SUS), offers degree programs in five colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering and Computer Science, and Health and Public Affairs, as well as the School of Optics and the Honors College. The 1,445-acre campus Is located In s 644 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 preferably German and a Romance language. Demonstrated interest in information technologies and a high degree of computer literacy. Some reference experience preferred. Demonstrated commitment to excel­lent public service. Ability to excel as an instructor. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to work successfully in a highly collaborative and challenging environment. Competitive salary and rank, based upon the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. Full benefits package i systems analysis, relational databases, and Web design, Web applica­tions, and Web administration; excellent oral and written communica­tion skills; an MLS/MLIS degree is highly desirable. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send cover letter and résumé (including three references) to: Connie Bellows, Director of Human Resources, Calvin College, 3201 Burton, SE, Grand Rapids, Ml 49546.PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Professional position for a person possessing energy and initiativ HEAD, DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICESUniversity of Pennsylvania Library SystemThe University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a qualified professional to serve as Head of Document Delivery Services in the Biomedical Library This position manages and coordinates all aspects of Document Delivery Services, including interlibrary loan and copy services. It reports to the Associate Director for Information Resources and supervises 5 full-time staff and 3.5 FTE student assistants.The responsibilities of this positio C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 645 4283. To be assured of consideration, applications must be received no later than July 14, 2000. For further information, see the libraries’ Web page at: Grinnell College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to employing a highly qualified staff which reflects the diversity of the nation. No applicant shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, creed, or disabilit Please visit our Web site at: Peru State College is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Underrepresented minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply.REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. TheUniversity Library seeks an individual to lead in initiating, implementing, and assessing a wide array of Web-based instructional offerings. The University and department have a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff. We are particularl SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN(Search Reopened) University of RichmondThe Social Sciences Reference Librarian is one of six librarians who provide reference, outreach, and instruction services in Boatwright Memorial Library (main library). The University of Richmond has an innovative program in outreach and instruction and we intend to hire a dynamic, outgoing librarian who will contribute in this important area. The Social Sciences Librarian conducts library Instruction sessions, serves as liaison to the depart 646 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 its Reference Team. The incumbent is responsible for leading a team of 10 librarians and one support staff. The Coordinator reports to the Library Director and participates in the management of the Library as a member of the Library’s Coordinators Team. Responsibilities of this position include planning, program direction, development and evalu­ation of reference and instructional services, with a special emphasis on the development and provision of electronic/digital information services. The Environment: semester 2000. The new library building has electronic instruction classrooms, a multimedia laboratory, group study rooms, and more than 400 study seats with desktop computers with network access. Essential Qualifications: MLS or MA from an ALA-accredited program; five years' experience providing library reference services; a record of progres­sively responsible library supervisory positions; ability to provide leadership and manage in a collegial manner; excellent oral and written communication skills. Pre INSTRUCTOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANUniversity of South FloridaThe Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute at the University of South Florida has an actively growing collection of over 24,000 volumes devoted to issues in mental health law, research, and policy. It serves the general public, scholars, Institute research faculty and staff, students from the University of South Florida, and the state of Florida. The Institute Library is a member of the University of South Florida Library and part of the S C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 647 CURATOR OF RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS/ COLLEGE ARCHIVISTVassar CollegeVassar College invites applications for the position of Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts/College Archivist. This senior-level management position administers the Special Collections Department, which includes the manuscript and rare books collections as well as the College Archives. Responsible for collection development and promotion, exhibitions, budget management, reference queries and library instruction. Also responsible for est SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN/ LIBRARY SYSTEMS COORDINATORVassar CollegeVassar College invites applications for a Library Systems Coordinator/Systems Librarian to join a team-based support environment for educational technology within the libraries. Incumbent will work closely with library staff and staff from Computing and Information Services (CIS) to coordinate and plan for technology changes in the libraries while maintaining and supporting the libraries’ online system, computing equipment at public stations and st 648 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 DIRECTOR OF THE EUGENE MCDERMOTT LIBRARYUniversity of Texas at DallasThe University of Texas at Dallas seeks nominations and applications for the position of Director of The Eugene McDermott Library. The Director reports to the Executive Vice President/Provost, supervises the Library personnel and budgets, and works cooperatively with UTD Deans, faculty, students, university staff, and interested citizens to provide knowledgeable and dynamic leadership in helping the Library reach its maximum potential and C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 649 opportunity accomplishments and philosophy statement; and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references. Completed applications must be postmarked on or before September 8, 2000, and sent to: Liz Benson Johnson, Assistant Library Director, Library, 10 University Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. Position is available January 8,2001. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. University of Houston Libraries. Res is filled. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. For a complete position announcement, please see: local/socsci.htm. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRAR­IAN. TWO POSITIONSWagner CollegeLocated on beautiful Grymes Hill in New York City, Wagner College is a competitive four-year undergraduate college with five master’s level graduate programs. The enrollment is approximately 1,650 undergraduate and 350 graduate students. In addition to 28 majors, 22 minors, and 9 professional programs, the college recently adopted a highly innovative undergraduate curriculum of “Reading, Writing and Doing,” known as the Wagner Plan, which requires all students to complete a progra 650 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 651 Desired: Reference experience in an academic or research library. Strongcommitment to library public service. Advanced degree in the socialsciences. Familiarity with instructional assessment techniques. Salary:From $30,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank:Librarian 2; faculty status. Benefits: TIAA-CREF, broad insuranceprogram, 22 days' vacation and 12 days' sick leave per year. To Apply:Send letter of application, résumé, and names of three references withcomplete mailing addresses, t responsibility for providing quality reference services, including working one evening per week. Candidates must have an ALA-accredited MLS. Strong preference for applicants with three years’ demonstrated professional technical service experience (cataloging and acquisitions) in an academic library, knowledge of current cataloging standards and national trends in technical services, experience using LC Classification, OCLC, and an automated integrated library system. Professional activities and PC proficien SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSORHunter College of the City University of New YorkReporting to the Chief Librarian, responsible for all aspects of planning, development, implemen­tation, and maintenance of computer and LAN network systems for four library sites; maintains Novell CD-ROM networks, online bibliographic and full-text databases, Internet/WWW access, and PC/ MAC/multimedia products in support of public services; coordinates campus network support with Office of Instructional Comp Late Job ListingsASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (Special Colleetions-Reference). The University of Maryland Eastern Shore is accepting résumés for a full-time, regular position with full University System 652 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 of Maryland benefits. The position will report to the Dean of Library Services. Responsibilities: Supervises the Special Collections/Archives Department’s collections management unit, which is responsible for managing the preservation, and access to a variety of archival materials; and assist in providing library reference and electronic resource instruction services. Some evening and weekend duties required. Performs other related duties assigned. Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library Science from an C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 653 INFORMATION LITERACY MINORITY RESIDENCYPlattsburgh State University of New YorkThe Division of Library & Information Services at Plattsburgh State University of New York is seeking qualified applicants for an Information Literacy Minority Residency position. This twelve-month position is a two-year, non-tenure appointment; the possibility of a tenure track position may exist at the conclusion of the term appointment. The Information Literacy Minority Residency offers exceptional opportunities to gain signif 654 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 evaluates existing collections and assesses needs for support of new and existing programs; contributes to accreditation reports; allocates and oversees a $3.5 million materials budget; keeps up to date on new vendor products and developments; negotiates contracts and works closely with vendors for the approval plan, serials, electronic databases, etc.; administers the Library’s approval book plan and monitors vendor service; works closely with Acquisitions/Serials faculty and staff; coordinates the collect C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 65 communities of users an ongoing, creative, technologically advanced library program. Primary responsibilities include providing reference service for scheduled hours at the reference/ information desk (including some nights and weekends); providing patron access to information using electronic indexes/databases and printed sources; providing library instruction as assigned; maintaining the science reference collection; serving as library liaison to the science departments; and fulfilling other tasks accordi