ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 804 /C&RL N ew s ■ September 2001 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s ne sw ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, July 2001 Highlights of the Board’s Annual Conference meetings During the 2001 ALA Conference in San Francisco, the ACRL Board o f Directors met on June 16 and 19 and took the follow­ ing actions. A C R L structure Confirm ed the vote at the Spring E xecu ­ tive Committee Meeting to change the status of the Media Resources Committee from an ACRL committee to that of an ACRL Media Resources Discussion Group. By consent, accepted the recom m en da­ tion from the Australian Studies Discussion Group to approve that the existing Austra- lian-Canadian Studies Discussion Group be renam ed the A ustralian-Canadian-N ew Zealand Studies Discussion Group. By consent, accepted the recom m en da­ tion from the Criminal Justice/Criminology Discussion Group and ANSS to dissolve the Criminal Justice/Crim inology Discussion Group because the membership will be join­ ing a Criminal Justice/Criminology Discussion Group formed by ANSS. A ccepted th e petition, pending the au­ thentication o f the signatures, which estab­ lishes the Media Resources Discussion Group. A C R L go v e rn an ce By consent, accepted th e recom m en da­ tion from the ACRL Bylaws Committee to ap­ prove the bylaws changes submitted by STS and that the revision be placed on the Sec­ tion Spring 2002 ballot. Established a task fo rce to investigate supplemental funding models for supporting the work of ACRL units and chapters. This task force should have a preliminary report for the Fall Executive Committee meeting and a recommendation for Board action at the Midwinter Meeting. Established the Focus o n the Future Task Force, which will develop and implement a plan for keeping ACRL’s collective eyes on the big picture and emerging trends. Established an ACRL Special Presidential Recognition. Finances D iscontinued th e Initiative Fund. Established th e Task F o rce o n Funding and Organizational Models for Association- wide Initiatives. Adopted the ACRL FY 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 budgets for ACRL revenues of $ 1,850,582 and expenses o f $2,035,311 and CHOICE revenues of $2,544,010 and expenses of $2,528,217. A pproved a form al, regular p rogram by which ACRL sections share equally with ACRL in the net proceeds from preconferences held in conjunction with ALA’s Annual Conference and that such shared proceeds are used by an individual section in a manner which sup­ ports its goals and activities, supports the ACRL strategic plan, and complies with ACRL and ALA fiscal policies and procedures. C&RL News ■ September 2001 / 805 ACRL Board 2000-2001 (I to r): (back) Barbara Baxter Jenkins, Robert F. Rose, Theresa S. Byrd, Althea H. Jenkins, William E. Brown, M ary Lee Sweat, Deborah Dancik, Paul E. Dumont; (front) Helen H. Spalding, Larry Hardesty, Betsy Wilson, M ary L. Reichel, John Popko. Not pictured: Lois Cheperon G o v e r n m e n t re la tio n s By consent, endorsed upon recom m en­ dation of the Government Relations Commit­ tee the following resolutions: • That ACRL n ot take a position on S 803 until the bill is fully formed. • That ACRL m onitor and support the First Sale doctrine. Adopted the ACRL 2001—2002 Legislative Agenda, which was put forward by the Govern­ ment Relations Committee (see pages 790-91). Voted to urge the ALA Washington Office to continue to play a leadership role in de­ feating UCITA. H o n o rs By co n sen t, passed a re so lu tio n c o n ­ gratulating STS on its 40th anniversary. By co n sen t, passed a re so lu tio n c o n ­ gratulating WESS on its 20th anniversary By consent, passed a resolution that co n ­ gratulates ANSS on its 30th anniversary. By acclamation, voted to express through adoption of a resolution its deep and heart­ felt gratitude to Althea Jenkins, ACRL execu­ tive director 1991-2001, and wish her con­ tinuing success in her return to the ranks of academic librarianship. In f o r m a t io n lite ra c y Confirmed the vote at the Spring Execu­ tive Committee Meeting to approve a request from the Immersion faculty for an additional $5,000 for their retreat. Set aside $ 42,520 for the Best Practices in Information Literacy Project in the event that the Information Literacy Consultants are un­ successful in acquiring outside funding. Voted to receive the Report o f the Infor­ mation Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force, to refer the re­ port to the Information Literacy Advisory Com­ mittee, and to ask them to shepherd the process. Intellectual freed om Voted to m ake a $5,000 contribution to the ALA CIPA Litigation Fund and that the contribution be made before August 31, 2 0 0 1 . M e m b e rs h ip Voted to provide a free ACRL membership for one year to each member of each new ALA Spectrum Scholars class, beginning in FY 2002. P rofessional d e velopm en t By consent, approved program s from 18 ACRL units for presentation during the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta. 8 06 / C&RL N ew s ■ Septem ber 2001 A C RL Board 2001-2002 (I to r): (back) Barbara Baxter Jenkins, Robert F. Rose, Theresa S. Byrd, Deborah Dancik, Paul E. Dum ont; (front) Helen H. Spalding, Betsy Wilson, M ary L. Reichel, M ary Ellen K. Davis, Erika Linke. N ot pictured: Pamela Snelson, Patricia Kreitz, Patricia W and, Lois Cherepon. R esearch B y c o n s e n t, a c c e p te d th e r e c o m m e n d a ­ tion from the ACRL Research Committee to provide funding for registration and/or travel costs for a Research Committee mem­ b er o r active m entor to attend the Library R esearch Seminar II. S c h o la r s h ip s A llo ca te d $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 f o r 2 0 0 2 I m m e rs io n program scholarships with the expectation that the scholarships will increase the num­ b e r o f attendees from diverse populations, institutions, and locations. S t a n d a r d s a n d g u id e lin e s R eaffirm ed th e fo llo w in g sta te m e n ts : “Joint Statement on Faculty Status o f College and University Libraries,” “Statement on Ter­ minal Professional Degree for Academic Librar­ ians,” and “Statement on the Certification and Licensing o f Academic Librarians.” Established the Task Force on the Review and Revision o f the “Guidelines for the Preparation of Policies on Library Access,” which is charged with the review and revision o f the document in ac­ cordance with established policies and procedures for standards review and approval. ■ Letter to the editor It is interesting that, in two columns re­ garding librarians finding employment, n eith er w riter m en tion ed that the jo b hunter should do any research. Janice K. Christopher’s column, “Person­ nel officer to Robin the Boy Wonder” (C&RL News, July/August 2001), discusses includ­ ing good references. Maybe research is the next step or the next article. As the instructional services librarian, I was on the search team this past year to hire a second librarian. O f the dozen c a n d id a t e s w e in t e r v ie w e d in tw o searches, only a few ev en looked at the lib rary ’s W eb page o r kn ew anything about the university. If new and/or job searching librarians do not know that they need to prepare for an interview by doing research, what are they learning? And how well prepared are they fo r th e ir fu tu re em p lo y m e n t?— S u s a n G lickm an , in stru ction al services lib ra ria n